
9.1、引言 本产品标准配置了一路 RS485 通讯接口,采用 MODBUS-RTU 通讯协议。理论上在一条通讯线路上最
多可以同时连接 32 台仪表,通讯连接应使用带有铜网的屏蔽双绞线,线径不小于 0.5mm2。布线时应使通 讯线远离强电电缆或其他强电场环境,最大传输距离为 1200 米,典型的网络连接方式如下图所示,用户可 根据具体情况选用其他合适的连接方式。
退出 02 屏参数设置界面后就进入到 03 屏参数设置窗口(通讯波特率窗口),第一行通讯速率设置 (1200bps、2400bps、4800bps、9600bps 可设),第二行为显示屏序号。
退出 03 屏参数设置界面后就进入到 04 屏参数设置窗口(通讯地址窗口),第一行通讯地址设置,可 设范围为 01~247,第二行为显示屏序号。
● 功能设置说明:
按下【设置】键后输入设置密码(1116)并按【确认】键确认后,系统进入 01 屏参数设置窗口(除 湿湿度启动值窗口),第一行湿度上限值设置,当环境湿度超过湿度上限值时,启动自动除湿功能;出厂 默认为 95%,第二行为显示屏序号。
退出 01 屏参数设置界面后就进入到 02 屏参数设置窗口(除湿湿度关闭值窗口),第一行为湿度下限 设置,当环境湿度低于湿度下限值时,关闭自动除湿功能;出厂默认为 85%,第二行为显示屏序号。
-40℃~+80℃ ≤95%RH,不结露,无腐蚀性气体场所 输入/电源>2kV,输入/输出>2kV,输出/电源>2kV 输入、输出、电源对机壳>5MΩ AC 100~240V / DC110~300V
智能除湿装置,采用 35mm 导轨、支架安装,安装方式可选。要求 90°垂直安装。 装置尺寸及安装图如下:

汽水取样装置技术规范书目录附件1 技术规范 (1)附件2 供货范围 (16)附件4 交货进度 (19)附件5 监造、检验和性能验收试验 (20)附件6 价格表 (24)附件7 技术服务和设计联络 (30)附件8 分包与外购 (36)附件9 大(部)件运输 (37)附件1 技术规范1 总则1.1本技术条件适用于1x130t/h高温高压锅炉的全自动汽水取样装置,它提出设备的功能设计、结构、性能、安装和试验等方面的技术要求。
2 厂址条件及气象条件见建设单位提供的相关资料。
3、设计基础资料3.1 冷却水质水源:水处理室来补充除盐水水质:除盐水(若带闭式循环系统,冷却水为工业水)接口型式:平焊法兰,符合JB/T81-94标准,压力级:PN1.6MPa水压:1.2MPa( 工业水为0.5MPa)温度:≤32℃除盐水冷却水直接去除氧器。
电源电压:低温架:三相四线制(380/220V) 微机系统:220VAC UPS电源电源频率:50Hz3.3设备布置高温架、低温架室内分开布置。
3.4环境条件3.4.1环境温度高温架室:≤40℃低温架室:∽25℃3.4.2环境湿度相对湿度:76%4、技术要求4.1规定和标准4.1.1水汽集中取样分析装置验收应遵循DLT 665-2009《水汽集中取样分析装置验收导则》。

目录1 设备系统概述2 编制依据3 汽水取样系统投入使用前应具备的条件和要求4 汽水取样系统投运5 调试质量的检验标准6 安全注意事项及防止事故措施7 组织与分工8 附表1 设备系统概述辽宁调兵山煤矸石电厂一期工程安装2台300MW国产循环流化床机组,锅炉型号为SG—1065/17.5—M804型锅炉,是由上海锅炉厂生产的1065t/h亚临界压力自然循环汽包锅炉;汽轮机型号为NZK300-16.67/537/537型,是由哈尔滨汽轮厂生产的亚临界一次再热单轴两缸两排汽直接空冷凝汽器式汽轮机;发电机是由哈尔滨电机厂生产的型号为FSN-300-2型水-氢-氢冷却发电机。
机组取样装置采用苏州华能生产的SJZ-300C 型水汽取样分析装置由高温高压架、仪表盘和恒温装置等组成,采用两屏式布置。
水汽取样分析装置对各水样进行连续取样,在线监测,并输出4 20mA DC控制信号供化学加药系统用。
QS600 6寸2路全频专业扬声器系统用户手册说明书

QS6006寸2路全频专业扬声器系统用户手册CN UM-QS600-20170808Ve r B感谢您购买 产品!请仔细阅读本手册,它将帮助你妥善设置并运行您的系统,使其发挥卓越的性能。
1. 请先阅读本说明。
2. 保留这些说明以供日后参照。
3. 注意所有警告信息。
4. 遵守各项操作指示。
5. 不要在雨水中或潮湿环境中使用本产品。
6. 不要将产品靠近热源安装,例如暖气管、加热器、火炉或其它能产生热量的装置(包括功放机 )。
7. 不要破坏极性或接地插头的安全性设置。
8. 保护好电源线和信号线,不要在上面踩踏或拧在一起(尤其是插头插座及穿出机体以外的部分 )。
9. 使用厂商规定及符合当地安全标准的附件。
12. 不要让物体或液体落入产品内——它们可能引起火灾或触电。
13. 请注意产品外罩上的相关安全标志。
. 仅与厂商指定或与电器一同售出的推车、架子、三脚架、支架或桌子一起使用。


S 系列节能纯水机说明书

如果您在安装使用过程中遇到任何困难,请与当地经销商或我公司工程师联系,我们的专业人员将竭诚为您服务!-1-产品简介1.BK-S 系列去离子水机主要功能特点简介工艺流程图1简介“仟净”及“倍尔净”去离子水机,采用了目前国际上最为先进的反渗透技术,反渗透膜是一种利用压力驱动使得水分子反向进行渗透作用的分离膜。

S-600系列水汽取样装置S-600 Series Water and Steam Sampling Device操作指南O p e r a t i o n M a n u a l版号: 01Edition No: 01文件编号:ZG/CZ002-2006Document Number: ZG/CZ002-2006中美合资苏州赛华仪控有限公司SINO-US SUZHOU SAIHUA INSTRUMENT CONTROL CO.,LTD二○○六年二月02.20061 范围1 Range本手册给出了S-600水汽取样装置的操作说明This manual introduces the operation of the S-600 water and steam device.本手册适用于S-600水汽取样装置在现场的启动、停运和日常操作This manual is suitable for field startup, stoppage and routine work of the S-600 water and steam device.2 装置启动前操作2 The operation before startup2.1 降温架2.1 Cooling frame2.1.1 所有高压阀门应处于关闭状态。
2.1.1 All the high pressure valves need to be close.2.1.2 所有各连接接头、紧固件不应有松动、脱落现象。
2.1.2 All conjunctions and fasteners shouldn’t be loosen and be fall off.2.1.3 恒压装置压力调节螺母旋至中位,出口调节阀处于关断状态。
2.1.3 Put the pressure adjusting nut of constant pressure device at median, and close the outer adjusting valves.2.1.4打开冷却水进出口母管总阀,冷却水进口母管的压力应大于0.2MPa。

(空负荷)1.5、汽轮机的密封蒸汽来自主机低压汽封母管的减温器之后,压力:0.12 MPa(a),温度:150~250℃;与主机共用轴封冷却器。
3.2、主凝汽器额定压力0.0044/0.0054 MPa(a),小机排汽平均压力为0.0066 MPa(a)。
3.3、主凝汽器夏季压力0.0118 MPa(a),小机排汽压力为0.0135 MPa(a)。
8、调闸转速:6090 r/min(电子),6150 r/min(机械)。
9、转向:顺汽流看为顺时针10、汽源切换点:≤40%主机负荷三、轴承耗功计算汇总1、已知数据:前径向轴承:φ200mm,二油楔型,宽径比B/D=0.8后径向轴承:φ250mm,二油楔型,宽径比B/D=0.5推力轴承型号:63/160计算转速:5450 r/min2、计算结果前、后径向轴承加推力轴承共耗功:135KW,加上其它耗功总取为150 KW。

GRAND POWER水汽集中取样装置使用说明书型号:CXD吉林光大电力设备有限责任公司写在前面感谢您购买了由吉林市光大电力设备有限责任公司研制生产的CXD型水汽集中取样装置。

1. 目的规范Waters高效液相色谱系统的使用和维护。
2. 范围本规程适用于Waters高效液相色谱系统的使用和维护。
3. 职责质检室仪器分析员负责Waters高效液相色谱系统的日常使用和维护。
4. 系统组成本系统由Waters 600E多溶剂输送系统(有梯度控制器的高压输液泵)、Waters在线脱气机、Rheodyne 7725i手动进样阀、Waters 2487双通道紫外检测器、Millennium32色谱工作站/电脑等组成,另外还包括打印机、断电保护器和通风柜等辅助设备。
5. 程序5.1. 准备5.1.1. 使用前应根据待检样品的检验方法准备所需的流动相(应足够;流动相必须用0.45μm滤膜过滤)、样品和标准溶液(也可在平衡系统时配制),更换合适的色谱柱(柱进出口位置应与流动相流向一致)和定量环。
5.1.2. 通电前应检查仪器设备之间的电源线、数据线和输液管道是否连接正常。
5.2. 开机和泵操作5.2.1. 开机5.2.1.1. 接通断电保护器的电源,依次打开断电保护器、脱气机、600E泵、2487检测器,待检测器自检结束显示测量状态时,打开打印机、电脑显示器、主机。 打开Millennium32软件,按「Login...」,输入用户名和密码,按「OK」注册进入系统主界面。
在Project档内选择所需的项目,右击『Run Samples』图标,选择色谱系统“600_2487”后打开QuickSet窗口。
5.2.2. 更换溶剂5.2.2.1. 打开600E泵后,转动进口集合管阀手柄(以下简称手柄)至RUN位置; 将一塑料烧杯放在参照阀出口管下以收集分流的溶剂,向右打开参照阀(断开柱和进样器); 按[Direct]键使其显示直接控制屏幕,设流速为1ml/min(梯度配比阀在0ml/min时不工作); 选择欲使用的某一溶剂通道,设其比例为100%,其它为0%; 将输液管从原有溶剂瓶中取出,放入一干净的空瓶中; 逆时钟转动手柄至DRAW位置,用启动注射器从进口集合管阀的接口抽出约2ml溶剂; 再将输液管放入新溶剂瓶内,继续抽吸直到新溶剂出来并无气泡为止; 转动手柄至RUN位置,将启动注射器取下并排掉筒内的溶剂。

操作人员必须经过专业培训,具备相关操作技能和知识 操作过程中必须穿戴防护服、手套等防护用品 操作过程中必须遵守操作规程,不得擅自改变操作流程 操作过程中必须保持设备清洁,避免污染样品 操作过程中必须注意安全,避免发生安全事故 操作过程中必须做好记录,以便追溯和改进操作流程
取样装置:用于采集汽水 样品
传输系统:用于将样品传 输到分析仪器
分析仪器:用于分析汽水 样品的成分和性质
控制系统:用于控制取样 装置和传输系统的运行
安全防护系统:用于保障 操作人员的安全
辅助设备:如电源、冷却 系统等,为装置提供必要 的支持
取样装置应具备 良好的密封性能, 防止样品污染
定期检查取样装置的密封 性,确保无泄漏
定期清洁取样装置,保持 清洁卫生
定期检查取样装置的电气 连接,确保安全可靠
定期检查取样装置的机械 部件,确保运行正常
定期检查:检查设备各部件是否正常工作 定期清洁:清洁设备表面和内部,保持清洁卫生 定期润滑:定期给设备各部件添加润滑油,保持润滑 定期更换:定期更换易损件,如过滤器、密封圈等
检查取样装置是否正常工作,如有异常,及时更换或维修 检查取样管路是否堵塞,如有堵塞,及时清理或更换 检查取样泵是否正常工作,如有异常,及时维修或更换 检查取样系统是否正常工作,如有异常,及时维修或更换
操作前必须穿戴防护装备,如手套、护目镜等 避免直接接触取样装置,以防烫伤或割伤 确保取样装置处于良好工作状态,避免设备故障导致的安全事故 取样过程中,注意观察设备运行情况,如有异常及时停止操作并报告
,a click to unlimited possibilities

阜新发电有限责任公司三期技术改造工程2×350MW机组辅机设备(水汽取样分析装置)技术协议书阜新发电有限责任公司苏州中新动力设备辅机有限公司2004年10月目录附件1 技术协议附件2 供货范围附件3 技术资料及交付进度附件4 技术服务和设计联络附件1 技术协议1 总则.6.本技术条件书适用于阜新发电厂三期“以大代小”技术改造工程的水汽集中取样装置及凝汽器检漏装置,它提出了设备的功能设计、结构、性能、安装和试验等方面的技术要求。
1.2 技术条件书提出了最低限度的技术要求,并未规定所有的技术要求和适用要求,供方应提供满足本规范书和所列标准要求的高质量产品及相应服务。
1.3 供方需方执行本技术条件书所列的标准,有矛盾时,按较高标准执行。
3 工程概况本期拟建2X1165t/h亚临界锅炉及2X350MW汽轮发电机组。
4 技术条件4.1 环境条件水汽取样分析装置布置在集中控制楼5.5米层,环境温度:25℃±5℃;仪表盘间设空调装置。
4.2 动力电源:380V4.3 仪表电源:220V4.4 冷却水条件:冷却水质:除盐水冷却水温度:≤35℃冷却水压力:≥0.3MPa5 技术要求5.1 性能要求.6.1.机组应有一套完整的水汽取样系统,应包括集中式水汽取样装置以及各接口点的阀门及附件。
5.35.4.凝汽器检漏装置5.4.1 每台机组设1套凝汽器检漏装置,共2套。

GRAND POWERWater and Steam Integrated Sampling Unit INSTRUCTIONModel: CXDJILIN CITY GRAND POWER EQUIPMENT CO., LTD.I. SummaryThis unit is adapted to pre-treatment the sample of water and steam for chemical analysis of thermo-equipment, manual sampling, on-line quality analysis of water and steam, computer supervising of the checked parameters.This unit composes of three basic sections: CXD series Sampling Unit of Chemical analysis, which functions in pre-treatment, manual sampling, providing eligible sample for on-line chemical analysis; Analysis instrument screen, on which installs on-line chemical analysis instrument and record displayer etc.; Computer control system, which functions in data collection, treatment, display, reports print, supervising, and epigynous computer control communication etc.Clients can select part of the unit or select all according to demand.II. CXD series sampling unit of chemical analysis1. Technical characteristicUsing a total complete new techno-route, this unit acquires outstanding benefit that other sampling units cannot match, either domestic or overseas. In detail, the characteristics are as below:(1) The sampling unit adopts high-efficiency temperature-pressure reductor (with patent) for fluid of high-temperature and high-pressure. When fluid of high-temperature and high-pressure (such as water, steam etc.), flows along this unit, the temperature and pressure will be reduced, that is the unit works with double functions, one is as the cooler of traditional sampling unit, the other is as the reductor.(2) The sampling unit is not set with pressure-only reductor, which puts an end to the traditional disadvantage caused by reductor block resulted in too much maintenance.(3) The sample flows along the high-efficiency temperature-pressure reductor in a status of deep puffing, with high heat-exchange efficiency. Under the same condition, the usage of the cooling water is only 1/2 ~2/3 that of the existing cooler.(4) The sample flows along the pipes of the high-efficiency temperature-pressure reductor with speediness that helps the wall of pipes self-clean.(5) The sampling unit adopts a new-type filter, pole-style filter (with patent), barring mechanical impurity granule with diameter over 1.4mm without changing the composition of the water sample basically. Pole-style filter can self-clean for the large flux of the sample, block-proof, if need be, the exhaust drainage valve can be started to clean the filter. The pole-style filter is solid and durable, exempt from maintenance.(6) The sampling unit has a compact structure occupying little space, for example, ten-point of sampling unit is 2.5m long, 0.65m wide, and 1.6m high, every point of sampling added, only 0.2m longer needed, without changing of width and height, therefore, the occupying area is only 3/5 of the current sampling unit.2. Working conditions(1)Temperature of the environment:5~40℃(2)Power supply: 230V±10%,50Hz, 2KV A(3)Cooling water:A: Temperature: <35℃B: In/Out Pressure difference for cooling water in the temperature-pressure reductor: >0.2MPa C: Flux: subject to the number and the temperature of sampling points, fifteen points of sampling designed according to 30T/hD: The cooling water of the temperature-pressure reductor adopts de-salted water, without rot, dirt or pollute.3. Main technical index(1) Under the condition of the temperature not higher than 560℃and the pressure not bigger than 35Mpa, the temperature of the treated water is about that of the cooling water plus 5℃(±1℃), the pressure is smaller than 0.3Mpa.(2) The flux of water sample: ≥1500ml/min(3) Temperature of the outlet water can be set an alarming rating by the round detector by which the max absolute error measured should not be higher/lower than 1℃. Any exceeding of the alarm value will cause automatic alarming. The normal alarm is set at 40~50℃.(4) Pressure safety valve of the outlet water sample is set at 0.6~2.8Mpa, adjustable. Inlet of cooling water has pressure-overloading alarm, with lowest setting at 0.2MPa and highest setting at 0.8MPa.4. Formal dimensionsSeventeen-points sampling unit is 3.6m long, 0.65m wide and 1.60m high.5. Debugging procedure5.1. Preparation before operation5.1.1. According to the system diagram, be familiar with the positions and functions of all sections for the sampling unit.5.1.2. Regulate the pressure limits on the contacts of cooling water, and check the alarm system if normal.(1) Set the pressure meter on the contacts of the inlet cooling water pipe with a limit at 0.2MPa~0.8MPa.(2) Set the pressure meter on the contacts of the outlet cooling water pipe with a limit at 0MPa, and the pressure difference to the inlet not lower than 0.2MPa5.1.3. Power on the round detector, set the sampling cycle and alarm values according to Instruction settings.(1) Max. value of alarm is set at 40~45℃(2) Min. value of alarm is set at 0℃5.1.4. Check the nodes, airproof parts, fastening parts of the sampling unit if loosed, check the valves if closed.5.2. Pour in cooling water5.2.1. Open all in/out ball-valves at all points of sampling for cooling water5.2.2. Open the valves for in/out cooling water pipes. Pressure difference between inlet and outlet of cooling water pipes should not be lower than 0.2Mpa, as normal.5.2.3. Check the alarm(1) Regulate the inlet pressure on the contacts of cooling water at maximum (actual pressure of the cooling water, if alarmed, regard the alarm as normal. Then recover the pressure 0.8MPa.(2) Regulate the inlet pressure on the contacts of cooling water at minimum (actual pressure of the cooling water, if alarmed, regard the alarm as normal. Then recover the pressure 0.2MPa.(3) After finishes the alarm debugging, regulate the pressure difference between inlet and outlet at a stable status of 0.2MPa.5.3. Operation of high-temperature and high-pressure systemOnly if the cooling water works in normal condition, the high-temperature and high-pressure system can be operated.5.3.1. Manual sampling valve and the flowmeter knob are all opened5.3.2. Close first inlet and second inlet valves of sampling water, drainage valve and flow control valve.5.3.3. Slowly open the first inlet valve of the sampling unit, watch the connections of filter, the second inlet valve, contamination-drain valve to check if leaking, if leaks, fasten with special spanner (Be careful, work with gloves against scald).5.3.4. After the connections of the first inlet valve, contamination-drain valve and filter are confirmed no leakage, slowly open the contamination-drain valve to drain away the water in the pipe, with the temperature of water heighten to a stable point, fully open the contamination-drain valve then close immediately, repeat the operation of on and off for about three times, then close the valve.5.3.5. Slowly open the second inlet valve, watch the system of high-temperature and high pressure if leaking, if leaks, close the first inlet valve, repair the leakage, then open the second inlet valve. 5.3.6. Slowly open flux-control valve, watch the floater of the flowmeter rising, if the water sample flows smoothly, that will be considered normal.5.3.7. Regulate the flux-limit valve of manual sampling, make the flowmeter displaying a flux about 500ml/min, and regulate the instrument valve to let the instrument start working.5.4. Temperature overloading protection test for the electromagnetic valve5.4.1. Sizing down the inlet flux of the cooling water (smaller the opening of the valve), watch the display of the temperature round detector, when exceeds the alarm temperature, alarms, and at the same time the electromagnetic valve starts working to cut off the flow of the sample water, that certifies the normality of temperature overloading protection, then sizing up the inlet flux of cooling water (bigger the opening of the valve), recover the normal working status.5.4.2. Close the first valve, open the contamination-drain valve, the pressure of the water-flow system is reduced, open the water circuit which has been cut off by the replacement of the electromagnetic valve, then close the contamination-drain valve, open the first valve, recover the normal working status. When the decontamination system pressured, the above-mentioned operation could not open the electromagnetic valve. In case of that, close the flow-control valve on the manual sampling board, then go to the rear of the manual sampling board, loose the outlet running tie-in of the flow-control valve, discharging the air as well as the pressure, so then the electromagnetic valve will automatically open.5.5. Cooling water pressure reducing alarmDuring the operation, when the inlet pressure of cooling water lower than 0.2MPa, alarms, at the same time, the electromagnetic valve closes all its actions, cuts off the water circuit, when things happened like that, find the reasons then repair it(reasons, see the descriptions in the malfunction analysis column), the cooling water recovers the normal working status. If the electromagnetic valve does not action—not opened, do according to Debugging of the safe valve5.6.1. The safe valve is set between the flux-control valve and the flowmeter, setting working pressure of 0.6MPa, acting pressure of 0.8MPa, when the flow circuit has overloading pressure, the safe valve automatically unloads. The safe valve is regulated well when leaving the factory, normally does not need regulating during the unit working. When it operates for a period of time or finds any malfunction, if need be, rechecks and regulates the safe valve as below:Connect pressure meters at the rear of the safe valve and between the connective pipes of the safe valve (range of 1MPa), close the water circuit to the instrument, regulate the manual sampling valve to raise the interior pressure of the sample water pipe to 0.6~0.8MPa. The safe valve starts to work, and be closed when the pressure lowers to 0.5~0.6MPa, then recover the normal working status. Otherwise, regulate the settings of the safe valve to the status above mentioned. Unload the pressure meter and install the safe valve.5.7. Operation StopFirst, close the first inlet valve of the sample water, then close the second inlet valve of the sample water and the contamination-drain valve, when the sample water stops flowing, close the inlet and outlet valve of cooling water, then close the power supply of the temperature detector.5.8. MaintenanceOpen the contamination-drain valve timely, according to 5.3.4. The period of contamination drain is subject to the purity of the sample water and the operational experience.〇Sampling point; Sampling point through ion exchange pole;side.Operating Rules for chemical analysis of CXD water and steam Sampling UnitI. PreparationBefore operates, check the valves of all points if they are closed, such as first high-pressure valve, second high-pressure valve, high-pressure contamination-drain valve and manual flux-regulate valve on the panel; check the screws if they are loosed, such as that of the high-pressure contacts on the unit (pipe joints of first/second class on the temperature and pressure reductor), cooling water piping, if need be, fasten the loosed.II. Cooling waterBefore operates, let the cooling water into operation with required condition. Requirements of the cooling water as below:1. Inlet temperature of cooling water <35℃;2. In/out pressure difference of cooling water should be not lower than 0.2MPa, (lower than 0.1MPa is definitely forbidden), calculated as inlet pressure – outlet pressure (read from the pressure meters of inlet and outlet)3. Flux of cooling water should reach the required amount. If In/out pressure difference of cooling water is eligible, the flux is satisfying.4. After the normal working of the unit, the cooling water should not be stopped to prevent accident of persons and equipment. In order to prevent accident, clients should set a spare power supply for the temperature round detector, if need be, contact the manufacturer for detail information.III. Temperature round detector and electromagnetic valveAs powers on, the temperature round detector shows temperatures of all points, alarms when pressure-loss, alarms when temperature overloading, electromagnetic valve working and some other functions.IV. OperationAfter finishes the above items, the unit could be started, according the procedure as blow:1. Open the manual sampling valve, floater flowmeter valve on the panel of manual sampling to prevent the result of pressure increased of low-pressure piping, or leakage, damage of flow meter. Above two valves can be often kept opened even if the boiler is stopped working.2. Open and close the high-pressure valves(first valve, second valve, contamination-drain valve) on the sampling unit, that must be fully open and fully close to prevent the fluid of high-temperature and high-pressure flooded and damaging the needle of the valve. That is important, please remember.3. When operates the unit, slowly open the first high-pressure valves at all points till they are fully opened, then open the contamination-drain valve (fully open), drain all contamination in the pipes, the detail draining time subject to:1) Contamination drainage when boiler starts: drainage away all the cooling water in the pipes, till the temperature of the pipes rises, then close the drain valve in a short time.2) Contamination drainage during operation: after the drain valve is open for five to ten seconds, then close it in a short time, if the sample water is dirty, repeat the above operation for some times, ordinarily once to three times.After finishes the contamination drainage, slowly open the second high-pressure valve, let the sample water flow along the filter to the temperature and pressure reductor, watch the high-pressure joints and pipes checking if leak. Normality confirmed, open all the second valves. That is the operation end of the high-pressure section.Note: the flux-regulate valve before the manual sampling panel is also a high-pressure valve( the front is high-pressure, the rear is to the low-pressure pipes). Prohibit working the first or second valve as sample water flux-regulate valves, otherwise, result in the high-pressure valve in the status of half-closed, that will destroy the high-pressure valve without working normally.V. InstrumentStart instruments with required quantity of sample water. First, open instrument valves that samplewater of all circuits flows through to the instruments, when the sample water to the instrument too much or too less, regulate the flux-limit valves set in the circuit of the manual sampling. The flux-limit valve regulates down, the sample water in the instrument will be increased, otherwise, reduced.VI. Safe guarantee system1. Temperature overloading alarm: there is temperature-overloading alarm set in the temperaturedetection, when the sample water at an exceeding temperature, the detector utters a buzz alarming, and at the same time commands the electromagnetic valve closed, sample water cut off to guarantee the security.2. Pressure-loss alarm: when the cooling water dammed by accident, the pressure meter at contactswill make pressure-loss alarm, and at the same time commands the electromagnetic valve closed, sample water cut off to guarantee the security.3. Low-pressure safety valve: for some reason (sample water of the instrument used stopped with theflux-limit valve opened), the pressure of pipes increased, when exceeds the security value of 0.7MPa, the low-pressure safety valve automatically opened, drains, till the pressure recovered, closed automatically.VII. Notice1. Pour in the cooling water at first, guarantee the pressure and pressure difference as required(Instruction).2. Manual sampling valve: the flowmeter should be opened or often be opened, to prevent any littledamage.3. The electromagnetic valve works in accordance with the commands of temperature detection and pressure meter of contacts, if the sampling point without sample water, close the first high-pressure valve at once, then open the contamination-drain valve, unload the pressure in the temperature and pressure reductor, then close the contamination-drain valve, start the electromagnetic valve automatically (not working) to prevent damage due to overworking and overheated, find the reasons, recover the normal working status of cooling water, then reset another time high-pressure valve, make the unit(sampling unit) work.EXCURSUS:1.The specifications of ion exchange pole: Ф51x4 mm H=800 mmV=1.161x10-3 m3=1.16 L2.Filling strong positive resin: Dool large pores positive acidic resin strong.GRAND POWER 光大电力GRAND POWER 光大电力Explore the cooperation and make friends all over the worldJilin Mengyou Tech •Grand Power Equipment Co., Ltd. reserves the right of amendment Address: Mengyou Technological Industry Park, Jilin High and New Technological Industrial Development ZoneP.C.:132013Tel. 86 432 4674552 Fax: 86 432 4683867 email:******************。
S-600 Yeti雪机使用说明书

S-600 YetiSnow MachineUser Manual© 2022 Antari Lighting and Effects Ltd.English1.Introduction (2)2.Safety Information (2)3.Package Items (5)4.Product Overview (6)5.Technical Label Information (7)6.Snow Fluid (7)7.Setting Up (7)8.Operation (8)9.Machine Status Message (10)10.DMX Connection (11)11.RDM (12)12.Wireless Control Operation (13)13.Wireless DMX Operation (Optional) (14)14.SC-4 Wired Remote Operation (Optional) (15)15.S-600-BH / 5-liter bottle holder (Optional) (16)16.Service and Maintenance (17)17.Technical Specifications (18)18.Machine Dimension (19)19.Exploded diagram (20)中文1.前言 (22)2.安全注意事項 (22)3.包裝內容 (24)4.機器外觀概述 (26)5.技術標籤資訊 (27)6.液體使用 (27)7.機器安裝操作步驟 (27)8.操作說明 (28)9.機器狀態說明 (30)10.DMX說明 (31)11.RDM說明 (32)12.無線模組配對及操作說明 (33)13.無線DMX安裝說明(選配) (34)14.SC-4有線控制器操作說明(選配) (35)15.S-600 BH / 5公升油桶座安裝說明(選配) (37)16.機器維護保養 (38)17.技術規格 (39)18.機器尺寸圖 (40)19.機台爆炸圖 (41)User Manual1. IntroductionPlease read this user manual carefully before operating the machine. Please put this manual in a place where you can refer to it at any time.If you encountered any problems, please contact your local Antari dealer for advice and assistance.2. Safety InformationCAUTION!Please read the following safety information carefully before operating the machine. This information includes important safeguards about installation, usage and maintenance. Pay attention to all warning labels and instructions in this manual and printed on the machine.DANGER!Electrical shockAlways connect the machine to correct voltage. It will lead to electrical shock or burned and may cause serious consequences if connecting to incorrect or impropervoltage.WARNING!Risk of electrocutionAlways connect the machine to a protected circuit and ensure it is properly grounded to avoid risk of electrocution.※ Damage caused by the disregard of this user manual are not subject to warranty. Antari and its dealer will not accept liability for any resulting defects or problems.2.1Installationl Keep this device dry. This machine is not waterproof. Do not expose the machine to water splashes. l Place the machine on a flat surface. Installed in a well ventilated area. Provide at least 50 cm space around the machine.l Make sure there are no flammable materials close to the machine while operating. Never add flammable liquid of any kind to the machine.l Before connecting the machine to power, always check the voltage indicate on the machine matches to your local AC voltage. Do not use the machine if AC power voltage does not match.l If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by a special cord or assembly available from your local Antari dealer for replacement.l No user serviceable and modifiable parts inside. Never try to repair this product, an unauthorized technician may lead the machine to damage or malfunction.l This product is for indoor use only! Do not expose to rain or moisture. If fluid is spilled, disconnect AC power and clean with a damp cloth. If fluid is spilled onto electronic parts, immediately unplug the machine and contact your local Antari dealer for advice.l Pay attention to all warning labels and instructions on the machine before operation.2.2Operationl Do not operate the machine with bundled power cables. It could be a fire hazard.l Do not operate the machine in an area with unstable voltage. This may burn out internal components and cause machine fail to work.l Do not use the machine against human, animal or flame. Make sure there are no flammable materials close to the machine.l For adult use only. The machine is not to be used by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge. Never leave themachine running unattended.l Children being supervised not to play with the machine.l If you hear a strange sound or experience machine fails to work, stop use it immediately. Turn off and unplug the machine, and contact your local Antari dealer for service.l Turn off and unplug the machine while it’s not in use.l Make sure the machine is turned off before unplug it.l Do not use the machine upside down or tilt it. It may damage the machine and make it malfunction. l Before transporting the machine, make sure the fluid tank is completely drained.l Snow fluid may present health risks if swallowed. Do not drink snow fluid. Store it securely. In case of eye contact or if fluid is swallowed immediately look for medical advice.l Be sure to unplug the machine before filling snow fluid.l If the machine fails to work, unplug the machine and stop operation immediately. Contact your local Antari dealer for help.2.3Grounding InstructionThis appliance must be grounded in the event of malfunction or breakdown, grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current to reduce the risk of electric shock. This appliance is equipped with a cord having an equipment-grounding conductor and a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet that is properly installed and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.DANGER – Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. The conductor with insulation having an outer surface that is green with or without yellow stripes is the equipment-grounding conductor. If repair or replacement of the cord or plug is necessary, do not connect the equipment-grounding conductor to a live terminal. Check with a qualified electrician or servicemen if the grounding instructions are not completely understood, or if in doubt as to whether the appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance. If it will not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician.This appliance is for use on a nominal 120V circuit and has a grounding plug that looks like the plug illustrated in sketch A in Figure 73.1. A temporary adaptor, which looks like the adaptor illustrated in sketches B and C, may be used to connect this plug to a 2 pole receptacle as shown in sketch B if a properly grounded outlet is not available. The temporary adaptor should be used only until a properly grounded outlet can be installed by a qualified electrician. The green colored rigid ear, lug, and the like, extending from the adaptor must be connected to a permanent ground such as a properly grounded outlet box cover. Whenever the adaptor is used, it must be held in place by the metal screw.3. Package ItemsImmediately upon receiving the machine, carefully unpack the carton, check the content to ensure that all parts are present and have been received in good condition. If any parts appear damaged or mishandled from shipping, notify the shipper immediately and retain the packing material for inspection.3.1Standard Package1 x S-600 Snow Machine1 x PowerCon True 1 Power Cord1 x User Manual or scan QR code on technical label1 x 5M Fluid Tank Feed Tube with Filter1 x W-2 Wireless Transmitter (Receiver has been installed onto the machine)1 x Hanging Bracket3.2Optional AccessoriesItem Code DescriptionWTR-90 W-2 & W-DMX Receiver & W-DMX-PCBSC-4 Cable RemoteS-600-BH 5-Liter Bottle Holder4. Product Overview01. Control Panel 06. Wireless Receiver Antenna02. Fluid Tube Connection 07. SC-4 Remote Connector03. Main Power Switch 08. Output Nozzle04. True 1 PowerCon Connector 09. Hanging Bracket05. XLR 5-Pin DMX Connector 10. Technical Label5. Technical Label InformationRead the information on the technical label before operation. Technical label is attached on one side of control panel.1. Model Name 5. Breaker2. Input V oltage 6. QR CODE for User Manual3. Frequency 7. Serial No.4. Rated Power6. Snow FluidCAUTION!Always disconnect from the mains before filling the machine. Never add flammable liquids. If fluid gets inside the machine, please contact your local Antari dealer for service.Only use Antari SL-N, SL-AN, SL-H, SL-C, SL-UV fluid for the S-600 Snow Machine. The machine is tested and calibrated with this liquid to get the best output performance. Warranty will be void if any other type of liquid is used, improper use of liquid may lead to machine failure and malfunction.7. Setting UpCAUTION!Risk of injury caused by falling objects.Make sure installation location, fastening connecting and rigging hardware can hold at least 10 times the weight of the machine.Make sure that the machine is installed securely and cannot fall down. It will cause severe injuries if the machine falling down.Step 1. Place the machine on a flat surface and in a suitably large area with at least 50 cm open spacearound the machine. Step 2. Connect the 5M fluid tube to S-600 and put the filter into the tank. Please do not bend the fluidtube and fill the fluid tank with Antari snow fluid.5M Fluid Tube with FilterStep 3. Connect the machine to a suitably rated power supply. To determine the power requirement forthe machine, refer to the label on the back of the machine.Step 4. Turn on the machine, press the [VOLUME]/[DOWN] button on the control panel to start makingsnow. To stop making snow, press the [STOP] /[■] buttonStep 5. To turn off the machine, press the [STOP] /[■] button and put the power switch to the OFFposition.※ Notice :The motor of S-600 continues running for about 5 seconds after [STOP] /[■] button is pressed. Please turn off the main power after motor stops running.8. OperationS-600 Yeti snow machine can be operated in the following modes. The machine can accept 1 kind ofsignal at 1 time. When using different control modes at the same time, the machine will work according to built-in control priority.l Manual: operation via control panel l Timer: operation via control panell DMX 512l SC-4 Wired Remote (Optional) l Wireless DMX (Optional) l W-2 Wireless TransmitterPriority: Wireless DMX (Optional) > DMX512 > W-2 Wireless Transmitter > SC-4 Wired Remote (Optional) > ManualPlease see the following pages for instructions on your choice of operation.8.1 Control Panel OperationThe machine can be operated in manual or timer modes with the onboard digital control interfaceButtonFunction[MENU]Scroll through setting menu▲[UP]/[TIMER] Increase setting value/Activate Timer function ▼[DOWN]/[VOLUME] Decrease setting value/Activate V olume function ■[STOP]Deactivate Timer/V olume function Confirm/Leave Setting Menu8.2 Control MenuMenuItemDescriptionDMXDMX512 Add: XXXDMX-512 Address: 1-510(S-600 occupies 3 control channels.) LinkMode Wired Link Mode :Wired / Wireless W-DMX Unlink?W-DMX Linking :Linking cancelledReady To SnowManualIntervalXXX minSet interval time at timer mode from 5 to 240 minutes DurationXXX minSet duration time at timer mode from 5 to 240 minutesV olumeOut XXX%Set output volume at volume mode from 0 to 100%BlowerXXX%Set blower output from 0 to 100% to adjust snowflake size. Thesmaller output, the bigger snowflake.Fan SpeedXXX%Set fan speed from 0 to 100%InfoW-DMX--- W-DMX okW-DMX Transmitter assigned, DMX signalreceived.No DMX W-DMX transmitter assigned, No DMX signal TX Lost W-DMX link lost or linking to transmitter Unassign W-DMX Transmitter not assignedUID 1ED806020001Product UID CodeRun Time0000000HAccumulated Snowing time:0 - 9999999 hourSetting W.RemotePairWireless Transmitter:Pair / Unpair Run LastSet OffRun the last setting:On / Off KeySoundSet OnKeypad Sound:On / OffBackliteAlwaysOnScreen Backlite: On /Off / AlwaysOn DefaultProceed?Reset to factory settings9. Machine Status MessageScreen DescriptionS-600v1.0Software VersionAC InputAC-XXXInput V oltageReadyTo SnowMachine is ready to make snow.Remote Out XXX% SC-4 wired remote operating (only shows when SC-4 is connected) V olume Out XXX% Running at volume modeInterval XXX min Running at timer mode, Interval time Duration XXX min Running at timer mode, Duration time DMX-512 Add: XXX Current DMX 512 channel Priming 100% Activate pump at maximum output Wrong V oltage! Wrong input voltage10. DMX Connection10.1 DMX Connector Pin AssignmentThe machine provides a 5-pin XLR connector for DMX connection. The diagram below indicates pin assignment information.1 Ground2 Data-3 Data+ 4N/A 5N/A10.2 DMX Channel FunctionChannelModeDMX Value Function Channel 1 Snow Output V olume 0-5 Snow off6-255 Snow Output 0-100% Channel 2Blower Output0-5 Blower off6-255Blower Output 0-100%Channel 3 Fan Output 0-5 Fan Off6-255 Fan Output 0-100%11. RDMThe S-600 snow machine Yeti is RDM enabled, allowing control system to configure, monitor and manage. See below table for supported RDM parameters.GET Allowed SET Allowed Category RDM Parameter ID’s (Slot 21-22) Value RequiredNetwork Management DISC_UNIQUE_BRANCH 0x0001 O DISC_MUTE 0x0002 O DISC_UN_MUTE 0x0003 OORDM Information QUEUED_MESSAGE 0x0020O SUPPORTED_PARAMETERS 0x0050 O O PARAMETER_DESCRIPTION 0x0051 OOProduct Information DEVICE_INFO 0x0060 OO PRODUCT_DETAIL_ID_LIST 0x0070O DEVICE_MODEL_DESCRIPTION 0x0080O MANUFACTURER_LABEL 0x0081O O DEVICE_LABEL 0x0082O SOFTWARE_VERSION_LABEL 0x00C0 OO ODMX512 Setup DMX_PERSONALITY 0x00E0O DMX_PERSONALITY_DESCRIPTION 0x00E1O O DMX_START_ADDRESS 0x00F0 O O SLOT_INFO (0x0120)O SLOT_DESCRIPTION (0x0121)O DEFAULT_SLOT_VALUE (0x0122)OSensors SENSOR_DEFINITION 0x0200O O SENSOR_VALUE 0x0201O DEVICE_HOURS 0x0400 O O O Control IDENTIFY_DEVICE 0x1000 O12. Wireless Control OperationS-600 is equipped with W-2 wireless control function as a standard. Receiver attached onto S-600 before shipped from factory.12.1 W-2 Wireless Transmitterl Battery :27A 12Vl Effective distance :In a free open space, the effective distance is about 50 meters, actual usage depends on obstacle level; the effective distance varies.l W-2 Wireless remote control system equipped with 4 buttonsto activate, deactivate, adjust snow, motor and fan output level. Button Function[A] Press Once :activate outputKeep pressing for 2 seconds :turn off S-600[B] Adjust snow output level Range: 0/20/40/60/80/100% [C] Adjust motor output level Range: 0/20/40/60/80/100% [D]Adjust fan output levelRange: 0/20/40/60/80/100%W-2 Wireless TransmitterW-2 Wireless Receiver (attached onto machine as astandard)12.2 W-2 Wireless ReceiverS-600 is equipped with W-2 wireless control function as a standard. Transmitter is included in package. Receiver attached onto S-600 before shipped from factory.12.3 Registering a Transmitterl Transmitter can be paired or deleted from the receiver. l Each receiver can pair up to 5 transmitters. l Follow below steps to pair or delete transmitter.Step 1.Press [MENU] button and select [Setting]. Screw the menu until [W.Remote] shows on display.UP: PairDOWN:UnpairStep 2A. Press [UP / ▲] button to select [Pair] to pair a new transmitter. Press [STOP / ■] button, and press any button on the W-2 transmitter to finish pairing.Step 2B. Press [DOWN / ▼] button to select [Unpair] to delete an existing transmitter.13. Wireless DMX Operation (Optional)13.1WTR-90 (Optional)WTR-90 includes a 2 in 1 (W-DMX & W-2) receiver and a W-DMX-PCB.2 in 1 receiver (W-DMXW2R) & W-DMX-PCB13.2Installation StepsStep 1.Release unscrew the receiver, and replace it by the 2 in 1 receiver (W-DMXW2R). Connect it to the cable shown as below photo and then screw it the panel.Step 2. Connect the receiver’s cable with W-DMX-PCB and then install the W-DMX-PCB onto the mainPCB circled in red below.※ Please make sure the W-DMX-PCB pins are firmly installed attached with S-600 main PCB.14. SC-4 Wired Remote Operation (Optional)Wired remote control SC-4 enables to control the machine from a remote location. With three push buttons and 3 rotary knobs to activate/deactivate, priming and snow, motor and fan output level adjustment.Button/Knob Function [SNOW VOLUME] Knob Adjust snow output level 0-100%[BLOWER SPEED] Knob Adjust motor output level 0-100% to adjust snowflake size. [FAN SPEED] Knob Adjust fan output level 0-100%[TIMER] Button Activate Timer SettingInterval and duration time is set on control panel. Output level is controlled by rotary knob on SC-4. [POWER] Button Turn On/Off SC-4 remote[MANUAL] ButtonMax snow, motor and fan output level.※IMPORTANT NOTE:1.Press [POWER] button to activate SC-4 remote.2.With first time operation, a new tank of fluid or refill the fluid may not pump properly due to airlockin the pipeline, use [MANUAL] button to activate pump, motor and fan at maximum output to push the air out of the pipeline.SC-4 Connector SC-4 Wired Remote15. S-600-BH / 5-liter bottle holder (Optional)Optional S-600-BH / 5-liter bottle holder is available to meet the needs of different occasions. Follow below steps to install the bottle holder.Step 1.Release the T shaped handle on S-600.Step 2. Install S-600-BH to the machine.Step 3. Screw the T shaped handle back to S-600 tightly to complete the installation.16. Service and MaintenanceDANGER!Disconnect from mains before starting maintenance operation!lDo not allow the machine to become contaminated.l Remove dust from air vents with air compressor, vacuum or a soft brush. l Only use a damp cloth to clean the casing.lIt is recommended to run the machine on a monthly basis in order to achieve best performance and output condition.l Excessive dust, liquid and dirt built up will degrade performance and cause overheating.l Before storing away after operation, pump pure water through the system for at least 1 to 2 minutes.This will help clean out the remaining snow fluid and prevent pump from malfunction on next usage.17. Technical SpecificationsS-600Input voltage US model : AC 100-120V, 50/60Hz 10A EU model : AC 220-240V, 50/60Hz 5ARated power 1200W Fluid consumption 400 ml/minCompatible fluid Antari SL-N Snow Foam FluidAntari SL-AN Premium Snow Foam Fluid Antari SL-H Super Dry Snow Foam Fluid Antari SL-C Anti-Freezing Snow Foam Fluid Antari SL-UV UV Snow Foam FluidAmbient temp/ range 5°C – 40°C (41°F – 104°F)Control Manual, Timer,DMX 512, Wireless Wireless DMX (Optional)DMX channels 3 channelsConnection Neutrik Powercon (Power) XLR 5-pin (DMX)Included accessories W-2 Wireless Radio Transmitter 5-Meter Fluid Tube with Filter Hanging BracketOptional accessories WTR-90 Wireless DMXSC-4 Cable RemoteS-600-BH Bottle Holder (For 5-Liter Bottle. Bottle is not included)Dimension L 461.2 W 596 H 629.6 mm (L 18.16 W 23.47 H 24.79 inch)Weight 24 kg (52.9 lbs)18. Machine Dimension19. Exploded diagram19.1AC-120VSPARE PARTS OF S-6001 S-600-M Air blower 11 S-600-PCBC Control P.C board2 C040039B0 Rocker switch / Power 12 S-600-PCB Main P.C board3 C04312621 Power socket (Inlet) 13 C01007010 Socket head cap screw4 S-600-PCBD5 P.C board DMX 5Pin 14 C02025000 Handle5 W-2RA Wireless Receiver 15 S-600-PC Power cord & Plug6 C045E2900 Control inlet socket 16 W-2A Wireless transmitter7 C00013610 Fluid tube connector 17 FT-P-6-4A-5M Fluid tube with filter / 5M8 S-600-P Pump (Group) 18 SC-4 Wired remote controller (Optional)9 S6******* Steel 19 S-600-BH Bottle holder (Optional)10 C02000700 Acrylic19.2AC-230VSPARE PARTS OF S-6001 S-600E-M Air blower 11 S-600-PCBC Control P.C board2 C040039A0 Rocker switch / Power 12 S-600-PCB Main P.C board3 C04312621 Power socket (Inlet) 13 C01007010 Socket head cap screw4 S-600-PCBD5 P.C board DMX 5Pin 14 C02025000 Handle5 W-2RE Wireless Receiver 15 S-600-PC Power cord & Plug6 C045E2900 Control inlet socket 16 W-2E Wireless transmitter7 C00013610 Fluid tube connector 17 FT-P-6-4A-5M Fluid tube with filter / 5M8 S-600-P Pump (Group) 18 SC-4 Wired remote controller (Optional)9 S6******* Steel 19 S-600-BH Bottle holder (Optional)10 C02000700 Acrylic中文使用說明書1. 前言使用本產品之前,請務必詳加閱讀此說明書後正確使用。

1.2锅炉参数:1.4主要设备2.1《火力发电机组及蒸汽动力设备水汽质量》;GB/T 12145-2008;2.2《电力基本建设热力设备化学监督导则》;DL/T 889-2004;2.3《电力建设施工质量验收及评价规程》DL/T5210.6-2009;2.4《水汽集中取样分析装置验收导则》;DL/T 665-2009;2.5《发电厂在线化学仪表检验规程》;DL/T 677-2009;2.6 《电力建设安全工作规程》(火力发电厂部分) (DL5009.1—2002);2.7《火力发电厂基本建设工程启动及竣工验收规程》DL/T5437-2009;2.8《火电工程调整试运质量检验及评定标准》(电力工业部建设协调司1996年);2.9汽水取样装置技术协议。

S-600系列水汽取样装置S-600Series Water and Steam Sampling Device维护手册M a i n t e n a n c e m a n u a l版号: 01Edition No:01文件编号:ZG/WH002-2006Document Number: ZG/WH002-2006中美合资苏州赛华仪控有限公司SINO-US SUZHOU SAIHUA INSTRUMENT CONTROL CO.,LTD二○○六年二月02/20061 范围1 Range本手册给出了S-600水汽取样装置的日常维护的方法。
This manual contains normal ways regarding S-600 water and steam sampling devices.本手册适用于S-600水汽取样装置在现场的日常维护。
This manual is suitable for maintenance of S-600 water and steam sampling devices.2 装置的维护2 Maintenance of devices2.1 若出现某路样水温度偏高2.1 I f the temperature of one sampling water on high side2.1.1 检查排污门是否关严或是否泄漏。
2.1.1 Check the blow-off doors whether closed strictly or leak.2.1.2 检查恒压装置安全阀是否打开。
2.1.2 Check the safety valves of constant pressure device whether open or not.2.1.3 检查冷却水是否中断,盘管是否结垢。
2.1.3 Check the cooling water whether cut off or not, and whether there is impurity in coil.2.1.4 检查盘管是否泄漏。

二、操作前的准备1. 检查设备:操作前应仔细检查设备各部件是否完好,包括泵、管道、阀门、仪表等,确保无损坏、泄漏等异常情况。
2. 确认操作规程:熟悉并掌握汽水设备操作规程,了解设备性能、工作原理和操作步骤。
3. 准备操作工具:准备必要的操作工具,如扳手、螺丝刀、密封圈等。
4. 检查水源:确保水源充足、水质合格,避免设备因水源问题而损坏。
三、操作步骤1. 启动设备:打开水源阀门,待水源进入设备后,启动设备。
2. 调节压力:根据需要调节设备压力,确保设备在正常压力范围内运行。
3. 监控仪表:密切监控设备运行过程中的压力、温度、流量等参数,确保设备在正常范围内运行。
4. 检查设备:定期检查设备各部件运行情况,如泵、管道、阀门等,确保无异常。
5. 检查仪表:定期检查仪表是否正常,如压力表、温度表、流量计等。
6. 检查水源:定期检查水源水质,确保水质合格。
四、操作注意事项1. 操作人员必须经过专业培训,熟悉设备操作规程。
2. 操作过程中,严禁随意调整设备参数,如压力、温度等。
3. 操作过程中,严禁操作人员离开设备,确保设备安全运行。
4. 操作过程中,严禁将手、脚等部位伸入设备内部,防止发生意外。
5. 操作过程中,如发现设备异常,应立即停止操作,查找原因,排除故障后方可继续操作。
五、停机操作1. 停机前,关闭水源阀门,待设备内部压力降至正常值。
2. 关闭设备,确保设备无运行迹象。
3. 检查设备各部件,如有损坏,及时更换。
4. 清理设备,保持设备整洁。
六、安全防护1. 操作人员应穿戴好个人防护用品,如安全帽、工作服、防护眼镜等。
2. 操作过程中,严禁操作人员吸烟、饮酒,确保操作安全。
3. 设备运行时,严禁操作人员靠近高温、高压区域。
4. 设备运行时,严禁操作人员进入设备内部。
七、培训与考核1. 定期对操作人员进行培训,提高操作技能和安全意识。
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目录机务部分使用说明一结构布置 (2)二保温处理 (2)三人性化的工作环境 (4)电气部分使用说明一配电装置 (6)二监控系统 (6)三主要技术指标 (14)四使用环境 (14)五保护原理 (14)六实现功能 (15)一结构布置S-600水汽取样装置采用箱体式拼装结构,高温高压、低温低压整合在一个箱体内但分布在不同的功能区域,由原来的高温架和仪表盘各布置在一个房间改为高温架和仪表盘合二为一,占地面积小,节约空间,整个箱体分为降温、恒温、人工取样、仪表电气四大功能区域,功能区域划分明显,全部采用正面操作的方式,在需操作的面上及检修通道入口处均为玻璃移门,可视性与可操作性强,外形美观;其布局示意图如下;图1 布局示意图二保温处理与以往的水汽取样装置相比,要实现高温高压和低温低压共处一室,必须要解决以下几个问题;1.为防止温度过高影响仪表的正常工作,在高温部分必须实现表面温度从600度降到50度以下,解决这一问题,我们采用二次隔热的方式,在高温区(即降温减压区)的样水进口管路进行一次表面降温,在管道外用隔热材料包扎使其温度降至50度左右,常用的隔热方式为硅酸铝纤维绳缠绕、硅酸盐复合抹面膏体涂料,陶瓷管等,其需保温的管路(图2)及保温方式(图3)如下;图2 需保温的部分图3 保温方式(以硅酸绳缠绕为例)2.高温高压与低温低压之间必须留有足够的检修通道,且通道内有适宜操作人员工作的环境。
图4 检修通道入口端在检修通道内部,经过上述的一次降温后,管路表面温度降至50度左右,而在高温高压的内侧,即检修通道内靠近高温高压侧的内壁采用可移动消音隔热层,材质可采用以泡材料或硅酸盐膏体涂料,这就是我们的二次隔热,经过二次隔热保温,使介质温度再次降低,以达到仪表工作温度的要求及操作人员适宜的工作环境,同时起到降低噪声的作用;而采用可移动门的方式,则保证了高温架及恒温装置背面的可检修性,便于维护。
其顶部视图如下,见图5;图5 顶部内视图3.因为在检修通道内不便于焊接,所以所有部件必须采用不动火连接的方式,因此我们需对原有部件进行改进,以便适应新的要求。
在某些样水路数较多或仪表较多的情况下,为了便于加工及运输,可以把整个箱体先分成两部分制作和运输,设备运至业主方安装时,再合并成一个完整的箱体,其布局及功能区域的划分和一个单独的箱体是一样的,如下图所示(图6);图6 分为两个箱体制作的布局图如上图所示,其功能区的划分同上一种情况相同,只是各功能区域分布的相对位置根据需要作了一些调整,其他如保温隔热的方式,检修通道的设置等内部设计都同以上不加长的箱体一样。
集可视性,可操作性,实时性于一体,可广泛应用于采集温度信号进行控制的样水温度和冷却水断水监控报警系统的工业领域3.监控系统的实物图及性能特点如下: 1)触摸屏TPC105-TD33通讯模块ADAM -4520巡检仪ADAM-4068ADAM-4068ADAM-4053ADAM-4053ADAM-4017ADAM-4017触摸屏样水PT100保护阀采样阀超压信号流量信号仪表信号仪表信号嵌入式一体化工控机 TPC105-TD33TPC105-TD33,是一套以嵌入式低功耗CPU为核心(主频200MHz)的高性能嵌入式一体化工控机。
产品特性※液晶屏:10.4″TFT液晶屏,分辨率(640 X 480)※CPU 主板:嵌入式低功耗CPU,200MHz※内存:64M SDRAM※存储设备:64M电子盘※触摸屏:四线电阻式,分辨率:1024 X 1024※接口:1×RS232, 1×RS485(RS232/422拨码可选),2×USB,1×LAN产品规格※结构:工业塑料结构※安装:嵌入式※电源:DC24V(1.0A)※总体尺寸:314 X 239 X 54mm※前面板:314 X 239※面板视口:215 X 162mm※机壳外型:300 X 223mm※机柜开孔:303 X 226mm※净重:2.5Kg※外型颜色:黑/白(可选)应用环境※工作温度:0℃~50℃(32~122℉)※工作湿度:上限50℃当相对湿度<90%RH※储存温度:-20℃~70℃(-4~158℉)※储存湿度:上限70℃当相对湿度<95%RH时※振动:10~55Hz 位移幅值0.075mm 55~150Hz 峰值加速度10m/s²※冲击:峰值加速度150m/s²,※冲击脉冲宽度:10ms,半正弦波LCD规格※显示类型:10.4”TFT液晶屏※分辨率:640 X 480※亮度:300cd/m2※工作温度:0~50℃※LCD 寿命:50,000小时※背光寿命:30,000小时触摸屏规格※敲击寿命:>106次※笔划寿命:>105次※控制器:触摸延迟时间<10ms相关软件※操作系统:预装(中文版)※应用软件:预装128点MCGS嵌入版组态软件运行环境,配MCGS嵌入版无限点开发环境2)巡检仪XMC520 RS485巡检仪XMC520 RS485适用范围XMC5000为First Control公司引进产品,适用于替代DCS系统控制器或PLC 的模拟输入通道,作为温度、压力、液位、流量、重量等工业过程参数的采集使用,以降低系统造价功能特点※24通道模拟量输入(AI),数据采集速度为40ms/路※每路均为热电偶、热电阻、标准信号通用输入通过简单的按键设定,即可适用于以下任意一种输入信号。
1. 热电阻:Pt100、Pt100.0、Pt10、Cu50、Cu100。
2. 热电偶:K、E、S、B、J、R、T、N,并带自动冷端温度补偿。
3. 标准信号:0-10mA、0-20mA、0-5V、1-5V,线性或开方信号。
4. 远传压力表:30-350W,信号偏差可现场按键修正,即设即用。
5. 一般线性非标信号:0-60mV以内或0-60mV以上0-5V以内任意信号可按键即设即用。
※带以太网接口或RS485隔离通讯接口可方便地接入计算机系统※可密集拼装外形为竖式结构,可密集盘装或架装※ FBBUS-ASCII码协议与MODBUS-RTU协议可选(MODBUS-RTU协议仅用于Modbus 选项,接线方式与RS485相同)。
技术参数※使用条件:环境温度:0~50℃相对湿度:≦90%※电源电压:AC90V~265V(50~60HZ)或DC24±10%V※基本误差:0.5%F.S±1字※输入特性: 电偶型:输入阻抗大于10MΩ电阻型:引线电阻要求0~50Ω,三线相等电压型:输入主抗大于300KΩ电流型:输入阻抗250Ω※输出特性:继电器容量:3A/220VAC或3A/24VDC,阻性负载※内部冷端补偿温度范围:0~50℃※功耗:<8W※重量<0.5kg3)模块1.ADAM-4520 普通/隔离RS-232到RS-422/485转换器大多数的工业计算机系统都有RS-232串行端口。
※自动内部RS-485总线管理※ RS-485无需外部控制※3000VDC隔离保护※ RS-485数据线上的瞬态干扰抑制※通讯速度可达115.2Kbps※网络连接距离可到1200米※预留终端电阻空间※用于故障诊断的电源及数据流指示灯※电源要求:+10-+30VDC※灵活的DIN导轨安装或面板安装方式2.ADAM-4068带LED显示和Modbus的8路继电器输出数字量输出模块ADAM-4068ADAM-4068 继电器模块可以透过EEPROM远程地控制和储存设定数据。