日本FIGARO氧气传感器KE-12 KE-25 KE-50气体检测仪 气体泄漏报警器


tgs2602.pdf tgs2000 系列传感器产品介绍,空气污染、臭味检测用说明书

tgs2602.pdf tgs2000 系列传感器产品介绍,空气污染、臭味检测用说明书

TGS2602 空气污染、臭味检测用特点: 应用:・低功耗 ・空气清新机、换气扇控制 ・对VOC 、氨气、硫化氢有高灵敏度 ・脱臭器控制・长寿命、低成本 ・室内空气监视器・可利用简单电路下图是典型的香烟烟雾灵感度特性。


这里的纵轴也用传感器电阻比Rs/Rs(Air)来表示, 这里的Rs 、Rs(Air)定义如下: Rs =香烟的烟雾存在时的传感器电阻值 Rs(Air) =清洁大气中的传感器电阻值 香烟灵敏度特性:敏感素子由集成的加热器以及在氧化铝基板上形成的金属氧化物半导体构成。



TGS2602不仅对香烟的烟雾或烹调臭味有很高的灵敏度,而且对硫化氢、VOC 、氨气有高灵敏度。



(请看背面) 纵轴以传感器电阻比Rs/Rs(Air)表示,Rs 、Rs(Air)的定义如下: Rs =各种浓度气体中的传感器电阻值Rs(Air)=清洁大气中的传感器电阻值灵敏度特性:规格: 结构及尺寸:型 号 TGS2602素子类型 26系列 标准封装 金属 对象气体氢气、酒精等检测范围 1 ~10 ppm标准回路加热器电压 VH 5.0±0.2V DC/AC 回路电压 VC 5.0±0.2V DC Ps 15mW ≦ 负载电阻 RL 可变Ps 15mW ≦标准试验加热器电阻 RH59 Ω(室温)加热器电流 IH 56mA 加热器功耗 PH 280mW VH =5.0V DC/AC 传感器电阻Rs10~100 K Ω(空气中) 灵敏度(Rs 的变化率)0.15~0.5Rs(乙醇:10 )Rs(Air)标准试验试验气体条件 20±2℃,65±5%RH 回路条件 VC =5.0±0.2V DCVH =5.0±0.2V DC/AC试验前预热时间 96小时以上功耗(Ps )值可用下式计算: 传感器电阻(Rs ),可根据VOUT测定值,用下式计算:为提高性能,本规格书将不事先预告而变更。



座机:0755-83680810-818(分机) 地址:深圳市深南中路2066号华能大厦712室
长寿命(KE-25-5 年,KE-50-10 年)
不受 CO2,,CO,H2S,NOx,H2 影响 低成本 在常温下工作 信号输出稳定 无需外部供电 不需加热
KE-25/KE-50 内部结构:
医疗 麻醉机 呼吸机
生物 氧气孵卵器 食品行业 冷藏室, 温室 安全行业 空调
氧气探测器 火灾探测
工作原理 GS 氧气传感器由铅阳极 镀金阴 极及特定的酸液组成 氧分子通过 不渗水的树脂薄膜进入电化学电池 在金电极发生还原反应 在两电极 间的电流同被测混合气中的氧气浓 度成正比 输出电压信号由所接的 电阻两端电压通过温度补偿后获得 输出电压的变化就表示氧气浓度
注意: 期望寿命用%小时表示 (氧气浓度% 小时)
联系人:胡保定 手机:15018532664 邮箱:s201@apollounion.com
座机:0755-83680810-818(分机) 地址:深圳市深南中路2066号华能大厦712室
尺寸 KE-25/50 标准接口
KE-24F4(O 圈头)
操作说明: 禁止传感元件结露; 不要过度的震动; 所接设备输入阻抗应 1000k ;
同传感器连接的设备不能有任何驱动力, 即不能对传感器供电; 在任何情况下均不能拆开传感器或进行维修.
联系人:胡保定 手机:15018532664 邮箱:s201@apollounion.com
测量范围 0-100% O2











TGS2602 用于空气污染物检测的气体传感器* 对VOC 与气味有高灵敏度* 低功耗* 对污染空气有高灵敏度* 使用寿命长* 应用电路简单* 体积小特点:应用:敏感素子由集成的加热器以及在氧化铝基板上的金属氧化物半导体构成。




该传感器还对木材精加工与建材产品中的VOC 挥发性气体如甲苯有很高的灵敏度。

由于实现了小型化,加热器电流仅需56mA ,外壳采用标准的TO-5金属封装。


纵坐标表示传感器电阻比 Rs/Ro ,Rs 与Ro 的定义如下:Rs = 各种浓度气体中的传感器电阻值下图所示为受温度、湿度影响的典型特性曲线。

纵坐标表示传感器电阻比 Rs/Ro ,Rs 与Ro 的定义如下:Rs = 传感器在清洁空气中各种温/湿度下的电阻值Ro= 传感器在清洁空气中, 温/湿度为20°C / 65% R.H.时的电阻值灵敏度特性:温/湿度特性:重要提示: 费加罗传感器的使用条件将因不同客户的具体运用不同而不同。


* 空气清新机控制* 通风控制* 空气质量监测* VOC 监视器* 气味监视器R s /R oR s /R o规格:结构以及尺寸:管脚连接: 1: 加热器2: 传感器电极 (-) 3: 传感器电极 (+) 4: 加热器功耗值(P S )可通过下式求出:传感器电阻(R S )可根据V OUT (V RL )的测定值用下式求出:(V C - V RL )2R SV C V RLR S = (- 1) x R L P S =在此产品规格书中所显示的都是传感器的典型特性,实际的传感器特性因产品不同而不同,详情请参阅各传感器唯一对应的规格表。

气体检测仪说明书- Honeywell Analytics 气体检测仪说明书- GasAlertMi

气体检测仪说明书- Honeywell Analytics 气体检测仪说明书- GasAlertMi

H2S, CO, O2, LELMulti-gas made simpleThe easy to wear, slim and compact GasAlertMicroClip providesaffordable protection from atmospheric gas hazards and extendedbattery life, especially in cold weather. The GasAlertMicroClip featuresvisual compliance at a glance with the flashing, green IntelliFlash™. Easyone-button operation reduces training time and lets workers focus onthe job at hand. For simple, cost-effective management of your records,calibration and bump testing, choose BW’s MicroDock II automatic testand calibration system and Fleet Manager II software.Meets ACGIH 1 ppm H2S TWA recommendations.Visit to download the latest Fleet Manager IIupdate.Standard Package Contents• Detector complete with specified sensor(s), stainless steel alligator clipand concussion-proof housing• Rechargeable battery• Wall outlet charging adaptor• Calibration/test cap and hose• Manual• Multi-language CD manualGeneral SpecificationsGasAlertMicroClip XL GasAlertMicroClip X3Size 4.4 x 2.4 x 1.2 in. /11.3 x 6.0 x 3.1 cm 4.4 x 2.4 x 1.2 in. / 11.3 x 6.0 x 3.1 cmWeight 6.7 oz. / 190 g 6.3 oz. / 179 g Temperature-4 to +122°F / -20 to +50°CTypical battery life18 hours (recharges in less than 6 hours)Note: Battery is guaranteed to have 12 hour runtime during warranty periodunder normal operating temperature of 4°F / -20°C to 122°F / 50°C. Ingress Protection IP68Certifications andapprovals n Class I, Div. 1, Gr. A, B, C, DATEX:X g II 1 GEx ia IIC T4 GaIECEx:Ex ia IIC T4 GaX: European ConformityWarranty Full two-year (GasAlertMicroClip XL) orthree-year (GasAlertMicroClip X3) warranty including all sensorsOrder NumberGasAlertMicroClip 4-Gas Detector GasAlertMicroClip XL GasAlertMicroClip X3GasAlertMicroClip 3-Gas Detector GasAlertMicroClip XL GasAlertMicroClip X3GasAlertMicroClip 2-Gas Detector GasAlertMicroClip XL GasAlertMicroClip X3GasAlertMicroClip 1-Gas Detector GasAlertMicroClip XL GasAlertMicroClip X3Note: To order a unit with black housing, change order number component "-Y-" to "-B-".GasAlertMicroClip Region CodesGas LegendMicroDock IIAutomatic test and calibrationstation (see MicroDock II sectionfor additional information)Confined Space KitOrder NumberCarrying & Protective Accessories Order NumberSampling & Testing EquipmentOrder NumberNote: For complete list of Sampling & Testing Equipment, please refer to the full Price List or contact Honeywell Analytics.Power Options and Spares Order Number *For regions outside North America replace “-NA” with: “-EU” for Europe, “-UK” for United Kingdom and “-AU” for Australia/China.Deluxe Confined Space KitMC-CK-DLOrder detector and calibration gas separately.Test CapMC-TC-1Auxiliary Filter KitMC-AF-K1Easily attaches in the fieldto protect the internal filterManual Aspirator Pump KitMC-AS01For remote sampling; complete with probe,hose, aspirator pump and adaptor capBlack Leather PVC CaseMC2-LC-1Datalogging AccessoriesOrder NumberMicroDock IIOrder NumberReplacement Sensor ScreensOrder NumberReplacement SensorsOrder NumberFor a full list of calibration and testing equipment, please refer to the full Price List or contact Honeywell Analytics.IR Connectivity KitGA-USB1-IRUse for data download andinstrument set-up optionsVehicle Power Adaptor 12-24 V dcGA-VPA-1Direct-Wire Power Adaptor 12-24 V dcGA-PA-3Multi-Unit Power AdaptorGA-PA-1-MC5-NA*Simultaneously charges five detectorsMulti-Unit Cradle ChargerMC2-C01-MC5Simultaneously charges five detectorsNote: Please refer to the instrument’s documentation (shipped with the product or available at ) for complete instructions on common service procedures. Improper servicing or maintenance may affect warranty eligibility. Honeywell assumes no liability for damages resulting from improper servicing or maintenance.LegendService PartsOrder Number Note: Please refer to the instrument’s documentation (shipped with the product or available at ) for complete instructions on common service procedures. Improper servicing or maintenance may affect warranty eligibility. Honeywell assumes no liability for damages resulting from improper servicing or maintenance.How to Replace a Sensor1. With detector OFF , use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove 6screws from back enclosure (E)2. Lift back enclosure (E) straight up3. Use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove 2 screws from backof PCB (D)4. Lift PCB (D) together with battery and sensors (C, G, H, I)straight up5. Remove sensors (C, G, or H) by sliding out or sensor (I) bypulling straight up from PCB (D)6. Insert new sensor (C, G, H, I) into PCB (D)7. Replace PCB (D) and 2 screws and hand-tighten until firm 8. Replace back enclosure (E)9. Replace 6 screws in back enclosure (E) andhand-tighten until firmHow to Replace the Sensor Screen1. With detector OFF , use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove 6screws from back enclosure (E)2. Lift back enclosure (E) straight up3. Use No. 1 Phillips screwdriver to remove 2 screws from backof PCB (D)4. Lift PCB (D) together with battery and sensors (C, G, H, I)straight up5. Remove sensor screen (J) from front enclosure (B)6. Insert new sensor screen (J) into front enclosure (B)7. Replace PCB (D) and 2 screws and hand-tighten until firm 8. Replace back enclosure (E)9. Replace 6 screws in back enclosure (E) andhand-tighten until firm。

GP-1000 便携式气体检测仪 使用说明书

GP-1000 便携式气体检测仪 使用说明书

PT0C-1203可燃气体用便携式气体检测仪GP-1000使用说明书(PT0-120)邮编174-8744 东京都板桥区小豆泽2-7-6官方网站:http://www.rikenkeiki.co.jp/为构建防爆系统,请遵守以下事项。






技术数据防爆规格防爆等级Ex ia ⅡC T4 GaⅡ1G Ex ia ⅡC T4 Ga环境温度范围-20~+50℃电气规格由4节五号碱性干电池(LR6株式会社东芝制造)驱动。

认证号IECEX IECEx DEK 13.0090ATEX DEKRA 13ATEX0227适用标准IEC60079-0:2011EN60079-0:2012+A11:2013IEC60079-11:2011EN60079-11:2012 注意事项・请勿在危险场所更换干电池。




仪器编号的表示方法INST.No.0 0 000 0000 00A B C D EA:制造年份(0-9)B:制造月份(1-9月,X<10月>,Y<11月>Z<12月>) C:制造批次D:序列号E:工厂代码制造商理研计器株式会社邮编174-8744 东京都板桥区小豆泽2-7-6官方网站:http://www.rikenkeiki.co.jp/1. 产品概况 (2)1-1.前言 (2)1-2.使用目的 (2)1-3. 危险、警告、注意、注记的定义 (2)2. 安全上的重要通知 (3)2-1.危险事项 (3)2-2.警告事项 (4)2-3.注意事项 (5)3. 产品的构成 (7)3-1.本体及标准附件 (7)3-2.各部分的名称与功能 (8)4. 使用方法 (11)4-1.使用注意事项 (11)4-2.启动准备 (11)4-3.启动方法 (14)4-4.检测 (18)4-5.各种模式概要 (21)4-6.显示器模式 (23)4-7.用户模式 (29)4-8.断开电源 (32)5. 各种动作及功能 (33)5-1.气体警报动作 (33)5-2.故障警报动作 (35)6. 维修保养 (36)6-1.检查的频次和检查项目 (36)6-2.清扫方法 (37)6-3.更换消耗零件 (38)6-4.气体检测感度校正 (39)7. 关于保管及废弃 (40)7-1.保管或长期不使用时的处置 (40)7-2.重新使用时的处置 (40)7-3.废弃产品 (40)8. 故障诊断表 (42)9. 产品规格 (43)1 产品概况1-1.前言1产品概况感谢您购买可燃气体用便携式气体检测仪GP-1000(以下称为本仪器)。

日本费加罗FIGARO人工煤制气传感器 TGS822TF

日本费加罗FIGARO人工煤制气传感器 TGS822TF

TGS822TF 传感器因装有活性炭过滤器,消除 了杂质气体的影响,对有机溶剂或其他挥发性气体 的灵敏度低,而对氢气和一氧化碳的灵敏度高,非 常适合用于检测人工煤制气。
下图是典型的灵敏度特性,全部是在标准试验条 件下得出的结果。(请看背面)
纵坐标以传感器电阻比(Rs/Ro)表示,Rs, Ro 的定义如下:
660±55mW VH=5.0V
300ppm 氢气中 1~12KΩ
Rs(H2:300ppm) 0.4~0.63
Rs(H2:100ppm) 20±2℃, 65±5%RH
VC=10.0±0.1V DC/AC VH=5.0±0.05V DC/AC
RL=10.0 KΩ±1%
7 天以上
1 或 3:传感器 4 或 6:传感器 2 :加热器 5 :加热器
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
此传感器需要施加 2 个电 压:加热器电压(VH)和 回路电压(VC)。这个VH用 于维持敏感素子处于与对 象气体相适应的特定温度 而施加在集成的加热器 上。VC则是用于测定与传
感器串联的负载电阻(RL)上的 两端电压(VRL)。这种传感器具 有极性,所以VC需用直流电源。 只要能满足传感器的电性要求,
Rs =不同浓度气体中的电阻值 Ro =1000ppm 一氧化碳中的电阻值
灵敏度ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ性:

日本费加罗FIGARO 氧气传感器 ke20 ke50

日本费加罗FIGARO  氧气传感器 ke20 ke50

GS 氧气传感器KE系列(KE-12/KE-25/KE-50)是一种独特 的、日本于1985年开发成功的原电池式氧气传感器。其显著特 点是使用寿命长,具有优良的化学稳定性,而且不易受CO2的 干扰与影响。KE系列传感器是为了满足各种行业检测氧气的不 断增长的需求而开发的,譬如可燃气体检测、生物技术运用、
200 150 Ou1t0p0ut Voltage (mV)
KE-50 KE-12 KE-25
Oxygen Concentration (%)
100 KE-12 KE-25
3)20˚C正常空气(1013 hPa / 20.7 %O2) 中的预期寿命指传感器输出值下降到初 始值70%的这段时期。
80 KE-50
Out4p0ut Voltage (mV)
Time (sec.)
KE-12/KE-25/KE-50 standard version ø28±0.5
KE-25F1 (w/o flange) 22.7±0.5
KE-25F3 (threaded top) 22.7±0.5
KE-25F4 (O-ring top) 22.7±0.5
13 ø5 ø9











技术参数以下是GYH25的主要技术参数:•测量范围:0-25%氧气浓度•灵敏度:0.1%氧气浓度•分辨率:0.01%氧气浓度•精度:±1%(25°C,固定压力)•响应时间:≤ 20秒•零点漂移:≤ ±1%FS /7d•量程漂移:≤±1%FS / 7d•外观:94mm x 68mm x 28mm应用场景氧气传感器GYH25在以下场景应用广泛:•医疗领域:可以用于血气分析仪、呼吸机等设备,对患者呼吸的氧气浓度进行监测和调节。







日本FIGARO 费加罗KE-25氧气传感器5年寿命 KE-50长寿命10年氧气检测探头

日本FIGARO 费加罗KE-25氧气传感器5年寿命  KE-50长寿命10年氧气检测探头

Sensitivity characteristics (typical values under std.test conditions)Response time (typical)The GS Oxygen Sensor KE series (KE-25 and KE-50) is a unique galvanic cell type oxygen sensor which was developed in Japan in 1985. Its most notable features are long life expectency, excellent chemical durability, and it is not influenced by CO 2. The KE series oxygen sensor is ideal to meet the ever-increasing demand for oxygen monitoring in various fields such as combustion gas monitoring, the biochemical field, medical applications, domestic combustion appliances, etc.Features:* Long lifeKE-25 - 5 years / KE-50 - 10 years in ambient air * Virtually no influence from CO 2, CO, H 2S, NOx, H 2* Low cost* Operates in normal ambient temperatures * Stable output signal* No external power supply required for sensoroperation* No warmup time is requiredGS Oxygen SensorsApplications:* Medical - Anesthetic instruments, respirators,oxygen-enrichers* Biotechnology - Oxygen incubators* Food industry - Refrigeration, greenhouses* Safety - Air conditioners, oxygen detectors, firedetectorsREV: 08/03SpecificationsNotes:1) When calibrated at both 0% and 100% of O 2, accuracy in the range from 0-100% O 2 shall be within ±1% of full scale for KE-25 and ±2% of full scale for KE-50.2) Va = output voltage at 21% O 2 V 0 = output voltage at 0% O 2V 100 = output voltage at 100% O 23) Va = output voltage at 25˚C V H = output voltage at 40˚C V L = output voltage at 5˚C4) Sensors should be used under conditions where the air exchange is greater than 200~300ml per minute in order to obtain the response speed as specified in Table 1.22.7±0.5KE-25/KE-50 standard versionKE-25F1 (w/o flange)KE-25F3 (threaded top)KE-25F4 (O-ring top)22.7±0.522.7±0.5。

理研计器株式会社便携式气体检测器GX-3R Pro使用说明书

理研计器株式会社便携式气体检测器GX-3R Pro使用说明书

PT0C-1775便携式气体检测器GX-3R Pro使用说明书(PT0-165)理研计器株式会社邮编:174-8744 日本东京都板桥区小豆泽2-7-6网页 https://www.rikenkeiki.co.jp/1 产品概述 (5)1-1. 前言 (5)1-2. 使用目的 (5)1-3. 检测对象气体的确认方法 (6)1-4. 危险、警告、注意、注记的定义 (7)1-5. 标准及防爆规格的确认方法 (7)2 安全重要事项 (8)2-1. Japan Ex规格相关的重要事项 (8)2-2. 警告事项 (10)2-3. 注意事项 (11)2-4. ATEX/IECEx规格相关的安全信息 (13)3 产品的构成 (14)3-1. 主机及标准附件 (14)主机 (14)标准附件 (15)3-2. 各部的名称和功能 (16)主机 (16)电池单元 (17)LCD显示部 (18)4 警报动作 (19)4-1. 气体警报动作 (19)4-2. 故障警报动作 (22)4-3. 混乱警报 (23)混乱警报的蜂鸣器鸣响和灯闪烁动作 (23)混乱警报的发报和警报模式 (23)4-4. MAN DOWN警报 (24)MAN DOWN警报的蜂鸣器鸣响和灯闪烁动作 (24)MAN DOWN警报的显示和警报模式 (24)5 使用方法 (25)5-1. 使用之前 (25)5-2. 起动准备 (25)5-2-1. 锂离子电池单元(BUL-3R)的充电和安装 (25)5-2-2. 电池单元(BUD-3R)的安装 (29)5-3. 起动方法 (31)接通电源 (31)从电源接通到测量画面的跳转 (32)5-4. AIR校正 (35)AIR校正步骤 (35)5-5. 检测 (36)5-5-1. 基本动作流程 (37)5-5-2.测量模式 (38)5-6. 切断电源 (40)6 设定方法 (41)6-1. DISP模式 (41)6-1-1. 显示DISP模式 (41)6-1-2. DISP模式的显示内容 (41)6-2. DISP模式的设定 (44)6-2-1. PEAK值显示的清除 (44)6-2-2. 可燃性替换气体的选择 (45)6-2-3. 长寿命电池的设定 (47)6-2-4. 校正记录的显示 (48)6-2-5. BUMP记录的显示 (49)6-2-7. 显示上下反转设定 (51)6-2-8. 显示黑白反转设定 (52)6-2-9. 蓝牙的设定 (52)6-2-10. 蜂鸣器音量的调节 (53)6-2-11. 显示语言的设定 (53)6-3. 用户模式 (55)6-3-1. 显示用户模式 (55)6-3-2. 用户模式的设定项目 (56)6-4. 用户模式的设定 (57)6-4-1. BUMP测试 (57)6-4-2. 气体校正 (57)6-4-3. 校正期限设定 (57)6-4-4. BUMP测试的设定 (60)6-4-5. MAN DOWN警报设定 (65)6-4-6. 警报点设定 (67)6-4-7. 休息时间的启动/关闭 (69)6-4-8. 确认蜂鸣设定 (69)6-4-9. 自动背光的启动/关闭 (72)6-4-10. 背光的亮灯时间设定 (72)6-4-11. 按键音的启动/关闭 (73)6-4-12. DISP模式项目显示的启动/关闭 (73)6-4-13. CO2传感器的单位切换 (74)6-4-14. CO2传感器AIR校正的启动/关闭 (74)6-4-15. 时间设定 (75)6-4-16. 日期的格式设定 (75)6-4-17. 语言设定 (76)6-4-18. 用户密码设定 (77)6-4-19. ROM/SUM的显示 (78)6-4-20. 蓝牙的认证显示 (78)7 保养检查 (79)7-1. 检查的频度和检查项目 (79)关于维护服务 (80)7-2. 气体校正 (81)7-2-1. 气体校正的准备 (81)7-2-2. 气体校正的设定菜单 (83)7-2-3. AIR校正 (84)7-2-4. CO2校零 (86)7-2-5. 自动校正 (87)7-2-6. 自动校正的气缸设定 (88)7-2-7. 自动校正的校正浓度选择 (89)7-3. BUMP测试 (90)7-4. 清扫方法 (91)7-5. 各部件的更换 (92)7-5-1. 定期更换部件 (92)7-5-2. 过滤器的更换 (94)8 关于储存及废弃 (96)8-1. 储存或长期不使用时的处理 (96)8-2. 重新使用时的处理 (97)8-3. 产品的废弃 (97)9 故障检修 (98)9-1. 仪器的异常 (98)9-2. 指示值的异常 (100)10 产品规格 (101)10-1. 规格一览 (101)11 附录 (107)数据记录功能 (107)100%LEL=ppm换算表 (109)改废记录 (110)CE符合性声明书 (111)1 产品概述1-1.前言1产品概述感谢您本次购买便携式气体检测器GX-3R Pro(以下称“本仪器”)。









日本费加罗FIGARO可燃气体传感器 TGS813

日本费加罗FIGARO可燃气体传感器 TGS813

Technical Information for Combustible Gas SensorsFigaro TGS 8-series sensors are a type of sintered bulk metal oxide semiconductor wh ich offer low cost, long life, and good sensitivity to target gases while utilizing a simple electrical circuit. Th e TGS813 displays h igh selectivity and sensitivity to LP Gas and methane.PageSpecificationsFeatures..........................................................................2 Applications...................................................................2 Structure..........................................................................2 Basic measuring circuit....................................................2 Circuit & operating conditions.........................................3 Specifications..............................................................................3 Dimensions...............................................................................3Basic Sensitivity Characteristics Sensitivity to various gases................................................4 Temperature and humidity dependency............................5 Heater voltage dependency..........................................................6 Gas response....................................................................................6 Initial action........................................................................7 Long term characteristics.............................................................7Cautions . (8)See also Technical Brochure ‘Technical Information on Usage of TGSSensors for Toxic and Explosive Gas Leak Detectors’.IMPORTANT NOTE: OPERATING CONDITIONS IN WHICH FIGARO SENSORS ARE USED WILL VARY WITH EACH CUSTOMER’S SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS. FIGARO STRONGLY RECOMMENDS CONSULTING OUR TECHNICAL STAFF BEFORE DEPLOYING FIGARO SENSORS IN YOUR APPLICATION AND, IN PARTICULAR, WH EN CUSTOMER’S TARGET GASES ARE NOT LISTED H EREIN. FIGARO CANNOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY USE OF ITS SENSORS IN A PRODUCT OR APPLICATION FOR WHICH SENSOR HAS NOT BEEN SPECIFICALLY TESTED BY FIGARO.a n I S O 9001 c o m p a n y1. Specifications 1-1 Features * General purpose sensor for a wide range of combustible gases* High sensitivity to LP gas and methane * Low cost * Long life* Uses simple electrical circuit1-2 Applications* Domestic gas leak detectors and alarms * Recreational vehicle gas leak detectors * Portable gas detectors1-3 StructureFigure 1 shows the structure of TGS813. This sensor is a sintered bulk semiconductor composed mainly of tin dioxide (SnO 2). The semiconductor material and electrodes are formed on an alumina ceramic tube. A heater coil, made of 60 micron diameter wire, is located inside the ceramic tube. Lead wires from the sensor electrodes are a gold alloy of 80 microns in diameter. Heater and lead wires are spotwelded to the sensor pins which have been arranged to fit a 7-pin miniature tube socket.The sensor base and cover are made of Nylon 66, conforming to UL 94H B (Authorized Material Standard). The deformation temperature for this material is in excess of 240˚C. The upper and lower openings in the sensor case are covered with a flameproof double layer of 100 mesh stainless steel gauze (SUS316). Independent tests confirm that this mesh will prevent a spark produced inside the flameproof cover from igniting an explosive 2:1 mixture of hydrogen/oxygen.1-4 Basic measuring circuitFigure 2 shows the basic measuring circuit for use with TGS813. Circuit voltage (Vc) is applied across the sensor element which has a resistance between the sensor’s two electrodes and the load resistor (R L ) connected in series. The sensor signal (V RL ) is measured indirectly as a change in voltage across the R L . The Rs is obtained from the formula shown at the right.Fig. 1 - Sensor structureFig. 2 - Basic measuring circuitVc- V RLV RLRs = x R LFormula to determine RsSensor elementFig. 3 - Sensor dimensions1-5 Circuit & operating conditionsThe ratings shown below should be maintained at all times to insure stable sensor performance:1-6 Specifications NOTE 1Mechanical Strength:The sensor shall have no abnormal findings in its structure and shall satisfy the above electrical specifications after the following performance tests:Withdrawal Force - Vibration - Shock -withstand force > 5kg in eachdirectionfrequency-1000c/min., totalamplitude-4mm, duration-one hour, direction-verticalacceleration-100G, repeated 5timesNOTE 1: Sensitivity characteristics are obtained under the following standard test conditions:(Standard test conditions)Temperature and humidity: 20 ± 2˚C, 65 ± 5% RH Circuit conditions:Vc = 10.0±0.1V AC/DC V H = 5.0±0.05V AC/DC R L = 4.0kΩ ± 1%Preheating period: 7 days or more under standard circuit conditions17ø±0.516.5±0.56.5±0.59.5ø1ø±0.0545˚45˚132645u/m:mm1-7 DimensionsTop viewSide viewBottom view2. Basic Sensitivity Characteristics 2-1 Sensitivity to various gasesFigure 4 shows the relative sensitivity of TGS813 to various gases. The Y-axis shows the ratio of the sensor resistance in various gases (Rs) to the sensor resistance in 1000ppm of methane (Ro).Using the basic measuring circuit illustrated in Figure 2, these sensitivity characteristics provide the sensor output voltage (V RL ) change as shown in Figure 5.NOTE :All sensor characteristics in this technical brochure represent typical sensor characteristics. Since the Rs or output voltage curve varies from sensor to sensor, calibration is required for each sensor (for additional information on calibration, please refer to the Technical Advisory ‘Technical Information on Usage of TGS Sensors for Toxic and Explosive Gas Leak Detectors’).12-2 Temperature and humidity dependencyFigure 6 shows the temperature and humidity dependency of TGS813. The Y-axis shows the ratio of sensor resistance in 1000ppm of methane under various atmospheric conditions (Rs) to the sensor resistance in 1000ppm of methane at 20˚C/65%RH (Ro).under various ambient conditionsTable 1 - Temperature and humidity dependency(typical values of Rs/Ro for Fig. 6)Table 1 shows a chart of values of the sensor’s resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) under the same conditions as those used to generate Figure 6.Figure 7 shows the sensitivity curve for TGS813 to methane under several ambient conditions. While temperature may have a large influence on absolute Rs values, this chart illustrates the fact that effect on the slope of sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) is not significant. As a result, the effects of temperature on the sensor can easily be compensated.For economical circuit design, a thermistor can be incorporated to compensate for temperature (for additional information on temperature compensation in circuit designs, please refer to the Technical Advisory ‘Technical Information on Usage of TGS Sensors for Toxic and Explosive Gas Leak Detectors’).1010Rs (kΩ)102-6 Initial actionclean air.process is called “Initial Action”.circuit be incorporated into the detector’s design (TGS Sensors for Toxic and Explosive Gas Leak Detectors’). This is especially recommended for intermittent-operating devices such as portable gas detectors.2-7 Long-term characteristicsFigure 13 shows long-term stability of TGS813 as measured for more than 8 years. The sensor is first energized in normal air. Measurement for confirming sensor characteristics is conducted under ambient air conditions rather than in a temperature/humidity controlled environment. The cyclic change in sensitivity corresponds to the seasonal changes of temperature/humidity in Japan (peak T/H conditions occur in July, as corresponds with the sensitivity peaks in this chart ). The Y-axis represents the ratio of sensor resistance in 1000ppm of methane on the date tested (Rs) to sensor resistance in 1000ppm of methane at the beginning of the test period (Ro).As this chart illustrates, TGS813 shows stable characteristics over a very long period of time.Fig. 12 - Long term stability(Ro = Rs on day 1)3 Cautions3-1 Situations which must be avoided1) Exposure to silicone vaporsIf silicone vapors adsorb onto the sensor’s surface, the sensing material will be coated, irreversibly inhibiting sensitivity. Avoid exposure where silicone adhesives, hair grooming materials, or silicone rubber/putty may be present.2) Highly corrosive environmentHigh density exposure to corrosive materials such as H2S, SOx, Cl2, HCl, etc. for extended periods may cause corrosion or breakage of the lead wires or heater material.3) Contamination by alkaline metalsSensor drift may occur when the sensor is contam-inated by alkaline metals, especially salt water spray.4) Contact with waterSensor drift may occur due to soaking or splashing the sensor with water.5) FreezingIf water freezes on the sensing surface, the sensing material would crack, altering characteristics.6) Application of excessive voltageIf higher than specified voltage is applied to the sensor or the heater, lead wires and/or the heater may be damaged or sensor characteristics may drift, even if no physical damage or breakage occurs.7) Application of voltage on lead wiresOn six-pin type sensors, if a voltage is applied on the lead wires between pins 1 and 3 and/or pins 4 and 6, this would cause breakage of the lead wires.8) Operation in zero/low oxygen environment TGS sensors require the presence of around 21% (ambient) oxygen in their operating environment in order to function properly and to exhibit characteristics described in Figaro’s product literature. TGS sensors cannot properly operate in a zero or low oxygen content atmosphere.3-2 Situations to be avoided whenever possible1) Water condensationLight condensation under conditions of indoor usage should not pose a problem for sensor performance.H owever, if water condenses on the sensor’s surface and remains for an extended period, sensor characteristics may drift.2) Usage in high density of gasSensor performance may be affected if exposed to a high density of gas for a long period of time, regardless of the powering condition.3) Storage for extended periodsWhen stored without powering for a long period, the sensor may show a reversible drift in resistance according to the environment in which it was stored. The sensor should be stored in a sealed bag containing clean air; do not use silica gel. Note that as unpowered storage becomes longer, a longer preheating period is required to stabilize the sensor before usage. 4) Long term exposure in adverse environment Regardless of powering condition, if the sensor is exposed in extreme conditions such as very high humidity, extreme temperatures, or high contamination levels for a long period of time, sensor performance will be adversely affected.5) VibrationExcessive vibration may cause the sensor or lead wires to resonate and break. Usage of compressed air drivers/ultrasonic welders on assembly lines may generate such vibration, so please check this matter.6) ShockBreakage of lead wires may occur if the sensor is subjected to a strong shock.7) SolderingIdeally, sensors should be soldered manually. For soldering conditions of 8-series gas sensors, refer to Technical Advisory for Soldering 8-type Gas Sensors. 8) PolarityIf the polarity of Vc is reversed during powering, sensor characteristics may temporarily become unstable.15 24 36Figaro USA Inc. and the manufacturer, Figaro Engineering Inc. (together referred to as Figaro) reserve the right to make changes without notice to any products herein to improve reliability, functioning or design. Information contained in this document is believed to be reliable. H owever, Figaro does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others.Figaro’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support applications wherein a failure or malfunction of the products may result in injury or threat to life.。

费加罗技研株式会社 EC01 气体传感器评价试验箱 操作使用说明书

费加罗技研株式会社 EC01 气体传感器评价试验箱 操作使用说明书


112468费加罗技研株式会社EC01(气体传感器评价试验箱)操作使用说明书(1)(2)(3)(4)1. 安全注意事项请务必遵守2. 使用注意事项本产品是一种简易型的试验箱。




由于氨气、VOC 、有机溶剂蒸汽等吸附性很强的气体很容易吸附在试验箱的内壁之上,因此本产品不适用于这些气体的测试用途。







请勿在对气体爆炸下限为(LEL) 50%以上浓度的可燃性气体进行测试时使用。









地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
[Physical Characteristics] Case Material Cap Color Weight PPO Dark blue 5 g (approx.)
[Appearance and Dimensions]
Fig.1: Appearance and Dimensions of NE-CO-SI
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
Technical Information
Electrochemical Carbon-monoxide Sensor NE-CO-SI
(1) Design Features Quick response and high sensitivity Good linearity Good selectivity Low power consumption for battery operation

FAGIRO TGS 传感器 TGS822 有机溶剂蒸气检测用 说明书

FAGIRO TGS 传感器 TGS822 有机溶剂蒸气检测用 说明书

TGS822 有机溶剂蒸气检测用特点: 应用:・对乙醇等有机溶剂有高灵敏度 ・酒精检测器・长期稳定性优良 ・工厂、干洗店、半导体产业的 ・长寿命、低成本 有机溶剂检知 ・以简单电路即可使用费加罗气体传感器的气敏素子,使用在清洁空气中电导率低的二氧化锡(SnO2)。






(请看背面)纵坐标以传感器电阻比(Rs/Ro )表示,Rs ,Ro 的定义如下:Rs =不同浓度气体中的电阻值 Ro =300ppm 乙醇中的电阻值灵敏度特性: 下图为受温度、湿度影响的典型曲线。

图中纵坐标也以传感器电阻比(Rs/Ro )表示,这里的Rs ,Ro 定义如下:Rs=含300ppm 乙醇、各种温/湿度下的电阻值 Ro=含300ppm 乙醇、20℃65%R.H.下的电阻值温/湿度的影响:SUNSTAR传感与控制 0755-********SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************规格: 结构及尺寸:型 号 TGS822 素子类型 8系列标准封装塑料、SUS 双重金属网对象气体 酒精、有机溶剂 检测范围50~5,000 ppm 加热器电压VH 5.0±0.2V DC/AC 回路电压 VC MAX 24VPs ≦15mW标准回路 条件负载电阻 RL 可变 Ps ≦15mW 加热器电阻RH 38±3.0 Ω(室温) 加热器功耗PH 660±55mWVH =5.0V传感器电阻Rs300ppm 乙醇中 1~10K Ω 标准试验 条件下的 电学特性灵敏度(Rs 的变化率)0.4±0.1Rs(EtOH:300ppm)Rs(EtOH:50ppm)试验气体条件20±2℃, 65±5%RH 回路条件 VC =10.0±0.1V DC/AC VH =5.0±0.05V DC/AC RL=10.0 K Ω±1%标准试验 条件预热时间7天以上功耗(Ps)值可用下式计算: 传感器电阻(Rs ),可用下式计算:管脚连接 1或3:传感器4或6:传感器2 :加热器5 :加热器SUNSTAR传感与控制 0755-********SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************FIGAROApplications:Features:TGS 822 - for the detection of Organic Solvent VaporsThe figure below represents typical sensitivity char-acteristics, all data having been gathered at standard test conditions (see reverse side of this sheet). The Y-axis is indicated as sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) which is defined as follows:The figure below represents typical temperature and humidity dependency characteristics. Again, the Y-axis is indicated as sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro), defined as follows:Rs = Sensor resistance at 300ppm of ethanol* High sensitivity to organic solvent vaporssuch as ethanol* High stability and reliability over a longperiod* Long life and low cost* Uses simple electrical circuit* Breath alcohol detectors* Gas leak detectors/alarms* Solvent detectors for factories, dry clean-ers, and semiconductor industriesThe sensing element of Figaro gas sensors is a tin dioxide (SnO 2) semiconductor which has low conductivity in clean air. In the presence of a detectable gas,the sensor's conductivity increases depending on the gas concentration in the air. A simple electrical circuit can convert the change in conductivity to an output signal which corresponds to the gas concentration.The TGS 822 has high sensitivity to the vapors of organic solvents as well as other volatile vapors. It also has sensitivity to a variety of combustible gases such as carbon monoxide, making it a good general purpose sensor. Also available with a ceramic base which is highly resistant to severe environments as high as 200°C (model# TGS 823).IMPORTANT NOTE: RECOMMENDS CONSULTING OUR TECHNICAL STAFF BEFORE DEPLOYING FIGARO SENSORS IN YOUR APPLICATION AND, IN PARTICULAR, WHEN CUSTOMER’S TARGET GASES ARE NOT LISTED HEREIN. FIGARO CANNOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY USE OF ITS SENSORS IN A PRODUCT OR APPLICATION FOR WHICH SENSOR HAS NOT BEEN SPECIFICALLY TESTED BY FIGARO.SUNSTAR自动化/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************Structure and Dimensions:1 Sensing Element:SnO 2 is sintered to form a thick film on the surface of an alumina ceramic tube which contains an internal heater.2 Cap:Nylon 663 Sensor Base:Nylon 664 Flame Arrestor:100 mesh SUS 316 double gauzePin Connection and Basic Measuring Circuit:The numbers shown around the sensor symbol in the circuit diagram at the right correspond with the pin numbers shown in the sensor's structure drawing (above). When the sensor is connected as shown in the basic circuit, output across the Load Resistor (V RL ) increases as the sensor's resistance (Rs) de-creases, depending on gas concentration.Sensor Resistance (Rs) is calculated by the following formula:Rs = (-1) x R LV CV RL Power dissipation across sensor electrodes (Ps) is calculated by the following formula:Ps = 2V C x Rs 2(Rs + R L )Basic Measuring Circuit:REV: 9/99when the sensor is tested in standard conditions as speci-fied below:Test Gas Conditions:20°±2°C, 65±5%R.H.Circuit Conditions:V C = 10.0±0.1V (AC or DC),V H = 5.0±0.05V (AC or DC),R L = 10.0k Ω±1%Preheating period before testing: More than 7 daysFor information on warranty, please refer to Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale of Figaro USA Inc.17 ± 0.59.516.5±0.56.5±0.51.0±0.563425145˚45˚um : mmSUNSTAR自动化/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************TGS822TF 人工煤制气检测用特点: 应用:・对煤制气中的氢气和一氧化碳有高灵敏度 ・家庭用、业务用煤制气报警器 ・乙醇等有机溶剂的干扰小 ・便携式煤制气检知 ・长寿命、低成本 ・以简单电路即可使用费加罗气体传感器的气敏素子,使用在清洁空气中电导率低的二氧化锡(SnO2)。



[键入文字]产品名称:氧气传感器 KE-25 KE-50产品型号:KE-25 KE-50产品品牌:日本FIGARO所属分类:电化学气体传感器氧气传感器 KE-25 KE-50详细介绍:氧气传感器 KE-25 KE-50主要用于测量环境中氧气气体浓度,根据测量范围的不同和工作寿命的长短,氧气传感器有多个型号,比如:长寿命氧气传感器(O2-A3) 、氧气传感器(O2-A2) 、氧气传感器O2-A1(1年寿命) 、氧气传感器O2-G2(小尺寸) 、氧气传感器 (KE-25 KE-50) 、氧气传感器O2-C2 、氧气传感器O2-C3 等。

一、氧气传感器 KE-25 KE-50特性:(1)长寿命(KE-25-5年,KE-50-10年)(2)不受CO2,CO ,H2S ,NOx ,H2影响(3)低成本(4)在常温下工作(5)信号输出定(6)无需外部电源(7)不需加热二、氧气传感器 KE-25 KE-50性能:(1)测量范围 0-100%O2(2)精度 KE-25:±1%(全量程);KE-50: ±2%(全量程)(3)工作温度 5~40℃(4)储存温度 -20~+60℃(5)响应时间 KE-25:14±2秒;KE-50:60±5秒(6)初始输出 KE-25:10.0–15.5mv ;KE-50:47.0-65.0mv(7)期望寿命 KE-25:5年;KE-50:10年三、氧气传感器 KE-25 KE-50应用范围:氧气传感器应用广泛,在煤矿,钢铁,石油化工,医疗,电力等都大量使用四、氧气传感器 KE-25 KE-50典型应用:氧气报警器,氧气分析仪 ,氧气检测仪器。

日本费加罗FIGARO一氧化碳传感器 TGS2442气体检测仪 气体泄漏报警器

日本费加罗FIGARO一氧化碳传感器 TGS2442气体检测仪 气体泄漏报警器
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
Circuit voltage (VC) is applied across the sensing element which has a resistance (Rs) between the sensor’s two electrodes (pins No. 2 and No. 3) and a load resistor (RL) connected in series. The sensing element is heated by the heater which is connected to pins No. 1 and No. 4. Heating cycle--The sensor requires application of a 1 second heating cycle which is used in connection with a circuit
Sensor resistance
13.3kΩ ~ 133kΩ in 100ppm of carbon monoxide
Sensitivity (change ratio of Rs)
0.13 ~ 0.31
1 �5.1±0.1
Test gas conditions
Standard test conditions
TGS 2442 - for the detection of Carbon Monoxide

日本NEMOTO乙炔气体检测传感器NC-180-A 测0-100%LEL可燃气体泄漏探测器

日本NEMOTO乙炔气体检测传感器NC-180-A 测0-100%LEL可燃气体泄漏探测器

Output(+) Output(-)
VR1 R2
Fig. 2 : Recommended circuit diagram (R1, 2 : 200ohm, VR1 : 3Kohm)
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
Technical Information
(Catalytic Type Acetylene Gas Sensor)
(Matched Pair Type) For Industrial Application
地址:广东省深圳市龙华新区牛栏前大厦C507 蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900 网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
1. General Catalytic type gas sensor NC series were developed for industrial applications, and NC-180-A is a matched pair type gas sensor for acetylene. Shape is similar to NC-180, however the supply voltage and current is different from it. Features and typical applications are as follows. 2. Features and applications 1) Features ・Good stability ・Excellent repeatability and detection accuracy ・Good linearity against gas concentration ・Quick response ・Down-sizing for design flexibility of gas alarm or detector 2) Applications ・Fixed type gas alarm or detector for acetylene gas ・Acetylene gas densitometer 3. Ratings 1) Supply voltage to sensor 2) 3)
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Sensitivity characteristics (typical values under std.
test conditions)
Response time (typical)
GS Oxygen Sensor KE Series (KE-12, KE-25, and KE-50) are unique galvanic cell type oxygen sensors developed in Japan in 1985. Their most notable features are long life expectency, excellent chemical durability, and no influence by CO 2. KE Series oxygen sensors are ideal to meet the ever-increasing demand for oxygen monitoring in various fields such as combustion gas monitoring, the biochemical field, medical applications, domestic combustion appliances, etc.
* Long life - 2.5~10 years in ambient air
* Virtually no influence from CO 2, CO, H 2S, NOx, H 2* Low cost
* Operates in normal ambient temperatures * Stable output signal
* No external power supply required for sensor
* No warmup time is required
GS Oxygen Sensors KE-Series
* Medical - Anesthetic instruments, respirators,
* Biotechnology - Oxygen incubators
* Food industry - Refrigeration, greenhouses
* Safety - Air conditioners, oxygen detectors, fire
网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900
1) When calibrated at both 0% and 100% of O2,
accuracy in the range from 0-100% O2 shall be
within ±1% of full scale for both KE-12 and KE-25
and ±2% of full scale for KE-50.
2) Sensors should be used under conditions
where the air exchange is greater than
200~300ml per minute in order to obtain the
response speed as shown in the Specifications.
3) Life expectancy at 20˚C in normal air (1013hPa
/ 20.7%O2)is defined as the period until sensor
output drops to 70% of its original value.
Unit = mm
KE-12/KE-25/KE-50 standard version KE-25F1 (w/o flange)KE-25F3 (threaded top)KE-25F4 (O-ring top)
网址:www.singoan.com www.singoan.com.cn www.shenguoan.com
蒋小姐:134 2876 2631 电话:86 755-85258900。
