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Krashen‟s Theory
Evidence for the Input Hypothesis
Combined Model of Acquisition and Production
The Input Hypothesis (i+1)
For example, if a learner is at a stage „i‟, then acquisition It is Krashen’s attempt explain how takes place to when he/she isthe learner exposed to „Comprehensible acquires a second language. Input‟ that belongs to level „i + 1‟. It is only concerned with ‘acquisition’, not ‘learning’.
Variability Models
Introduce about Krashens Input Hypothesis
Different names
• Monitor Model
• Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis • Input Hypothesis .
Chapter 11 Theories of Second Language Acquisition
---Zhang Li
Ⅰ Introduction Ⅱ Taxonomies, Hypotheses, and Model Ⅲ Some Current Theories and Models Ⅳ The believing and doubting games Ⅴ From Theory to Practice Ⅵ Intuition: The Search for relevance Ⅶ Out on a Limb: The Ecology of Language Acquisition
Mclaughlin‟s Attention-Processing Model
Controlled processes are capacity limited and temporary.
Automatic processes are relatively permanent .
while most controlled processes are focal, some ,like child first language learning or the learning of skills without any instruction, can be peripheral. similarly, most automatic processes are peripheral, but some can be focal.
I. Introduction
Q1. What is second language acquisition?
Q2. Is there such a
Second Language Acquisition unified theory? is a subset of general human learning and involves cognitive variations. It is closely related to one‟s personhood and is interwoven with second culture learning.
Other Knowledge
processes are universal while strategies are Implicit knowledge is optional and vary across In the explicit category are Type Type I information that is individuals, as we have the facts thatresponses a person knows are automatically andII I Type already defined earlier. about language and the spontaneous responses are Inferencing spontaneously used in ability to articulate those time-delayed. language tasks. R “R” is the response that facts in some way. a person makes to Monitoring Process Type another person upon receiving some sort of II Strategies linguistic message.
II. Taxonomies, Hypotheses, and Models
However vague and general they are, they constitute a frawenku.baidu.comework for a theory of SLA.
10 statements Evaluation
A Second criticism of krashen‟s view arose out of the claim that there is no interface—no overlap—between acquisition and learning.
Finally, it is important to note that the notion of „i+1‟ is nothing new.
11 statements
Yorio (1976)
Lightbown (1985)
Krashens Input Mclaughlin‟s AttentionProcessing Model some current theories and models Bialystok‟s Analysis/Automaticity Model
Q. How does Mclaughlin‟s model apply to practical aspects of learning a second language?
Language Exposure
Functional Practicing
Formal Practicing
First, Barry Mclaughlin sharply criticized krashen‟s rather fuzzy distinction between subconscious (acquisition) and conscious (learning) processes.