一个购物狂的自白 中英对白稿

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Come on. Let's go give Mrs. Great Outdoors her tent.|别这样让我们把帐篷给Great太太吧She's not retiring.|她不是退休

- What? - She's abandoning a sinking ship.|- 什么? - 她是离弃一艘沉船

That little rat! The magazine's folding and she knew!|那个卑鄙小人! 杂志社要倒闭了她知道的!

She knew and she didn't tell anybody.|她知道但是她不告诉我们

Well, on the bright side, you hated working for that magazine.|嗯从好的方面来看你讨厌在那工作呀

It was my income, Suze. I need my income!|那是我的收入来源Suze 我需要收入!

OK, Bex, the most important thing is not to panic.|好吧Bex 最重要的是别惊慌

- Don't answer the phone! - No!|- 别接电话! - 不!

- It might be a debt collector! - Hello?|- 也许是债务人! - 你好?

- It's Derek Smeath. - The list. Get the list!|- 是Derek Smeath - 列表把列表拿来!

- I think I saw it over here. - Take the lamp!|- 我想我看到它在那里- 拿着这台灯

- It's here! - Bloomingdale's...|- 在这里! - BIoomingdaIe's连锁店...

- Hospital for depression. - Detained in Finland on work.|- 去医院治疗抑郁- 因工作滞留在芬兰

Visa, dead dog.|Visa那废物

All City Debt Collection. You have to do it.|城市债务追讨公司你来说

- Hello! Hi! - Ms. Bloomwood?|- 你好! 嗨! - Bloodwood小姐?

- Hello. - I'm sorry. It's actually not.|- 你好- 很抱歉我不是她

She's still recovering from... You know... OK.|她还在恢复...你知道...好吧

I'll have her call you as soon as...|我会让她尽快打给你

- Yes? - As soon as she's come back|- 对- 只要她一回来

- from... From... - Finland! Finland!|- 从...从... - 芬兰!芬兰!

- Clearly she's not too... - Aah!|- 显然她还没有... - 呃!

Why do so many of your excuses involve Finland?|怎么你那么多借口都和芬兰有关?

'Cause no one checks up on Finland, Tarkie.|因为没有人会去芬兰查Tarkie

How am I going to pay you the rent now?|现在我怎么付你房租呢?

Well, I'm ripping up your rent check!|嗯我马上把你的房租支票撕掉!

No, Suze, you can't do it again.|不Suze 你不能再这么做了

It's my apartment, well, my parent's apartment,|这是我的公寓嗯其实是我父母的

- but it's my rules. - I'm gonna buy you the biggest present.|- 但是规矩是我定的- 我要给你买一份最大的礼物

I am! I know where I'm going to go. There's a sale at Macy's!|是的!我知道去哪儿最好梅西百货正在大减价!


I'll be at my place.|我会在我家里的

Thanks, baby. Bex, I'll get the tequila, you get the bills.|谢谢你宝贝Bex 我去拿龙舌兰酒你去拿账单

I'll do this. It can't be that bad.|我来吧不会那么糟的

It's just like a Band-Aid. It's gonna be fine.|这就像是撕创可贴会没事的

Bex! Two hundred dollars on Marc Jacobs underwear?|!你在Marc Jacobs花了2百美元买内衣?

Oh, underwear is a basic human right.|噢内衣是基本人权呀

Seventy-eight dollars on lavender honey!|薰衣草蜜花了78元!

I felt sorry for the shop assistant. She had a lazy eye.|我替商店助理感到抱歉她眼神太懒散了I didn't know which way she was looking. It was so sad.|我不知道她在看哪个方向太糟糕了

I can't even talk about this one.|这个我都不想开口了

A foot spa? What were you doing at a foot spa?|脚部水疗?你去哪里干嘛?

Let's take a break.|我们休息一下吧

They said I was a valued customer.|他们说我是非常重要的客人

Now they send me hate mail.|现在他们给我寄威胁信了


Oh, God...|噢天呀...

How are you going to pay off sixteen thousand twelve hundred|你怎么能还得了16262.70元? and 62 dollars and 70 cents with no job?|而且你连工作都没有了?

I could win the lottery.|我可以中彩票

Maybe you should have a backup plan.|也许你该有个B计划

Oh! Backup plan, I got it, I got it. Backup plan.|噢! B计划我想到了我想到了B计划

OK. When Tarkie thought of his dream job,|好吧当Tarkie想到他梦想的工作

he, um, wrote this proposal just about him, you know,|他会写个自己的计划你知道吧

what he's made of and that's what you can do.|写写他真实的自我你也可以啊

You can write a fashion piece and send it to Alette.|你可以写篇时尚文稿寄到

Like, "Hey, Alette, look what I can do!"|就像说"嘿看看我能做什么!"

You just gotta figure out what to write about.|你只需要想想写点什么

"Consider your shoe an investment.|"把你的鞋子当作是一项投资

Everything is resting upon it.|一切都取决于它

The most important point is that every shoe|最重要的是每一双鞋子

should earn its place in your..."|都应该赢得你的..."

Bex, this is so funny. You're so smart.|Bex 这太有趣了你太聪明了

- You're the best writer ever! - Do you like it?|- 你是史上最好的作者! - 你喜欢吗?

- You're fabulous! - Wait! Another one.|- 你太难以置信了! - 等一下!再写一封

To that guy at that savings thingy magazine who didn't hire me.|给那个不请我的男人

"Dear Uptight Editor...|"亲爱的拮据编辑...

- You can stick your job up your ass." - Man on a bike!|- 那份工作你留着放屁吧" - 骑单车的男人!


"Here's $20. Buy yourself some decent clothes."|"这里有20元给自己买点得体的衣服吧"

I'm back!|我回来了!

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.|噢天呀噢天呀

This is for Alette magazine.|这是给杂志的

Please, please. Kiss it for good luck.|拜托了拜托了亲吻它祈求好运

- Mwah! - And this one...|- 还有这个...

...is for Mr. Successful Saving.|...是给成功理财先生的

Bleah... Money, money, money.|恶...钱钱钱

I better get the job, I've got no money.|我最好得到那份工作我没有钱了

I've got no money.|我没有钱了
