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Chapter 11 Mutual Funds

E x er c is e s

Ⅰ、Answer the following questions in English.

1. What is NOT an advantage of a mutual fund?

A. Instant Diversification.

B. Easy to Use.

C. You can easily make monthly contributions.

D. You are guaranteed to double your money in 5 years.

2. If you were looking to invest in a specific country or region,

which mutual fund would be best suited for you?

A. Global Fund

B. Regional Fund

C. Growth Fund

D. Socially Responsible Fund

E. Green Fund

3. What is the difference between a front end and back end load?

A. Front-end funds charge a fee if the fund is redeemed early, back-end

funds don 't.

B. Front-end funds don't charge a fee, back-end funds do.

C. Front-end funds charge a fee when you buy the fund, back-end funds

charge the fee at redemption.

D. None of the above.

4.what percent do most mutual funds have administration fees?

A. 0%

B. 0.5%--2.5%

C. 3% -- 5%

D. 6% -- 10%

5. Buying a mutual fund based on past performance is a good


A. True. .

B. False.

Ⅱ、Fill in the each blank with an appropriate word or


1. There are, however, many different types of equity funds

because there are many different types of equities.

2. The idea of pooling resources and spreading risk using

closed-end investments soon took root in Great Britain and

France, making its way to the United States in the 1890s.

3. What was once just another obscure financial instrument is

now a part of our daily lives.

4. Income is earned from dividends on stocks and interest on

bonds. A fund pays out nearly all income it receives over the

year to fund owners in the form of a distribution.

5. If the fund sells securities that have increased in

price, the fund has a capital . Most funds also pass on

these gains to investor in a distribution.

6. There are many, many types of mutual funds. You can clas sify funds based on asserts class investing strategy, regi on, etc.

Ⅲ、Translate the following sentences into English.


A mutual fund is a professionally managed type of collective investment scheme that pools money from many investors and invests it in stocks, bonds, short-term money market instruments, and/or other securities.Each fund company will hire investment professionals to manage the Fund's investment portfolio, usually called their portfolio managers.


Portfolio of mutual funds often change.For example, the average holding time of a portfolio of money market mutual funds are generally not more than three months; some equity funds in one year to maintain a stable investment portfolio; and frequent changes in some other stock funds. 3.开放式基金是世界各国基金运作的基本形式之一。基金管理公司可随时向投资者发售新的基金单位,也须随时应投资者的要求买回其持有的基金单位。

Open-end fund is one of the basic form of operation of the Fund of the world.The fund management company may at any time offered to the investors new fund units must be ready to request of investors to buy back its holdings of the fund units.


At present, the open-end fund has become the mainstream varieties of the international fund market, as opposed to closed-end funds, open-end funds in the incentive and restraint mechanisms, liquidity, transparency and investment facilitation, the degree has more advantages.


Closed-end fund is a fund promoters in setting up the fund, determine in advance the total issue amount to raise more than 80% of this total, the fund was set up and closed to no longer accept new investment in a closed period.

