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A.breaking B.pouringC.filling D.squeezing
()10.Do not fear them, for there is nothing covered that will not be ________, and nothing hidden that will not be made known.
A.calls on B.call s forC.calls up D.calls off
( )22.—Why are you ________ your things?
—Well, the fact is, I've decided to leave.
A.picking up B.packing upC.putting up D.taking up
A.acquired B.finishedC. concluded D.achieved
()6. He has talents by which he might ___ _____ himself.
A.expose B.admireC.distinguish D.hide
()7.The US government on Wednesday ______former Commerce Secretary Gary Locke as ambassador to China, making him the first ChineseAmerican ever to take the post.
()23.A cellphone could ________the energy which could activate your brain.A.give away B.give offC.give back D.give up
()24. How much you earn is not very important.It is how you earn the money that ________.A.counts B.valuesC.minds D.means
A.open B.adjustC.narrow D.reduce
()32.What you should do is just ________ the milk until it boils and then turn off the gas.
A.watch B.noticeC.sense D.attend
A.cut B.putC.turn D.settle
()27.The China National Environmental Monitoring Centre________ air quality in urban areas from levels one to five: excellent, fairly good, slightly polluted, poor and dangerous.
A.take up B.make upC.work out D.carry out
()19.It is so noisy in the restaurant and hard for us to________a conversation.A.go on B.keep onC.carry on D.take on
—Not really.We waited in line for an hour, only to be ________ at the door.A.turned away B.turned outC.turned off D.turned up
()17. Whenever I look at these photos, they will_____happy memories of my stay in New York.
()15.I listened carefully to his long b oring speech,but could not ______what he was talking abou t.
A.pick out B.bring outC.make out D.give out
()16.—Did you see Jay Chou at his album signing?
A.promises B.agreesC.expects D.pretends
()14.It's no surprise she's leaving the course—she's never really________.百度文库.fitted in B.showed upC.given in D.burnt up
()35.The public ________ Yuan Longping, a great mind who has devoted himself to the research into hybrid ri ce(杂交水稻).
A.live up to B.look up toC.come up with D.put up with
A.accumulated B.reflectedC.distinguished D.confirmed
()8. Miss Green often said “God helps those who help themselves”, intending to ________ on us the significance of being independent.
()34.After decades of effort, the city is still trying to ________ how to ban smoking in public places.
A.look through B.get throughC.figure out D.take out
()1.His friends suggest that he should take any job he can get and shouldn't________and choose.
()2.The statement said five people died at the scene in this accident, while 15 others, their teacher included, were ________ dead by the afternoon.
A.call off B.call forC.call up D.call on
()18. The secretary has a lot of things to ________ in the office since she has been away for quite a few days.
()12.Recently the south of ourcountry has been worst ___by the drought.A.impressed B.affectedC.expressed D.designed
()13.Your daughter ________ to be a famous musician, so you should keep her practising the piano.
()25.That pretty girl really ________ my eye the moment the performance started.A.caught B.heldC.pulled D.fixed
()26. While prices are rising so fast, many people are working out ways to ________down their expenses.
A.convinced B.describedC.committed D.confi
()3. The colour of that Tshirt ________ and made all the other clothes pink.A.went B.disappearedC.ran D.fell
A.criticized B.definedC.estimated D.revealed
()11.Learning to ________ makes it easier for one to get along with others in work and life.
A.create B.liveC.share D.learn
()4. It ______unusual courage and determination to make the break with his family.
A.took B.neededC.spent D.shared
()5. Lucy has ________ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.
A.spot B.dismissC.shelter D.distinguish
()29. My brother is very tall. The little bed won't____for him.
A.prepare B.matchC.fit D.do
()30.—If your son keeps practising, he ________ to make a famous crosscountry skier in our province.
A.distributes B.arrangesC.classifies D.divides
()28. Some parents are just too protective. They want to ________ their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.
—I'm thrilled with joy and very grateful to you, Mr Li.
A.wants B.hopesC.promises D.wishes
()31.Both parents and teenagers should try their best to communicate more with each other and ________ the gap between them.
()20.—Shall I ________ the raincoat?
No hurry. Leave it where it is. It looks like rain.
A.put away B.put onC.put forward D.put up
()21. A wellwritten composition ________ good choice of words and clear organization.
A.base B.impressC.focus D.rely
()9.One reason why the housing prices in big cities are going up all the time is that people are ________ into overcrowded cities in great numbers.
()33.One primary goal of UNESCO is to ________ modern knowledge society in which all people can participate in information and knowledge.
A.make up B.polish upC.build up D.give up