


Emergency Room
Yi Ping Zhao Department of Vascular Surgery
Ren Ji Hospital
How Emergency Rooms Work
You will learn about • the normal flow of traffic in an
movements • Severe allergic reactions from insect bites, foods or
medications • Complications from diseases, high fevers
Understanding the ER Maze
• The classic emergency room scene involves an ambulance screeching to a halt, a gurney hurtling through the hallway and some people frantically working to conds to spare.
• Immediately life threatening • Urgent, but not immediately life
threatening • Less urgent
The triage nurse records patients vital signs (temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure).
• If the patient's condition is life-threatening or if the patient arrives by ambulance, this step may be completed later at the bedside.



HHale Waihona Puke story --- Key Dates
• His two sons began their medical training early, first by observing, and later by assisting their father on patient visit and with autopsies
History of Mayo clinic
• Mayo Clinic evolved gradually from the frontier practice of Dr. William W. Mayo and his two sons--- Dr. William J. Mayo and Charles H. Mayo.
History--- Key Dates
• 1920 --- Mayo develops a system for grading cancer numerically, which is adopted worldwide and still used today
• 1925 --- Dr. William H. Goeckerman reports on the use of tar and ultraviolet light to successfully treat psoriasis. This is a therapeutic breakthrough that remains a highly effective treatment for psoriasis
• 1889 --- Saint Marys Hospital opens with 27 beds
• 1892 --- First partner added to Mayo family practice. More physicians are involved to join, thus beginning the concept of medical teamwork.


• An 61year old retired dentist from Seattle
• First recipient of the man-made artificial heart on Dec 1, 1982 at the Utah Medical Center
Dr. Barney Clark
•Tom Christerson, second recipient of AbiCor artificial heart are still alive for more than one year
Artificial hearts abandoned
• By the end of the ’80s, the Jarvik devices had been implanted to sustain patients waiting for transplants
• 2019, doctors at Jewish Hospital in Louisville, Ky., implant the first self-contained, mechanical heart replacement into a patient • Two recipient: Robert Tools & Tom Christerson
•1966, Dr. Michael DeBakey of Houston successfully implants a partial artificial heart
• 1967, Dr. Christiaan Barnard performs the first successful human heart transplant. The patients, 53-year-old dentist Louis Washkansky, dies 18 days after surgery in South African



Biography---James Watson
Born in Chicago, April 6, 1928 His father‘s ancestors were originally of English descent His mother‘s father was Scottish-born taylor married to a daughter of Irish immigrants who arrived in the US about 1840 Spent entire boyhood in Chicago
Phenotype: The observable characters of an organism; the result of the way the genes are expressed
Genetic defect: Pathological changes that occur by duplication, deletion or rearrangement of DNA
1962, The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Died at 2004
Biography---Paul Berg
Born on June 30, 1926, New York
Gained early recognition/influence when he delineated the key steps in which DNA produces proteins Best known for his development of a technique for splicing together DNA from different types of organisms.


the south
Personal History
He was not a smoker He has smoked a package of cigarettes a day
for 35 years He smoked 3 or 5 cigarettes daily formely, but
– Dyspnea occurs soon after lying – The pain became more severe after
meals – Dyspnea is relieved by sitting up – The chest pain had relation to respiration – The pain had no relation to coughing
He often drinks too much ( or heavily)
Eating habits
He has no likes or dislikes in food He has a lifelong dislike for vegetables He liked acid ( sweets, pungent, hot, cold)
He had (or there was) no history of allergy to food or drugs
He had history of Penicillin sensibility Appendectomy was done in May, 1986
because of acute appendicitis
He perceived accidentally that his stool was mixed withblood



Medical English Listening Training Methods
01 02 03
Active listening
Encouraging active listening skills during Medical English training can improve comprehension. Focusing on key information, asking for clarification, and paraphrasing what has been said can enhance understanding.
Medical English requires clear and precise pronunciation to ensure accurate communication. Practicing proper pronunciation of medical terms and phrases is essential.
医学缩写可以根据其用途分为多种类型,如拉丁缩写、英文缩写、 组织机构缩写等。了解这些分类有助于更好地理解和使用医学缩写。
医学缩写在使用时需要遵循一定的规范,如首字母大写、使用斜体等。 了解这些规范有助于正确使用医学缩写。
Medical English Grammar
1 2
Internal Medicine English
掌握常见的内科疾病诊断术语,如高血压、 糖尿病、心脏病等。
能够运用医学英语进行病例分析,包括病史 采集、体格检查、实验室检查等。
熟悉内科疾病的治疗方案和药物使用,如药 物治疗、手术治疗、介入治疗等。


• Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder of bone growth that is evident at birth. It affects about one in every 25,000 births and it occurs in all races and in both sexes. Its depiction in ancient Egyptian art makes it one of the oldest recorded birth defects.
• The word achondroplasia is derived from Greek and means "without cartilage formation," although individuals with achondroplasia do have cartilage. During fetal development and childhood, cartilage normally develops into bone, except in a few places, such as the nose and ears. In individuals with achondroplasia, something goes wrong during this process, especially in the long bones (such as those of the upper arms and thighs). The rate at which cartilage cells in the growth plates of the long bones turn into bone is slow, leading to short bones and reduced height.


医药英语课件(医学英语 培训教材,全英文PPT)
欢迎来到医药英语课件!通过本课件,您将学习医学术语和词汇、解剖学和 生理学基础、常见的医学缩写和符号等。
Introduction to Medical Terminology and Vocabulary
了解医学术语和词汇的基本概念,学习如何正确使用和解释医学术语,提高 医学英语水平。
Drug Classification and Pharmacology
Drug Administration Methods and Techniqu。
Anatomy and Physiology Basics
Common Medical Abbreviations and Symbols
Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Common Medical Procedures and Techniques
Medical Imaging and Radiology



Sentences Commonly Used by
Medical Personnel
1. Do you smoke (drink)? 2. Have you any temperature (a cough, a
bad headache)? 3. Have you ever had jaundice (low grade
1. If the trouble persists, come back again. 2. There doesn’t seem to be anything
serious, but we’ll take an x-ray just to be certain. 3. Please wait until we get the result of the x-ray (blood-test).
Sentences Commonly Used by Medical Personnel
1. Please open your mouth and say “Ah”. 2. It is normal (essentially normal). 3. Have you ever received any treatment
Medical Personnel
1. I suggest you do some light exercises. 2. I suggest you have a course of acupuncture. 3. I suggest you take Chinese herbs. 4. I suggest that you get physiotherapy treatment. 5. I would like to transfer you to the gynecology
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•associated with 与…有关系;与…相联系
•obstacles n. 障碍;障碍物(obstacle的复数形式);阻碍
•injury to 损伤,伤害(某个部位)
•Patient has had chills after dinner since last evening.
(Biographical[baɪə'græfɪk(ə)l] data)
• Name姓名 • Age年龄 • Sex性别 • Marital['mærɪt(ə)l] status婚否 • Nativity[nə'tɪvɪtɪ]籍贯 • Race民族 • Occupation职业 • Date of admission入院日期 • Informant [ɪn'fɔːmənt]病史叙述者 • History病史
•·症状+时间+in duration
•如: [Headache 1 month in duration] 头痛1月
•如: [Two-day history of fever] 发热2天
•4-hour traffic accident injury to the left leg pain associated with activities obstacles.
(history of presenting complaint[kəm'plent])
•现病史书写的重点包括: •一、主诉中症状的详细描述; •二、疾病的发展过程; •三、诊疗经过; •四、目前的一般情况
•Onset 起病特征,发病情况 •Duration:n. 持续 (persistent since onset 发病起持续至今) •Severe [sɪ'vɪr] 严重性 •Relieving[rɪ'liv]/exacerbating factors 缓解与恶化的因素 •Associated symptoms['sɪmptəm] 伴随症状 •Resk factors 危险因素 •{起病情况,主要症状的特点,病情的发展与演变,伴随症状(记载与 鉴别诊断有关的阴性症状),诊疗经过,一般情况}
• Since onset(起病特征,发病情况), her appetite was good, and both her spiritedness ['spɪrɪtɪdnɪs]有精神and physical energy(体力) are normal. Defecation大便 and urination小 便 are normal, too.
Medical english study
Bazhou people`s hospital orthopedic and trauma department
wangyanchao resident doctor
Clinical-Medical English
• part1:
• History collection病史采集 • Inquiry[ɪn'kwaɪrɪ]问诊 • Chief complaints[kəm'plent]主诉 • HPC(history of presenting complaint)
Trauma and ['trɔːmə] shock
现病史 • PMH(past medical history) • 既往史 • S/E(systems inquiry)系统回顾 • FH(family history)家族史 • SH(social history)社会史 • P/E(physical examination)体格检查 • A/E (assistant examination)辅助检查 • Summary 摘要
Chief complaints
(presenting complaint[kəm'plent])
•如: [Chest pain for 2 hours] 胸痛2小时
•如: [Nausea and vomiting of three days` duration] 恶心呕吐3天
•可简写为Chills since last evening.
•C.C.:“Swelling of the stomach“ for 4 months.
•For 2 or 3 months, dyspnea and dizziness on work.
• Chief complaint:
• Right breast mass found for more than half a month.
• Present illness:
• Half a month ago, the patient suddenly felt pain in her right chest when she put up her hand. After touching it, she found a mass(n. 块,团) in her right breast, but no tendness压痛, and the patient didn’t pay attention it. Then the pain became more and more serious, so the patient went to tumour hospital and received a pathology[pə'θɒlədʒɪ]n. 病理学 centesis ['sen:ti:sis]n. [临床] 穿刺术. Her diagnosis was breast cancer. Then she came to our hospital and asked for an operation.