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新目标八年级下册英语Unit7词汇运用练习题二1.Here are some schoolbags.They have three kinds of


2.I hear that walking in ________(太空) is very hard.

3.I ________(相信) there will be robots in people's homes in the future.

4.People ________(很可能) live to be 200 years old. 5.She opened the box and looked ________(在……里面).6.His father is a worker and he works in a f________.7.Mary is from J________.She can speak Japanese well. 8.—Where do you live?—I live in an a________.9.She is angry and goes out without(没有)saying a


10.We go swimming every day d________ the summer. 11.I think it's not a good idea.I ________(agree) with you. 12.It's ____________(danger) to play in the street.

13.It's ____________(possible) for me to finish the work in such a short time.

14.There are many trees on both ___ (side) of the street. 15.Look at the robots.They look like ________(human).16.The boy l________ smart in his new clothes today.

17.If possible,I'll p____buy a big apartment for my parents.

18.They will take a h________ in Hawaii next year.

19.D________ the day,we can drive the car more easily.

20.—What will your home be l________?

—It will be very beautiful.

21. To a your dream, you should work harder than before.

22. Mr. Miller’s house is big. It i three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room.

23. —Could you please tell me the weather c there? —Yes, it’s snowing and it’s very cold.

24. If at first you don’t s , try, try again.

25. It’s hot but Mark is still wearing his t clothes.

26. In this picture, I see two pandas. One is a baby panda and the other is an a panda.

27. John has been ill for a week. Because of his i , he can’t go to your party. 28. —Be quiet, Tom. Your sister Kate is sleeping.

—No, she’s still a and she is playing with her

model panda.

29. Jenny is 158 cm tall and w 45 kilos.

30. It’s a good idea to do some r before you

buy a house.

31. The country has a(n) _________ (人口) of

65,000,000. It’s not large.

32. Their tent gave little _________ (保护) against

the storm.

33. I will finish reading the _________ (剩余的)

part of the book in two hours.

34. Hundreds of _________ (旅行者) visit this

ancient temple every day.

35. The hole is a lot ______(深的) than that one.

36.My new neighbor hopes to make more friends

in the ________(社区).

37.To our surprise, he wrote some ________(诗)

in his spare time.

38.The little boy ran through the ________ (田野)

to look for birds.

39.I had a ________(机会) to visit the history

museum last week.

40.—Have you ever read the book War and P___?


41.There are lots of stars in the s________ on a

sunny night.

42.I like to swim in the s________ in summer.

43. This city has a p (人口) of 13 million.

44. In d (沙漠), people hardly see grass or water.

45. Hey, boys and girls! No drawing on these

w (墙).

46.The elephant lives in A (亚洲) and Africa.

47.I _______(相信) he will come back in two days.

48.It is ________(可能) for you to study English

better if you work hard.


Rules in my family are mainly about the time that I can

stay outside for. Usually I must get home before 10 pm

when I ________(1)(出去) with my friends. I know it is

good for me. But sometimes when we are having a good

time, my parents give me a call and I have to leave. It is

really embarrassing (令人尴尬的). I hope we can

________(2)(讨论) it sometime in the future.

Jack, 14:

Now lots of us students use mobile phones. I am using

one, too. But Mom made a rule for me: I cannot

________(3)(带) my phone into my bedroom in the evening.

She says the radiation (辐射) from my cellphone will harm

my body and cause bad effects like cancer. I think all of us

should ________(4)(服从) the rule.

Lisa, 14:

My family rule is very strange and amusing! If I come

first in an exam, my daddy will do 20 push­ups (俯卧撑)!

Why do we have such a rule? Because my father is

________(5)(一点儿)fat and I want him to do more

exercise to lose weight. ______________(6)(另外一方面),

t he rule inspires me to study. I love this rule. It is funny and

full of love!

Tom, 15:

Being happy is very important to us. ________(7)(实

际上), it becomes our family rule. When I am doing

homework, I should be happy. When my parents come back

in the evening, they will ________(8)(忘记)about work and

enjoy dinner with me. Mom says happiness is the secret to a

harmonious (和谐的) family.

Betty, 14:

My family doesn't have ____________(9)(太多)rules.

The only rule we have is to keep calm when we

____________(10)(不同意)others. My mother made it. She

thinks a quarrel (争吵) or even a fight cannot solve a

problem. I think it is quite right, no matter whether it is in

school or at home.
