
练习答案一、①D②C③B④A二、①B②B③B④ C三、①D②B③B④ C四、1.これは新闻です。
② これはわたしの铅笔です。
③ あれは新闻です。
④ 先生の机はそれです。
⑤ 佐藤さんは日本人です。
② はい、わたしは张です。
③ いいえ、王さんの新闻はそれではありません。
④ はい、あの日本人は留学生です。
② いいえ、このノートは王さんのではありません。
③ いいえ、わたしは中国人ではありません。
④ いいえ、わたしは田中さんではありません。



第五课The Treasure in the OrchardAn old gardener who was dying sent for his two sons to come to his bedside, as he wished to speak to them. When they came in answer to his request, the old man, raising himself on his pillows, pointed through the window towards his orchard."You see that orchard?" said he."Yes, Father, we see the orchard.""For years it has given the best of fruit - golden oranges, red apples, and cherries bigger and brighter than rubies!""To be sure, Father. It has always been a good orchard!"The old gardener nodded his head, time and time again. He looked at his hands - they were worn from the spade that he had used all his life. Then he looked at the hands of his sons and saw that their nails were polished and their fingers as white as those of any fine lady's."You have never done a day's work in your lives, you two!" said he. " I doubt if you ever will! But I have hidden a treasure in my orchard for you to find. You will never possess it unless you dig it up. It lies midway between two of the trees, not too near, yet not too far from the trunks. It is yours for the trouble of digging - that is all!Then he sent them away, and soon afterwards he died. So the orchard became the property of his sons, and without any delay, they set to work to dig for the treasure that had been promised them.Well, they dug and dug, day after day, week after week, going down the long alleys of fruit trees, never too near yet never too far from the trunks. They dug up all the weeds and picked out all the stones, not because they liked weeding and cleaning, but because it was all part of the hunt for the buried treasure. Winter passed and spring came, and never were there such blossoms as those which hung the orange and apple and cherry trees with curtains of petals pale as pearls and soft as silk. Then summer threw sunshine over the orchard, and sometimes the clouds bathed it in cool, delicious rain. At last the time of the fruit harvest came. But the two brothers had not yet found the treasure that was hidden among the roots of the trees.Then they sent for a merchant from the nearest town to buy the fruit. It hung in great bunches, golden oranges, red apples, and cherries bigger and brighter than rubies. The merchant looked at them in open admiration."This is the finest crop I have yet seen," said he, " I will give you twenty bags of money for it!"Twenty bags of money were more than the two brothers had ever owned in their life. They struck the bargain in great delight and took the money - bags into the house, while the merchant made arrangements to carry away the fruit."I will come again next year," said he, " I am always glad to buy crop like this. How you must have dug and weeded and worked to get it!"He went away, and the brothers sat eyeing each other over the tops of the money-bags. Their hands were rough and toil-worn, just as the old gardener's had been when he died."Golden oranges and red apples and cherries bigger and brighterthan rubies," said one of them, softly." I believe that this is the treasure we have been digging for all year, the very treasure our father meant!"一个老园丁快死了,叫人把两个儿子叫到床边来,因为他想要对他们说话。

郭著章、李庆⽣《英汉互译实⽤教程》(第3版)课后习题及详解-第1~6章【圣才出品】第1章翻译概述⼀、填空1. Yan Fu’s 3-word translation criteria are _____, _____and_____.【答案】faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance【解析】严复提出的翻译标准:信、达、雅。
2. Translation in China has a long history of some_____years.【答案】two thousand【解析】我国的翻译事业有约2000年的历史。
3. The two words used as the common criteria of translation in China today are _____and_____.【答案】faithfulness, smoothness【解析】我国现今通⽤的两个翻译标准:“信”和“达”。
⼆、回答下列问题1. What is meant by translation?【答案】Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language, not only an art but also a science.2. What was Karl Marx fond of saying about the importance of a foreign language?【答案】Karl Marx was fond of saying: “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.”3. What are the prerequisites for a qualified translator?【答案】Generally speaking, a qualified translator should have five prerequisites:① a good command of the source language,② a good command of the target language,③ a wide range and scope of knowledge,④ a high political consciousness,⑤ a necessary knowledge of basic techniques used in translation.4. How to define the literal translation and the liberal translation?【答案】Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original almost without any change of word-order or sentence construction. Liberal translation is also called free translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word-order of the original.5. What do you think should be the criteria of translation?【答案】To me, the criteria of translation should be the following two words: faithfulness and smoothness, or even only one word: faithfulness.三、英译汉1. Source language and target language【答案】译出语和译⼊语2. the Oriental and Occidental languages 【答案】东⽅语⾔和西⽅语⾔3. Alexander Fraser Tyler【答案】亚历⼭⼤?弗雷泽?泰勒4. Georges Mounin【答案】乔治?穆南5. Feedorov【答案】费道罗夫6. Indu Dharmarakcha【答案】竺法护7. Kumara’3iva【答案】鸠摩罗什8. Paramartha(Gunarata)【答案】真谛/波罗末陀(拘那罗陀)【答案】利玛窦10. Euclid’s Elements【答案】《⼏何原本》11. La Dame aux Camelias【答案】《茶花⼥》12. A History of Politics(by E. Jenks)【答案】《社会通诠》(甄克思著)13. On Liberty(by J. S. Mill)【答案】《群⼰权界论》(约翰?穆勒著)14. An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations(by A.Smith) 【答案】原富》(亚当?斯密)15. Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays(by T. H. Huxley)【答案】《天演论》(赫胥黎)四、汉译英【答案】faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance2. “宁顺⽽不信。
大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 6 Making Sense of China课文翻译

Making Sense of ChinaRomain Vuattoux1 For many foreigners, China is a mystical faraway land with a strange difficult language, an ancient complex culture and an inexplicable economic miracle, sometimes praised and sometimes demonized by Western media.Much of these perceptions are stereotyped and biased, and it is not until these foreigners come to China that their mind begins to change and their preconceived ideas shatter to pieces. Yet more confusion and strong feelings, such as surprise, frustration and loneliness, usually arise from the experience of living in China. One can only wonder: How can such a foreign place feel so much like home yet be so diff erent? How can such a place generate so many contradictory feelings?2 From the first day I arrived in China, it has been an explosion of the senses. The first sense stimulated was the sense of smell. China has a specific smell, which you recognize when you land at the airport and when you walk on the streets. In the warm humid summer air of southern cities such as Shanghai, it is a mixture of food, sweat, pollution, exhausts, garbage and sewer. The fragrances that many a foreigner may associate with China is that of street food and especially the odor of “choudoufu” (stinky tofu)and that of “baijiu” (rice wine). Every foreigner who has lived in China remembers the first time they wondered what animal had died nearby, and many have great tales of their fi rst trial at eating “choudoufu,” or drinking“baijiu.”3 Hearing is probably the sense that is excited in the most unpleasant manner. From people yelling on the phone in a congested metro or bus, to the constant honking of motorbikes, e-bikes, cars and even bicycles, or the bells of street seller and collectors, the noises made by construction sites,the ears are never left alone and silence is often hard to find. My personal funniest story about sound was the first morning I woke up in China. It was early in the morning, I was jet-lagged and a rooster was singing to the rising sun. After getting up, I investigated the origin of the sound. The rooster was not outside, but inside the echoing staircase, tied by the leg to the handrail of the building. As I inquired about the disappearance of the rooster a few days later, I learned that this loud creature was in fact the dinner of my upstairs neighbors. Fresh as it comes!4 The sense of sight is aroused daily. Walking or cycling on the streets requires paying attention to all the obstacles on the sidewalks or on the roads all the time. Yet, the bigge st “visual attack” is probably the urban development going around at all time and at indefinable speed. I have seen cities changing, disappearing or being built at amazing speed where there were only rice paddies and vegetables. Beyond the architectural feats, I have seen some of the most modern and advanced technology in Shanghai, and traveled back in time in underdeveloped, remote villages in the mountains,where people live a simple and quiet life, far from the speed and stress of the cities and far from all the advanced technologies. I have seen the fast movement of commuters amidst the immobility of old people sitting in the sun on the sidewalk, or the slow motion of “taichi” disciples in the park among the square-dancing women. Even once my eyes are closed, I often dream of these sights.5 The sense of touch is best illustrated by one experience I had when I first came to China. I call these “being an unknown superstar” and “being touched.” In my f irsteducational establishment, I sometimes had to teach in another campus on the other side of town. I would ride my bicycle across town to get to class, and it often felt like being in a movie. All the kids and adults stared and pointed to the “laowai” (foreigner) on his bicycle. As I took an excursion in the “deep” countryside, many people would approach me while I was buying some water or some snack and would start touching the hair on my arms.6 For foreigners as for Chinese, the most important sense is the sense of taste. It is also certainly the one that provides the most pleasure and the base of many relationships.I have been invited to many meals and took part in ceremonial drinking. I have seen food displays that are as elaborate as their tastes. Thousand-year-old eggs, snake, turtle, dumplings, bamboo,lotus root, pigs ears, lacquered ducks, duck neck and head, chicken feet,spicy fish head, the hundreds of ways of eating tofu are just some of the dishes that one discovers and appreciates. A lifetime would never suffice to try to taste all the specialties in China.7 Orderly chaos, disorganized order, old and new, beautiful and filthy,clean and dirty, rich and poor, kindness and arrogance ... All are opposed sensations and situations living together, side by side. For me, China is a collision of feelings, a juxtaposition of experiences and perceptions that are usually contradictory. China is all these contradictions and diversity that somehow manage to live together almost harmoniously.参考译文解读中国罗曼·瓦图对于很多外国人而言,中国是一个遥远而神秘的国度,有着奇特难懂的语言,古老深奥的文化,以及难以解释的经济奇迹,时而被西方媒体戴高帽,时而被他们妖魔化。

IV. Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 旅行好比私通:人总受到背叛自己国家的诱惑。
2. 也只有在旅行之时,我们才赞赏古旧之物。
3. 我们旅行的时候,会放下戒备和忧虑,渴望回归过去;我们是向后倒退而非向前迈进;我们培养着自己的歇斯底里。
4. 我们旅行的时候会呈现出自己最好的一面,正如我们穿上自己最漂亮的衣服出行一般,只有我们的护照才会提醒我们,实际上自己是多么平淡无奇!我们出国去认识我们那个陌生的自己,那个诞生在飞机上且令人激动的陌生人。
5. 我们每个人都在伪装——不然缘何我们会戴上墨镜并在谈吐举止中尽力模仿另一个地方的本土居民呢?在家里,我们才做回自己;出国后,我们则尽力成为自己始终想做的人。
6. 人变得好奇起来,旅行也就开始了。
教会的影响力、传统的生活方式、缺乏钱财、难得闲暇, 都制约了人们的好奇心。
7. 旅行可增长见识,可洞悉本国或异域的文化,可造就现代人的厌倦感。
8. 当然,旅行最普通的原因就是为了远离家乡。

大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 6 Getting Stared at in China课文翻译

Reading & DigestingGetting Stared at in ChinaAri James1 Have you ever walked into a room and caught everyone’s attention at once? Have you ever been gazed at, from top to bottom, as if you were an ancient, foreign relic on display? Have you ever stared back, challenging,only to have your surveyors continue to watch you, as if nothing has happened?2 These are daily occurrences for foreigners in China. I am stared at every single day as I go about my daily life. Be it on the street, in a store,or on the subway, I am stared at like a walking spectacle. While I cannot speak for all foreigners, I can, however, seek to critique and expand upon my own experiences in a global context.3 Chinese people are curious about the outsider, this I understand.However, staring is the least of it. Bolder strangers have asked to take a picture with me, or even of me. On a class trip, my two close friends and I, all women of color, noticed that people were sneaking pictures of us. Even worse, there was one older gentleman who approached us and asked to take photographs of us. Awkward and stunned into silence, he took our lack of response as an affirmative, and began positioning us the way he wanted us. Standing or kneeling, we did it all. I feel stupid now for having gone along with it, but as our professor stood behind the man and took pictures of us as well, laughing delightedly, it was difficult to see the insidious nature behind the hilarity of the situation.4 On my street in Nanjing, where I lived for four months, my neighbors continued to fall into a hush at the sight of me, their heads turning around quickly to watch as I neared. I have become friendly with some of them,gone so far as to chat with them, but the staring never ends. I continue to be the visiting roadside attraction, promising the audience new and exotic sights. There are hushed whispers in my wake, and every time, I wonder:when will they grow tired of me?5 The stares are not in any way malicious. I am entirely aware of this,but they are still able to catch my attention every time, to correct me whenever I dare to think thatI have grown accustomed to life here.6 As a multi-racial woman, it is difficult not to see the differences in the way varying foreigners are treated. From what I have experienced in the past, most Caucasian men seem to be approached with a sense of awe. These Caucasian men are asked if they are celebrities, perhaps even compared to Brad Pitt, before a request to take a selfe is posed. This could be the typical example of Western idolization in the East and the effect of years of Western media on Chinese culture. But perhaps, this is also tied to the colorism1 that is often rooted in Chinese culture and media.7 From every angle, Chinese people are bombarded with skin whitening products, with advertisements that feature Caucasian rather than Asian models, and whiteness continues to be idealized. The bud of bias in that very notion is that foreigners have come to be equated with whiteness.While the intent is not that of discrimination, the result is shockingly close.Where this notion leaves the rest of us, people of color, I do not know. In a culture obsessed with whiteness, where do the rest of us stand?8 From my experience alone, the lack of representation, and perhaps the lack ofunderstanding about other cultures, fuel the curiosity that many people I come across tend to possess. Curiosity is welcomed, and even encouraged. Curiosity will even ultimately be the key to fixing this problem. With education and exposure to different peoples and cultures,China can and will continue to flourish as a global hub. However, when curiosity begins to breed a lack of respect and consideration for others,that is where it has the ability to change into racism and even xenophobia.9 As China continues to globalize in an effort to make its mark on the economic marketplace and the cultural zeitgeist, I fear that it will be the lack of empathy and insensitivity that will stand in its way. Beijing is already a global center, with foreigners on almost every street, and yet this type of insensitivity continues to occur. Foreigners are here to enrich their lives, to learn more about China’s long history, and hopefully to make a positive impact on it as well. They deserve more appreciation and respect rather than mere staring eyes.参考译文在中国接受注目礼阿丽·詹姆斯你是否曾经走进一个房间,一下子就吸引了所有人的目光?你是否曾被人从头到脚审视,仿佛你是一件被展出的外国文物?你是否曾挑战性地回瞪对方,结果对方却好像什么事都没发生一样继续看着你?对生活在中国的外国人来说,这如同家常便饭。

新编英语教程6_高英_翻译1 由于缺少资金,整个计划失败了The whole plan fell through for want of fund.2 牛顿被公认为是世界最杰出的科学家之一。
Newton is actnowledged as one of the world;s most eminent scientists.3 他对生产成本的估算总是准确无误He calcuates the cost of production with invariable accuracy4 公司发言人的不负责任的讲话受到了严厉的指责The spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words.5 这名商业银行的年轻职员看出那张十英镑的假币The young clerk from the commercial bank soitted thecorinterfeit ten-pound note.6 这个精干的经理立刻行动起来The efficient manager acted promptly7 请把候补名单上她的名字换成你的名字Pleasure replace her name for yours on the waiting list8 她觉得她在当地综合医院任实习医师是一段宝贵的经历Shen found that her internship in the local general hospital was a rewarding experience 9 不要感叹过去得不幸,振作起来行前看Don't lament your past misfortunes., keep your shin up and look to the future1 富兰克林在他的自传里力劝读者要勤俭Franklin exhorted readers to be diligent and thrifty in his Autobiography.2.谁能证实这签名无讹Who can attest to the genuineness of the signature?3. 人们给它起了小家伙的绰号。

第6章Unit 6 Literature (1)1. 文学作品选篇。
2. 语言对比:(1) 选词。
例1)But there isn't anything here right now that I could offer you. We don't make changes. 不过眼下我这儿没有什么事给你做。
2) No, sir, but couldn't I pick it up tty quick if I tried hard?是的,先生,不过我只要拼命学,不是很快就会学会吗?3)The tall, well-dressed gentleman standing before me was certainly a far cry fromthe old sea wolf of my imagination.站在我面前的是一位身材高大,衣着讲究的先生,与我先前想象的老海怪完全不同。
(2) 对话。
例1)"Don't order me about like that, John Durbeyfield."别对我这么吆五喝六的,约翰·德贝菲尔。
2) "Ever work in a place like this before?"“从前在这种地方做过吗?”3. 考核要求:翻译中有处理下列问题的能力:(1) 所选文学作品的特点及理解方面的难点(2) 选词(3) 对话Exercise 16 a一、解说1、本练习选自蒂姆·霍尔改写的《德伯家的苔丝》(原著作者:托玛斯·哈代)。
英译汉教程Chapter 6 Omission(省略法)课后练习答案

英译汉教程Chapter 6 Omission (省略法)课后练习答案Drills 6.1.1(1)省略虚义词it1.那病人怎么样了?2.他一切都完了。
Drills 6.1.29.这是一套莎士比亚全集。
Drills 6.2.1(1)省略用作主语的代词;3.播什么,收什么。
新编英汉翻译教程6 Choice of Words

Translation of Words
教学目的 : 旨在帮助学生了解词义的多样性 (引申、褒贬);并掌握词语翻译的选词技巧。 教学内容: 教学内容: 1. 词义的选择 2. 词义的引申 3. 词义的褒贬 4. 翻译练习
词义的引申是指在一个词所具有的原始意义的基 础上,根据上下文和逻辑关系进一步加以引申, 础上,根据上下文和逻辑关系进一步加以引申, 选择适当确切的目标语词语来表达, 选择适当确切的目标语词语来表达,避免生搬硬 套地逐句死译,使译文更加通顺流畅。 套地逐句死译,使译文更加通顺流畅。 由于英语词义对上下文的依赖性强,可变性大, 由于英语词义对上下文的依赖性强,可变性大, 因此词义引申对英译汉尤为重要。当然, 因此词义引申对英译汉尤为重要。当然,词义的 引申不得超出原始意义所允许的范围。 引申不得超出原始意义所允许的范围。
XX启事 启事: XX信 4). XX启事: XX信 ① 招领启事 Found 推荐信 ② 鸣谢启事 Acknowledgements 证明信 ③ 征稿启事 Contributions Wanted 口 信 ④ 更正启事 Corrections XX表 XX表 ① 病历表 Case History Form 履历表 ② 时间表 Timetable 日程表
Case 4
That’s a tall story about the town’s high street. high street: the main street of a town or a city; tall: a. hard to believe, exaggerated 原译:这就是有关镇上高处街道的大故事。 原译:这就是有关镇上高处街道的大故事。 改译: 有关这城主街的说法是在令人难以置信。 改译 有关这城主街的说法是在令人难以置信。
全新版大学英语第二版综合教程6 课后翻译

Having been granted a fellowship at the University of California at Berkeley,Mary's interest in research on all dimensions of human behavior has come alive . She is now itching to carry out the various experiments she has planned as soon as possible. At present she is particularly keen on finding out how important a role graceful manner can play in business negotiations. She dreams that her findings will be circulated widely with the help of the media so that people engaged in business negotiations will benefit from them.我上大学的第二天,就在一家快餐店找了一份收银员(cashier)的工作。
经理给我看了一份写着工作责任的单子:在收银机(cash register)的面板上键入顾客所点食品、收钱、再通知厨房。

我俨然发现自己开始扮演起猪的朋友和私人医生--- 一个拿着助推器灌肠剂袋子当道具的滑稽角色。

研究生英语课文翻译Unit 6

研究生英语课文翻译Unit 6Unit 6 Translation of Postgraduate English Course TextsIntroductionIn this article, we will explore the translation of postgraduate English course texts. The purpose of translating these texts is to assist postgraduate students in understanding and studying English course materials. Translating course texts requires proper techniques and considerations to ensure accurate and informative translations. In this article, we will discuss the challenges involved and provide guidelines for effective translation.Challenges in Translating Postgraduate English Course Texts1. Technical TerminologyPostgraduate English course texts often contain technical terms related to various fields of study. Translating these terms accurately requires in-depth knowledge in the specific subject area. Translators should possess expertise in both languages to ensure the correct translation of technical terminology. Additionally, the translator should keep updated with the latest developments in the field to capture the nuances and changes in technical vocabulary.2. Cultural ReferencesPostgraduate English course texts may contain cultural references that are unfamiliar to the target audience. Translators should be adept at adapting these cultural references to make them relevant and understandable for thereaders. This may involve explaining cultural concepts or finding equivalent references in the target language.3. Sentence Structure and StyleEnglish sentence structure and style may differ significantly from the target language. Translators should ensure that the translated text maintains the appropriate sentence structure, flow, and style while conveying the original meaning accurately. This requires linguistic skills and a deep understanding of both languages.Guidelines for Effective Translation of Postgraduate English Course Texts1. Understanding the ContextBefore starting the translation, it is crucial to thoroughly understand the context of the postgraduate English course text. Familiarize yourself with the subject matter, intended audience, and the purpose of the text. This understanding will enable you to provide an accurate and coherent translation.2. Research and Terminology ConsistencyDue to the technical nature of postgraduate English course texts, extensive research is necessary. Ensure that you have a solid understanding of the technical terminology used in the source text. Create a glossary of key terms and maintain consistency throughout the translation.3. Emphasis on Clarity and AccuracyWhen translating, prioritize clarity and accuracy to ensure effective communication. Use clear and concise language to convey the intended message. Avoid excessive wordiness or ambiguity, as it may confuse the readers.4. Cultural AdaptationAdapt cultural references to make them relatable to the target audience. If necessary, provide explanations or equivalents in the target language. This will enhance the readers' understanding and engagement with the translated text.5. Proofreading and EditingAfter completing the initial translation, thoroughly proofread and edit the text. Check for grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies. Make sure that the translated text adheres to the formatting requirements and guidelines provided.ConclusionTranslating postgraduate English course texts requires a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, technical terminology, and cultural references. By following the guidelines mentioned above, translators can produce accurate, clear, and effective translations that assist postgraduate students in their English language studies.。
新编英语教程6 课文翻译


Thank God It’s MondayBy Jyoti thottam<1> As researchers in psychology, economics and organizational behavior have been gradually discovering, the experience of being happy at work looks very similar across professions.从事心理学、经济学和组织行为学研究的人已逐渐发现, 各行各业的人们在工作中感受到快乐的体验看起来十分相似。
People who love their jobs feel challenged by their work but in control of it.热爱本职工作的人会感到他们的工作有挑战性, 但自己能驾驭它;They have bosses who make them feel appreciated and co-workers they like.他们既得到老板的赏识, 又有和自己投缘的同事;They can find meaning in whatever they do. 无论干什么他们都能发现其中的意义。
And they aren’t just lucky. 他们可不是仅仅凭着运气好。
It takes real effort to reach that sublime state.要达到那种完美的境界需要切实下工夫才行。
<2> An even bigger obstacle, though, may be our low expectations on the job. Love, family,不过, 一个更大的障碍也许是我们对工作的期望值太低。
community — those are supposed to be the true sources of happiness, while work simply gives us the means to enjoy them.爱、家庭和社区往往被看做快乐的真正来源, 而工作只是为我们提供了享受那一切的手段。
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Lecture SixTranslation of Words (II)Section 2 The choice of English appropriate wordsAfter analysing the meaning of the source language----Chinese, the translator has to decide what expressions he should use in the target language---- English. In the second stage, the translator has to pay attention of the following aspects.1. Choosing Words according to Collocation学习知识to acquire (gain) knowledge学习雷锋take Lei Feng as a model (an example). Learn freom Lei Feng.学数学study mathematics学文化learn to read and write.当然我们也要学习世界上一切先进的经验,世界各国,包括美国在内,有先进的东西我们也要学。
Of course, we should also learn from all the advanced experience of all the other countries in the world, including the United States♦这菜真香。
How delicious the dish is.♦这花儿真香。
How fragrant (sweet) the flowers are.♦新犁过的土地散发着芳香。
The newly ploughed fields smelt sweet.♦空气中有熏衣草和迷迭香花的味道。
♦There is a lavender scent and rosemary scent in the air.♦我的乖乖香。
You are sweet (lovely) baby. What a sweet (lovely) child you are.对灾区人民表示慰问。
To express sympathy and solicitude for the people of disaster areas.请向他们表示亲切慰问。
Please convey to them our sincere solicitude.慰问团 a group sent to convey greeting;慰问演出 a special performance as an expression of gratitude or appreciation.Choosing Words according to Collocation我们应该推行强硬政策。
We should carry out a strong policy.应改为:We should carry out a tough policy.热烈祝贺亚运会。
Warmly congratulate the Asian Games.应改为:Hail / Greet the Asian Games.欢迎你来和我们一道工作。
Welcome you to work with us.应改为:You are welcome to work with us.她嫁给了一个老外。
She married with/to a foreigner.应改为:She married a foreigner.♦美国和英国开始认识到:只有中国战场的胜利才能遏止德、意、日“轴心国”的联盟。
♦The United States and Britain began to see that only victory on the Chinese battlefield counld contain the Axis alliance of Germany, Italy a nd Japan.♦我最终认识到这件事为何非做不可。
♦I came to realize in the end why it must be done.♦看来她还未认识到有危险。
♦It seems that she is still not aware of the danger.♦恐慌平息了。
Panic subsides.♦立即采取有效措施。
To take immediate and effective measures.驳回上诉。
To reject an appeal法官驳回了诉讼。
The judge dismissed the action.♦没有医疗条件。
Without health services.♦暂停营业to suspend the service.会议取消了.The meeting is cancelled (called off).取消他的会员资格.We will deprive him of his membership.取消禁令To lift a ban取消诺言To kill the promise.2. Never Neglect the Prepositions in Verb Phrases♦无论什么事情都逃不了他的眼睛。
♦Nothing can escape his eyes.♦Explain: We may translate this sentence: Nothing can escape from his eyes.♦有人敲门。
♦Someone is knocking at the door.♦学生正忙着准备大考。
♦The students are busy preparing for the final examination.♦开始他们都把他当成了外国人。
♦At first they took him for a foreigner.♦以便使国家在上帝的福佑下得到自由的新生,并且使这个民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存♦...that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. (From Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address)3. Pay Attention to the Mood♦我们在改革开放中,不能忘记这些基本原则。
♦These basic principles must be kept in mind in our reform and opening to the outside world.♦我们难道能忘记这一惨痛教训吗?♦Can we ever forget this bitter lesson at all?♦俗话说,“男儿有泪不轻弹,皆因未到伤心处”嘛。
♦译文1:As the saying goes, “Men only shed tears when (they are) deeply hurt.”♦译文2:As the saying goes, “Men never shed tears unless they are deeply hurt.”♦当心油漆未干!♦Beware of wet paint!4. Choosing Words according to Style♦姜出而赋:“大遂之外,其乐也泄泄。
”♦When his mother came out, she sang: “This great tunnel, outside/without,♦The joy flies about.”♦忽见东府几个人,慌慌张张跑来,说:“老爷宾天了!”众人听了,吓了一跳。
忙都说:“好好的并无疾病,怎么就没了!”♦… when some servants from the Eastern Mansion came rushing up frantically. “The old master’s dead/ ascended to Heaven!”they announced.♦Everybody was consternated.♦“He wasn’t even ill, how could he die/ pass away so suddenly?”they exclaimed.♦如蒙早日寄来样品或产品册,不胜感激。
♦It would be appreciated if samples and/or brochure could be soon forwarded to us.♦4.直起身又看看豆,自己摇摇头说:“不多不多!多乎哉?不多也。
”(鲁迅《孔乙己》)♦Then straightening up to look at the peas again, he would shake his head. “Not much!V erily, not much, forsooth!”(杨宪益、戴乃迭译)5.Extention in Translation of Words♦少先队员省吃俭用,把积蓄的钱捐献给希望工程。
♦The young pioneers live in a simple way to donate their savings to the Hope Project.♦Explain: If we translate “省吃俭用” into “save food and expenses”our understanding would only on the surface of the original Chinese meaning, and it’s also not cope with the English expression habit.♦他和许多青年一样,没考上大学就上了自修大学。
♦Like most other young people, he is attending a college of continuing education after he failed to pass the college entrance examination.♦我们将采用国际贸易中的国际惯例满足你们提出的要求。