




请选择正确的选项,每题0.5分)1. 能够计入产品成本的职工薪酬是()。

A、在建工程人员的工资B、车间管理人员的工资 C、专设销售机构人员的工资D、企业管理部门人员的工资正确答案:B2. 下列明细账中,既适用于金额核算,又适用于数量核算的是()。

A、应收账款明细账 B、库存商品明细账C、实收资本明细账D、制造费用明细账正确答案:B3. 编制汇总记账凭证时,正确的处理方法是()。

A、汇总转账凭证按每一账户的借方设置,并按其对应的贷方账户归类汇总B、汇总转账凭证按每一账户的贷方设置,并按其对应的借方账户归类汇总C、汇总付款凭证按库存现金、银行存款账户的借方设置,并按其对应的贷方账户归类汇总 D、汇总收款凭证按库存现金、银行存款账户的贷方设置,并按其对应的借方账户归类汇总正确答案:B4. 从银行提取现金,登记库存现金日记账的依据是()。

A、银行存款收款凭证B、银行存款付款凭证 C、库存现金付款凭证D、库存现金收款凭证正确答案:B5. 下列不应作为其他业务收入核算的是()。

A、材料销售收入 B、产品销售收入C、出租无形资产收入D、出租固定资产收入正确答案:B6. 借贷记账法的余额试算平衡公式是()。

A、全部科目本期借方发生额合计=全部科目本期贷方发生额合计B、每个科目的借方发生额=每个科目的贷方发生额C、全部科目期末借方余额合计=全部科目期末贷方余额合计 D、全部科目期末借方余额合计=部分科目期末贷方余额合计正确答案:C7. 企业在生产经营过程中将按照既定的用途使用资产和既定的合约条件清偿债务,会计人员在此基础之上选择会计原则和方法,是基于()假设。

A、货币计量B、会计主体C、持续经营D、会计分期正确答案:C8. 编制会计报表的主要依据是()提供的核算信息。

A、分类账簿B、日记账C、备查账簿D、科目汇总表正确答案:A9. 付款凭证科目借贷对应方式正确的是()。



校对测试题及答案一、选择题1. 下列词语中,拼写正确的一项是:A. 锲而不舍B. 锲而舍之C. 锲而舍之(错误)D. 锲而不舍(错误)答案:A2. 根据题目所给的句子,选择正确的成语填空:尽管他历经挫折,但仍然________,继续追求自己的梦想。

A. 锲而不舍B. 锲而舍之C. 锲而不舍(错误)D. 锲而舍之(错误)答案:A二、填空题1. 请根据题目所给的语境,填写适当的词语。


答案:锲而不舍2. 根据句子的意思,选择合适的词语填空。


A. 锲而不舍B. 锲而舍之答案:A三、判断题1. “锲而不舍”是形容一个人坚持不懈的意思。

()答案:正确2. “锲而舍之”是形容一个人坚持不懈的意思。

()答案:错误四、简答题1. 解释“锲而不舍”这个成语的意思,并给出一个使用该成语的句子。



2. 请解释“锲而舍之”这个成语的意思,并指出它与“锲而不舍”的区别。



五、论述题1. 论述“锲而不舍”的精神在个人成长和职业发展中的重要性。


)六、改错题1. 请找出下列句子中的拼写错误,并在括号中给出正确的词语。


答案:(锲而舍之)应改为(锲而不舍)2. 请改正下列句子中的成语使用错误。





文字校对笔试试题答案一、选择题1. 以下词语中,书写正确的一项是:A. 穿流不息B. 川流不息C. 串流不息D. 传流不息答案:B2. 下列句子中,标点符号使用正确的一项是:A. 他曾说过:“人是生而自由的,但却无往不在枷锁之中。


B. 他曾说过:人是生而自由的,但却无往不在枷锁之中。


C. 他曾说过:“人是生而自由的,但却无往不在枷锁之中”,这句话我们必须牢记。

D. 他曾说过:人是生而自由的,但却无往不在枷锁之中;这句话我们必须牢记。

答案:A3. 以下句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 这个问题的复杂性,超出了我们的预期。

B. 这个问题复杂性,超出了我们的预期。

C. 这个问题的复杂性,是超出我们预期的。

D. 这个问题复杂性,是超出了我们的预期。

答案:C二、填空题1. 请将下列句子中的错别字改正过来:“他的话让人听起来很顺耳,但细想之下,却发现其中充满了矛盾。


答案:顺2. 请将下列句子中的成语使用恰当的词语替换:“他的演讲充满了豪言壮语,让人听了热血沸腾。


答案:激昂慷慨三、改错题1. 原句:他对于这个问题的看法,和我大相径庭。


答案:分歧2. 原句:这部电影的情节跌宕起伏,让人目不暇接。


答案:目不转睛四、简答题1. 请简述“的”、“地”、“得”的用法区别。


2. 请解释什么是“语病”,并给出一个例子。




英语编辑校对试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The sentence "He is one of the best students in his class." is grammatically correct.A. TrueB. False2. Which of the following is the correct spelling?A. seperateB. seperatedC. separateD. sepeate3. The phrase "irregardless" is considered:A. Correct in informal speechB. Incorrect in all contextsC. Correct in formal writingD. Acceptable in some dialects4. The correct form of the verb to use with the subject "Everyone" is:A. hasB. haveC. isD. are5. The word "affect" is:A. A nounB. A verbC. An adjectiveD. An adverb6. The correct way to use the semicolon in the following sentence is:A. I have three pets; a dog, a cat, and a bird.B. I have three pets: a dog, a cat, and a bird.C. I have three pets; a dog, a cat, and a bird.D. None of the above7. The word "suppose" is:A. A past tense verbB. A present tense verbC. A nounD. An adjective8. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?A. I'm not sure, but I think it's raining?B. I'm not sure, but I think it's raining.C. I'm not sure but I think it's raining.D. I'm not sure, but I think it's raining!9. The phrase "due to the fact that" is:A. Redundant and should be avoidedB. Correct and formalC. Incorrect and should be replaced with "because"D. Acceptable in legal writing10. The correct use of the word "fewer" is with:A. Countable nounsB. Uncountable nounsC. Both countable and uncountable nounsD. None of the above二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The word "receive" is the _______ form of the verb "receive."(Present participle)12. The correct comparative form of "big" is _______.(bigger)13. The word "their" is used to show _______.(possession)14. The phrase "________ and I" should be used when referring to two people including the speaker.(He/She)15. The word "unique" is an adjective that means _______.(one of a kind)16. The correct use of the word "few" is with _______ nouns. (uncountable)17. The word "affect" is often confused with "effect"; "affect" is a verb, while "effect" is a _______.(noun)18. The word "less" is used with uncountable nouns toindicate a smaller amount, as in "less _______."(information)19. The word "it's" is a contraction of "it is" or "it has," while "its" is a possessive pronoun, as in "the dog waggedits _______."(tail)20. The word "then" is used to indicate a sequence of events, as in "first, this, _______."(third)三、改错题(每题2分,共20分)21. I seen the movie last night. (改为 "I saw the movie last night.")22. She don't like to eat vegetables. (改为 "She doesn't like to eat vegetables.")23. The company is going to held a meeting tomorrow. (改为"The company is going to hold a meeting tomorrow.")24. They are all very intelligents. (改为 "They are all very intelligent.")25. I couldn't of done it without you. (改为 "I couldn't have done it without you.")26. We are going to the beach this weekends. (改为 "We are going to the beach this weekend.")27. She is more happier than her sister. (改为 "She ishappier than her sister.")28. The two boys runs in the park. (改为 "The two boys run in the park.")29. I have went to the store earlier. (改为 "I had gone to the store earlier.")30. They has been working on the project for a month. (改为"They have been working。



栏目主持张君§2第六届“编辑之友”杯山西省新闻出版 单位青年编校大赛校对试题参考答案一、 单项选择题(共10分)1. (B) 2. ( A) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5.(C )6. (D)7. ( A)8. ( A)9. (B) 10.(D )二、 多项选择题(共30分)1. (BC) 2. ( AB) 3. ( ADE) 4. ( ACE )5. ( ABCD )6. ( ABCE )7. ( CDE )8. ( BCD )9. (ABCE) 10. (AE) 11. ( ABCE ) 12. ( BCE )13. (BCDE ) 14. ( ABDE) 15. ( ABCD )三、 填空题(共10分)1. 担使命,抓落实2. 社会主义核心价值观,中国声音3. 文化自信4. 习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,党中央权威和集中统一领导5. 书号6. 责任校对制度四、 判断正误(共10分)1. (V)2. (V)3. ( x )4. (V)5. (V)6. ( x )7. ( x )8. ( x )9. ( x )10. (V)五、 改正下列语句(共20分)1.误用介词。


2. 述宾搭配不当。


3. 句式杂糅。

“至少……以上”错-删“至少”,或删“以上” O4. 语序不当。


5. 并列词语搭配不当。


6. 重复啰嗦。

是后加“造成”,或删“积压”,或删“不断攀升” O7. 不合逻辑。


8. 一面对两面。


9. 述宾搭配不当。


10. 语序不当。



词语汉语拼音序号氛围fenwdi 6匀称ydnchQn 18模样muydng 11卡壳qidkd 14处理chOlI 2嫉妒jldu 8丽水11shul 10媲美plmOi 12文档wQnddng 16粳米jlngml 9准嚼尔zhflngdSr 20道行ddohQng 4巴彦淖尔Baydnndo^r 1情不自禁qlngbilzi jin 15胴体ddngtl 5主角zhdju619剽悍piaohdn13心广体胖xlngudngtipdn 17馄饨hdntun7大腹便便ddfupidnpidn 32.写岀下列汉字的笔画顺序。




























编辑校对试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 编辑校对中,以下哪项不属于校对的基本任务?A. 检查错别字B. 纠正语法错误C. 确保内容的科学性D. 增加文章的趣味性答案:D2. 在校对过程中,发现文章中使用了不规范的标点符号,应该:A. 忽略不计B. 直接修改C. 与作者协商D. 记录错误并通知作者3. 编辑校对时,如果文章中出现了事实性错误,正确的处理方式是:A. 直接修改B. 忽略不计C. 与作者协商并更正D. 记录错误并通知作者答案:C4. 编辑校对中,对于文章的格式和版式问题,以下哪项不是编辑的责任?A. 检查标题和副标题的格式B. 确保图表和插图的清晰度C. 调整文章的段落间距D. 决定文章的最终主题5. 在校对过程中,如果发现文章中有引用不当的情况,应该:A. 忽略不计B. 直接修改C. 与作者协商并更正D. 记录错误并通知作者答案:C6. 编辑校对时,对于文章中的专业术语,以下哪项不是编辑应该做的?A. 确保术语的准确性B. 检查术语是否符合行业标准C. 将专业术语替换为通俗易懂的词汇D. 确保术语的一致性答案:C7. 在校对过程中,如果发现文章中的观点与事实不符,应该:A. 忽略不计B. 直接修改C. 与作者协商并更正D. 记录错误并通知作者答案:C8. 编辑校对中,对于文章的版权问题,以下哪项不是编辑的责任?A. 检查文章是否侵犯他人版权B. 确保文章中的引用和转载符合版权法规定C. 处理文章的版权转让事宜D. 创作文章内容答案:D9. 在校对过程中,如果发现文章中的数据不准确,应该:A. 忽略不计B. 直接修改C. 与作者协商并更正D. 记录错误并通知作者答案:C10. 编辑校对时,对于文章的逻辑结构,以下哪项不是编辑应该做的?A. 检查文章的逻辑是否清晰B. 调整文章的结构以提高可读性C. 确保文章的论点和论据一致D. 决定文章的最终结论答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 编辑校对中,对于文章的标题,应该确保其________、________和________。



英语校对面试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The correct spelling of the word is:A. seperateB. seperatedC. separateD. seporate答案:C2. Which sentence is grammatically correct?A. She don't like to be late.B. She doesn't like to be late.C. She didn't like to be late.D. She don't likes to be late.答案:B3. The word that is a synonym for "abandon" is:A. embraceB. forsakeC. cherishD. preserve答案:B4. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition: The children played ______ the park.A. atB. inB. onD. to答案:B5. Which of the following is the correct use of the word "fewer"?A. I have fewer time to spare.B. I have fewer apples than you.C. I have fewer books than you.D. I have fewer patience than you.答案:B6. The correct form of the verb to use with "neither" is:A. singularB. pluralC. either singular or pluralD. neither singular nor plural答案:A7. What is the superlative form of the adjective "big"?A. biggerB. biglyC. biggestD. bigest答案:C8. The phrase that correctly completes the sentence is: "I would rather _______ than go to the party."A. stay at homeB. to stay at homeC. staying at homeD. stayed at home答案:A9. Which sentence uses the correct idiomatic expression?A. He let the cat out of the bag.B. He let the dog out of the bag.C. He let the secret out of the bag.D. He let the cat out of the box.答案:A10. The correct tense to use in this sentence is:"I _______ (not see) her since last year."A. didn't seeB. haven't seenC. wasn't seeingD. don't see答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. The word "irrespective" means "________".答案:regardless of12. The past tense of "begin" is "__________".答案:began13. The adjective form of the noun "nature" is "__________".答案:natural14. The phrase "________" is used to express that somethingis done without effort.答案:with ease15. The word "meticulous" is an antonym for "________".答案:careless16. The word "________" is used to describe someone who is very talkative.答案:loquacious17. The comparative form of the adjective "quick" is"__________".答案:quicker18. The word "________" is used to describe something that is very difficult to understand.答案:incomprehensible19. The correct phrase to use when you want to say that something is not important is "________".答案:it doesn't matter20. The word "________" is used to describe a situation where there is no way to avoid a problem.答案:inevitable三、改错题(每题2分,共20分)21. She don't know how to solve this problem.答案:She doesn't know how to solve this problem.22. There is a lot of informations in this book.答案:There is a lot of information in this book.23. He is more intelligent than me.答案:He is more intelligent than I am.24. I have been living here since five years.答案:I have been living here for five years.25. They was going to the beach yesterday.答案:They were going to the beach yesterday.26. She is the most happier person I know.答案:She is the happiest person I know.27. He is too tired to go out tonight.答案:He is too tired to go out tonight.28. I can't wait to see the new movie, it's too excited.答案:I can't wait to see the new movie, it's too exciting.29. He has been working here for two years ago.答案:He has been。



新闻采编与制作专业文字功底摸底测试一、填空题(共25分)ɡuǒjiā chuān lìɡōnɡ1. 食不()腹汗流()背()流不息伶牙( ) 齿鬼斧神()tïu yïu shìyōnɡtí2. 走( )无路怨天()人寻物启()蜂()而入金榜( )名ɡâyuán chīchãn jiǎn3. 天()一方幅()辽阔()之以鼻寥若()星挑肥( ) 瘦zhìlújiãzībì4. 鳞次()比当()卖酒直()了当运送物()惩前()后Zhào câjiāào lì5.()之即来()隐之心晚会()宾桀()不驯风声鹤()zhùcháxiázhèn yì6. 别出机( ) 立案侦()白璧无()亲自坐()两人对()bìxún biàn zhǎnɡɡǔ7. 蓬()生辉( )规蹈矩( ) 证施治头昏脑( ) 悬梁刺( )ɡānɡzhōu mìmǔshǒu8 井()山满( )里哈()瓜大( ) 指戴( ) 饰fēnɡzhēnɡyîu jiǎo bù9麻()病综合()座()铭挖墙( ) 三( ) 曲ɡānɡtàn qǐnɡxuán lïu10 金()钻活性()( )刻间主( )律捅( )子二、改错题A 下列词语中有无差错,如果有,请画出并改正。

( 共25分)1. 苍海桑田喜忧掺半迫不急待精神矍烁义气用事2. 烧一柱香冒然行事拾人牙惠卓而不群仗义直言3. 察颜观色蛛丝蚂迹参与赌搏插科打浑一愁莫展4. 训养军犬融汇贯通经验老道如雷灌耳挺而走险5. 神态安祥传种接代不径而走出奇致胜时过景迁6. 山青水秀有始以来好高鹜远清沏见底默守成规7. 沉湎其中欢渡春节金壁辉煌暇不掩玉棉里藏针8. 因势力导不落巢臼饮鸠止渴绿草如荫伏首帖耳9. 一轰而散相形见拙磬竹难书锱珠必较行迹可疑10.各行其事手屈一指悠哉游哉世外桃园香消玉陨B.改正下列句子中的错误。



1. 下列句子中,标点符号使用正确的一项是:
A. 这是一件多么令人激动的事情啊!
B. 他问我:“你叫什么名字?”我说:“我叫张三。

C. 我们去公园玩,还是去图书馆看书?
D. 我最喜欢的运动是篮球、足球和排球。

2. 根据题目要求,下列句子中没有语病的一项是:
A. 通过这次活动,使我们对环保有了更深的认识。

B. 他不仅学习好,而且乐于助人。

C. 这篇文章的中心思想不明确,需要进一步修改。

D. 我们一定要克服困难,争取早日完成这项任务。

3. 请在横线上填写合适的词语,使句子通顺。


4. 根据上下文,选择正确的词语填入括号中。


5. 下列句子中存在错误,请找出并改正。


6. 简述编辑校对的基本流程。

7. 论述编辑校对在出版工作中的重要性。

1. B
2. B
3. 轻手轻脚
4. 尝试
5. 将“不仅...而且...”改为“不但...而且...”。

6. 编辑校对的基本流程包括:初校、复校、终校和审校。

7. 编辑校对在出版工作中的重要性体现在:确保出版物内容的准确性、语言的规范性、版面的整洁性,以及提升出版物的整体质量。



校对测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是()。

A. 明查秋毫B. 再接再励C. 一愁莫展D. 穿流不息2. 下列句子中,标点符号使用正确的一项是()。

A. 他问我:“你去哪里了?”B. 她喜欢的颜色是红色、蓝色和黄色。

C. 我们一起去看电影吧,怎么样?D. “你来了,”他说,“我等你很久了。

”3. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是()。

A. 经过努力,他的学习成绩有了明显的改善。

B. 他因为生病,所以没有参加考试。

C. 为了防止这类事件再次发生,公司采取了新的安全措施。

D. 这部电影的情节非常紧张,让我看得津津有味。

4. 下列句子中,使用了正确成语的一项是()。

A. 他对这个项目的成功抱有厚望,可以说是望眼欲穿。

B. 面对困难,他总是迎难而上,不屈不挠。

C. 他的演讲非常精彩,真是绘声绘色。

D. 她对这个问题的理解非常深刻,可以说是入木三分。

5. 下列句子中,没有语法错误的一项是()。

A. 他不仅学习好,而且乐于助人。

B. 这本书的内容非常丰富,值得一读。

C. 我昨天去了图书馆,借了几本书。

D. 她因为害怕,所以不敢一个人走夜路。

二、填空题(每题3分,共15分)6. 请将下列词语补充完整。

A. 一()莫展B. 再接再()C. 明()秋毫D. 穿()不息7. 请将下列句子补充完整。

A. “你来了,”他说,“_____________。

”B. “_____________,”她说,“我等你很久了。

”8. 请将下列句子中的错别字更正。

A. 经过努力,他的学习成绩有了明显的改善。

(“改善”更正为“提高”)B. 为了防止这类事件再次发生,公司采取了新的安全措施。

(“再次”更正为“重演”)9. 请将下列句子中的成语使用错误更正。

A. 他对这个项目的成功抱有厚望,可以说是望眼欲穿。

(“望眼欲穿”更正为“寄予厚望”)B. 他的演讲非常精彩,真是绘声绘色。

(“绘声绘色”更正为“声情并茂”)10. 请将下列句子中的语法错误更正。



新闻采编与制作专业文字功底摸底测试一、填空题(共25分)ɡuǒjiā chuān lìɡōnɡ1. 食不()腹汗流()背()流不息伶牙( ) 齿鬼斧神()tóu yóu shìyōnɡtí2. 走( )无路怨天()人寻物启()蜂()而入金榜( )名ɡèyuán chīchén jiǎn3. 天()一方幅()辽阔()之以鼻寥若()星挑肥( ) 瘦zhìlújiézībì4. 鳞次()比当()卖酒直()了当运送物()惩前()后Zhào cèjiāào lì5.()之即来()隐之心晚会()宾桀()不驯风声鹤()zhùcháxiázhèn yì6. 别出机( ) 立案侦()白璧无()亲自坐()两人对()bìxún biàn zhǎnɡɡǔ7. 蓬()生辉( )规蹈矩( ) 证施治头昏脑( ) 悬梁刺( )ɡānɡzhōu mìmǔshǒu8 井()山满( )里哈()瓜大( ) 指戴( ) 饰fēnɡzhēnɡyòu jiǎo bù9麻()病综合()座()铭挖墙( ) 三( ) 曲ɡānɡtàn qǐnɡxuán lóu10 金()钻活性()( )刻间主( )律捅( )子二、改错题A 下列词语中有无差错,如果有,请画出并改正。

( 共25分)1. 苍海桑田喜忧掺半迫不急待精神矍烁义气用事2. 烧一柱香冒然行事拾人牙惠卓而不群仗义直言3. 察颜观色蛛丝蚂迹参与赌搏插科打浑一愁莫展4. 训养军犬融汇贯通经验老道如雷灌耳挺而走险5. 神态安祥传种接代不径而走出奇致胜时过景迁6. 山青水秀有始以来好高鹜远清沏见底默守成规7. 沉湎其中欢渡春节金壁辉煌暇不掩玉棉里藏针8. 因势力导不落巢臼饮鸠止渴绿草如荫伏首帖耳9. 一轰而散相形见拙磬竹难书锱珠必较行迹可疑10.各行其事手屈一指悠哉游哉世外桃园香消玉陨B.改正下列句子中的错误。
























校对试题及答案### 校对试题及答案#### 一、选择题1. 地球自转的方向是:- A. 从东向西- B. 从西向东- C. 从北向南- D. 从南向北答案:B2. 以下哪项不是植物的六大器官之一?- A. 根- B. 茎- C. 叶- D. 种子答案:D(注:植物的六大器官包括根、茎、叶、花、果实和种子)3. 以下哪种维生素是人体不能自身合成,必须通过食物摄取的?- A. 维生素A- B. 维生素B- C. 维生素C- D. 维生素D答案:D(注:维生素A、B、C人体可以合成或转化,但维生素D需通过日晒或食物摄取)#### 二、填空题1. 牛顿的第二定律表明,力等于________与________的乘积。

答案:质量乘加速度2. 光年是天文学中用来表示________的单位。

答案:距离3. 人体最大的器官是________。

答案:皮肤#### 三、简答题1. 请简述生态系统中食物链的概念。


2. 什么是光合作用,它对地球生态系统有何重要性?答案:光合作用是植物、藻类和某些细菌利用阳光能量将水和二氧化碳转化为葡萄糖和氧气的过程。


#### 四、论述题1. 论述信息技术在现代教育中的作用和影响。




#### 五、计算题1. 一个物体的质量为5千克,受到的重力为49牛顿。


答案:首先,根据公式 \( F = m \times g \) 计算地球的重力加速度:\( g_{地球} = \frac{F}{m} = \frac{49}{5} = 9.8 \,\text{m/s}^2 \)。



试题答案一、 字形辨析威胁既往不咎认罪伏法寓教于乐驱使(或趋势) 博弈 勾兑相映成趣 门可罗雀 心悦诚服行踪诡秘 甘拜下风 气喘吁吁神经末梢 百舸争流 一摊血搀扶惟妙惟肖生死攸关疾风知劲草譬如先发制人丰功伟绩彪悍冰炭不容蓬头垢面组胺类药物二、标点部分A1. “扯淡!”钟离汉打断了姐夫的话,一挥手, “你的病,我就能医。


3. 《湖畔》中人物的对话, 《鲜花开放的地方》中环境的点染, 《大钱饺子》里的铺叙议论,都十分富有特色。

B. 城市发展的近期和远景规划包括:土地的开发与利用,基础设施、生活服务设施的建设与管理,环境的治 理与保护,信息的收集处理和利用,吸引投资的组织营销方式和鼓励措施等 。


改一处即可3.非常”删去 6.逻辑颠倒4.删去“已经”7. 公元 390 年,八百年后8.鞍山市委书记张杰辉、市长谷春立 9. “李亮”改为“李某” 10. “罪犯”应改为“犯罪嫌疑人”2.情况——气氛腈纶档次遨游四、文章改错A,共 10 处,考察逻辑与语言。


那么会展中心晚间都有哪些内部人呢?保安部杨经理很快给出了答案,“只有保安人员,但保安人员不会干这种损事吧?!”于是,案发两天内当班的 6 名保安人员的名单,很快摆在了民警面前。

经过对 6 名保安人员逐一分析,保安郑某嫌疑最大。



2009 年 11 月初,因为其姐姐嫁到了岫岩,郑某又回到岫岩。

不久,经人介绍,郑某来到中国玉雕会展中心成为了一名保安,且住在会展中心,每月工资近 800 元。



Unit 3判断题第一题和选择题第一题(C选项)貌似矛盾。

问答题:1、What are some of the characteristics of the British constitutional monarchy How has the English monarchy evolved gradually to the present constitutional monarchy A: ①the official head of state is the monarchy with traditional and symbolic power. The government is elected by people and governs according to the constitutional principles.②In ancient times, the monarchy ruled the country according to the ancient doctrine “Divine right of God”. At that time , monarchy had great power. In the medieval time , when the King’s own wealth could n’t cover royal expenses, he would try to persuade the Great Council to give him some extra money.By the 13th century, Kings widen the Great Council to raise more money. In this way, the Great Council came to include who were summoned by name and representatives of communities.The power of parliament became bigger and bigger over time. In the 17th century , the Civil War broke out which was rooted in a dispute of the power of the King and Parliament. The roundheads representing the Parliament defeated the royalists. But a restoration to the throne was achieved by CharlesⅡ in 1660.In 1688, the King agreed to declare that governing without the parliament is illegal in the Glorious Revolution.In 1689,the Bill of Right was passed by parliament which make sure the King would never be able to ignore the parliament.2、How did the doctrine of the “divine right of king”, according to the author, lead to the Civil War What do you know about the revolution of the 17th century A:① It was held that the sovereign derived his authority from God not from hissubjects. So the sovereign can do whatever he likes. But with the acquisition of power of Parliament , king’s power was limited. The Civil war was rooted in a dispute over the power of the king and parliament.② there were two revolutions of 17th century: the civil war and the glorious revolution.The civil war was led by the roundheads that representing Parliament defeated the royalists. The roundheads succeeded in ousting the monarchy, CharlesⅠ, in 1642 and ruled for 18years before the monarchy, Charles Ⅱ, was restored.The glorious revolution happened in1688, when the king James Ⅱ also tried to govern without the consent of the parliament. Leading politicians and authorities of the church ask James’son-in-law William of Orange, to replace him. In return, William promised these representatives that he will declare that governing without the parliament consent to be illegal.In 1689 parliament passed the Bill of Right that the king would never be able to ignore parliament.3、What is the history of English parliament What role did the parliament play in the civil warA:①The term was first used officially in 1236 to describe the gathering of feudal barons and representatives from counties and towns which the king occasionally summoned if he wanted to raise money. By the 13th Century, king found they could not make the ends meet by asking money from this quite small group, and so they widened the Great Council to include representatives of counties, cities and was in this way that the Great Council came to include both those who were summoned “by name”(the House of Lords)and representatives of communities(the House of Commons).The two houses exist today collectively we call them the Parliament.②Parliament represents the community ,having no real political right ,and It was the effort to reassert the rights of Parliament that led to the civil war.4、Discuss the major characteristics and the main content of British constitution A: Israel and Britain are the only two countries without written constitutions. The foundations of British Constitution are laid out in : ①statute law which are passed by Parliament.②the common law : laws which have been written through common practice in courts. ③ conventions : rules and practices which do not exist legally but are nevertheless regarded as vital to the working of government.5、Why does the author say that parliament is supreme in the British state What function does parliament have What role does the Queen (king) and Prime Minister play in British governmentA: ①parliament can change the terms of Constitution and there are not legal restraints upon it.② First, It pass laws which is the most important oneSecond, It provides the means of carrying on the work of government by voting for taxation.Third, It scrutinizes government policy, administration and expenditureFourth, It debates the major issues of the day.③ The Queen is the head of executives, an integral part of the legislature, head of the judiciary, commander of chief of the armed forces, a confidante to the prime minister.④ the prime minister is the leader of the party which wins the most supporters in the Commons. He form the government.6、What kind of institution is the house of Lords What role does it play in the British government.A:① The house of Lords is made of the Lords Spiritual (archbishops and most prominent bishops of the church of England) and the Lords of Temporal (everyone else)② peers speak and vote as individuals in parliament , not as representatives of the great interests of the country. Because the house of Lords is a part of the parliament ,it must agree to pass a given legislation before the legislation is put into effect.(课本40页第四段)Unit 71、(1)The purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will to become active members of society. But the purpose of the British education system is also to socialize children.(2)开放题2、The controversies in education system reflect the deeper divisions in British society as a whole. Britain is a society in which social class is still very important: class inequality can be erased or continued according to educational policy. If you understand the importance of the relationship between education and social class, you can understand a great deal about British culture and society.3、(1)When the Germans began dropping bombs on British cities,750000 school children were “evacuated” to live in the countr yside where it was hoped they would be safer. Schools were closed or used for war purposes and education continued in the countryside on an hoc basis.(2)more equality(3)①The result was the 1944 Education Act which made entry to secondary(middle)schools and universities “meritocratic”.②In the 1960s,comprehensive schools were introduced all over the country, which ended the division between grammar schools. Entrance exams were abolished and schools were no longer al lowed to let children “compete” for places.4、Universities, reflecting the trend throughout the education system, have traditionallyvbeen rather elitist. Most students were from the middle classes, attended good schools, performed well in their A-levels and received a fully-funded placein a university.5、(1)The open University offers a non-traditional route for people to take university level courses and receive a university degree. People can register without having any formal educational qualifications. They follow university courses through textbooks, TV and radio broadcasts, correspondence, videos, residential schools and a network of study centres.(2)开放题Unit 9I.TTFTT FFTTTII.CDBAA CBCAAIII.1.reading newspapers2.national, daily3.quality4.the Guardian5.the tabloid6.censorship7.the British Broadcasting Corporation8.BBC One;BBC Two9.The tabloids10.The Financial Time11.The Official Secret Act12.Functions, cultureIV.1.quality papersone of the categories of the national dailies which carry more serious, in-depth articles of particular political, reviews and feature articles about high culture. They are also referred as the ‘’broadsheets’’ and their readers are generallya well-educated middle class audience.2.tabloidsa small format newspapers with color photos and catchy headlines. Usually interested in scandals and gossip about famous people.3.the TimesThe Times began publishing in 1785 and it is the United Kingdom’s oldest daily newspaper.4.BBCThe British Broadcasting Corporation. Founded in 1927 as a public service radio st ation and later moved in television. It’s Britain’ main public service broadcaster which has 2 channels.Questions1.Because for most British people, most day begin with a look at the morningnewspapers. On an average day, 90% of Britons over the age of15 read a national or local paper. And in the evening, most Britons settle down to watch some television:96%of the population watch TV at least once a week.They provide people with information about political and social issues; provideweather reports; carry advertising; provide people a forum for people to express their views or seek advice. But British media play an important role in engendering a national culture.2.British newspaper culture is unusual in the extent to which class educationaldifferences are reflected in the newspapers people read. Although most newspapers are financially independent of political parties, they often express particular political views and most people will choose to read a newspaper which accords with their own fellings.Newspaper reading in America is a mainly middle-class habit, but in Britain the “lower classes” are also regulars.3.There is no particular state censorship, but many British laws limit the freedomof the press. The media such as journal is also affected by the Official Secrets Acts, a legal act which stipulates that all government information is kept secret unless the government says it can be released.4.The BBC is funded by license fees and viewers must buy a license each year fortheir TV set. Because the BBC is funded by license fees, there are technically no commercials, although between shows there are trailers for upcoming shows and promotions for products associated with the BBC.Unit10一.判断、选择、填空校对判断10. F P157 Scotland Line 2 (In Ireland [Scotland], New Year’s Eve…)填空4 Royal Ascot P153 Line3二.问答Q1: Find some examples from the text to demonstrate how Christian Churchhas influenced the sports and leisure activities of the British.A1:Example 1: Sunday is still the day that most people have off in the UK because it is the day of the week when everyone traditionally went to Church.Example 2: Tennis was invented in Britain and it owes its origins, literally, to the Church. Church records indicate that by the mid-15th century, people were making a game of bouncing a ball off the side of their local churches or cathedrals, fisrt using the hand, and later a racquet.Q2: Why is cricket very English Why does the author believe that cricket was associated with a set of English valuesA2:Cricket was one of the very first team sports in Britain to have oragnised rules and to be played according to the same rules nationally.In the 19th century, cricket became a “snob” game played by boys who attended public schools. As generations of public school boys grew up to become the civil servants and rulers of the UK, cricket became associated with a set of English values, in particular the idea of “fair play”which characterized British governmentQ3: How do the British celebrate Christmas In what way does this holiday and the ways of celebration in Britain reflect Western cultural tradition in general and British traditions in particularA3:Form ancient times there are many Celtic or pagan traditions such as decorating the house with evergreen plants like holly and ivy, or kissingunder a twig of mistletoe. Nowadays Christmas is celebrated by exchanging gifts and Christmas cards, preparing holiday foods and decorating homes and workplaces its coloured lights Christmas trees and ornaments. There are three ways that are particularly British: one is the Christmas Pantomime. It is a comical musical play usually based on a popular traditional children’s story, there are two main characters in the play: the main male character, “the principal boy”, is played by a young woman, and “the Dame”, often an ugly woman, is played by a man. Another British Christmas tradition is to hear the Queen give her Christmas message to her realm over the television and radio. She usually talks about the year that has passed and expresses her hopes for the future. A third British tradition, which is also celebrated in countries with British heritages, is Boxing Day, which falls on the day after Christmas. Traditionally, it was on Boxing Day that people gave Christmas gifts or money to their staff or servants. Now that most British people do not have servants, this custom is no longer observed. However, a new Boxing Day custom has emerged, in the cities at least: shopping. Shops open up to sell off all their Christmas stock decorations, food, cards and gift items at low prices. Q4: In what way are the Welsh people different from England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland in celebrating their holidays[书上木有答案]下册 Unit 4判断题第8题没有在书中找到答案。






一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 校对的主要目的是什么?A. 提高文本的文学价值B. 确保文本的准确性和一致性C. 增加文本的篇幅D. 降低出版成本2. 以下哪项不是校对的基本步骤?A. 阅读B. 核对事实C. 编辑格式D. 创作内容3. 在校对过程中,发现作者的笔误应该:A. 直接修改B. 标记并通知作者C. 忽略不计D. 替换为校对者认为正确的内容4. 校对者在工作时应该保持:A. 完全客观B. 完全主观C. 作者的视角D. 读者的视角5. 以下哪项不是校对中常见的错误类型?A. 语法错误B. 拼写错误C. 事实错误D. 创意不足二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述校对过程中的“三读法”是什么?2. 描述在校对过程中如何避免“校对者盲点”?3. 阐述为什么在电子文档中进行校对比纸质文档更有效?三、案例分析题(每题25分,共50分)1. 假设你是一本书的校对者,作者提交了以下段落,请指出其中的错误并给出修改建议:“在这本书中,作者详细地描述了他在非洲的冒险经历。



”2. 你是一名专业校对者,被委托校对一篇学术论文。




答案一、选择题1. B2. D3. B4. A5. D二、简答题1. “三读法”是校对过程中的一种有效方法,包括快速阅读以把握整体内容,细致阅读以发现细节错误,以及最后通读以检查整体流畅性和一致性。

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力,美5.人物画6.水墨化,油画7.骨法用笔8.墨,清9.声乐艺术10.曲调11.心理,生理12.身体动作13.和声14.1895 15.1929 16.贝尔德17.连续剧18.第九19.纪实报道20.卡通片21.皮影戏22.蒙太奇23.镜头24.400 25.实(真)26.表达意见27.风格28.影片色彩基调29.四大徽班30.唱念做打31.角色行当32.白脸33.虚拟化34.三维(长、宽、高)35.纪念性36.罗丹37.文房四宝38.中国画39.敦煌,莫高窟40.蒙娜丽莎41.年42.器乐43.民族44.中国45.约翰·施特劳斯46.小提琴协奏曲47.形体动作48.民间舞49.脚尖50.天鹅湖51.科学技术52.综合性53.三,百花,金鸡,华表54.好莱坞55.剧本(编剧)56.声音57.定格58.晚会型59.焦点访谈60.音乐电视61.形象思维62.共鸣63.百家争鸣64.精品创作65.动作66.悲剧67.口语化68.虚拟化69.典型化,鼓舞人70.文化71.生、旦、净、未、丑72.安徽省,浙江省,陕西省73.唱、念、做、打74.白毛女,延安75.阿炳(华彦钧),二胡76.命运交响曲,田园交响曲,英雄交响曲77.光未然,冼星海78.奥地利,约翰·施特劳斯79.天鹅湖80.人物画,花乌画,山水画81.北宋,张择端82.敦煌83.达·芬奇(意大利),列宾(俄国),莫奈(法国),凡·高(法国),毕加索(西班牙)84.五种85.新闻,文艺,社教,服务86.京剧(北京),豫剧(河南),越剧(浙江),黄梅戏(安徽),粤剧(广东),秦腔(陕西)87.旋律,节奏,调式,和声88.交响乐(贝多芬九部交响乐),钢琴曲89.天鹅湖,俄国90.油画,米勒(拾穗者),莫奈(日出),凡·高(向日葵),列宾(伏尔加河上的纤夫) 91.人物,山水画,花鸟画,阎立本(唐代),唐寅(明代),郑板桥(清代),吴昌硕,任伯年,齐白石,张大千,黄宾虹,徐悲鸿(近现代),关山月,傅抱石,潘天寿,李可染(当代)92.兵马俑93.王羲之94.虾95.雕塑96.小提琴97.丝路花雨 98.风云儿女99.李叔同100.贝多芬101.京剧102.白脸103.黄梅戏104.金鹰奖105.秧菊打官司106.有画面107.殿试108.经,史,子,集109.大调式110.贝多芬111.青海,甘肃112.四川113.四114.河姆渡骨笛115.威尔第116.东女时空117.昆曲118.梅兰芳119.话剧120,大锣121.剧诗122.板腔体123.中老年女面人物124.古代以乐舞为业的人125.戏剧中人物滑稽幽默126.西域127.德彪西128.江姐129.梅兰芳,程砚秋,苟慧生,尚小云130.挪威131.意大利132.惊险片,科幺了片,抒情片。
