跨文化沟通(cross-culture communication)
• 多元化的影响:在种族、性别、民族语言 以及性取向等问题在国家政治中日益受到 关注的同时,他们同样影响着人们的工作 环境。
• 原则:当别人跟你谈及一个话题时,要根 据你们两者间现有的相互了解的程度进行 讨论。(例如:打招呼)
cross-cultural communication
跨文化沟通是指跨文化组织中拥有不同文化背景 的人们之间相互传递信息、交流知识和理解情感的过 程。
每个国家甚至每个族群都 有这自己特有的文化,有些 语言、动作、眼神、表情等 传达信息的方式在你自己所 在的区域内是代表着一种意 思但是在另外一个地方可能 就不是同一种意思。
• 解决多元化的困惑方式:
1、听从律师的建议。不要问一些连自 己都不知道答案的问题。 2、坦率地表露自己的文化困惑,向遇 到过类似困惑的同事寻求帮助。
1、文化困惑: 文化困惑存在在许多方面比如关于私人问题的困惑,商务交往中的困惑 ,民族文化的困惑及语言交流的困惑等等。 2、如何处理文化困惑: (1)、树立跨文化意识。可以主动学习对方的语言、历史、文化和风俗 习惯。 (2)、正确对待文化差异。首先要承认文化差异,其次要正确对到文化 差异。
美国人:往往拿出一支用 以减轻堵车烦恼的玩具冲 锋枪,扣动扳机,“哒哒” 地扫射一阵,据说此举能 帮助重获“心理平衡”。
德国人:此时应属于最奇特的一种,不但不心烦, 反而感到快乐,这在世界各民族中也许是绝无仅 有的。
• 在经济全球化的过程中,为了培养一名合适的管理人员,必须让他同 来自不同文化背景的学生一起学习
《跨文化交际》教学大纲一、课程名称:跨文化交际/Cross-culture Communication二、课程编码:三、学时与学分:34/2四、考核方式:考查,包括平时与期末,分别占30% 和70%五、先修课程:综合英语、英语语法、英语泛读、英语口语、英美国家社会与文化等六、适用学科专业:英语七、教学目的:同英语国家的人们用英语进行有效的交流是学习英语的重要目的之一。
八、基本教学内容:本课程选用顾曰国主编的《跨文化交际》(Cross-cultural Communication)为教材。
九、教学内容、基本要求及学时分配1. Part One: Language and Culture in Communication教学内容:介绍语言、文化和交际之间的关系,跨文化交流模式,交流中的各种意义等。
本单元介绍了交际的5个类型 (types of communication):human communication; animal communication;human-animal communication; human-machine communication; machine-to-machine communication;交际的基本模式:同文化交际(mono-cultural language communication);跨文化交际(cross-cultural language communication);介绍各种交际方式中的“意思”的传达。
跨文化交际一、课程基本信息1、课程中、英文名称:跨化交文际、Cross-cultural Communication2、课程类别:专业专选课程3、课程学时:18学时4、学分:2分二、课程的目的与任务:跨文化交际作为一门学科涉及到文化和交际的各个层面,包括语言交际、非语言交际、人们之间的相互交往,以及不同文化之间的观念和信仰等。
[关键词]文化差异跨文化沟通跨文化认同一、文化差异所谓“文化差异”, 简要地说是指不同国家、民族间文化上的差别。
Edward T.Hall(1976)则提出了高情景文化语言和低情景文化语言分析框架。
通过文化维度模型分解出的文化特征可知,不同国家、不同地域有着自身独特的文化,当两种文化在同一环境系统交汇时,必然存在文化差异(Cultural differences)。
二、跨文化沟通———国际商务合作中的应用跨文化沟通(Cross-cultural Communication)是指两个具有不同文化背景的人或群体之间表达思想、传递信息、交流感情、形成互动的行为过程(唐炎钊等,2005)。
从广义而言,跨文化沟通的目的在于存在文化差异的双方在尽量避免或者减少跨文化风险(Cross-cultural Risks)的前提下,求同存异,积极发展双方的文化认同感(Cultural Identity),将跨文化(Cross-cultural Conflict)降低到最低程度,产生文化协同效应(Cultural Synergy)。
德国人:此时应属于最奇特的一种,不但不心烦, 反而感到快乐,这在世界各民族中也许是绝无仅 有的。一位德国工程师对此解释说,此时会产生 一种“共度难关”时的“同志式感觉”——大家 可以好好地一起感叹上一阵子,等道路畅通,一 种共同被“解放”的轻松感又会油然而生。 中国人:最有行动力的应当属于中国人,在焦急 等待中走出车厢,自己充当交警。
日本人是用眼吃饭: 说日本人用眼吃饭,并不是贬低日本人,而是日本人长期的岛国 心态,造就了他们的饮食习惯,由于日本是一岛国,物产相对来说比 较匮乏,有的食材需要长期进口,所以他们把饮食的风格放在少而精 上,做得量很少,但是食材选择以活的海鲜为主,用的器皿也是非常 讲究,但是都突出一个小字,让人吃起来赏心悦目,但是每次的食量 都不是太大,所以我们中国人吃日本料理都说吃不饱,而日本人却养 成这样的饮食习惯,所以你在日本很少见到大腹便便的人。
意大利人:不停地按喇叭, 以发泄心中的不耐烦。
荷兰人: 一般会用 力跺脚, 表示“已 缺乏耐 心”。
视会 卢 后大 森 又扮 堡 大鬼 人 笑脸 : 。, 此 互时
美国人:往往拿出一支用 以减轻堵车烦恼的玩具冲 锋枪,扣动扳机,“哒哒” 地扫射一阵,据说此举能 帮助重获“心理平衡”。
cross-cultural communication
小组成员: 陈莎 赖瑶 阳靓芳 魏巧明 郑天 向卫平 唐文德
跨文化交流Cross-Cultural Communication
![跨文化交流Cross-Cultural Communication](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e5d42d50312b3169a451a414.png)
Communication Strategies
• Yet sometimes intermediaries can make communication even more difficult. If a mediator is the same culture or nationality as one of the disputants, but not the other, this gives the appearance of bias, even when none exists. Even when bias is not intended, it is common for mediators to be more supportive or more understanding of the person who is of his or her own culture, simply because they understand them better. Yet when the mediator is of a third cultural group, the potential for crosscultural misunderstandings increases further. In this case engaging in extra discussions about the process and the manner of carrying out the discussions is appropriate, as is extra time for confirming and re-confirming understandings at every step in the dialogue or negotiating process.
跨文化交际概念“跨文化交际”的英语名称是“cross-cultural communication(或inter-cultural communication)”。
Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际
![Cross-Cultural Communication Unit 1-4 跨文化交际](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6cf81e4ef342336c1eb91a37f111f18582d00c5c.png)
➢Lessons about life and ways for living that life ➢It's based on cooperation
Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
CHAPTER 1 - Communication and Culture: The Challenge of The Future
• Societies around the globe have been interwoven into a complex fabric of interdependent economic, technological, political, and social relationships.
The Deep Structure of Culture: Roots of Reality
CHAPTER 2 - The Deep Structure of Culture: Roots of Reality
• The deep structure of culture is the unconscious assumptions about how the world operates. It makes each culture unique, and explains how and why of a culture's collective action.
跨文化交际学(Intercultural Communication又称Cross-cultural Communication)是一门新兴的边缘学科。
跨文化交际学(Intercultural Communication又称Cross-cultural Communication)是一门新兴的边缘学科。
Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际 PPT课件 (2)
![Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际 PPT课件 (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fbc3a8680975f46527d3e1de.png)
5.Case studies
Mutual Monitoring Process
Xiu went to a BC buffet reception in the BC headquarters in Beijing. It just so happened that Xiu arrived a little too early. The waiting lounge was almost empty except a charming lady sitting at a corner seat. After a long interval of unbearable silence Xiu decided to break the silence by approaching the lady.
Yes, but not good
1.An orator delivers a speech to a large gathering. 3. You send an e-mail message to an American friend. 4.Jane lies in bed reading a novel.
Model Two: unilateral-cultural model
(one knows another’s language and cultural environment but the other one doesn’t)
Lu Bing ,a Chinese tour guide is talking in English with George Luke, a British tourist who does not know Chinese at all.
Activity 3: Meanings in communication
移民 人口老龄化 多文化社会
2012年4月16日,7-11便利店将开放个人加 盟,年龄在22-52岁的中国籍人士,通过公 司审核后,投资30万即可成为便利店主。
将来的某一天,你会有机会在一间全球连锁的企 业或者是她的子公司工作。
从发展现状来看,跨国公司已经成为重要的经济 体,在世界经济贸易中的地位日益突出。与政府 不一样的是,这些商业巨头并不透明,她们只对 自己的股东负责,甚少受到到规范约束。
全球化包括了涉及整个世界以及带来世界 范围内影响的一切行为和过程。
全球化(globalization)一词,是一种概念,也 是一种人类社会发展的现象过程。全球化目前有 诸多定义,通常意义上的全球化是指全球联系不 断增强,人类生活在全球规模的基础上发展及全 球意识的崛起。国与国之间在政治、经济贸易上 互相依存。全球化亦可以解释为世界的压缩和视 全球为一个整体。二十世纪九十年代后,随着全 球化势力对人类社会影响层面的扩张,已逐渐引 起各国政治、教育、社会及文化等学科领域的重 视,纷纷引起研究热潮。对于“全球化”的观感 是好是坏,目前仍是见仁见智。
你在巴黎卢浮宫内游览,正在欣赏《蒙娜丽莎的 微笑》时,你妈妈给你打电话了。
你在北京坐公交车,正用手机在看一个有趣的视 频,但你身边的人正倾身跟你一起看这个视频。
你正在与一位沙特阿拉伯的客人一起开一个重要 的会议,这时候你公司的老总给你发信息来说, 你鼻血立刻给他回复他早前发给你的邮件。
达的信息 第七章 文化对语境的影响:商务情境 第八章 尝试进入新的文化:做一个优秀的跨文化
跨文化沟通(Cross-Cultural Communication),通常是指不同文化背景的人之间发生的沟通行为。
跨文化沟通的意义一、概述跨文化沟通(Cross-Cultural Communication),通常是指不同文化背景的人之间发生的沟通行为。
跨文化交际——Cross-cultural communication
![跨文化交际——Cross-cultural communication](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fa755c9e84868762caaed526.png)
1 情绪化障碍
2 障碍 6
认识上的误区非语言冒犯 Nhomakorabea3
4 价值观的差异
主动学习对方语言, 以便更好地沟通。
走出“民族中心主义”, 树立文化全球化意识
避免不必要的 误会
恰当使用 身体语言
通过不断的实践,进行改进、积 累。加深对异文化的沉淀积累。
字箴言 尊重差异 包容个性 和谐共存 造福世界
每个人和其他人都是联系的 所以我们应该学会跨文化沟通
承认有文化差异的存在 正确对待文化的差异,学习适应包容。
文化 自卑
本质是 沟通
话要说到 对方心里
给自己时间 思考,也给 对方时间反 应。
一个都不能 [少]
了解对方 身体语言
中国人:最有行动力的应当属于中国人, 在焦急等待中走出车厢,自己充当交警。
一、组织内部的沟通障碍 (1)员工结构的改变增加了沟通的难度 (2)组织层次和部门的冗杂,导致信息丢失 二、组织外部的沟通障碍 (1)信息多元化 (2)社会文化多元化 (3)组织外部沟通对象多元化
日本人是用眼吃饭: 说日本人用眼吃饭,并不是贬低日本人,而是日本人长期的岛国心
态,造就了他们的饮食习惯,由于日本是一岛国,物产相对来说比较匮 乏,有的食材需要长期进口,所以他们把饮食的风格放在少而精上,做 得量很少,但是食材选择以活的海鲜为主,用的器皿也是非常讲究,但 是都突出一个小字,让人吃起来赏心悦目,但是每次的食量都不是太大, 所以我们中国人吃日本料理都说吃不饱,而日本人却养成这样的饮食习 惯,所以你在日本很少见到大腹便便的人。
中国人是用嘴吃饭: 说中国人真正是用嘴吃饭,有人可能会说哪个国家的人不是用嘴
吃饭,他们还用鼻子吃饭不成。其实说中国人用嘴吃饭,是说中国人 吃饭最讲究口味,酸、甜、苦、辣,什么南甜北咸、东辣西酸。中国 八大菜系,各有自己的一套烹饪方法,讲究一个风味和口感。
cross-cultural communication
小组成员: 陈莎 赖瑶 阳靓芳 魏巧明 郑天 向卫平 唐文德
作为一个有抱负有理想的大学生,具备有效沟通的 能力是很重要的,而随着全球一体化,跨文化沟通 也越来越重要也越发普遍。
商务跨文化交际“跨文化传播”的概念:什么是跨文化传播学呢?跨文化传播学是由美国人类学家、跨文化研究学者爱德华•霍尔在20世纪50年代建立的一门学科,其英文表达为“Intercultural Communication 或Cross-cultural Communication”,在我国也翻译为“跨文化交际学”或者“跨文化交流学”。
跨文化传播的主要理论见诸于有关文化差异(文化维度)的著作中,特别是吉尔特•••••霍夫斯泰德(Geert Hofstede)、哈里• C. 特兰狄斯(Harry C. Triandis)、方斯•特龙皮纳尔斯(Fons Trompenaars)、沙龙•施瓦兹(ShalomSchwartz)及克里佛德•吉尔兹(Clifford Geertz)等人的著作中。
20世纪50年代,爱德华•霍尔在美国美国政府部门的外派人员培训学院(Foreign Service Institute)任教,对外派出国人员进行跨文化技能培训。
目录1,General Introduction…,2, What Does Cross-Cultural Communication Mean to Business People 3,How to Make Introduction4,How to Deal with Business Cards5,How to Schedule Visiting and Entertaining6,ABC for Gifts Exchanging ,7, Are There Any Differences in Male and Female’s Communication8,How Are Roles Females Playing in International Business?9, What Is the Range of Non-Verbal Communication in Business? … 10,Similar Encoding and Decoding of Non-Verbal Signals11,What Is Culture Conflict?12,What Is Culture Shock,and Acculturation13,What Is It Like at Negotiation Table14,The Device of Stereotyping in Cross—Cultural Communication 15,How Can We Be InternationalHofstede and his Five Cultural Dimensions"Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. Cultural differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster." Prof. Geert Hofsted霍夫斯泰德, Emeritus Professor, Maastricht University. Increasing internationalization has led to an appreciation that cultural differences are a key factor in getting things done in business. Working in France, Japan or the USA, for example, requires totally different styles of managing and co-operating.Professor Geert Hofstede has developed a five-dimensional model which explains cultural differences in a unique and powerful manner.Description for each of Hofstede's Dimensions1.Power Distance权利距离Index (PDI) that is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. This represents inequality (more versus less), but defined from below, not from above. It suggests that a society's level of inequality is endorsed by the followers as much as by the leaders. Power and inequality, of course, are extremely fundamental facts of any society and anybody with some international experience will be aware that 'all societies are unequal, but some are more unequal than others'.2. Individualism (IDV) on the one side versus its opposite, collectivism, that is the degree to which individuals are integrated into groups. On the individualist side we find societies in which the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after him/herself and his/her immediate family. On the collectivist side, we find societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, often extended families (with uncles, aunts and grandparents) which continue protecting them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. The word 'collectivism' in this sense has no political meaning: it refers to the group, not to the state. Again, the issue addressed by this dimension is an extremely fundamental one, regarding all societies in the world.3. Masculinity (MAS) versus its opposite, femininity, refers to the distribution of roles between the genders which is another fundamental issue for any society to which a range of solutions are found. The IBM studies revealed that (a) women's values differ less among societies than men's values; (b) men's values from one country to another contain a dimension from very assertive and competitive and maximally different from women's values on the one side, to modest and caring and similar to women's values on the other. The assertive pole has been called 'masculine' and the modest, caring pole 'feminine'. The women in feminine countries have the same modest, caring values as the men; in the masculine countries they are somewhat assertive and competitive, but not as much as the men, so that these countries show a gap between men's values and women's values.4. Uncertainty Avoidance不确定性规避指数Index (UAI) deals with a society's tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity; it ultimately refers to man's search for Truth. It indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations. Unstructured situations are novel, unknown, surprising, different from usual. Uncertainty avoiding cultures try to minimize the possibility of such situations by strict laws and rules, safety and security measures, and on the philosophical and religious level by a belief in absolute Truth; 'there can only be one Truth and we have it'. People in uncertainty avoiding countries are also more emotional, and motivated by inner nervous energy. The opposite type, uncertainty accepting cultures, are more tolerant of opinions different from what they are used to; they try to have as few rules as possible, and on the philosophical and religious level they are relativist and allow many currents to flow side by side. People within these cultures are more phlegmatic and contemplative, and not expected by their environment to express emotions.5. Long-Term Orientation (LTO) versus short-term orientation:长期观和短期观this fifth dimension was found in a study among students in 23 countries around the world, using a questionnaire designed by Chinese scholars. It can be said to deal with Virtue regardless of Truth与真理无关,与传统美德有关. Values associated with Long Term Orientation are thrift节俭,坚忍不拔(中国人)and perseverance and protecting one's 'face'; values associated with Short Term Orientation are respect for tradition, fulfilling social obligations,. Both the positively and the negatively rated values of this dimension are found in the teachings of Confucius, the most influential Chinese philosopher who lived around 500 B.C.; however, the dimension also applies to countries without a Confucian heritage.CHINAGeert Hofstede analysis for China has Long-term Orientation (LTO) thehighest-ranking factor (118), which is true for all Asian cultures. This Dimension indicates a society's time perspective and an attitude of persevering; that is,overcoming obstacles with time, if not with will and strength. (see Asian countries graph below)The Chinese rank lower than any other Asian country in the Individualism (IDV) ranking, at 20 compared to an average of 24. This may be attributed, in part, to the high level of emphasis on a Collectivist society by the Communist rule, as compared to one of Individualism.The low Individualism ranking is manifest in a close and committed member 'group', be that a family, extended family, or extended relationships. Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount. The society fosters strong relationships where everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of their group.U.S.AThere are only seven (7) countries in the Geert Hofstede research that have Individualism (IDV) as their highest Dimension: USA (91), Australia (90), United Kingdom (89), Netherlands and Canada (80), and Italy (76).The high Individualism (IDV) ranking for the United States indicates a society with a more individualistic attitude and relatively loose bonds with others. The populace is more self-reliant and looks out for themselves and their close family members.The next highest Hofstede Dimension is Masculinity (MAS) with a ranking of 62, compared with a world average of 50. This indicates the country experiences a higher degree of gender differentiation of roles. The male dominates a significant portion of the society and power structure. This situation generates a female population that becomes more assertive and competitive, with women shifting toward the male role model and away from their female role.The United States was included in the group of countries that had the Long Term Orientation (LTO) Dimension added. The LTO is the lowest Dimension for the US at 29, compared to the world average of 45. This low LTO ranking is indicative of the societies' belief in meeting its obligations and tends to reflect an appreciation for cultural traditions.The next lowest ranking Dimension for the United States is Power Distance (PDI) at 40, compared to the world Average of 55. This is indicative of a greater equality between societal levels, including government, organizations, and even within families. This orientation reinforces a cooperative interaction across power levels and creates a more stable cultural environment.IntrinsicThe last Geert Hofstede Dimension for the US is Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI), with a ranking of 46, compared to the world average of 64. A low ranking in theUncertainty Avoidance Dimension is indicative of a society that has fewer rules and does not attempt to control all outcomes and results. It also has a greater level of tolerance for a variety of ideas, thoughts, and beliefs."high context" and "low context"The general terms "high context" and "low context" (popularized by Edward Hall) are used to describe broad-brush cultural differences between societies.High context refers to societies or groups where people have close connections over a long period of time. Many aspects of cultural behavior are not made explicit because most members know what to do and what to think from years of interaction with each other. Your family is probably an example of a high context environment.Low context refers to societies where people tend to have many connections but of shorter duration or for some specific reason. In these societies, cultural behavior and beliefs may need to be spelled out explicitly so that those coming into the cultural environment know how to behave.Monochronic Time VS Polychronic TimeMonochronic TimeA monochronic time system means that things are done one at a time and time is segmented into precise, small units. Under this system time is scheduled, arranged and managed.The United States is considered a monochronic society. This perception of time is learned and rooted in the Industrial Revolution, where "factory life required the labor force to be on hand and in place at an appointed hour". For Americans, time is a precious resource not to be wasted or taken lightly. "We buy time, save time,spend time and make time. Our time can be broken down into years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and even milliseconds. We use time to structure both our daily lives and events that we are planning for the future. We have schedules that we must follow: appointments that we must go to at a certain time, classes that start and end at certain times, work schedules that start and end at certain times, and even our favorite TV shows, that start and end at a certain time.”Monochronic Cultures* United States* Canada* Switzerland* Germany* ScandinaviaPolychronic TimeA polychronic time system is a system where several things can be done at once, and a more fluid approach is taken to scheduling time. Unlike Americans and most northern and western European cultures, Latin American and Arabic cultures use the polychronic system of time.These cultures are much less focused on the preciseness of accounting for each and every moment. As Raymond Cohen notes polychronic cultures are deeply steeped in tradition rather than in tasks -- a clear difference from their monochronic counterparts. Cohen notes that "Traditional societies have all the time in the world. The arbitrary divisions of the clock face have little saliency in cultures grounded in the cycle of the seasons, the invariant pattern of rural life, and the calendar of religious festivities".Instead, their culture is more focused on relationships, rather than watching the clock. They have no problem being “late” for an event if they are with family or friends, because the relationship is what really matters. As a result, polychronic cultures have a much less formal perception of time. They are not ruled by precise calendars and schedules. Rather, “cultures that use the polychronic time system often schedule multiple appointments simultaneously so keeping on schedule is an impossibility.Polychronic Cultures* Saudi Arabia * Egypt * Mexico * Philippines Monochronic People Polychronic Peopledo one thing at a time do many things at onceconcentrate on the job are highly distractible and subject tointerruptionstake time commitments (deadlines, schedules) seriously consider an objective to be achieved,if possibleare low-context and need information are high-context and already haveinformationcommitted to the job are committed to people and humanrelationshipsadhere religiously to plans change plans often and easilyare concerned about not disturbing others; follow rules of privacy and consideration are more concerned with those who are closely related than with privacyshow great respect for private property; borrow and lend things often andseldom borrow or lend easilyemphasize promptness base promptness on the relationshipare accustomed to short-termrelationships have strong tendency to build lifetimerelationshipsGENDRE ROLESGender is a set of characteristics distinguishing between male and female, particularly in the cases of men and women. Depending on the context, the discriminating characteristics vary from sex to social role to gender identity.StereotypesGeneralization of all national cultures. Use this kind of summary to have apre-impression of your customers. But never take any prejudice.Stereotypes make more sense when you consider the cultural roots of the group being stereotyped. For example:NATIONALITY: GERMANSTEROTYPE: The Germans are usually seen as rigid, somewhat humorless and obsessed with order formality. A smile does not come easily and business is taken seriously. They are particularly focused on detail.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS: Low-contest culture that values precise communication. Focuses on what is being said rather than who is saying it. Monochronic, that is, they are a very linear concept of time and prefer to do one thing at a time. The German culture is one of very high risk-avoidance.NATIONALITY: AMERICANSTEROTYPE: Brash, materialistic. A cowboy culture where individuals are obsessed with time and deadlines. A society played by crime and violence. NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS: American culture is task-driven and places great value on individual achievement and thinking. Monochronic, with a very low risk-avoidance, which allows American to speak without thinking and often act without thinking, sometimes in a violent manner. It is a very masculine culture, which means that society appreciates assertiveness while respecting the goal or material acquisition.NATIONALITY: JAPANESESTEROTYPE: Very group-oriented, quiet, shy, reserved and highly respectful of status and position. Negotiate in groups or teams and avoid criticism of partners or proposals. Japanese will work their whole career at a singly company.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS: The Japanese culture is collectivist by nature, that is, group achievement and harmony comes before that of individual fulfillment. It is a high power-distance culture where workers do not seek personal decision-making powers. It is high risk-avoidance.NATIONALITY: FRENCHSTEROTYPE : Romantic, fond of good food, food art, and not overly concerned about doing great business, more eager to argue politics and art than to do business.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS: A highly feminine culture which values interpersonal relationships,putting quality of life before material acquisition and applauds concern for other individuals. Also high-context, which mean that themedium is the message and not overly concerned about precise detail or communication.NATIONALITY: ITALIANSTEROTYPE:Excitable and seem to relish chaos,. Not very detail-oriented when it comes to business, which seems to take forever conclude. They are romantic and seem to shake hands with and kiss visitors forever, very demonstrative and physical.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS:Italians are poly-chronic which means they prefer to do several takes at one time in no particular order. Their concept of time is nonlinear. It is also a high-context, relationship-driven culture.NATIONALITY: BRITISHSTEROTYPE:Stuffy, prim and proper, Business if done through on "old boy's network".NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS: Low-context, low risk-avoidance, monochromic, mixture of relationship-driven and task-driven cultures.NATIONALITY: CHINESESTEROTYPE:Like the Japanese, they always seem to travel in groups. They are quite, reserved and never lose their temper. But at times they can seem chaotic and unfocused.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS:The Buddhist philosophy plays an important role in business dealings and the approach to life. It is a collectivist, high-context, poly-choronic culture.NATIONALITY: NIGERIANSTEROTYPE:Gregarious, outgoing and eager to please. Seem never to say "no" and enjoy physical contact but are never on time for anything. Great schemers. NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS:A poly-chronic, high-context,relationship driven society.NATIONALITY: ISRAELISTEROTYPE:The Israelis are brash and rude wheeler-dealers who always seem to have something to say about just about everything.NATIONAL CULTURAL TRAITS:Poly-chronic, high-context, individualist culture that features low power-distance, i.e. society members insist on having decision.Culture shockCulture shock is the difficulty people have adjusting to a new culture that differs markedly from their own.People go through different phases in getting used to life in a new environment and culture. The process of experiencing and adapting to a new culture is acculturation. It is usually divided into four stages,namely,euphoria (excitement-the honeymoon stage),depression(crisis), adjustment(getting to know the ropes),and acceptance (recovery-getting used to it).It presents the first stage when Thomas writes the first e-mail to his girlfriend:he sees the novelty in everything.All is new and exciting.He likes whatever is happening to him and sees no future problems.In this stage.one may become comfortable with some of the more obvious differences between home culture and the new one such as music,food and clothing,and the fresh appeal of the new experience keeps him/her feeling interested and positive.The second e-mail shows us the second stage:unacceptance of the newculture-the crisis stage.The characteristics of this stage are:a.Novelty wears off.b.Things become boring.difficult and challenging.c.Feeling of depression grows.In this stage,there may be feelings of discontent,impatience,anger,sadness,and feeling incompetence,this happens when a person is trying to adapt to a new culture that is very different from the culture of origin.Transition between the old methods and those of the new country is a difficult process and takes time to complete.During the transition,there can be strong feelings of dissatisfaction to prevent one from the smooth further going of communication with the local people.The third stage is demonstrated quite clearly in Thomas's third e-mail:He began to make sense of the new culture and know not to hope for all the difficulties being smoothed in a short time.Time is sometimes a good medicine to cure the pain in the heart.In this stage,the more interaction with the local people, the more understanding of the host culture will be achieved.He may learn the systems,procedures,language,or nonverbal behaviors of the new environment so that he can cope with it on the basis of some mastery,competence,and comfort.Finally,the fourth stage,when he became more reasonable about the differences of home culture and host culture,as is revealed in the last e-mail Thomas wrote when staying in Japan.In this stage, the person realizes that the culture has good and bad things to offer,and starts to define him/herself and establish goals for living.In reality,the process may not be so simple.When one revives from the first shock,a second one may already be somewhere waiting,sometimes,even before the reviving.Or in some occasions,there would be some problems with the way one has got used to.So the fourth stage not usually means the end of a shock.The four stages go in circles.Moreover,this is also not the only way to describe cultureshock and adjustment of the shock. Other scholars draw it like this:The Adjustement Process in a New Culture P54 (图)These stages are present at different times and each person has their own way of reacting in the stages of culture shock.As a consequence.some stages will be longer and more difficult than others.Many factors,for example,the individual's state of mental health,type of personality,previous experiences,socio-economic conditions,familiarity with the language,family and/or social support systems,and level of education,etc.,contribute to the duration and effects of culture shock.Situation D:Compare the following two different promotional strategies for the same product. The Plymouth Laser and the Mitsubishi Eclipse are identical sports coupes built by Diamondstar Motors, a 50-50 partnership between Chrysler and Mitsubishi. Last year Chrysler’s 3,000 dealers sold 40,000 Lasers while Mitsubishi’s 500dealers sold 50,000 Eclipses! Here’s a case w here the products were more than just similar; they were identical. Yet, the Eclipse far outsold the Laser. Why?Situation A:The head of TCL,Li Dongsheng,once went to France for a meeting on a weekend after he had acquired the color TV business from Thompson. He was annoyed and puzzled by the finding that none of the senior French officials came to that meeting.Question:Why were there no French officials come to the meeting?Discussion:It seems that Mr.Li Dongsheng failed to understand how important weekends are for Europeans.In Europe,weekends are for rest.Nobody works on weekends.Therefore,it is quite.normal that none of the senior French officials came to meet Mr.Li on weekend for business. But the corporate culture of Chinese businessmen is that business does not recognize holidays.It is not surprised that Mr.Li felt annoyed and puzzled when he found there were nobody attending the meeting.To some extent,this story shows us different understanding of time in different cultures.1.Different cultures value time in different ways.Most western cultures value much in the future while most oriental cultures in the past. Accordingly,oriental cultures are more likely to look back in the history while western cultures prefer to look forward or future-oriented .2.In communication.mono-chronic time attaches importance to working on timetable.Everything should be well planned on schedule and to be dealt with one by one.North American,North European and German cultures are typical mono-chronic time oriented cultures.Poly-chronic time weighs the participation of each individual more important than time keeping.Latin American,Mid-eastern,African,Asian,French and Greek cultures are of typical poly-chronic time oriented cultures.3.In a lot of mono-chronic cultured countries,like the Netherlands,Scandinavia and Germany.working life and private life are kept separate and only in unusual circumstances do they expect to talk business outside working hours or in non-work environment.The effects of culture confliction are the fruits of accumulation(累积)-and sometimes they might go unnoticed as they creep in with each minor irritation(ordering the wrong meal at a restaurant because you could not read the menu),each failure of self-expression(unable to ask for directions on the street),and each business setback (another appointment canceled).The symptoms of an individual suffering from culture shock are easy to spot,when you know what you are looking for.。
Together people with different ethnic, sociodemographic and ideological backgrounds
Origins and culture
International literacy and cross-cultural understanding have become critical to a country's cultural, technological, economic, and political health. It has become essential for universities to educate, or more importantly, “transform”, to function effectively and comfortably in a world characterized by close, multi-faceted relationships and permeable borders. Students must possess a certain level of global competence to understand the world they live in and how they fit into this world. This level of global competence starts at ground level-- the university and its faculty-- with how they generate and transmit cross-cultural knowledge and information to students.
跨文化沟通中的细节行为决定差异性跨文化沟通(Cross-Cultural Communication),是指不同文化背景的人之间发生的沟通行为。
因为文化差异的存在,新进入的人群,在适应中往往还会遭遇文化冲击(Cultural Shock)。
学生指着地图说: “请看,在韩国的周围,就是这三个强国,还有日本它侵略过我们很长时间。
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跨文化沟通是指跨文化组织中拥有不同文化背景 的人们之间相互传递信息、交流知识和理解情感的过 程。
与一般意义上的沟通相比,跨文化沟通难度更 大,技巧性更强。因为,它涉及语言、习俗等 文化上的差异,沟通不当则会导致沟通无效甚 至关系恶化。
每个国家甚至每个族群 都有这自己特有的文化,有 些语言、动作、眼神、表情 等传达信息的方式在你自己 所在的区域内是代表着一种 意思但是在另外一个地方可 能就不是同一种意思。
过期药还敢卖பைடு நூலகம்?
某女士花100多元钱买了一瓶羊胎素胶囊, 王女士回家一看,瓶身上面标注的生产日期是 “06.01.09”,不由得怒从心头起。“这样的药竟 还敢往外卖。”她准备找药店找个说法。16日下 午,某女士来到买药的药店,发现整个事件原来 是个大乌龙!“这是外国的药,日期书写格式和中 国是相反的,这行生产日期的正确解读是2009年 1月6日。”药店负责人说。
日本人是用眼吃饭: 说日本人用眼吃饭,并不是贬低日本人,而是日本人长期的岛国 心态,造就了他们的饮食习惯,由于日本是一岛国,物产相对来说比 较匮乏,有的食材需要长期进口,所以他们把饮食的风格放在少而精 上,做得量很少,但是食材选择以活的海鲜为主,用的器皿也是非常 讲究,但是都突出一个小字,让人吃起来赏心悦目,但是每次的食量 都不是太大,所以我们中国人吃日本料理都说吃不饱,而日本人却养 成这样的饮食习惯,所以你在日本很少见到大腹便便的人。
中国人:最有行动力的应当属于中国人, 在焦急等待中走出车厢,自己充当交警。
1、世界观的不同 4、学习目的的不同
一、组织内部的沟通障碍 (1)员工结构的改变增加了沟通的难度 (2)组织层次和部门的冗杂,导致信息丢失 二、组织外部的沟通障碍 (1)信息多元化 (2)社会文化多元化 (3)组织外部沟通对象多元化
意大利人:不停地按喇叭, 以发泄心中的不耐烦。
荷兰人: 一般会用 力跺脚, 表示“已 缺乏耐 心”。
视会 卢 后大 森 又扮 堡 大鬼 人 笑脸 : 。, 此 互时
美国人:往往拿出一支用 以减轻堵车烦恼的玩具冲 锋枪,扣动扳机,“哒哒” 地扫射一阵,据说此举能 帮助重获“心理平衡”。
德国人:此时应属于最奇特的一种,不但不心烦, 反而感到快乐,这在世界各民族中也许是绝无仅 有的。一位德国工程师对此解释说,此时会产生 一种“共度难关”时的“同志式感觉”——大家 可以好好地一起感叹上一阵子,等道路畅通,一 种共同被“解放”的轻松感又会油然而生。 中国人:最有行动力的应当属于中国人,在焦急 等待中走出车厢,自己充当交警。
有了障碍就必须解决障碍 :
了解文化差异 认同文化差异 融合文化差异
其实,就 是不断的学 习,不断的 行走,不断 的去接触, 去看见,去 与人打交道 这样知道的 越多,遇到 的人越多, 与人相处的 方式也会学 到的越多。
树立共同价值观 推行竞争性的人力资源管理体制 严格规章制度 重视员工培训辅以娱乐交谊活动
中国人是用嘴吃饭: 说中国人真正是用嘴吃饭,有人可能会说哪个国家的人不是用嘴 吃饭,他们还用鼻子吃饭不成。其实说中国人用嘴吃饭,是说中国人 吃饭最讲究口味,酸、甜、苦、辣,什么南甜北咸、东辣西酸。中国 八大菜系,各有自己的一套烹饪方法,讲究一个风味和口感。
cross-cultural communication
小组成员: 陈莎 赖瑶 阳靓芳 魏巧明 郑天 向卫平 唐文德
作为一个有抱负有理想的大学生,具备有效沟通的 能力是很重要的,而随着全球一体化,跨文化沟通 也越来越重要也越发普遍。
要想在世界这个大舞台上获得有用信息展 现本国独特的魅力,就必须与国际接轨, 了解其它国家的文化,与其进行跨文化沟 通。
文化差异 :
cultural differences
饮食文化差异 : 美国人是用脑子吃饭: 我一天需要消耗多少大卡的 热量,我就补充多少大卡,很少讲究口 味。而且烹调的方法主要还是以油炸为主。
法国人是用心吃饭: 法国人的饮食在世界上来讲是比较讲究的,法国 大菜的制作可以说是极费心思的,有的菜从选用食材 到制作需要几天的时间,选料之讲究、做工之精细、 色彩之搭配均堪称世界之典范。