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众所周知,吸烟不仅有害我们的健康,对环境也不利.吸烟能引起许多疾病,如肺癌(lung cancer).吸烟也会影响不吸烟的人.被动吸烟者(passive smokers)生病的几率甚至高于吸烟者.有些年轻人认为吸烟很酷,有些人则认为吸烟能提神.如今,越来越多的公共场合挂起了禁止吸烟的标志.这是我们取得的巨大进步.为了我们的健康,我们需要做出更大的努力,禁止人们在公共场所吸烟.


As we all know ,smoking is not only harmful to our health ,but also harmful to the environment .Smoking can cause many diseases ,such as lung cancer. Smoking also affects non-smokers .For passive smokers ,their chance of getting ill is even greater than that of smokers. Some young people think that smoking is cool, and some think that smoking can refresh themselves .Nowadays ,more and more public places have hung up non-smoking signs.This is a big progress we have made.Greater efforts need to be made to ban smoking in public places for the sake of our health.


目前,我国大中型城市中,出台公共场所禁止吸烟规定的城市占45.7%。从不少制定禁止吸烟法规的城市实践来看,效果并不明显,大有禁而难止的迹象。有相当多的吸烟者视法规而不顾,面对着公共场所请勿吸烟、禁止吸烟的标示依然我行我素、吞云吐雾。当生存压力日益加大,如何在纷繁复杂的情况下实现无烟环境是我们每个人值得思索的问题。全民禁烟不仅是一场持久战(a protracted campaign),更是一场人民保卫健康的战争,需要全民携手共同战斗。


At present,the large and medium-sized cities in China that issue regulations to prohibit smoking in public account for 45.7 percent.From the experience of some cities,we can see the effect is not obvious and there is even a trend that prohibition cannot stop smokers.Many smokers are indifferent to regulations of prohibiting smoking and they continue to smoke facing the sign ofno smoking.As living pressure increases,it is worth thinking how to create an environment with no smoking in such a complex situation.The nationwidesmoke-freeactivity is not only a protracted campaign,but also a fight to protect people’s health.Thus,all people need to work together to fight against smoking.




Smoking does great harm to human and its gravity should not be underestimated. Smoking pollutes air, damages health, and increases the incidence of lung cancer. To arouse the awareness about the prevalence of tobacco in all the countries and to prevent smoking-induced diseases and deaths, the WHO (World Health Organization) has defined May 31stin every year as World No-Tobacco Day. The tobacco addicts say that smoking is impossible to quit because they could do without meals in a day but would feel tortured without tobacco in two hours. However, when one realizes that smoking is harmful in many ways but beneficial in no way and that it is a curse to others as well as to he himself, he will be determined to resist the temptation of tobacco. To quit smoking requires persisten ce and so long as one persists,he’ll be
