
Tanhai Rock(Rock Perching over the Sea)
========Biblioteka ============ Sun-watching Peak, situated to the southeast of the Jade Emperor Peak, is thus named because it is the place where visitors usually watch the sun rise. A huge rock stretches out northwards, known as Rock Perching over the Sea, where people view the sunrise.
The Sutra Stone Valley
The Stone Steps outside the Doumu Palace lead to a huge flat rock. Over 1400 years ago in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, someone carved the text of the Buddhist Diamond Sutra. Each character measures 50 centimetres in diameter. Originally there were more than 2500 and now only 1067 characters left
Longtan Waterfall
Longtan Waterfall lies on the Hundred-foot-high Cliff to the east of the West Stream of Mt. Tai. The waterfall looks like a piece of silver satin, it runs down to the Black Dragon Pool with a thundering voice. It is said that the pool is connected with the Dragon Palace in the East Sea.

Qufu is famed for its association with confucius but most visitors overlook three peaks nearby that hold natural beauty, legends and strong ties to philosopherFor visitors to Qufu, the hometown of Confucius, a trip to the Three Kongs, the temple, the mansion and cemetery associated with the great philosopher, is almost obligatory.But what most travelers overlook are three equally impressive mountains and hills that surround the city and offer respite from the tourist hordes.The three mountains and hills of Qufu are worth a visit for their natural beauty alone, but they also hold historical and cultural treasures that make the climb a must.1. Nishan Hill (尼山)While Qufu is famed as the city of Confucius, it was in fact on Nishan Hill that the man whose ideas have shaped China is said to have been born, in a three-meter deep cave called Kunling at the foot of the hill.According to legend the baby Confucius was abandonedshortly after birth because his mother thought he was ugly, but was rescued by a tiger and an eagle, which later made the mother take him back.Higher than Kunling Cave and to the west is River Watching Pavilion, from where Confucius is supposed to have watched the river fl owing and gasped at how rapidly earthly life changes.The hill is also home to a Confucian temple that houses an old lecture hall used today solely for venerating the philosopher.Behind the lecture hall is an earthen hall, which in ancient China was a mon construction used for honoring the God of the Earth. Here, Confucius is said the have received help from the God of the Earth on his way to being a saint.The educational center Nishan Academy on the hill was a site of scholarly discussion for centuries and still serves a similar purpose with school visits on occasions.2. Nine Fairy Mountain (九仙山)Like many picturesque mountains across China, Nine Fairy Mountain is associated with legend.The story goes that the nine fairy maidens of the Queen Mother of the West escaped to the mountain while the Queen Mother was happily drunk during her birthday party. Angry at their departure, the Queen Mother then transformed the fairy maidens into nine peaks.Today the mountain is dotted with brooks, fruit trees and agricultural land, and is a source of many medicinal herbs, no doubt having grown with the help of the nine fairies.In ancient China, the mountain was home to many religious groups that have left their mark in the form of temples, including Confucianists, Daoists and Buddhists.During the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) an annual temple fair was started on the mountain in spring, drawing hundreds of peddlers, incense burners and performers. The temple fair later came to a halt during times of social unrest, but was restored by the local government in the 1990s along with several historical sites.At the highest reaches of the mountain is the Bixia Ancestral Temple. Bixia was, according to legend, a fairy who did many kind deeds and whom local people called "grandma". A statue of Bixia stands in the temple's main hall.Behind the temple are three stones said to emanate coolness even during the hottest summer day, making this a pleasant place to take a break.On the northeastern section of the mountain is Phoenix Hill. With an elevation of 548 meters it is the tallest peak in Qufu.Across the mountain it is not unmon to see fruit laid out in the sun, including pears, dates, peaches and pomegranates. Evenat harvest time in late autumn people often do this to satisfy a local liking for dried fruit.3. Stone Gate Mountain (石门山)Stone Gate Mountain has 14 peaks, two of which sit opposite each other, creating the gate shape that gives the mountain its name. The mountain is divided into three main areas: Stone Gate Temple, Peach Dock and Yellow Mountain.Of the 14 peaks, Shenghan Peak is the tallest at 406 meters. It is also well known for its caves and links with ancient philosophers and poets.Confucius and his students frequented the mountain and used it as a place to study. The poets Li Bai and Du Fu also toured the mountain together.More than 90 of the mountain is covered with forest, making its' 6 square kilometers a natural oxygen bar.以上内容来源于网络,版权归原作者所有,部分内容来源于觐学网,如有侵权请告知,我们将尽快删除相关内容。

• 在这里还有许多祈福的活动! • 让我们来一起领略一下吧!
• 孔府家宴所吃的食物
孔庙俗称夫子庙,是供奉和祭祀孔子 的地方。
• 曲阜孔庙是祭祀孔子的本庙,从建庙到现 在已经有两千五百年的历史了。
• 下面我们一起走进去,领 略它的气息吧!
• (三)孔林——延续年代最久、保存最完整的 家族墓地
• (二)孔府——衙宅合一园宅结合的范例
• 孔庙的东侧是孔府,是孔子嫡长孙世袭的府第。 始建于宋代,是一座典型的封建贵族庄园,衙 署大堂用于接受皇帝颁发的圣旨,或处理家族 内事务。孔府后院有一座花园,幽雅清新,布 局别具匠心,可称园林佳作,也是园宅结合的 范例。孔府藏有大量的历史档案、传世文物, 历代服饰和用具等,都及其珍贵。
• 孔林又称至圣林,在曲阜城北门外,占地 3000亩,周围砖砌林墙长达14里,是孔子和他 的后代子孙们的家族墓地。孔林内柏桧夹道, 进入孔林要经过1200米的墓道,然后穿过石牌 坊、石桥、甬道、到达孔子墓前。孔子的坟墓 封土高6米,墓东是孔子之子孔鲤和他的孙子孔 伋的坟墓。在孔林中,有的墓前还存有石雕的 华表、石人、石兽。这些都是依照墓中人当时 被封爵位的品级设置的,整个孔林延用2500年, 内有坟冢十余万座。其延续时间之久,墓葬之 多,保存之完好,举世罕见。

基本信息曲阜孔庙、孔林、孔府中文名称曲阜孔庙、孔林、孔府英文名称Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu编号: 200-012曲阜孔庙、孔林、孔府于1994年12月根据世界文化遗产遴选标准C(I)(IV)(VI)入选《世界遗产名录》。

介绍曲阜三孔的英语作文Title: Introduction to the Three Confucian Sites in Qufu.The Three Confucian Sites in Qufu, Shandong Province, China, are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a significant cultural landmark. These sites include the Temple of Confucius, the Cemetery of Confucius, and the Kong Family Mansion. Together, they represent the essence of Confucianism and the historical legacy of Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher and educator.The Temple of Confucius is the largest and most important Confucian temple in the world. It was built to honor Confucius and houses many historical artifacts, statues, and inscriptions related to his life and teachings. The temple complex is a serene and majestic place where visitors can learn about Confucius' philosophy and pay their respects to this revered figure.The Cemetery of Confucius is the final resting place of Confucius and his descendants. The cemetery is a vast and tranquil site with beautiful stonework and ancient trees. Visitors can explore the varioustombs, pavilions, and monuments that pay tribute to Confucius' legacy and his family's contributions to Chinese history.The Kong Family Mansion is the former residence of Confucius' descendants, the Kong family. It is a grand and well-preserved complex with traditional Chinese architecture and courtyards. The mansion offers insights into the daily life and traditions of the Kong family, showcasing their wealth and status in ancient China.Overall, the Three Confucian Sites in Qufu are not only important historical and cultural landmarks but also spiritual and educational destinations that provide a deep understanding of Confucianism and its influence on Chinese society. Visiting these sites is a truly enriching experience that allows visitors to connect with the profound teachings and legacy of Confucius.中文翻译:介绍曲阜三孔。
曲阜英文介绍 PPT

Historical city Qufu was our country ancient times the great thinker, the educationalist, the statesman, the literature entire manages family affairs, sage of Confucius` the world hometown, Mencius‘s native place
My metown
Let me have a introduce about qufu. Fortunately, It's
Located in Shandong Province.
the tourist area, which includes the Mansion, Temple and Cemetery of Confucius.
The Analects of Confucius
Chinese nation’s first ancestor(祖先) shaft Yellow Emperor‘s (轩辕黄帝)birth place, the capital, discussed the Yin native country, the Lu country capital. Three emperors five emperors have four to live the practical training in here, some more than 5,000 years history.

stimulate the imagination, endow one with breeding, enable one to live in a community, and give expression to grievances.
lengths it becomes completely ordered.
Li (礼)
• 不学礼,无以立。 • If you don’t learn li you will have no structure. • 道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻; 道之以德,
齐之以礼,有耻且格。 • If you govern the people legalistically and control
wearied. • 三人行, 必有我师焉:择其善者而从之, 其不善者而改之。 • When three men are walking together, there is one who
can be my teacher. I pick out people’s good and follow it. When I see their bad points, I correct them in myself.
people • Course content:
morality, proper speech, government, the refined arts
• Pedagogical[pedə'gɔdʒikəl] methods:
He poses questions, or uses apt analogies, and waits for his students to arrive at the right answers. • Education goal: to create superior men

介绍曲阜三孔的英语作文English:The Qufu Three Confucian Temple is located in Qufu City, Shandong Province, China. It consists of the Temple of Confucius, the Cemetery of Confucius, and the Kong Family Mansion. The three sites are important cultural landmarks and are considered some of the most well-preserved ancient architectural complexes in China. The Temple of Confucius is the largest of the three and was built to honor Confucius, a great philosopher, educator, and founder of Confucianism. The Cemetery of Confucius is where Confucius and his descendants are buried, and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Kong Family Mansion was the former residence of the direct descendants of Confucius and provides insight into the life of the Kong family during ancient times. Visitors can explore the beautiful gardens, traditional Chinese architecture, and learn about the profound influence of Confucianism on Chinese culture and history.中文翻译:曲阜三孔位于中国山东省曲阜市,包括孔庙、孔林和孔府三处景点。

It is where Kongzi tought his students. Zengzi, Zigong and Yanhui learned there.
The Confucious Family Mansion
intrigue against each other 勾心
The hall of great achievements
The hall of great achievements is the core of the Confucian temple ,at the same time ,it is also one of the China's three big old house. The name “Dachengdian” means “Gather the mind of the ancestor and the old sage”.
Now the hall of great achievements become the place where people hold a memorial ceremony for Kongzi. At the appointed time, people from all over the world join the ceremony.
greed 贪
The Confucious Cemetery
In Qufu, when you are walking on the street ,you can see the old trees everywhere along the street ,most of them have been live for hundreds of years.

■ How many years did Confucius travel?
14 years.
■ How many disciples did Confucius have? For example, who are they?
Confucius had three thousand disciples, of which 72 are sages, such as Yan Hui, Zi Lu, Zi Gong, Ran You.
• zhi
• xin
• The core of Confucianism • Humaneness(慈悲) and benevolence(仁慈) • To Love people • Universal love
• Righteousness(正义) and justice • Above material gains • Responsibility and dedication
Scenic Area
The Temple of Confucius, Qufu
• The Temple of Confucius was used to offer sacrifices(祭祀)to Confucius.
• It is a group of grand buildings built in oriental style.

孔庙英文介绍作文英文:Confucius Temple, also known as Kong Miao, is a famous historical and cultural site in China. It is located in Qufu, Shandong Province, the hometown of Confucius. As a symbol of Confucianism, it has attracted countless visitors from all over the world.The temple was built in 478 BC, during the Spring and Autumn Period. It was originally a simple memorial hallbuilt by the descendants of Confucius to honor their ancestor. Later, it was expanded and renovated severaltimes during different dynasties. The current temple was rebuilt in 1869 during the Qing Dynasty, covering an areaof 16,000 square meters.The temple consists of several buildings, including the Gate of Great Accomplishment, the Hall of Great Achievement, the Hall of Central Harmony, the Hall of Supreme Harmony,and the Hall of Abstinence. Each building has its own unique features and historical significance. For example, the Hall of Great Achievement was where the imperial court held ceremonies to pay tribute to Confucius during the Ming and Qing dynasties.In addition to the buildings, there are also many other cultural relics and artworks in the temple, such as stone tablets, steles, and paintings. These artifacts reflect the profound influence of Confucianism on Chinese culture and history.Visiting Confucius Temple is not only a way to learn about Chinese history and culture, but also an opportunity to appreciate the beauty of traditional Chinesearchitecture and art. It is a must-see attraction for anyone interested in Chinese culture.中文:孔庙,又称孔府、孔府大成殿,是中国著名的历史文化遗址之一,位于孔子故乡山东曲阜市。

As a high school student with a keen interest in history and culture, Ive always been fascinated by the rich tapestry of Chinese heritage. One of the most significant places that encapsulates this essence is the Three Confucian Sites in Qufu, Shandong ProvinceThe Kong Family Mansion Kongfu, the Confucius Temple Kongmiao, and the Confucius Cemetery Konglin. These sites are not only historical landmarks but also a testament to the profound influence of Confucius, a philosopher whose teachings have shaped Chinese society for centuries.The Kong Family Mansion, or Kongfu, is the ancestral home of Confucius descendants. Stepping into this grand compound is like walking into a living museum. The mansion is a sprawling complex of over 150 buildings, each with its own story to tell. The architecture is a blend of traditional Chinese styles, reflecting the status and influence of the Kong family. The most striking feature of Kongfu is the Great Gateway, adorned with intricate carvings and a plaque inscribed with the words The Gate of the Sages Family. This gateway is a symbol of the respect and reverence that the Kong family has enjoyed throughout Chinese history.Adjacent to the Kong Family Mansion is the Confucius Temple, or Kongmiao, a sacred place dedicated to the worship of Confucius. The temple is a vast area filled with ancient trees, tranquil ponds, and solemn halls. The main hall, known as the Dacheng Hall, is the most important structure within the temple. It is here that the spirit tablet of Confucius is enshrined, and it is the focal point for ceremonies and rituals. The hall is a marvel of ancient Chinese architecture, with its sweeping eaves, soaring roof, and majestic columns. The temple is not just a place of worship butalso a repository of Confucian culture, housing a vast collection of stone tablets, scriptures, and artifacts.The final part of the trio is the Confucius Cemetery, or Konglin, which is the burial site of Confucius and his descendants. Spread over an area of about 2 square kilometers, Konglin is one of the largest family cemeteries in the world. It is a serene and peaceful place, dotted with ancient cypress trees that stand like sentinels guarding the resting place of the philosopher and his lineage. The cemetery is divided into several sections, each with its own distinct character and history. The most visited part is the tomb of Confucius himself, marked by a simple yet dignified stele.Visiting these sites was a profound experience for me. It was not just a journey through physical spaces but also a deep dive into the philosophical and cultural legacy of Confucius. His teachings on morality, ethics, and social harmony resonate even today, and being in the places that are so closely associated with him was humbling and enlightening.The Three Confucian Sites are not merely tourist attractions they are living, breathing entities that continue to inspire and educate. They are a reminder of the enduring influence of Confucius and the timeless wisdom that his teachings offer. For anyone interested in understanding the roots of Chinese culture and philosophy, a visit to these sites is an unforgettable journey into the heart of a civilization that has thrived for millennia.。