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At present, with the rapid development of milk tea industry, more and more domestic brands are rising continuously, and the market has been gradually saturated in a few years. As a brand that has developed rapidly in recent years, ancient tea milk tea has been recognized by the vast number of consumers for its unique taste and service quality. However, in the face of such fierce and complicated competition in the market, how to maintain and improve its core competitiveness and the brand loyalty of the vast number of consumers is the key. Therefore, the article analyzes the current marketing strategy of ancient tea milk tea, and with the help of PEST analysis method, SWOT analysis method and Porter's Five Forces competitive environment analysis, it summarizes some problems that ancient tea milk tea currently faces, such as the impact of social concepts, insufficient product cost performance, insufficient publicity and promotion efforts, and fierce market competition, and proposes corresponding effective improvement measures: eliminating social concepts and strengthening product quality; Reasonable pricing; Formulate differentiation strategy; Intensify publicity and promotion measures; Strengthen internal management and establish and perfect incentive mechanism.

Key words: market environment; Ancient tea milk tea; Marketing strategy;


1 绪论 (5)

1.1 研究背景和意义 (5)

1.1.1研究背景 (5)

1.1.2研究意义 (5)

1.2文献综述 (6)

1.2.1国外研究现状 (6)

1.2.2国内研究现状 (6)

2 古茗奶茶的现状和特点 (7)

2.1古茗奶茶简介 (7)

2.2福建省古茗奶茶经营现状 (7)

3 古茗奶茶的环境分析 (8)

3.1古茗奶茶外部环境PEST分析方法 (8)

3.1.1政策与法律环境分析 (8)

3.1.2经济环境分析 (8)

3.1.3社会文化与自然环境分析 (8)

3.1.4技术环境分析 (9)

3.2古茗奶茶SWOT分析 (9)

3.2.1机会方面 (9)

3.2.2优势方面 (9)

3.2.3劣势方面 (9)

3.2.4威胁方面 (9)

3.3古茗奶茶波特五力竞争环境分析 (10)

3.3.1现有竞争企业 (10)

3.3.2潜在进入者威胁 (10)

3.3.3替代品威胁 (11)

3.3.4供应商与购买者讨价还价的能力 (11)

4 古茗奶茶的营销4P分析 (11)

4.1产品策略分析 (11)

4.2定价策略分析 (11)

4.3渠道策略分析 (12)

4.4促销策略分析 (12)

5 古茗奶茶存在的不足之处 (12)

5.1产品包装老式 (13)

5.2产品价格不具优势 (13)

5.3线上服务不周到 (13)

5.4宣传促销手段单一 (13)

5.5社会观念带来的影响 (13)

6 古茗奶茶的营销对策 (14)

6.1古茗奶茶针对问题所采取的营销对策 (14)

6.1.1图案包装设计 (14)
