诺亚方舟的故事(英语版 附带PPT)

Human became more and more selfish, cunning, indifferent. God couldn't tolerant human's behaviors any longer.The earth was corrupt and full of violence in God's sight.So he determined to destroy all the living things he had made with a big flood.However, Noah was a righteous man, the one blameless man of his time; he walked with God. He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth.人类变得越来越自私,狡猾,冷漠。
God said to Noah, The earth is full of violence. I intend to destroy them and establish a new world, I will bring the waters of the flood over the earth to destroy every human being under heaven ; But I will make a contract with you,you shall make an ark and go into it, you and your sons, your wife and your sons'wives with you. And you shall bring living creatures of every kind into the ark to keep them alive with you. Two of each kind, a male and a female;上帝对诺亚说:“这个世界充满了邪恶、暴力。
noah's ark典故

noah's ark典故Noah's Ark典故是关于诺亚方舟的故事,描述了上帝命令诺亚建造一只巨大的方舟,将自己、家人和各种动物都带上方舟,以躲避即将来临的大洪水。
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班主任: 我觉得何旋今天取得这样的成绩, 我觉得,很重要的是,何旋是土生土长的北京 二中的学生,二中的教育理念是综合培养学生 的素质和能力。我觉得何旋,她取得今天这么 好的成绩,一个来源于她的扎实的学习上的基 础,还有一个非常重要的,我觉得特别想提的, 何旋是一个特别充满自信,充满阳光的这样一 个女孩子。在我印象当中,何旋是一个最爱笑 的,而且她的笑特别感染人的。所以我觉得她 很阳光,而且充满自信,这是她突出的这样一 个特点。所以我觉得,这是她今天取得好成绩 当中,心理素质非常好,是非常重要的。
思?“四 周 是 一 望 无 际的 水 面”
shuō mínɡ le shén me
说 明 了 什 么?
nuò yà wèi shén me yào fànɡ chū wū yā
(2)诺 亚 为 什 么 要 放 出 乌鸦
hé ɡē zi
和 鸽子?
rén men zěn me zhī dɑo dì miàn lù
孙老师说,杨蕙心学习效率很高,认真执行老师 的复习要求,往往一个小时能完成别人两三个小 时的作业量,而且计划性强,善于自我调节。此 外,学校还有一群与她实力相当的同学,他们经 常在一起切磋、交流,形成一种良性的竞争氛围。
谈起自己的高考心得,杨蕙心说出了“听话” 两个字。她认为在高三冲刺阶段一定要跟随老师 的脚步。“老师介绍的都是多年积累的学习方法, 肯定是最有益的。”高三紧张的学习中,她常做 的事情就是告诫自己要坚持,不能因为一次考试 成绩就否定自己。高三的几次模拟考试中,她的 成绩一直稳定在年级前5名左右。
nuò yà fānɡ zhōu shì wài ɡuó ɡǔ dài de yí
诺 亚 方 舟 是 外 国 古 代 的一

In order to survive, we must built an ark ………
Noah and his family were building the ark~
Presented by:朱明月 Designed by:张晴
Materials collector:张晴
Proofreader:李逸男 朱明月 Acted by:张晴 李逸男
the sign of the covenant When the land is dry God tells Noah to leave the ark, Noah offers a sacrifice to God, and God resolves never again to curse the earth Then God established his covenant with Noah and his sons and with all living things, and places the rainbow in the clouds, "the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all flesh that is on the earth."
The rain lasted 150 days…… July 17th October 1st The ark got stranded in Mount Ararat The mountains began to emerge

诺亚方舟故事通过人类在灾难面前的团结、信念、毅力和创造力等精神品质,展现了人 性光辉的一面。
1 重要的精神资产
诺亚方舟在当代社会中象 征着坚韧不拔、顽强生命 等美好的品质。
2 爱护地球的重要性
方舟故事对于爱护地球的 教育启示作用得到了广泛 的传播,在环保教育方面 具有重要的意义。
3 现代灾难与救援
虽然故事发生的年代距离 现代已经很遥远,但是人 类所面临的自然灾难和求 生救援仍然是当代社会面 临的重要课题。
诺亚方舟成为了当时寻求生存和稳定社会的主要手 段和想象的憧憬。
的神话中也存在着各种各样关于方舟故 事的版本。
2 技术上可行吗?
3 方舟中的尺寸与荷载问题
诺亚方舟象征着信仰与救赎的希望,教导人们要以 责任心来对待环境和生命。
方舟在犹太教中象征着对“人类破坏自然天赋”的惩 罚,以及保护环境、珍视生命的重要价值。
只有坚定的信仰,并且与自己的行为相伴相随,才可能在历史的长河中成为人民和世界记忆 的里程碑。
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想 了 解 这 个故事 吗?那么就 让
wǒ men yì qǐ lái xué xí zhè piān kè wén bɑ
我们 一起 来 学 习 这 篇 课 文吧!
zì dú kè wén
jiè zhù pīn yīn dú zhǔn
1.自读课 文,借 助 拼 音 读 准
shēnɡ zì de yīn bìnɡ ɡōu huà chū shēnɡ zì
nuò yà shì zěn me bānɡ zhù rén men
诺 亚 是 怎么 帮 助 人 们
de tā wèi shén me yònɡ zhè zhǒnɡ bàn fǎ
的?他为 什么 用 这 种 办 法?
tàn jiū tǎo lùn
探 究 讨 论:
yí wànɡ wú jì si shì shén me yì
nǐ men jiàn ɡuò pù bù mɑ
提出 问 题:你们 见 过 瀑布吗?
bào yǔ xiànɡ pù bù yí yànɡ cónɡ tiān shànɡ bù tínɡ
暴 雨 像 瀑布一 样
de qīnɡ xiè xià lɑi
上 不 停
shì shén me kě pà de qínɡ
的 倾 泻 下 来,是 什 么 可怕 的 情
jǐnɡ xiǎnɡ xiànɡ kè wén zhōnɡ shì zěn yànɡ miáo
shù de dú yi dú
象,课 文 相
中 是 怎 样
zhǎo chū xiānɡ ɡuān de yǔ jù
shì zhe
述 的,找 出 读一读。
关 的语句,试 着

英语总结诺亚方舟引言《诺亚方舟》(Noah’s Ark)是一则希伯来圣经中流传的故事,被广泛解释为上帝对人类行为的惩罚和教训。
主要内容1. 故事概述1.1 背景介绍在《诺亚方舟》的故事中,世界上的人们变得邪恶和腐败,上帝决定通过大洪水来清洗世界,只留下一个正直的人和一些幸存的动物。
1.2 诺亚的任务上帝选择了诺亚,一个正直的人,来建造一艘大船,即诺亚方舟。
1.3 方舟的建造和登船诺亚按照上帝的指示建造了一个巨大的方舟,并将各种动物一对一对地带到方舟中。
1.4 方舟的旅程和结束方舟在洪水中漂浮了40天40夜,最终停在了一座山上。
2. 学习英语的意义学习《诺亚方舟》的故事,可以让我们在英语学习中获得以下几个方面的益处:2.1 增加词汇量通过学习这个故事,我们可以接触到一些与动物、自然灾害等相关的词汇,如animals, flood, ark等等。
2.2 学习语法和句子结构在阅读《诺亚方舟》的故事中,我们可以学习到一些复杂的句子结构和语法用法,如条件句、定语从句等等。
2.3 增强阅读理解能力通过阅读这个故事,我们可以锻炼自己的阅读理解能力。

2023届高三英语外刊时文诺亚方舟精读精练讲义内容摘要A painting of Noah's Ark. The Old Testament tale has not only inspired countless generations of artists, but also more than acentury of "scientific" attempts to locate remains of the fabled vessel.阅读理解Questions:1. What's archaeologists' attitude to seek the vessel that survived the biblical deluge?A. It's foolish.B. It's in vain.C. It's meaningful.2. Why Cline quit rebutting the purported biblical evidence that enchants the public?A. Because he shifts focus to expeditions and showing research to people who respect for science.B. Because he knows they don't believe him in any case.C. Because he is no longer young and tired of doing this.结构分析内容解读For more than a century, people have sought the Old Testament vessel that survived the biblical deluge.Archaeologists say it’s a fool’s errand. Noah’s Ark is among the best known and most captivating of all Old Testament stories: After crea ting humans, God became so displeased with them that he struck Earth with an all-encompassing flood to wipe them out—with one noteworthy (and seaworthy) exception: the biblical patriarchand his family, accompanied by pairs of each of the planet’s animals,who rode out the deluge in an enormous wooden vessel. For people who accept the religious text as a historically accurate account of actual events, the hunt for archaeological evidence of the Ark is equally captivating, inspiring some intrepid faithful to comb the slopes of Armenia’s Mt. Ararat and beyond for traces of the wooden vessel. But searches for the Ark draw everything from exasperation to disdain from academic archaeologists and biblical scholars.“No legitimate archaeologist does this,” says National Geographic Explorer Jodi Magness, an archaeologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, of modern searches for evidence of Noah.“Archaeology is not treasure hunting,” she adds.“It’s not about finding a specific object. It’s a scie nce where we come up with research questions that we hope to answer by excavation.”■ a fool's errand表示“徒劳的事,白费力气的事”,其中errand表示“(短程的)差事,跑腿”,例如:▪He sent me on a fool's errand. 他派我去干白费力的事。
读故事学语法之名词 诺亚方舟

Noah’s ArkThis is a story from the Bible. But it is not about Adam or Eve or the Garden of Eden. It is about Noah and his ark.By the time Adam died, there were many people on our planet. War and other crimes had spread throughout the world. Finally, God decided to bring a great flood of water upon the earth to cover all the land.Fields and cities were buried. Glasses, dishes, matches, boxes, tomatoes and many other things in the houses were now rolling in the flood. Bamboos and tobaccos were shooting across the water like flying fish. Wolves would rather risk their lives for a bare log without any leaves than for sheep on the roofs.The fish were now swimming in the places where sheep, deer, oxen, mice or even children once enjoyed themselves. The men, armed to the teeth, could not find their feet and were shouting like geese and the women tried to balance on logs.The story of the great flood on the earth may be true. Russians, Germans, Japanese, and Chinese have the same story in their history books, as do the English, French and Dutch.In time, everyone in the whole world was drowned except a few lookers-on in an ark. They are Noah, his wife, his sons and his daughters-in-law. They were all lucky grown-ups. They were going to take their menservants and women nurses onto the ark as well, but their plans were in vain. The ark was only big enough for one family.In the sight of God, Noah had always been trying to do right. So God had told him what to do before the flood came. “You are to build a large ark. You are to take a pair of each kind of animal. And your sons and daughters are to take several pairs of birds. If the ark is large enough, you can also take a set of furniture with you.”Then, a three-story-high ship was built in a place where there was no sea nearby.“Noah’s work is a product of his crazy imagination,” his neighbours laughed at him. “Look, the windows of the ship are so small while the ship itself is high.”“For goodness’ sake, please don’t laugh at the great work of art,” said one of them with a cruel smile, “though it looks like Mr. Adams’s stupid castle. There is always something new in the children’s sandbox.”“Exactly so!”said another. “In fact, I believe that Noah would make a perfect commander-in-chief for our children. And the commander-in-chief’s picture really should be printed on the flag of this warship.”“A wonderful idea! I have a flag at my uncle’s. I’ll go to Noah’s and take him to the barber’s. He really needs to have his hair cut before he has his picture taken.”“Let’s go! We neighbours should do something for Noah and his wife’s wonderland.”“My opinion is the same as this gentleman’s.”“Let’s keep our little gift a secret from Noah until we are ready to present it. Then we’ll have a piece of shocking news to share with him in two day’s time…”“…when Noah returns from the harvest festival.”There was a piece of shocking news two days later. It began to rain heavily and the river flooded the cities and the fields. The work of Noah, his sons-in-law was now showing its worth. Safe in the ark, Noah’s family sadly looked at the heads of the men and women struggling in the rising water.Forty days later, the rain stopped.Noah opened a window and sent out a few crows of his son’s to search for land. But these birds of his son’s never came back to the ship. Two days later, Noah sent out a dove of his daughters’. The next morning, the little pet of his daughters’ came back with a leaf from an olive tree. Some animals of Noah’s began to sing happily----A beautiful rainbow appeared in the blue sky.The seven colour of God’s are the sign of his promise to the world: “I’ll become a friend of man’s and I will never send another flood to destroy the world. If the world is destroyed again, it will be done by the humans themselves.”。

yí wànɡ wú jì shì shén me yì
(1)“一 望 无 际” 是 什 么意
sì zhōu shì yí wànɡ wú jì de shuǐ miàn
思?“四 周 是 一 望 无 际的 水 面”
shuō mínɡ le shén me
说 明 了 什 么?
nuò yà wèi shén me yào fànɡ chū wū yā
nuò yà shì zěn me bānɡ zhù rén men
诺 亚 是 怎么 帮 助 人 们
de tā wèi shén me yònɡ zhè zhǒnɡ bàn fǎ
的?他为 什么 用 这 种 办 法?
tàn jiū tǎo lùn
探 究 讨 论:
(2)诺 亚 为 什 么 要 放 出 乌鸦
hé ɡē zi
和 鸽子?
rén men zěn me zhī dɑo dì miàn lù
(3)人 们 怎 么 知 道“地 面 露
chū lɑi le
出 来 了”?
zhǐ dǎo dú
zì rán duàn
指导 读4、5自 然 段。
生 字的 音,并 勾 画 出 生 字。
2.同 桌 互 助 认 读 生 字。
zài dú kè wén bǎ kè wén dú tōnɡ dú shùn
3.再 读 课文,把课 文 读 通 读 顺,
xiǎnɡ xiànɡ kè wén jiǎnɡ le yí jiàn shén me shì
诺亚方舟的故事(英语版 附带PPT)

Human became more and more selfish, cunning, indifferent. God couldn't tolerant human's behaviors any longer.The earth was corrupt and full of violence in God's sight.So he determined to destroy all the living things he had made with a big flood.However, Noah was a righteous man, the one blameless man of his time; he walked with God. He had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth.人类变得越来越自私,狡猾,冷漠。
God said to Noah, The earth is full of violence. I intend to destroy them and establish a new world, I will bring the waters of the flood over the earth to destroy every human being under heaven ; But I will make a contract with you,you shall make an ark and go into it, you and your sons, your wife and your sons'wives with you. And you shall bring living creatures of every kind into the ark to keep them alive with you. Two of each kind, a male and a female;上帝对诺亚说:“这个世界充满了邪恶、暴力。
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The God say……
1. 不要錯過船期 Don’t miss the boat. boat. 2. 記着我們同坐一條船 Remember we’re on the same boat. boat. 3. 凡事要先作好準備,方舟是在大雨前建造的 凡事要先作好準備, We need good planning. Noah’s ark was built before the heavy rain came. came. 4 .記着,方舟是由外行人建造,而鐵達尼號卻是專家的傑作 記着,方舟是由外行人建造, Remember, the ark was built by layman,Titanic was built by specialists. specialists. 5. 無論外面風雨多大,若您與主同行,彩虹便在不遠之處 無論外面風雨多大,若您與主同行, No matter how bad the weather outside is, if you walk with God, the rainbow is just ahead of you. you.
To escape the waters of the flood ,animals ,Noa h and Noah’s family into the ark.
After forty days Noah opened the trap-door that he had trapmade in the ark , and released a raven to see whether the water had subsided, but the bird continued flying to and fro until the water on the earth had dried up. Noah waited for seven days, and then he released a dove from the ark to see whether the water on the earth had subsided further. But the dove found no place where she could settle, and so she came back to him in the ark, because there was water over the whole surface of the earth. He waited another seven days and again released the dove from the ark. She came back to him towards evening with a newly plucked olive leaf in her beak. Then Noah knew for certain that the water on the earth had subsided still further. He waited yet another seven days and released the dove, but she never came back.
Exactly as God had commanded him , Noah made the ark.
The flood continued upon the earth for forty days, and the waters swelled and lifted up the ark so that it rose high above the ground. More and more the waters increased over the earth until they covered all the high mountains everywhere under heaven. The waters increased and the mountains were covered to a depth of fifteen cubits. Everything died that had the breath of life in its nostrils, everything on dry land. God wiped out every living thing that existed on earth, man and beast, reptile and bird; they were all wiped out over the whole earth, and only Noah and his company in the ark survived.
When Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden the forbidden fruit, Cain killed him younger brother later, human and full of evils. And God saw the human sin,felt anger extremely, decided to use the flood destroyed this has corrupted world, God let Noah built a boat - ark, the need to leave limited creatures in the boat. So Noah put a small number of people, animals and crops seeds in the boat left behind. 7 days, the flood came from heaven and, for 40 days and nights under other people and animals and plants all into disaster schoolgirl.
God said to Noah, ‘The loathsomeness of all mankind has become plain to me, for through them the earth is full of violence. I intend to destroy them, and the earth with them. Make yourself an ark with ribs of cypress; cover it with reeds and coat it inside and out with pitch. I intend to bring the waters of the flood over the earth to destroy every human being under heaven that has the spirit of life; everything on earth shall perish. But with you I will make a covenant, and you shall go into the ark, you and your sons, your wife and your sons’ wives with you. And you shall bring living creatures of every kind into the ark to keep them alive with you. Two of each kind, a male and a female; two of every kind of bird, beast, and reptile, shall come to you to be kept alive. See that you take and store every kind of food that can be eaten; this shall be food for you and for them. ’
Exactly as God had ommanded him , Noah made the ark.
To escape the waters of the flood ,animals ,Noah and Noah’s family into the ark.
The God say……
Waiting for the flood to recede
Waiting for the flood to recede
By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the whole twentyearth was dry. And God said to Noah, ‘Come out of the ark, you and your wife, your sons and their wives. Bring out every living creature that is with you, live things of every kind, bird and beast and every reptile that moves on the ground, and let them swarm over the earth and be fruitful and increase there. ’So Noah came out with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives. Every wild animal, all cattle, every bird, and every reptile that moves on the ground, came out of the ark by families. Then Noah built an altar to the Lord. He took ritually clean beasts and birds of every kind, and offered whole-offerings on the altar. wholeWhen the Lord smelt the soothing odor, he said within himself, ‘Never again will I curse the ground because of man, however evil his inclinations may be from his youth upwards. I will never again kill every living creature, as I have just done. ’