七、活动内容1、英语圣诞歌曲大合唱由英语教师带领少儿们学唱几首经典的圣诞英语歌曲,如“Jingle Bells”“We Wish You a Merry Christmas”等。
一、活动主题“欢乐圣诞,英语同行”少儿英语圣诞节活动二、活动目标1. 培养孩子们的英语兴趣,提高他们的英语口语表达能力。
2. 深化孩子们对西方节日文化的了解,增进跨文化交流。
3. 增强团队协作能力,培养孩子们的自信心和表现力。
三、活动时间2021年12月25日(圣诞节当天)四、活动地点学校多功能厅五、活动对象全校1-6年级学生六、活动流程1. 开场致辞(10分钟)由校领导致辞,介绍活动背景和意义,宣布活动正式开始。
2. 圣诞歌曲演唱(20分钟)邀请学生代表演唱经典的圣诞歌曲,营造浓厚的节日氛围。
3. 英语圣诞故事分享(30分钟)由英语教师或外籍教师讲述一个有趣的圣诞故事,让学生们在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语。
4. 英语角色扮演(40分钟)分组进行英语角色扮演,每个小组选择一个与圣诞节相关的主题,如圣诞老人的礼物、圣诞树等,通过角色扮演的方式提高学生的口语表达能力。
5. 圣诞手工制作(40分钟)教师指导学生制作圣诞贺卡、圣诞树等手工制品,让学生在动手实践中感受圣诞节的快乐。
6. 英语知识竞赛(30分钟)以小组为单位进行英语知识竞赛,内容包括圣诞节的习俗、英语单词等,提高学生的英语知识水平。
7. 圣诞礼物互换(20分钟)每个学生准备一个小礼物,在活动中进行互换,增进同学之间的友谊。
8. 结束语(10分钟)由英语教师总结本次活动,鼓励学生在日常生活中继续学习英语,感受圣诞节的快乐。
七、活动准备1. 活动场地布置:悬挂圣诞装饰,营造节日氛围。
2. 活动用品准备:圣诞贺卡、彩纸、剪刀、胶水等手工制作材料。
3. 活动道具准备:圣诞老人、圣诞树等角色扮演道具。
4. 英语教师准备:圣诞故事、英语知识竞赛题目等。
八、活动总结1. 对活动进行总结,肯定学生的表现,鼓励他们在今后的学习中继续努力。
2. 对参与活动的学生进行表彰,奖励优秀个人和优秀团队。
3. 对活动组织者进行总结,分析活动中的优点和不足,为今后类似活动的开展提供借鉴。
(2)给幼儿讲述圣诞节的来历,让幼儿来制作Christmas star , Christmas cards 等活动来体验圣诞节欢乐的气氛。
很有创意的圣诞树!好好喜欢哦...原来梯子还可以这样用(2)将每个窗口打扮起来,也是圣诞装饰重要的一项,它把人带进一个童话般的世界,用铁丝将松枝串扎在一起,挂在窗户周围,串上彩灯,或各色灯笼或在玻璃窗上喷上雪花和“Merry Christmas! ”的字样。
(3)可用彩条在墙壁上围成一个圣诞小屋,还有小雪人等.Jingle bells 》 ; 《We wish you a Merry Christmas 》(4)全校孩子学会唱英语歌曲:《and 《 happy New Year 》, Santa Claus ,stocking , candle ,(5)通过实物或图片学会单词Christmas treereindeer,并学会祝福语“Merry Christmas! ”3.请一名老师扮演圣诞老人,穿上圣诞老人的衣服,背上装有礼物的大包袱,到各个班给给孩子一孩子发礼物,唱圣诞歌。
少儿英语班圣诞节活动方案Title: Christmas Activities for Children's English Class Introduction:Christmas is a joyous festival celebrated by people all around the world. To make this festive season more enjoyable and educational for our young learners, we have planned a series of engaging activities for our Children's English Class. These activities focus on language development, creativity, and cultural understanding. Below is a detailed plan for our Christmas program.Activity 1: Christmas Vocabulary Race (Time: 30 mins) Objective: Enhance vocabulary skills and promote friendly competition.Materials:- Small cards with Christmas-related vocabulary words- Stopwatch or timerProcedure:1. Divide the class into teams of four or five.2. Hand out the vocabulary cards to each team.3. Explain that each team must work together to arrange the cards in alphabetical order as quickly as possible.4. Start the stopwatch and announce "Go!"5. Observe and assist as the teams rearrange the cards.6. Stop the stopwatch when the first team finishes.7. Congratulate the winning team and have a short discussion about the new vocabulary they have learned.Activity 2: Christmas Storytelling and Art (Time: 40 mins) Objective: Improve listening and speaking skills, and foster creativity.Materials:- Picture cards depicting different Christmas scenes- Construction paper- Colored pencils or crayons- Glue- ScissorsProcedure:1. Gather the students in a comfortable area, preferably in a circle.2. Show the students one picture card at a time and ask them simple questions about the scene.3. Use the students' answers to create a collective Christmas story, taking turns adding details.4. Once the story is complete, distribute the construction paper, colored pencils, glue, and scissors.5. Instruct the students to create a collage inspired by the Christmas story they just heard.6. Encourage creativity and engagement in the art-making process.7. Allow time for students to share their collages with the class, explaining the elements they included and their significance in the story.Activity 3: Christmas Crafts (Time: 60 mins)Objective: Develop fine motor skills and imaginative thinking. Materials:- Colored paper- Glitter- Sequins- Pipe cleaners- Googly eyes- Glue- ScissorsProcedure:1. Demonstrate and explain each craft activity step-by-step, ensuring the students understand the instructions.2. Let the students choose which craft they would like to make or assign them different crafts based on their ability level.a. Craft 1: Paper Snowman - students cut out a snowman shape and decorate it with different materials.b. Craft 2: Christmas Tree - students cut out a Christmas tree shape and decorate it with colorful sequins and glitter.c. Craft 3: Reindeer Headbands - students make reindeer antler headbands using pipe cleaners and decorate them with googly eyes and glitter.3. Circulate around the room, providing assistance and guidance as needed.4. Allow students to proudly showcase their crafts to the whole class.Activity 4: Christmas Carol Sing-along (Time: 20 mins) Objective: Develop pronunciation skills, memory, and create a joyful atmosphere.Materials:- Song lyrics sheets printed with popular Christmas carols- A speaker or music playerProcedure:1. Distribute the song lyrics sheets to each student.2. Play the selected Christmas carols using the speaker or music player.3. Encourage students to sing along with the music, following the lyrics.4. Repeat each carol at least twice to allow students to practice and become familiar with the melody and lyrics.5. Provide positive feedback and encouragement throughout the singing session.6. Allow individual students or groups to perform a carol they have practiced during class.7. End the sing-along session with a round of applause. Conclusion:By organizing these engaging and educational activities, our Children's English Class will not only celebrate the Christmas season but also develop language skills, creativity, and cultural understanding among our young learners. These activities encourage active participation, cooperation, and joyous learning experiences. We hope that these activities will leave a lasting impression on the students and continue to inspire their love for the English language.。
活动时间:12月中旬活动地点:学校礼堂或多功能教室活动人员:1. 学校英语教师(主持活动并提供指导)2. 学生志愿者(协助活动的顺利进行)活动准备:1. 购置圣诞节装饰品(例如彩灯、圣诞树、圣诞袜等)。
2. 准备英语圣诞节歌曲、故事本等教材。
3. 分配活动任务给相应的工作人员,如负责节目表演、游戏策划等。
活动流程:1. 活动开场在学校礼堂或多功能教室中进行,通过播放欢快的圣诞音乐和闪亮的灯光营造欢乐的氛围。
2. 圣诞姆爷问答游戏由学生志愿者扮演圣诞姆爷(Santa Claus),与小学生们进行简单的英语问答游戏。
3. 圣诞歌曲表演学生们分为若干小组,每个小组准备一首圣诞歌曲的表演。
4. 圣诞故事时间学校英语教师为小学生们讲述一些简短有趣的圣诞故事,通过故事的形式加深他们对圣诞节的了解。
5. 制作圣诞手工准备纸、彩色笔、剪刀、胶水等材料,让学生们动手制作圣诞手工品,如圣诞卡片、圣诞贺礼等。
6. 圣诞游戏时间设计一些有趣的圣诞游戏,如“传递圣诞礼物”、“找出不同的圣诞图案”等。
7. 结束仪式活动结束前,进行简短的总结发言,感谢学生、教师和志愿者的支持和参与。
注意事项:1. 确保活动场地安全,避免出现意外事故。
2. 活动过程中需有足够的教师和志愿者参与,负责照看学生,维持秩序。
3. 活动内容要简洁生动,符合小学生年龄特点,附上适量的互动环节。
LL English学习中心圣诞节活动方案一、活动对象:全体学员及潜在学员二、时间地点:三、流程:(一)前期准备节日氛围及环境创设(1)摆设一棵圣诞树Christmas tree,并把圣诞树用塑料栅栏围起来。
(二)接待请一名老师扮演圣诞老人,穿上圣诞老人的衣服,背上装有礼物的大包袱,在门口接待孩子,孩子与圣诞老人互相祝福:Merry Christmas!给孩子发圣诞礼物。
(三)活动内容及具体安排1.开场:圣诞节合唱曲(Hypatia领队大家合唱Christmas EveChorus)A. Jingle bellsB.WewishyouaMerryChristmasandahappyNewYear!2.圣诞节介绍由外教跟大家介绍一下圣诞节的由来及活动。
学员可学习一些关于圣诞的单词:Christmas symbols圣诞象征物:(1)Santa Claus圣诞老人--圣诞老人是一位身穿红袍、头戴红帽的白胡子老爷爷。
(4)Christmas tree圣诞树--常青树象征着寒冬的结束。
具体安排如下:- 12月20日:英语小品表演- 12月22日:圣诞主题英语角- 12月24日:节日派对活动内容1. 英语小品表演- 参与者:所有学员,分成小组,每组3到5人- 内容:根据经典的圣诞故事(比如《圣诞颂歌》)编排小品- 目标:提高学员的口语表达能力和团队合作能力2. 圣诞主题英语角- 主题:围绕“圣诞传统与习俗”,学员可以自由分享自己的圣诞经历- 目标:增强学员的英语表达能力,培养他们的自信心3. 节日派对- 内容:提供各种美味的圣诞食物,还有一些有趣的游戏,比如“圣诞老人传递礼物”- 目标:在轻松愉快的氛围中,促进学员之间的交流物资准备- 小品表演道具:简单的服装和道具,预算大概300元- 英语角材料:准备一些关于圣诞的文章和图片,预算大约100元- 派对食物与饮料:预计需要500元,选择一些简单的点心和饮品宣传与推广活动前一周,我们会通过微信群、海报和机构官网进行宣传,鼓励学员们积极参与。
少儿英语圣诞节活动策划Title: Christmas Wonderland - Fun-filled Activities for Children Introduction:Christmas is a time of joy and excitement, especially for children. This year, our aim is to create a Christmas wonderland that brings happiness and creates unforgettable memories for children. We have planned a series of fun-filled activities that not only entertain the children but also help them learn and appreciate the true essence of Christmas. Let’s dive into the magical world of Christmas together!Date: December 25th, 20XXVenue: ABC Community CenterBudget: $XXXX1. Arrival at the Christmas Wonderland:Upon arrival, each child will receive a warm welcome and a special Christmas hat. They will be assigned to different groups, each led by a chaperone. Children will also receive a personalized schedule of activities for the day.2. Santa Claus Meet and Greet:The children will have the opportunity to meet Santa Claus in his enchanting grotto. They can have their photos taken with Santa Claus and share their Christmas wishes. Santa Claus will also hand out small gifts to each child.3. DIY Christmas Crafts:Children will be encouraged to showcase their creativity by participating in various Christmas-themed crafts. They can make their own Christmas cards, ornaments, or even try their hand at painting Santa Claus and reindeer on canvas. All the necessary materials will be provided, and art teachers will guide the children throughout the process.4. Christmas Baking Workshop:This interactive workshop aims to expose children to the joy of baking and decorating Christmas treats. Each child will have the opportunity to make and decorate their own Christmas cookies or cupcakes. Special Christmas-themed recipes will be provided, and professional chefs will demonstrate the techniques. Children will be able to take their creations home.5. Christmas Choir:In the spirit of Christmas, we will organize a choir performance. Leading up to the event, children will have the opportunity to practice Christmas carols and songs. On the day, they will perform for their parents and other attendees. Rehearsals will be held in the weeks leading up to the event, and experienced music teachers will lead the choir.6. Winter Wonderland Games:To add an element of fun and excitement, a series of winter-themed games will be organized outdoors. Some of the games include snowball toss, sack race, and a snowman-building competition. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of each game. Professional entertainers will be present to ensure the safety andenjoyment of the children.7. Storytelling:A cozy corner will be set up for storytelling sessions. Children will gather in groups to listen to Christmas stories and engage in interactive storytelling activities. Professional storytellers will bring the magic of Christmas to life through their captivating tales.8. Dance Party:To conclude the event on a high note, a Christmas-themed dance party will be held. Children will have the opportunity to showcase their dance moves as they groove to popular Christmas songs. Dance instructors will be present to teach fun and easy dance routines.Conclusion:With this well-planned Christmas Wonderland, we aim to create a memorable experience for children, filled with joy, laughter, and the spirit of Christmas. The diverse range of activities will cater to the interests and abilities of each child. Let us come together and celebrate Christmas in a magical and unforgettable way!。
少儿英语圣诞节活动策划案Title: Christmas Funland - Exciting Activities for Children Introduction:Christmas Funland is an exciting event designed specifically for children to make their Christmas celebrations memorable and enjoyable. This event aims to bring together children from various backgrounds and provide them with a platform to embrace the festive spirit. With a host of engaging activities, games, and workshops, Christmas Funland promises an experience filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories.Objective:1. To create a festive ambiance for children to celebrate Christmas.2. To foster creativity, teamwork, and social interaction among children.3. To provide children with opportunities to learn about Christmas traditions and values.4. To promote the spirit of giving and kindness among children. Event Details:Theme: The Magical Winter WonderlandDate: 24th December 20XXTime: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PMLocation: XYZ ParkAdmission: FreeActivity Zones:1. Santa's Workshop:Children will get the chance to participate in various creative workshops themed around Christmas. They can learn how to make Christmas cards, decorations, and even create their own unique gifts for friends and family. The workshop will be supervised by experienced artists and volunteers who will guide and encourage the children throughout the process.2. Snowball Fun Zone:This zone will be filled with artificial snow, where children can have snowball fights, build snowmen, and enjoy sledding. The area will have separate zones for different age groups to ensure the safety of the children. Trained staff will be present to monitor the activities and provide guidance.3. Reindeer Rides:Children will have the opportunity to take a ride on Santa's magical reindeer. Trained handlers will ensure the smooth and safe operation of the rides. Children will be allowed to feed and interact with the reindeer under supervision.4. Christmas Carol Stage:A dedicated stage will be set up where children can showcase their singing and dancing talents. There will be a range of Christmas carols and songs to choose from. Children can participate individually or in groups. Prizes will be awarded for the bestperformances to encourage and motivate the participants.5. Santa's Grotto:Santa's Grotto will be the highlight of the event. Children can meet Santa Claus, share their Christmas wishes, and even take pictures with him. Each child will receive a small gift from Santa as a memento of the event.6. Face Painting and Tattoo Zone:Professional face painters will be present to transform children's faces into their favorite Christmas characters, such as reindeers, snowmen, or elves. Additionally, a temporary tattoo stall will offera variety of Christmas-themed designs for children to choose from.7. Christmas Storytelling:A storytelling corner will be set up where experienced storytellers will engage children with enchanting tales of Christmas. The stories will focus on teaching valuable lessons, such as kindness, sharing, and the importance of family.8. Charity Corner:Children will learn the significance of giving back during the festive season by participating in charity activities. They can donate toys, books, or clothes that will be distributed to underprivileged children. This zone will educate children about the joy of helping others and building a compassionate community. Conclusion:Christmas Funland aims to provide children with an exciting and memorable Christmas experience. The event will offer a diverserange of activities, ensuring there is something to suit the interests and preferences of every child. Through engaging workshops, rides, performances, and charitable endeavors, the event hopes to instill the values of love, compassion, and joy in children, making their Christmas celebrations truly special.。
少儿英语圣诞节活动课策划Title: Fun-filled Christmas Activities for KidsIntroduction:Christmas is a joyous time of the year, especially for children. It is a time when they can indulge in festivities, games, and learning activities that revolve around the spirit of Christmas. This Christmas activity lesson plan aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the various activities that can be conducted to make the Christmas season a memorable one for children. These activities are designed to be fun, interactive, and educational.I. Language Arts Activities:1. Christmas Storytelling:Objective: To enhance listening and vocabulary skills and stimulate creativity.Method: The teacher will read or tell a Christmas story, such as "A Christmas Carol" or "The Night Before Christmas," to the children. After the story, the children will participate in a discussion and create their own endings to the story.2. Christmas Card Making:Objective: To improve writing skills and foster creativity. Method: Provide children with art supplies like colored papers, ribbons, buttons, and glitters. They can create handmade Christmas cards for their friends and family. Encourage them to write personalized messages in their cards.3. Christmas Word Search:Objective: To improve spelling and vocabulary skills.Method: Create a Christmas-themed word search puzzle with words related to the holiday season (e.g., Santa, reindeer, presents). The children will search for the words in the puzzle, and discuss their definitions and usage.II. Arts and Crafts Activities:1. Christmas Tree Decoration:Objective: To encourage creativity and enhance motor skills. Method: Provide children with artificial Christmas trees and a variety of craft materials like ribbons, beads, sequins, and colorful paper. They can decorate the trees using these materials, creating unique and personalized Christmas trees.2. Clay Ornaments:Objective: To encourage creativity and fine motor skills. Method: Provide children with clay and tools to mold it. Instruct them to create Christmas-themed ornaments like Santa Claus, snowman, or Christmas stockings. Once the clay ornaments are dry, children can paint them or add details using markers.3. Snow Globe Making:Objective: To enhance creativity and spatial awareness. Method: Provide children with empty glass jars, plastic figurines, glitter, and water. Instruct them to glue the figurines inside the jar lids and add the glitter. Help children to screw the lids tightly to the jars, creating their own snow globes.III. Physical Activities:1. Christmas Freeze Dance:Objective: To encourage physical activity and listening skills. Method: Play Christmas-themed music and instruct the children to dance. When the music stops, they have to freeze in their positions. Anyone who is still moving is out of the game. The last child remaining wins a small prize.2. Santa Says:Objective: To improve listening skills and following directions. Method: Play a variation of "Simon Says" with a Christmas twist. Instead of "Simon says," use "Santa says." Instruct the children to perform actions like touch their nose, hop on one leg, or pat their head. If they perform actions without the "Santa says" prefix, they are out of the game.3. Reindeer Relay Race:Objective: To promote teamwork and physical activity. Method: Divide children into teams. Each team chooses one player to be the reindeer. The children have to run, doing various tasks like skipping or hopping, and pass a baton to the next team member. The first team to finish the relay race wins.IV. Cooking and Baking Activities:1. Decorate Christmas Cookies:Objective: To enhance creativity and fine motor skills. Method: Provide children with pre-baked cookie shapes like stars, Christmas trees, or snowmen. They can decorate the cookies with colored icing, candies, and sprinkles. Encourage them to becreative in designing their own Christmas cookies.2. Make Hot Chocolate:Objective: To improve culinary skills and promote a sense of warmth during winter.Method: Help children measure and mix ingredients like cocoa powder, milk, and sugar to make hot chocolate. They can also add marshmallows or whipped cream as toppings. Sit together and enjoy the hot chocolate with some Christmas stories or songs. Conclusion:With these engaging and educational Christmas activities, children can have a blast while learning about the holiday season. These activities enhance their language arts skills, artistic abilities, physical fitness, and culinary skills. Ensure a memorable Christmas for your little ones by providing them with a fun and enriching holiday experience.。
儿童英语圣诞节活动策划Introduction:Christmas is one of the most joyous festivals for children around the world. It is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate. In this article, we will present a detailed plan for organizing a fun-filled Christmas activity for children. This activity aims to not only entertain children but also teach them the values and spirit of Christmas.Objective:The objective of this activity is to create a memorable Christmas experience for children. We aim to create an atmosphere of joy and happiness, and also promote values such as kindness, gratitude, and sharing.Preparation:1. Venue: Find a suitable venue, such as a community center or school hall, that can accommodate a large number of children and provides enough space for various activities.2. Decorations: Transform the venue into a winter wonderland by decorating it with Christmas trees, colorful lights, and festive ornaments. Create a warm and inviting atmosphere that captures the essence of Christmas.3. Volunteers: Recruit volunteers who can help organize and facilitate the activities. These volunteers should be enthusiastic, responsible, and have a passion for working with children. Activities:1. Santa's Workshop:a. Set up a designated area as Santa's Workshop, where childrencan engage in different crafts and activities related to Christmas. b. Provide materials for children to make their own Christmas cards, decorations, and ornaments. Encourage creativity and imagination.c. Have a designated volunteer dress up as Santa Claus and visit the workshop, interacting with children and spreading holiday cheer.2. Carol Singing:a. Organize a choir of children, who will rehearse and perform traditional Christmas carols.b. Encourage children to practice singing the carols in advance and provide lyric sheets for them to follow along.c. Invite friends and family to watch the performance. This will not only boost the children's confidence but also spread the joy of Christmas to others.3. Storytelling:a. Arrange a storytelling session, where volunteers will read classic Christmas stories to the children.b. Choose stories that emphasize the values of Christmas, such as kindness, love, and giving.c. After the storytelling, have a brief discussion with the children to reflect on the lessons and morals of the stories.4. Sweet Treat Workshop:a. Set up a station where children can decorate their own Christmas cookies or cupcakes.b. Provide an assortment of frosting, sprinkles, and candies for the children to embellish their treats.c. This activity not only allows children to unleash their creativity but also teaches them the joy of giving, as they can share their creations with friends and family.5. Gift Exchange:a. Organize a gift exchange activity, where each child brings a small, wrapped gift to share with another child.b. Emphasize the importance of giving by encouraging the children to think of something meaningful or handmade to give.c. This activity promotes the spirit of generosity and teaches children the joy of both giving and receiving.Conclusion:Organizing a Christmas activity for children is a wonderful way to bring happiness and holiday spirit into their lives. By incorporating various activities that promote values like kindness, love, and generosity, children not only have a great time but also learn the true meaning of Christmas. Remember, Christmas is a season of joy and celebration, and by planning a fun-filled activity, you can create lasting memories for children that they will cherish for years to come.。
圣诞节少儿英语活动策划Title: Engaging Christmas Activities for Children Introduction:Christmas is a time of joy, love, and happiness. It is not only a religious festival but also a time for families to come together, exchange gifts, and create lasting memories. For children, Christmas holds a special place in their hearts, filled with excitement and wonder. This article aims to provide a comprehensive plan for organizing engaging Christmas activities for children, which include crafts, games, and storytelling.I. Christmas Crafts:1. Christmas Card Making:- Provide blank cards, colored pens, stickers, and glitter.- Encourage children to design and create their own personalized Christmas cards for their loved ones.- Organize a card writing station where children can write heartfelt messages inside the cards.2. Snow Globe Making:- Supply transparent plastic jars, small figurines, glitter, and glycerin.- Show children how to glue the figurine onto the jar's lid and add glitter.- After that, fill the jar with water and glycerin to create the illusion of falling snow.- Make sure to seal the jar tightly before allowing children to shake and enjoy their homemade snow globes.3. Christmas Wreath Decoration:- Provide plain wreaths, ribbons, ornaments, and hot glue guns. - Instruct children to wrap the wreaths with the ribbons, and then let them use the hot glue guns to attach the ornaments.- Encourage creativity and allow children to personalize their wreaths with additional materials such as pinecones or bows.II. Christmas Games:1. Santa's Sack:- Divide children into pairs and provide each pair with a large sack.- Fill the sacks with various Christmas-themed items such as wrapped presents, candy canes, or ornaments.- Instruct one child from each pair to wear a blindfold and guide their partner to find specific items within a given time limit.- The pair who collects the most items correctly wins.2. Christmas Charades:- Prepare Christmas-themed words or phrases on small pieces of paper.- Divide children into teams and let each team take turns acting out the words or phrases without speaking.- The team that correctly guesses the most words or phrases within a specified time wins.3. Pin the Nose on Rudolph:- Hang a large poster of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer on the wall.- Blindfold each child, spin them around, and give them a red pompom with double-sided tape.- Instruct children to place the red nose as close as possible to where they think Rudolph's nose should be.- The child who places the nose closest to the correct position wins.III. Christmas Storytelling:1. Santa's Workshop Tale:- Gather children in a cozy area and read a story about Santa's workshop and his elves.- Provide coloring sheets related to the story and let children color while listening.- After the story, encourage children to share what they enjoyed most and talk about their own Christmas wishes.2. The Night Before Christmas:- Read aloud the classic poem "The Night Before Christmas" by Clement Clarke Moore.- Create a small stage or puppets for children to enact the story while you read.- Allow children to take turns playing different characters and bring the story to life.Conclusion:By organizing engaging Christmas activities for children, we can help them embrace the spirit of the holiday season while creating cherished memories. Crafts, games, and storytelling activities enable children to express their creativity, enjoy friendly competition, and appreciate the joy of sharing stories together. Let's make this Christmas a fun-filled and memorable experience for all the children involved.。
组长:副组长:家长学员接待:音乐播放:照相:会场秩序:物料准备:圣诞老人:学校内部布置:教室活动:后勤人员:活动场景布置:1、门口:圣诞老人在门口迎候,迎接语:Merry Christmas!2、前台:摆放圣诞树,必须有闪烁的彩灯和小礼物,前台装饰气球,彩带3,走廊:粘贴圣诞图画,小朋友们的圣诞寄语,签名板4,天花板:悬挂吊图、拉花5,教室布置:气球挂在墙上,彩圈围成心形,还可以拼写Merry Christmas成黑板和墙壁老师与同学也可自己设计座位图:分为三部分:1:观众2:评委3主持人具体流程图如下:开场前,会场持续播放温馨的英文歌曲,营造气氛。
1:开场歌曲/开场白Christmas In My HeartOver The RainbowMoonlightshadow甩葱歌SatisfiedJust One Last Dance2:节目(前)3:游戏环节(待确定好节目后,按内容分别插入节目前后)①你来比划我来猜(7~13)②贴鼻子(5~13)③小小运输员(9~13)④水果蹲(7~13)⑤爸爸妈妈我爱你(3~5)⑥单词大闯关(3~13)游戏详细规则:1、把需要比划的英文词组或句子用投影显示出来,比划的人面对投影,猜的人背对投影面对比划的人。
3、两名小朋友互相配合将气球背对背夹到magical box中。
50秒,哪对运输的气球最多,哪组为优秀小小运输员!4、每位小朋友拿好属于自己的ID card(fruit),从第一个小朋友开始。
圣诞节活动方案少儿英语Christmas Activity Plan for ChildrenIntroduction:Christmas is a special time of the year when people come together to celebrate the birth of Jesus and spread joy and love. It is also a time when children eagerly anticipate receiving gifts from Santa Claus. In order to make this festive season memorable and enjoyable for children, it is important to plan various activities that engage and entertain them. This article presents a detailed Christmas activity plan for children, which includes games, crafts, storytelling, baking, and singing.Activity 1: Christmas Crafts WorkshopObjective: Engage children in creating Christmas-themed crafts while fostering creativity and imagination.Materials Needed: Construction paper, glue, scissors, markers, glitter, pompoms, ribbons, colored pencils, and various craft supplies.Duration: 1-2 hoursInstructions:1. Provide children with a variety of craft materials and instruct them to create Christmas decorations such as snowflakes, stockings, reindeer, and Santa Claus using construction paper.2. Help children cut out shapes and use glue to attach different pieces together.3. Encourage children to embellish their crafts with markers, glitter, pompoms, ribbons, and other decorative materials.4. Display the completed crafts around the room as decorations.Activity 2: Christmas StorytellingObjective: Stimulate children's imagination, creativity, and listening skills through storytelling.Materials Needed: Christmas storybooks with colorful illustrations. Duration: 30-45 minutesInstructions:1. Gather children in a cozy area with blankets and pillows.2. Choose a Christmas-themed storybook with engaging illustrations.3. Read the story aloud, using expressive voices and gestures to captivate the children's attention.4. After finishing the story, encourage children to discuss the characters, plot, and their favorite parts of the story.5. Allow children to share their own imaginative Christmas stories or draw pictures related to the story they heard.Activity 3: Christmas BakingObjective: Teach children basic baking skills while creating delicious treats.Materials Needed: Cookie dough, cookie cutters, icing, food coloring, sprinkles, baking sheets, oven, and various kitchen utensils.Duration: 1-2 hoursInstructions:1. Preheat the oven according to the cookie dough instructions.2. Divide the cookie dough into individual portions and provide each child with their personal portion.3. Show children how to roll out the dough to an even thickness using a rolling pin.4. Guide children in using the cookie cutters to create various Christmas shapes (e.g. gingerbread man, Christmas tree, snowflake).5. Place the cut-out cookies on baking sheets and bake them according to the dough instructions.6. After the cookies have cooled, provide children with icing, food coloring, and sprinkles to decorate their cookies.7. Allow children to take home their baked treats or enjoy them together with a glass of milk.Activity 4: Christmas Carol SingingObjective: Encourage children to express themselves through music while spreading holiday cheer.Materials Needed: Christmas song lyrics, musical instruments (optional).Duration: 30-45 minutesInstructions:1. Prepare a songbook with popular Christmas carols and their lyrics.2. Gather children in a circle and distribute the songbooks.3. Lead children in singing Christmas carols, using recorded music or playing simple tunes on musical instruments if available.4. Encourage children to take turns choosing their favorite songs from the songbook.5. Teach hand gestures or dance moves to accompany certain songs.6. Provide applause and encouragement after each child finishestheir performance.Conclusion:By organizing a variety of engaging activities, children can have a memorable and enjoyable Christmas season. The Christmas craft workshop provides an opportunity for children to express their creativity, while storytelling enhances their imagination and listening skills. Through the Christmas baking activity, children learn basic skills in the kitchen while creating delicious treats. Lastly, Christmas carol singing promotes self-expression and spreads holiday cheer. Together, these activities create a festive and joyful atmosphere for children during the Christmas season.。
少儿英语圣诞节活动方案Title: Fun-filled Christmas Activities for Children Introduction:Christmas is a magical time of the year, especially for children. It is a time for joy, love, and sharing. To make this Christmas even more memorable, we have prepared a series of exciting activities for children. These activities will not only entertain them but also help them learn about the true spirit of Christmas. Let's dive into the fun-filled world of Christmas!Activity 1: Christmas Craft Workshop (Duration: 2 hours) Objective: Encourage creativity and imagination while creating handmade Christmas decorations.Materials Needed:- Colourful papers- Glue- Scissors- Ribbons- Glitter- Markers- Googly eyes- Pipe cleaners- Pom poms- ButtonsProcedure:1. Begin by explaining the importance of handmade decorations during Christmas.2. Provide children with the necessary materials.3. Demonstrate how to make paper snowflakes, Christmas tree ornaments, and reindeer.4. Assist children as they create their own decorations.5. Encourage creativity and allow children to personalize their crafts.6. Take a group picture with their finished crafts as a keepsake.Activity 2: Christmas Storytelling Session (Duration: 30 minutes) Objective: Promote listening skills and introduce children to the story of Christmas.Materials Needed:- Christmas storybookProcedure:1. Gather children in a comfortable space.2. Introduce the story of Christmas, focusing on the birth of Jesus and the values of love, kindness, and compassion.3. Read a Christmas storybook that reflects the significance of the holiday.4. Encourage children to ask questions and share their thoughts about the story.5. Conclude the session by asking children to illustrate their favorite part of the story on paper.Activity 3: Christmas Carol Singing Contest (Duration: 1 hour) Objective: Encourage teamwork, boost confidence, and celebrate the joy of Christmas through music.Materials Needed:- Song lyrics for popular Christmas carolsProcedure:1. Divide children into groups.2. Assign each group a Christmas carol and provide them with the song lyrics.3. Allocate some practice time for each group to familiarize themselves with the lyrics and tune.4. Organize a friendly singing contest where each group performs their chosen carol.5. Encourage children to use props, costumes, and simple choreography to make the performance more engaging.6. Award prizes or certificates for "Best Performance," "Best Costume," and "Most Enthusiastic Group."Activity 4: Christmas-themed Games (Duration: 1.5 hours) Objective: Promote fun, laughter, and friendly competition among children.Materials Needed:- Santa sack- Decorative stockings- Candy canes- Blindfolds- Jingle bells- Wreaths- Santa hatsProcedure:1. Prepare various Christmas-themed games, such as "Pin the Nose on Rudolph," "Musical Chairs with Jingle Bells," and "Santa Sack Race."2. Divide children into small groups and rotate them through each game station.3. Explain the rules and demonstrate how to play each game.4. Monitor and support children as they participate in the games.5. Award small prizes for winners and encourage all participants for their effort.Conclusion:With these exciting Christmas activities, children will have a memorable and fun-filled holiday season. They will not only enjoy crafts, storytelling, singing, and games, but also learn about the values of love, kindness, and sharing. Let us celebrate Christmas together, spreading joy and happiness among the little ones!。
圣诞节活动策划少儿英语Christmas Activity Plan for ChildrenIntroduction:Christmas is a special time that brings joy, love, and laughter. It is the perfect occasion to create unforgettable memories with children. This activity plan will include a variety of fun and educational activities for children during the Christmas season. These activities will enhance their creativity, promote teamwork, and teach them the true meaning of Christmas.Activity 1: Christmas Crafts WorkshopObjective: Develop creativity and fine motor skills.Materials needed: Construction paper, glue, scissors, craft sticks, markers, cotton balls, etc.Duration: 1 hourDescription:1. Begin the workshop by explaining the importance of Christmas crafts and how they make the holiday season more special.2. Demonstrate how to make simple crafts like snowflakes, paper stockings, and reindeer using the provided materials.3. Allow children to express their creativity by making their own crafts.4. Encourage them to exchange their crafts with each other as a symbol of spreading Christmas joy.Activity 2: Christmas Carol Singing ContestObjective: Promote teamwork and enhance musical skills. Materials needed: Song lyrics, music player, microphone.Duration: 1 hourDescription:1. Divide the children into groups and assign a popular Christmas carol to each group.2. Provide them with the lyrics and play the instrumental version of the carols.3. Encourage each group to practice and perform the carol in front of an audience.4. Award certificates or small prizes for the best performance, creativity, and teamwork.Activity 3: Christmas Cookie BakingObjective: Teach basic cooking skills and promote sharing. Materials needed: Cookie dough, cookie cutters, baking trays, icing, sprinkles, etc.Duration: 2 hoursDescription:1. Begin by explaining the importance of sharing during Christmas and how baking cookies is a fun way to spread joy.2. Divide the children into small groups and provide them with the necessary materials.3. Instruct them to use the cookie cutters to shape the dough.4. After baking, allow the children to decorate the cookies with icing and sprinkles.5. Encourage them to share their cookies with family, friends, or those in need.Activity 4: Christmas Movie MarathonObjective: Promote relaxation and teach moral values.Materials needed: Christmas movies suitable for children, projector, popcorn, blankets, etc.Duration: 2 hoursDescription:1. Create a cozy atmosphere by preparing blankets, pillows, and dim lights.2. Choose age-appropriate Christmas movies that teach values like kindness, generosity, and love.3. During the movie marathon, pause at certain scenes to discuss the moral lessons depicted.4. Provide popcorn and other snacks for the children to enjoy during the movies.Activity 5: Christmas Charity SaleObjective: Teach the importance of giving and philanthropy. Materials needed: Crafted items made by children, price tags, tables, etc.Duration: 2 hoursDescription:1. Encourage children to create handmade crafts or cards in advance.2. Organize a charity sale where the children can display and sell their crafts.3. Explain the concept of charity and the importance of donating the proceeds to a chosen cause.4. Allow the children to feel the joy of giving as they interact with customers and sell their items.5. Count and announce the total amount raised, and celebrate their contribution to the chosen cause.Conclusion:This Christmas activity plan for children aims to provide an engaging and educational experience during the festive season. By participating in these activities, children will develop important skills, learn about the true spirit of Christmas, and create lasting memories. Remember to adapt the activities according to the age and abilities of the children involved. Merry Christmas!。
二、活动目标1. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,提高英语口语表达能力。
2. 了解西方文化,增进对不同文化的尊重和包容。
3. 增强团队合作精神,提高学生的综合素质。
三、活动时间2022年12月23日(周五)下午2:00-4:00四、活动地点学校多功能厅五、活动内容1. 开场致辞:由校长或英语老师发表简短的致辞,介绍圣诞节的意义和本次活动的内容。
2. 英语歌曲演唱:邀请学生表演英语歌曲,如《Jingle Bells》、《We Wish Youa Merry Christmas》等,让学生在歌曲中感受圣诞节的氛围。
3. 英语情景剧表演:组织学生分组进行英语情景剧表演,内容可包括圣诞老人的故事、圣诞节的庆祝活动等,让学生在表演中锻炼英语口语。
4. 英语知识竞赛:设计一系列与圣诞节相关的英语知识题目,让学生在竞赛中巩固所学知识,提高英语水平。
5. 手工制作圣诞礼物:组织学生制作圣诞贺卡、圣诞树等手工礼物,培养学生的动手能力和创造力。
6. 圣诞美食分享:邀请学生带来自己制作的圣诞美食,如圣诞蛋糕、饼干等,共同分享美食的喜悦。
7. 英语演讲比赛:邀请学生进行英语演讲,主题可以是关于圣诞节的故事、自己的节日愿望等,提高学生的英语口语表达能力和自信心。
8. 总结发言:由英语老师或学生代表进行总结发言,回顾本次活动的内容和收获。
六、活动准备1. 准备活动场地,布置圣诞氛围,如挂圣诞树、彩带等。
2. 准备活动所需的道具、音乐、奖品等。
3. 组织学生进行排练,确保活动顺利进行。
4. 安排教师和志愿者协助活动进行。
七、活动注意事项1. 确保活动过程中学生的安全,避免发生意外。
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圣诞活动策划(TOTS段)1. 活动目标:(1)通过活动让幼儿了解中西方国家的文化的差别,知道圣诞节是西方的重要节日,培养幼儿学英语的兴趣。
(2)给幼儿讲述圣诞节的来历,让幼儿来制作Christmas star,Christmas cards等活动来体验圣诞节欢乐的气氛。
很有创意的圣诞树!好好喜欢哦...原来梯子还可以这样用(2)将每个窗口打扮起来,也是圣诞装饰重要的一项,它把人带进一个童话般的世界,用铁丝将松枝串扎在一起,挂在窗户周围,串上彩灯,或各色灯笼或在玻璃窗上喷上雪花和“Merry Christmas!”的字样。
(3)可用彩条在墙壁上围成一个圣诞小屋,还有小雪人等.(4)全校孩子学会唱英语歌曲:《Jingle bells》;《 We wish you a Merry Christmas》 and 《happy New Year》(5)通过实物或图片学会单词Christmas tree ,Santa Claus ,stocking,candle,reindeer,并学会祝福语“Merry Christmas!”3. 请一名老师扮演圣诞老人,穿上圣诞老人的衣服,背上装有礼物的大包袱,到各个班给孩子发礼物,唱圣诞歌。
早上晨接的时候也可以请圣诞老人在学校门口接待孩子,给孩子一个惊喜,孩子与圣诞老人互相祝福:Merry Christmas!4.圣诞游戏:(1). Christmas star:给幼儿每人制作一个Christmas star,并写上自己的名字,然后老师把它挂在墙壁上。
(2)Christmas cards:老师做好贺卡给每个幼儿发一张,让幼儿制作(涂色)圣诞贺卡,并写上祝福语(大班以上适合,中班老师可以把幼儿想说的话写到他的贺卡上也可),然后送给伙伴。
由男人取圣诞木点火进屋并高声念道:“圣诞节降临,圣诞节活动策划书(KIDS&青少段)一,活动主题:HAPPY 2014——圣诞游园活动及礼物"对对碰"二,活动目的:通过HAPPY 2014活动一方面丰富学生生活,提高学生的生活质量;同时也通过这次游园活动增强学生对校园的感情,促进爱校之情.三,具体活动策划方案圣诞游园活动时间 12.27下午地点室内内容:7个小游戏组成,流程如下:首先欲参加游园的同学去服务台领取游园卡.1.名称:知识问答活动道具:问题参加人员安排:集体游戏规则:抽取题目号码,回答相应的问题.(问题另附)答对问题的给予卡片上一个过关标签,如未答对在相关部分划×.2.名称:吹气球道具:气球若干,内置小字条(字条上可以写"表演节目,获得奖品等)参加人员:5人一组,多次游戏规则:参加人员按5人一组比赛(气球自行选取),依气球被吹爆速度取前3名,对球内的奖品予以变现.即主持人根据"字条"的内容给该同学对奖.比如:字条里写着"跳绳一百,奖励桔子两颗",那么该同学只有得按"字条"的内容去做,主持人才可给予相应的奖励 .并在过关的同学的游园卡片上盖上一个标签,如未过关则在相关部分划×.3.名称:抢凳子道具:凳子(若干)参加人员安排:8人或多人参加(其中一人为喊话员不参加比赛)游戏规则:游戏开始先把凳子成圆形(按参加人数减一计算,即8人摆7张),然后,参加人员在凳子外面围成一圈,主持人敲鼓或放音乐时参加人员就沿着圆形顺时针或逆时针跑动(注意不能插队),当鼓声或音乐停下时参加人员要讯速找到一张凳子座下,因为凳子少一张,所以会有一人没凳子座,这个人就算是被淘汰了,这时要把凳子减少一张,其余的人继续玩,直到剩下最后一人为止,这人就算赢了.并在过关的同学的游园卡片上盖上一个标签,如未过关则在相关部分划×.4.名称:心心相印,我来比你来猜道具:游戏题目(可以是具有可表演性的成语或词语或诗)参加人员:两人一组,可多组参加游戏规则:游戏开始表演的一组两人先要面对面(一人为表演动策划,一人为猜测者),然后由主持人会把要表演的成语或词语写在一张纸上,让表演动作者做给猜测者看,当表演者表演完,猜测者能猜出表演者所做动作的成语或词语时,就算过关.(注意:动作者可以用语言来解释,但不能说出动作中的字).(题目:左右为难,无孔不入,金鸡独立,狗急跳墙,东张西望,无中生有,眉开眼笑,胸有成竹,鸡飞蛋打,低声下气)并在过关的同学的游园卡片上盖上一个标签,如未过关则在相关部分划×.5.名称:踩气球道具:气球若干参加人员:多人游戏规则:参加人员左腿或右腿绑上气球(一般为6个到个8之间),当主持人喊"开始"时参加者开始互相追着跑,要千方百计的踩掉别人的气球,直到最后一人脚下有气球为止,这人就算获胜.也可以为游戏设定时间,时间一到脚下剩余气球最多者获胜.并在过关的同学的游园卡片上盖上一个标签,如未过关则在相关部分划×.6.名称:顶气球比赛道具:气球一个,绳子一条参加人员:两组对抗(每组一般为3人到7人)游戏规则:游戏开始前先把绳子沿场地的正中间拉开(像网球网一样),然后双方排开用头顶球,哪方先落地为输,双方轮流发球.体现配合能力和竞争能力.(注意只能用头,不能用身体的其它部位)并在过关的同学的游园卡片上盖上一个标签,如未过关则在相关部分划×.7.名称:结对而行道具:绳子若干参加人员:两人一组或多人一组,多组参加游戏规则:本游戏要求场地较大,游戏开始时先把每一组人员的左腿或右腿绑在一起,多组并排一起站在起跑线上,主持人喊"开始"时,各队齐出,最先到达终点的队就算获胜.本游戏要求参加者的配合默契.并在过关的同学的游园卡片上盖上一个标签,如未过关则在相关部分划×.最后,对于集齐一定的标签的同学可以到服务台领取相应的奖励(或者可以把奖品送给指定的寝室或者寝室成员 ),并在兑完奖的卡片做上一定标记,留给参加同学作为纪念. 附:每一项游戏的游戏规则要写出来制成展板式的置于活动现场,尽量简明扼要.服务台位置安排以及各项游戏安排之地点将另附表格说明.(三):特别活动:1,寻宝大行动道具:"宝物"(字条)参加人员:集体游戏规则:先准备好"宝物"(即字条上可以写礼品),然后把宝物分布在各个隐蔽的地方,接着,各寻宝者开始找寻"宝物",找到"宝物"的寻宝者不得随意打开"宝物",由主持人对奖.2,吹面粉(整蛊游戏)道具:面粉适量,乒乓球一个,匙更一个玩法:先找出两个被玩者(如之前游戏的输者或赢家,告诉他们赢了这个游戏便不用受罚/有奖),面对面站在一张桌子两边.把乒乓球放在匙更上,放在二人中间,要他们蒙着眼向乒乓球吹,若能把球吹到对面便为之赢.待他们蒙好眼后,便迅速把乒乓球换成面粉,一二三,吹...并给予参加游戏的同学一定的奖励.四,预算游园圣诞礼物 :500份(分:好中差三种) 1500 元游园卡片:500张 300元游戏说明海报7张 50(也可由老师自己制作,节约成本)工作人员及其他支出: 200元总计:2050元五,办公室负责具体人事安排以及后期报道宣传人事安排.六,本次活动可以与校区学生以及老师和后勤人员一起合作负责.圣诞活动策划方案之亲子活动活动主题:亲子DIY包汤圆,水饺.活动目标:通过与父母以及老师之前的亲密合作促进相互之间的感情。