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Directions: Guess the meaning of each underlined word.

1.The doctor is studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eye.

2.The harbor is protected by a jetty—a wall built out into the water.

3.Skimming means looking over a passage quickly to get the main idea before you begin to

read it carefully.

4.The early scientific study of chemistry,known as alchemy,grew up in Egypt in the first few

centuries A.D.

5. A glacier is a river of ice.

6. The nation’s skies were temporarily closed to all air travel. Travelers remain frightened and are avoiding flying.

7. She is usually prompt for all her class, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class.

8. John usually wastes a lot of money on such useless things, but his wife is very thrifty.

9. The museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibitions in one day.

10. The lack of movement caused the muscle to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was

permanent. So the player could never play the game again.

11. The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel.

12. My uncle was a nomad, an incurable wanderer who could never stay in one place.

13. Procrastinators are people who have a chronic habit of putting things off,usually until the

last minute and sometimes until it is too late altogether.

14. Insomnia is the inability of fall asleep or sleep restlessly.

15. More recently, scientists have documented an alarmingly high occurrence of frogs with


16. In the strong wind, the beggar shivered with the terrible cold.

17. Jean was born with spina bifida, a birth illness that damages the spine (脊骨).

18. Saint Valentine’s Day is a time of happiness for lovers.Boys like to give girls flowers as

presents.On that day, he came to see me with a forget-me-not in his hand.

19. When he reached the place with his army, he found an impassable river in front of him.

20. The woman's feet hurt, so she went to a podiatrist.

21. Mr. Smith always arrive home punctually,neither early nor late.

22. The major points of your plan are clear to me, but the details are still hazy.

23. The purpose of the campaign was to catch “ringers”,students who take test for other


24. Unlike her gregarious sister,Jane is a shy,unsociable person who does not like to go to

parties or to make new friends.

25. He had left his wet swimming trunks in the dark closet for over a week.of course they had

begun to mildew.

26. The "Chunnel",a tunnel connecting England and France,is now completed.

27. The Greek marriage was monogamous—men and women were allowed only one spouse at a


28. The breakthrough meant that it was possible to make tallow candles that would not produce

the usual smoke and rancid odor.

29. A good supervisor can recognize instantly the adept workers from the unskilled ones.

30. Someone likes milk, but others abhorred it.

31. Jerry is one of the most supercilious men I know. His brother, in contrast, is quite humble and


32. John loves to talk, and his sisters are similarly loquacious.

33. Although he often had the opportunity, Mr. Tritt was never able to steal money from a

customer. This would have endangered his position at the bank, and he did not want to

jeopardize his future.

34. Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to your health. They also regard

drinking as harmful.

35. Giraffe is an animal with a very long neck, four legs and orange skin with dark spots.

36. Anthropology is the scientific study of man.

37. What is plagiarism? It is using others’ ideas and words without clearly mentioning where the

information is from.

38. Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you are to speak and read


39. Capacitance, or the ability to store electric charge, is one of the most common characteristics

of electronic circuits.
