阿莫西林克拉维酸钾干混悬剂(14∶1)的含量均匀度测定和有关物质检查作者:李静玲李瑞明冯鹏胡建楣林小凤范佩冰来源:《中国医药导报》2013年第07期[摘要] 目的对阿莫西林克拉维酸钾干混悬剂(14∶1)的含量均匀度和有关物质进行了研究,用来评价和确定制剂使用中的安全性及药物本身的内在质量。
[关键词] 阿莫西林;克拉维酸钾;含量均匀度;有关物质[中图分类号] R927.11 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2013)03(a)-0123-03阿莫西林(Amoxicillin)(C16H19N3O5S)是一种最常用的青霉素类广谱β-内酰胺类抗生素,半衰期约为61.3 min。
3 、制备 工艺流程
3 . 1 将阿莫西林、阿莫西林克拉维酸钾混 粉( 2 : 1 ) , 按阿莫西林克拉维酸钾重量 比 ( 4 : 1 )计算投料量 。 3 . 2将辅料庶糖 、微晶纤维素、微粉硅胶 于9 0 ℃ 烘 干 4小 时,庶糖水分 小于 0 . 1 %, 微 晶纤维素、微粉硅胶水分均小于 2 . 0 %,并 过 5号筛备用。 3 _ 3在相对湿度小于 2 5 %, 温度 2 O 。 C以下 的条件下 ,用逐级稀 释法将 阿莫西林 、阿莫 西林 克拉维酸钾 ( 2 :1 ) 、处方量的辅料混合 试脸条件 7 5 ± 5 %R H 考察指 标 性状
1 、处方依据
参照 中国药 典 2 0 1 0版二部标准【 】 及 国家 食 品药品监 督管理局标 准 YB HO 4 4 1 2 0 0 9标准 【 本 品每包含 阿莫西林 0 . 1 2 5克,克拉维酸 0 . 0 3 1 2 5克。本 品为白色至 淡黄色颗粒或 混悬 型颗 粒或细颗 粒 ,气 芳香,味甜 。处方 中大 部分 为庶糖外 ,只加少 量的填充剂 、助流剂 和芳香矫味剂 。
医 学论 坛
阿莫西林克拉维酸钾颗粒 ( 4 :1 ) 工艺研究及稳定性考察
四川子仁制 药有 限公司 6 1 8 3 0 0
摘要 : 1 3 一内酰胺酶抑制剂能有效地抑制 1 3一 内酰胺酶 的活性 ,与 1 3一 内酰胺抗生素联合用 药可扩展抗 生素 的应用 范围。本 阿莫西林 克拉 维酸钾颗 粒 为阿莫西林 与克拉维酸钾 以 4 :1组成 的复方制剂。本 试验 研究阿莫西林 克拉维酸钾颗粒 ( 4 :1 )生产工 艺处方 ,考察温度、湿度、光线及不 同包 装 材料对本制剂 的影响。 关键 词: 1 3 一 内酰胺酶抑制 剂 1 3 一内酰胺 酶 工艺研究
阿莫西林克拉维酸钾片含量测定方法的改进作者:张静岩张炜任风芝张雪霞王海燕孟令茹来源:《河北工业科技》2018年第04期摘要:为解决实际应用中克拉维酸钾峰与后相邻杂质的分离度达不到要求的问题,建立了一种同时测定阿莫西林克拉维酸钾片中阿莫西林和克拉维酸钾含量的新方法,采用反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC), Ultimate AQ-C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),以pH值为4.4的0.05 mol/L磷酸二氢钠缓冲液为流动相,柱温为35 ℃,流速为1.0 mL/min ,检测波长为220 nm 。
结果表明:阿莫西林和克拉维酸钾两主峰与相邻杂质得到完全基线分离,分离度大于1.5;克拉维酸钾对照品溶液质量浓度为0.050 0~0.500 1 mg/mL时与峰面积的线性关系良好(r=0.999 8),平均回收率(n=9)为100.14%,RSD值为0.24%;阿莫西林对照品溶液质量浓度为0.100 0~1.000 1 mg/mL时与峰面积的线性关系良好(r=0.999 9),平均回收率(n=9)为100.45%,RSD值为017%。
关键词:色谱分析;阿莫西林;克拉维酸钾;含量测定;高效液相色谱法中图分类号:R9781+1文献标志码:Adoi: 10.7535/hbgykj.2018yx04013阿莫西林克拉维酸钾片是葛兰素史克(GSK)公司研制的由阿莫西林三水化合物和克拉維酸钾组方的复方制剂,属于国家基本药物[1-2]。
为考察药物稳定性,摸索最佳配置方法,药剂科与儿科联合,选取注射用阿莫西林克拉维酸钾(1.2g 华北制药生产批号F7025605)进行对照试验。
二、实验过程1.实验器材20ml注射器7支、避光袋1个由儿科二病区提供;1.2g 阿莫西林克拉维酸钾7瓶、0.9%氯化钠注射液100mL 5袋、5%葡萄糖注射液100ml 1袋、室内温度计1个由儿科药房提供。
表中未特别注明者,按照标准条件处理,标准条件为:在25±2℃下,向1.2g药瓶中加入20mL生理盐水溶解,并立即加入到100mL 生理盐水输液袋中。
1.高浓度组(1.2g/10ml)药液颜色变化对比组图0min 20min 60min 120min 240min 2.高温组(37℃)药液颜色变化对比组图0min 60min 120min 180min 240min四、小结1.浓度、温度、溶媒可明显影响阿莫西林克拉维酸钾药液的稳定性。
益母草是传统的缩宫调经药物, 在妇产科用药中从古到今都占有重要的位置,其在《神农本草经》《本草纲目》中均有记载。
三、如果参加研究将需要做什么?1. 在您入选研究前,您将接受以下检查以确定您是否可以参加研究:医生将询问、记录您的病史,并进行体格检查。
安徽省物价局关于阿莫西林克拉维酸钾等药品最高零售价格的通知正文:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 安徽省物价局关于阿莫西林克拉维酸钾等药品最高零售价格的通知(皖价医〔2012〕42号)各市、县物价局:根据《国家发展改革委关于印发〈药品差比价规则〉的通知》(发改价格〔2011〕2452号)有关规定,我局对药品生产经营企业2月份申报的政府定价药品最高零售价格进行了审核,现公布阿莫西林克拉维酸钾等药品最高零售价格。
本通知价格自2012年 3月 20日起执行,今后国家有新的价格政策按新政策执行。
附件:阿莫西林克拉维酸钾等药品最高零售价格表二〇一二年三月十四日附件阿莫西林克拉维酸钾等药品最高零售价格表西药部分金额单位:元序号编号药品名称剂型规格单位最高零售价备注1308006387阿莫西林克拉维酸钾片剂阿莫西林875mg/克拉维酸钾125mg×120 盒7212308006388倍氯米松粉雾剂0.2mg×60盒53.33308006389非那雄胺片剂5mg×20盒147杭州默沙东制药有限公司308006390 果糖二磷酸钠片剂250mg×48 盒62.35 308006391 坎地沙坦片剂4mg×24盒48.76 308006392 齐多夫定片剂100mg×120 瓶1797 308006393 齐多夫定片剂300mg×60 瓶8308006394沙丁胺醇粉雾剂0.4mg×60盒34.39308006395舍曲林片剂50mg×28盒15510308006396头孢氨苄异形素片500mg×36盒(瓶)35.7清远华能制药有限公司11308006397头孢羟氨苄片剂500mg×10盒(瓶)36.8清远华能制药有限公司12308006398头孢羟氨苄片剂500mg×12盒(瓶)43.9清远华能制药有限公司13308006399硝苯地平缓释片(II)20mg×48盒3714308006400乙酰半胱氨酸片剂0.6g×12盒6415308006401注射剂250ml:果糖6.25g 塑瓶45.816308006402佐匹克隆片剂7.5mg×7盒15.317308006403佐匹克隆片剂7.5mg×14盒29.8中成药部分金额单位:元序号编号药品名称剂型单位最高零售价备注1308006404复方斑蝥胶囊剂0.25g×72瓶214重庆希尔安药业有限公司2308006405复方南星止痛膏橡胶膏剂10cm×13cm×1盒8.73308006406猴头菌片剂0.25g×60瓶6.24308006407健脾丸浓缩丸3g/8丸×240瓶(盒)9.55308006408健脾益肾颗粒颗粒剂14g×20盒123重庆希尔安药业有限公司6308006409六味地黄胶囊胶囊剂0.3g×80瓶697308006410痛血康胶囊胶囊剂0.2g×24盒(瓶)60.68308006411心脉通片剂60瓶33.29308006412治伤软膏软膏剂30g支54.510308006413牛黄蛇胆川贝胶囊胶囊剂0.25g×30盒16.7——结束——。
二、阿莫西林克拉维酸钾治疗急性支气管炎的疗效1. 对比疗效研究治疗急性支气管炎的药物有多种选择,如红霉素、头孢类、大环内酯类等,而阿莫西林克拉维酸钾也是一种常用的抗生素药物。
2. 临床观察研究临床上也有一些关于阿莫西林克拉维酸钾治疗急性支气管炎的观察性研究。
3. Meta分析结果还有一些对阿莫西林克拉维酸钾治疗急性支气管炎疗效进行Meta分析的研究。
◇医院药学之窗◇摘要目的:评估集中带量采购(集采)阿莫西林与阿莫西林克拉维酸钾根除幽门螺杆菌(helico-bacter pylori ,Hp )的疗效,为临床方案选择提供依据。
方法:利用合理用药管理系统调取2021年5月至2022年5月接受Hp 根除治疗患者的数据,筛选使用阿莫西林方案(集采阿莫西林1.0g bid +枸橼酸铋钾220mg bid +艾司奥美拉唑20mg bid +克拉霉素0.5g bid ,14d )和阿莫西林克拉维酸钾方案(阿莫西林克拉维酸钾0.914g bid +枸橼酸铋钾220mg bid +艾司奥美拉唑20mg bid +克拉霉素0.5g bid ,14d )患者的数据,对两方案的疗效进行比较探讨。
两组患者基线资料差异无显著性(P >0.05)。
两组临床疗效存在统计学差异(P <0.05)。
阿莫西林方案成本效果比值(C/E )低于阿莫西林克拉维酸钾方案。
结论:集采阿莫西林方案根除Hp 感染临床疗效优于阿莫西林克拉维酸方案,值得临床推广。
关键词幽门螺杆菌;集中带量采购;阿莫西林;阿莫西林克拉维酸钾中图分类号:R969文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-2501(2023)09-1061-06doi :10.12092/j.issn.1009-2501.2023.09.013幽门螺杆菌(helicobacter pylori ,Hp )感染与消化性溃疡、胃黏膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤、胃增生性息肉、早期胃癌、胃炎、不明原因缺铁性贫血、原发免疫性血小板减少、维生素B12缺乏症等多种疾病的发生发展密切相关,对人类健康构成严重的威胁。
1994年WHO 下属国际癌症研究机构将Hp 定义为I 类致癌原,2022年美国卫生和公共服务部将Hp 列为明确致癌物[1]。
【关键词】阿莫西林克拉维酸钾、急性支气管炎、疗效评价、临床试验、副作用、安全性、有效性、研究方向、药物治疗1. 引言1.1 背景介绍急性支气管炎是一种常见的呼吸道感染病,常见于冬春季节。
1.2 研究目的研究目的:本研究旨在评价阿莫西林克拉维酸钾在治疗急性支气管炎中的疗效,探讨其对疾病症状的改善情况,分析其对症状缓解的速度及持续时间。
2. 正文2.1 临床试验设计临床试验设计是本研究的重要部分,其设计合理性直接影响到研究结果的可靠性和科学性。
标签:阿莫西林;克拉维酸钾;含量均匀度;有关物质阿莫西林(Amoxicillin)(C16H19N3O5S)是一种最常用的青霉素类广谱β-内酰胺类抗生素,半衰期约为61.3 min。
工艺规程目录产品概述 (3)生产工艺流程 (4)处方和依据 (5)工艺过程及条件 (5)设备一览表及主要设备生产能力 (11)技术安全、工艺卫生及劳动保护 (12)技术经济指标的计算及控制 (13)包装要求及标签、说明书的贮存方法 (14)人员要求 (14)劳动组织定员与批工时消耗 (14)原辅料规格、质量标准和检查方法 (14)半成品质量标准和检查方法 (20)成品质量标准和检查方法 (20)包装材料,包装规格和质量标准 (21)半成品控制和检查方法 (23)原辅材料、包装、消耗定额 (23)附录(常用计量单位制) (24)4.规程:4.1.产品概述:4.1.1.药品名称:品名:阿莫西林克拉维酸钾(7:1)分散片商品名:盛西凯汉语拼音:Amoxilin Kelaweisuanjia FensanPian英文名:Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium DispersibleTablets4.1.2.类别:本品为抗菌素类药。
对于单药治疗无效但没有最终入选的受试者,研究者应给予其他有效的 的治疗措施。
研究全程分为5个阶段: ① 筛选期间(-3天) ② 基线期(第0天) ③ 用药治疗期间(治疗第4天) ④ 治疗结束后(治疗结束后第1天) ⑤ 末次随访(治疗结束后第7天)
采用已上市不同配比的注射用阿 莫西林钠克拉维酸钾5:1为对照药,对 苏州二叶制药有限公司开发的注射用阿 莫西林钠克拉维酸钾10:1进行临床研究, 客观评价其抗菌活性的临床疗效及安全 性,为注册提供临床依据。
随机 双盲 阳性药平行对照 多中心临床研究 非劣效性设计
尿常规 临床评价 细菌学检查 不良事件 伴随的合并用药及治疗 脱落(退出)标准判断
试验பைடு நூலகம்程
五、末次访视(治疗结束后第7天),需进行: 体格检查 临床评价 细菌学检查(必要时才做) 伴随的合并用药及治疗
观察, 已 进行“筛选期间(-3天)”阶段患者对注明*项 目不需观察。
体格检查 血常规 尿常规 临床评价 不良事件 伴随的合并用药及治疗 脱落(退出)标准判断
体格检查 心电图 胸部X片 血常规 肝功能 肾功能 凝血功能
注射用阿莫西林钠克拉维酸钾10:1 临床研究
研发背景 注射用阿莫西林钠克拉维酸钾10:1,是阿莫西林钠与β-内酰
胺酶抑制剂克拉维酸钾按10:1配比组成的复方制剂,由葛兰素史克 公司(GSK)研制开发,该品已在瑞士、德国等国家上市,但国内尚 未上市。 药物信息
神经系统损害:头晕、头痛、眩晕、失眠、激动、焦虑、烦—1 —躁、行为改变、意识混乱、惊厥。
药学研究资料综述一、药品名称:通用名:阿莫西林克拉维酸钾(4:1)干混悬剂英文名:Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium for Suspension汉语拼音: Amoxilin Kelaweisuanjia Ganhunxuanji本品为复方制剂,其组分为阿莫西林和克拉维酸钾,两者之比为4:1。
规格:156.25mg(阿莫西林125mg与克拉维酸31.25mg)二、处方工艺:根据《中国药典》2000年版二部及国家药品标准新药转正标准第32册152页“阿莫西林克拉维酸钾(4:1)干混悬剂”项下[WS1-(X-017)-2003Z],本品为阿莫西林钠克拉维酸钾(4:1)均匀混合制成的干混悬剂:1、处方:阿莫西林克拉维酸钾(4:1) 156.25g(阿莫西林125 g与克拉维酸31.25g)微粉硅胶 300g羧甲淀粉钠 100g微晶纤维素 62.5g草莓香精 20g干燥蔗糖粉加至2000 g制成 1000包2、详细制备工艺(1)蔗糖于65℃烘干,备用。
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PUBLIC ASSESSMENT REPORTof the Medicines Evaluation Boardin the NetherlandsAmoxicilline/Clavulaanzuur Pfizer 500/125 and 875 mg/125 mgfilm-coated tabletsPfizer B.V., the Netherlandsamoxicillin (as trihydrate potassium clavulanate)This assessment report is published by the MEB pursuant Article 21 (3) and (4) of Directive 2001/83/EC. The report comments on the registration dossier that was submitted to the MEB and its fellow –organisations in all concerned EU member states.It reflects the scientific conclusion reached by the MEB and all concerned member states at the end of the evaluation process and provides a summary of the grounds for approval of a marketing authorisation.This report is intended for all those involved with the safe and proper use of the medicinal product, i.e. healthcare professionals, patients and their family and carers. Some knowledge of medicines and diseases is expected of the latter category as the language in this report may be difficult for laymen to understand.This assessment report shall be updated by a following addendum whenever new information becomes available. General information on the Public Assessment Reports can be found on the website of the MEB.To the best of the MEB’s knowledge, this report does not contain any information that should not have been made available to the public. The MAH has checked this report for the absence of any confidential information.EU-procedure number: NL/H/2241/001- 002/MRRegistration number in the Netherlands: RVG 107460-1Date of first publication: 29 August 2011Last revision: 21 March 2012Pharmacotherapeutic group: combinations of penicillins, incl. beta-lactamase inhibitorsJ01CR02code:ATCRoute of administration: oralTherapeutic indication: acute bacterial sinusitis (adequately diagnosed); acute otitismedia; acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis (adequatelydiagnosed); community acquired pneumonia; cystitispyelonephritis; skin and soft tissue infections in particularcellulitis, animal bites, severe dental abscess with spreadingcellulitis; bone and joint infections, in particular osteomyelitis. Prescription status: prescription onlyDate of first authorisation in NL: 28 September 2010Concerned Member States: Mutual recognition procedure with AT, BE, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,EL, ES, FI, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, MT (not for 875 mg/125 mgstrength), NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, and UKApplication type/legal basis: Directive 2001/83/EC, Article 10(1).For product information for healthcare professionals and users, including information on pack sizes and presentations, see Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC), package leaflet and labelling.I INTRODUCTIONBased on the review of the quality, safety and efficacy data, the member states have granted a marketing authorisation for Amoxicilline/Clavulaanzuur Pfizer 500/125 and 875 mg/125 mg film-coated tablets from Pfizer B.V. The date of authorisation was on 28 September 2010 in the Netherlands. The product is indicated for the treatment of the following infections in adults and children :∙Acute bacterial sinusitis (adequately diagnosed)∙Acute otitis media∙Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis (adequately diagnosed)∙Community acquired pneumonia∙ Cystitis∙ Pyelonephritis∙Skin and soft tissue infections in particular cellulitis, animal bites, severe dental abscess with spreading cellulitis.∙Bone and joint infections, in particular osteomyelitis.Consideration should be given to official guidance on the appropriate use of antibacterial agents.A comprehensive description of the indications and posology is given in the SPC.AmoxicillinAmoxicillin is a semisynthetic penicillin (beta-lactam antibiotic) that inhibits one or more enzymes (often referred to as penicillin-binding proteins, PBPs) in the biosynthetic pathway of bacterial peptidoglycan, which is an integral structural component of the bacterial cell wall. Inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis leads to weakening of the cell wall, which is usually followed by cell lysis and death.Amoxicillin is susceptible to degradation by beta-lactamases produced by resistant bacteria and therefore the spectrum of activity of amoxicillin alone does not include organisms which produce these enzymes. Clavulanic acidClavulanic acid is a beta-lactam structurally related to penicillins. It inactivates some beta-lactamase enzymes thereby preventing inactivation of amoxicillin. Clavulanic acid alone does not exert a clinically useful antibacterial effect.This mutual recognition procedure concerns a generic application claiming essential similarity with the innovator products Augmentin 500/125 mg and 875/125 mg filmcoated tablets (NL license RVG 09840 and 18553, respectively) which have been registered in the Netherlands by GlaxoSmithKline BV since 1983 (500 mg/ 125 mg) and 1996 (875 mg/ 125 mg).In addition, reference is made to Augmentin authorisations in the individual member states (reference product).The marketing authorisation is granted based on article 10(1) of Directive 2001/83/EC.This type of application refers to information that is contained in the pharmacological-toxicological and clinical part of the dossier of the authorisation of the reference product. A reference product is a medicinal product authorised and marketed on the basis of a full dossier, i.e. including chemical, biological, pharmaceutical, pharmacological-toxicological and clinical data. This information is not fully available in the public domain. Authorisations for generic products are therefore linked to the ‘original’ authorised medicinal product, which is legally allowed once the data protection time of the dossier of the reference product has expired. For this kind of application, it has to be demonstrated that the pharmacokinetic profile of the product is similar to the pharmacokinetic profile of the reference product. To this end the MAH has submitted two bioequivalence study in which the pharmacokinetic profile of the product is compared with the pharmacokinetic profile of the reference products Augmentin 500 mg/ 125 mg and 875 mg/ 125 mg tablets, registered in the UK and Germany, respectively. A bioequivalence study is the widely accepted means of demonstrating that difference of use of different excipients and different methods of manufacture have no influence on efficacy and safety. This generic product can be used instead of its reference product.No new pre-clinical and clinical studies were conducted, which is acceptable for this abridged application. No scientific advice has been given to the MAH with respect to these products, and no paediatric development programme has been submitted, as this is not required for generic medicinal products.II SCIENTIFIC OVERVIEW AND DISCUSSIONII.1 Quality aspectsCompliance with Good Manufacturing PracticeThe MEB has been assured that acceptable standards of GMP (see Directive 2003/94/EC) are in place for this product type at all sites responsible for the manufacturing of the active substance as well as for the manufacturing and assembly of this product prior to granting its national authorisation.Active substancesAmoxicillin trihydrate is an established active substance which is described in the Ph.Eur.*. Amoxicillin trihydrate is a white or almost white crystalline powder.Potassium clavulanate is an established active substance which is described in the Ph.Eur.*. Potassium clavulanate is a white or almost white hydroscopic crystalline powder.The CEP procedure is used for both active substances. Under the official Certification Procedures of the EDQM of the Council of Europe, manufacturers or suppliers of substances for pharmaceutical use can apply for a certificate of suitablity concerning the control of the chemical purity and microbiological quality of their substance according to the corresponding specific monograph, or the evaluation of reduction of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) risk, according to the new general monograph, or both. This procedure is meant to ensure that the quality of substances is guaranteed and that these substances comply with the European Pharmacopoeia, the official handbook in which methods of analysis with specifications for substances are laid down by the authorities of the EU.ManufactureFor both substances this is covered by the CEP.Quality control of drug substancesFor both amoxicillin trihydrate and potassium clavulanate, Ph. Eur. specifications plus additional requirements from the involved CEPs are applicable.Stability of drug substancesAmoxicillin trihydrate: on the CEP a re-test period of 2 years is stated when adequately stored.Potassium clavulanate: on the CEP a re-test period of 48 months is stated when adequately stored. Assessment thereof was part of granting the CEP and has been granted by the EDQM.* Ph.Eur.is an official handbook (pharmacopoeia) in which methods of analysis with specifications for substances are laid down by the authorities of the EU.Medicinal ProductCompositionAmoxicillin/Clavulanic acid Pfizer 500mg/125mg tablets are white, oval, film-coated tablets inscribed with ‘A’ on one side and ‘64’ on the other side.Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid Pfizer 875mg/125mg tablets are white, capsule shaped, film-coated tablets inscribed with ‘A’ on one side and with a score line in between ‘6’ and ‘5’ on the other side. The score-line is only to facilitate breaking for ease of swallowing and not to divide into equal doses.Both strengths are immediate-release tablets. The tablets can be distinguished by their dimensions.The excipients are:Tablet core: microcrystalline cellulose (E460), colloidal anhydrous silica, magnesium stearate (E470b), sodium starch glycolate (Type A)Film-coating: hypromellose (E464), macrogol 400, titanium dioxide (E171)The film-coated tablets are packed in Alu/Alu (polyamide/aluminium/PVC - aluminium foil) blister packs in a cardboard box.The excipients and packaging are usual for this type of dosage form.Pharmaceutical developmentThe development is mainly based on the qualitative composition of the originator product Augmentan tablets for both strengths (from GlaxoSmithKline, Germany). In the development the requirements of the monograph Co-Amoxiclav Tablets BP (British Pharmacopoeia) have been used as a guiding principle. The MAH concluded that the two originator strengths are not dose weight proportional, therefore this was also not intended for the proposed product. In the bioequivalence study, the batch size of the test bio-batch is of pilot-scale, the mentioned future manufacturing scale size is acceptable. The DE 875+125 mg reference product is acceptable in view of the composition of the NL originator product.Dissolution studiesComparing dissolution studies are performed for two batches of both strengths of the proposed product, including the 875+125 mg test bio-batch, using the DE reference bio-batch (875+125 mg) and UK originator bio-batch (500+125 mg). The proposed product shows slightly faster dissolution results in the 0-20 minutes traject in comparison with the originator products, this is not a problem.Manufacturing processThe manufacturing process has been adequately described in sufficient detail, and adequate in-process controls have been listed. Pilot-scale batches have been validated, 2 batches per strength, and including the 875+125 mg test bio-batch. The finished product manufacturer commits in the dossier to validate a third batch (first commercial batch) at pilot-scale and the first three commercial batches at two specific scale sizes for the two strengths, respectively. This is acceptable.Quality control of drug productAdequate specifications are proposed for the drug product including the Ph. Eur. test on uniformity of dosage units. For two pilot-scale batches of each strength batch results have been provided. It is committed (see above) by the company to validate a third batch (first commercial batch) at pilot-scale and the first three commercial batches for the three strengths, which will render additional batch results. Stability tests on the finished productThe stability results show that the proposed tablets are sufficiently stable. For both components slight to moderate assay decreases are observed, but are within the set requirements. Total impurities increase after 12 months at 30°C/70% RH, but remain within limits. Based on the stability data the claimed shelf-life of 2 years for both strengths without specific storage condition is justified.Specific measures concerning the prevention of the transmission of animal spongiform encephalopathies There are no substances of ruminant animal origin present in the product nor have any been used in the manufacturing of this product, so a theoretical risk of transmitting TSE can be excluded.II.2 Non clinical aspectsThis product is a generic formulation of Augmentin, which is available on the European market. No new preclinical data have been submitted, and therefore the application has not undergone preclinical assessment. This is acceptable for this type of application.Environmental risk assessmentThe product is intended as a substitute for other identical products on the market. The approval of this product will not result in an increase in the total quantity of amoxicillin trihydrate or potassium clavulanate released into the environment. It does not contain any component, which results in an additional hazard to the environment during storage, distribution, use and disposal.II.3 Clinical aspectsAmoxicillin trihydrate and potassium clavulanate are well-known active substance with established efficacy and tolerability.For this generic application, the MAH has submitted two bioequivalence studies in which the pharmacokinetic profile of the test products Amoxicilline/Clavulaanzuur Pfizer 500/125 and 875 mg/125 mg film-coated tablets Pfizer B.V., the Netherlands) is compared with the pharmacokinetic profile of the reference products Augmentin 500/125 mg (GSK, UK) and 875/125 mg (GSK, Germany) film-coated tablets.The choice of the reference productThe choice of the reference product in the bioequivalence study has been justified by comparison of dissolution results and compositions of reference products (if applicable) in different member states.The formula and preparation of the bioequivalence batch is identical to the formula proposed for marketing.The SPC states that the tablet should be taken with food to prevent gastro-intestinal AEs. There is no pharmacokinetic reason for intake with food. Therefore the study design (fed conditions) is considered acceptable.Bioequivalence study with 875/125 mg tablets under fed conditionsAn open-label, randomized, two-treatment, two sequence , two period, cross-over single-dose comparative oral bioequivalence study was carried out under fed conditions in 48 healthy Indian males, aged 19-40 years. Each subject received a single dose (875 mg amoxicillin trihydrate, 125 mg potassium clavulanate) of one of the 2 formulations in randomized order. Drugs were administered 30 minutes after a high fat meal of 955 KCal (approximately 60% of total calories consisted of fat). Tablets were taken with 240 ml of water. There was a washout interval of 8 days between the 2 dose administrations.Blood samples were collected pre-dose and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.33, 1.67, 2, 2.33, 2.67, 3, 4, 5, 6 ,7, 8,10, and 12 hours after administration of the products.The analytical method is adequately validated and considered acceptable for analysis of the plasma samples. The methods used in this study for the pharmacokinetic calculations and statistical evaluation are considered acceptable.ResultsOne subject was dismissed for non-compliance (positive benzodiazepine test). Three subjects did not show up for Period II. Analysis of samples of 46 subjects who completed the study was performed. However the results of analysis for amoxicillin samples of subjects 1, 2, 38, 39 and 49 and those for clavulanic acid of subjects 1, 2 and 39 have not been reported. When these samples came up for analysis, they had already completed 3 freeze-thaw cycles. Stability of analyte beyond 3 freeze thaw samples could not be established during analytical method validation. Therefore, data from only 41 subjects for amoxicillin and 43 for clavulanic acid were reported.Table 1. Pharmacokinetic parameters (non-transformed values; arithmetic mean ± SD, t max (median, range)) of amoxicillin under fed conditions.Treatment N = 41 AUC0-tµg.h/mlAUC0-∞µg.h/mlC maxµg/mlt maxht1/2hTest 50.7 ± 8.9 51.4 ± 9.0 15.7 ± 3.5 2.3(1 - 5)1.5 ± 0.3Reference 48.8 ± 8.6 49.4 ± 8.5 15.3 ± 3.4 2.3(1.3 - 5)1.5 ± 0.3*Ratio (90% CI)1.03(1.00 -1.07)1.03(1.00 -1.07)1.02(0.97 – 1.08)--- ---CV (%) 8.3 8.2 15.1 --- --- AUC0-∞area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to infinityAUC0-t area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to t hoursC max maximum plasma concentrationt max time for maximum concentrationt1/2half-life*ln-transformed valuesTable 2. Pharmacokinetic parameters (non-transformed values; arithmetic mean ± SD, t max (median, range)) of clavulanic acid under fed conditions.Treatment N = 43 AUC0-tµg.h/mlAUC0-∞µg.h/mlC maxµg/mlt maxht1/2hTest 4.0 ± 2.3 4.6 ± 2.5 1.9 ± 1.1 2.3(1.3 - 5)1.0 ± 0.2Reference 3.7 ± 1.6 4.3 ± 1.7 1.7 ± 0.8 2(1.3 - 3)1.0 ± 0.2*Ratio (90% CI)1.01(0.91 -1.13)1.01(0.88 - 1.15)1.04(0.92 -1.16)--- ---CV (%) 30.9 30.4 32.4 --- --- AUC0-∞area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to infinityAUC0-t area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to t hoursC max maximum plasma concentrationt max time for maximum concentrationt1/2half-life*ln-transformed valuesThe 90% confidence intervals calculated for AUC0-t, AUC0-∞and C max are in agreement with those calculated by the MAH and are within the bioequivalence acceptance range of 0.80 – 1.25. Based on the pharmacokinetic parameters of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid under fed conditions, it can be concludedthat Amoxicilline/Clavulaanzuur Pfizer 875 mg/125 mg film-coated tablets and the Augmentin 875/125 mgfilm-coated tablets. are bioequivalent with respect to rate and extent of absorption, and fulfill the bioequivalence requirements outlined in the relevant CHMP Note for Guidance.Bioequivalence study with 500/125 mg tablets under fasted conditionsAn open label, randomized, two-treatment, two-sequence, two-period, crossover, single dose comparativeoral bioequivalence study was carried out under fed conditions in 50 (48+2 alternates) healthy male volunteers, aged 18-39 years. 42 of them were non smokers, and 8 subjects smoked 9 or less than 9cigarettes a day. Each subject received a single dose (500 mg amoxicillin trihydrate, 125 mg potassium clavulanate) of one of the 2 formulations in randomized order after. Tablets were taken with 240 ml of water after an overnight fast. There was a washout interval of 3 days between the 2 dose administrations. Blood samples were collected pre-dose and at 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12 hours after administration of the products.The analytical method is adequately validated and considered acceptable for analysis of the plasma samples. The methods used in this study for the pharmacokinetic calculations and statistical evaluation are considered acceptable.The SPC states that the tablet should be taken with food to prevent gastro-intestinal AEs. There is no pharmacokinetic reason for intake with food. Therefore the study design (fasted conditions) is considered acceptable.ResultsOne subject was withdrawn from study due to adverse events (fever) in the second period. Forty-nine subjects completed the study entirely, and as per protocol the first 48 subject were included in the analysis.Table 3. Pharmacokinetic parameters (non-transformed values; arithmetic mean ± SD, t max (median, range)) of amoxicillin under fasted conditions.Treatment N = 48 AUC0-tµg.h/mlAUC0-∞µg.h/mlC maxµg/mlt maxht1/2hTest 24.80 ± 5.36 25.37 ± 5.43 8.21 ± 2.29 2.0 (0.75 – 4.0) 1.16 ± 0.19 Reference 26.44 ± 6.04 26.92 ± 6.06 8.78 ± 2.68 2.0 (1.0 – 5.0) 1.15 ± 0.18*Ratio (90% CI)0.95(0.92 – 0.98)0.94(0.92 – 0.97)0.94(0.90 – 0.99)--- ---CV (%) 8.1 7.9 14.9 --- --- AUC0-∞area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to infinityAUC0-t area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to t hoursC max maximum plasma concentrationt max time for maximum concentrationt1/2half-life*ln-transformed valuesTable 4. Pharmacokinetic parameters (non-transformed values; arithmetic mean ± SD, t max (median, range)) of clavulananic acid under fasted conditions.Treatment N = 48 AUC0-tµg.h/mlAUC0-∞µg.h/mlC maxµg/mlt maxht1/2hTest 6.40 ± 2.52 6.62 ± 2.52 2.63 ± 0.98 1.25 (0.75 –3.0)1.10 ± 0.15 Reference 6.72 ±2.41 6.96 ± 2.41 2.71 ± 0.96 1.5 (1.0 –3.0) 1.13 ± 0.19*Ratio (90% CI)0.93(0.87 – 1.01)0.93(0.87 – 1.00)0.96(0.89 – 1.03)--- ---CV (%) 22.1 20.8 22.8 --- --- AUC0-∞area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to infinityAUC0-t area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to t hoursC max maximum plasma concentrationt max time for maximum concentrationt1/2half-life*ln-transformed valuesThe 90% confidence intervals calculated for AUC0-t, AUC0-∞and C max are in agreement with those calculated by the MAH and are within the bioequivalence acceptance range of 0.80 – 1.25. Based on the pharmacokinetic parameters of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid under fasted conditions, it can be concluded that Amoxicilline/Clavulaanzuur Pfizer 500 mg/125 mg film-coated tablets and the Augmentin500/125 mg film-coated tablets. are bioequivalent with respect to rate and extent of absorption, and fulfillthe bioequivalence requirements outlined in the relevant CHMP Note for Guidance.The MEB has been assured that the bioequivalence study has been conducted in accordance with acceptable standards of Good Clinical Practice (GCP, see Directive 2005/28/EC) and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP, see Directives 2004/9/EC and 2004/10/EC).Risk management planThe combination of amoxicillin trihydrate and potassium clavulanate was first approved in 1983, and thereis now more than 10 years post-authorisation experience with the active substance. The safety profile of amoxicillin trihydrate and potassium clavulanate can be considered to be well established and no product specific pharmacovigilance issues were identified pre- or postauthorisation which are not adequately covered by the current SPC. Additional risk minimisation activities have not been identified for the reference medicinal product. The MAH has a pharmacovigilance system at their disposal, which is basedon the current European legislation. Routine pharmacovigilance activities are sufficient to identify actual or potential risks and a detailed European Risk Management Plan is not necessary for this product.Product informationSPCThe SPC of Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid Pfizer is compared with the Dutch approved SPC of Augmentin, filmcoated tablets 500/125 mg and 875/125 mg. This text results from the article 30 procedure, which is published on the website of the EU Commission in October 2009.Readability testThe package leaflet has been evaluated via a user consultation study in accordance with the requirementsof Articles 59(3) and 61(1) of Directive 2001/83/EC. Testing was performed with in total 20 participants. This cohort of 20 participants was recruited in the Geleen area, NL in the period October 2007. The way of recruitment and individual demographic and sociologic details were provided in the final report.A total of fifteen questions have been evaluated with regard to the use of finding, ease of understanding and subjective impression of the PIL by the participants. The responses were recorded satisfactory.The user test showed that the leaflet enabled more than of the 90% of participants to find the information and more than 90% of those understood the information good or in detail. The overall impression of the methodology and the overall impression of the leaflet structure are positive.III OVERALL CONCLUSION AND BENEFIT-RISK ASSESSMENTAmoxicilline/Clavulaanzuur Pfizer 500/125 and 875 mg/125 mg film-coated tablets have a proven chemical-pharmaceutical quality and are generic forms of Augmentin 500/125 mg and 875/125 mg filmcoated tablets. Augmentin is a well-known medicinal product with an established favourable efficacy and safety profile.Bioequivalence has been shown to be in compliance with the requirements of European guidance documents.The MAH has provided written confirmation that systems and services are in place to ensure compliance with their pharmacovigilance obligations.The SPC, package leaflet and labelling are in the agreed templates.The Board followed the advice of the assessors. Amoxicilline/Clavulaanzuur Pfizer 500/125 and 875 mg/125 mg film-coated tablets are authorised in the Netherlands on 28 September 2010.There was no discussion in the CMD(h). Agreement between member states was reached during a written procedure. The concerned member states, on the basis of the data submitted, considered that essential similarity has been demonstrated for Amoxicilline/Clavulaanzuur Pfizer 500/125 and 875 mg/125 mg film-coated tablets with the reference product, and have therefore granted a marketing authorisation. The mutual recognition procedure was finished on 24 May 2011.The PSUR submission cycle will follow the Harmonized Birth Date Amoxicillin/Clavulanic Acid. The EU harmonised birth date for Amoxicillin and clavulanate is 7 March 1972. The next Data Lock Point will be 31 March 2012, the company commits to submit PSUR in May 2012 to harmonise with the birthdate of Amoxicillin and clavulanate.The date for the first renewal will be November 2012.The following post-approval commitments have been made during the procedure:Quality - medicinal product- The MAH has committed to validate a third batch (first commercial batch) at pilot-scale and the first three commercial batches for the three strengths, which will render additional batch results.List of abbreviationsASMF Active Substance Master FileATC Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classificationAUC Area Under the CurvePharmacopoeiaBritishBPCEP Certificate of Suitability to the monographs of the European Pharmacopoeia CHMP Committee for Medicinal Products for Human UseCI ConfidenceIntervalC max MaximumconcentrationplasmaCMD(h) Coordination group for Mutual recognition and Decentralised procedure for human medicinal productsVariationofCoefficientCVFileMasterDrugEDMFEuropeanEDQM European Directorate for the Quality of MedicinesUnionEUEuropeanPracticeClinicalGoodGCPLaboratoryPracticeGoodGLPPracticeManufacturingGMPGoodICH International Conference of HarmonisationHolderAuthorisationMarketingMAHMEB Medicines Evaluation Board in the NetherlandsOTC Over The Counter (to be supplied without prescription)ReportAssessmentPARPublicPharmacopoeiaPh.Eur.EuropeanLeafletPackagePILPSUR Periodic Safety Update ReportStandardDeviationSDSPC Summary of Product Characteristicst½ Half-lifet max Time for maximum concentrationEncephalopathySpongiformTSETransmissibleUSP Pharmacopoeia in the United States。