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Section A

11. M: You've got a wonderful apartment.

W: That's what you're saying now. But you should have seen it when we moved in.

Q: What does the woman imply about the apartment?

12. W: Isn't this place a good value?

M: Unfortunately, they don't bring you your food when it’s hot.

Q: Where did this conversation take place?

13. M: Say, haven't I seen you somewhere before?

W: Last semester, we both took European History. Don't you remember?

Q: What does the woman mean?

14. M: Mary has a really neat car, doesn't she?

W: Are you kidding? I'd die for a car like that!

Q: What does the woman think of Mary’s car?

15. M: I got a great deal on these books.

W: Yes. I believe this one has been out of print for years.

Q: What does the woman mean?

16. W: How was your date with Kelly last night?

M: Well, let me say I've had worse.

Q: What does the man think about the date?

17. W: Were you finally able to get into that calculus class?

M: Yeah, much to my regret.

Q: What does the man mean?

18. M: I brought over a little something for you to eat.

W: A little something? You brought the whole farm!

Q: What does the woman imply?

Long Conversation 1

M: Sandy, how’s class been going for you this semester?

W: [genuine enthusiasm] Oh, it’s great. I really like your business psychology class, but I

have one major concern about the last assignment, you know. The one where we have to interview a local business owner, uh, I mean entrepreneur?

M: Are you having trouble coming up with interview questions?

W: Well, that’s just it. I mean, I worked on my high school newspaper for years, so I actually have great questions to ask. The thing is...I’m new to the area, and I don’t know people off campus...So, I was wondering if...well, could you possibly give me the name of someone I could interview...?

M: You don’t know anyone who owns a business?

W: Well, yeah, back home… my next-door neighbors. They own a shoe store, and they’re really successful—but they’re not local.

M: Well, it wouldn’t be fair to the other students if I gave you the name of a contact—but I could help you figure out a way to find someone on your own. Let’s see... Do you read the local newspaper?

W: Well, aren’t people like that awfully busy? Too busy to talk to a random college student.

M: Many people enjoy telling the story of how they got started. Remember, this is a business psychology class, and for this assignment, I want you to get some real insight about business owners, their personality, what drives them to become an entrepreneur.

Questions 19-22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. Why does the student go to see the professor?

20. Why does the student mention her high school newspaper?

21. How does the professor help the student?

22. What does the professor want the students to learn from the assignment?

Long Conversation 2

W: Hi, Martin.

M: Hi, Kate. How are you?

W: Fine. I’m relieved to have done my presentation!

M: I’m sure! How did it go?

W: Oh, OK in the end, but I was ever so nervous beforehand. It’s silly, because I do know my stuff quite well. I must know those statistics inside out, but when you have to get each table of results to come up in the right order. It can make you nervous. It was my first time using the computerized projector, and I was sure I was going to get the controls wrong, or something. And of course, that’s not a good situation, if you know you’ve got to listen to questions carefully, and be ready to answer quickly.

M: But it was fine once you got going?

W: Yes.
