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J.of Supercritical Fluids 47(2008)281–289Contents lists available at ScienceDirectThe Journal of SupercriticalFluidsj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /s u p f luPreparation of microcellular cross-linked polyethylene foams by a radiation and supercritical carbon dioxide approachZhe Xing a ,b ,Guozhong Wu b ,∗,Shirong Huang a ,Shimou Chen b ,Hongyan Zeng aa College of Chemical Engineering,Xiangtan University,Xiangtan,Hunan 411105,ChinabShanghai Institute of Applied Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Jialuo Road 2019,Jiading,Shanghai 201800,Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 29February 2008Received in revised form 31July 2008Accepted 20August 2008Keywords:LDPESupercritical carbon dioxide Radiation Cross-linkingMicrocellular foama b s t r a c tA detailed investigation was carried out on the foaming of cross-linked low-density polyethylene (x-LDPE)sheets with CO 2as a blowing agent on a batch scale.The x-LDPE sheets were produced through two different sequences,i.e.,part formation after irradiation (Sequence A),and irradiation after part formation (Sequence B).The foaming behavior of x-LDPE samples prepared by both Sequence A andB was compared in terms of cell size distribution,cell size,cell density and volume expansion ratio.The optimum radiation dose for the foaming of x-LDPE was found to be 50kGy.At a foaming temperature of 100◦C,the cell size of x-LDPE foam was less than 10m,and the maximal value of cell density reached 1011cells/cm 3.The SA and SB series of x-LDPE foams both had a microcellular structure.It may be possible to realize a continuous manufacture process for x-LDPE foam with the Sequence A.©2008Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionMicrocellular polymeric foam is a new class of material that typically has cell sizes on the order of 10m and cell densities of more than 109cells/cm 3.Microcellular polymeric foams offer multiple advantages over solid polymers,including a reduction in material cost and weight,good mechanical properties and chem-ical resistance,low thermal and electrical conductivity,and good sound insulation [1–3].They have been widely applied in insu-lation and packaging,as well as in structures and filters.Martini [4]first produced microcellular polymeric foams by using CO 2as a physical-blowing agent in the early 1980s.Over the past 25years,various polymers have been used in the development of microcellular polymeric foams,including poly(methyl methacry-late)(PMMA)[3,5],polystyrene (PS)[6],polycarbonate (PC)[7],poly(ethylene terephthalate)(PET)[7],poly(ether sulfone)[8],polysulfone [8],poly(ether imide)[9],poly(l -lactide)(PLA)[10],polyethylene/polypropylene (PE/PP)blends [11],poly(vinylidene fluoride)/poly(methyl methacrylate)(PVDF/PMMA)blends [12],PE/PP-wood fiber composites [13],and polyethylene-octene elas-tomer (POE)/organoclay nanocomposite [14].Low-density polyethylene is widely used because of its excellent properties such as softness,elasticity,processibility and insula-tion.Cross-linking is often applied to improve the thermal and∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+862159554531;fax:+862159558905.E-mail address:wuguozhong@ (G.Wu).mechanical properties of polyethylene,owing to the formation of a three-dimensional network.The cross-linking can be accom-plished either by high-energy irradiation,or through the use of chemical cross-linking additives [15–17].Compared to chemical cross-linking,radiation cross-linking has some advantages,such as the formation of more uniform links in the polymer matrix,no residual chemical cross-linking additives,and no byproducts gen-erated during the decomposition of cross-linking additives,which can bring to bear a deleterious effect on the electrical performance of polyethylene [18].Polyethylene foam is one of the most important plastic foams,whose commercial production started in the early 1940s [19].Owing to its high heat and sound insulation capacity and excel-lent shock absorption capability,PE foam is widely used in the building,packaging,and automotive industries,and by producers of sports and leisure articles.Typically,the cell size of commercial PE foams is 0.1–1mm and their cell density is less than 106cm −3[20].For the production of commercial PE foams,chemical or physical foaming agents are universally harmful to human and environ-ment.For example,foaming agents such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)cause the destruc-tion of the ozone layer.It is well known that CO 2is chemically stable,non-toxic,and easy to obtain from air.It also has a mild crit-ical temperature (31◦C)and moderate critical pressure (7.38MPa)in comparison with other supercritical fluids [21–23].In addition,it can plasticize most polymers and decrease their glass transi-tion temperature,and has a relatively high solubility in polymers [24,25].Accordingly,supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO 2)is an ideal0896-8446/$–see front matter ©2008Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.282Z.Xing et al./J.of Supercritical Fluids47(2008)281–289replacement of traditional foaming agents and has been increas-ingly employed in the polymeric microcellular forming process as a clean blowing agent.The effect of saturation pressure,foaming temperature and depressurization rate on the morphology of polyolefin foams has been extensively studied[26–32].The results show that higher sat-uration pressure leads to higher cell density and smaller cells,while higher foaming temperatures result in lower cell density and larger cells.It has also been found that a higher depressurization rate induces a higher number of cell nuclei.However,the study of foam-ing of irradiated PE with scCO2has seldom been reported.In our previous work,foaming of PMMA microspheres[33]and microp-orous PVDF membranes[34]was carried out by using scCO2.In this paper,we prepared cross-linked PE microcellular foam by a com-bination of radiation cross-linking and the scCO2foaming process. Two processing sequences were used to prepare radiation-cross-linked low-density polyethylene(x-LDPE)sheets:(1)irradiation followed by screw extrusion and hot pressing(Sequence A),and (2)hot pressing followed by irradiation(Sequence B).The specimen made by Sequence A is named SA and the one made by Sequence B is named SB.The Sequence A adopts the idea of radiation modification of PE pellets prior to part formation[35];therefore,it is an easy-to-accomplish extrusion foaming technology.The cell structures of SA and SB foams were compared in detail,and the effects of radiation dose on cell size(D),cell density(N f)and volume expansion ratio (R v)were also investigated.The samples produced by Sequence A can be expanded into microcellular foam and have higher volume expansion ratio than the ones made by Sequence B.The Sequence A provides a new way to prepare microcellular cross-linked LDPE foams.The mean diameter of cells of x-LDPE foams is less than 10m,and the value of cell densities of x-LDPE foams is more than 109cells/cm3when all x-LDPE samples were foamed at the foaming temperature of100◦C.The optimal radiation dose for the foaming of x-LDPE is found to be50kGy.Irradiation led to a wider foaming temperature range of LDPE.2.Experimental2.1.MaterialsLow-density polyethylene(LD100-AC,pellet)was purchased from Sinopec Beijing Yanshan Chemical Corporation,with a den-sity of0.9225g/cm3and melt index of2.0g/10min.Carbon dioxide (>99.5%pure)was from Loutang Special Gases of Shanghai.2.2.Irradiation of LDPEThe␥-irradiation was carried out in the60Co source of the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics.Two processing sequences were used to prepare␥-ray irradiated LDPE(Fig.1).In thefirst sequence,PE pellets werefirst irradiated at different doses in sealed vessels at room temperature,and then mixed in the mixer(Thermo Haake PolyDrive,Germany)and hot pressed at160◦C and18MPa for8min into thin sheets in1mm thickness.The specimen made by this procedure is labeled sample of Sequence A(SA).In the second sequence,PE pellets were initially hot pressed into1mm thin sheets under the same conditions,and subsequently irradi-ated at different doses in sealed vessels at room temperature.The specimen processed by this procedure is denoted as sample of Sequence B(SB).The non-irradiated sheet is labeled sample S0.All specimens were cut into15mm×8mm pieces for the foaming pro-cess.The dose rate was1.09kGy h−1and irradiation doses were25 (SA25,SB25),50(SA50,SB50),75(SA75,SB75)and100kGy(SA100, SB100),respectively.2.3.Foaming processIn this study,the saturation pressure,soaking time and depres-surization rate were kept constant at22MPa,8h and0.7MPa/s, respectively.Five different temperatures(100,105,110,120,and 130◦C)were used as foaming temperatures(T f).The supercriti-cal experimental setup was schematically depicted in the previous paper[33].The foaming process consists of three stages:(1)sat-uration by CO2at the desired temperature and pressure;(2)cell nucleation and growth during the release of CO2pressure;and(3) cell stabilization in the cooling process associated with the CO2 depressurization.In thefirst stage,the specimens sealed into the high-pressure vessel were preheated to the desired temperature after air was expelled from the vessel by CO2gas.Subsequently, the CO2pressure was increased up to the desired pressure using a high-pressure liquid pump;simultaneously the temperature inside the autoclave was increased and maintained at a predetermined temperature using a band heater for temperature control.When the temperature was stable,the specimens were kept at the pre-determined pressure and temperature for8h.In this length of time,the sample was completely saturated by scCO2[36].In the second stage,in order to supersaturate the specimen with CO2, the autoclave was quickly depressurized to atmospheric pressure by opening a depressurization valve.The thermodynamic instabil-ity resulted in the formation of a large number of cell nuclei in the LDPE samples.The temperature inside the autoclave quickly decreased during the rapid depressurization.Eventually,the spec-imens were removed from the vessel and cooled to ambient temperature.2.4.Foam characterization2.4.1.Morphology of foamMicrostructures of the foamed LDPE samples were characterized by a LEO1530VP scanning electron microscope at an acceleration voltage of5.0kV.The samples were immersed in liquid nitrogen and fractured at liquid nitrogen temperatures,then mounted onstubs.Z.Xing et al./J.of Supercritical Fluids 47(2008)281–289283Fig.2.DSC curves of the melting transition of SA (a)and SB (b)series of LDPE samples at different doses.The fractured surfaces were sputter-coated with gold for observa-tion.The SEM photographs were analyzed by the software Image Pro.With this method,the cell density (N f )is determined by the number of cells per unit volume of foam,which was calculated using Eq.(1):N f =nM 2A3/2(1)where n ,M and A are the number of cells in the micrograph,the magnification of the micrograph,and the area of the micrograph (cm 2),respectively.The densities of solid and foamed specimens were determined by deducing the Archimedes Law involving weighing polymer foam in water with a sinker using an electronic analytical balance (HANG-PING FA2104),as described by Eq.(2):=a a +b −cw(2)where a ,b and c are the weight of the specimen in air without sinker,the totally immersed sinker and the specimen immersed in water with sinker,respectively,and w is the density of water.The volume expansion ratio (R v )is the ratio of the solid polymer density ( s )and the foam density ( f ),as given by Eq.(3):R v =s f(3)The average cell diameter (D )was calculated using Eq.(4):D = d i n in i(4)where n i is the number of cells with an area-equivalent diameter of d i .2.5.Melting point and crystallizationA Mettler Toledo DSC822e differential scanning calorimeter equipped with a data station was used for scanning the melting transitions of virgin and ␥-irradiated samples of about 5–10mg in aluminum pans.The samples were heated from 0◦C up to 150◦C at a heating rate of 10◦C/min under 50mL/min nitrogen flow.The degree of crystallization was calculated using Eq.(5):X c (%)=H fH f0×100(5)where H f is the melting enthalpy of LDPE and H f0is the specific melting enthalpy for 100%crystalline polyethylene,which has a 2.6.Gel contentThe gel content was determined using a 72h Soxhlet extraction cycle using xylene as the solvent.Approximately 1g of the irra-diated LDPE was placed in a pre-weighed stainless steel fine wire mesh.After extraction,the solid remainder was dried to a constant weight in a vacuum oven at 60◦C and then re-weighed.The gel fraction was sequentially obtained.3.Results and discussion 3.1.Effect of irradiation on LDPEFig.2shows DSC curves of melting transitions of virgin and irradiated LDPE specimens.It is shown that melting point of LDPE decreases slightly after irradiation.The melting point of LDPE is listed in Table 1.Since the melting point is an indication of the crystallite size and perfection,a decrease in the melting point implies smaller and/or less-perfect crystallites are being formed in polymer matrix after irradiation [38].The imperfec-tion in the polymeric chains caused by the irradiation restrains the crystallization process,leading to smaller and less-perfect crystallites.Fig.3(a)shows the effect of the radiation dose on the crys-talline content of the irradiated samples (SA and SB).The melting enthalpy of LDPE samples is listed in Table 1.The crystallinity of irradiated LDPE decreased slightly with an increase in the dose from 25to 100kGy.However,the crystallinity of LDPE samples SA25and SA50was higher than that of non-irradiated LDPE.This can be attributed to the mixing process of the irradiated LDPE pellet in the mixer at 160◦C.The frequency of motion and rearrangement of the macromolecular chain increases during the mixing process,which in turn may lead to regular arrange-ment of more macromolecular segments.Survival radicals in the irradiated polymer can react with oxygen to induce oxidative degradation during the mixing.In addition,scission and cross-linking of polyethylene chains can be simultaneously induced by ␥-irradiation.Oxidative scission prevails at low radiation dosesTable 1Melting point and enthalpy for SA and SB series of samples Radiation dose (kGy)SA series SB series T m (◦C)H f (J/g)T m (◦C) H f (J/g)0113.1148.9––25107.9161.2108.1144.350108.0153.9108.1141.375108.1145.9108.0141.0284Z.Xing et al./J.of Supercritical Fluids 47(2008)281–289Fig.3.(a)Crystallinity of irradiated LDPE samples.(b)Gel content of irradiated LDPE samples of SA.and cross-linking dominates at higher doses [39–41].The short chains derived from degradation crystallize at a higher degree,but produce smaller and less-perfect crystallites.The rearrangement of the macromolecular chains,and the degradation occurring at lower radiation doses,promoted the crystallization of the irradiated LDPE.Generally,the degree of polymer cross-linking can be estimated from gel fraction determination.Fig.3(b)shows thepercent-Z.Xing et al./J.of Supercritical Fluids47(2008)281–289285Fig.5.Effect of radiation dose on the cell morphology parameters of SA foams produced at100◦C:(a)cell size distribution,(b)average cell diameter(D)and cell density(N f).age of the gel formed in the LDPE matrix at various radiation doses.It can be clearly seen that the degree of cross-linking increased with increasing radiation dose over the range of values studied.3.2.Morphology of cross-linked LDPE foamsThe micrographs of specimens foamed at various temperatures were also investigated.A statistical calculation on cell size andsum286Z.Xing et al./J.of Supercritical Fluids 47(2008)281–289Fig.7.SEM micrographs for the SB series of LDPE foams produced at 105◦C and at different doses (kGy):(a)25;(b)50;(c)75;(d)100.of cells was performed using the SEM images.For a better compar-ison,the characterization of the non-irradiated specimen foamed under the same conditions is presented together with the irradiated LDPE.Fig.4shows the effect of radiation dose on the cell morphol-ogy of SA samples foamed at 100◦C.It can be observed that the cells were discrete,nearly spherical and surrounded by thick walls.Fig.5shows the cell morphology parameters of SA samples foamed at 100◦C,such as cell size distribution,average cell diameter and cell density.The width of the cell size distribution peak,which indi-cates the dispersity of the cell size,first decreased at 25kGy and then increased with increasing dose,and the widest width of the cell size distribution peak was found at 100kGy in Fig.5(a).It is indi-cated that the uniformity of cell size became poor at higher dose,which can be also clearly observed in the micrograph of the SA100foam (Fig.4(e)).The mean cell diameter was less than 10m and the minimum cell density was more than 109cm −3for all foaming samples in Fig.5(b).However,the dose-dependences of the aver-age cell diameter and cell density were not regular.This is because the cells grew up slowly at a lower foaming temperature due to the higher elastic modulus and stiffness of the LDPE.Consequently,the foaming behavior of irradiated LDPE cannot be clearly identified for the foaming at relatively low temperature,e.g.,100◦C.Fig.6shows typical SEM images of the fracture surfaces of the SA series of LDPE foams produced at 105◦C.It should be noted that homogeneous cells were formed and all foams had closed-cell structures.For the LDPE foams at 0and 25kGy,the walls of some cells contained wrinkles and small holes.Polygonal closed-cell structures were observed at 50kGy,while continuous spheres surrounded by thick walls were observed at 75and 100kGy.Fig.7shows SEM images of the fracture surface of the SB series of LDPE foams produced at 105◦C,in a similar manner as the SA series of foams shown in Fig.6.The uniformly closed-cell struc-foams retained continuous spheres surrounded by a thick wall and became smaller in contrast to those of the SA series of foams.Fig.8(a)and (c)shows the dose-dependence of cell size and size distribution.With an increase in radiation dose,the cell size and the width of cell size distribution peak changed significantly for the SA foaming samples,but only slightly for the SB series of foam-ing samples.The statistical results indicated that the morphology of the SA foams was different from that of the SB samples.For foaming under the same conditions,the SA series of foams had larger cell size and a wider dispersity of size distribution than the non-irradiated LDPE samples,whereas the cell size of the SB foams decreased slightly and the change in the dispersity of size distribution was insignificant.Fig.8(b)and (d)shows the dose-dependence of the foam struc-tural parameters.It is clearly seen that the dose-dependence of cell size and cell density were completely opposite for the SA and SB foams.The average cell diameter of the SA samples increased ini-tially and then decreased with increasing radiation dose,having a maximum value at 50kGy.To the contrary,the average cell size of the SB foams first decreased and then increased with increasing dose,having a minimum size at 50kGy.The dose-dependence of the cell density also has a similar pattern.The difference between the SA and SB methods in the dose-dependence of cell structure is ascribed to the difference in the processing of LDPE (Fig.1).For the SA samples,mixing after irradiation caused the transforma-tion of microstructure,e.g.,motion and rearrangement of molecular chains.Therefore,cross-linking networks were partly destroyed,and a separation of gel and sol phases probably took place in the matrix of the SA samples [42–46].The influence of hot mixing on the phase variation in LDPE was more significant at 50kGy than at lower or higher doses,because gel and sol fractions are almost equal at this dose.For the SB samples,the cross-linking sites generated by irradiation were uniformly distributed in theZ.Xing et al./J.of Supercritical Fluids47(2008)281–289287Fig.8.Effect of radiation dose on the cell morphology parameters of irradiation-cross-linked LDPE foams produced at105◦C:(a)cell size distribution of the SA foams,(b) average cell diameter(D)and cell density(N f)of the SA foams,(c)cell size distribution of the SB foams,(d)average cell diameter(D)and cell density(N f)of the SB foams.Fig.9shows the variation of volume expansion ratio(R v)of the SA and SB series of foams as a function of dose for foaming tem-peratures of100,105,110,120and130◦C,respectively.Our results show that the R v of these series of foams generally increased with temperature,and that the R v of SA foams was higher than that of SB foams.The R v increased initially,and then decreased as radi-ation dose increased.The maximum R v was observed at50kGy, implying an optimum radiation dose of50kGy for the foaming of LDPE.The change in R v is attributed to the effect of radiation on the chain structure of LDPE.It is known that radiation causes structural changes in LDPE,including cross-linking,degradation, unsaturation,branching and oxidation[39,41].Cross-linking and branching enhance the chain entanglement and interaction among macromolecules,resulting in higher melt strength and viscosity.In contrast,degradation and oxidative scission lead to a decrease of macromolecular chain length,resulting in lower melt strength and viscosity[30,35].The oxidative scission mechanism occurs mainly at low radiation dose,while the cross-linking prevails at higher dose[39,41,47].The melt strength of LDPE irradiated at25kGy was weak in comparison with LDPE irradiated at a higher dose.There-fore,the cell wall was breached easily,and cells collapsed at the dose of25kGy.However,the melt strength of cross-linking LDPE irradiated at100kGy became so strong that the development of cell nuclei was restrained,leading to a decrease in cell density and the R v of LDPE foam.As a result,lower or higher doses led to a lower R v of the foam,and cells grew well only at moderate radia-tion dose,e.g.,50kGy.In addition,the volume of the SA series of foams was larger than that of the SB samples after expansion at the same foaming conditions,indicating that foaming of the SA sample was easier than that of the SB sample under the same conditions.Fig.10shows the micrographs of fracture surfaces of three spec-imens(S0,SA50and SB50)foamed at130◦C.As for S0,cells fusion and the breaking up of cell walls are shown clearly.This is due to the foaming temperature of130◦C being too high for the foamingof288Z.Xing et al./J.of Supercritical Fluids 47(2008)281–289Fig.10.SEM micrographs for three foaming specimens foamed at 130◦C (a)S 0,(b)SA50and (c)SB50.the original LDPE.Under this condition,the elasticity modulus and stiffness of LDPE are so weak that cells collapse during the depres-surization stage.In the case of SA and SB,the cells remained intact and displayed an impinging polygonal closed-cell structure.More-over,cells of the SA50foam inflated more than those of SB50,in good agreement with the measurement of R v .It has been demon-strated that irradiation treatment results in significant expansion of the foaming temperature range for LDPE due to the increase in melt strength and viscosity.4.ConclusionsWe have investigated the foaming behavior of two series of ␥-irradiated LDPE by using scCO 2as a blowing agent.The two series of samples revealed a reverse pattern of cell structure (cell size distribution,cell size and cell density)with increasing radia-tion dose.The SA series of specimens possessed a higher volume expansion ratio,greater cell size and lower cell density than the SB series of specimens at the same dose and foaming conditions.Irradiation led to a wider foaming temperature range of LDPE.The radiation dose of 50kGy is optimum for the foaming of LDPE.The experimental sequence of SA samples may be suitable for contin-ual industrial production of cross-linking PE foams by connecting a screw extruder to a scCO 2supply system.AcknowledgementThis work was supported by the “Hundred talents”project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.References[1]D.I.Collias,D.G.Baird,R.J.M.Borggreve,Impact toughening of polycarbonate[2]L.M.Matuana,C.B.Park,J.J.Balatinecz,Structures and mechanical properties ofmicrocellular foamed polyvinyl chloride,Cell.Polym.17(1998)1–16.[3]S.K.Goel,E.J.Beckman,Generation of microcellular polymeric foams usingsupercritical carbon dioxide.I:Effect of pressure and temperature on nucle-ation,Polym.Eng.Sci.34(1994)1137–1147.[4]J.E.Martini,The production and analysis of microcellular foam,S.M.Thesis,Dept.Mech.Eng.,MIT,1981.[5]S.K.Goel,E.J.Beckman,Generation of microcellular polymeric foams usingsupercritical carbon dioxide.II:Cell growth and skin formation,Polym.Eng.Sci.34(1994)1148–1156.[6]K.A.Arora,A.J.Lesser,T.J.McCarthy,Compressive behavior of microcellularpolystyrene foams processed in supercritical carbon 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一、EPP材料介绍:密度:20、30、45、60(单位g/l)原料种类:A. 普通料B. 抗静电料C.阻燃料加工方式:A. 模具成型B. 裁切成型C. 刀模冲击成型D. 黏贴成型( 热融胶. 强力胶. 热贴合) 环保回收方式:A. 融解( 分解再生为塑胶) B. 再生应用范围:防震(保护)包装、空调行业、电子行业、汽车、体育用品、建筑等等本产品特征:聚丙烯发泡材料是一种性能卓越的高结晶型聚合物/气体复合材料,以其独特而优越的性能成为目前增长最快的环保新型抗压缓冲隔热材料。
交联还可同时提高PP泡沫塑料的物理机械性能,交联发泡PP比未交联的发泡PP耐热温度提高30%~50%℃,抗蠕变性能提高100 倍,其拉伸强度、刚性、耐冲击强度也都大幅度提高,耐油、耐磨性也获得很大改善。
聚乙烯交联发泡材料(XPE)是一种用途广泛、性价(_shi4 yi1 zhong3 yong4 tu2 guang3 fan4 _xing4 jia4)比高、安全环保、国际公认的新型保温隔热材料,现匝在中国、欧美和中东市场广泛应用。
导电型辐射交联聚乙烯发泡卷材(又称导电泡棉、导电泡沫塑料等)的主要特性为:具有良好的永久导电性,表面电阻为103 Ω~105Ω、104Ω~106Ω和107Ω~109Ω;不含任何腐蚀物质,对元器件及包装物无任何腐蚀;防潮、减震及隔音、隔热性能优良;耐热、耐温性能优良,在-40℃~80℃温度范围内产品品质不受影响;力学性能优良,产品使用寿命长;化学稳定性好,产品不分解,无异味,无脱皮、不掉屑等,耐腐蚀能力强;产品容重适宜并可根据要求调整,满足不同元器件的插、装要求;具备良好的二次加工(如刨、切、复合等)性能;卷材厚度为4~8mm,复合及刨切产品厚度为1~50mm,幅宽一般在1.3m以内,卷材长度一般为50~100m;可根据客户要求,加工不同规格品种的产品。
IXPE泡棉与XPE泡棉的区别IXPE(Irradiation crosslinked polyethylene foam):辐射交联聚乙烯发泡片材,该产品是将聚乙烯或改性聚乙烯与各种填料挤出成型,经过电子加速器辐射交联,高温发泡制得高分子泡沫材料。
XPE(Chemical crosslinked polyethylene foam):化学交联聚乙烯发泡片材,该产品是将聚乙烯与各种填料混合后,加入化学交联剂和发泡剂,制成的高分子泡沫材料。
XPE(聚乙烯交联)又称化学交联聚乙烯发泡材料,IXPE(聚乙烯交联)又称电子交联聚乙烯发泡材料,是一种新型环保材料,无毒、无味、隔音、防水、隔热、保温,焚烧时对大气无污染,回弹力好,可随意调整软硬度和厚度,重量轻等特点,是其他发泡棉类材料无可取代的,可热压成型,也可生产阻燃型,适用于运动护具、手袋箱包、汽车、航空航天、建筑、鞋材、玩具、空调、石油管道保温等.发泡倍数:3--35倍;宽度:1200-2000MM宽以内厚度:单层3-15MM ,也可复合成50-100MM厚不等,并可表面压光加工处理;常用颜色:黑色、白色、灰色、彩色等。
第4 3卷第 3期
2 0 1 5年 3月
l 3 6・
永 久 导 电辐 射 交 联 聚烯 烃 泡沫 塑 料 的开 发 与研 究
王 伟 ,王鹏 飞 ,张 萌萌
( 泰 山体 育产业集 团 ,山东 德州 2 5 3 6 0 0 ) 摘要 :以低密度聚 乙烯 ( L D P E )为主体 ,超导碳黑为导 电填料 ,偶氮二 甲酰胺 ( A C ) 为发泡剂 ,制 备了永久 导 电聚烯烃泡沫材料 ( I X P E ) 。对辐 射交联 聚乙烯发泡材料的导电性能 、辐照剂量进 行 了研究 ,并 对永久导 电辐射交联
聚 乙烯 发 泡 材 料 的综 种 超 导 碳 黑 中 ,当 T . 1添 加 5 0份 ,辐 照 剂 量 为 1 3 . 5
r / m i n + 1 . 5 Me V + 1 5 m A+ 2层时 ,能得到性能 优异 的永 久导 电辐射 交联 聚烯烃 泡沫 塑料 ,体 积 电阻率可 以降到 1 0 Q
‘ cm 。
关 键 词 :辐 射 交 联 ;导 电 聚烯 烃 泡 沫 ;超 导碳 黑 ;力 学 性 能
DO I :1 0 . 3 9 6 9 / j . i s s n . 1 0 0 5 - 5 7 7 0 . 2 0 1 5 . 0 3 . 0 2 4
中 图 分 类 号 :T Q 3 2 8 ;T Q 3 2 5 . 1
文 献 标 识 码 :A
文章 编 号 :1 0 0 5 — 5 7 7 0( 2 0 1 5 )0 3 — 0 1 3 6 — 0 4
De v e l o p me n t a nd Re s e a r c h o f P e r ma n e n t l y Co n d u c iv t e I r r a d i a i t o n Cr o s s - l i n ke d Po l y o l e i f n Fo a ms
辐射交联PE泡沫由日本于1965 年首先实现工业化,其他从事PE 辐射交联泡沫生产的主要厂家有美国V oltex,德国的Basf及英国的发泡橡胶和塑料公司,而我国在这方面几乎属于空白。
2. 聚乙烯辐射交联发泡交联机理高分子辐射交联技术就是利用高能或电离辐射引发聚合物电离与激发,从而产生一些次级反应,进一步引起化学反应,实现高分子间交联网络的行成,是聚合物改性制备新型材料的有效手段之一。
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辐射交联PE泡沫由日本于1965 年首先实现工业化,其他从事PE 辐射交联泡沫生产的主要厂家有美国V oltex,德国的Basf及英国的发泡橡胶和塑料公司,而我国在这方面几乎属于空白。
2. 聚乙烯辐射交联发泡交联机理
3. 聚乙烯辐射发泡的工艺