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上海 A B B 工程有限公司ABB (Shanghai) Engineering Co. Ltd.第一章操作手册介绍本手册主要介绍了A B B 机器人的基本操作与运行。
《使用指南U se r' s G ui de》与《产品手册Pr o du ct M a n ual》。
第二章系统安全及环境保护系统安全:由于机器人系统复杂而且危险性大,在练习期间,对机器人进行任何操作 都必须注意安全。
埃夫特 ER 系列机器人 操作手册说明书
![埃夫特 ER 系列机器人 操作手册说明书](
2 手册使用 ........................................................................................................................................8
1.3 各工作过程中的安全注意事项 ...............................................................................................12
第 2 章 欢迎使用埃夫特机器人 ........................................................................................................... 20
版本ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ:V
概 述 ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
400 025 3336Service Hotline ESTUN Robotics Engineering Co., Ltd.WeightER12-1510-H5ER12-1510ER20-1780ER20/10-2000-HIER30-1880ER50-2100103050ER6-1600ER6-1450-HMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacity1510mm ±0.05mm 1780mm±0.06mm 2000mm±0.07mm 1880mm±0.08mm2100mm±0.15mm1510mm±0.05mm Arm RangeArm RangeRepeatabilityRepeatability Arm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatability1450mm±0.08mm Arm Range Repeatability1600mm±0.08mm 168245248255600170155164±170°-60° ~ +160°-165° ~ +88°±180°±50°±170°-60° ~ +160°-165° ~ +88°±180°±140°±360°±180°-95° ~ +160°-170° ~ +80°±180°±140°±360°±180°-95° ~ +160°-170° ~ +80°±180°±140°±360°±180°-95° ~ +160°-170° ~ +80°±180°±135°±360°±170°-80° ~ +150°-175° ~ +75°±360°±135°±360°±170°-60° ~ +160°-155° ~ +85°±170°±180°±360°±180°-60° ~ +140°-155° ~ +80°±170°±180°±360°180°/s 180°/s 180°/s 355°/s 360°/s180°/s 180°/s 180°/s 355°/s 360°/s 585°/s185°/s 185°/s 190°/s 355°/s 360°/s 585°/s185°/s 185°/s 190°/s 355°/s 360°/s 290°/s185°/s 185°/s 190°/s 355°/s 360°/s 365°/s93°/s 89°/s 115°/s 149°/s 130°/s 170°/s180°/s 180°/s 180°/s 440°/s 400°/s 600°/s148°/s 109°/s 214°/s 441°/s 580°/s 696°/sMAX. RANGE MAX. SPEEDInstallationFloor/CeilingInstallationFloorInstallation FloorInstallation FloorWeightWeight Weight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight InstallationFloorWeightArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatability Arm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatability Arm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityArm RangeRepeatabilityER220-2650ER170-2650ER350-3300ER500-2800ER80-2565-BDER130-2865-BD50080130ER100-3550-DW ER100-30002650mm ±0.2mm3300mm ±0.3mm 2800mm±0.3mm2565mm±0.2mm2865mm±0.2mm2650mm ±0.2mm 3000mm±0.2mm3550mm ±0.2mm112028553000740950109210531600±180°-60° ~ +80°-95° ~ +80°±180°±125°±360°±180°-60° ~ +80°-95° ~ +80°±180°±125°±360°±180°-60° ~ +105°-30° ~ +125°±180°±115°±360°±180°-60° ~ +105°-64° ~ +68°±180°±115°±360°±180°-67° ~ +150°-190° ~ +66°±170°±130°±360°±180°-70° ~ +90°-200° ~ +68°±200°±125°±360°±180°-60° ~ +80°-95° ~ +80°±180°±125°±360°±180°-30° ~ +160°-195° ~ +80°±170°±120°±360°110°/s 72°/s 95°/s 110°/s 110°/s 151°/s114°/s 105°/s 119°/s 120°/s 120°/s 160°/s70°/s 90°/s 90°/s 100°/s 80°/s 140°/s70°/s 90°/s 90°/s 100°/s 80°/s 140°/s110°/s 105°/s 130°/s 215°/s 160°/s 205°/s112°/s 106°/s 106°/s 180°/s 175°/s 188°/s114°/s 108°/s 119°/s 120°/s 130°/s 210°/s85°/s 70°/s 89°/s 120°/s 120°/s 200°/s100100170220350MAX. RANGE MAX. SPEEDInstallation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight Installation FloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight Installation ShelfWeight Max.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMAX. RANGE MAX. SPEED3060mm±0.2mm3300mm±0.3mm2800mm±0.3mm±0.02mm±0.015mm±0.01°400mm500mm600mm700mm2400mm±0.2mm105011203000±180°-40° ~ +85°-20° ~ +110°±360°±180°-40° ~ +90°-17° ~ +110°±360°±132°±141°0 ~ 150mm±360°±180°-60° ~ +105°-30° ~ +125°±115°±360°70°/s90°/s90°/s80°/s140°/s±180°-60° ~ +105°-64° ~ +68°±115°±360°70°/s90°/s90°/s80°/s140°/s105°/s110°/s110°/s290°/s114°/s108°/s119°/s270°/s600°/s600°/s1060mm/s2500°/sComplexSpeed6000mm/s±132°±150°0 ~ 200mm±360°375°/s588°/s1100mm/s1920°/sComplexSpeed6090mm/s±132°±150°0 ~ 200mm±360°375°/s588°/s1100mm/s1920°/sComplexSpeed6740mm/s±132°±150°0 ~ 200mm±360°375°/s588°/s1100mm/s1920°/sComplexSpeed7400mm/sER500-2850-5ER350-3300-5ER3-400-SR ER6-500-SR ER6-600-SR ER6-700-SR666 ER120-2400-PL ER180-3100-PL1201803505003J1+J2J3J4±0.025mm±0.015mm±0.01°J1+J2J3J4±0.025mm±0.015mm±0.01°J1+J2J3J4±0.025mm±0.015mm±0.01°J1+J2J3J428551520182018201920 RepeatabilityArmRangeRepeatabilityArmRangeRepeatabilityArmRangeRepeatabilityRepeatability Repeatability Repeatability RepeatabilityArmRangeArmRangeArmRangeArmRangeArmRange Max.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloor±170°-80° ~ +130°-190° ~ +60°±170°±130°±360°450°/s314°/s 370°/s 450°/s 473°/s 588°/s±176°±140°-200° ~ +70°±173°±130°±360°275°/s 275°/s 235°/s 400°/s 400°/s 530°/s±140°-200° ~ +70°±110°±360°250°/s 235°/s400°/s 530°/s±140°-225° ~ +65°±110° 250°/s 235°/s430°/s ER10-900-MI/41010106±132°±152°0 ~ 200mm / 0 ~ 420mm±360°375°/s 588°/s2020mm/s 1350°/sComplex Speed9850mm/s ±132°±152°0 ~ 200mm / 0 ~ 420mm±360°375°/s 588°/s2020mm/s 1350°/sComplex Speed11160mm/s ±200°±200°0 ~ 150mm ±360°480°/s 600°/s960mm/s 2000°/sComplex Speed7400mm/s800mmER20-800-SR20±0.025mm ±0.015mm ±0.01°J1+J2J3J447201000mm ER20-1000-SR20±0.025mm ±0.015mm ±0.01°J1+J2J3J45020550mmER4-550-SR/UER 6-730-MIER10-900-MIER10-900-MI/34±0.015mm ±0.01mm ±0.01°J1+J2J3J420207554505452545065730mm±0.02mmAxis Number 6900mm 900mm 900mm±0.05mmAxis Number 3±0.05mm Axis Number 4±0.05mm*Pictures in this manual are for reference only, and the appearance is subject to physical objects. This note is subject to change without notice. The data labeled in this manual are from ESTUN laboratory data, which may be different from the actual dataRepeatability Repeatability RepeatabilityArm RangeArm RangeArm RangeRepeatabilityRepeatabilityRepeatabilityRepeatabilityArm RangeArm RangeArm RangeArm RangeMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityMax.load capacityWeight InstallationFloorWeight InstallationFloorWeight WeightWeightWeightWeight InstallationFloorMAX. RANGE MAX. SPEEDInstallationFloor/CeilingInstallationFloor/CeilingInstallationFloor/CeilingInstallationFloor/CeilingSOLAR INDUSTRYWELDINGCO2/MIG/MAG Gas Metal Arc Welding WorkstationTIG Argon Arc Welding WorkstationESTUN hollow wrist robots reduce interference of cables. High performance weldinggun, ESTUN welding power source and ESTUN Mate welding software package canmake an ideal integrated welding workstation. ESTUN arc welding stations havecharacteristics of super spatter-free, good weld bead appearance, and low heat inputto base material. They can support sophisticated welding functions such as pre welddata setting , pendulum welding, intermittent welding, etc. ESTUN robotic arc weldingstations can be widely used in steel furniture, automobile parts, electric bike, motorcycles,fitness equipment, medical equipment, elevators, agricultural machinery, aluminumfilm plate and other industries.ESTUN has worked deeply in photovoltaic in industry for years. Its specialized robots for photovoltaic are widelyused in every leading companies of photovoltaic industry. Equipped with ESTUN vision system, ESTUN photovoltaicrobots extremely suitable for high-precision battery composition, plate inserting & stepping, glass handing,solidifying, corner packing, and packing. ESTUN photovoltaic robots are utmost cost-effective solution for thisindustry.The workstation combines ESTUN robots with domestic leading pulse TIGwelding power sources, and achieve fast data exchange between welder andcontroller based on self-developed ESTUN Mate arc welding software package,The workstation meets welding needs for sheet and yttrium with self-fused nospark argon gas arc welding function and multi-shape impulse filler-metal argongas arc welding function.Spot WeldingESTUN spot welding robot is equipped with ESTUN high speed servo motor torealize fast, agile and precise control. High load capacity of ESTUN spot weldingrobots cover a variety of spot welding holders.With IPC, it is possible to control the system via Ethernet in real time, and carryout large-scale pipelining with single or multiple robots. ESTUN Spot weldingcan be applied to automobile and parts welding line.1112PALLETIZING AND HANDLINGBENDINGMETAL SURFACE FINISHING3C ELECTRONICS & SEMI CONDUCTORAll ESTUN SCARA robots are designed according toESTUN serialization and modularization concept . Because whole series of SCARA products have been equipped with multifunctional Ethernet interface and convenient 9 point calibration vision system, the efficiency of devices integration and applications has been greatly improved. ESTUN SCARA robots are perfect solution for different applications which require fast, repeated, coherent point to point movement, such as, loading & unloading, placing, pallets sorting and components insrting etc. ESTUN SCARA robots are also perfectly suitable for conveyors loading & unloading which require high speed and precision tracking movements. When vision system integration is required in above applications, ESTUN SCARA robots are totally capable.ESTUN Desktop robots are accurate, fast, and extremely suitable for applications of electrics industry, such as assembly, handling, soldering, screwing etc., and applications of automotive industry, such as fast handling, processing, etc. ESTUN Desktop robots are also very popular in education with its optional functions such as teach with hand guidance, electronic skin, safety mode and so on.With more than 20 years’ experience in automation and sheet metal industry, ESTUN is expert of sheet metal processing and bending technology, and has abundant R&D experience in bending CNC system. ESTUN ER80 and ER130 series of robots, with several patents, is the first 6-axis bending robots in the world ever. ESTUN has alsodeveloped outstanding robotic bending software Smart Robot Bending , which has provided perfect solution for all critical points of robotic bending such as synchronous bending following, long programing & teaching time and soon. It has user-friendly interface, is very easy to operate, and is being widely recognized by the market.ESTUN provides high-speed, high-load capability and long reach intelligent palletizing robots. The standard smart palletizing software packages can generate palletizing instructions automatically. When equipped with different grippers, ESTUN palletizing robots are very suitable for palletizing solutions of bags, boxes, bottles, buckets etc. They make palletizing job more flexible and efficient.ESTUN Robots can cover 3kg to 500kg load capability. They can satisfy the requirements of automatic material transportation. Material handling can be much easier with conveyor tracking and collision detection function of ESTUN robots.ESTUN robots can be used in grinding, polishing and deburring applications of automobile parts, electrics, bathroom hardware, etc.Using off-lineprogramming software to program trajectory of complicated curved surface can extremely shorten teaching time, improve application exploitability of robots, and ensure quality stability of workpieces.1314CONTROL SYSTEMTeach PendantErgonomically optimized, designed for comfort and lightweight.User-friendly design, multi-language interface.Customized screen sizes.Dual safety switches, ensure operating safety.Integrated USB port, direct program input/output.Brand new cabinet which is smaller and more compact;EtherCAT (extensible for I/O), CANOpen, Modbus TCPcommunication is supported;Expansible 3 coupled axes and 16 single axes.Integrated engineering & electrical customized solutionscan be provided according to customers’ demands.Control CabinetBrand new cabinet which is smaller and more compact;EtherCAT (extensible for I/O), CANopen, Modbus TCP communication is supported;Integrated engineering & electrical customized solutions can be provided according to customers’ demands.OTHER FIELDSIn the system, ESTUN Robots which are equippedwith grippers normally works with unstackingmachine, magnetic tension distributor, cleaning &basting devices, and 7th axis. The system canincrease manufacturing efficiency and productquality through its integrated automaticfunctions like unstacking & feeding, picking &placing between machines, and palletizing.Single or multi-station machining manufacturingcan easily be set up with one or several ESTUNRobots which are equipped with grippers, loading &unloading platform and conveyor. ESTUN robotsare very suitable for automatic loading & unloadingprocesses of machining centers, injection moldingmachines, pipe bending machines and diecasting machines, when any employer isseeking lower labor costs and higher productquality.ESTUN Robots can be used in extremeenvironment such as high temperature, highhumidity, dust, etc. when they are equippedwith protective coatings, automatic molddischarging device and specialized grippers.They can liberate operators from ruggedenvironment. At the same time, they can helpemployers increase productivity and quality,reduce costs, and increase automation level offorging manufacturing.Others Being widely used in sealing, drilling in woodworking, ceramics handling, slaughtering, painting, andother different areas, ESTUN Robots are helping industries increase automatic level,manufacturing efficiency and product quality with customized software, user friendlyinterface and accurate, reliable performance.1516AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT APPLICATION SOFTWARE EC350LSpecial short-circuit transition control.Super low spatter function, suitable for 0.8-3mm sheet. Suitable for carbon steel, stainless steel and galvanized sheet.Excellent performance of MAG carbon steel welding.Fine control of droplet transition.Fusion depth control function.Ideally suitable for industries such as steel structures, heavy industries and pressure vessels which require high performance carbon steel welding.Spatter-free welding through one pulse, one droplet control technology. Fish scale welding through enhanced double-pulse function realizes. Suitable for carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum and its alloy.EC350/500EC500(water-cooling)EC350P/350P(water-cooling)/500P(water-cooling)Estun Positioner Bending Software PACK Estun CloudESP-1D ESP-2L/L ESP-3W/W ESP-3C/CSingle-axis PositionerThree-axis VerticalRotation Posit i onerTwo-axisPositionerThree-axis HorizontalRotation Positioner ESP-1HSingle-axis Head &Tail Bracket PositionerESP-2UU-type Two-axisPositionerHigh durabilityHigh Speed High Accuracy Lightweight DesignSpeed up to 138°/s, Increase product efficiency.Repeatability up to ±0.1mmwith its RV reducer.high rigidity,excellent acceleration.Simple driving system,great conductivity andwell-designed cabling.Smart Robot Bending software package supports IO and Ethernet communication with bending machines.One singlecable is needed to set up communication instead of complicated wiring. Obtaining parameters such as bending machine signals, moldparameters and bending speed, and other parameters; directly calling bending machine instructions from teach pendant; and controllingbending machine to start bending procedures is all achievable through this simple connection. Locations of the robot and the bendingmachine are not restricted. Customers can flexibly set up machines and robots in limited space. Also there is no need to re-calibrate thebending machine after mold replacing. The built-in basic palletizing function for bending application makes operation easier. Thehigh-precision displacement sensors enable automatic feeding function which can tremendously shorten teaching time and ensure highprecision bending.ESTUN Cloud connects Estun robots to a cloud platform through wireless remote connection modules.Robot operation conditions and information of alarms & faults can be monitored in real time by a smart phone APP. Remotely downloading& modifying of robot programs, and faults diagnoses can be executed through a sample PC based program. ESTUN Cloud can help ourpartners shorten faults eliminating time, lower communication costs, and increase service quality, discover business opportunities throughBig Data analysis. By supporting general communication protocols, ESTUN Cloud can support not only robots but also more otherautomatic equipment, and combine automation technology with information technology. Through ESTUN Cloud, our partners canhave supportive technology platform for their Industry 4.0 vision.1718APPLICATION SOFTWAREAPPLICATION SOFTWAREESTUN Panther has adopted graphic interface , which means all palletizing operations, including configuration and stacking/unstacking, can be realized simply and efficiently through the interface. Built in common stacking shapes make stacking much easier and faster. Meanwhile, ESTUN Panther also supports complicated and customized shapes of stacking. By using built-in palletizing program templates, users can teach the stacking featured points on the interface instead of writing robot programs. After configuration is completed, users can directly start palletizing process through interface and easily monitor system states, such as target location of current work piece, serial number of currently placed work piece and whether there is a signal of fed workpieces or pallet, etc.ESTUN MATE arc welding software pack has perfectly combined welding robot with weldingpower source. CANopen, RS485, and I/O communication is supported. Through thesecommunications, there is massive data real-time interactive between welding robot and welding power source. In addition to basic welding functions, ESTUN MATE also provides a variety of advanced functions, such as registration code activation, graphically monitoring of current, voltage and wire feeding speed, wire stuck detection, wire stuck auto release, robot and power source locking, sequence welding, intermittent welding, pendulum welding, and so on. Laser vision locating and tracking function provides fine location and real-time tracking of welding seam, greatly simplifies the teaching and tools’ complexity, helps users to achieve higher efficiency and qualified rate. Welding parameters can be set and displayed on the welding interface of teach pendant. ESTUN MATE meets different welding needs by various specialized welding instructions.Through equipping servo spot welding torch with ESTUN servo drives and motors, ESTUN SPOT can accurately control welding pressure, ensure welding performance, controlregrinding and replacement of electrode cap. It can also provide precise position control of spot-welding gun through grinding compensation function. 128 welding specifications can be selected by users for several types and thicknesses of welding materials. The conditions of spot welding equipment, including welding controller, electrode holder, grinder, etc., are overall monitored to ensure operation safety. The software can match with multiple welding controllers because of its high redundancy. ESTUN SPOT does not only support I/O but also PROFIBUS, Modbus TCP and CANopen to fulfill customer sites’ specific requirements (customization). Several types of ESTUN robots can be selected according to various specifications of electrode holders. ESTUN’s self-developed remote monitoring system can be chosen as option. Remote faults diagnoses and eliminating function can be realized through this system.Users can design movement path of robots with space curve in the 3D environment provided by off-line programming software. The software can transfer designed path into programs of robots. It is normally used in application when teaching programming is very difficult, such as glaze spraying, grinding and sealing, etc.The software offers a 3D simulation environment where robot system as well as peripheral equipment can be added rapidly. In addition, I/O interaction and motion settings of the peripheral equipment can be achieved in the environment.It is very convenient for users to simulate the application scene to observe the ultimate operation effects visually, verify the feasibility and optimize the solution rapidly, which will improve the robot efficiency.Equipped with intellectualized HMI, the software has various visual function modules such as material identification, locating and sorting, QR code/bar code identification, conveyor belt tracking, etc. Supporting multiple communication protocols like TPC/IP , I/O and serial port, massive data interaction among robots, PLC and peripheral equipment can be achieved quickly, which facilitates the operation.VISION PRODUCT SERIESCollect equipment parameters, status, alarms, etc. of the motion control system through the EM-PCS system.Estun's self-developed motion control system supports fieldbus EtherCAT, etc.Support multiple ways to view the running status,parameters, and alarm data of the device at any time.Data collection Device interconnectionUpload the processed data to the cloud through the EM-PCS platform for remote monitoring and predictive operation and maintenance.Cloud platformView mode Analyze the collected data, multi-dimensional display.Control the process of the workstation or production line.Data collection, work order management, quality management, line-side logistics,material traceability, etc.Platform function Data analysisProcess control ControllerEM-PCS platformPC/APP portServo systemCloud platformESTUN CLOUDFocus on the motion control system, through the "development, production, maintenance" as one of the one-stop services, to gather a real competitive advantage, combined with Trio's motion control technology, the automated core component product line has completed a strategic transformation from AC servo systems to motion control solutions, The business model is realizing a full-scale sublimation from a single-axis——single——unit, to help build the optimal solution for the production site.AC servo systemUniversal motion control solution Intelligent control unit motion control solution Robot-specific servo and control system solutions Metal forming machine tool numerical control system solutionWe Also Provide Motion Control And Servo Systems22。
2.1 机器人轨道的清洁 ........................................................................................................................................... 14 2.2 旋杯的清洁 ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.1 旋杯清洁......................................
Bulletin PM-ERV-B/USAMaintenance Instruction & Parts ListRevision Date: September 2005 Supersedes: April 2002ERV SeriesValue Line Rodless Linear ActuatorWARNINGFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or systems options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.WARNINGOffer of SaleThe items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated on the separate page of this document entitled “Offer of Sale”.Description Page Number General 3 Exploded Actuator View 4 Carriage Assembly & Carriage Preload Adjustment 4 Carriage Drive Belt Tension 5 Lubrication 6 Actuator Mounting 6Roller Wheel Wiper Accessory 6 Bumper Accessory 7Hall Effect & Reed Switches 7 Fastener Torque Table 8 Generic Parts List 9Offer of Sale 10GeneralThis guide contains maintenance instructions, replacement parts information, and information on various actuator options. Consult the factory or the Product Catalog for additional information.ERV Series Linear slides are electromechanical belt driven actuators. The mechanical capabilities and response of the units are greatly dependent on the entire drive train system including the motor or motor and gearbox combination.In both size units an extended carriage option is offered. This option increases the actuator carriage length and significantly increases the load carrying capacity of the carriage. Please note that this option does not alter the actuator body. The body may require additional support along its length.See the Product Catalog for additional design considerations.Exploded ViewCarriage Assembly & Preload AdjustmentWhen the actuators come from the factory the carriage wheels will be preloaded. If over the course of time the actuator becomes damaged or the preload is lost the wheels can be easily adjusted or if necessary replaced in the following manner.1. Use good general safety guide lines when working on any type of machinery2. Review the specific application for any potential personal injury and property damage whileservicing the actuator.3. Disconnect all power to the actuator.4. If the actuator is equipped with end of travel bumpers, remove the bumper assemblies on the idler(not the motor) end of the actuator.5. Disconnect the carriage from the shuttle by removing the three carriage bolts (8).6. Roll the carriage off the end of the body extrusion. Note, the actuator is designed so that thecarriage assembly can be removed for carriage maintenance purposes without disturbing the drive belt tension.*** DO NOT REMOVE THE CARRIAGE ROLLER WHEELS FROM THE CARRIAGE AT THIS TIME ***7. Review the hex nuts/roller cams (5) on the carriage. Take special note that on half of the hexes thebolt is off center inside the hex. These are the cams that produce the preload in the carriage. The other half of the hexes have the bolts in the center. These are the main load bearing roller wheels.8. Use a removable marker of some type to identify what locations on the carriage use the off centercams. This will help you to put the carriage back together the same way (i.e. positively or negatively loaded carriage – see the product catalog for a description).9. Only after marking the cam locations should you remove a roller assembly. If a roller needs to bereplaced or the preload needs to be adjusted, remove the wheel retainer screw in combination with the appropriate sized hex wrench.*** Note: Using a socket is the best way to get a firm grip on the roller cams (5). ***10. If you are adjusting the preload skip to step 14, otherwise continue.11. If you are replacing a roller you will need to remove the bearing retainer (2) from the inside of theroller wheel (3). The fit between the two pieces is tightly controlled. They will probably fall apart but they can be disassembled with finger pressure. Do not use a hammer etc.12. Insert the bearing retainer into the roller wheel assembly.13. Reinstall the wheel washer (4).14. Apply a drop of removable anaerobic adhesive (thread locking agent – ex. Loctite®) to the internalthreads of the bearing retainer (2).15. Pass the wheel retainer screw (6) through the appropriate style of roller cam (i.e. on-center or off-center). At this time take special note that there are interlocking steps milled on both the cam and the bearing retainer. The interlocking steps allow you to preload the carriage while the carriage is on the body extrusion.16. Assemble the cam through the carriage body itself and engage the thread of the wheel retainerscrew into the bearing retainer.17. Finger tighten the wheel retainer screw while taking caution to make sure the two steps interlock.18. If this particular cam is one with the screw in the center (i.e. for the load bearing wheels), tightenthe screw to the proper torque per the specification in the rear of this instruction. Otherwise wait to tighten the screw if the following carriage preloading discussion.19. Roll the carriage back onto the extruded cylinder body.Adjusting the Carriage Preload – Since this step is “Pre-loading” of a carriage assembly, we will only be discussing the off center roller cams. The other cams should be properly torqued at this point.20. Use the socket to rotate the hex/cam until the roller underneath the carriage comes into contactwith the body extrusion. This is identified by a slight increase to the amount of torque required to turn the cam/socket. It is very beneficial at this point to turn the cam past the maximum preload point so that you can feel the maximum and more importantly the minimum/contact point. This also verifies that the wheel retainer screw is not tightening and you are preloading the carriage.Note: Anymore than a minimal amount of preload puts unnecessary stress/load on the main carriage bearings and roller tire material.21. Turn the cam back to the point at which the wheel comes into contact with the body extrusion.22. While holding the cam in a fixed position with the socket, tighten the wheel retainer screw (6) andtorque it to the specification in the rear of this instruction.23. Be sure to adjust the wheels evenly on all three sides so that the carriage runs parallel with thebody.Note: If several of the wheels have lost their preload it may be difficult to immediately find the contact point. You may need to tighten a few of the questionable wheels and then adjust them one at a time.Belt TensionTension the actuator drive belt (23) using either an inductive or laser based frequency meter. See the manual for the specific meter you have chosen for specific setup and use instructions.1. After installation of the belt into the actuator body and the belt clamps (11), tighten the belt by handusing the belt clamp bolts (12).2. Space the carriage assembly, that is attached to the belt by way of the shuttle, away from one ofthe endcaps by a distance “L” (see below chart). “L” should be measured from the centerline of the drive endcap to the attachment point of the belt to the shuttle (belt clamp bolts). Use the largest measurement possible from the chart below for tensioning (i.e. an actuator with an 850mm stroke would use the 500mm measurement).3. Place the meter sensor approximately half way between the endcap and the carriage (i.e. “L”/2).4. Vibrate the belt.5. Adjust the tension of the belt by tightening or loosening the belt clamp screws (12) appropriately.This can be done through the access hole in the endcap cover plate or with a ball end hex wrench.6. After the belt has been properly tensioned, install the plastic plugs (20) in the endcap access holes(if required).Belt Frequency“L” ERV56 ERV80(mm) (Hz ± 4 Hz) (Hz ± 4 Hz)100 353 357200 176 178500 71 711000 35 36LubricationThe wheel and pulley bearings are pre-lubricated for the life of the unit. No additional lubrication is necessary.Actuator MountingThe ERV units should only be mounted down by way of the T-slots on the body of the unit. The endcaps should never be used as mounting points. The mounting holes provided on the carriage as well as the T-slots are designed to accommodate standard Parker Hannifin IPS mounting brackets in the 28mm and 40mm profile sizes (ERV56 and ERV80 respectively).See the ERV product catalog for additional mounting gussets.Roller Wheel Wiper AccessoryA roller wheel wiper accessory is offered for applications where large particles may accumulate on the wheel rails. This is constructed of a felt pad on either end of the carriage which will wipe the rails before the wheels pass over. Below is a parts layout for this option.Bumper AccessoryExternal bumpers are available on these units for safety reasons or as emergency stops. These bumpers are designed as safety stops only and should not be used as end of stroke stops. Continuously using them as end of stroke stops may damage the drive train. See the diagram below for an exploded view of the bumper option.Hall Effect & Reed SwitchesHall Effect and Reed switches are available for sensing the position of the carriage. This is accomplished by detecting the magnet attached to the carriage. Magnets come as standard on all units. The switches may be attached to either of the side T-slots on the actuator body and are easily adjusted to any position along the length. See the figure below for the mounting bracket hardware needed for the switches.Hall Effect SensorsPart Number Type LED Color Logic Cable/Connector SMHnn-1P N.O. Green PNPSMHnn-1N N.O. Red NPN 1.5M Cable SMCnn-1P N.C. Yellow PNP With Leads SMCnn-1N N.C. White or Red NPNSMHnn-1PC N.O. Green PNPSMHnn-1NC N.O. Red NPN 150mm Cable SMCnn-1PC N.C. Yellow PNP With Quick Dis. ** SMCnn-1NC N.C. White or Red NPNReed SwitchesPart Number Type LED Color Rating Cable/ConnectorSMRnn-1 N.O. Green Hi Amp SMRnn-1L N.O. Red Low Amp SMDnn-1L N.C. Yellow Low Amp 1.5M Cable With LeadsSMRnn-1LC N.O. Red Low Amp 150mm CableSMDnn-1LC N.C. Yellow Low Amp With Quick Dis. **“nn” represents place holders for the purpose of ordering pre-assembled mounting brackets forthe ERV product line. Replace the “nn” with “V5” or “V8” depending on the size actuator. Note:leave blank for the switch only** Extension cables with mating quick disconnects are purchased separatelyFastener Torque TableERV56 ERV80Item Description Qty Size N-m in-lbs Size N-m in-lbs 6 WHEEL RETAINER SCREWS 12 M5 5.1 45 M6 7.9 70 8 CARRIAGE BRACKET SCREWS 3 M5 9.6 85 M5 9.6 85 19 END CAP SCREWS 6 M6 15.8 140 M6 15.8 140 29 WIPER PLATE SCREWS 8 M3 0.1 1 M4 0.1 1 35 BUMPER SCREWS 4 M6 0.6 4 M6 0.6 4 37 BUMPER T-SLOT SCREWS 4 M6 15.8 140 M8 39.6 350 43 INLINE COUPLING BOLT 1 M3 1.2 11 M6 5.1 85Generic Part ListITEM # DESCRIPTION QTY ERV56 ERV801 Carriage/Extended carriage 1 ERV56R03(E) ERV80R03(E)2 Bearing retainer 12/24 ERV56R02 ERV80R023 Roller wheel assemblies 12/24 ERV56RCA ERV80RCA4 Wheel washer 12/24 WS-FHS-CM08 WS-FHS-CM125 Concentric roller cam 6/12 ERV56R01 ERV80R015 Eccentric roller cam 6/12 ERV56R04 ERV80R046 Wheel retainer screws 12/24 CF-CM5X0.8-018-Z CF-CM6X1.0-020-Z7 Magnet 2 ET32M10 ET32M108 Carriage bracket screws 3 CS-CM5X0.8-010-Z CS-CM5X0.8-016-Z9 Carriage shuttle bracket 1 ERV56M03 ERV80M0310 End of stroke stop screw – std. carriage 2 CS-CM5X0.8-020-Z CS-CM5X0.8-020-Z10 End of stroke stop screw – ext. carriage 2 CS-CM5X0.8-090-Z CS-CM5X0.8-080-Z11 Belt clamp 2 ER80R09 ERV80R0912 Belt clamp bolts 2 CS-CM5X0.8-020-Z CS-CM5X0.8-020-Z13 End Cap cover plate 2 ERV56M04 ERV80M0414 Drive end cap 1 ERV56E02 ERV80E0215 Belt drive shaft 1 ERV56S02 ERV80S0216 Pulley 2 ERV56P01 ERV80P0117 Pulley bearings 4 RA446 RA44718 Body cover plate 2 ERV56M15 ERV80M1519 End cap screws 6 CS-CM6X1.0-080 CS-CM6X1.0-11020 Access hole plug 2 18-710 18-71021 Bearing rear cover plate 2 ERV56M16R ERV80M16R22 Extrusion body 1 ERV56CXXXX ERV80CXXXX23 Belt material 1 ER80B01BSC ERV80B01BSC23 Belt material – high performance 1 ER80B02BSC ERV80B02BSC24 Idler end cap 1 ERV56E01 ERV80E0125 Belt idler shaft 1 ERV56S01 ERV80S0126 Bearing front cover plate 1 ERV56M16F ERV80M16F27 Wheel wiper plate 4 ERV56M05 ERV80M0528 Felt wiper 2 ERV56M09 ERV80M0929 SHCS – wiper plate screws 8 CS-CM3X0.5-016-Z CS-CM4X0.7-016-Z35 Bumper screws 4 24-312-6 24-312-636 Carriage bumper 4 B8504-32ER B8504-50ER37 Bumper t-slot screws 4 24-320-6 CS-CM8X1.25-030-Z38 Bumper block 4 ERV56M06 ERV80M0639 Drop In T-nut 4 20-099 20-05640 Linear wiper seal 2 ERV56M08 ERV56M0841 Drive shaft key 1 B8534M2-08 B8534M5-1442 Inline coupler 1 RGSM140802 RGSM19140543 Inline coupler bolt 1 CS-CM3x0.5-012 CS-CM6x1.0-016Offer Of SaleThe items described in this document are hereby offered for sale at prices to be established by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance by any customer ("Buyer") shall be governed by all of the following Terms and Conditions. Buyer's order for any item described in its document, when communicated to Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiary or an authorized distributor ("Seller'] verbally or in writing, shall constitute acceptance of this offer.1. Terms and Conditions of Sale: All descriptions, quotations, proposals, offers, acknowledgments, acceptances and sales of Seller's products are subject to and shall be governed exclusively by the terms and conditions stated herein. Buyer's acceptance of any offer to sell is limited to these terms and conditions. Any terms or conditions in addition to, or inconsistent with those stated herein, proposed by Buyer in any acceptance of an offer by Seller, are hereby objected to No such additional, different or inconsistent terms and conditions shall become part of the contract between Buyer and Seller unless expressly accepted in writing by Seller. Seller's acceptance of any offer to purchase by Buyer is expressly conditional upon Buyer's assent to all the terms and conditions stated herein, including any terms in addition to, or inconsistent with those contained in Buyer's offer. Acceptance of Seller's products shall in all events constitute such assent.2. Payment: Payment shall be made by Buyer net 30 days from the date of delivery of the items purchased hereunder. Any claims by Buyer for omissions or shortages in a shipment shall be waived unless Seller receives notice thereof within 30 days after Buyer's receipt of the shipment.3. Delivery: Unless otherwise provided on the face hereof, delivery shall be made F.O.B. Seller's plant. Regardless of the method of delivery, however, risk of loss shall pass to Buyer upon Seller's delivery to a carrier. Any delivery dates shown are approximate only and Seller shall have no liability for any delays in delivery.4. Warranty: Seller warrants that the items sold hereunder shall be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of 365 days from the date of shipment to Buyer, or 2,00.0 hours of use, whichever expires first. THIS WARRANTY COMPRISES THE SOLE AND ENTIRE WAR. RANTY PERTAINING TO ITEMS PROVIDED HEREUNDER. SELLER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, GUARANTEE, OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW, TRADE USAGE, OR COURSE OF DEAL ING ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, THERE ARE NO WARRAN. TIES WHATSOEVER ON ITEMS BUILT OR ACQUIRED WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY, TO BUYER'S DESIGNS OR SPECIFICATIONS.5. Limitation Of Remedy: SELLER'S LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE ITEMS SOLD OR THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE ITEMS SOLD OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID BY BUYER, AT SELLER'S SOLE OPTION. IN NO EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND OR NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOST PROFITS ARISING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR ITEMS SOLD HEREUNDER, WHETHER ALLEGED TO ARISE FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY, OR IN TORT, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, NEGLIGENCE, FAILURE TO WARN OR STRICT LIABILITY.6. Changes, Reschedules and Cancellations: Buyer may request to modify the designs or specifications for the items sold hereunder as well as the quantities and delivery dates thereof, or may request to cancel all or part of this order, however, no such requested modification or cancellation shall become part of the contract between Buyer and Seller unless accepted by Seller in a written amendment to this Agreement. Acceptance of any such requested modification or cancellation shall be at Seller's discretion, and shall be upon such terms and conditions as Seller may require.7. Special Tooling: A tooling charge may be imposed for any special tooling, including without limitation, dies, fixtures, molds and patterns, acquired to manufacture items sold pursuant to this contract. Such special tooling shall be and remain Seller's property notwithstanding payment of any charges by Buyer. In no event will Buyer acquire any interest in apparatus belonging to Seller which is utilized in the manufacture of the items sold hereunder, even if such apparatus has been specially converted or adapted for such manufacture and notwithstanding any charges paid by Buyer. Unless otherwise agreed, Seller shall have the right to alter, discard or otherwise dispose of any special tooling or other property in its sole discretion at any time.8. Buyer's Property: Any designs, tools, patterns, materials, drawings, confidential information or equipment furnished by Buyer or any other items which become Buyer's property, may be considered obsolete and may be destroyed by Seller after two (2) consecutive years have elapsed without Buyer placing an order for the items which are manufactured using such property. Seller shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to such property while it is in Seller's possession or control.9. Taxes: Unless otherwise indicated on the face hereof, all prices and charges are exclusive of excise, sales, use, property, occupational or like taxes which may be imposed by any taxing authority upon the manufacture, sale or delivery of the items sold hereunder. If any such taxes must be paid by Seller or if Seller is liable for the collection of such tax, the amount thereof shall be in addition to the amounts for the items sold. Buyer agrees to pay all such taxes or to reimburse Seller therefore upon receipt of its invoice. If Buyer claims exemption from any sales, use or other tax imposed by any taxing authority, Buyer shall save Seller harmless from and against any such tax, together with any interest or penalties thereonPM-ERV-B/USA Maintenance Instructions & Generic Parts ListERV Series Actuator11Parker Hannifin Corporation Actuator DivisionWadsworth, OH 44281which may be assessed if the items are held to be taxable.10. Indemnity For Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights: Seller shall have no liability for infringement of any patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade dress, trade secrets or similar rights except as provided in this Part 10. Seller will defend and indemnify Buyer against allegations of infringement of U.S. patents, U.S. trademarks, copyrights, trade dress and trade secrets (hereinafter 'Intellectual Property Rights'). Seller will defend at its expense and will pay the cost of any settlement or damages awarded in an action brought against Buyer based on an allegation that an item sold pursuant to this contract infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party. Seller's obligation to defend and indemnify Buyer is contingent on Buyer notifying Seller within ten (10) days after Buyer becomes aware of such allegations of infringement, and Seller having sole control over the defense of any allegations or actions including all negotiations for settlement or compromise. If an item sold hereunder is subject to a claim that it infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third party, Seller may, at its sole expense and option, procure for Buyer the right to continue using said item, replace or modify said item so as to make it non infringing, or offer to accept return of said item and return the purchase price less a reasonable allowance for depreciation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall have no liability for claims of infringement based on information provided by Buyer, or directed to items delivered hereunder for which the designs are specified in whole or part by Buyer, or infringements resulting from the modification, combination or use in a system of any item sold hereunder. The foregoing provisions of this Part 10 shall constitute Seller's sole andexclusive liability and Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy for infringement of Intellectual Property Rights.If a claim is based on information provided by Buyer or if the design for an item delivered hereunder is specified in whole or in part by Buyer, Buyer shall defend and indemnify Seller for all costs, expenses or judgments resulting from any claim that such item infringes any patent, trademark, copyright, trade dress, trade secret or any similar right.11. Force Majeure: Seller does not assume the risk of and shall not be liable for delay or failure to perform any of Seller's obligations by reason of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Seller (hereinafter 'events of Force Majeure]. Events of Force Majeure shall include without limitation, accidents, acts of God, strikes or labor disputes, acts, laws, rules or regulations of any government or government agency, fires, floods, delays or failures in delivery of carriers or suppliers, shortages of materials and any other cause beyond Seller's control.12. Entire Agreement/Governing Law: The terms and conditions set forth herein, together with any amendments, modifications and any different terms or conditions expressly accepted by Seller in writing, shall constitute the entire Agreement concerning the items sold, and there are no oral or other representations or agreements which pertain thereto. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the law of the State of Ohio. No actions arising out of the sale of the items sold hereunder or this Agreement may be brought by either party more than two (2) years after the cause of action accrues.Parker Hannifin Corporation Actuator Division135 Quadral Drive Wadsworth, Ohio 44281 USA Tel: (330) 336-3511Fax: (330) 334-3335Web Site:/automation。
机器人维护保养作业指导书1. 引言本作业指导书旨在为机器人维护保养提供全面的指导,确保机器人的正常运行和延长其使用寿命。
2. 维护保养计划为了确保机器人的稳定性和可靠性,建议制定一个定期的维护保养计划。
2.1 日常巡检每天对机器人进行一次简单的巡检,包括: - 检查各部件是否存在松动或异常磨损。
- 清理机器人表面的灰尘和污垢。
- 检查电源线是否接触良好。
- 检查传感器是否正常工作。
2.2 定期检查每月对机器人进行一次详细的检查,包括: - 检查电池状态并清洁电池接口。
- 检查电机、减速器和传动装置是否需要润滑。
- 检查机器人的运动轨迹是否正常。
- 检查并清洁传感器。
2.3 年度维护每年对机器人进行一次全面的维护,包括: - 清洁机器人内部,并检查电路板和连接线路是否良好。
- 检查关键部件的磨损情况,如替换磨损的零件。
- 进行校准和调整,确保机器人的准确性和精度。
3. 维护保养操作步骤3.1 关闭机器人在进行任何维护保养操作之前,务必先关闭机器人并断开电源。
3.2 清洁表面使用柔软的布或刷子清洁机器人表面的灰尘和污垢。
3.3 润滑关键部件根据制造商提供的润滑要求,在适当位置添加适量润滑剂。
3.4 校准和调整根据机器人的使用情况和需要,进行校准和调整。
3.5 更换磨损零件检查关键部件的磨损情况,如电池、电机、传动装置等,如果发现磨损严重或不正常,及时更换零件。
3.6 清洁内部小心打开机器人外壳,并清洁内部。
埃斯顿 ER100-3550-DW 机器人说明书
![埃斯顿 ER100-3550-DW 机器人说明书](
J6 轴伺服电机驱动器电路图:
4.3 主控制器单元
通过对该单元进行编程,实现机器人本体及其外围设备的动作,以及安全防护、故障报 警、紧急停止等功能。该控制器一共可以扩展 12 模块,包括数字量输入输出模块,模拟量 输入输出模块,通讯模块等等。
ER16机器人 电气维护手册
●在使用机器人之前,请详读本操作说明书,并请遵从所有关于安全事项与正文的指示。 ●关于本机器人的安装、操作、维修,请仅有接受过本公司机器人培训的人员进行。 ●在使用本机器人的时候,必须遵守各个国家有关工业机器人的法律以及安全相关的法律条例。 ●务必将本操作说明书交付给实际操作的人员。 ●有关本操作说明书的不明之处以及有关本机器人的售后服务,请向记载在封底中的公司的服务部查询。
J1 轴,J2 轴,J3 轴选择的制动电阻为 300W/50Ω,J4,J5,J6 轴选择的制动电阻为 50W/25 Ω。
具体电路图,如下所示: J1 轴伺服电机驱动器电路图:
J2 轴伺服电机驱动器电路图: J3 轴伺服电机驱动器电路图:
J4 轴伺服电机驱动器电路图: J5 轴伺服电机驱动器电路图:
第一章 控制柜概述.................................................................................................................4 1.1 控制柜外观................................................................................................................4 1.2 控制柜面板................................................................................................................5
●在机器人动作范围内示教时,请遵守以下事项:- 保持从正面观看机器人。
- 遵守操作步骤。
- 考虑机器人突然向自己所处方位运动时的应变方案。
- 确保设置躲避场所,以防万一。
●进行以下作业时,请确认机器人的动作范围内没人,并且操作者处于安全位置操作:- 机器人电控柜接通电源时。
- 用示教器操作机器人时。
- 试运行时。
- 自动再现时。
本书常用词汇定义“ESTUN ROBOTICS”是埃斯顿工业机器人的商品名。
ESTUN ROBOTICS 由机器人本体“机器人”、机器人电控柜“电控柜”、“示教器”和“供电电缆”构成。
版本号:V 1.1ER180-4-3200工业机器人电气使用维护手册目录第一章安全 (1)1.1安全须知 (1)1.2安全准则 (1)1.3各工作过程中的安全注意事项 (2)1.3.1机器人安装和连接的安全 (2)1.3.2机器人启动前的安全 (3)1.3.3机器人启动的安全 (3)1.3.4试车安全 (4)1.3.5示教过程中的安全 (5)1.3.6自动运行时的安全 (6)1.3.7维修时的安全 (6)1.3.8点检和维护时的安全 (7)第二章安装与调试 (10)2.1概述 (10)2.2基本说明 (10)2.2.1安装前的准备工作 (10)2.2.2机器人储存环境 (10)2.2.3机器人操作环境 (10)2.2.4寒冷环境中启动机器人 (11)2.2.5控制柜工作放置空间 (11)2.3现场安装 (12)2.3.1机器人搬运注意事项 (12)2.3.2机器人本体搬运 (12)2.3.3机器人控制柜搬运 (13)2.4电气连接 (14)I埃夫特智能装备股份有限公司2.4.1机器人电源 (15)2.4.2机器人控制柜与本体间连接 (16)2.4.3紧急停止 (17)第三章机器人控制柜系统 (20)3.1机器人控制柜组成 (20)3.1.1基本参数 (20)3.1.2控制柜简介 (20)3.2控制柜操作面板功能介绍 (21)3.2.1主开关 (21)3.2.2紧急停止按钮 (22)3.2.3伺服确认按钮 (22)3.2.4热插拔按钮 (22)3.3机器人示教盒 (22)3.4运动控制单元 (25)3.4.1运动控制器 (25)3.4.2系统扩展IO说明及定义 (32)3.4.3IO扩展 (33)3.4.4运动控制卡 (35)3.5伺服驱动器介绍 (37)3.5.1书本型基本电源模块接线 (37)3.5.2书本型电机驱动模块接线图 (39)3.5.3书本型伺服驱动器EtherCAT系统总线介绍 (42)3.5.4书本型伺服驱动器各模块指示灯状态定义 (43)3.6热插拔单元 (43)3.6.1示教器热插拔操作示意 (43)3.6.2常见问题 (44)3.7安全功能单元 (45)第四章维护保养 (47)IIER180-4-3200工业机器人电气使用维护手册4.1简介 (47)4.2具体的安全规则 (47)4.3维护计划 (48)4.4检查活动 (49)4.4.1检查线束 (49)4.4.2检查主要电气元件工作情况 (49)4.4.3检查急停开关 (49)4.5更改/更换活动 (50)4.5.1更换控制器 (50)4.5.2更换安全继电器 (51)4.5.3更换伺服电源模块及驱动器 (51)4.5.4更换开关电源 (52)4.5.5更换熔断器、熔芯、保险丝 (53)4.5.6更换风扇过滤棉 (54)4.6零点快速恢复方法 (54)4.7清洁活动 (54)4.7.1概述 (54)4.7.2注意事项 (55)第五章故障处理 (56)5.1概述 (56)5.2常见硬件故障 (56)5.3控制器故障处理 (57)5.3.1查看事件日志 (57)5.3.2控制器的故障灯显示 (58)5.3.3控制器的故障处理 (59)5.4驱动器故障处理 (60)5.5程序运行故障处理 (60)第六章停用 (61)III埃夫特智能装备股份有限公司6.1简介 (61)6.2环境信息 (61)6.3废弃机器人 (61)附件1备件清单 (62)附件2控制器报警及警告 (63)1.1控制器报警 (63)1.1.1系统报警(1-999) (63)1.2用户报警及警告 (65)1.2.1MajorAlarms(1800-1999) (65)1.2.2MinorAlarms(3900-3999) (66)1.2.3Warnings(4900-4999) (68)附件3驱动器报警及警告 (72)1.3清能驱动(Alarm:1000-1199,Warning:4050-4099) (72)1.3.1报警信息 (72)1.3.2警告信息 (87)附件4原理图 (90)IVER180-4-3200工业机器人电气使用维护手册第1页第一章安全1.1安全须知根据国家和当地的有关法律、法规、条例,在使用包括机器人的工业系统时,安全防范是最基本的关注点。
ER系列工业机器人Walden网关配置手册RCS2 V1.00南京埃斯顿自动化股份有限公司南京埃斯顿机器人工程有限公司-本文档符合ISO体系要求,并会根据IPD体系变化更新-文档修订记录目录前言 (1)读者对象 (1)注意事项 (1)安全说明 (1)第1 章功能概述 (2)第2 章协议介绍 (3)2.1 PROFINET介绍 (3)2.2主要指标 (3)2.3硬件环境 ............................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
2.4功能配置 (4)第3 章网关调试说明 (5)3.1 硬件接线图 (5)3.2 Multiprog配置 (5)3.3西门子PLC配置 (9)前言本手册适用于控制系统RCS2 V1.27.00及以上版本,介绍埃斯顿ER系列机器人EtherCAT转ROFINET网关的功能调试和使用方法。
安全说明第 1 章功能概述EtherCAT接口是指外部逻辑控制器通过标准EtherCAT协议与机器人通讯的一种通讯方式。
工业机器人使用说明书(电气分册)前言尊敬的客户:对您惠顾选用广州数控设备有限公司研发制造的工业机器人(也简称机器人)产品,本公司深感荣幸并深表感谢!本使用说明书为工业机器人(含RB 型搬运机器人、RH 型焊接机器人)使用说明书(电气分册)部分。
II安全注意事项安全注意事项危险ζ 操作机器人前,按下控制柜上的急停键,并确认伺服电源被切断,同时控制柜上的伺服电源灯熄灭紧急情况下,若不能及时制动机器人,则可能引发人身伤害或设备损坏事故ζ 急停后再接通伺服电源时,要解决造成急停的故障后再接通伺服电源由于误操作造成的机器人动作,可能引发人身伤害事故ζ 在机器人动作范围内示教时,请遵守以下事项保持从正面观察机器人遵守操作步骤考虑机器人突然向自己所处方位运动时的应变方案确保设置躲避场所,以防万一由于误操作造成的机器人动作,可能引发人身伤害事故ζ 进行以下作业时,请确认机器人的动作范围内没有人,并且操作者处于安全位置操作:控制柜接通电源时用示教盒操作机器人时试运行时再现运行时不慎进入机器人动作范围内或与机器人发生接触,都有可能引发人身伤害事故。
ER 系列工业机器人 ModbusTCP 调试手册说明书
![ER 系列工业机器人 ModbusTCP 调试手册说明书](
ER系列工业机器人ModbusTCP调试手册(RCS2 V1.5)修订记录目录前言 (3)第1 章功能简介 (4)第2 章ModBusTcp协议介绍 (4)2.1 ModBusTCP协议报文 (4)2.2 ModBusTCP协议功能码 (5)2.3 ER系列机器人ModBusTCP接口定义 (5)第3 章ModBusTCP点表 (7)第4 章接口调试 (12)4.1 ModScan调试助手 (12)4.2虚拟数字量交互示例 (14)4.3虚拟模拟量交互示例 (16)4.4远程启动机器人程序 (17)4.5远程加载机器人程序 (18)4.6远程复位程序指针 (20)4.7调试注意事项 (21)前言概述本手册适用于控制系统RCS2 V1.5,描述埃斯顿二代控制器ModBusTcp协议接口功能介绍。
安全说明第 1 章功能简介ModBusTcp协议接口是指外部逻辑控制器(PLC等)通过标准工业总线协议(ModBusTCP)与机器人通讯,读写机器人的虚拟IO端口的一种通讯方式。
第一章 安全注意事项 ............................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 机器人安全使用须知 .................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 操作调试机器人时的安全注意事项 ........................................................................................ 1 1.1.2 机器人本体的安全对策 ............................................................................................................ 2 1.1.3 试车安全对策 ............................................................................................................................ 5 1.1.4 自动运转的安全对策 ................................
维护保养指南1. 引言本文档旨在提供一份详尽的维护保养指南,以帮助用户正确进行设备的日常维护和定期保养工作。
2. 维护计划制定与执行2.1 确立合理的维护周期:根据厂商推荐或实际情况确定适当的时间间隔来进行例行性检查、清洁和润滑等操作。
2.2 制订具体任务列表:将各项需要完成的任务明确列出,并安排相应责任部门或个人负责执行。
3. 日常巡视与清洁3.1 检查外观是否有损坏:包括表面破损、螺丝松动等问题。
3.2 清除灰尘及异物:利用软毛刷子或气枪对关键零件及电路板上积聚灰尘进行彻底清扫。
4.液压系统(如适用)4.1更换油品: 根据规范要求,定期更换液压油。
4.2检查密封件: 检查并更换破损或老化的密封圈、O型圈等。
5. 电气系统5.1 定期进行线路连接和接地点的紧固:确保所有电缆及插头都牢固可靠,并注意防止松动现象出现。
5.2 清洗控制柜内部:使用吸尘器清除灰尘,并用干净布擦拭面板上的指示灯和按钮。
6.机械传动系统6.1轴承维护: 根据规范对轴承进行加注适量润滑脂,并按时替代旧有脂.6・2确认链条张力是否合理 : 转弯处不得过紧7. 配置文件备份与更新定期将配置文件备份到安全存储设备中。
8. 故障排除与修复记录在每次故障发生后需详细记录故障原因以及解决方案,为日后类似问题提供参考依据。
9 .附件:本文档无附件。
10. 法律名词及注释:1) 维护:指对设备进行保养、检查和修复的一系列工作。
2) 清洁:清除表面灰尘、污垢等杂质,以确保其正常运行。
3) 润滑脂: 在摩擦部位起润滑与密封作用的物质。
目录1操作手册介绍2系统安全与环境保护3机器人综述4机器人示教5机器人启动6自动生产7 编程与测试8 输入输出信号9 系统备份与冷启动10 文件管理11 机器人维护在没有声明的情况下,文件中的信息会发生变化。
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对文件中可能出现的错误,上海A B B工程有限公司不对此承担责任。
对于使用此文件或者此文件提及的软硬件所导致的部分或者严重性错误,上海A B B工程有限公司无论如何不对此承担责任。
没有上海A B B工程有限公司书面允许,此文件的任何部分不得拷印或复制,并且其中内容也不能转于第三方和用作非法目的。
文件中如有不详尽处,参阅<< User Guide >>、<< Product Manual >>、<< RAPID Reference Manual >>。
上海A B B工程有限公司ABB (Shanghai) Engineering Co. Ltd.第一章操作手册介绍本手册主要介绍了A B B机器人的基本操作与运行。
《使用指南U s e r’s G u i d e》与《产品手册P r o d u c t M a n u a l》。
综合类错误1、当机器人报“timer not ready”故障时,检查焊机电源是否已经打开,若焊机电源正常,而故障仍不能消除,则给焊接控制器断电重启,断电后重启时间控制在30秒以上。
2、当机器人报“Warter supply not ready”故障时,先检查供水是否正常,而故障仍不能消除,则检查水信号传感器是否正常,有时传感器位置有松动导致信号中断,此时只需调整位置即可。
3、在自动状态下启动时如遇到提示“Robot is not in home potion”时这时需手动执行运行至home位之后重新打成自动。
6、当机器人提示“are you sure weld without current”“yes”“no”时,为提示操作工是否执行无电流焊接,如是则按“yes”这时机器人则执行无电流焊接。
7、当提示“Motion supervition”时机器人发生碰撞,首先确认信息,然后手动反方向摇控机器人出碰撞区并检查是否有损伤或变形等粘枪:确认信息后慢速度启动后,调至正常速度速度过快、路径不太好或速度过快负载设置过小:降低加速度值,调整不合理路径,适当提高负载检查值8、当提示“* weld time out ”“retry”时首先按一次“retry”,如还是没有焊接成功,打开安全门进入观察两板件搭接是否有间隙或杂物,上下电极帽上是否有杂物。
运行至下一个焊点进行焊接,如果还是不能焊接,测量焊接控制器是否有电流供给,如有那就可能是焊钳本身线路故障9、提示“Gun open timeout”可能是粘枪造成焊枪粘住,或焊枪小开信号灯不亮(损坏),或是气路不正常10、机器人在启动后给出重启提示“I-Start”“X-Start”“P-Start”“R-Start”“C-Start”五个选项时,正常情况一我们要首先选择“R-Start”项重新一次启动过程(正常启动),“X-Start”为操作系统选择启动,“P-Start”为默认设置启动方式但此方式将会删除程序和数据,“C-Start”会删除系统,“I-Start”重启后反回默认的系统设置11、机器人在启动中出现启动超时现象时如“Startup 100…”或超过100时可反复重启系统,如果经过3-5次后还是不可以的话,可能硬件接触不良或硬件损坏,或系统文件缺损,需要协调机电工程师检修12、出现机器人等待干涉程序handshake的故障时要重新走一次初始化干涉语句“handshake 0”然后接着先前的位置继续执行,或此工位的所有机器人同时跳过相同的干涉区。
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急停键 • 解除急停后再接通伺服电源时,要解除造成急停的事故后再接通伺服电源。
急停状态解除 • 在机器人动作范围内示教时,请遵守以下事项: - 保持从正面观看机器人。 - 遵守操作步骤。 - 考虑机器人突然向自己所处方位运动时的应变方案。 - 确保设置躲避场所,以防万一。
1.1 电源通路
2 信号通路
1.2 信号通路
1.3 控制单元通路
1.3 控制单元通路
图中J1、J2、J3、J4、J5、J6分别为六个驱动器上的总线通讯模块,控制器 通过此模块与驱动器进行通讯。 DM1、DM2为控制器的IO扩展端子,每个端子对应八路输入输出。
• 在理解ER系列机器人使用说明书的“警告标志”的基础上,使用机器人。
“ESTUN ROBOTICS”是埃斯顿工业机器人的商品名。
ESTUN ROBOTICS 由机器人本体、电控柜、示教编程器和供电电缆构成。
2.2 检查密封构造部分有无缝隙和损害
开门时,检查门的边缘部的密封垫有无破损。 检查控制柜内部是否有异常污垢。如有,待查明原因后,尽早清扫。 在控制柜门关好的状态下,检查有无缝隙。
3.3 冷却风扇的维护
3.3 冷却风扇的维护
冷却风扇转动不正常,控制柜内温度会升高,电控柜就会出现故障,所以应检查冷却风 扇。 控制柜内的风扇和背面风扇在接通电源时转动,所以请检查风扇是否转动,以及感觉排 风口和吸风口的风量,确认其转动是否正常。
2.1.1 安全模式的种类
2.2 用户口令
2 更改安全模式密码
切换安全模式时,需要提供用户密码,更改用户密码时,必须处在管理 员模式,管理
模式登录参见“2.1.2 节 安全模式的登录”。
进入安全模式管理界面 ”按钮
输入新密码 点击“
选中要更 改的安全模式,点击编辑按钮,弹 出编辑用户对话 框,
8 报警
8.1 报警信息的分类. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 8.2 报警信息的显示与清除 . . . . . . . . . . . 电控柜的构成
电控柜采用单元或模块方式,出现故障时更换单元或模块,可简单快速修复。以下对此装置 的构成概要作一说明。
1 电控柜的构成
1.1 电源通路 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2 信号通路. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .1-2 1.3 控制单元通路 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .1-3 1.4 伺服单元通路. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .1-4
• 进行机器人示教作业前要检查以下事项,有异常则应及时修理或采取其他必要 措施。 - 机器人动作有无异常。 - 外部电线遮盖物及外包装有无破损。 • 示教编程器用完后须放回原处。
如不慎将示教编程器放在机器人、夹具或地上,当机器人运动时,示教编程器可 能与机器 人或夹具发生碰撞,从而引发人身伤害或设备损坏事故。
2 系统安全
2.1 安全模式 . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . 2-1
2.1.1 安全模式的种类. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . 2-1 2.1.2 安全模式的登录.. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . 2-2
使用前(安装、运转、保养、检修),请务必熟读并全部掌握本说明书和其他附 属资料,在熟 知全部设备知识、安全知识及注意事项后再开始使用。 本说明书中的安全注意事项分为“危险”、“注意”、“强制”、“禁止”四类 分别记载。
误操作时有危险,可能发生死亡或重伤事故。 误操作时有危险,可能发生中等程度伤害、轻伤事 故或物件损坏。 必须遵守的事项
维护时间 每天
适当 适当 适当 适当
打开电源时 接通伺服时 示教模式时
3.2 电控柜的维护
3.2.1 检查电控柜门是否关好
•电控柜的设计是全封闭的构造, 使外部油烟气体无法进入电控柜。
3.2 电控柜的维护
确保控制柜门在任何情况下都处于完好关闭状态,即使在控制柜不工作时。 由于维护等开关控制柜门时,必须将开关手柄置于 OFF 后,用电柜钥匙打开门锁(顺时 是开, 逆时针是关 ) ,打开门锁后,按下钥匙下方的按钮,弹出柜门把手,逆时针旋转 度后,即可打开电控柜门。 门时顺时针旋转把手 90 度,并按下把手,听到“喀”的一声,并旋转电控柜钥匙,方是 好。
6 零部件更换后的作用内容
6.1 原点位置校准 . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .6-2 6.2 使用确认程序确认有无位置偏移 . . . .. . . . . . .6-2
7 系统诊断
7.1 系统版本. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .7-1 7.2 输入输出状态. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .7-2 7.3 报警历史. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .7-3 7.4 当前位置画面. . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .7-4
3.2.1 检查电控柜门是否关好 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.2.2 检查密封构造部分有无缝隙和损害 . . . . . . . . . .. . 3-2
3.2 冷却风扇的维护 . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . ... 3-3 3.3 急停键的维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3.4 安全开关的维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 3-3 3.5 电池的维护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3.6 供电电源电压的确认. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3.7 缺相检查 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 3-5
即使是属于“注意”类的事项,也会因情况不同而产生严重后果,故任何一条“注 意”事项都极为重要,请务必严格遵守。
虽然不符合“注意”或“危险”的内容,但为了确保安全和有 效的操作,用户也必须遵守的事项,将会在相关处加以叙述。
• 操作机器人前,按下电控柜前门及示教编程器上的急停键,并确认伺服电源被 切断。伺服
2.2 更改安全模式密码 . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . .2-3
3 维护
3.1 日常维护. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . ... . .3-1 3.2 电控柜的维护. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ... . ... . .3-1
1.4 伺服单元通路
1.4 伺服单元通路
PRONET系 列伺服驱动器电路图
2.1 安全模式
2 系统安全
系统模式的设定通过安全系统进行保护,这是适应操作者级别的操作和变更设定的方式。 请正确把握操作者的级别,进行恰当的使用、管理。
2.1 安全模式
安全模式 用户密码登录成功 ”按钮
3 维护
3.1 日常维护
3.1 日常维护
• 通电时请不要触摸冷却风扇等设备。 有触电、受伤的危险。
检查电控柜的门是否关好 检查密封构件部分有无缝隙和损坏
柜内风扇以及背面 风扇
急停键 安全开关
动作确认 动作确认
4 更换部件前的准备