
一篇《上海一朵梅雨诗》读了三遍,仍觉意犹未尽。而后刻意查了石磊的资料。知道作者性别后,觉得用了被勾引描述初读的感觉实在甫诗:“江上人家桃树枝,春寒细雨出疏篱。影遭碧水潜勾引,风妬红花却倒吹。”清汪懋麟诗:“春声勾引向山行,岁首难逢七日晴。”叶圣陶 《多收了三五斗》“小孩给赛璐珞的洋囝囝、老虎、狗以及红红绿绿的洋铁铜鼓、洋铁喇叭勾引住了,赖在那里不肯走开。”

就这样在摸爬滚打中逶迤前行,疲惫和狼狈成了我们的附身形色。大约三、四个小时后,我们终于在一处能听到涧水叮咚的岩壁下发现了一户人家。许是我们凌乱的脚步声惊扰了这儿的宁静,忽听 得一阵急促的“呃……汪汪汪……”的狗叫声由腿儿更加颤抖发软。走在队伍前面的动物学教授老汪,面对那两条“汪汪汪”直呼他姓氏的动物,早把自 己的学术专长惊得丢去了九霄云外,动物学教授反而被动物“教授”得“啊……啊……啊……”地恐叫着,并且把手里拿着的柱杖抡得浑圆,俨然成了武侠剧中功夫蹩脚的丐帮弟子,胡乱地施展着打狗棒法。 hg0088
“黑螣、白蟒,回来……”危急关头,人家里传出一声娇呼,那两条狗竟似被施了魔咒一样,硬生生地收住了它们的凶恶,“呜……哦”两声,不是很心甘情愿地转身离去。我们的目光穿越林隙朝那娇 呼的方向望去,一位着装简朴的女人正瘸着腿向我们走来。她约莫三十七、八岁的样子,边走边问我们是来干什么的。
“我叫胡豆花,那屋子就是我家……你们也真是的,择这样的天气进山……”在问明了我们的来意之后,女人瞅着我们狼狈样,顿时生起了怜悯之心,一边介绍着自己,一边把我们迎进屋子。屋里还有 两位老人——坐在堂屋里编扎着竹篾器物的老翁是她公爹,一旁坐着一位从我们进屋后就一直喘咳的老妪则是她的婆婆。


半年溪里还藏着老街人的乡俗。入夏大雨冲刷了溪沟的污浊,女人们也将家里收拾的杂物拿来濯洗,曰“涤尘”,意思是去旧迎夏。虽无“万杵千砧捣欲穿”的壮观场面,可也是捣衣声起压溪声, 加上女人们凑在一起的欢笑,真的是一曲动听的民乐小调啊。其实,洗衣捣衣是次要的,女人们就是要在自己的半年溪里找到日子的节奏,这种俗成的风气,不知起于何时,勤劳聪明的乡亲,总是能够 在自己的天地里创造着属于自己的“盛事”欢乐。在我老家,每年有两次很隆重的“爱家卫生运动”,一是在年前“扫灰”,再是不定日的小溪“涤尘”。农人们总是会在自己的日子里找到生活的仪式 感,再怎么朴素的情感,也离不开仪式。大嘴棋牌苹果手机怎么下载
那些劲头大的劳力,借着下坡的惯性,身子一弓,向上一顶,独轮车就越过了月牙弯处,借势省力,可不是人人都可以轻松翻过小溪的。那时,我们每年都放麦假秋假,每个假,大约十几天,帮助 家人收麦收秋,大点的孩子去生产队劳动,也挣工分。我们小点的,就在月牙弯处帮助大人们推车助力。后头一个推着大人的腰,前边两个赶快将拉钩挂在独轮车的前横木上,一阵紧跑,将车拉上溪壁。

上世纪末一场百年未遇的大水之后,张家祖宅损毁良多,虽经修复,不复如初。接着,孩子们先后搬入各自新房。长孙后来买了别墅,为了孝敬奶奶,让她安度晚年,有心提前装修,还带着全家驱 车前来老宅接驾。
妻生娃那当儿,岳父还没退休,岳母又处在更年期,热心的奶奶便请小姑帮助。从未出过远门的小姑二话不说,放下农村的活便来到福州,精心照顾妻子坐月子。小姑回家时,我塞给她一沓钱,她 怎么也不收,说为钱则不来。小姑的身上有奶奶的影子。皇家真人玩法
高二英语What is happiness to you课件8

Some of your classmates are talking about their feelings. Help them choose the correct form of the word to complete the anger sentences 1. I was very / angry. I was anger / angrier than ever before. 2. I felt contentment / content after the match. I knew I had tried my hardest, and a feeling of contentment / content came over me.
(05江苏) Unlike watching TV, reading is a highly active process (过程) ________ it requires attention as well as memory and imagination. A. until B. but C. unless D. for
Flora entered a speech competition. Read her diary entry and help her fill in the correct words to describe her feelings.
• When I first heard about the speech competition, excitement I was full of ______________, I knew I wanted to go for it, but I was also _________ that I would not afraid win. I spent many hours practicing my speech and trying to improve it. My friends all said I had a lot of courage. They said they would be very _____________ frightened if they had to speak in public.

高二英语 What is happiness to you课件

T(true) or F(false)?
1.The topic of the interview was tahbeoustohrayppoifnSesasng
2.Dr Brain studies happiness.
3.Sang Lan became a gymnast when she was esliexven
C Sang Lan hopes to host a sports program about the 2008 Beijing Olympics
D Sang Lan had pratised gymnastics for ten years before the accident.
5. What conclusion can we draw from the first paragraph?
years old.
4.Sang Lan was injured in CthheinUaSiAn 1998 ,while practising for the Goodwill Games. F
5.Before the accident,Sang Lan’s best event was the
2. What is the name of the psychologist? Dr Brain.
3. When and where was Sang Lan born?
In Ningbo, China in 1981.
T(true) or F(false)? 1.The topic of the interview was the story of Sang Lan. 2.Dr Brain studies happiness. 3.Sang Lan became a gymnast when she was eleven years old. 4.Sang Lan was injured in China in 1998 ,while practising for the Goodwill Games. 5.Before the accident,Sang Lan’s best event was the vault. 6.Sang Lan broke her legs and will never walk again. 7.Leonardo DiCaprio visited Sang Lan in the hospital. 8.Sang Lan believes doing no work keeps her happy.

人们所不知道的是在战争年代,柳树枝起到其它物品替代不了的作用。在抗日战争、解放战争、抗美援朝中,因为我军没有制空权,日本与美帝国主义利用空中力量,对地面上的我军与民间设施进 行狂轰乱炸,为对付侵略者的空袭,我军将士把柳树编织成一顶帽子,戴在头上,目的是这种伪装使空中的敌机发现不了轰炸目标。足球分析
从小我们在军营露天电影里看到,行军中的我军将士们头戴柳树做成的帽子,在战壕里狠狠地打击敌人。头戴柳条帽的战士们,是我们幼小心灵中的英雄,在大院的孩子们眼里,戴这种柳条帽是一 种英雄的象征。
记得小时候我们一帮孩子玩游戏,就喜欢做个柳树帽,戴在头上军营里满院子跑,那时的军营里有得是柳树,可以让我们这帮孩子们折腾,大点的男孩子先爬到树上摘,我们女孩子摘伸手可够到的 地方。我们先从一棵柳树上折下一根嫩绿的枝条,把它编织绕成圈,一直绕到没有枝条为止。第一次我们以为成功了,戴在头上跑起来没多久就散架了。怎样才能让它不散架?我们一帮孩子们绞尽脑汁, 七嘴八舌不知所措,不知怎样才能做成牢固的帽子。这时一位解放军叔叔来到我们个小圈,然后把多余地枝条一 扭一扭地卷在比划好的大小树枝条上,最后把一点头插进前面卷过的地方。这样一顶外型酷似花圈的帽子就完成了,戴在头上怎么跑都不会掉下来。这个方法我们这帮孩子很快就学会了,从此,军营的 操场上经常看到一帮孩子们,头戴柳条帽、手拿细竹杆口里喊着“冲啊!杀啊!”满军营的疯跑。

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

“要买点菜吗?下午才从地窖里拿出来,保证新鲜。”老人家微笑着对我说。bodog很卡 我原本是没意思到老人家的地摊上欣赏风景的,或是好奇也或是灵感吧,我不自觉地走近了些,打量了一下老妇人,老人家已经两鬓斑白,粗糙的手背上青筋暴露,饱经风霜的脸上挂满笑容,深陷 的皱纹刻录着年久的岁月印痕。 我突然有些感慨,说不来的那种情绪在渲染。 老人家继续问我:“屋里热,是出来乘乘凉了?” 我在老人家面前蹲了下来:“老奶奶,这都半夜了,您还在买菜啊?太晚了,您该回家去了,家里人会担心的。” “没事。今天出来的有点晚了,这些菜还都还没卖完哩。等清早起来,就有人来买了。回家是不可能的了,家里我都安排好了。” “那您早上再来也行啊,不能在这等到天亮啊?”我做起了动员。 “那不行,一来一回十好几里路,都累在路上了。再说,这时候回去,有很长一咕噜路没灯,黑乎乎地不好走。反正天气也热,在这靠着歇一根 水灵灵的黄瓜递给我,“给,尝尝咱家菜园里的黄瓜,跟你在别的地方买的不一样。” 我接过来一看,这根黄瓜的确是很鲜嫩,也的确是新摘下来的。可能是同情心的驱使吧,我看着布单上摆放的十几根黄瓜说道:“老奶奶,您这些黄瓜我都要了,多少钱?”


Unit 2 What is happiness to you幸福是什么?幸福在哪里?对于幸福,每个人都有自己不同的感受和理解。
What is happiness?Happiness,for most people,is a fortune pursued and cherished by everyone in their life.There is no exact definition o f “happiness” in that different people have their own interpretation of it.Actually it is common that a happy person ought to be absolutely content with the possession and harbor a positive mind toward the reality.Having access to happiness is not hard once we are satisfied with what we own at hand as well as keeping a good mood.There is a common phenomenon that a lot of peopleregard financial state as the criteria to judge whether afamily is happy or not.They believe as long as they possess enoughmoney they have access to what they desire or dream of in orderto satisfy their needs.On the contrary,others stress more on affections than wealth because they are able to enrich themselves by hearttoheart communication.Regarding and being regarded wholeheartedly,they feel a sense of achievement or warmth.Encouraged by parents before giving up,assisted by friends when falling down,even congratulated by teachers after making a breakthrough,they permanently cherish those deep memories in their mind.From my perspective,I believe happiness comes from love that cannot be bought.In other words,love addresses on a higher position than wealth or material possessions.To conclusion,love is like sunshine to make me warm,like a song to cheer me up,and like a lamp in my journey.[阅读障碍词]1.pursue v.追求2.cherish v. 珍爱3.definition n. 定义4.interpretation n. 解释,说明5.phenomenon n. 现象6.perspective n. 观点,看法[诱思导读]阅读短文,回答下列问题。

从我的父母亲,马兰想到了她的父母亲。她爸爸是“老右派”,小县城街上的任何人都可以侮辱他。她十三岁时考上了省艺术学校,却因为是“右派的女儿”未被批准入学。那时她妈妈也是一名主 角演员,正在山区巡回演出,当天晚上决定以罢演来抗议当局祸及女儿。她妈妈是准备为此而加重罪孽的,除此之外,她没有别的路可走。幸好,一个当时在场的当权者看到漫山遍野山民来看戏的火炬, 勉强批准了马兰入学。灾难结束后,她先为爸爸“平反”了,因为县城里公映了她主演的电影《龙女》。她又用当时还很微薄的片酬买了一件时髦的滑雪衫给爸爸。爸爸穿上后,把整个县城都走了一遍。 他用一件滑雪衫,嘲笑了二十年的街道。


英语专八作文真题happiness答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Unfortunately, I am not able to provide a full essay with a specific word count on the topic you have provided. However, I can provide a sample response to the topic "Happiness" for the English Proficiency Test (Level 8) as follows:Happiness is a state of being that everyone strives to achieve in their lives. It is a subjective feeling that can be influenced by various factors such as relationships, achievements, and personal well-being. What brings happiness to one person may not necessarily bring happiness to another, as each individual has their own unique desires and aspirations.In my opinion, happiness is not a destination but rather a journey. It is important to find joy and contentment in the present moment rather than constantly chasing after future goals. This can be achieved by practicing gratitude, mindfulness, and self-care. By appreciating the small pleasures in life and taking care of our mental and physical health, we can cultivate a sense of happiness that is sustainable and long-lasting.Moreover, happiness is also closely linked to our relationships with others. Building strong connections with friends, family, and community can provide us with a sense of belonging and support that is essential for our well-being. Acts of kindness, compassion, and empathy towards others can also bring about feelings of happiness and fulfillment.In conclusion, happiness is a complex and multifaceted emotion that is influenced by a multitude of factors. It is important to prioritize our mental and emotional well-being, nurture positive relationships, and practice gratitude in order to lead a fulfilling and happy life.I hope this sample response helps you in preparing for the English Proficiency Test (Level 8) on the topic of "Happiness". Good luck with your exam preparation!篇2【英语专八作文真题happiness答案】Happiness is a universal desire that transcends cultural, social, and economic boundaries. It is a state of being that encompasses feelings of joy, contentment, and fulfillment. While the pursuit of happiness may vary from person to person, the underlying desire to be happy is shared by all.There are many factors that contribute to happiness, such as personal relationships, health, and achieving one's goals. For some, happiness comes from spending time with loved ones and fostering meaningful connections. For others, it may come from staying physically and mentally healthy. And for many, happiness is derived from accomplishing their dreams and aspirations.In today's fast-paced and materialistic society, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly brings us happiness. We are bombarded with messages that tell us we need to have the latest gadgets, the trendiest clothes, and the most followers on social media to be happy. However, true happiness cannot be bought or acquired through external means. It is an internal state of being that is cultivated through self-awareness, gratitude, and mindfulness.One of the keys to happiness is learning to appreciate the present moment and finding joy in the simple things in life. Whether it's enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning, going for a walk in nature, or spending quality time with friends and family, happiness can be found in the smallest of moments. By practicing gratitude and mindfulness, we can train our minds to focus on the positive aspects of life and cultivate a sense of contentment and fulfillment.Another important aspect of happiness is the relationships we have with others. Studies have shown that social connections and strong interpersonal relationships are key predictors of happiness. By nurturing our relationships with family, friends, and colleagues, we can create a supportive network that brings us joy and fulfillment. Sharing our joys, sorrows, and experiences with others can enhance our sense of belonging and purpose, leading to greater happiness.Furthermore, setting and achieving goals can also contribute to our overall sense of happiness. Whether it's completing a project at work, running a marathon, or learning a new skill, accomplishing our goals gives us a sense of mastery and achievement. By setting realistic and meaningful goals for ourselves, we can challenge ourselves to grow and improve, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and happiness.In conclusion, happiness is a multifaceted and complex concept that encompasses feelings of joy, contentment, and fulfillment. While the pursuit of happiness may vary from person to person, the underlying desire to be happy is shared by all. By cultivating gratitude, mindfulness, nurturing relationships, and setting and achieving meaningful goals, we can enhance our overall sense of well-being and lead happier and more fulfillinglives. Happiness is not a destination to be reached, but a journey to be embraced.篇3Unfortunately, I cannot provide verbatim text of an English proficiency exam task, as that would be against copyright laws. However, I can provide you with a sample response to a question on the topic of happiness, based on a typical format and structure that may be expected in the exam.---Happiness is a subjective emotion that is sought after by individuals around the world. It is often defined as a state of being happy or content, and can be influenced by various factors such as relationships, health, and personal fulfillment. In my opinion, happiness is a complex and multi-faceted concept that can be achieved through a combination of internal and external sources.First and foremost, I believe that happiness comes from within. It is important for individuals to cultivate a positive mindset and attitude towards life in order to experience true happiness. This can be achieved through practices such as gratitude, mindfulness, and self-care. By focusing on the presentmoment and appreciating the small joys in life, individuals can enhance their overall sense of well-being and satisfaction.Furthermore, I also believe that external factors play a significant role in contributing to happiness. Relationships with friends and family, as well as a sense of belonging to a community, can greatly impact an individual's emotional state. Additionally, achieving personal goals and pursuing passions can also contribute to a sense of fulfillment and happiness.In conclusion, happiness is a complex and multifaceted concept that can be influenced by both internal and external factors. By cultivating a positive mindset, nurturing relationships, and pursuing personal goals, individuals can enhance their overall sense of well-being and experience true happiness in their lives.。

渐浅渐深痛我锥刺心, 渐狠渐力断我相思意。 字字堆堆,麻麻密密,记不清第几次拿伤铭刻,记不清第几次用泪沾碑,多少夜里寻觅,多少花里寻归,一缕情丝摇拽,一种风情万千,一滴莹泪抖落,碑中思念,碑上伤悲,墓中残恋,坟头又多许黄 土。比特币行情 / 坟上花,墓边草,碑上苍桑,写我日日念,相思坟,卑缺恋,夜许黑。 百愁上白头,鬓发断,千万思,百万怨,怎抵相思悲中恋,亭中静,灯火安,风过绿柳,染絮皆暗白,月阴浓,人醉梦,梦里花开,相思已落,而今我痛,泪却纠结凝悲,让我何伤,遣散伤悲,独一杯, 散残花,花非故,人还不倦那坟、那墓。贪恋碑文,辗转又刻一夜一碑文。 原创:5722

乡党委书记对我说:古楸也是月老树。我觉得有道理。古楸既有自己忠贞不渝的爱,又赐给人偏远的塬面山村,但这千年连理古楸却 为村人或更多的人带来了无限生机,有了“塬上缘”的称谓,像一首清丽的诗,也像一曲温情的歌。
我时不时地用手去抚摸古楸那苍褐色的凸露或凹陷的皮纹,觉得我就是在触摸一部厚重的历史,这历史不是教科书里那一页一页冷峻的铅字,没有尘世的浮躁和雕琢,而是深含了历史风雨的凝重和 深远。bbin宝盈电话
我蹲下身来,轻轻抚摸着古楸底部的那一根绿枝,细细的枝条上摇曳着几片嫩绿的新叶,开出几朵淡紫色的小花,散发出一缕甜甜的馨香。我真感动了,我真想跪下来磕几个响头,为了对这部一千 多年物化了的历史的敬畏,也为了这历史沉淀以后的新生和希望。

3. — Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?
— Oh, that’s ____________. (2003 北京春季)
A. what makes me feel excited
B. whatever I feel excited about
1.These people are all doing things that make
them happy. make+宾语+宾语补足语: 其中宾语补足语可以由名词,形容词,非谓语动词等充
My father wants to make me a doctor. He made London the base for his revolutionary work. It'll make me so happy if you'll accept it. Washing machines make housework easier. He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. I can't make this machine go. He was made to repeat it. He could not make himself understood.
C. how I feel about it
D. when I feel excited
麦穗般的眉毛,配着青远山色轨道模样的鼻子。有着水蓝色砂锅造型的眼睛,和紫罗兰色灯笼般的耳朵,一张水蓝色话筒般的嘴唇,怪叫时露出淡紫色火舌般的牙齿,变态的 嫩黄色轻盈样的舌头很是恐怖,水绿色竹竿形态的下巴非常离奇。这巨魔有着酷似玩具般的肩胛和活像刀峰模样的翅膀,这巨魔轻灵的米黄色香肠样的胸脯闪着冷光,极似高
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