中国铁塔统一业务平台用户操作手册(v2.0)2016.4目录概述 (6)系统功能简介 (6)文档用途 (6)阅读对象 (6)参考资料 (6)一、首页 (7)门户介绍 (7)操作指南 (7)1.1电信企业(地市工程主管)账号登录 (7)1.1.1业务描述 (7)1.1.2操作角色 (7)1.1.3操作步骤 (8)1.2电信企业管理者账号登录(省分公司管理员) (9)1.2.1 业务描述 (9)1.3铁塔公司客户经理账号登录 (9)1.4铁塔省分系统管理员登录 (10)1.5个人信息设置 (10)二、订单处理(需求确认-订单确认-交付验收) (12)功能概述 (12)操作指南 (12)2.1统一业务平台需求预览(电信企业地市工程主管) (12)2.1.1 业务描述 (12)2.1.2 操作角色 (12)2.1.3 操作步骤 (12)2.2CRM系统需求确认推送(铁塔公司客户经理) (14)2.2.1 业务描述 (14)2.2.2 操作角色 (14)2.2.3 操作步骤 (14)2.3统一业务平台需求确认(电信企业地市工程主管) (16)2.3.1 业务描述 (16)2.3.2 操作角色 (17)2.3.3 操作步骤 (17)2.4CRM系统订单确认推送(铁塔公司客户经理) (19)2.4.1 业务描述 (19)2.4.2 操作角色 (19)2.4.3 操作步骤 (19)2.5统一业务平台系统订单确认(电信企业地市工程主管) (23)2.5.1 业务描述 (23)2.5.2 操作角色 (23)2.5.3 操作步骤 (23)2.6CRM系统交付验收推送(铁塔公司客户经理) (25)2.6.1 业务描述 (25)2.6.2 操作角色 (26)2.6.3 操作步骤 (26)2.7统一业务平台交付确认(电信企业地市工程主管) (29)2.7.1 业务描述 (29)2.7.2 操作角色 (29)2.7.3 操作步骤 (29)三、业务消息 (32)功能概述 (32)操作指南 (32)3.1站址筛查 (32)3.1.1 业务描述 (32)3.1.2 操作角色 (32)3.1.3 操作步骤 (32)3.2选址谈判 (33)3.2.1 业务描述 (33)3.2.2 操作角色 (33)3.2.3 操作步骤 (33)3.3项目施工启动 (33)3.3.1 业务描述 (33)3.3.2 操作角色 (33)3.3.3 操作步骤 (33)3.4塔桅完工 (35)3.4.1 业务描述 (35)3.4.2 操作角色 (35)3.4.3 操作步骤 (35)3.5机房完工 (37)3.5.1 业务描述 (37)3.5.2 操作角色 (37)3.5.3 操作步骤 (37)3.6配套完工 (39)3.6.1 业务描述 (39)3.6.2 操作角色 (39)3.6.3 操作步骤 (39)3.7外电完工 (41)3.7.1 业务描述 (41)3.7.2 操作角色 (41)3.7.3 操作步骤 (41)四、业务查询 (44)功能概述 (44)操作指南 (44)4.1综合查询 (44)4.1.1 业务描述 (44)4.1.2 操作角色 (44)4.1.3 操作步骤 (44)4.2日报月报 (44)4.2.1 业务描述 (44)4.2.2 操作角色 (45)4.2.3 操作步骤 (45)4.3统计指标 (45)4.3.1 业务描述 (45)4.3.2 操作角色 (45)4.3.3 操作步骤 (45)五、客户服务 (46)功能概述 (46)操作指南 (46)5.1服务标准 (46)5.1.1 业务描述 (46)5.1.2 操作角色 (46)5.1.3 操作步骤 (46)5.2服务标准发布维护(铁塔公司省分系统管理员) (47)5.2.1 业务描述 (47)5.2.2 操作角色 (47)5.2.3 操作步骤 (47)六、我的消息 (49)功能概述 (49)操作指南 (49)6.1系统公告 (49)6.1.1 业务描述 (49)6.1.2 操作角色 (49)6.1.3 操作步骤 (49)6.2系统公告发布维护(铁塔省分系统管理人员) (50)6.2.1 业务描述 (50)6.2.2 操作角色 (50)6.2.3 操作步骤 (50)七、基础设置 (52)功能概述 (52)操作指南 (52)7.1批次设置 (52)7.1.1 业务描述 (52)7.1.2 操作角色 (52)7.1.3 操作步骤 (52)八、系统管理 (55)功能概述 (55)操作指南 (55)8.1用户管理 (55)8.1.1 业务描述 (55)8.1.2 操作角色 (55)8.1.3 操作步骤 (55)8.2角色管理 (57)8.2.1 业务描述 (57)8.2.2 操作角色 (57)8.2.3 操作步骤 (57)8.3日志管理 (59)8.3.1 业务描述 (59)8.3.2 操作角色 (59)8.3.3 操作步骤 (59)附录A:名词解释 (61)附录B:FAQ—常见问题解答 (62)附录C:错误信息对照表 (63)概述系统功能简介为了适应新时代互联网的发展趋势,努力做到面向三家电信企业的站址资源开放与共享,同时更好的提升客户服务质量,提升电信企业与铁塔公司的沟通效率,中国铁塔股份有限公司建立了面向电信企业客户的统一业务平台,旨在将目前电信企业客户与铁塔公司之间,繁琐的线下纸质订单确认工作,转为线上无纸化、快速、高效的全流程电子化管理。
编号:UC-DLY-D-002统一通信客户端使用手册V1.0目录1.简介 (5)1.1编写目的 (5)1.2背景 (5)1.2.1系统名称及版本号 (5)1.2.2使用者 (5)1.2.3开发者 (5)1.3文档概述 (5)1.3.1缩略语 (5)1.3.2参考资料 (5)2.客户端功能 (5)2.1基础功能 (7)2.1.1客户端安装 (8)2.1.2客户端登录 (11)2.1.3菜单属性设置 (15)2.1.4TAB页标签功能 (18)2.1.5TIP功能 (19)2.1.6内部员工群 (19)2.1.7我的联系人 (20)2.1.8最近联系人 (22)2.1.9垂直管理 (23)2.1.10常用部门 (24)2.1.11消息管理器 (26)2.1.12网络硬盘 (29)2.1.13系统公告 (31)2.1.14群组公告 (32)2.1.15广播 (34)2.2单人会话 (35)2.2.1多功能会话窗口 (36)2.2.2发送文件 (36)2.2.3点对点视频 (38)2.2.4创建视频会议 (39)2.2.5远程协助 (43)2.2.6创建新的会话 (45)2.2.7打开最近联系人会话窗口 (46)2.2.8查看历史消息 (47)2.2.9系统表情 (49)2.2.10信息字体设置 (49)2.2.11发送抖动 (49)2.2.12发送图片 (50)2.2.13清除聊天记录 (50)2.2.14截屏 (51)2.2.15回执 (51)2.2.16邀请 (51)2.3多人会话 (52)2.3.1多功能会话窗口 (52)2.3.2发送文件 (52)2.3.3创建视频会议 (53)2.3.4创建新的会话 (56)2.3.5打开最近联系人窗口 (57)2.3.6查看历史消息 (57)2.3.7系统表情 (57)2.3.8信息字体设置 (57)2.3.9发送图片 (58)2.3.10清除聊天记录 (58)2.3.11截屏 (58)2.3.12回执 (58)2.3.13回执统计 (59)2.3.14屏蔽 (59)2.3.15解散 (60)2.3.16退出 (60)2.3.17邀请 (60)2.4视频会议 (60)2.4.1录制 (61)2.4.2电子投票 (62)2.4.3电子白板 (64)2.4.4会议锁定 (65)2.4.5共享文档 (65)2.4.6应用程序共享 (65)1.简介1.1编写目的为使用统一通信客户端的用户提供操作说明。
SIMBA 平台体系架构 .......................................................................................................................7 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 总体架构 .............................................................................................................................7 系统逻辑架构 .....................................................................................................................7 典型网络拓扑图 .................................................................................................................8 遵循的标准 .........................................................................................................................9 各层遵循的协议标准 .................................................................................................9 系统建设遵循的相关标准 .........................................................................................9 国际成熟、通用的技术标准、规范和协议 .............................................................9 软件环境要求 ...................................................................................................................10 服务端软件部署 .......................................................................................................10 客户端软件部署 ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 好友管理................................................................................................................... 19 通讯录管理............................................................................................................... 19 日程管理................................................................................................................... 19 即时消息................................................................................................................... 19 语音终端................................................................................................................... 20 电话会议................................................................................................................... 21 视频会议................................................................................................................... 22 手机短信................................................................................................................... 23 历史消息管理........................................................................................................... 24 界面管理................................................................................................................... 24 皮肤管理................................................................................................................... 24 客户端自动更新....................................................................................................... 25
三星Xchange for Samsung 统一通信管理器用户手册说明书
Unified Communicator – User Guide Version 2.4ContentsIntroduction (3)Welcome to Unified Communicator (3)Apple Basics/Glossary (3)Getting Started - Installation & Configuration (4)Pre-requisites & Server Configuration (4)Xchange Server Configuration (4)Provisioning (4)GSM (4)Client Installation (4)Client Configuration (4)Welcome Screen & Server Configuration Menu (5)Dial Through settings (6)A Quick Tour (7)Presence Icons (7)Presence Screen (7)Making Calls (8)Make calls from Unified Communicator (8)Using Dial Through dialing (9)Using Dial Direct (DDI/DID) dialing (9)Receiving Calls (9)Availability Status (10)Using Deskphone Mode (10)Searching the Address Book (12)Using the Call History (12)Features Connectivity Requirements (13)Feature Configuration Dependencies (13)IntroductionWelcome to Unified CommunicatorUnified Communicator is an application for Apple mobile devices that extends the power of your Samsung telephone system to your mobile device.Apple Basics/GlossaryNew to iOS or UC? Here are a few of the basic operations and features explained.Tap Hold DragTouch the mobile device’s screen in the area of interest for a second or two until the expected action occurs.Touch the mobile device’s screen briefly in the area of interest. While touching the mobile device’sscreen, move your finger in thedirection you want the screen or iconto scroll or move. Home ButtonDouble Press - Pressing the home button twice will bring up the multitasking bar where you can access apps and settings; it provides another option to re-open Unified Communicator if it runs in the background.App StoreThis is from where you can download the Unified Communicator onto your mobile device. It can be accessed via a web browser or through the app which is usually already installed by default on your iOS mobile device.Mobex (Mobile Extension)This is the term used where a user has a virtual extension number which, when dialed, rings the user’s mobile phone. It is often grouped (or twinned) with a standard deskphone such that when the deskphone rings the mobile phone also rings. This functionality can often be configured in different ways and the features described in this document may have a dependency on this configuration. In some instances the deskphone extension is also the virtual extension.ExtensionsXchange can display a complete list of extensions that you can choose to contact a specificExtensions are the telephone lines and physical devices that calls are made and received on; they tend not to move and are represented in Xchange by circle icons that look like these -.Getting Started - Installation & ConfigurationPre-requisites & Server ConfigurationXchange Server ConfigurationPlease refer to the Xchange Server Installation Guide for pre-requisites and setup information relating to Unified Communicator.ProvisioningUnified Communicator user configurations can be pre-configured on the server so that the end user need only enter the IP address of the Xchange server after installing the app on the phone. The server recognizes the user’s mobile device and automatically provisions user parameters. Note: manual set up is also available – see Xchange Server Installation Guide for more details.GSMUnified Communicator uses the dialer presented by the iOS (normally a GSM dialer) on your mobile device to make and receive calls – it does not install an IP phone.Client InstallationUnified Communicator can be downloaded from the App Store. The easiestway to find it is to search for “Unified Communicator”. Installation from hereon is simple; just click on Free App -> Install App , you will then be asked toenter your Apple ID and password. Once the credentials have been accepted,UC app will be automatically downloaded and installed on your mobile device.Client ConfigurationBefore you can get started making calls with Unified Communicator, you need toconfigure the client, so launch the app by tapping the shortcut that has been placed inyour iPhone® Applications menu.Note: Unified Communicator requires Xchange server 2.3.15or later. Compatible iOS Versions: iOS 5.0 or later (note: iPad 1 is not supported).Welcome Screen & Server Configuration MenuWhen Unified Communicator opens for the first time, you will be presented withthe Welcome screen. Tap the text box, then enter your Xchange Server’s IPaddress (note: if your administrator has given you a TCP port number then youshould add you this to the IP address separated by a colon (:) e.g. Tap the Next button once the details are entered and thenUnified Communicator will check to see if your system administrator haspreconfigured your settings.If they have preconfigured your settings, the UC app shouldsuccessful connect to the server and take you straight toyour client menu, (you can skip the rest of this section too).If your settings have not been preconfigured, you will see a screen giving you twooptions. Tapping Refresh will cause Unified Communicator to check again foryour preconfigured settings; use this if you have contacted your systemadministrator asking them to setup your settings. To configure UnifiedCommunicator yourself, tap Manual setup to open the Settings menu.In the Settings menu you can access the first group of settings we need to configure. Tap on the options in the Connection section to enter the following details:Server address: The details you entered on the Welcome screen should already be in place here. If not, enter the IP address of your Xchange server. To use a specific port number, append it to the IP address using a colon e.g. You must append TCP port 21051 (default), orthe port number provided by your administrator, to the public IP address asexplained above.Deskphone extension: Enter the extension number that represents yourdeskphone on the phone system. This may be the same as your mobile extension.Mobile extension: Enter the extension number that represents your mobiledevice on the phone system. This may be the same as your deskphone extensionbut is more often a different virtual extension number. This can be left blank if thedevice is only used in deskphone mode.Tap on the options in the Login section to enter the following detailsUsername: Enter the username given to you by your administrator. This should match the username which is set up in your Xchange Server user settings.Password: The password you need to enter here is your Xchange Server User password that is set in your User record in Xchange Server.Click on your device’s “Done” button to save your settings and return to the main menu. At this point Unified Communicator is configured to connect to and communicate with Xchange Server but you also need to configure the Dial Through settings to make full use of Unified Communicator.Preconfigured SettingsIf your mobile client settings have been preconfigured by your System Administrator then the login options will be greyed out and unavailable for editing.Switch to another ServerTo change the server your mobile device is registered with, click on the option which displays your current Xchange Server’s IP Address, replace it for the new Xchange Server IP Address. If your mobile client settings have been previously pre-configured on the new server then your client will automatically refresh the login and configuration settings and connect to the new server. If however, your device hasn’t been previously preconfigured you will have to follow the steps mentioned in the Welcome Screen & Server Configuration Menu section for the manual configuration.Dial Through settingsUnified Communicator can use the Dial Through (also known as Direct InwardSystem Access –DISA) or Auto Attendant configuration capability of thetelephone system to allow the UC user dial extension numbers or any externalnumbers from their mobile phones via their office telephone system.Always Dial Through:When dialing an external number, the mobile phone usercan decide whether to dial an external number directly through GSM or via theSamsung telephone system. The preferred method of dialing out is controlledby toggle button (slide your finger across the slider button to turn it ON or OFF).Tap on each option in the Dial Through Settings section and enter the followingdetails:Dial Through number: Enter the pilot number for your DISA / Auto-attendant system. Enter the entire DDI/DID number to dial; entering only the last half of the DDI/DID number will not work.Pause character: Enter the character used by your telephone system to indicate a pause e.g., (a comma).Trunk access: Enter the code used by your telephone system’s Dial Through to access an outside line e.g.9 is common.External number length : Enter the number of digits an external telephone number would be expected to have i.e. a telephone number with fewer digits than the value entered here will be considered an internal number by Unified Communicator.Fast Dial : Enabling Fast Dial will significantly reduce the connection times that are normally associated with Dial Through dialing; this feature requires Wi-Fi/3G or better (slide your finger across the toggle button to turn it ON or OFF).Click your device’s “Done” button to save your settings and go back to the previous menu. At this point Unified Communicator is configured to connect to and communicate with Xchange Server as well as make and receive Dial Through calls.A Quick TourPresence IconsThe Presence icons indicate the call status and availability of you and your co-workers.Presence Screen The Presencescreendisplaysthelist of extensions that has been downloadedfrom the telephone server. The list can be split into departments as they arestored on Xchange Server. Groups can be expanded and contracted by simplytapping on them.You can create a group of Favorites by holding and tapping on the user andselecting ‘Add to favorites ’. If the user already exists in the group you can alwaysremove it by holding and tapping on the ‘Removefrom favorites’ option. Favorites group will always bedisplayed at the top of the Presence Screen. (Adding orremoving users from the Favorites does not affect thecontent of the other groups).No callRinging Offline Do not disturbDirectory ScreenYou can search the Xchange shared directory on your mobile device from this screen. Type in your search terms, tap the Search button () and tap to dial the number.Call History ScreenThis screen lists the calls received with Unified Communicator by the user. Tapping on any of the entries gives you the call options. Note: this feature requires WiFi/3G data connection or better. See section using the Call History chapter for full details.Making CallsMake calls from Unified CommunicatorIf you see a number in the Address Book or on the Presence Screen thatyou would like to call, just tap on it and the Actions menu will provide you with two options; 1. Call the number using Dial Through(Dial Through must be set-up, see Dial Trough settings above) or 2. Call using Dial Direct option (assuming that DDI/DID for the extension has been preconfigured on the Xchange Server). Tap on one of the preferred dialing methods and the call will be made.Note: Calls to internal numbers automatically goes using Dial Through.Using Dial Through dialingDial Through uses DISA or Auto-Attendant capability of the Samsung telephonesystem to route calls from your mobile device through the telephone system. Tosetup Dial Through, go to Dial Through Settings, enter the phone number specifiedby your Samsung telephone system administrator and turn onthe Always Dial Through option. Once this is setup, the UnifiedCommunicator mobile client will route calls through your officetelephone system. Please note that Unified Communicator willautomatically recognize numbers of a certain length as internalnumbers and will use the Dial Through option regardless of theAlways Dial Through setting (Assuming DISA or Auto-Attendantis set up the extension number dialed does not require a DID/DDI number to beassociated with it). Dependent upon the system configuration, Fast Dial canincrease the speed of the connection time when using Dial Through.Using Dial Direct (DDI/DID) dialingIf a DDI/DID number is associated with an extension, you can also dial the DDI/DID number directly by pressing Dial Direct (DDI/DID) instead of Dial Through. This option requires the DDI/DID number to be preconfigured against the extension on the Xchange Server. For more information please contact your Samsung Telephone System administrator.Receiving CallsWhen correctly licensed and configured, a Samsung telephone system can be set up to call both a user’s extension number and mobile phone simultaneously. This is known as twinning or mobile extension (Mobex for short).Sometimes it isn’t going to be approp riate for incoming calls to your office-based extension to be passed on to your mobile device e.g. You might be at your desk right next to your office extension so passing the call to your mobile device would be a little pointless.At times like this, you can block incoming calls from being passed on to your mobile device or you can reroute those calls to another extension or to an entirely different number.The Availability settings can be found by pressing your own Extension on the main menu.To block the incoming call, turn on the Do Not Disturb option which can be found also on the Availability screen.Availability StatusBy tapping on extension (e.g. 2323 Mike Jefferson) you will be presented withthe Availability screen where you can configure your individual settings:Do Not Disturb (slide your finger across the toggle button to turn it ON or OFF).Forward Calls (slide your finger across the toggle button to turn it ON or OFF –if this is the first time you use this option you will have to provide Destinationphone number to whom you would like to forward your calls).Status allows you to change your current availability toAvailable, Busy or Out of the Office.Also the Absencemessage option allows you to provide more information toyour colleagues at work.Using Deskphone ModeSometimes it would be really useful if your deskphone had a dedicatedtouchscreen that not only controlled your deskphone but linked to yourcontact information as well so that you could look up contacts and dial themwith a single tap. Well, putting Unified Communicator into Deskphone modeenables it to control an adjacent device e.g. your deskphone. So it is like yourmobile device has been turned into a detached touchscreen for yourdeskphone that can access the shared Xchange directory and pass data from itto your deskphone.W hat this means is that you won’t actually be making Dial Through callsthrough your mobile device but using your device to select which number tocall on your deskphone.For example, you could use Unified Communicator on your mobile phone tosearch for contacts but use your deskphone to actually make the call i.e. use the convenience of the mobile device to search for a number and the tariff rate of the deskphone. Deskphone mode will force any call made from Unified Communicator to call from your deskphone.Also, with tablet devices replacing PCs for many day-to-day tasks in many office workplaces around the world, running unified communicator in Deskphone mode on your tablet allows you to make calls from your deskphone in the same way you would use Xchange Client on your PC (bringing all the advantages of click to dial to your tablet device).Of course, calls to your mobile number will still come through as normal and all of the other functions and features of your mobile device will continue to work alongside deskphone mode.When you are in deskphone mode, the app looks the same as when it’s not in deskphone mode. The screens in Unified communicator all still work in the same way too so, when you tap on a Directory search result, a call is placed to that contact but it is made directly on your deskphone rather than through your mobile device.Enabling or Switching between Deskphone Mode and Mobile Mode by clicking thephone/house icon (shown below) located at the top of the main window andselecting the mode you require from the menu.As a mode of example you can see below the extensions associated to Mike Jefferson:Settings ScreenThis screen allows you to setup your Server IP Address with your mobile extensionand login credentials as well as preferences for your Presence Screen display like“Enhanced Presence”, group extensions by Departments b y simply sliding the “ONor OFF” button or sort the extensions either by Name or Number.Unified Communicator detects the Language of the iOS on your iPhone® if however,your language preferences differs from those set by the UC app you can easilychange them by selecting the pereferred language from t he ‘Language” list.The option “Clear Settings” will delete the current client configuration , pleaseconsult with your administrator before chosing this option.Searching the Address BookJust because you are out of the office doesn’t mean you are out of touchwith all of your office contacts anymore. Unified Communicator’s Address Book is not just the same as your office-based shared Address Book – it is your office-based shared Xchange Address Book.So when you enter all or part of a name or number into the search box and tap the Search button, Unified Communicator remotely searches the Xchange Address Book back in the office and delivers the search results direct to your mobile device.To call any of the numbers listed in the search results, simply tap on them. If there are more results than can fit on the screen simultaneously, drag the screen up to see more results.Using the Call HistoryThe Call History is your mobile device’s log ex cept that it only shows thecall activity made through Unified Communicator so it is ideal for times when you need a more narrow list of call activity than the log on your device.Callers with records in your shared Xchange directory are clearly identified by their name and you can see which direction the call was made in i.e. incoming or outgoing; the red arrow indicates incoming and the blue arrow indicates outgoing.To call any of the listed numbers, just tap on one.Scroll through the list by dragging the screen up if there are too many calls to see onscreen simultaneously.Note: this feature requires a Wi-Fi/3G data connection or better.Features Connectivity RequirementsWarning: Your mobile provider may charge you for data services used from your mobile deviceFeature Configuration DependenciesThe availability of certain features is dependent upon the configuration of the Samsung telephone system. These include:features may require additional licenses to be installed on the Samsung telephone system. Please check with your system maintainer。
Yealink SIP-T52S 产品手册
简易的安装部署 您可以使用Yealink RPS (Redirection and Provisioning Service)和Boot机制实现快速高效地部 署。用户无需手动配置和升级话机,只需上电联网,话机即可完成自动部署,节省了大量时 间成本,实现真正意义上的“零接触预配置(Zero Touch Provisioning)”。此外,亿联 SIP-T54S和SIP-T52S IP话机采用同一固件,极大地简化了管理成本和维护成本,便于管理、升 级和维护。
蓝牙耳机, 手机通讯录匹配 • USB 2.0接口: 有线/无线USB耳麦, Wi-Fi功能(通过WF40), U盘录音 • 自定义 DSS key
通讯录 • 本地地址簿:1000条 • 黑名单 • XML/LDAP 通讯录 • 智能搜索 • 呼叫记录:所有记录/已拨/已接/未接/转移来电 • 通讯录搜索/导入/导出
IP-PBX和BroadSoft特征 • BLF, BLA • 匿名呼叫,匿名呼叫拒接 • 免扰&呼叫转移状态同步 • 移动办公,对讲机,组播 • 信息等待提示 (MWI) • 语音信息,通话驻留,呼叫截答 • 通话保持时播放音乐 • 呼叫完成,通话录音,长官助手
• 基于服务器的录音功能 • 可视化邮箱
全新的外观结构 Opus声音编解码 高清音质 内置蓝牙
USB 2.0
固件统一 千兆以太网 HAC手柄
全新的外观结构 亿联T52S彩屏商务多媒体IP电话采用全新的外观结构设计带给人们更加高端的话机新体验, 屏幕角度更高,话机底座更加贴合桌面,节省空间的同时拉近了用户与话机屏幕的距离,使 用户拥有更加直观方便的操作体验和视觉体验。T52S不用再拆装底座即可直接进行话机桌面 放置角度调节,角度调节更加轻松简便。另外,T52S话机表面设计更加简洁大方,新的按键 布局可帮助用户进行快捷地拨号操作,手柄结构采用符合人工学的流线型设计,用户使用手柄 更加舒适。
业务说明和背景 统一通信为企业带来了什么 产品简介及功能介绍 平台架构及部署方案
➢ 用户可以通过家庭网络的ADSL接入以及企业网络的专线接入,使用 PC版的统一通信客户端使用业务,并可以随时进行与固定电话、手机的 电话通信,以及与固定可视电话和3G终端的可视通信。 ➢ 用户可以通过手机版的统一通信客户端,通过移动网络(3G)接入, 实现方便的移动办公并使用移动的全方位多媒体个人通信业务。
巨大的统一通信潜力市场现在已燎原至中国,设备商、软件商、 电信运营商的巨大投入都在昭示,一张新的通信业版图正在形成, “统一通信”将以新的商业模式,重新划分IT和通信产业的竞争格 局。
业务趋势 市场容量 实现目标
目前,将即时通信、电子邮件、语音通信、视频会议、客户 资料、企业信息等进行整合,已经成为一种大势所趋。统一 通信(Unified Communications)概念的提出及推广应用, 无疑正是这一趋势的必然结果。
统一通信 业务 整体情况介绍
业务说明和背景 统一通信为企业带来了什么 产品简介及功能介绍 平台架构及部署方案 业务推广
统一通信:让人们无论任何时间、任何地点,都可以通过任何网络,任 何终端,获得数据、图像和声音的自由通信。统一通信将音视频语音、多 媒体会议、短信与彩信、各类信息应用等通信服务类型合为一体,从而为 人们带来选择的自由和效率的提升。它区别于网络层面的互联互通,而是 以人为本的业务应用的融合与协同,是新一代全业务通信融合服务的体现。
统一通信平台 重点特征Yealink UME 是亿联发布的最新企业统一通信服务平台,集成即时消息、文件传输、企业通讯录、视频会议服务、语音通话、白板协作、WebRTC、SIP 中继、录播、直播等服务,与亿联视频会议终端、桌面话机、UME 客户端深度集成,涵盖企业移动办公、远程沟通和在线协作等多种办公场景,助力企业信息化建设,提升企业办公协作效率。
灵活部署,互联互通• 支持自动化部署和升级,图形化设置引导界面,简化管理和运维成本。
• 多模块合于一体,功能强大,安全可靠。
• 支持通过服务器叠加,实现快速扩容,降低扩容成本,满足企业未来的发展需求。
• 内置企业语音电话和SIP中继模块,与标准SIP语音网关互联互通,支持市话接入。
• 内置H323 GK,支持与微软 Skype for Business (Lync)客户端进行音视频和辅流的互联互通。
强大功能,高效沟通• 支持企业组织结构通讯录,支持 Microsoft/IBM LDAP 同步,满足企业对通讯录统一管理的需求。
• 文字、文件、图片、语音、会议日程、通话记录等全类型数据云端同步。
• 统一分机号,支持点对点、语音会议及企业外线等,企业语音方案全融合。
• 千方级别的广播互动型大容量会议。
• 视频支持全编全解, 1080P高清端口适配。
• 超强网络适应性, 30%丢包视频清晰流畅, 70%丢包声音清晰流畅。
• 支持标准API,H5方式接入企业内部系统,实现单点登录、通知对接,统一应用入口。
安全可靠,高效管理• 支持企业私有化部署,数据存储在内网。
• 系统服务器支持主备制,可以实现自动切换。
• 支持黑名单、白名单和智能安全策略、服务器诊断及多种先进的加密技术 TLS,SRTP, HTTPS, SSH, AES-256,保障安全。
• 采用最先进的ICE 穿透技术,支持在公共的DMZ 中部署会议节点,实现跨网骑墙穿透。
6.后台功能(超级管理员)6.1. 登录、注销系统本系统采用B/S模式(即浏览器/服务器模式),用户只需要通过WindowsIDS认证登录界面:注销系统,操作步骤:6.2. 快捷菜单填写完关键字后,点击即可按内容搜索短信。
6.3. 系统管理6.3.1.2. 修改消息类型管理员可对统一通信平台中已存在的消息类型进行编辑。
在消息类型列表中,点击“编辑”即可弹出修改页面,对消息类型进行编辑。 删除新消息类型管理员可删除统一通信平台中已存在的消息类型。
6.3.2. 注册系统管理6.3.2.2. 修改应用系统字段解释:1)应用系统代码:该应用系统的编号,唯一。
(必填)在修改完成后,点击管理员可为统一通信平台新增应用系统,点击填写完关键字后,点击即可按敏感词内容搜索敏感词。 生成字典点击“生成字典”即可完成操作。
如下图, 删除敏感词管理员可删除统一通信平台中已存在的敏感词。
在敏感词列表中,点击“删除”并生成字典,即可完成删除操作。 添加敏感词管理员可以为统一通信平台添加敏感词。
6.3.4. 黑名单管理填写完关键字后,点击即可按一号通账户或中文名搜索黑名单。 生成黑名单在黑名单编辑完成后,需要生成字典才能使其生效。
如下图, 删除黑名单管理员可删除统一通信平台中已存在的黑名单用户。
1. 选择产品后进入“成员管理”选择“资费变更”。
CUSSM/analytics也被包括在版本9.5和以上中。 q 版本:9.0, 9.5 q OS :Linux/CARS q 当您打开TAC服务请求:
简介 先决条件 要求 使用的组件 背景信息 混乱可能的区域 历史记录 产品详细资料 Cisco最初协作产品套件 Cisco最初协作保证 Cisco最初协作设置 思科 Prime 协作管理器 思科统一通信管理套件 思科 Prime Unified Operations Manager 思科 Prime Unified Service Monitor Cisco最初统一的服务统计数据管理器 Cisco Unified Provisioning Manager
技术:网真 SUB技术:头等协作(保证) 9.x和以后(仅网真) -这是为与网真/视频基础设施和终端有关的产品 问题。技术:语音通信管理器另外的Apps和插件 SUB技术:头等协作(保证) 9.x和以后(除网真之外) -这使用其他产品问题。
q 普通的名字:头等协作Provisioning/PCP q 亦称:CPCP,设置 q 说明:提供语音和视频设置。版本9.0根本是CUPM rebranded和被移植对Linux。版本9.5和以
q 使用最初-注意作为他们的名字一部分,全部七个应用程序包括最初。另外,作为许多其他 Cisco管理相关的产品一部分的名字它也使用。所以,是确切和特定关于是重要的哪个应用程序 被参考和不是指产品作为最初。请参阅产品细节部分关于在命名和普通的别名的更详细的资料 。
华为统一通信售前认证培训 05 华为统一通信终端产品介绍
华为eSpace统一通信解决方案终端产品介绍本文将介绍华为eSpace统一通信解决方案的如下内容:终端产品概述IP Phone产品介绍软终端产品介绍学完本课程后,您将能够:了解华为eSpace统一通信解决方案的终端产品全景了解华为eSpace统一通信解决方案的终端产品特点了解华为eSpace统一通信解决方案的其他第三方配件终端产品概述 1 2 IP Phone 产品介绍 软终端产品介绍3目录eSpace MobileeSpace Desktop eSpace Mobile HDeSpace 7800系列eSpace 8800系列eSpaceSoftConsoleeSpace 7900系列eSpace 7910 eSpace 7950USB会议终端USB耳麦摄像头蓝牙耳机Ascom i62PC 客户端iPad 客户端Andriod Pad 客户端iPhone 客户端Andriod Phone 客户端IP Phone 界面• 种类齐全涵盖IP 话机、PC 客户端、手机客户端、Pad 客户端• 家族化设计多终端一致体验,“1”分钟上手,“5”分钟精通• 丰富的UC 业务功能客户端集成VoIP 、Presence 、IM 和会议等功能• 移动性多种移动客户端,轻松实现移动办公终端产品概述 1 2 IP Phone 产品介绍 软终端产品介绍3目录eSpace 7800系列eSpace 7810 eSpace 7820 eSpace 7830 eSpace 7850 eSpace 7870 图片屏幕分辨率 2.74”LCD75*16像素 2*15字符2.87”LCD132*64 像素3.24”LCD132*64像素4.09”LCD320*160像素4.3” TFT-LCD480*272像素 16.7M色线路2线呼叫3线呼叫3线呼叫6线呼叫6线呼叫网口(PoE) 2×10/100Mbps 2×10/100Mbps 2×10/100Mbps 2×10/100Mbps 2×10/100/1000Mbps 墙式安装√√×××软键和可编程按键无4个软键4个软键,10个可编程键4个软键,10个可编程键4个软键,10个可编程键话机特性本地三方通话、通话记录、语音邮箱(摘要查看)、黑名单、留言灯、群组收听、快速拨号、来电显示、多国语言(7910不支持中文)UC业务来电姓名和部门显示(除7810)、与eSpace PC客户端联动PBX业务呼叫等待、呼叫保持、呼叫转移、呼叫前转、免打扰、忙灯区BLF、高级经理秘书、区别振铃、自动回呼、呼叫驻留、代答配置管理LCD配置、web配置、TR069;自动升级、自动配置、系统日志导出安全特性TLS、SRTP 、HTTPS、X509、用户等级、802.1x MD5eSpace 7800系列IP话机eSpace 7900系列eSpace 7900系列IP话机eSpace 7950 eSpace 79105”彩色LCD 800*480像素 1600万色 2.83”彩色LCD 320*240像素 26万色6线呼叫2线呼叫支持蓝牙、USB2.0、7903X扩展板----未使用的线路键可作为可编程键10个可编程键全系列配备彩屏全带语音编码6方本地会议2个GE口(PoE)eSpace 7910话机关键规格eSpace 7910屏幕 2.83”彩色LCD 320*240像素 26万色线路 2线 操作系统Linux高清语音 全带语音(48KHz 采样率)语音编码 G.711a/u 、G.729ab 、G.722、G.722.1、G.722.2、iLBC 、AAC-LD本地会议 6方安全 TLS(传输层安全)、SRTP(AES 128)、HTTPS 、X.509、802.1X(MD5)网络 2 GE ,PoE (Class 1)可编程按键 10个,3色LEDLED 指示灯留言灯,线路指示灯,未接来电提醒灯,耳机指示灯,免提指示灯,BLF 指示灯多国语言显示 中文简体、中文繁体、英语、葡萄牙语、西班牙语、法语、阿拉伯语 多国语言输入简体中文、英语、法语、葡萄语、西班牙语亮点:•轻薄时尚•320*240高分辨率彩屏 •AAC-LD 全带语音编码•2个千兆以太网接口 •支持以太网供电(PoE ) •10个可编程键eSpace 7910话机硬件图示软键消息指示灯通话记录键通讯录键主页面键数字键线路键可编程键导航键转移键保持键会议键音量键静音键耳机键免提键带LED指示灯按键①电源接口,连接电源适配器②PC接口,连接计算机的网络接口③网络接口,连接局域网或公网④耳麦接口,连接外接耳麦⑤手柄线接口,连接话机手柄eSpace 7950话机关键规格eSpace 7950屏幕 5”彩色LCD 800*480 像素 1600万色线路 6线 操作系统 Linux高清语音全带语音(48KHz 采样率)语音编码 G.711a/u 、G.729ab 、G.722、G.722.1、G.722.2、iLBC 、AAC-LD网络 2 GE ,PoE (Class 2)蓝牙内置蓝牙2.1扩展板 最大支持3块扩展模块USB 1个 本地会议 6方安全 TLS(传输层安全)、SRTP(AES 128)、HTTPS 、X.509、802.1X(MD5) 多国语言显示 中文简体、中文繁体、英语、葡萄牙语、西班牙语、法语、阿拉伯语多国语言输入简体中文、英语、法语、葡萄语、西班牙语亮点:•轻薄时尚 •5” 真彩大屏•AAC-LD 全带语音编码 •2个千兆以太网接口 •支持以太网供电(PoE ) •支持蓝牙耳机 •USB 可扩展接口 •支持外接扩展模块软键消息指示灯通话记录键通讯录键主页面键数字键线路键导航键耳机键前转键音量键静音键免提键带LED指示灯按键①扩展板接口,连接外接扩展板②电源接口,连接外部电源③PC接口,连接计算机的网络接口④网络接口,连接局域网或公网⑤耳麦接口,连接外接耳麦⑥手柄线接口,连接话机手柄⑦USB接口(屏幕后方),连接USB设备eSpace 7950话机硬件图示eSpace 7903X扩展模块关键规格eSpace 7903X屏幕5”彩色LCD 480*800 像素,1600万色操作系统Linux可编程按键每页20个,支持2页LED指示灯3色LED翻页2页主要功能快速拨号、忙灯区(BLF)、通讯录分组、XML应用、话机锁定、话机休眠支持的话机eSpace 7950多语言显示中文简体、中文繁体、英语、葡萄牙语、西班牙语、法语、阿拉伯语供电单个模块:7950话机供电2个以上模块:需外接电源供电亮点:•轻薄时尚•5” 真彩大屏•20个可编程按键•支持双页显示•3色LED指示灯•联系人头像显示可编程键翻页键①电源接口,连接电源适配器②扩展接口,连接扩展板③扩展接口,连接话机或扩展板1.将主机③和扩展板①反面朝上,对齐放好2.将连接件②的卡扣对准卡槽,按图示箭头方向推到位3.用四个螺丝钉拧紧eSpace 7903X扩展模块硬件图示eSpace 7900话机WEB配置•个性化:铃声/按键音/墙纸/接听方式•呼叫业务:呼叫前转/热线/紧急呼叫/呼叫等待/自动应答/预设消息/自动呼出/拨号规则•系统:日期和时间/语言/输入法/节能管理/话机锁定/话机重启/恢复出厂设置•高级:配置向导/网络/帐号/服务器/管理员更改密码/媒体/SIP信令/日志/配置文件/升级/业务权限管理/TR069/高级经理秘书/证书/Ping检测/其他•状态查看:呼叫状态/网络状态/外设状态/关于话机eSpace 8800系列项目参数屏幕 7” 彩色电阻式触摸屏,800*480像素,16.7M 色彩 本地地址簿(联系人)2000条呼叫记录 已拨/已接/未接各100条外部接口 10/100M 双网口,3.5mm 耳机接口(仅支持听筒不支持麦克),2个USB 口,1个SD 卡插槽 音频格式 G.711a/G.711μ/G.729AB 视频格式H.263/H.264 BP供电方式 电源适配器语言显示 中文简体、中文繁体、英语、法语、葡萄牙语和西班牙语语言输入 简体中文、英语 管理特性话机配置、TR069•7” 彩色电阻式触摸屏,800*480像素 •电源适配器供电•USB 接口,SD 卡插槽•支持eSpace 8801D 无绳子机(一个)适用于高层管理人员或主要决策者、管理助理eSpace 8850eSpace 8850视频话机项目参数屏幕 1.45” TFT LCD 屏幕,128*128像素 使用频段 1.8G(1880 - 1900 MHz) 2.4G(2400-2483.5MHz) 本地通讯录 (联系人) 200条呼叫记录已拨/已接/未接各20条时长 通话时长6小时,待机时长120小时 音频特性 G.726、G.722供电方式 底座充电(5.0V ,0.4A )支持中规,欧规,英规,美规,澳规功能特性扬声器、静音、来电显示、拒接、注册注销、墙纸、闹钟、时间显示、键盘锁定、铃声选择(10条) 语言显示2.4G 版本支持简体中文、英文 1.8G 版本支持英文• 1.45” TFT LCD 屏幕, 128*128像素 •独立底座充电•DECT 制式子机(1.8G/2.4GHz)eSpace 8801D 无绳子机eSpace 8801D 无绳子机终端产品概述 1 2 IP Phone 产品介绍 软终端产品介绍3目录•即时消息•状态呈现•个人/企业通讯录•语音和视频通话•语音邮箱•文件传输•语音和数据会议•视频会议•IP话机联动•固定/临时群组操作系统:•Windows XP(32位) •Windows 7(32位) PC硬件要求•双核,1.6GHz及以上•512MB及以上内存•1GB及以上硬盘•10/100M Base-T兼容以太网卡,声卡(可与主板集成)•一体化麦克风/耳机关键业务:软硬件要求:PC客户端 - eSpace Desktop•即时消息•状态呈现•个人通讯录•企业通讯录•VoIP呼叫•CTD呼叫•语音会议•数据会议•系统公告•Android 2.2以上版本•iOS4.0以上版本: iPhone 4、iPhone 4S关键业务:软硬件要求:手机客户端 - eSpace MobileiPhone Android PhoneAndroid Pad•个人通讯录•企业通讯录•VoIP呼叫•语音会议•数据会议•固定群组•即时消息•状态呈现•系统公告•Android 2.2以上版本•iOS4.0以上版本:iPad2,iPad3关键业务:软硬件要求:Pad客户端 - eSpace Mobile HDiPad软话务台 – eSpace SoftConsole•基本呼叫 •签入签出 •示忙示闲 •来电排队 •呼叫转接 •夜服•坐席状态显示 •用户状态查询 •企业通讯录 •通话记录 •来电提示关键业务:操作系统:•Windows XP •Windows 7(64位)PC 硬件要求•双核,1.6GHz 及以上 •1GB 及以上内存•80GB 及以上硬盘 •10/100M Base-T 兼容以太网卡,声卡(可与主板集成) •一体化麦克风/耳机软硬件要求:SBC 外网PC192.169.X.X:YYY10.50.1..12 : xxxDMZUC 服务器 192.168.x.x外网移动客户端1、SBC 部署DMZ 区域, 实现内外网代理,实现SIP 呼叫,HTTP ,TCP 代理。
密码 xxxx
密码 xxxx
1、通过jabber拨打电话 - 场景1:不在联系人列表(方法1) - 方法2
- 场景2:在联系人列表
IP电话留言 - 如果被叫方20秒未接听,则主叫方可以直接留言。 - 如果有未听取的留言,话机听筒上方会亮红灯。 此时可以进入留言信箱听取留言(密码12345), 或者不听取留言直接拨打1013,则红灯会自动关闭。 jabber听取留言 - Jabber在登陆语音留言之后,可以直接听取留言。 - 首次登陆需设置账户:
IP话机搜索联系人 - 需要在姓氏一栏输入( 和名的拼音,从首字母顺序输入。(括号的输入方法:连按3次#键)
jabber搜索联系人 - 输入名的拼音,从首字母顺序输入。
常规拨打电话 - 通过IP话机拨打4位分机号。 - 拨打外线时在前面加拨“9”以“#”结束。
- 可以直接通过Outlook的WebEx菜单项,预约会议或者召开即时会议, 邀请内部或外部与会者参加。
- 会议的音频可以通过Call Me方式呼叫临时与会者将其拉入会议,也可 以将收到的会议预约邮件(含呼入号、会议号等信息)转发给与会者, 要求对方主动呼入会议(Call In方式)。
统一通信方案一致通讯系统方案建议书2020.12目录Contents一,项目需求概述 (2)二、平台总体建议 (3)2.1,协作通讯系统平台设计要点 (3)2.2,中心呼叫控制设备CUCM设计 (5)2.3,即时音讯,在线形状出现设计 (10)2.4,平安和QoS设计 (12)2.4.1,语音加密和平安 (12)2.4.2,QoS设计 (12)2.5,带宽,流量 (13)2.6,编号方案 (15)三,功用 (16)3.1,IP智能终端运用举例〔可选〕 (16)3.2、IM通讯终端软件 (19)3.3、分机移动效劳 (21)3.4,一号通〔Mobile Connect〕,IP 同移动 /PSTN 的绑定 (22)3.5、一致音讯效劳〔可选〕 (24)3.6、手机上的软IP --Mobile 8.0 (27)3.7、IT支持效劳中心〔可选〕 (28)3.8、系统维护和管理 (32)一,项目需求概述•为了保证如今和未来业务开展需求,树立融合语音和数据网络的全新通讯平台成为通讯树立的重点•新建的一致通讯平台应具有支持交通系统未来三至五年业务开展的才干。
新协作通讯系统平台•掩盖全网的IP 终端。
•将桌面固定IP 同移动终端〔如手机〕停止捆绑,完成一号通,完成更高效率的通讯。
•提供数字中继接入〔提供PSTN 接入和接入〕。
•在PC上的即时音讯,形状出现,IP软;即时音讯软件对桌面硬IP 的控制。
天语,您无线通信的最佳伙伴,无论您身处何时何地,都可以和您的亲朋挚友“keep in touch”。
目录1.安全预防措施 (1)2.首次使用 (2)3.通话功能 (3)3.1按键的使用 (3)3.2打电话 (3)3.3接听来电 (4)3.4通话选项 (4)4.输入法 (5)5.功能列表 (7)5.1 【通话记录】 (7)5.2【通讯录】 (8)5.3【互联网】 (8)5.4【多媒体】 (9)5.5【信息服务】 (11)5.6 【工具】 (13)5.7 【娱乐】 (15)5.8【文件管理】 (16)5.9【设置】 (16)6 安全信息1. 安全预防措施在医院中应关机,因为手机可能会影响某些医疗设备的功能,如起搏器等。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
中国联合网络通信有限公司北京市分公司统一通信产品介绍V1.02009年03月目录1 统一通信简介 (1)1.1 什么是统一通信 (1)1.2 统一通信的定位 (1)1.3 统一通信优势 (1)1.4 统一通信特点 (2)2 统一通信业务功能介绍 (1)2.1 统一通信业务功能一览 (1)2.2 灵活的通话方式 (2)2.2.1 语音呼叫 (2)2.2.2 视频呼叫 (2)2.3 便利的会议功能 (3)2.3.1 语音会议 (3)2.4 短消息功能 (3)2.4.1 发送短消息 (3)2.4.2 群发短消息 (4)2.5 即时消息和文件传输 (4)2.5.1 发送即时消息 (4)2.5.2 群发即时消息 (5)2.5.3 文件传输 (5)2.6 简单易用的通讯录功能 (5)2.6.1 企业通讯录 (6)2.6.2 个人通讯录 (6)2.7 丰富的企业信息服务 (6)2.7.1 企业常用信息 (6)2.7.2 日程提醒 (7)2.7.3 企业办公集成 (7)A 术语 (1)B 缩略语 (2)表格目录表2-1 统一通信业务功能列表 (1)1 统一通信简介1.1 什么是统一通信统一通信整合了语音呼叫、视频呼叫、语音即时会议、即时消息、短消息等各种通信资源,为企业用户构建了一个全新的企业通信方案。
1.2 统一通信的定位统一通信定位于:●帮助企业客户加强内部沟通,提高工作效率。
1.3 统一通信优势相对于其他通讯软件,统一通信的优势体现在以下几个方面。
1.4 统一通信特点统一通信具备以下特点。
安全性统一通信通过以下措施保证系统的安全性:●统一通信业务的口令采用3DES(Triple Data Encryption Standard)算法加密,登录界面使用验证码,有效的提高了系统安全性。
开放性统一通信具有良好的开放性,可与企业现有的IT应用、办公自动化OA(Office Automation)系统集成。
●客户端软件开发工具包SDK(Software Development Kit)开放。
如SSO(Single Sign On)集成企业现有IT办公系统等。
2 统一通信业务功能介绍2.1 统一通信业务功能一览统一通信的功能如表2-1所示。
表2-1统一通信业务功能列表2.2 灵活的通话方式2.2.1 语音呼叫功能说明统一通信用户登录PC客户端,在客户端上从通讯录选择或者直接输入被叫用户的号码,就能直接呼叫到被叫。
Kate的电脑屏幕上出现来话通知界面,显示“新来电Mary ”。
2.2.2 视频呼叫功能说明统一通信用户登录PC客户端,可以通过以下两种方式实现和被叫之间的视频通话。
被叫用户只有使用PC 客户端接听来电才能实现视频通话。
●在个人通讯录中选中被叫用户,在右键快捷菜单中选择“视频呼叫> 用户号码”。
Kate的电脑屏幕上出现来话通知界面,显示“新来电Mary ”。
2.3 便利的会议功能2.3.1 语音会议功能说明统一通信用户可以通过PC客户端随时召开语音即时会议,方便多个用户间的同时交流。
2.4 短消息功能介绍统一通信提供的短消息功能。
2.4.1 发送短消息功能说明用户通过在PC客户端上简单的单击操作,就可以进入短消息窗口,使用键盘方便快速地向好友或联系人发送短消息,提高沟通效率。
2.4.2 群发短消息功能说明用户可以选择群组或多个联系人,轻松向多个联系人群发短消息。
2.5 即时消息和文件传输介绍统一通信提供的即时消息和文件传输功能。
2.5.1 发送即时消息功能说明统一通信用户使用PC客户端发送即时消息,保证了及时有效的信息传递,提升交流效率。
2.5.2 群发即时消息功能说明统一通信用户使用PC客户端向多个联系人群发即时消息,保证了及时有效的信息传递,提升交流效率。