



一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,字形、字音都正确的一项是()A. 妩媚(wǔ mèi)琳琅满目(lín láng mǎn mù)B. 雕梁画栋(diāo liáng huà dòng)源远流长(yuán yuǎn liú cháng)C. 惊弓之鸟(jīng gōng zhī niǎo)情不自禁(qíng bù zì jīn)D. 振聋发聩(zhèn lóng fā kuì)源远流长(yuán yuǎn liú cháng)2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是()A. 随着科技的进步,智能手机已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。

B. 我非常喜欢听音乐,尤其是那些能让我心情愉悦的歌曲。

C. 由于天气原因,原定于昨天的运动会不得不推迟举行。

D. 这本书的内容非常丰富,对于我们了解历史有很大的帮助。

3. 下列各句中,加点词语运用不恰当的一项是()A. 他面对困难,毫不退缩,勇往直前。

B. 这次比赛,他发挥出色,赢得了大家的赞誉。

C. 她把家里打扫得干干净净,一尘不染。

D. 这本书的内容过于深奥,我很难理解。

4. 下列各句中,句式变换正确的一项是()A. 原句:他用心良苦,终于取得了成功。


B. 原句:这本书对于我们来说,是一本非常有价值的参考资料。


C. 原句:他勤奋好学,成绩一直名列前茅。


D. 原句:他们一路欢歌笑语,来到了目的地。


5. 下列各句中,修辞手法运用不恰当的一项是()A. 那朵花儿像一位美丽的姑娘,静静地站在那里。

B. 那条小溪宛如一条绿色的飘带,蜿蜒流淌在山谷中。





老专长历年考试真题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)下列哪项不是中医四诊的内容?A. 望B. 闻C. 问D. 切E. 摸中医认为“肾主水”是指肾的什么功能?A. 藏精B. 生髓C. 主纳气D. 主水液代谢E. 主骨生髓下列哪项是“气虚”的主要表现?A. 口干舌燥B. 自汗C. 发热D. 便秘E. 尿少“阴阳失调”中的“阴”一般指的是什么?A. 营养物质B. 功能活动C. 病理产物D. 病因E. 体质下列哪项不是“风寒感冒”的常见症状?A. 恶寒发热B. 头痛身痛C. 口渴喜饮D. 鼻塞流涕E. 苔薄白“心主血脉”是指心与什么功能的关系?A. 呼吸B. 神志C. 血液运行D. 消化E. 代谢下列哪项属于“五行”中的“相克”关系?A. 木生火B. 火生土C. 土克水D. 水生木E. 金生水中医认为“肝主疏泄”是指肝的什么功能?A. 藏血B. 疏泄气机C. 藏魂D. 主目E. 主筋“痰湿内阻”的舌象一般表现为:A. 舌红苔黄B. 舌淡苔白C. 舌紫苔暗D. 舌胖苔腻E. 舌瘦苔少下列哪项不是中药的“四气”?A. 寒B. 凉C. 温D. 热E. 平二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)中医认为人体的生命活动是以__________为本,__________为用。












0423一、选择题1.教师向学生随机呈现一个词表,并要求记住表中的单词,学生学会了按蔬菜、肉类、水果等对单词归类组织,并运用该方法记忆其他单词,根据加涅的观点属于( )。

A.言语信息的学习B.智力技能的学习C.认知策略的学习D.语义信息的学习2.下列关于婴儿动作发展排序正确的是( )。

A.翻身、坐、抬头、站、走B.抬头、坐、翻身、站、走C.翻身、抬头、坐、站、走D.抬头、翻身、坐、站、走3.下列属于晶体智力的是( )。

A.形成抽象概念的能力B.发现复杂关系的能力C.理解词汇能力D.知觉的速度4.根据马斯洛的需要层次理论,人的需要从低级到高级的正确排序是( )。

A.生理需要、安全的需要、尊重的需要、归属与爱的需要、自我实现的需要B.生理需要、安全的需要、归属与爱的需要、尊重的需要、自我实现的需要C.生理需要、归属与爱的需要、安全的需要、尊重的需要、自自我实现的需要D.生理需要、归属与爱的需要、尊重的需要、安全的需要、自自我实现的需要5.从众的类型包括( )。

A.真从众B.权宜从众C.不从众D.服从6.注意的功能包括( )。

A.选择B.保持C.调节和监督D.指向和集中7.干扰抑制说认为遗忘是因为在学习和回忆之间受到其他刺激的干扰所导致的,可以用( )来证明。














烟草笔试题历年真题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 烟草的主要成分是什么?A. 尼古丁B. 咖啡因C. 酒精D. 可卡因2. 吸烟对人体哪个系统影响最大?A. 呼吸系统B. 消化系统C. 循环系统D. 神经系统3. 以下哪项不是吸烟引起的疾病?A. 肺癌B. 心脏病C. 哮喘D. 糖尿病4. 世界卫生组织建议的戒烟年龄是多少岁?A. 18岁B. 20岁C. 25岁D. 30岁5. 烟草制品中哪种物质对环境影响最大?A. 尼古丁B. 一氧化碳C. 焦油D. 二手烟二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)6. 烟草制品在燃烧过程中会产生多种有害物质,其中_________是导致肺癌的主要原因。

7. 吸烟不仅对吸烟者本人有害,还会对周围的人造成_________。

8. 根据世界卫生组织的数据,每年约有_________人因吸烟相关疾病而死亡。

9. 戒烟可以降低患_________的风险。

10. 烟草中的_________是导致成瘾的主要因素。

三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)11. 请简述吸烟对人体健康的危害。

12. 请列举至少三种戒烟的方法,并简要说明其原理。

四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)13. 论述烟草产业对经济的影响及其对社会健康的潜在风险。

14. 针对青少年吸烟问题,请提出你的预防和干预措施。

五、案例分析题(每题20分,共20分)15. 阅读以下案例:某中学生小明因受到同伴压力开始尝试吸烟,请分析小明开始吸烟的心理动机,并提出相应的干预措施。


A.[15+12+0.226 ÷( 1+13%) ]× 5%=1.36(万元) B.[12+0.226 ÷( 1+13%) ]× 5%=0.61(万元)
C.12 × 5%=0.6(万元)
D.[15+0.226 ÷( 1+13%) ]× 5%=0.76(万元)
【答案】 B
【解析】(1)竹制筷子不属于消费税征税范围,不缴纳消费税。(2)非酒类产品的包装物押金收取时不并入应税消费品的销售额中征税;但对因逾期未收回包装物不再退还的或者已收取的时间超过12个月的押金,应并入应税消费品的销售额,缴纳消费税。( 3)包装物押金须价税分离后并入销售额。
A.480 ÷ 8 × 150%× 2 + 480 × 150%× 1=900( 元) B.480 ÷ 8× 200%× 2=240( 元)
C.480 ÷ 8× 200%× 2 + 480 × 200%× 1=1200( 元) D.480 ÷ 8× 150%× 2=180( 元)
【答案】 D
【解析】( 1 )晚上加班: 150% ,排除选项 BC ;( 2 )周末加班有补休:无须支付;周末加班且无补休: 200% ,排除选项 A 。
A. ( 5200-200)× 20%=1000(元) B.5200 × 20%=10409元)
C.5200 ×( 1-20%)× 20%=832(元 )
D. ( 5200-200)×( 1-20%)× 20%=800(元 )
【答案】 C
【解析】( 1)劳务报酬所得每次收入≤ 4000元:
劳务报酬所得应预扣预缴税额 =(每次收入 -800)×预扣率 -速算扣除数; 每次收入> 4000元:
B. 变卖纳税人价值相当于应纳税款的货物,以变卖所得抵缴税款C. 向纳税人加收滞纳金





1、在教育史中,明确提出知名的"白板说"和完备的绅士教育理论的学者就是( )a夸美纽斯b洛克c裴斯泰洛齐d赫尔巴特【答案】b2、在教育目标的分类中,美国教育心理学家布鲁姆就学生学习结果划分的三领域是( )a科学知识、技能和技巧b科学知识、认知和应用领域技能c认知、情感和动作技能d认知、应用和评价技能【答案】c3、马克思认为,复杂劳动等于加倍的简单劳动。

这主要说明教育具有哪些功能? ( )a经济功能b政治功能c文化功能d人口功能【答案】a。




在施行的诸多学制中第一次正式宣布实行的就是( )a壬寅学制b癸卯学制c壬子癸丑学制d壬戌学制【答案】b5、教育的本质特点是( )a影响人的身心发展b推动社会发展c有目的地培养人d完善人的自身发展【答案】c6、在我国新一轮基础教育课程改革中,要求义务教育课程实施( )a六三学段设置b五四学段设置c九年整体设置d多种形式设置共存【答案】c7、主张课程的内容和非政府后以儿童的兴趣或须要为基础,引导学生"搞中学",通过手脑并用来赢得直接经验,这充分反映的课程类型就是( )a、学科课程b、活动课程c、分科课程d、综合课程【答案】b8、教师进行教学的直接依据是( )a、课程计划b、课程目标c、课程标准d、教科书【答案】c9、罗老师传授"观潮"这篇课文时,通过播出视频,使学生深刻感受到钱塘江大湖的雄伟壮观。



一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项不是小学数学教学的基本原则?A. 实践性原则B. 科学性原则C. 灵活性原则D. 严谨性原则2. 小学数学教学中,教师应该注重培养学生的哪种能力?A. 记忆能力B. 分析能力C. 应用能力D. 创新能力3. 在小学数学教学中,对于“分数的意义”这一内容,教师应该引导学生如何理解?A. 简单记忆分数的意义B. 通过具体实例理解分数的意义C. 强调分数的运算规则D. 直接教授分数的公式4. 下列哪个选项不是小学数学教材编写的基本要求?A. 符合学生认知特点B. 注重知识体系的完整性C. 强调趣味性和实践性D. 忽视教材的普及性5. 小学数学教学中,教师如何进行教学反思?A. 教学过程中不断调整教学方法B. 教学结束后,回顾教学效果C. 仅关注学生的学习成绩D. 忽视学生的个体差异6. 在小学数学教学中,如何引导学生正确理解“比”的概念?A. 通过具体实例,让学生自己发现“比”的特点B. 直接教授“比”的定义和运算规则C. 仅强调“比”的运算,忽视其意义D. 忽视“比”与其他数学概念的联系7. 小学数学教学中,如何培养学生的空间观念?A. 通过实物操作,让学生直观感受空间关系B. 强调空间几何图形的运算规则C. 仅关注学生的空间想象能力D. 忽视空间观念在实际生活中的应用8. 在小学数学教学中,如何培养学生的数学思维能力?A. 注重知识的传授,忽视思维能力的培养B. 通过问题解决,激发学生的数学思维C. 仅强调逻辑推理,忽视直觉思维D. 忽视学生的个性差异,统一教学要求9. 下列哪个选项不是小学数学教学评价的主要方式?A. 课堂观察B. 学生自评C. 家长评价D. 教师评价10. 小学数学教学中,如何处理学生的错误?A. 直接纠正错误,忽视错误原因B. 引导学生分析错误原因,自主改正C. 忽视学生的错误,只关注正确答案D. 仅关注学生的错误,忽视正确答案二、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述小学数学教学目标的设计原则。

























参考公式:如果事件A 、B 互斥,则球的外表积公式如果事件A 、B 相互独立,则其中R 表示球的半径()()()P A B P A P B =球的体积公式如果事件A 在一次试验中发生的概率是p ,则334V R π=n 次独立重复试验中事件A 恰好发生k 次的概率其中R 表示球的半径普通高等学校招生全国统一考试一、选择题1、 复数131ii-++= A 2+I B 2-I C 1+2i D 1- 2i 2、集合A ={1.3. m },B ={1,m} ,AB =A, 则m=A 0或3B 0或3C 1或3D 1或3 3 椭圆的中心在原点,焦距为4 一条准线为*=-4 ,则该椭圆的方程为A 216x +212y =1B 212x +28y =1C 28x +24y =1D 212x +24y =1 4 正四棱柱ABCD- A 1B 1C 1D 1中,AB=2,CC 1=22 E 为CC 1的中点,则直线AC 1与平面BED 的距离为A 2B 3C 2D 1〔5〕等差数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,a 5=5,S 5=15,则数列的前100项和为(A)100101 (B) 99101 (C) 99100 (D) 101100〔6〕△ABC 中,AB 边的高为CD ,假设a ·b=0,|a|=1,|b|=2,则(A)〔B 〕 (C) (D)〔7〕α为第二象限角,sin α+sin β=33,则cos2α=(A)5-3〔B 〕5-9 (C)59 (D)53〔8〕F1、F2为双曲线C:*²-y²=2的左、右焦点,点P在C上,|PF1|=|2PF2|,则cos∠F1PF2=(A)14〔B〕35 (C)34 (D)45〔9〕*=lnπ,y=log52,12z=e,则(A)*<y<z 〔B〕z<*<y (C)z<y<* (D)y<z<*(10) 函数y=*²-3*+c的图像与*恰有两个公共点,则c=〔A〕-2或2 〔B〕-9或3 〔C〕-1或1 〔D〕-3或1〔11〕将字母a,a,b,b,c,c,排成三行两列,要求每行的字母互不一样,梅列的字母也互不一样,则不同的排列方法共有〔A〕12种〔B〕18种〔C〕24种〔D〕36种〔12〕正方形ABCD的边长为1,点E在边AB上,点F在边BC上,AE=BF=73。



生物高考备课选择题训练200题(历年真题含答案)选择题题组(一)1.下列与蛋白质、核酸相关的叙述,错误的是()A. 一个核糖体上可以同时合成多条多肽链B. 一个蛋白质分子可以含有多个金属离子C. 一个 mRNA 分子可以结合多个核糖体D. 一个 DNA 分子可以转录产生多个 RNA 分子2.下列关于淀粉和纤维素的叙述,正确的是()A. 淀粉是植物细胞壁的主要成分B. 淀粉与纤维素中所含的元素不同C. 分解淀粉与纤维素所需的酶不同D. 纤维素是由果糖聚合而成的多糖3.下列与细胞有关的叙述,正确的是()A. T2噬菌体不含有膜包被的细胞核,因此属于原核细胞B. 人肝细胞分裂期的持续时间大于分裂间期的持续时间C. 植物叶肉细胞在缺氧条件下可通过无氧呼吸产生 ATPD. 心肌细胞是高度分化的细胞,其细胞膜不具有流动性4.某种抗生素可以阻止 tRNA 与 mRNA 结合,从而抑制细菌生长。


这种抗生素可直接影响细菌的()A. 多糖合成B. RNA 合成C. DNA 复制D. 蛋白质合成5.下列有关大肠杆菌的叙述,正确的是()A. 大肠杆菌拟核的 DNA 中有控制性状的基因B. 大肠杆菌中 DNA 分子数目与基因数目相同C. 在普通光学显微镜下能观察到大肠杆菌的核糖体D. 大肠杆菌分泌的蛋白,需要经过内质网加工6.下列检测生物分子的实验中,关于颜色变化的叙述错误的是()A. 淀粉遇碘液可显蓝色B. 葡萄糖与斐林试剂反应呈砖红色C. 蛋白质与双缩脲试剂反应显紫色D. 脂肪被苏丹 IV 染液染成橘黄色7.下列关于实验中使用普通光学显微镜的说法,错误的是()A. 用高倍镜观察菠菜细胞叶绿体形态时,临时装片需要保持有水状态B. 需要高倍镜下才能观察到洋葱鳞片叶外表皮细胞的质壁分离C. 在低倍镜下可以观察到洋葱根尖分生区细胞的形态及大小D. 用显微镜观察洋葱根尖细胞核时,可用甲基绿进行染色8.植物细胞中水和矿质元素离子会表现出某些特点。




1. 以下哪个国家在第二次世界大战结束后没有实行对战争罪犯的追究和审判?
A. 苏联
B. 法国
C. 美国
D. 英国


2. 中国文化古老而丰富,各个历史时期都留下了不少珍贵文化遗产。

A. 夏朝
B. 汉朝
C. 唐朝
D. 明朝


1. 以下哪个国家罗马帝国的灭亡与其无关?
A. 波斯
B. 日耳曼民族
C. 希腊
D. 斯拉夫民族



2. 下列哪个历史时期发生了“三大战役”?
A. 秦朝
B. 魏晋南北朝
C. 宋朝
D. 元朝





历年专升本真题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四2. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四3. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四4. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四5. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一C. 选项三D. 选项四6. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四7. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四8. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四9. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二C. 选项三D. 选项四10. 根据题目所给的选项,选择最符合题意的一项。

A. 选项一B. 选项二D. 选项四二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. 请在横线上填写正确的单词或短语。

- 例句:The _______ of the project was delayed due to bad weather.12. 请在横线上填写正确的单词或短语。

- 例句:She is an _______ of the company, which means she has a lot of responsibilities.13. 请在横线上填写正确的单词或短语。

- 例句:The _______ of the company has been growing steadily over the years.14. 请在横线上填写正确的单词或短语。



经济师试题历年真题一、选择题1. 下列关于市场需求曲线的说法,不正确的是:A. 市场需求量随价格的上升而减少B. 市场需求量随价格的下降而增加C. 市场需求量受到消费者收入和替代品价格的影响D. 市场需求量受到生产成本的影响2. 以下哪一项属于经济学的核心问题?A. 价格变动对市场需求的影响B. 国际贸易对经济增长的影响C. 政府干预对市场效率的影响D. 税收政策对经济分配的影响3. 若供给曲线向右移动,需求曲线不变,则市场平衡价格将发生的变化是:A. 上升B. 下降C. 不变D. 不确定4. 价格弹性的绝对值越大,表示商品或服务的价格弹性越:A. 低B. 高C. 中等D. 不确定5. 以下哪一项属于形成市场均衡的条件?A. 全体买卖双方具有充分的经济信息B. 政府对市场进行干预控制C. 买卖双方具有相对均等的议价能力D. 生产者和消费者之间不存在其他非价格的扭曲因素二、判断题1. 大规模生产可以降低单位产品成本,但不一定能提高经济效益。

(判断对/错)2. 市场竞争下的经济资源配置可实现最大程度的社会福利。

(判断对/错)3. 经济增长会导致社会贫富差距的扩大。

(判断对/错)4. 资本主义经济体制下,生产资料归私人所有。

(判断对/错)5. 通货膨胀会降低居民的购买力。

(判断对/错)三、简答题1. 简要解释市场需求的概念,并举例说明。

2. 价值是如何在经济中发挥作用的?请用供给和需求的概念解释。

3. 简述价格弹性的概念及其在经济中的应用。

四、论述题请根据以下要求,撰写一篇800字左右的文章:1. 大致论述市场需求和供给的基本原理。

2. 分析市场平衡价格和数量的决定因素。

3. 论述价格弹性在经济决策中的重要作用。






考试历年真题试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是正确的数学表达式?A. 2 + 3 = 5B. 3 × 4 = 12C. 4 ÷ 2 = 6D. 5 - 1 = 42. 根据题目所给的地理信息,下列哪个城市位于赤道附近?A. 北京B. 伦敦C. 里约热内卢D. 吉隆坡3. 以下哪个历史事件标志着第一次世界大战的结束?A. 萨拉热窝事件B. 凡尔赛和约C. 巴黎和会D. 柏林墙倒塌4. 科学实验中,控制变量法的目的是:A. 增加实验的复杂性B. 减少实验的可重复性C. 确保实验结果的准确性D. 增加实验的不确定性5. 根据题目所给的化学方程式,下列哪个反应是氧化还原反应?A. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2OB. 2NaOH + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + 2H2OC. 2CO2 + 2NaOH → Na2CO3 + H2OD. CaCO3 → CaO + CO26. 英语中,以下哪个短语表示“无论何时”?A. WheneverB. WhereverC. WhateverD. Whichever7. 根据题目所给的物理公式,下列哪个公式描述了物体的动量?A. F = maB. E = mc^2C. p = mvD. P = IV8. 在计算机科学中,以下哪个术语描述了程序的执行流程?A. 算法B. 数据结构C. 操作系统D. 编译器9. 根据题目所给的生物分类,下列哪个选项是正确的?A. 人类属于哺乳动物B. 鱼类属于爬行动物C. 昆虫属于植物界D. 鸟类属于两栖动物10. 经济学中,以下哪个概念描述了市场供需平衡的状态?A. 垄断B. 寡头市场C. 完全竞争D. 市场失灵二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. 圆的面积公式为:________。

12. 牛顿第二定律描述了力、质量和加速度之间的关系,其公式为:________。

13. 英语中,“学习”的动词是________。












故选D o3.决定的标题由三种组成,这三部分不包括O oA、决定机构B、决定事由C、决定时间D、文种【答案】C【解析】公文标题由发文机关、发文事由、公文种类三部分组成,称为公文标题“三要素”。










大学数学历年考试真题试卷第一题:选择题(单选题)1. 设函数 f(x) = x^2 - 3x + 2,那么 f(-1) 的值等于:A. 0B. 2C. 4D. 62. 已知集合 A = {2, 4, 6, 8},集合 B = {3, 6, 9},那么A ∩ B 的元素个数是:A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 33. 函数 f(x) = 2x + 3 在区间 [1, 4] 上的最大值是:A. 5B. 7C. 11D. 154. 设有方程组:2x + 3y = 74x + 5y = 11那么 x 的值等于:A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 45. 设集合 A 的元素个数为 n,集合 B 的元素个数为 m,且 m > n。

则 A × B 的元素个数是:A. m + nB. m * nC. n^2D. m^2第二题:计算题(填空题)1. 已知正整数 a = 3^4,b = 2^5,则 a^b = ________。

2. 某商品原价为 800 元,现以 6 折的优惠价销售,打折后的价格为________ 元。

3. 已知矩形的长为 12 cm,宽为 8 cm,则其面积为 ________ 平方厘米。

4. 若函数 f(x) = 2x^3 - x^2 + 3x - 2,那么 f(-2) 的值为 ________。

5. 设集合 A = {a, b, c},集合 B = {1, 2, 3},则 A × B 的元素个数为________。

第三题:证明题证明:对任意正整数 n,恒有 n^2 + n + 1 是奇数。

解:我们先来证明一个引理:任意正整数 k 的平方是奇数。

根据奇数的定义,奇数可以表示为 2m+1(其中 m 为整数),那么k 的平方可以表示为 (2m+1)^2 = 4m^2 + 4m + 1。

我们可以看到,对于任意整数 m,4m^2 + 4m 也一定为偶数,所以k 的平方可以表示为偶数加上1。



经济法基础历年真题及答案一、选择题1.经济法的基本特征包括: A. 法的创制方式多样性 B. 法与经济实现互相制约 C. 法是国家行政机关制定的 D. 经济法是规范经济市场秩序的法律正确答案:B2.下列不属于经济法基本原则的有: A. 保护生态环境原则 B. 公平竞争原则 C. 坚决取缔经济犯罪原则 D. 良性市场秩序原则正确答案:C3.法的履行有自动性和: A. 效果性 B. 相对性 C. 强制性 D. 迫切性正确答案:C4.经济法的基本任务是: A. 调整社会经济关系 B. 规范市场秩序 C. 加强国家对市场的监管 D. 确定市场行为规范正确答案:A二、问答题1.请简要说明经济法的发展历程及其主要特点。










一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,字形、字音完全正确的是:A. 潇洒(xiāo sǎ)沮丧(jǔ sàng)突兀(tū wù)B. 憔悴(qiáo cuì)谨慎(jǐn shèn)精湛(jīng zhàn)C. 瞬息(shùn xī)憾事(hàn shì)恣意(zì yì)D. 恪守(kè shǒu)谨慎(jǐn shèn)精湛(jīng zhàn)2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 为了提高教学质量,学校决定对教师进行一次业务培训。

B. 我们应该发扬中华民族的优良传统,学习老一辈革命家的艰苦奋斗精神。

C. 在这次比赛中,我国运动员取得了优异成绩,受到了国内外的一致好评。

D. 通过这次活动,使大家深刻认识到团结协作的重要性。

3. 下列词语中,不属于成语的是:A. 眼花缭乱B. 一举两得C. 水滴石穿D. 鸡毛蒜皮4. 下列句子中,句式变换正确的一项是:原句:这次活动受到了广大师生的热烈欢迎。

A. 广大师生热烈欢迎这次活动。

B. 这次活动受到广大师生的热烈欢迎。

C. 广大师生热烈欢迎,这次活动。

D. 这次活动,受到广大师生的热烈欢迎。

5. 下列句子中,标点符号使用错误的一项是:A. 我们要珍惜今天的幸福生活,努力学习,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴而努力奋斗!B. 这个故事告诉我们:诚信是做人的根本。

C. 我喜欢读《红楼梦》,它是一部经典文学作品。

D. 这本书有很高的价值,我们应该好好阅读。







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2012/121. The decision about such a big project can not be made ______ each member of the board agrees.A) if B) unless C) though D) as2. There was no proof to show that Charles had committed the crime, ______ he was set free.A) but B) for C) or D) so3. Medical accidents ______ by drugs have attracted much attention in that country.A) causing B) to be caused C) be caused D) caused4. No sooner ______ than I realized I’d left the document at home.A) have we sat down B) had we sat down C) we had sat down D) we sat down5. The sales department of a company is engaged in ______ the products and making profits.A) selling B) sell C) being sold D) having sold6. When I am away ______ buisness, I contact my office every day by email.A) with B) of C) on D) to7. In addition to economic considerations, there are other reasons ______ people work long hours.A) what B) why C) when D) where8. There may be a need for retraining if you expect employees ______ new technology.A) using B) use C) to use D) used9. A survey suggests that nearly one in six children has difficulty ______ to talk.A) to learn B) learning C) learn D) learnt10. It was in their London branch ______ we met and discussed the issue.A) that B) which C) how D) what2012/61. She was quite sure that she ______ the door before she left the office.A) will look B) would look C) has locked D) had locked2. In fact, there are different reasons ______ people are working long hours.A) where B) which C) why D) how3. Broadband(宽带) connections are widely available now, ______ makes online shopping much easier.A) what B) whatever C) who D) which4. The manager decided to continue the sales for ______ two weeks because of the large stock of goods.A) other B) another C) the other D) others5. We don’t have to hurry as the bus ______ for London at five in the evening.A) leaves B) left C) has been leaving D) has left6. ______ great losses in the financial crisis, the company closed down last year.A) Being suffered B) To suffer C) Having suffered D) Suffered7. Last week two engineers ______ to help solve the technical problem of the project.A) have sent B) were sent C) sent D) had sent8. You have to work in this position for two years ______ getting promoted.A) on B) since C) with D) before9. Please feel free to tell us ______ you think about our program so that we can benefit from your views and experience.A) what B) that C) if D) lest10. The company is offering a five percent discount to customers as a way ______ its online sales.A) promoting B) promoted C) to promote D) promotes 2011/121. The manager said that there were two reasons ______our sales dropped sharply last year.A) because B) since C) why D) while2. Now the air pollution in this city ______ more and more serious with each passing day.A) to become B) became C) becoming D) is becoming3. Before the age of the Internet, we used to ______ our holidays through travel agents.A) book B) having booked C) booking D) have booked4. Since the new technology was introduced last month, we ______ in speeding up production.A) succeed B) succeeded C) have succeeded D) will succeed5. In order to improve your communication skills, we will show you how to learn _____ abount your customers than you know now.A) many B) much C) most D) more6. As a public relations officer, you should know your customers ______ detail.A) in B) on C) for D) to7. People invest money in this company ______ they believe it will make profits.A) though B) because C) unless D) until8. ______ you choose to contact us, you can expect our efficient and helpful service.A) No sooner than B) Ever since C) No matter how D) Even though9. Generally, it takes courage for an aged person _______ a new life in a strange country.A) beginning B) began C) to begin D) to have begun10. If we ______ more time and money, we could have visited many more places.A) have B) had had C) have had D) could have 2011/61. I’m very sorry ______ you such a lot of trouble by the delayed shipment.A) caused B) causing C) to have caused D) to be caused2. Hardly ______ his speech when a young woman in the audience rose to make a protest.A) George finished B) does George finishC) George had finished D) had George finished3. If you turn to the right at the corner, you’ll find a path ______ to the historical building.A) lead B) leading C) to lead D) leads4. The working pattern of Hainan Airlines is similar to ______ of Capital Airlines.A) that B) which C) what D) whose5. ______ I had a problem, I would talk with someone online to seek help.A) As if B) Just as C) Every time D) So far6. Every Monday morning when I am in my small office, I wish I ______ in a multi-national company.A) were working B) have worked C) am to work D) work7. I don’t think this software is appropriate ______ the newly designed production line.A) at B) in C) of D) for8. By the time you get to the office I ______ all the documents for the meeting.A) was preparing B) prepared C) had prepared D) will have prepared9. As he ______ to submit the accounting report before 4:30 pm, the assistant hurried to Mr Smith’s office.A) was required B) had required C) requires D) required10. Few companies are interested in providing the software we need ______ the market is small.A) although B) since C) so that D) as if2010/121. We investigated other companies in the market to discover ______ they handled complaints from their customers.A) that B) how C) what D) where2. The Human Resources Department, as well as the other departments, will have its budget ______ to $2 million this year.A) to reduce B) reduce C) reduced D) reducing3. The team is going to hold a party tomorrow after it ______ the project.A) completes B) completed C) will complete D) will have completed4. The new employees had to go over the safety regulations several times ______ they understood them.A) since B) before C) unless D) when5. By the end of next year, I ______ for the company for 10 years.A) work B) am working C) had worked D) will have worked6. ______ arriving at the meeting room, Tina discovered that she had left the sample products in her office.A) By B) Through C) On D) In7. Not until yesterday ______ anything about the new advertising campaign.A) I learned B) have I learned C) did I learn D) that I learned8. Miss Smith’s assistant enjoys ______ for her although she treats him very strictly.A) work B) working C) to work D) worked9. Tom might not have made such a serious mistake if he ______ your advice.A) followed B) follows C) had followed D) has followed10. Jack said the construction of the subway would be completed in October, ______ is a great surprise to us.A) this B) what C) that D) which2010/61. Our company’s visitors decided to stay in our city for ______ two days as they wanted to have a look around.A) other B) the other C) another D) other’s2. According to the timetable, the train for Beijing ______ at 9:10 p.m. from Monday to Friday.A) was leaving B) is leaving C) leaves D) has left3. The new drug will not be put on the market_______ it has proved safe on humans.A) if B) until C) since D) when4. Students are expected to pay the loan back _______ they are earning enough.A) so far as B) now that C) even if D) as soon as5. Immigrants have to adapt themselves culturally and physically to the new surroundings _____ they have moved.A) on which B) by which C) into which D) from which6. The proposal ______ at the meeting now is of great importance to our department.A) being discussed B) to be discussing C) having discussed D) discussing7. It was because of his good performance at the interview ______ he got the job with the big company.A) so B) what C) that D) while8. It is reasonable for people to pursue a career in fields related _______ their favorite hobbies.A) on B) for C) at D) to9. There is no evidence _______ he was on the site of the murder.A) where B) that C) which D) how10. Only when we hurried to the airport ______ the flight was cancelled.A) we found B) did we find C) have we found D) we have found 2009/121. We must find a way to cut prices ______ reducing our profits too much.A) without B) despite C) with D) for2. She didn’t know _______ to express her ideas in English clearly in public.A) which B) why C) what D) how3. ______ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry.A) As B) Since C) While D) Unless4. We are happy at the good news _______ Mr. Black has been awarded the Best Manager.A) that B) which C) what D) whether5. It is important that we _______ the task ahead of time.A) will finish B) finished C) finish D) shall finish6. Would you please pass me the book _______ cover is black?A) which B) whose C) that D) its7. ______ in the company for three years, Mark has become experienced in business negotiations.A) Having worked B) Have been working C) Have worked D) Worked8. Not until she arrived at the meeting room ______ she had forgotten to bring the document.A) she realized B) did she realize C) she did realize D) does she realize9. John had never been abroad before, ______ he found the business trip very exciting.A) because B)though C) so D) while10. ______ some students are able to find employment after graduation, others will have to return to school and earn an advanced degree.A) Since B) While C) Because D) If2009/61. The advertising company recently hired a designer ______ had once won a prize ina national contest.A) whose B) which C) whom D) who2. By the end of this year Mr. Smith _______ in our company for exactly three years.A) is working B) has worked C) will work D) will have worked3. The auto industry spends large amounts of money on marketing campaigns ______ young adult customers.A) attract B) attracted C) to attract D) attracts4. I think that the Great Wall is worth _______ hundreds of miles to visit.A) to travel B) traveling C) traveled D) travel5. The first question we now discuss is ______ we should go there so early tomorrow.A) whether B) where C) what D) whom6. Enclosed you _______ an application form that you are asked to fill out.A) will find B) find C) found D) are finding7. ______ is reported in the newspapers that the talks between the two companies have not made any progress.A) That B) What C) It D) As8. He was attending a meeting, _______ he would have come to your party yesterday.A) unless B) when C) but D) or9. _______ by the failure of the project, the manager could hardly say a word.A) To be shocked B) Shocked C) Be shocked D) Shocking10. The new staff didn’t know how to use the system ______ I explained it to him yesterday.A)until B) because C) if D) since2008/121. Allan is looking forward to _______ his American partner at the trade fair.A) meet B) meeting C) be meeting D) having met2. The sales manager had his secretary ________ a press conference for their new products.A) arrange B) to arrange C) have arranged D) arranged3. The message _______ Mr. Black was elected chairman of the committee arrived just in time.A) which B) what C) that D) how4. They had talked only for a few minutes _______ they found they were of differentopinions.A) unless B) while C) before D) once5. By the time you come to see me next month, I _______ my term paper.A) have completed B) complete C) am completing D) will have completed6. It is important to provide an environment _______ people are encouraged to make suggestions at all levels of the company.A) from which B) on which C) in which D) for which7. The scientists wanted to keep people _______ about the breakthrough in their experiment.A) inform B) informed C) informing D) to inform8. When I first arrived in Japan, I was surprised _______ the way people greeted each other.A) of B) to C) with D) at9. Not until that day _______ the importance of good manners in a job interview.A) did I realize B) I did realize C) I have realized D) have I realized10. The market economy is quickly changing people’s idea on ______ is accepted.A) that B) which C) what D) how2008/61. Most of the retired people are happy _______ their quiet life in the countryside.A) to B) of C) with D) on2. My brother brought me a few reference books, but ______ of them was of any use for my report.A) neither B) none C) either D) all3. I don’t regret _______ her what I thought about her proposal, even if it upset her.A) tell B) to tell C) told D) telling4. ______ that I wasn’t going to get much chance for promotion, I soon became bored with my work.A) To realize B) Realizing C) Being realized D) Realized5. Please note that I will be away from Boston next week, ______ you want to call me and discuss things.A) in case B) unless C) until D) so that6. I tried to get out of the business _______ I found impossible to carry on.A) why B) which C) what D) where7. Jack would rather spend time complaining than _______ the problem by himself.A)solve B) solved C) solves D) to solve8. They will not start the project until the board chairman _______ back from South Africa.A) will come B) is coming C) came D) comes9.Scientists should be kept _______ of the latest developments in their research areas.A) inform B) informing C) informed D) to inform10. Only when we had finished all the work ______ that it was too late to take a bus home.A) did we realize B) will we realize C) we did realize D) we will realize2007/121. Although he did not feel well, he insisted ______ going there together with us.A) to B) on C) at D) for2. I’ll ask Mr. Smith to ring you up ______ he comes back to the office.A) when B) where C) because D) although3. They regard _______ as their duty to provide the best service for their customers.A) this B) what C) it D) that4. Not until the day before yesterday _______ to give a speech at the meeting.A) he agreed B) does he agree C) he agrees D) did he agree5. ______ up at the clock on the wall, the secretary found it was already midnight.A) Looking B) Look C) To look D) Looked6. The first textbook _______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A) writing B) written C) to write D) to be written7. Young _______ he is, he has proved to be an able salesman.A) that B) who C) as D) which8. I don’t doubt _______ the stock market will recover from the economic crisis.A) if B) what C) that D) which9. In our company, great changes _______ since the new manager came.A) took place B) take place C) will have taken place D) have taken place10. News came from the sales manager _______ the new product had been selling well in the local market for three months.A) whose B) what C) which D) that2007/61. There are two maps on the wall: one is a map of China, and _______ is a map of the world.A) other B) another C) the other D) the others2. For years, doctors ______ millions of patients’ lives with the help of microscopes.A) have saved B) are saving C) will save D) were saving3. Once more I have to leave Beijing, _______ I have been living for eight years.A) that B) where C) which D) as4. I was almost asleep last night when I suddenly heard someone _______ at the door.A) be knocking B) knocking C) to knock D) having knocked5. The conference ______ in Beijing next week is bound to be a great success.A) holding B) being held C) to hold D) to be held6. It wasn’t such a good job ______ she had read about in the advertisement.A) like B) which C) as D) what7. It’s my great honor _______to give a speech at the opening ceremony.A)to invite B) inviting C) having invited D) to be invited8. Not until yesterday _______ anything about the project that will be completed soon.A) did I learn B) have I learnt C) I learnt D) that I learnt9. This problem is _______ his ability and I don’t think he can solve it.A) to B) in C) beyond D) under10. She didn’t go to the party last night, ______ she had to finish her term paper.A) if B) though C) till D) because 2006/121. _______ his surprise, the manager found nobody in the meeting room.A) At B) To C) For D) With2. This company has two branches: one in Paris and _______ in New York.A) another B) one other C) the other D) other3. _______ to find the proper job, he decided to give up job-hunting in this city.A) Failed B) Being failed C) To fail D) Having failed4. The proposal _______, we’ll have to make another decision about when to start the project.A) accepted B) accepting C) to accept D) be accepted5. We don’t deny that your products are superior in quality to _______ of Japanese make.A) the one B) that C) these D) those6. It is required that anyone applying for a driver’s license _______ a set of tests.A) take B) takes C) took D) will take7. There is no evidence _______ oil price will come down in the near future.A) which B) that C) where D) as8. The policeman saw the thief _______ he appeared on the street corner.A) not until B) as long as C) the moment D) only if9. The policeman kept his eyes ________ on the screen of the computer to identify the criminal’s footprints.A) fixed B) fixing C) being fixed D) to fix10. Tom _______ the party as no one saw him there yesterday evening.A) can’t attend B) mustn’t attend C) won’t have attended D) could n’t have attended 2006/61. The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ______ the other car.A) at B) to C) on D) for2. The representative of the company demanded that part of the agreement _______ revised.A) will be B) is C) to be D) be3. we’ve got two TV sets, but we still can’t watch anything because ______ works properly.A) each B) either C) neither D) every4. ______ that Bob had got promoted, his friends came to congratulate him.A) Heard B) Having heard C) Hear D) To hear5. Ever since I arrived here, I ______ in the dormitory because it is cheaper.A) lived B) was living C) had been living D) have been living6. Try not to be absent ______ class again for the rest of the term.A) from B) on C) in D) of7. You can’t get a driver’s license _______ you are at least sixteen years old.A) if B) unless C) when D) though8. What do you think of his suggestion _______ we all attend the meeting?A) which B) whether C) that D) what9. The young man lost his job last month, but it wasn’t long _______ he found a new position in my company.A) before B) while C) as D) after10. The harder I tried, ______ it seemed to solve that math problem.A) the impossible B) most impossibleC) the most impossible D) the more impossible.2006/11. My boss said that he was badly ______ need of my assistance.A) at B) in C) for D) with2. She didn’t know ______ to express her ideas clearly when she was invited to speak at a meeting.A) where B) why C) what D) how3. The professor, ______ as a splendid speaker, was warmly received by the students.A) known B) to be know C)knowing D) having known4. ______ tired of Tom’s all-talk-no-action attitude, Julia decide to do the job all by herself.A) To get B) to have got C) Getting D) Have got5. He ______ in this company since he graduated from Andong Technical College ten years ago.A) worked B) has been working C) had worked D) was working6. ______ you have any questions or needs, please contact the manager after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.A) Because B) Where C) If D) Though7. It cost her a lot of money, but she doesn’t regret _______ a year traveling around the world.A) to have spent B) to spend C) spent D) spending8. After _______ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A) being interviewed B) being interviewing C) interviewing D) having interviewed9. He is used to flying by air and on no occasion ______ frightened.A) he has ever felt B) he ever feelsC) ever does he feel D) has he ever felt10. It is most desirable that he ______ for the information by himself with a few clicks online.A) search B) searched C) has searched D) will search 2005/61. ______ Susan gets onto the top of a tall building, she will feel very much frightened.A) Now that B) Even though C) Every time D) Only if2. The chair looks rather unusual in shape, but it is very comfortable to sit ______.A) by B) on C) with D) at3. ______ how to deal with the trouble of the computer, Martin had to ask his brotherfor help.A) Not know B) Not known C) Not to know D) Not knowing4. It’s said that the agreement _______ between the two companies last month will become effective from May 1st.A) to sign B) signed C) to be signed D) signing5. Many people have found _____ uncomfortable to hold the same position for a long time.A) it B) which C) this D) that6. He doesn’t feel like _______ a picnic in the park this weekend, and he suggested watching the football match instead.A) have B) to have C) having D) had7. It was because I wanted to buy a dictionary ______ I went downtown yesterday.A) but B) and C) why D) that8. Though he _______ well prepared before the job interview, he failed to answer some important questions.A) will be B) would be C) has been D) had been9. The cost of traveling around the eight European countries can run as high ______ $2,000.A) to B) as C) by D) for10. This book is designed for the learners ______ native languages are not English.A) whose B) which C) who D) what2004/121. ______ he was seriously ill, I wouldn’t have told him the truth.A) If I knew B) If I know C) Had I known D) Did I know2. She got to know the young man very well ______ she had worked for so long.A) to whom B) in whom C) whom D) with whom3. The car ______ by the side of the road and the driver tried to repair it.A) breaks down B) was breaking down C) has broken down D) broke down4. When he went out, he would wear sunglasses________ nobody would recognize him.A)so that B) now that C) as though D) in case5. We were all excited at the news ________ our manual sales had more than doubled.A) which B) that C) it D) what6. Some people think about their rights ______ than they do about their responsibilities.A) so much B) too much C) much more D) much too7. The City London, _________ repeatedly in 1940 and 1941, lost many of its famous churches.A) bombed B) to bomb C) bombing D) having bombed8. ________ traveling expenses rising a lot, Mrs. White had to change all her plans for the tour.A) Since B) As for C) By D) With9. I felt so embarrassed that I couldn’t do anything but ______ there when I first met my present boss.A) to sit B) sitting C) sat D) sit10. with the introduction of the computer, libraries today are quite different from ______ they were in the past.A) that B) what C) which D) those2004/61. This ATM has been out of service for a few days. It should ______ last week.A) fix B) be fixed C) have fixed D) have been fixed2. We could not have fulfilled the task in time if it ______ for their help.A) was not B) is not C) had not been D) has not been3. The hotel ______ during the vacation was rather poorly managed.A) as I stayed B) where I stayed C) which I stayed D) what I stayed4. I stayed up all night ______ to find a new solution to the problem.A) trying B) have tried C) try D) tried5. By the time you get to Shanghai tomorrow, I ______ for Chongqing.A) am leaving B) will leave C) shall have left D) had left6. ______ he is still working on the project, I don’t mind when he will finish it.A) In case B) As long as C) Even if D) As far as7. If you are worred ______ the problem, you should do something about it.A) with B) for C) on D) about8. ______ with the developed countries, some African countries are left far behind in terms of people’s living standard.A) Compare B) To compare C) Compared D) Comparing9. Li Lei didn’t meet the famous American professor ______ he was on holiday in America last year.A) unless B) until C) if D) whether10. So ______ after she learned the good news that she could hardly fall asleep that night.A) excited the mother was B) was the mother excitedC) the mother was excited D) excited was the motherModel 11. The president who has won the election ______ on television next week.A) be to speak B) is to speak C) is speaking D) to speak2. The project is designed to provide young people ______ work.A) to B) for C) in D) with3. He is one of the leaders ______ to attend the important international conference.A) who have been invited B) who has been invitedC) whom they have invited him D) whom has been invited4. It is high time that you ______ smoking.A) give up B) gave up C) will give up D) must give up5. He ______ for her for one hour by the time she arrived there.A) has been waiting B) has waited C) had been waiting D) waited6. He was fined by the traffic police man for he rode his bicycle on the _____ side of the street.A) other B) poor C) wrong D) another7. ______ wants to see the movie may get a free ticket.A) Who B) That C) If who D) Whoever8. I will not lend the book to you ______ you can return it in time.A) in case B) so that C) unless D) if9. No sooner _____ arrived at the station than it began to snow.A) had I B) I had C) have I D) I have10. ______ I can’t help admiring the man’s courage, I do not approve of his methods.A) Unless B) While C) Since D) Although Model 21. ______ got in the wheat than it began to rain heavily.A) No sooner had they B) No sooner have theyC) No sooner they D) No sooner they had2. He bought her what she wanted, ______ the fact that they were costly.A) even if B) as though C) only if D) regardless of3. We have produced twice as much steel this year ______ 4 years ago.A) than we did B) as we did C) than we have produced D) as we have produced4. Her hair and coat were wet because it ______.A) would be raining B) had been rainingC) would have been raining D) had rained5. I became a teacher because I preferred books and people _______ politics.A) than B) to C) rather D) against6. The farmers, ______ houses had been destroyed by the serious flood, were given help by the government.A) who B) what C) which D) whose7. The experience ______ in the war will be of great value to us.A) to gain B) gaining C) gained D) gain8. In our company, everybody is well taken care of, ______ position he is in.A) as long as B) even if C) now that D) no matter what9. Under no circumstances ______ leave his post.A) a soldier mustn’t B) a soldier mustC) musn’t a soldier D) must a soldier10. As a biologist and ecologist, he is ______ all forms of hunting.A) against B) down C) back D) off。
