U4 A Red Light for Scofflaws中英对照
Language points
flurry: a small amount (as of snow or wind) that suddenly appears for a short time and moves in a rushed, swirling way (=whirl) Snow flurries had been predicted. Their front runners collided, sending up a flurry of sparks. ordinance: (formal) official rule or order; regulation In 1972 the city passed an ordinance compelling all outdoor lighting to be switched off at 9:00 p.m.
Illegal; unauthorized/ unlawful/illicit / illegal/illegitimate/ lawless Farebeater: Fare beaters" are those people who jump subway turnstilesand don't pay the subway fare. turnstiles(十字转门:一种用来控制从一个公共区域到另一个公 共区域的通道的机械装置, 典型的样子是从中心一根垂直的柱子 上放射状地伸出几根水平的旋转臂,只允许个人走路通过. BEAT: To avoid or counter the effects of, often by thinking ahead; beat the traffic. 设法躲开交通拥挤
口外挂某种东西作为该店经营某种商品的标志, 挂常春藤ivybush标志的常为酒店。)
Exercises of annotation
1. New York was never Mecca to me. 纽约从不是我心中的圣地麦加。
4. Even before they were acquainted, he had admired Osborn in secret. Now he was his valet, his dog, his man Friday.
他没有认识奥斯本之前,已经暗暗佩服他。如 今便成了他的听差,他的狗,他的忠仆星期五 *。 *星期五(Friday)是《鲁滨逊漂流记》故事中 Robinson Crusoe的忠实奴仆。
5. While it may seem to be painting the lily, I should like to add somewhat to Mr.Alistair Cooke's excellent article.
我想给阿利斯太尔·库克先生ome to Big Apple City Tour! 欢迎参加 大苹果市观光之旅!(大苹果市为纽约市的别 称。)
2.1.2 直译加注
(literal translation +annotation)
2. But I am short-tempered, frazzled from all responsibilities. I am the ‘ sandwich generation ’, caught between kids and parents.
Unit 1 Sony’s Hard Time
《商务英语翻译》 (英译汉)
Things have not been going well for Sony lately. Last month senior executives at the Japanese electronics giant issued an unprecedented apology after discovering that 9.6m laptop batteries, supplied to other computermakers, were faulty and would have to be recalled at a cost of $436m. Sony’s Blue-ray high-definition technology, launched this summer, has suffered from delays and component shortages, and is embroiled in a standards war with the rival HD-DVD format. American regulators began investigating the company last month as part of an inquiry into allegations of price-fixing in the memory-chip market. And having long been the world’s most valuable electronics firm by stock market value, Sony’s market capitalizations has fallen to less than half that of Samsung, its Korean rival.
Unit 4 A Red Light for Scofflaws82634
Illustration and Topic Sentences
Use of Illustration
The present text is a good example of the use of illustration as a method of development. Throughout the essay there are abundant examples to illustrate the author's point.
Use of Topic Sentences
While the way Trippet develops the paragraphs by using illustrations is impressive, the way in which the paragraphs are woven into an essay also merits our attention. Most of the paragraphs contain explicitly-stated topic sentences, which are supported by numerous illustrations.
Para. 2 Scofflaws abound in amazing variety.
Para. 3 The dangers of scofflawry vary widely.
Para. 4 The most flagrant scofflaw is the red-light runner.
Para. 5 The flouting of basic rules of the road leaves deep dents in the social mood.
新编英语教程6unit 4
7. flagrant: shameless; notorious (notoriety); particularly bad, shocking and obvious: flagrant breach of justice公然违反公正原则 a flagrant offence 大罪, 重罪 flagrant crime 滔天罪行 a flagrant error明显的错误 a flagrant sinner罪恶昭彰的罪犯
exemption ...the exemption of employer-provided health insurance from taxation. 雇主提供的健康保险免税 ...new exemptions for students and the low-paid. 对学生和低收入者的最新豁免
Why do people break the law?
Can you give some cases of law-breaking?
Paragraph 1
Millions of Americans are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes.
Para. 2
Scofflaws abound in amazing variety
The Graffiti-prone: Bicyclist: Litter bugs: Public places of high-decibel portable radios Beer-soaked hooliganism Tobacco addicts Dressed pot smokers The use of cocaine The Jaywalkers Pay attention to sentence structures
新编英语教程6unit 4 A red light for scofflaws
Examples Statistics red-light runner Para. 4 The most flagrant scofflaw is the ________________. Examples Quotation
III. (Para. 5-8) Dangers of scofflaws Para. 5 The flouting of basic rules harms society because respect scofflaws show no ____________ to the social rules and contempt display ______________ for the fundamentals of order. Para. 6 Today scofflawry is pervasive and represents the elementary social demoralization _________________________________________. Example Para. 7 The scofflawry is not only a matter of etiquette. It may violent crimes lead to _____________________________. Examples
abound: v. be plentiful (l. 11) e.g. Rumors abound as to the reason for his resignation. Sarcasm abounds in “Fortress Besieged”. flurry: abundance, great quantity pass around: offer flagrant: notorious What does “hello, Everybody” mean?
你是怎么开门的?HeP,howdidPouopenPourcelldoor? Default,,,,,,HeP!你在干嘛?whatarePoudoing?把第二区的门打开!OpenSector!你怎么出来的?HowdidPougetout?回去你的房间GetbackinPourcell.警告你,回去你的房间!ItoldPou,getbackinPourcell!再给你几个朋友来玩Let'sgivePouafewfriendstoplaPwith.抱歉啦SorrP.快派警卫进去Sendsomeguardsin.已经叫了l'mtrPing.我准备好了,下面情况如何?OkaP,l'mset.How'sthingsgoingdownbelow? 你觉得呢?我在下水道耶HowdoPouthink?l'minasewer.门打不开!我们被锁住了!Thedoorswon'topen!we'relockedin!发布警报!Soundthealarm!已经失控了!we'velostcontrol!队长!Captain!我就定位了l'minposition.进入第二阶段Movetophase.你在干嘛?你在干嘛?WhatarePoudoing?WhatarePoudoing?怎么了?发生什么事?what'swrong?what'shappening,Benji?他不去撤离点Oh,God.He'snotgoingtotheeGtractionpoint. 专心,他知道要去哪里StaPfocused.Heknowswherehe'sgoing. 不,我不干No,l'mnot.lwon't.我不会开这扇门的lwillnotopenthatdoor.请到撤离点,伊森PleasegototheeGtractionpoint,Ethan.lknow.我懂你手势的意思lknowwhatthismeans,可是不行,我未经授权...butlcan't.l'mnotauthorized...去撤离点,伊森GototheeGtractionpoint,Ethan.快去撤离点!GototheeGtractionpoint!你要等我吗?Oh,Pou'rejustgoingtowait.大家来耗吧,我有的是时间we'regoingtowait.Great.lcanwait.好啦!好啦!OkaP,fine.Fine!Fine!这样我们就可以搞砸整个计划There.we'lljustscrewthewholethinguponpurpose. 珍?进度会有点耽搁Jane?we'regoingtohaveaslightdelaP.你进去那里干嘛?whPdoPouwanttogointhere?包格丹!包格丹!Bogdan!塞吉?Sergei?该闪人了!Timetogo!现在?Now?对,现在!Pes,now!我不知道他在干嘛?ldon'tknowwhathe'sdoing,我也莫名奇妙在帮他andforsomereason,l'mhelpinghim.只要歌播完前他到定点Aslongashe'swhereheshouldbewhenthesongends. 我们多了个伴wehaveapassenger.塞吉!Sergei!把门全都打开!Openallofthem!天啊!天啊...天啊... OhGodohGodohGod...塞吉,别说计划到此为止Sergei,pleasetellmethere'smoretothisplan! 快走Let'sgo...韩特探员?AgentHunt?你是?AndPouare?卡特探员AgentCarter.好OkaP.你的朋友是谁?who'sPourpal?等一下告诉你l'lltellPouonthewaP!点火吧Lightthefuse.塞吉,怎么回事?Sergei,what'sgoingon?别担心,包格丹lt'sOK,Bogdan.我并不想多嘴...ldon'tmeantobringuptheelephantintheroom, 但这个像大猩猩的俄国佬是谁?butwhat'swiththebig,hairPRussian?包格丹?他是我的线人who,Bogdan?Hefedmeintel.如果我丢下他,他们会杀了他lfllefthimthere,thePwould'vekilledhim.所以我们会让他走Sowe'regonnagivehimhisfreedom.你有没有安排清洁小组?DidPoucallinthesweepers?正在路上OntheirwaP.好,很好Good,good.班吉...你怎么会在这里?Benji,howisitPou'rehere?我通过外勤测验!Oh,lpassedthefieldeGam.很瞎吧?CrazP,right?对,很瞎Peah.CrazP.DNA测试-是我啦-DNAtest.-lt'sme.我必须确认-你真仔细lt'sprocedure.l'mjustconfirmingit'sPou. 塞吉?-Pou'reverPthorough.-Sergei?你不是俄国人?ArePounotRussian?别紧张RelaG.清洁小组接近中!扫帚出动了!Sweepersapproaching!Broomsareout! 了解-Rogerthat.-Sergei.你不是...塞吉吗?ArePounotSergei?你会没事的Pou'llbefine.包格丹Bogdan.我一向很照顾我朋友lalwaPstakecareofmPfriends.朋友...MPfriend.刚才他差点坏事MessPbringinghimalong.我认为进行得很顺利lthoughtitwentratherwell.能告诉我为什么你在俄国监狱?MindtellingmewhatPouweredoinginaRussianprison? 能告诉我为什么你帮我逃狱?MindtellingmewhPPoubrokemeout?这不是营救任务?Thiswasn'tarescuemission?我这样说好了LetmeputitthiswaP.如果局长要我出来lftheSecretarPwantedmeoutofthere,外头的事一定很大条itmustbeprettPbadouthere.我们在追查一份档案wewereafterafile.结果弄丢了welostit.“我们”?谁弄丢的?你?"we"?wholostit?Pou?汉纳威探员AgentHanawaP.汉纳威在哪里?where'sHanawaP?那是个取件任务Itwasaletterdrop.机密档案Classifiedfile.原本是一次简单的拦截Itshouldhavebeenasimpleintercept.我们知道目标在哪列火车Weknewwhichtrainthecourierwason.目标预计分钟后抵达ETA,twominutesonthecourier.可是我们不知道... Buttherewasonethingwedidn'tknow.山猫,你的列车还有分钟进站Bobcat,Pourtrain'ssiGminutesout....他是谁Whothecourierwas.快来不及了,山猫lt'snowornever,Bobcat.带着档案的信使...他的名字?Thecourierdeliveringthefile,what'shisname? 你尽管开枪Goahead.Shoot.Goahead.Shoot.我们没时间了weareoutoftime.我需要名字lneedaname,folks.我无法同时追踪所有人lcan'ttrackallthesepeopleatonce.马瑞克,史蒂芬斯基,饶了我吧!Marek.Stefanski.FortheloveofGod!听到吗?Pougotit?马瑞克史蒂芬斯基MarekStefanski.我正在找Searching.“目标确定”{\r}接下来看我的l'lltakeitfromhere.老兄,你还好吧?HeP,Pouallright,buddP?汉纳威麻醉了目标,取走背包HanawaPdroppedthemarkandgrabbedhisbag. 坐着休息一下吧Sitdown.CatchPourbreath.。
A Red Light for Scofflaws [自动保存的]
政府官员担心无视一项法令将导致对一切法令的藐视,因而发 起了一场维护禁酒法的运动。马萨诸塞州一位富翁也是一位禁 酒者,愿出赏金二百美元征求一个形容藐视法令者的最佳词。 他一共收到应征的词二万五千个,获奖的词就是scofflaw.从此, 就在全国范围内遭到严禁就这样进入英语词汇行列。然而,这 场运动和这个新词对维护禁酒法全然无济于事。美国国会终于 在1937年被迫废除《第十八号修正案》,就在美国又恢复了它 的合法地位,scofflaw也随之被人们渐渐遗忘了。 直至近几年,scofflaw在美国报刊上才再度出现。纽约市一名叫 John Murtagh的交通法庭法官(traffic court judge)用scofflaw一 词来形容那些把车子停放在“禁止停车”处而又拒绝按传票交 罚金的人,从而把这几乎被遗弃的词又带回美国人的日常生活 之中。Scofflaw的此役没有发生变化,当年用来指违反禁酒者, 而今天亦可以用以指违犯交通规则者及其他各种违犯法令者。
■ Red Light: stop, danger ; warning ■ Scofflaw: one who treats the law with contempt; one who habitually flouts or violates the law ■ A Red Light for Scofflaws =A Warning to the Scofflaws; Scofflaws must be prohibited Metonymy: is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is called not by its own name but rather by the name of something associated in meaning with that thing or concept.( 转喻)
A Red Light for Scofflaws[1]Law-and-order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in U.S. history. Yet it is painfully apparent 2 that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. 3 Indeed, there are moments today —amid outlaw litter, tax cheating, illicit noise and motorized anarchy — when it seems as though the scofflaw represents the wave of the future. 4 Harvard Sociologist David Riesman suspects that a majority of Americans have blithely taken to committing supposedly minor derelictions as a matter of course. Already, Riesman says, the ethic of U.S. society is in dan ger of becoming this: “You're a fool if you obeythe rules.”[2]Nothing could be more obvious than the evidence supporting Riesman. Scofflaws abound in amazing variety. 5 The graffiti-prone turn public surfaces into visual rubbish. Bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws. 6 Litterbugs convert their communities into trash dumps. Widespread flurries of ordinances have failed to clear public places of high-decibel portable radios, just as earlier laws failed to wipe out the beer-soaked hooliganism that plagues many parks. 7 Tobacco addicts remain hopelessly blind to signs that say NO SMOKING. Respectably dressed pot smokers no longer bother to duck out of public sight to pass around a joint. The flagrant use of cocaine is a festering scandal in middle and upper-class life. And then there are(hello, everybody! ) 8 the jaywalkers.[3]The dangers of scofflawry vary widely. The person who illegally spits on the sidewalk remains disgusting, but clearly poses less risk to others than the company that illegally buries hazardous chemical waste in an unauthorized location. The fare beater on the subway presents less threat to life than the landlord who ignores fire safety statutes. 9 The most immediately and measurably dangerous scofflawry, however, also happens to be the most visible. The culprit is the American driver, whose lawless activities today add up to a colossal public nuisance. 10 The hazards range from routine double parking 11 that jams city streets to the drunk driving that kills some 25,000 people and injures at least 650,000 others yearly.12 Illegal speeding on open highways? New surveys show that on some interstate highways 83% of all drivers are currently ignoring the federal55 m .p.h. speed limit.[4]The most flagrant scofflaw of them all is the red-light runner. The flouting of stop signals has got so bad in Boston that residents tell an anecdote about a cabby who insists that red lights are “ just fordecoration ” .The power of the stoplight to co ntrol traffic seems to be waning everywhere. In Los Angeles , red-light running has become perhaps the city's most common traffic violation. In New York City , going through an intersection is like Russian roulette. Admits Police Commissioner Robert J. Mc Guire: “ Today it's a 50-50 tossup as to whether people will stop for a red light. ” Meanwhile, his own police largely ignore the lawbreaking.[5]Red-light running has always been ranked as a minor wrong, and so it may be in individual instances. 13 When the violation becomes habitual, widespread and incessant, however, a great deal more than a traffic management problem is involved. The flouting of basic rules of the road leaves deep dents in the social mood. Innocent drivers and pedestrians pay a repetitious price in frustration, inconvenience and outrage, not to mention a justified sense of mortal peril. The significance ofred-light running is magnified by its high visibility. If hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the true outlaw's salute to the force of law-and-order. The red-light runner, however, shows no respect whatever for the social rules, and society cannot help being harmed by any repetitious and brazen display of contempt for the fundamentals of order.玩忽法令之风不可长 ![1] 法律和秩序,可以说是美国历史上历时最久、或许还是人们最爱谈论的政治问题。
Unit 4 A Red Light for Scofflaws47954
While the way Trippet develops the paragraphs by using illustrations is impressive, the way in which the paragraphs are woven into an essay also merits our attention. Most of the paragraphs contain explicitly-stated topic sentences, which are supported by numerous illustrations.
Benefit of Using Topic Sentences Supported by Illustration
When we put all the topic sentences together, what we get is a nicely worked out sentence out.line for the writer to work on, and a highly condensed gist of the essay for the reader.
Para. 6 The scofflaw spirit is pervasive.
Topic Sentence for Each Paragraph
Para. 1 No thesis statement found. This paragraph introduces the topic of the essay: Millions of Americans are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes.
U4 A Red Light for Scofflaws中英对照
A Red Light for ScofflawsLaw-and-order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in . history. Yet it is painfully apparent 2 that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. 3 Indeed, there are moments today — amid outlaw litter, tax cheating, illicit noise and motorized anarchy — when it seems as though the scofflaw represents the wave of the future. 4 Harvard Sociologist David Riesman suspects that a majority of Americans have blithely taken to committing supposedly minor derelictions as a matter of course. Already, Riesman says, the ethic of U.S. society is in danger of becoming this: “You're a fool if you obey the rules.”法律和秩序,可以说是美国历史上历时最久、或许还是人们最爱谈论的政治问题。
第二章英译汉的技巧Basic Skills for English-Chinese Translation1. Annotation♦音译加注: 指音译后附加解释性注释。
cartoon 卡通片Hamburger 汉堡包Benz 奔驰车clone 克隆(一种无性繁殖方法)sauna 桑那浴(源于芬兰的一种蒸汽浴)(1)Big Ben is ringing the hour.大本钟*在当当报时。
(2)Like a son of Bachus, he can drink up two bottles of whisky at a breath.他简直像巴赫斯的儿子,能一口气喝光两瓶威士忌。
♦直译加注: 指直译原文,并附加解释性注释Big Apple 大苹果(纽约的别称)Desert Storm 沙漠风暴(1991年美国领导的多国部队对伊拉克实施的军事打击行动)Try to translate:(1)It was Friday *and soon they'd go out and get drunk.星期五发薪日到了,他们马上就要上街去喝得酩酊大醉。
♦(2)The man who waters his grass after a good rain is carrying coals to Newcastle *♦.刚下一场及时雨,那人却又为草坪浇水,真是把煤运到纽卡斯尔,多此一举。
(3)I am as poor as Job *, my lord, but not so patient.♦我象约伯一样穷的,大人,可是却没有他那样的好耐心。
(4)The question she flunked on was: "What is the Constitution of the United States *?" The answer she gave was: "A boat."她答错的一道题是:"美国宪法*是什么?她的回答却是"一条船。
A Red Light for ScofflawsLaw-and-order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in U.S. history. Yet it is painfully apparent 2 that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. 3 Indeed, there are moments today —amid outlaw litter, tax cheating, illicit noise and motorized anarchy — when it seems as though the scofflaw represents the wave of the future. 4 Harvard Sociologist David Riesman suspects that a majority of Americans have blithely taken to committing supposedly minor derelictions as a matter of course. Already, Riesman says, the ethic of U.S. society is in danger of becoming this: “You're a fool if you obey the rules.”法律和秩序,可以说是美国历史上历时最久、或许还是人们最爱谈论的政治问题。
book6 Unit 4_A_Red_Light_for_Scofflaws中英对照
A Red Light for Scofflaws给轻微违法行为亮红灯 1take liberties with: misinterpret; treat something freely, without strict observance of the fact (随意对待) behave in a bold or impolite way towards,2.Outlaw litter:unlawful stewing (a place) with rubbish3.illicit noise:very loud noise which is not permitted4. motorized anarchy:disorder or chaos created by motorists5.take to: to be pleased by or attracted to; begin to do sth. as a regular habit6.dereliction:deliberate eglect;a tendency to be negligent ;7.exempt from: not affected or bound by (=excused)8.flurry: porfusion.abundance; great quantity9.ordinance: authoritative law,command or order; a regulation10. pot smoker:One who smokes marijuana.大麻烟客11.duck out of: avoid doing, esp. by making an excuse (=back out)12.fare beater:one who evades paying the fare on a public vehicle. “Beat” is U.S. slangmeaning “cheat”13. public nuisance:sth. offensive to the community, esp. in violation of others’ legalrights14.toss-up:the tossing-up of a coin to decide something by its fall15. mortal peril:danger that causes or is liable to cause death16.brazen: shameless.17.skirt:ignore; avoid; evade18.subvert: destroy the power and influence19.nullify: make ineffective; invalidateLaw-and-order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in U.S. history. Yet it is painfully apparent that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society.法律和秩序,可以说是美国历史上历时最久、或许还是人们最爱谈论的政治问题。
A red light for_scofflaws中英对照版(免费)
参考译文对违反法律者亮红灯A Red Light for Scofflaws弗兰克·特立皮德1Law-and-order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in U.S. histor y. Yet it is painfully apparent 2 that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are desig ned to protect and nourish their society. 3 Indeed, there are moments today — amid outlaw litter, t ax cheating, illicit noise and motorized anarchy — when it seems as though the scofflaw represent s the wave of the future. 4 Harvard Sociologist David Riesman suspects that a majority of America ns have blithely taken to committing supposedly minor derelictions as a matter of course. Already, Riesman says, the ethic of U.S. society is in danger of becoming this: “You're a fool if you obey the rules.”[1] 法律和秩序是美国历史上持续时间最长的、也可能是政治上的最热门的话题。
3.He met his Waterloo. 他吃了大败仗。
4. She was born with a siver spoon in her mouth.
5. You should keep your nose out of here.
6.Look at the chaps in politics and business, w
5. Like many other Southerners, I came to seek my fortune in one of those pot-at- the-endof-the-rainbow factories.
像许多其他的南方人一样,我也来到这儿,在那 些工厂里打工,做发财梦。(根据英语传说,如果 人们找到了彩虹与地面交界之处,并在那儿挖掘, 就会挖到一罐金子。但这只是人们的幻想,是根本 不可能发生的事情。所以,此处重意不重典,自然这 里pot-at-the-end-of-the-rainbow factories是指 那些根本不可能给南方人提供工作的工厂。)
café, where are gathered together nightly the choicest products of the grapes, the silkworm and the
1.Our son must go to school. He must
break out of the pot that holds us in.
Lesson 1 Finding fossil man 发现化石人We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write.But there are some parts of the word where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas -- legends handed down from one generation of another. These legends are useful because they can tell us something about migrations of people who lived long ago, but none could write down what they did. Anthropologists wondered where the remote ancestors of the Polynesian peoples now living in the Pacific Islands came from. The sagas of these people explain that some of them came from Indonesia about 2,000 years ago.But the first people who were like ourselves lived so long ago that even their sagas, if they had any, are forgotten. So archaeologists have neither history nor legends to help them to find out where the first 'modern men' came from.Fortunately, however, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because this is easier to shape than other kinds. They may also have used wood and skins, but these have rotted away. Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.参考译文我们从书籍中可读到5,000 年前近东发生的事情,那里的人最早学会了写字。
你是怎么开门的?HeP,howdidPouope nPourcelldoor? Default,,,,,,HeP!你在干嘛?whatarePoudo ing?把第二区的门打开!Open Sector!你怎么出来的?HowdidPougetout?回去你的房间Getback in Pourcell.警告你,回去你的房间!ltoldPou,getback in Pourcell!再给你几个朋友来玩Let'sgivePouafewfrie ndstoplaPwith.抱歉啦SorrP.快派警卫进去Sen dsomeguards in.已经叫了rm trPi ng.我准备好了,下面情况如何?OkaP,l'mset.How'sthi ngsgoi ngdow nbelow?你觉得呢?我在下水道耶HowdoPouth ink?l' mi nasewer.门打不开!我们被锁住了!Thedoorsw on 'tope n! we'relockedi n!发布警报!Soun dthealarm!已经失控了!we'velostc on trol!队长!Capta in!我就定位了「min positi on.进入第二阶段Movetophase.你在干嘛?你在干嘛?WhatarePoudoi ng?WhatarePoudoi ng?怎么了?发生什么事?what'swro ng?what'shappe nin g,Benji?他不去撤离点Oh,God.He's no tgoi ngtotheeGtractio npoi nt. 专心,他知道要去哪里StaPfocused.Hek no wswherehe'sgo ing.不,我不干No,l'm not.lwo n't.我不会开这扇门的Iwill no tope nthatdoor.请到撤离点,伊森PleasegototheeGtractio npoi nt,Etha n.lk now. 我懂你手势的意思Ikno wwhatthismea ns,可是不行,我未经授权…butlca n't.l'm no tauthorized...去撤离点,伊森GototheeGtractio npoi nt,Etha n.快去撤离点!GototheeGtractio npoi nt!你要等我吗?Oh,Pou'rejustgo in gtowait.大家来耗吧,我有的是时间we'regoi ngtowait.Great.lca nwait.好啦!好啦!OkaP,fi ne.Fi ne!Fi ne!这样我们就可以搞砸整个计划There.we'lljustscrewthewholethi ngup on purpose. 珍?进度会有点耽搁Jan e?we'rego in gtohaveaslightdelaP .你进去那里干嘛?whPdoPouwa nttogo in there?包格丹!Bogdan!包格丹!Bogdan!塞吉?Sergei?该闪人了!Timetogo!现在?Now?对,现在!Pes ,now!我不知道他在干嘛?Idon 'tk no wwhathe'sdoi ng,我也莫名奇妙在帮他an dforsomereas on ,1'mhelpi nghim.只要歌播完前他到定点Asl on gashe'swhereheshouldbewhe nthes ongends. 我们多了个伴wehaveapasse nger.塞吉!Sergei!把门全都打开!Open allofthem!天啊!OhGod!天啊…天啊…OhGodohGodohGod...塞吉,别说计划到此为止Sergei,pleasetellmethere'smoretothispla n!快走Let'sgo...韩特探员?Age ntHu nt?你是?An dPouare?卡特探员Age ntCarter.好OkaP.你的朋友是谁?who'sPourpal?等一下告诉你l'lltellPouo nthewaP!点火吧Lightthefuse.塞吉,怎么回事?Sergei,what'sgo ingon?别担心,包格丹lt'sOK,Bogda n.我并不想多嘴…Idon 'tmea ntobri nguptheelepha ntin theroom, 但这个像大猩猩的俄国佬是谁?butwhat'swiththebig,hairPRussia n?包格丹?他是我的线人who,Bogda n? Hefedmei ntel.如果我丢下他,他们会杀了他lfllefthimthere,thePwould'vekilledhim.所以我们会让他走Sowe'reg onn agivehimhisfreedom.你有没有安排清洁小组?DidPoucalli nthesweepers?正在路上OntheirwaP .好,很好Good,good.班吉…你怎么会在这里?Benji,howisitPou'rehere?我通过外勤测验!Oh,lpassedthefieldeGam.很瞎吧?CrazP,right?对,很瞎Peah.CrazP.DNA测试-是我啦-DNAtest.-lt'sme.我必须确认-你真仔细It'sprocedure.l'mjustco nfirmi ngit'sPou. 塞吉?-Pou'reverPthorough.-Sergei?你不是俄国人?ArePo un otRussia n?别紧张RelaG.清洁小组接近中!扫帚出动了!Sweepersapproach in g!Broomsareout!了解-Rogerthat.-Sergei.你不是…塞吉吗?ArePo uno tSergei?你会没事的Pou'llbefi ne.包格丹Bogda n.我一向很照顾我朋友lalwaPstakecareofmPfrie nds.朋友…MPfrie nd.刚才他差点坏事MessPbri ngin ghimalo ng.我认为进行得很顺利Ithoughtitwe ntratherwell.能告诉我为什么你在俄国监狱?Min dtelli ngmewhatPouweredo ingin aRussia npris on?能告诉我为什么你帮我逃狱?Min dtelli ngmewhPPoubrokemeout? 这不是营救任务?Thiswas n'tarescuemissi on?我这样说好了LetmeputitthiswaP .如果局长要我出来IftheSecretarPwa ntedmeoutofthere, 外头的事一定很大条itmustbeprettPbadouthere.我们在追查一份档案wewereafterafile.结果弄丢了welostit.“我们”?谁弄丢的?你?"we"?wholostit?Pou?汉纳威探员AgentHanawaP .汉纳威在哪里?where'sHa nawaP?那是个取件任务Itwasaletterdrop.机密档案Classifiedfile.原本是一次简单的拦截Itshouldhavebee nasimple in tercept.我们知道目标在哪列火车Wek newwhichtrai nthecourierwas on.目标预计分钟后抵达ETA,twomi nu tes on thecourier.可是我们不知道…Buttherewas on ethi ngwedid n'tk now.山猫,你的列车还有分钟进站Bobcat,Pourtra in' ssiGm inu tesout.…他是谁Whothecourierwas.快来不及了,山猫lt's noworn ever,Bobcat.带着档案的信使…他的名字?Thecourierdeliveri ngthefile,what'shis name? 你尽管开枪Goahead.Shoot.Goahead.Shoot.我们没时间了weareoutoftime.我需要名字In eeda name,folks.我无法同时追踪所有人lean 'ttrackallthesepeopleat on ce.马瑞克,史蒂芬斯基,饶了我吧!Marek.Stefa nski.FortheloveofGod!听到吗?Pougotit?马瑞克史蒂芬斯基MarekStefa nski.我正在找Searchi ng.“目标确定” {\r}接下来看我的l'lltakeitfromhere.老兄,你还好吧?HeP,Pouallright,buddP?汉纳威麻醉了目标,取走背包Han awaPdroppedthemarka ndgrabbedhisbag. 坐着休息一下吧Sitdow n.CatchPourbreath.。
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A Red Light for ScofflawsLaw-and-order is the longest-running and probably the best-loved political issue in U.S. history. Yet it is painfully apparent 2 that millions of Americans who would never think of themselves as lawbreakers, let alone criminals, are taking increasing liberties with the legal codes that are designed to protect and nourish their society. 3 Indeed, there are moments today —amid outlaw litter, tax cheating, illicit noise and motorized anarchy — when it seems as though the scofflaw represents the wave of the future. 4 Harvard Sociologist David Riesman suspects that a majority of Americans have blithely taken to committing supposedly minor derelictions as a matter of course. Already, Riesman says, the ethic of U.S. society is in danger of becoming this: “You're a fool if you obey the rules.”法律和秩序,可以说是美国历史上历时最久、或许还是人们最爱谈论的政治问题。
Nothing could be more obvious than the evidence supporting Riesman. Scofflaws abound in amazing variety. 5 The graffiti-prone turn public surfaces into visual rubbish. Bicyclists often ride as though two-wheeled vehicles are exempt from all traffic laws. 6 Litterbugs convert their communities into trash dumps. Widespread flurries of ordinances have failed to clear public places of high-decibel portable radios, just as earlier laws failed to wipe out the beer-soaked hooliganism that plagues many parks. 7 Tobacco addicts remain hopelessly blind to signs that say NO SMOKING. Respectably dressed pot smokers no longer bother to duck out of public sight to pass around a joint. The flagrant use of cocaine is a festering scandal in middle and upper-class life. And then there are (hello, everybody!) 8 the jaywalkers.里斯曼的论断,随处都可得到极为充分的证实。
The dangers of scofflawry vary widely. The person who illegally spits on the sidewalk remains disgusting, but clearly poses less risk to others than the company that illegally buries hazardous chemical waste in an unauthorized location. The fare beater on the subway presents less threat to life than the landlord who ignores fire safety statutes. 9 The most immediately and measurably dangerous scofflawry, however, also happens to be the most visible. The culprit is the American driver, whose lawless activities today add up to a colossal public nuisance. 10 The hazards range from routine double parking 11 that jams city streets to the drunk driving that kills some 25,000 people and injures at least 650,000 others yearly.12 Illegal speeding on open highways? New surveys show that on some interstate highways 83% of all drivers are currently ignoring the federal 55 m .p. h. speed limit.玩忽法令的危害有轻有重。
这种危害,从日常的双重停车 ( 指把车停在业已顺停在路边的车辆的旁边——译注 ) ,致使交通阻塞,到酒后开车,导致每年车祸死亡 25,000 人,伤者至少 65 万人。
高速公路上超速行驶的情况又是怎样呢 ? 据近期统计,某些州际高速公路上,通常有 83% 的开车人都无视联邦政府关于最高时速 55 英里的规定。
The most flagrant scofflaw of them all is the red-light runner. The flouting of stop signals has got so bad in Boston that residents tell an anecdote about a cabby who insists tha t red lights are “ just for decoration ” .The power of the stoplight to control traffic seems to be waning everywhere. In Los Angeles, red-light running has become perhaps the city's most common traffic violation. In New York City, going through an intersection is like Russian roulette. Admits Police Commissioner Robert J. Mc Guire: “Today it's a 50-50 tossup as to whether people will stop for a red light.” Meanwhile, his own police largely ignore the lawbreaking.最明目张胆的藐视法律的行径要算闯红灯了。
在纽约市,通过交叉路口就象玩俄国轮盘赌 ( 参加者轮流用一支只装有一颗子弹的左轮手枪向自己头部扣动扳机——译注 ) ,不知何时就会出事。
Red-light running has always been ranked as a minor wrong, and so it may be in individual instances. 13 When the violation becomes habitual, widespread and incessant, however, a great deal more than a traffic management problem is involved. The flouting of basic rules of the road leaves deep dents in the social mood. Innocent drivers and pedestrians pay a repetitious price in frustration, inconvenience and outrage, not to mention a justified sense of mortal peril. The significance ofred-light running is magnified by its high visibility. If hypocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue, then furtiveness is the true outlaw's salute to the force of law-and-order. The red-light runner, however, shows no respect whatever for the social rules, and society cannot help being harmed by any repetitious and brazen display of contempt for the fundamentals of order.闯红灯常常被列为小错误,就个别情况而言,这也许不是大错。