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Unit 4 Information Technology

Text A

I.Reading Comprehension

plete the following passage with the information you get from the text.

1) co-founder 2) value/significance 3) drop-out 4) engineering

5) titans/giants 6) attention 7) floundering/struggling 8) surpassed

9) technology 10) daunting

2.Essay Questions

1)As a touch-screen computer without a keyboard, iPad is a ground-breaking new

product. Extending the iPhone’s innovations of a more versatile screen and lightweight applications designed for specific tasks, it points to a future beyond the computer mouse – and a world without Windows.

2)Apple has released Ping, a social network similar to Facebook for iTunes users.

And it will counter Google’s smaller 7-inch tablet computer with a similar gadget of its own.

3)His strong spiritual aspiration, relentless ambition and obsessive attention to


4)No fixed answer.

5)No fixed answer.

II.Blank-filling: Complete the following sentences with the words given in the box. Change the form when necessary.

1) rebuttal 2) sideline 3) stir up 4) rankle 5) write off

6) obsessive 7) surpass 8) culmination 9) fledgling 10) rudimentary III.Paraphrasing

1.Rewriting: Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence in your own words.

1) More than ten years ago, it was highly speculated that both Mr. Job’s career and Apple, the company he had co-founded would fail in the competition, their relevance to the future of technology written off both in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street.

2) Mr. Gates himself championed a tablet computer nearly a decade ago, however it was not well-received by the market due to its need of a stylus to write on its screen and the PC-like interface.

3) A spirituality guided by his training in Zen Buddhism has played a central part in his life, and with such spiritual belief he even avoided using medical treatment for a period while struggling against pancreatic cancer.

4) Compromise seems too strong a word, but now as a world leader in this business, Apple has become more pragmatic.

5) After antitrust authorities took an interest this year, Mr. Jobs backed off a requirement that forced developers to use Apple’s software tools to create apps,

barring rival Adobe’s technology—nevertheless this change of strategy seemed to be designed intentionally to please software developers who might otherwise turn more attention to creating apps for phones running Google’s software.

2. Sentence Transformation: Complete the following sentences based on the structures given.

1) As an acknowledged master for a long time, Mr. Jobs knows very well the art of generating this suspension of disbelief which is essential to stirring up demand for gadgets most consumers had no idea they needed.

2) In order to rule its new kingdom even more closely than what Microsoft did to the PC, Apple now makes the decision on which applications are available in its online store and sets the rules for how those applications are developed.

3) Despite being a college drop-out with no formal engineering background, he and Mr. Wozniak founded their new business by resorting to their electronics hobby right after returning from India.

4) It is regarded by those who have worked for him that Mr. Jobs, as a stern taskmaster, cares more about what is possible to be achieved than those long-range visions.

5) Though it seems out of his character, Mr. Jobs now is forced to compete with others who are considering Apple as their main rival.


1.Sentence Translation

1) 一月份发布会之前,公众的期待就被煽动得无比高涨,即便是依照乔布斯自己的苛刻标准,这也是不寻常的。

2) 好几个月来,高科技圈一直在猜测传说中的苹果公司最新的开拓性产品。

3) 这对美国作家菲茨杰拉德被广泛引用的名言“美国社会中没有从头再来一说”是个绝妙的反驳。

4) 比尔·盖茨是难以取胜的劲敌。由于他对个人电脑软件领域的垄断,在其处于事业的巅峰时期,比尔·盖茨可能更加富有,也可能更能呼风唤雨。

5) 有了平板电脑iPad助力,苹果的总市值五月份终于超过了微软成为全世界最有价值的科技公司。


1) platform 2) unveil 3) executive 4) launches 5) strategic 6) health

7) excellent 8) centered 9) crucial 10) popularity


1. Multiple Choice: Listen to Part One and choose the best answer to each question.

1) C 2) B 3) D 4) D 5) B
