SYSTIMAX ® SolutionsInstruction Sheet 860344274 Issue 10, October 2019 Rev BSYSTIMAXMGS Module Termination Instructions© 2012 CommScope, Inc. All rights reserved Page 1 of 5GeneralThese instructions provide the recommended termination procedure for all SYSTIMAX ®MGS-type modules. MGS600 modules are illustrated here, but instructions also apply to MGS400 and MGS500 modules. The MGSmodules are UL approved. Preparation of the new SYSTIMAX GigaSPEED ®X10D 91B series cable , 95B series cordage, or 91SD series cable is also shown. For complete instructions on prepping the GigaSPEED X10D 91B series cable , 95B series cordage or 91SD cable for termination, see instruction sheet 860 469 402. Refer to the SYSTIMAX X10D Design and Installation Guidelines for further information.The following tools are available to aid in module termination.Material ID 406477794 407484971 407728427 760122713 860251081DescriptionD-914 kit - includes impact tool and 110 blade D-914 impact tool onlyReplacement 110 blade for D-914 impact tool Module removal tool (quantity of 5)Hand termination tool (hand puck)How to Contact Us•To find out more about CommScope ® products, visit us on the web at /•For technical assistance:-Within the United States, contact your local account representative or technical support at1-800-344-0223. Outside the United States, contact your local account representative or Authorized Business Partner.-Within the United States, report any missing/damaged parts or any other issues to CommScopeCustomer Claims at 1-866-539-2795. Outside the United States, contact your local account representative or Authorized Business Partner.Preparation of X10D 91B Series Cable, 95B Series Cordage, or 91SD Series Cable860344274Instruction SheetPage 2 of 5Termination ProcedureT568B Wiring ShownPre-Termination Step For Angled EntryNote: Some mounting hardware and box space does not allow for cable entry directly from the rear. If a typical termination from the rear is done and the cable is then bent in the needed direction, performance and reliability can suffer. A proper termination should have the intended entry direction set before seating the conductors.1.Set the intended entry angle before seating theconductors.2.Pull pairs into the module until the jacket is snugagainst the rear housing. Outer pairs should sweep around the inside pairs and not be pulled into them.Direct Cable EndReverse Cable EndOrange pair1.Each cable end has two pairs routed into the holes and two pairs routed over the top, without crossover orrearrangement. On the Direct cable end, the Orange and Blue pairs enter the holes and the Green and Brown pairs lay over the top. On the Reverse cable end, the Green and Brown pairs enter the holes and the Orange and Blue pairs lay over the top.2.Pull pairs into the module until the jacket end is snug against the rear housing.Cable positioned at 90prior to seating conductorso860344274Issue 9, October 2019Page 3 of 53.To place conductors, hold the pair down on thetermination position and bend it for easy grasp as shown above. Then untwist the pair in a counter-clockwise direction enough to open it up.4.Push conductors down into slotpositions (check color codes).Maintain pair twist up to the opening for the slots.5.(T568B wiring shown) On the Direct cable end, place Orange and Blue pairs first, then place Green andBrown pairs.are tightly routed6.(T568B wiring shown) On the Reverse cable end, pull Green and Brown pairs back, eliminate the twist, andpull them tightly into place. Then route Orange and Blue pairs to the front positions.860344274Instruction SheetPage 4 of 5Note: For T568A Wiring -On each cable end, one of the two pairs fed in through the holes is pulled back for the rear positions. Check label color codes.Conductor Seating and CuttingPliersTrim pairsflushe impact tool on HI setting with M110cutting blade to punch conductors straight down into slots. When using the impact tool, the hand puck is recommended.Ore pliers with wire cap to seatconductors. Use fine edge cutters to trim conductors flush to the module body.Module Removal1.To remove a module for inspection orrepair, insert prongs of removal tool into openings at sides of module and press firmly.OrThe module wiring cap can also be used to remove a module. Insert prongs of cap into openings at sides of module and press firmly.2.The module can then be removed from theback.860344274Issue 9, October 2019Page 5 of 5Inspection or Repair of TerminationNote: To enable inspection or repair, the wiring cap can be released from the module using the removal tool. The conductors c an then be remove d for repair.1.Insert end of removal tool into slot under wiring cap and pivot it forward to release cap.。
天思T8 普及版操作手册乐清市金裕软件技术有限公司地址:乐清金茂商务广场D幢二单元203室电话:6目录1. 销售订单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
2. 流程审核指南错误!未定义书签。
3. 制令单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
4. 材料需求分析制作指南错误!未定义书签。
5. 采购入库单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
6. 领料单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
7. 缴库单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
8. 托外加工单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
9. 托工领料单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
10. 托外加工缴回单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
11. 销售出库单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
12. 库存出仓单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
13. 库存入仓单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
14. 盘点单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
15. 成本核算指南错误!未定义书签。
16. 收款单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
17. 付款单制作指南错误!未定义书签。
18. 基础资料制作指南错误!未定义书签。
IMS-SYSM 系统平台操作手册说明书
IMS-SYSM系统平台操作手册广东盘古信息科技股份有限公司更新记录序号修改内容编写人编写日期审核人1 新增石灵2020-04-202 增加流程图与数据角色石灵2020-11-103 增加优化功能石灵2021-10-15目录1. 简介 (5)1.1 目的 (5)1.2 背景 (5)2. 软件概述 (6)2.1目标 (6)2.2系统功能 (6)3. 系统要求 (6)3.1 硬件设备要求 (6)3.2 支持软件客户程序软件 (7)4. 运行环境 (7)4.1界面要求 (7)4.2登录页面 (7)4.3系统首页 (8)4.4主页面 (10)4.5 单选框、多选框 (13)4.6 卡片式 (13)4.7 必填项、选填项 (14)4.8 关联字段 (14)4.9 显示列自定义 (15)4.10 产品图标 (16)5. 系统操作流程图 (19)6. 系统权限分配 (20)6.1系统资源分配管理 (20)6.2 设置外部资源 (22)6.3 系统配置 (25)6.4 创建角色并分权限 (27)6.5 创建数据角色并分权限 (28)7. 维护机构信息 (31)7.1 机构管理 (31)7.1.1新增机构 (31)8. 用户信息维护 (36)8.1 用户管理 (37)8.1.1. 创建用户账号并分配权限 (37)8.1.2. 新增用户 (37)8.1.3. 给用户分配权限 (39)8.1.4. 导入用户 (41)8.1.5. 重置密码 (43)9. 通用配置 (44)9.1 资源管理 (44)9.2 参数管理 (49)9.2.1新增参数 (49)9.3 国际化管理 (50)9.3.1 新增国际化 (51)9.3.2 编辑国际化 (52)9.3.3 删除国际化 (53)9.4 页面配置管理 (54)9.4.1 新增页面配置 (55)9.4.2 删除页面配置 (57)9.5 下拉选择页面配置管理 (58)9.5.1 新增下拉选择页面配置 (59)9.5.2 新增下拉选择页面配置 (62)1. 简介1.1 目的本文档是系统管理后台操作指导书,通过该文档用户可以了解该系统后台新增用户、新增角色、权限分配、创建权限等功能。
神思第二代身份证验证机具ActiveX控件使用说明版本:V1.3.0.0山东神思电子技术有限公司2010年11月修订记录版本号日期章节号简单描述修订者审核者1.0 2007.6.12 初始创建谭雪欣1.0.55.0 2008.7.25 增加部分函数谭雪欣1.0.57.0 2008.9.8 修改了同时打开多个页面,关闭出错问题。
谭雪欣1.0.58.0 2008-09-12 增加了wlt图片的buffer属性等。
谭雪欣1.0.72.0 2008-11-12 增加手动读卡时读卡失败则清空卡面信息,打开界面自动开始读卡,身份证反正面为横版。
谭雪欣1.0.77.0 2008-11-13 增加保存身份证反正面图片函数等谭雪欣1.0.81.0 2008-11-25 增加安全模块号的读取谭雪欣1.0.82.0 2009-3-3 修改身份证图片生成temp文件夹下谭雪欣1.0.83.0 2009-3-10 增加清空属性的函数谭雪欣1.0.85.0 2009-5-31 用户自定义图片存放路径。
谭雪欣1.0.87.0 2009-08-27 增加身份证正反面的单独保存陈金华1.0.97 2009-09-09 增加临时文件自定义保存目录、配置文件ini存放在c盘根目录低下陈金华1.1.0.0 2010-11-19 Win7,IE8下界面显示黑框,修改源码,并去掉界面对于按钮,只显示身份证正面和签发机关、有效期限、最新住址。
谭雪欣1.2.0.0 2010-11-23 增加属性szCardInfo,方法readrfcard 谭雪欣1.3.0.0 2010-11-30 整理界面,更换最新rdcard2.0 谭雪欣目录1、说明 (5)2、控件方法 (5)2.1 打开端口连接设备 (5)2.2 关闭端口断开设备 (5)2.3 检测连接方法 (5)2.4 读取证件信息 (5)2.5 自动读取信息 (6)2.6 结束自动读卡 (6)2.7 删除读卡过程中生成的单个图片和文本文件 (6)2.8 删除读卡过程中在temp文件夹下生成的全部jpg图片 (6)2.9 删除读卡过程中生成的任意文件 (6)2.10获得读卡过程中生成文件的Base64编码 (6)2.11清空所有属性 (7)2.12打印身份证反正面图片 (7)2.13 readrfcard读卡 (7)2.14 错误代码表 (7)3、控件属性 (8)3.1 姓名 (8)3.2 性别 (8)3.3 民族 (8)3.4 出生日期 (9)3.5 住址 (9)3.6 公民身份号码 (9)3.7 签发机关 (9)3.8 有效期限 (9)3.9 有效期限起始日期 (10)3.10 有效期限截止日期 (10)3.11 JPG照片存放路径 (10)3.12 BMP照片存放路径 (10)3.13 WLT照片存放路径 (10)3.14JPG照片的Base64编码字符串 (11)3.15 BMP照片的Base64编码字符串 (11)3.16 WLT照片的Base64编码字符串 (11)3.17 身份证文本信息存放路径 (11)3.18 有数据标志 (11)3.19 控件状态标志 (11)3.20端口号码 (12)3.21 获得读卡过程中生成的jpg图片路径 (12)3.22 生成身份证反正面图片 (12)3.23 控件下载后是否处于自动读卡状态 (12)3.24读取设备安全模块号 (12)3.25设备安全模块号 (13)3.26 最新地址 (13)3.27 用户指定身份证图片存放位置和名称 (13)3.28 身份证正面JPG照片的Base64编码字符串 (13)3.29 身份证反面JPG照片的Base64编码字符串 (13)3.30 身份证临时文件保存目录 (14)3.31 szCardInfo卡信息 (14)4、示例网页使用说明 (14)1、说明本文档是针对神思联机型第二代居民身份证验证阅读机具通讯控件的使用说明文档,供用户使用ActiveX控件进行接入时参考。
版本记录目录第一章关于本手册 (1)介绍 (1)获取更多 (1)服务指南 (1)第二章开始使用 (2)拆包 (2)配件(可选) (2)安全须知 (3)入门指南 (4)外观解读 (4)安装/移除电池 (5)电池充电 (6)充电/电池LED状态 (7)安装/移除SIM卡 (7)安装/移除T-flash卡 (9)第三章基本操作使用 (10)电源键的使用 (10)主屏幕 (11)状态栏 (11)添加/删除主屏幕快捷方式 (12)下拉菜单 (12)计算机通讯 (13)安装/卸载应用 (16)第四章如何识读条码 (18)一维条码采集 (18)二维条码采集 (19)第五章系统设置 (20)系统设置介绍 (20)WIFI的使用 (21)蓝牙的使用 (22)SIM卡及移动网络的使用 (22)显示设置 (25)应用 (26)GPS的使用 (26)屏幕锁定设置 (27)语言和输入法 (27)日期和时间设置 (28)恢复出厂设置 (28)系统在线升级 (29)状态信息 (29)第六章系统安全设置 (30)电话设置 (30)短信设置 (30)开机动画的设置 (30)安全设置 (30)按键布局设置 (31)第七章扫描设置与NFC (33)扫描设置(一维) (33)扫描设置(二维) (35)应用设置 (36)精确扫描 (37)扫描场景 (38)扫描场景及补光 (39)扫描数据 (39)辅助功能 (39)条码设置 (39)NFC功能 (40)第八章如何系统升级 (41)N5S卡刷升级SOP (41)第九章维护与故障排除 (45)使用注意事项 (45)拆解与改装 (45)外接电源 (45)异常状况 (45)跌落损坏 (45)液晶显示屏 (45)叠放重物 (45)电子设备 (45)医疗场所 (45)易燃易爆区域 (46)交通安全 (46)存放环境 (46)操作环境 (47)维护注意事项 (47)清洁维护 (47)电池的安全指引 (47)维修 (48)故障排除 (48)第十章系统定制与软件开发 (50)系统定制 (50)软件开发 (50)介绍注意:本手册介绍的N5S是基于安卓版本5.1的基础上进行的,如您手上的N5S不为5.1版本,需选择其他相应的用户手册进行阅读、使用。
文档编号归档编号发布状态文档版本SS728M05设备驱动接口函数库用户手册V1.6拟制:陈龙日期:2014-12-26 审核:日期:标准化:日期:批准:日期:山东神思电子目录SS728M05设备驱动接口函数库 (1)用户手册 (1)V1.6 (1)目录 (2)1终端简介 (8)1.1主要功能 (8)1.2主要技术指标 (8)2接口库概述 (9)2.1适用范围 (9)2.2说明 (9)3接口函数 (10)3.1函数返回值 (10)3.1.1通用返回值 (10)3.1.2居民健康卡(兼容山东保健证)错误代码 (11)3.2基本接口函数 (12)3.2.1SS728M05_SDK(SS728M05基本操作接口) (12)基本函数 (12) (12) (12) (12) (13) (13) (13) (14) (14) (15) (15) (16) (16) (16) (17) (17) (17) (17) (18) (18) (18)居民二代身份证函数 (18) (18) (19) (19) (20) (20) (20) (20) (20) (21) (21) (21) (21) (21) (22) (22) (22) (23) (23)卡操作函数 (23) (23) (23) (24) (24) (24) (24) (25) (25)标准社保卡操作作函数 (25) (25) (25) (26) (26)济南社保卡操作函数 (26) (26) (26)卡操作函数 (27) (27) (27)磁条卡操作作函数 (28) (28) (28)居民健康卡基本函数(兼容山东保健证) (28) (28) (29) (29) (29) (29) (30) (30) (30) (30) (31) (31) (31) (31) (32) (32) (32) (32) (33) (33) (33) (33) (34) (34) (34) (34) (35) (35) (35) (35) (36) (36) (36) (36) (37) (37) (37) (37) (38) (38) (38) (38) (39) (39) (39) (39) (40) (40) (40) (41) (41) (41) (41) (42) (42) (42) (42) (43) (43) (43) (43) (44) (44) (44) (44) (44) (45) (45) (45) (45) (45) (46) (46) (46) (46) (46) (47) (47) (47) (47) (48) (48) (48) (48) (49)居民健康卡高级函数 (49) (49) (49) (50) PowerOff (50) (50) (51) (51) (52) (52) (52) (52) (53) (53) (53) (54) (54) (54) (55) (55) (55) (56) (56) (57) (57) (57) (58) (58) (59) (59) (59) (60) (60) (60) (61) (61) (61) (62) (62) (62) (63) (63) (63) (63) (64) (64) (65) (65) (65) (66) (67)指纹采集比对 (67) (67) (68) (68) (68) (68) (68) (68) (68)* (69)4附录 (70)4.1门诊、住院记录T AG 定义 (70)1终端简介SS728M05是一款支持身份证、社保卡、居民健康卡、磁条卡等多种卡类型的多合一的读写终端,支持USB 通讯,采用模块化设计,适用于医院等发卡行业。
Easy7 视频监控系统 CS 客户端 操作完全手册说明书
天地伟业技术有限公司Easy7视频监控系统CS客户端操作完全手册V7.222020年10月目录一、引言 ....................................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.1 编写目的................................................................................................................................... - 1 -1.2 术语和缩写词........................................................................................................................... - 1 -二、引用标准文件 ........................................................................................................................ - 1 -三、软件概述................................................................................................................................ - 1 -3.1 软件用途................................................................................................................................... - 1 -3.2 软件运行................................................................................................................................... - 1 -3.3 操作系统................................................................................................................................... - 2 -四、软件安装与卸载 .................................................................................................................... - 2 -4.1 软件安装................................................................................................................................... - 2 -4.2 升级包安装............................................................................................................................... - 5 -4.3 软件卸载................................................................................................................................... - 8 -五、软件登录与框架设置............................................................................................................. - 9 -5.1 单机版登录............................................................................................................................... - 9 -5.2 框架设置................................................................................................................................. - 10 -六、维护管理说明 ...................................................................................................................... - 13 -6.1 设备管理................................................................................................................................. - 13 -6.2 用户管理................................................................................................................................. - 31 -6.3 存储管理................................................................................................................................. - 34 -6.4 轮巡计划................................................................................................................................. - 36 -6.5 事件管理................................................................................................................................. - 41 -6.6 系统设置................................................................................................................................. - 48 -6.7 设备参数设置......................................................................................................................... - 54 -6.8 键盘控制................................................................................................................................. - 79 -7.1 视频浏览................................................................................................................................. - 80 -7.2 视频回放............................................................................................................................... - 100 -7.3 电子地图............................................................................................................................... - 112 -7.4 存储状态............................................................................................................................... - 120 -7.5 报警提示............................................................................................................................... - 121 -7.6 日志管理............................................................................................................................... - 123 -7.7 电视墙配置........................................................................................................................... - 126 -7.8 电视墙................................................................................................................................... - 128 -7.9 脱机切换设置....................................................................................................................... - 132 -7.10 车辆管理............................................................................................................................. - 136 -7.11 布控管理............................................................................................................................. - 138 -7.12 过车实时显示..................................................................................................................... - 139 -7.13 车辆查询............................................................................................................................. - 142 -7.14 键盘管理............................................................................................................................. - 143 -7.15 独立回放器......................................................................................................................... - 144 -7.16警戒配置.............................................................................................................................. - 147 -7.17警戒...................................................................................................................................... - 150 -7.18警戒检索.............................................................................................................................. - 154 -八、智能分析说明 .................................................................................................................... - 156 -8.1人脸检索................................................................................................................................ - 156 -8.2人脸抓拍................................................................................................................................ - 161 -8.3行为分析................................................................................................................................ - 163 -8.4过线计数................................................................................................................................ - 164 -8.5客流量.................................................................................................................................... - 166 -九、人脸考勤说明 .................................................................................................................... - 169 -9.1考勤管理................................................................................................................................ - 169 -9.2人员管理................................................................................................................................ - 170 -9.4考勤预览................................................................................................................................ - 183 -9.5考勤记录的统计和查询........................................................................................................ - 185 -一、引言1.1 编写目的本使用手册基于Easy7视频监控系统编写。
BEFORE USE ....Thank you for choosing M-Syste m. Be fore use, che ck the contents of the package you received as outlined below .If you have any proble ms or que stions with the product, please contact M-System's Sales Office or representatives.n PACKAGE INCLUDES:Standard rack ...........................................................(1)n MODEL NO.Confirm that the model number described on the product is exactly what you ordered.n INSTRUCTION MANUALThis manual describes necessary points of caution when you use this product, installation, connection and basic mainte-nance procedures.POINTS OF CAUTIONn POWER INPUT RATING & OPERATIONAL RANGE 24 V DC ±10%, 2.5 A minimum n ENVIRONMENT• When heavy dust or metal particles are present in the air, install the unit inside prope r housing with sufficie nt ventilation.• Do not install the unit where it is subjected to continuous vibration. Do not apply physical impact to the unit.• Environmental temperature must be within -5 to +55°C (23 to 131°F) with relative humidity within 30 to 90% RH in order to ensure adequate life span and operation.• Be sure that the ventilation slits are not covered with cables, etc.n WIRING• Do not install cables (power supply , input and output) close to noise sources (relay drive cable, high frequency line, etc.).• Do not bind these cables together with those in which noises are present. Do not install them in the same duct.n AND ....• The unit is designed to function as soon as power is supplied, however, a warm up for 10 minutes is required for satisfying complete performance described in the data sheet.COMPONENT IDENTIFICATIONMOUNTING REQUIREMENTS mm (inch)101.6Observe an appropriate wiring space over and below.*100 (3.94) for JIS standardCHECKING1) Terminal wiring: Check that all cables are correctly con-nected according to the connection diagram.2) Power input voltage: Check voltage across terminals 1 (+) – 2 (–). Use a power source of ripple level 10% p-p or less.3) Installation & e nvironme nt: Che ck ambie nt te mpe rature . Also che ck that the re are no e xce ssive dust particle s around. Check that there is no vibration.TERMINAL CONNECTIONSConnect the unit as in the diagram below .n EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS mm (inch)n CONNECTION DIAGRAM■ RACK (standard)■ SURFACE (option /W)n CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTLocationOutput connector : 57LE-40500-7300CN1, CN2:PI use18K-RACK LOCATION NO.123456789101112131415161234567812345678YAMATAKE DCS PI CARD (J-PIM00) INPUTConnector Pin Assignment (CN1, CN2)PIN NO. (CN1)ASSIGNMENT PIN NO. (CN2)ASSIGNMENT 3ch. 1 + 3 ch. 9 + 4 ch. 1 – 4 ch. 9 –5ch. 2 + 5 ch.10 + 6 ch. 2 – 6 ch.10 –7ch. 3 + 7 ch.11 + 8 ch. 3 – 8 ch.11 –9ch. 4 + 9 ch.12 +10 ch. 4 – 10 ch.12 –27ch. 5 + 27 ch.13 +26 ch. 5 – 26 ch.13 –29ch. 6 + 29 ch.14 +28 ch. 6 – 28 ch.14 –31ch. 7 + 31 ch.15 +30 ch. 7 – 30 ch.15 –33ch. 8 + 33 ch.16 +32ch. 8 –32c h.16 –11 – 25 and 50 (CN1, CN2): Unused1, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43 and 45 in CN1 and CN2 are connected.The output 1 is connected to the connector.YAMATAKE DCS PI CARD (J-PIM00) INPUT CN1CN22, 34, 35, 37, 40, 44, 46 and 47 in CN1 and CN2 are connected.48 and 49 in CN1 and CN2 are connected.。
思迅自助收银系统 使用手册说明书
目录第一章系统介绍 (1)1.系统简介 (1)2.系统架构 (1)第二章系统安装 (2)1.系统运行环境 (2)2.系统安装 (2)3.系统卸载 (4)第三章系统功能 (5)1.系统配置 (5)2.系统设置 (6)2.1打印设置 (6)2.2其他设置 (6)3.系统登录 (7)4.收银主界面 (8)4.1购物功能 (8)4.2支付方式 (9)4.3付款功能 (10)4.4完成订单 (10)4.5会员购物 (11)4.6退单操作 (12)1.系统简介“思迅自助收银系统”是由深圳市思迅软件股份有限公司研究开发出来,其中采用了当前业界最先进和最成熟的无线信息技术,与多种管理软件及硬件对接,最终实现收银支付环节的自助服务体验。
系统架构如图:图系统架构图1.系统运行环境安装Windows XP或以上操作系统,安装.NET Framework4.0。
Mail2SMS 使用手册说明书
上海迅饶自动化科技有限公司Mail2SMS使用手册目录1 前言 (1)1.1声明 (1)1.2技术支持 (1)1.3版本日志 (1)2 概述 (1)2.1功能描述 (1)2.2运行环境 (2)2.3硬件参数 (2)3 部署HMAIL服务器 (2)3.1安装H M AIL服务器 (2)3.2设置H M AIL服务器 (4)3.3重启H M AIL服务器 (7)3.4测试H M AIL服务器 (7)4 使用步骤 (9)4.1邮箱设置 (9)4.2设置用户手机信息 (10)4.3测试短信模块 (11)4.4测试语音 (12)4.5将配置好的工程文件进行保存 (13)5 硬件短信猫连接 (14)6 授权 (15)1 前言1.1声明本手册属于上海迅饶自动化科技有限公司及授权许可者版权所有,保留一切权利,未经本公司书面许可,任何单位和个人不得擅自摘抄、复制本书内容的部分或全部。
1.2 技术支持●技术支持邮箱:*********************●技术支持热线电话:************●网址:1.3 版本日志2.1功能描述●Mail2SMS称作短信网关,和GPRS Modem(短信猫)硬件相结合,可以实现短信报警、短信通知、短信传输数据等功能。
●工作原理:在用户电脑上装一个邮件服务器,告警信息通过本地网络发送至邮箱中,然后在Mail2SMS中收取邮件信息并由GPRS Modem发送短信到用户手机上。
2.2运行环境●支持Windows XP/2000/2003/72.3 硬件参数●短信猫(GPRS Modem)是支持GSM模式的(移动和联通2G网段的Sim卡)。
神华集团物资寻源及电子目录(E-Catalog)培训最终用户操作手册前台部分中国北京2013年10月目录1概述 (3)1.1前台首页功能 (3)1.2前台购物流程 (3)2操作介绍 (3)2.1前台首页功能操作 (3)2.1.1注册功能 (4)2.1.2登录功能 (10)2.1.3用户中心 (12)2.1.4首页导航栏功能 (17)2.1.5在线客户功能 (23)2.1.6商品分类表功能 (24)2.1.7商城快报 (26)2.1.8广告条、商品促销、页面置底广告 (28)2.1.9商品分类展示区 (30)2.1.10帮助界面 (31)2.2前台购物流程功能 (32)2.2.1搜索功能 (32)2.2.2商品预览 (35)查看商品信息及对商品进行评价 (35)将商品加入购物车 (37)将商品添加到收藏夹 (38)2.2.3我的收藏 (39)将商品加入购物车 (39)将商品移除出收藏夹 (40)2.2.4购物车功能 (41)2.2.5订单审批功能 (47)2.2.6我的订单查看功能 (50)1概述1.1前台首页功能前台首页主要包括注册、登陆、商城快报、主要的商品的展示、商品分类的导航列表、用户中心、首页导航栏、广告界面、帮助界面。
1 系统登入与基本操作1.1 用户登入图1.1.11)双击[思讯]图标(图1.1.1)图1.1.22)在[图1.1.2]中输入操作员编码,登录密码,点击确定。
图1.1.33)进入[图1.1.3] 登录成功。
1.2 权限分配根据公司的职位不同,把用户的登入设置了不同的级别,详细如下:⏹以9开头最高级别(王总)⏹以8开头最高级别(郭总)⏹以7前头总监⏹以6前头部门经理⏹以5前头助理⏹以4前头办公室人员⏹以3前头仓库管理员⏹以2前头班长⏹以1前头收银员1.3 修改密码图1.3.11)在图[1.3.1]中,依次点击系统,操作员修改密码。
具体的操作如下:A 按条码查询图A-1.4.11)在图[A-1.4.1]中点击基本档案,商品档案。
B 按名称查询图B-1.4.12)在[图B-1.4.1]中,输入编码名称或助记码(Q)中,输入商品名称,回车。
1.5 库存的查询如果想知道商品的库存数量,可以做如下操作。
图1.5.1(1 在[图1.5.1]中依次点击仓库管理,库存。
图1.5.2(2 在[图1.5.2]中输入相应的查询条件,点击[查询],商品的库存信息都显示在列表中。
2.1 品类的创建图2.1.11)在[图2.1.1]中依次点击基本档案,品类。
SS728M05设备驱动接口函数库 用 户 手 册 V1.6 拟 制:陈龙 日期:2014-12-26 审 核:日期: 标准化:日期: 批 准:日期:山 东 神 思 电 子目录SS728M05设备驱动接口函数库 (1)用户手册 (1)V1.6 (1)目录 (2)1终端简介 (8)1.1主要功能 (8)1.2主要技术指标 (8)2接口库概述 (9)2.1适用范围 (9)2.2说明 (9)3接口函数 (10)3.1函数返回值 (10)3.1.1通用返回值 (10)3.1.2居民健康卡(兼容山东保健证)错误代码 (11)3.2基本接口函数 (12)3.2.1SS728M05_SDK(SS728M05基本操作接口) (12)基本函数 (12) (12) (12) (12) (13) (13) (13) (14) (14) (15) (15) (16) (16) (16) (17) (17) (17) (17) (18) (18) (18)居民二代身份证函数 (18) (18) (19) (19) (20) (20) (20) (20) (20) (21) (21) (21) (21) (21) (22) (22) (22) (23) (23)卡操作函数 (23) (23) (23) (24) (24) (24) (24) (25) (25)标准社保卡操作作函数 (25) (25) (25) (26) (26)济南社保卡操作函数 (26) (26) (26)卡操作函数 (27) (27) (27)磁条卡操作作函数 (28) (28) (28)居民健康卡基本函数(兼容山东保健证) (28) (28) (29) (29) (29) (29) (30) (30) (30) (30) (31) (31) (31) (31) (32) (32) (32) (32) (33) (33) (33) (33) (34) (34) (34) (34) (35) (35) (35) (35) (36) (36) (36) (36) (37) (37) (37) (37) (38) (38) (38) (38) (39) (39) (39) (39) (40) (40) (40) (41) (41) (41) (41) (42) (42) (42) (42) (43) (43) (43) (43) (44) (44) (44) (44) (44) (45) (45) (45) (45) (45) (46) (46) (46) (46) (46) (47) (47) (47) (47) (48) (48) (48) (48) (49)居民健康卡高级函数 (49) (49) (49) (50) PowerOff (50) (50) (51) (51) (52) (52) (52) (52) (53) (53) (53) (54) (54) (54) (55) (55) (55) (56) (56) (57) (57) (57) (58) (58) (59) (59) (59) (60) (60) (60) (61) (61) (61) (62) (62) (62) (63) (63) (63) (63) (64) (64) (65) (65) (65) (66) (67)指纹采集比对 (67) (67) (68) (68) (68) (68) (68) (68) (68)* (69)4附录 (70)4.1门诊、住院记录T AG 定义 (70)1终端简介SS728M05是一款支持身份证、社保卡、居民健康卡、磁条卡等多种卡类型的多合一的读写终端,支持USB 通讯,采用模块化设计,适用于医院等发卡行业。
MyCS 用户指南说明书
MyCS User Guide English Version V. 4 as of 15 July 2022TOPICSSign InWelcome to your new Import DO and Export BL request experience To Begin:1.Visit My Customer Service (MyCS): https:///2.Click “Sign in”Welcome to your new Import DO and Export BL request experience3. You will be directed to a new page, enter your eBusiness account email ID and password and click Sign inWelcome to your new Import DO and Export BL request experience4. Scroll down to Online Tools and select:BL Release for export transactionsDelivery Order for import transactionsJuan Dela CruzExport BL ReleaseExport BL Release Request Form•BL Number: Must be a valid BL number•Agency Location:Your CMA CGM Agency Location•Service Type:OBL/SWB/Paperless•Need Appointment:Please toggle to NO•Next Button:To proceed with request submission•Search:To search for a BL or Case number•Bell:Receive notifications/status of your requestJuan Dela Cruz1.Input a valid BL number on the specified field2.Select Philippines from the drop down list:Philippines-Cagayan for bookings from CagayanPhilippines-Davao for bookings from DavaoPhilippines-Cebu for bookings from CebuPhilippines-Gensan for bookings from General SantosPhilippines-Manila for bookings from Manila, Subic, and BatangasJuan Dela Cruz3.Select Service type from the drop down list:OBL release –bookings under OBLSWB release–bookings under Seaway billPaperless BL release –bookings under paperless BLOthers–transactions related to payment only and with special instructions4. Please toggle/select No for “Do you an appointment?”. Your SWB will be published or uploaded thru your tickets. We will communicate separately for the schedule of OBL pick up.5. Click Next.Juan Dela CruzUploading of Supporting document:•Using the [Upload Files] or [Drop files] , attach the relevant supporting documents •Payment related supporting documents should be linked to [Payment Document]•Other supporting documents like Letter of Authorization, etc, should be linked to [Supporting Document]•For new requests, Payment and Supporting documents are mandatory•Enter any comments to be shared with the Agency staff in the “Additional Comment”1234Click on [Submit] to continueClick on [Done] when Files are uploadedo Select the local folder where documents are stored oSelect File(s) and click [Open] to upload filesClick on [Upload Files]Juan Dela CruzOnce request is successfullysubmitted to AgencyThe Dashboards will show the new requestYou will also receive an email to confirmsuccessful submissionDelivery Order ReleaseDelivery Order Request Form•BL Number: Must be a valid BL number•Agency Location:Your CMA CGM Agency Location•Service Type:New Delivery Order –very first time to request for delivery orderDO Validity Extension –DO has been issued but additional payment have been made due to additional DND charges DO Reissuance –DO already issued in advance but validity needs to be extended with no additional DND charges incurred •Need Appointment:Please toggle to NO•Next Button:To proceed with request submission•Search:To search for a BL or Case number•Bell:Receive notifications/status of your requestJuan Dela CruzCreating a new request1.Input a valid BL number on the specified fieldJuan Dela Cruz•If DO was already requested for the entered BL number for the Service Type “NewDelivery Order”, an error message will be displayed•Use the Search field to search for the Case number or enter a different BL number•Duplicate entries for the same BL number is only allowed for the Service Type “DOValidity Extension” or “DO Reissuance”2. Select Philippines from the drop down list:•Philippines-Cagayan for bookings to Cagayan•Philippines-Davao for bookings to Davao•Philippines-Cebu for bookings to Cebu•Philippines-Gensan for bookings to General SantosCreating a new request3. Select Service type from the drop-down list:New Delivery Order –very first time to request for delivery orderDO Validity Extension –DO has been issued but additional payment havebeen made due to additional DND chargesDO Reissuance –DO already issued in advance but validity needs to beextended with no additional DND charges incurred4. Please toggle/select No for “Do you an appointment?”. Your delivery order will be published or uploaded thru your tickets.5. Click Next.Reminders:➢Once BL is showing status as “DOPublished” or “DO Published in Website”,the BL number inputted can no longer bere-used under the same service type.➢Only 1 user ID per BL can create ticket for this service type.➢It is no longer allowed to have multiple processor for 1 BL.Juan Dela CruzClick on [Upload Files]Click on [Done] when Files are uploaded3Click on [Submit] to continue4o Select the local folder where documents are stored oSelect File(s) and click [Open] to upload files2Uploading of Supporting document:•Using the [Upload Files] or [Drop files] , attach the relevant supporting documents •Payment related supporting documents should be linked to [Payment Document]•Other supporting documents like Letter of Authorization, etc, should be linked to [Supporting Document]•For new requests, Payment and Supporting documents are mandatory•Enter any comments to be shared with the Agency staff in the “Additional Comment”1New Delivery Order Request –Request submittedOnce request is successfully submitted to AgencyYou will also receive an email to confirm successful submissionThe Dashboards will show the new requestJuan Dela CruzSupporting DocumentSubmit New Delivery Order and Export BL Release requestMandatory DocumentsAlways review your documents. When you have all documents (see below), you can create a ticket on the platform for us to process your DO or BL release request.Payment documents (same for import & export)-Proof of payment: copy of deposit slips or telegraphic/wire transfer-Freight or local charges invoice-In case a check is deposited, please include the check details (scan the back side of the deposit slip) . Bank clearing time may be up to 2 days due to bank processing time (2-3 days clearing time for Pesonet).-An advisory if the forwarder named on the MBL will settle the BL invoice or if BL charges are undercredit.Supporting documents (for import only, no documents required for export)-Container Guarantee dully signed by the Importer and Authorized broker (CMA CGM Format)-Authorization Letter from Consignee-Valid ID of the followingo Colored ID’s of Importer (Company ID) with 3 specimen signature•If no company ID, copy of DTI/Business Permit/GIS/SEC can be submitted•If personal effect, please present copy of passport with 3 specimen signatureo Colored ID’s of License Broker (PRC ID) with 3 specimen signatureo Colored ID’s of Representative (indicated on your authorization letter)-Go Fast Insurance payment (For Manila & Cebu only)-Scan copy of BL▪OBL dully endorsed by the Importer and surrender to CMA dropbox▪SWB copy-SPA if signatory is not the one who endorse the OBLSubmission Beyond Cut-off 21Delivery Order or Export BL Release Request submitted beyond the cut offSchedule of processing of new tickets is from 8:00 AM to3:00 PM , Mondays to Fridays only (except on holidays).The tickets created beyond the cut off will be attended toon the next working hour.A notification showing “Country Specific cut off timesapplicable for processing your request. Kindly refer to CMACGM local country page or HTG.” will be received throughemail.DO or Export BL RequestApproved23Delivery Order or Export BL Release request –Request ApprovedBL request is successful if BL Release Status is showing “BL Published inWebsite” or “BL Ready for Collection”DO request is successful if Import DO Status is showing “DO Published”You can monitor the progress of your request via the Dashboard. Please refer to the Status columns to view the lateststatus of your request before contacting agency.DO or Export BL RequestRejected25Delivery Order or Export BL Release request –Request rejectedClick on [Bell] to viewthe Notifications whichwill also mention thereason for rejectionAn email will also be sent for everychange in status of the requestIf your request has been rejected, it will show up on the Closed RequestsDelivery Order or Export BL Release request –Re-submit Rejected Request ➢Click on the Case number in the Dashboard➢The case details will show including the Rejection reason➢Click Next button under the Reuse Request section to resubmit the request➢Upload necessary documents and submit. No need to select an appointment➢Please do not create a new ticket unless the reason for rejection is due to wrong service type.Thank you! 28。
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文档编号归档编号发布状态文档版本SS728M05设备驱动接口函数库用户手册V1.6拟制:陈龙日期:2014-12-26 审核:日期:标准化:日期:批准:日期:山东神思电子目录SS728M05设备驱动接口函数库 (1)用户手册 (1)V1.6 (1)目录 (2)1终端简介 (8)1.1主要功能 (8)1.2主要技术指标 (8)2接口库概述 (9)2.1适用范围 (9)2.2说明 (9)3接口函数 (10)3.1函数返回值 (10)3.1.1通用返回值 (10)3.1.2居民健康卡(兼容山东保健证)错误代码 (11)3.2基本接口函数 (12)3.2.1SS728M05_SDK(SS728M05基本操作接口) (12)基本函数 (12) (12) (12) (12) (13) (13) (13) (14) (14) (15) (15) (16) (16) (16) (17) (17) (17) (17) (18) (18) (18)居民二代身份证函数 (18) (18) (19) (19) (20) (20) (20) (20) (20) (21) (21) (21) (21) (21) (22) (22) (22) (23) (23)卡操作函数 (23) (23) (23) (24) (24) (24) (24) (25) (25)标准社保卡操作作函数 (25) (25) (25) (26) (26)济南社保卡操作函数 (26) (26) (26)卡操作函数 (27) (27) (27)磁条卡操作作函数 (28) (28) (28)居民健康卡基本函数(兼容山东保健证) (28) (28) (29) (29) (29) (29) (30) (30) (30) (30) (31) (31) (31) (31) (32) (32) (32) (32) (33) (33) (33) (33) (34) (34) (34) (34) (35) (35) (35) (35) (36) (36) (36) (36) (37) (37) (37) (37) (38) (38) (38) (38) (39) (39) (39) (39) (40) (40) (40) (41) (41) (41) (41) (42) (42) (42) (42) (43) (43) (43) (43) (44) (44) (44) (44) (44) (45) (45) (45) (45) (45) (46) (46) (46) (46) (46) (47) (47) (47) (47) (48) (48) (48) (48) (49)居民健康卡高级函数 (49) (49) (49) (50) PowerOff (50) (50) (51) (51) (52) (52) (52) (52) (53) (53) (53) (54) (54) (54) (55) (55) (55) (56) (56) (57) (57) (57) (58) (58) (59) (59) (59) (60) (60) (60) (61) (61) (61) (62) (62) (62) (63) (63) (63) (63) (64) (64) (65) (65) (65) (66) (67)指纹采集比对 (67) (67) (68) (68) (68) (68) (68) (68) (68)* (69)4附录 (70)4.1门诊、住院记录T AG 定义 (70)1终端简介SS728M05是一款支持身份证、社保卡、居民健康卡、磁条卡等多种卡类型的多合一的读写终端,支持USB 通讯,采用模块化设计,适用于医院等发卡行业。