

XL3t系列分析仪 用户手册

XL3t系列分析仪 用户手册

目 录1、辐射安全 (1)1.1辐射安全常识 (1)1.2辐射束分布 (2)1.3 安全测试样品 (3)1.4 使用测试架 (4)2、XL3t仪器外观 (7)3、开机 (9)4、仪器操作指南 (10)4.1分析 (10)4.2样品类型 (13)4.3 系统 (14)4.4数据 (19)4.5高级设置 (23)4.6系统自检 (33)4.7退出 (34)4.8导航菜单 (34)4.9工具菜单 (35)4.10指纹光谱 (41)4.11 SuperChem (超级化学模式) (43)4.12测量金属镀层厚度 (47)5、NDT软件 (50)5.1NDTr同步操作 (51)5.2数据下载打印 (54)5.3 打印测试报告 (60)5.4自定义测试报告中的栏目 (62)5.5查看谱图 (63)5.6编辑牌号库 (63)6、土壤/矿石分析 (66)6.1土壤/矿石Mining分析模式 (66)6.2验证仪器的测量准确度 (69)6.3选取有代表性的样品 (70)6.4 各类型样品的测量 (71)6.5 制备或不制备样品——比较现场和非现场测量 (73)6.6 现场与实验室分析结果的比较 (74)6.7 样品收集 (74)6.8 样品制备 (75)6.9校正系数 (79)7、消费品/塑料分析 (84)7.1选择测试模式 (84)7.2选择测试标准 (85)7.3设置元素限定值 (86)7.4选择滤光片及对应的测试时间 (88)7.5验证仪器工作正常 (89)7.6分析未知样品 (92)7.7常规测试方法 (93)7.8通过谱图证实存在铅元素 (102)7.9 厚度修正 (103)8、充氦分析 (106)9、日常维护指南 (110)9.1电池和充电器 (110)9.2仪器的维护、清洁和维修 (112)9.3更换透明薄膜窗口 (112)9.4存储和运输XL3t系列分析仪 (113)9.5运输箱密码锁 (113)附录A (114)关于测量误差与数据结果的解释 (114)定性/定量测量,测量时间以及检出限 (115)附录B (121)设置滤波片及其测试时间 (121)1、辐射安全1.1辐射安全常识在设计上,当 XL3t分析仪快门关闭时,不会发出任何辐射。


1. Minirator 基础信息
感谢您购买 Minirator。Minirator 是功能强大的音频信号发生 器,提供范围很广的模拟测试信号,可用于校正、维护与修复 专业音频系统。 转动轮与周围的快速操作功能键,提供方便快速的操作。 MR2 定位为高性价比的产品,而 MR-PRO 发展出更多创新的 功能,符合更多的应用需求。 MR-PRO 也备有以下的功能: • • • • • • 整合量测的功能,如阻抗,平衡与幻象电源电压。 波形档案的回放 缆线测试 高输出电平 实际的输出电平 防震
1. Minirator 基础信息 ..........................................................4 导言................................................................................4 交货包含货品..................................................................4 注意................................................................................5 附件................................................................................6 2. 仪器总览............................................................................7 连接口.............................................................................7 按钮与操作元件..............................................................8 显示屏.............................................................................9 电源供应....................................................................... 11 输出端的特性................................................................ 12 3. 开始使用.........................................................................14 插入电池 ...................................................................... 14 装上防震套 (仅MR-PRO)............................................... 15 装上手带....................................................................... 16 连接 Minirator .............................................................. 17 4. 操作................................................................................. 18 开关 Minirator 仪器....................................................... 18 菜单列导航. .................................................................. 18 选择测试信号很容易..................................................... 19 设定参数.......................................................................20 设定转动轮的灵敏度.....................................................21 系统设定.......................................................................22 配置 (仅MR-PRO)..........................................................23 5. Minirator 的测试信号. ....................................................25 正弦波...........................................................................25 扫频..............................................................................25 滑频信号(Chirp).............................................................27 延迟测试.......................................................................28 粉噪声...........................................................................29 白噪声...........................................................................30 极性..............................................................................30 波形档案播放器 (仅MR-PRO)........................................31 6. MR-PRO 的量测功能.......................................................34 发生器模式的阻抗测试. ................................................34 平衡显示.......................................................................35 量测幻象电源电压.........................................................36 XLR 缆线测试. ..............................................................37 阻抗测试.......................................................................39 7. 更新仪器. .........................................................................41 通用的韧件更新:. ...........................................................41 MR2: 更新韧件.............................................................41 MR-PRO: 更新韧件.......................................................41 校正..............................................................................42 8. 疑难排除技巧...................................................................42 重置到出厂时的设定.....................................................42 重下载波形档案 (仅MR-PRO)........................................42 问题与解决方法............................................................43 9. 技术指标..........................................................................44 10. 更多信息........................................................................46 保修情况.......................................................................46 符合性声明. ..................................................................47



使用热电尼通XL3T800系列合金分析仪(6.5软件版本或更高)检测流体加速腐蚀中的预见元素Cr,Cu,Mo 的实地测量程序标准操作手册9.2009目录文件的目的------------------------------------------------3安全----------------------------------------------------------3授权人员检测流体腐蚀的主要元素--------------------3尼通XL3T 仪器的启动和检验--------------------------3 实地检测需要----------------------------------------------------9焊接--新的检验方法--------------------------------------------10小尺寸和非接触样品-------------------------------------------12仪器QC------------------------------------------------------------12检测结果的差异---------------------------------------------------121.文件的目的此文本是适用于热电尼通XL3T800 系列的X-射线荧光光谱合金分析仪对选用适当的参数方法对流体加速腐蚀中的低含量的铬,铜,钼的数据模块进行确认2.安全2.1任何人,包括电厂的个人和他们的代表处,流体腐蚀操作人员和管理者在使用任何XRF 检侧零件前,因先对电厂使用的合金仪器进行安全检查。

2.2 安全检查至少要做到以下几点:2.2.1X-射线仪器的辐射安全覆盖了万一在使用的过程中,仪器发生故障和损坏的情况下的安全操作事宜。

2.2.2 操作人员完全知晓了安全操作,并在每个使用仪器的纪录上确认通过的签名。

TH2515 仪器说明书

TH2515 仪器说明书

Ver 2.1目录Ver 2.0 (2)第1章仪器简介与开箱安装 (8)1.1仪器简介 (8)1.2开箱检查 (8)1.3电源连接 (8)1.4保险丝 (8)1.5环境 (8)1.6使用测试夹具 (9)1.7预热 (9)1.8仪器的其它特性 (9)第2章前面板说明及入门操作 (10)2.1前面板说明 (10)2.2后面板说明 (11)2.3显示区域的定义 (12)2.4按键及其相应的显示页面 (13)2.4.1测量主菜单按键【DISP】 (13)2.4.2系统设置主菜单按键【SETUP】 (13)2.5基本操作 (13)2.6开机 (14)第3章基本操作 (15)3.1<测量显示>页面 (15)3.1.1测试功能 (15)3.1.2测试量程 (16)3.1.3测试速度 (17)3.1.4文件管理 (17)3.1.5其他工具 (17)3.2<比较显示>页面 (18)3.2.1文件管理 (19)3.2.2工具 (19)3.2.3比较 (19)3.2.4比较模式和上下限、百分比误差设置 (19)3.3<档显示>页面 (19)3.4<统计显示>页面 (21)3.4.1边界模式和其相应值的设定 (21)3.4.2统计状态 (21)3.4.3统计分析参数说明 (21)3.4.4工具 (22)3.4.5文件 (22)3.5<测量设置>页面 (22)3.6<TC/Δt设置>页面 (24)3.6.1温度校正(Temperature Correction 简称TC) (25)3.6.2温度转换(temperature conversion 简称t ) (25)3.6.3温度传感器的类型 (26)3.6.4参数设定 (27)3.6.5文件 (27)3.7<档设置>页面 (27)3.7.1文件 (29)3.7.2工具 (29)第4章系统设置和文件管理 (30)4.1系统设置 (30)4.1.1触摸音 (30)4.1.2语言 (30)4.1.3口令 (31)4.1.4总线模式 (31)4.1.5波特率 (32)4.1.6总线地址 (32)4.1.7EOC信号 (32)4.1.8Err.OUT信号 (33)4.1.9电源频率 (34)4.1.10时间和日期设定 (34)4.2<文件管理>功能页面 (34)4.2.1存储/调用功能简介 (34)4.2.2U盘上的文件夹/文件结构 (35)4.2.3DHCP (39)4.2.4IP地址 (40)4.2.5子网掩码 (40)4.2.6网关 (40)4.2.7首选DNS、备用DNS (40)第5章性能指标 (41)5.1测量功能 (41)5.1.1测量参数及符号 (41)5.1.2测量组合 (41)5.1.3等效方式 (41)5.1.4量程 (41)5.1.5触发 (41)5.1.6测试端方式 (41)5.1.7测量中的各种时间的开销 (41)5.1.8平均 (42)5.1.9显示的位数 (42)5.2测试信号 (42)5.2.1量程电流 (42)5.2.2开路输出电压 (42)5.2.3测量显示最大范围 (42)5.3测量准确度 (43)5.3.2温度测量的准确度(Pt500) (44)5.3.3温度测量的准确度(模拟输入) (45)5.3.4温度修正系数K (45)第6章远程控制 (46)6.1RS232C接口说明 (46)6.2GPIB接口说明(选购件) (47)6.2.1GPIB接口功能 (49)6.2.2GPIB 地址 (49)6.2.3GPIB总线功能 (49)6.2.4可编程仪器命令标准(SCPI) (50)6.3LAN远程控制系统 (50)6.3.1通过浏览器访问TH2515 (52)6.3.2通过上位机软件访问TH2515 (52)6.4USBTMC远程控制系统 (53)6.4.1系统配置 (53)6.4.2安装驱动 (53)6.5USBVCOM虚拟串口 (54)6.5.1系统配置 (54)6.5.2安装驱动 (54)第7章RS232命令参考 (55)7.1SCPI系统命令 (55)7.1.1DISPlay子系统命令集 (55)7.1.2FUNCtion 子系统命令集 (56)7.1.3APERture子系统命令集 (61)7.1.4TRIGer子系统命令集 (61)7.1.5FETCh?子系统命令集 (63)7.1.6TEMPerature子系统命令集 (64)7.1.7COMParator子系统命令集 (66)7.1.8BIN子系统命令集 (69)7.1.9STA Tistics子系统命令集 (73)7.1.10IO子系统命令集 (76)7.1.11MEMory子系统命令集 (77)7.1.12SYSTem 子系统命令集 (78)7.1.13SCPI公用命令 (81)7.2MODBUS系统命令 (83)7.2.1MODBUS协议说明 (84)7.2.2公用指令操作说明 (85)7.2.3DISP指令操作说明 (86)7.2.4FUNC指令操作说明 (86)7.2.5APER指令操作说明 (87)7.2.6TRIG指令操作说明 (87)7.2.7FETC指令操作说明 (88)7.2.8TEMP指令操作说明 (88)7.2.10BIN指令操作说明 (90)7.2.11STA T指令操作说明 (93)7.2.12IO指令操作说明 (94)7.2.13SYST指令操作说明 (94)第8章Handler接口使用说明及程序升级方法 (99)第9章包装及保修 (103)9.1标志 (103)9.2包装 (103)9.3运输 (103)9.4贮存 (103)9.5保修 (103)本说明书所描述的可能并非仪器所有内容,同惠公司有权对本产品的性能、功能、内部结构、外观、附件、包装物等进行改进和提高而不作另行说明!由此引起的说明书与仪器不一致的困惑,可通过封面的地址与我公司进行联系。



美国尼通XL2-980合金分析仪美国尼通江苏一级代理商:苏州西恩士工业科技有限公司手持式光谱仪尼通XL2-980概述 Brief在质量控制、材料分类、合金鉴别、安全防范、事故调查等现场应用领域中,合金牌号鉴别、金属成分快速分析,对实验室分析来说是一项极其严峻的挑战。



数据上传下载,编辑输出PMI报告非常方便◆荣获奖项尼通产品技术性能卓越,曾三次荣获素有“产品研发诺贝尔奖”之称的R&D 100全球科技研发大奖,是唯一获此殊荣的手持式XRF分析产品;2006年获得国际最著名的reddot design红点设计奖;2005年荣获工业设计优秀奖手持式光谱仪Niton XL2-980特点◆大面积SDD探测器,采用最优化几何设计,灵敏度更高,检测限更低,分析速度更快,对于金属中的夹杂物及痕量元素具有杰出的分析性能◆在不充氦气或非真空条件下,具有Mg, Al, Si, P, S等轻元素检测能力可分析元素(标准配置) Analytical ElementNiton XL2-980Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Se, Nb, Zr, Mo, Pd, Ag, Sn, Sb, Ta, Hf, Re, W, Pb, Bi, Mg, Al, Si,P, S, Ru手持式光谱仪尼通XL2-980装有400多种牌号的智能合金库装有400多种合金牌号,极具智能化的合金牌号库,使得赛默飞世尔尼通手持式XRF合金分析仪在牌号鉴别中能够提供无与伦比的牌号匹配精确度,可精确分析数千种合金牌号中的常规(30多种)合金元素成分。

880-NSL 培训

880-NSL 培训

Process Instruments Business UnitProcess Instruments Business Unit克劳斯反应过程1、克劳斯炉燃烧2、催化床催化能量当反应后H2S和SO2的比值为2:1时为最佳3、克劳斯炉中可能还存在的其他反应:羰基硫的形成(通常是非常小部分)二硫化碳的形成(通常是非常小部分)透过测量池A= 吸光度ε= 摩尔吸收率b= 光路长度c= 吸光介质的浓度I0=原始光强I =透过测量池后的光强T=透过率吸光介质c的浓度光路长度bProcess Instruments Business Unit2分光镜测量池长b注意:280nm 波长的光在经过测量池后其强度已减弱,但400nm 波长的光的强度无变化400nm 参考滤光片只容许400nm 的光通过280nm 测量滤光片只容许280nm 的光通过参考检测器测量检测器灯准直镜准直镜光源灯光电二极管测量池记录仪逻辑放大器控制器聚光镜滤光片测量波长参考波长样气出样气进分光镜聚光镜光电二极管光路组件光路组件截面图Process Instruments Business UnitProcess Instruments Business Unit检测器电路板光强高低低吸光度高吸光度转换计数每个单位的吸光度对应2V电压总范围是5个单位的吸光度模数转换(A/D转换)Process Instruments Business Unit压力变送器键盘两通电磁阀压力表三通电磁阀减压阀除雾器温度传感器加热器Process Instruments Business Unit除雾器温度传感器(RTD 加热器灯的触发器除雾器衬垫除雾器组件特氟纶衬垫测量箱温度传感器(RTD )进样阀回样阀吸气器(文丘里管)Process Instruments Business UnitProcess Instruments Business Unit正压通风排放口压差开关温控器灯泡电容橡胶套触发器继电器板接口板电源板/CPU 板电信号接线图气样流程图880-NSL分析仪时序图控制器的显示SO2浓度(显示参数1)H2 S浓度(显示参数2)测量池压力(显示参数7)系统信息/报警Process Instruments Business Unit同时按这两个键复位仪器系统菜单出厂原始参数表Process Instruments Business Unit。



3655-251-0003/2011Please read and save this Repair Parts Manual. Read this manual and the General Operating Instructions carefully before attempting to assemble,install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. The Safety Instructions are contained in the General Operating Instructions. Failure to comply with the safety instructions accompanying this product could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference . AMT reserves the right to discontinue any model or change specifications at any time without incurring any obligation.©2006 American Machine & Tool Co., Inc. of PA, A Subsidiary of The Gorman-Rupp Company, All Rights Reserved.Periodic m aintenance and inspection is required on all pum ps to insure proper operation. Unit m ust be clear of debris and sedim ent. Inspect for leaks and loose bolts. Failure to do so voids warranty.SELF-PRIMING SPRINKLER/BOOSTER PUMPSRefer to pump manual 1808-634-00for General Operating and Safety Instructions.DescriptionThese self-priming (to 20 ft. lift) lawnsprinkler pumps are equipped with a check valve to assist in positive priming, a high performance closed impeller, a Buna-N mechanical seal to prevent leakage, and a continuous duty motor.Pumps are designed for higher pressure applications such as lawn sprinkling,spraying irrigation, also draining andgeneral de-watering applications. Casing working pressure to 150 psi (1034 kPa).Handles fluids from 40º to 180º F (4º to 82ºC). For use with nonflammable, non-abrasive liquids compatible with pump component materials.MaintenanceMake certain that this unit isdisconnected frompower source before attempting to service or remove any component!MECHANICAL SEAL REPLACEMENT Refer to Seal Replacement figures 2, 3. IMPORTANT: Always replace both seal seat (Ref. No. 6) and seal head (Ref. No. 7)to insure proper mating of components!Also, impeller seal (Ref. No. 22) (where applicable) should be replaced anytime impeller fastener (Ref. No. 23) has been removed.1.Unthread fasteners (Ref. No. 16) and remove pump casing (Ref. No. 14),casing seal (Ref. No. 5), and flapper valve (Ref. No. 13) from adapter (Ref.No. 4).2.Unthread fasteners (Ref. Nos. 12 and 17) and remove volute (Ref. No. 10)from adapter.3.Remove impeller fastener, impeller seal (where applicable), and impeller (Ref. No. 9).4.Shaft sleeve (Ref. No. 21) (where applicable) and seal head can now be pulled from shaft.IMPORTANT: Care should be taken to insure that the same number of shim washers (Ref. No. 8) are replaced behind impeller as were removed. These shim washers are located directly behindimpeller. These washers as well as impeller key (Ref. No. 24) (where applicable)become loose as impeller is removed.NOTE: Some motors (Ref. No. 20) use an open end 7/16" wrench across flats on rear of motor shaft (remove bearing cap foraccess) to prevent shaft from turning. Othermotor shafts have a screwdriver slot instead of flats.5.Unscrew fasteners (Ref. No. 23). Remove mounting base and handle (Ref. No. 18 &2) (where applicable), and adapter from motor mounting face.6.Push seal seat from back of adapter recess with a screwdriver.7.Clean adapter recess before inserting a new seal seat.The precision lapped faces on mechanical seal are easily damaged.Handle your replacement seal carefully.8.Carefully wipe polished surface of new seal seat with a clean cloth.9.Wet rubber portion of seal seat with a light coating of soapy water.10.Press new seal seat squarely into recessin adapter. If seal seat does not press squarely into cavity, it can be adjusted in place by pushing on it with a piece of pipe. Always use a piece of cardboard between pipe and seal seat to avoid scratching polished surface.11.After seal seat is in place, ensure that it isclean and has not been marred.NOTE: If removed, slide slinger washer (Ref.No. 1) onto shaft until it is located approxi-mately 1/8" from face of motor bearing hub.ing a clean cloth, wipe shaft/shaftsleeve and make certain that it is perfectly clean.13.Secure foot and handle (where applicable)and adapter on motor mounting face.Carefully guide motor shaft through seal seat.14.Replace shaft sleeve and impeller key(where applicable).IMPORTANT: Before installing new shaftsleeve, apply a bead of non-hardening, pliable sealant (such as Permatex® Form-A-Gasket®No. 2) to motor shaft shoulder.15.Wet inside rubber portion of new seal headwith a light coating of soapy water. Slide head onto shaft/shaft sleeve. Seal head and seal seat will meet. Reinstall any shims which have been removed. (See Shim Adjustment).16.Install impeller and reassemble pump.17. A short "run-in" period may be necessaryto provide completely leak-free seal operation.SHIM ADJUSTMENT (365 SERIES ONLY)When installing a replacement impeller (Ref.No. 9) or motor (Ref. No. 20), it may benecessary to adjust number of shims (Ref. No.8) to insure proper running clearance between impeller and volute (Ref. No. 10). Proceed as follows:NOTE: A proper running clearance is less than 0.010" (face of impeller to mating face of volute).1.For impeller replacement, add one (0.010")shim in addition to those removed originally.2.For motor replacement, add two (0.010")shims in addition to those removed during disassembly.3.Reassemble the pump as described in steps 16 and 17 (above).IMPORTANT: Ensure that volute is snugly in place and check shaft to make sure it is turning freely (use 7/16" wrench or screwdriver to turn shaft). If it turns freely, check to ensure that adapter (Ref. No. 4) and volute are fitted metal-to-metal where they meet on outside. If they are not metal-to-metal, tighten fasteners (Ref. No.12 & 17) and recheck shaft for free turning.Tighten carefully, turning shaft while tightening so that motor bearings are not damaged in the event that too many shims were installed. If shaft seizes before fasteners are completelytight, disassemble pump and remove one (0.010") shim and repeat reassembly.4.When proper clearance is obtained,reassemble.3655-95 thru 3657-95 and S pecifications Information and Repair Parts Manual 3790-95 thru379L-95 Please provide following information:-Model number-Serial number (if any)-Part descriptions and number as shown in parts listRepair Parts List3790 (3/4 HP)3791 (1 HP)3792 (1½ HP)3793 (2 HP)379G (3/4 HP)379H (1 HP)3797 (1½ HP)379K (2 HP)379A (1 HP)379B (1½ HP)379C (2 HP)379D (3 HP)3657 (5 HP)Description379F (1 HP)379J (1½ HP)379E (2 HP)379L (3 HP)3655 (5 HP)3656 (7½ HP)Qty.1Slinger washer1534-000-001534-000-001534-000-001534-000-001470-093-001470-093-001 2Handle1515-000-001515-000-001515-000-001515-000-00 -- -- 1 3Fastener******4 4Adapter1608-011-011608-011-011608-011-011608-011-013655-030-093655-030-091 5Casing Seal - Buna N (std)1610-000-001610-000-001610-000-001610-000-002186-000-002186-000-001 - Viton (opt)1610-001-001610-001-001610-001-001610-001-002186-001-002186-001-006 & 7† Shaft seal assy. -Buna N (std)1640-161-961640-161-961640-161-961640-161-961640-163-901640-163-901† - Viton (opt)1640-161-971640-161-971640-161-971640-161-971640-163-911640-163-91 8Impeller Shim pkg. -- -- -- -- 1664-000-901664-000-901 9Impeller379A-011-09379B-011-09379C-011-09379D-011-093655-012-093656-012-091 10Volute379B-150-09379B-150-09379D-150-09379D-150-093655-150-093655-150-091 11Washer******2 12Fastener******2 13Flapper valve -Buna N (std)1609-002-001609-002-001609-002-001609-002-001609-002-001609-002-001 -Viton (opt)1695-011-901695-011-901695-011-901695-011-901695-011-901695-011-90 14Casing2111-001-012111-001-012111-001-012111-001-012112-001-022112-001-021 15Pipe plug******2 16Fastener******4 17Fastener******1 18Foot1506-000-001506-000-001506-000-001506-000-00 -- -- 1 19Fastener******1 20Motor - 1 Phase ODP1626-010-001626-011-001626-012-001626-024-00 -- --1 - 3 Phase ODP1626-014-001626-015-001626-016-001626-025-00 -- --- 1 Phase TEFC1626-069-001626-050-001626-070-001626-071-001626-078-00 --- 3 Phase TEFC1626-077-001626-053-001626-054-001626-072-001626-044-001626-045-00 21Shaft sleeve -- -- -- -- 1472-000-001472-000-001 22Impeller seal -- -- -- -- 1471-020-001471-020-001 23Impeller fastener1784-001-091784-001-001784-001-001784-001-001756-000-001756-000-001 24Impeller key -- -- -- -- 1471-030-001471-030-001 (*)Standard hardware item, available locally(†)Seal head (Ref. No. 7) and seat (Ref. No. 6) available as a set only. When replacing a shaft seal assembly, a new impeller seal (Ref. No. 23) should also be used. (Model series 365 only).-2-。

TA Instruments Q800 DMA机械性分析仪用户手册说明书

TA Instruments Q800 DMA机械性分析仪用户手册说明书

aNalySiSAccurate, Precise, Versatile DMAMeasurementsDMA Q800 SPeCiFiCatioNSStorage Modulus Complex/Dynamic Viscosity TimeLoss Modulus Creep Compliance Stress/Strain Storage/Loss Compliance Relaxation Modulus FrequencyTan Delta (δ) Static/Dynamic Force Sample Stiffness Complex Modulus Temperature Displacement Relative Humidity (Optional)79teChNologyDrive Motor Air Bearings Furnace Optical EncoderLow Mass, High Stiffness Sample Clamps Rigid Aluminum Casting8283Rigid Aluminum CastingLow Mass, High Stiffness Sample ClampsDual/Single CantileverIn this mode, the sample is clamped at both ends and either flexed in the middle (dual cantilever) or at one end (single cantilever). Cantilever bending is a good general-purpose mode for evaluating thermoplastics and highly damped materials (e.g., elastomers). Dual cantilever mode is ideal for studying the cure of supported thermosets. A powder clamp is also available for characterizing transitions in powder materials.3-Point BendIn this mode, the sample is supported at both ends and force is applied in the middle.3-point bend is considered a “pure” mode of deformation since clamping effects are eliminated. The 50 and 20 mm clamps on the Q800 utilize unique low-friction, roller bearing supports that improve accuracy.Shear SandwichIn this mode, two equal-size pieces of the same material are sheared between a fixed andmoveable plate. This mode is ideal for gels, adhesives, high viscosity resins, and otherhighly damped materials.84CompressionIn this mode, the sample is placed on a fixed flat surface and an oscillating plate applies force. Compression is suitable for low to moderate modulus materials (e.g., foams and elastomers). This mode can also be used to make measurements of expansion or contraction, and tack testing for adhesives.In this mode, the sample is placed in tension between a fixed and moveable clamp. In oscillation experiments, the instruments use a variety of methods for applying a static load to prevent buckling and unnecessary creep. The clamps are suitable for both films and fibers.Submersible ClampsFilm tension, compression, and 3-point bend clamps are available in submersibleconfigurations for the Q800. These clamps allow samples to be analyzed in a fluidenvironment up to 80°C.10010090807060504030201000102030405060708090110120Temperature (˚C)86aCCeSSorieSDMA-RH1.2. 3.The DMA-RH accessory offers thewidest range of temperature and relative humidity.Temperature Range 5 to 120°C Temperature Accuracy ±0.5°C Heating/Cooling Rate Maximum ±1°C/min Humidity Range See humidity range chart.Humidity Accuracy 5-90% RH: ±3% RH >90% RH: ±5% RH Humidity Ramp Rate 2% RH/min (fixed)(both increasing and decreasing)132DMA-rh aPPliCatioNSEffect of Relative Humidity on the Glass Transition of Nylon 6Nylon 6 is strongly plasticized by water; as such the mechanical properties will be dependent on the surrounding relative humidity. The data in this figure demonstrate the effect of relative humidity on the glass transition of Nylon 6 as measured on the Q800 DMA equipped with the DMA-RH accessory. The sample was analyzed in single cantilever mode at a frequency of 1 Hz at a variety of constant RH conditions. Note how the mechanical properties and glass transition are significantly influenced by the imposed relative humidity.Measurement of the Coefficient of Hygroscopic Expansion (CHE)Hygroscopy is defined as the ability of a substance to attract water molecules from the surrounding environment through either absorption or adsorption. The effect of moisture sorption on the mechanical characteristics of a material can be quantified by the Coefficient of Hygroscopic Expansion (CHE), the constant which relates the dimensional change of a material to a change in the surrounding relative humidity. The data in this figure show the effect of imposed relative humidity on the Nylon 6 sample as measured by the Q800 DMA with the DMA-RH Accessory. As the relative humidity is increased the sample expands. The resulting slope of the line is equivalent to the CHE for the material.StorageMdulus(MPa)[––––]TanDeltaTemperature (˚C)Relative Humidity (%)88Stress Relaxation of Nafion® 112 Under Varying Temperature/RH ConditionsRecent research has focused on alternative fuel technologies including Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) which contain polymeric membranes such as Nafion* 112. PEM properties can significantly change as functions of time and exposure to elevated temperatures and humidity, as water is the primary by-product of the electrochemical reaction of the fuel cell. The Q800 DMA equipped with the DMA-RH accessory is the ideal platform to study the effect of temperature and humidity on the time-dependent processes of the PEM. In this example, the stress relaxation behavior of a Nafion 112 membrane is analyzed in tension mode under two discrete conditions; 25°C/50% RH (controlled ambient) and under elevated temperature and RH conditions of 85°C/85% RH.*Nafion is a registered trademark of DuPont Co.Analysis of a Pharmaceutical Gelatin Capsule Gelatin capsules are widely used in the pharmaceutical and dietary supplement market. When stored in an ambient, low- humidity environment gelatin is remarkably stable. However, when combined with water, gelatin forms a semi-solid colloid gel which can profoundly affect its mechanical properties. The data in this example illustrate the effect of increasing relative humidity on a gelatin sample cut from the side wall of a two-piece capsule at 25°C and 40°C. As the relative humidity is increased, the material undergoes a multi-step transition resulting in a significant decrease in modulus near 80% RH. The transition is resolved in both the storage modulus and tan δ signals.100001000100101020*********[––––]TanDeltaRelative Humidity (%)0.25% RH/min93.63%83.46%25˚C40˚CRelaxationModulus(MPa)Decay Time (sec)8990theoryRange of Material BehaviorViscoelasticity: Having both viscous and elastic properties100% Elastic Behavior100% Viscous BehaviorFigure 10˚ < δ < 90˚E*E lE llδViscoelastic BehaviorE* = stress/strain E l = E*cos δE ll = E*sin δtan δ = E ll /E lFigure 2aFigure 2boPeratioN% S t r a i n /S t r e s sMulti-Stress/StrainTimeT 1T 1S t r a i n /S t r e s sCreep/Stress RelaxationTime S t r a i n /S t r e s sControlled Force/Strain Rate TemperatureS t r a i nIsostrainMulti-Frequencyexperiments.Multi-Stress/StrainCreep/Stress RelaxationControlled Force/Strain Ratestrain is monitored.Isostrain91aPPliCatioNSMeasurement of Tg of Polymeric MaterialsA common measurement on polymers is the glass transition temperature, Tg. It can be measured with various techniques, but DMA is by far the most sensitive. The figure to the right shows a scan of a pressure sensitive adhesive run in the tension clamps at a frequency of 1 Hz. Tg can be measured by the E’ onset point, by the E’’ peak, or the peak of Tan δ. In addition to the Tg, the absolute value of the various viscoelastic parameters is also useful.Frequency Effect on Modulus and Glass Transition of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Because the Tg has a kinetic component, it is strongly influenced by the frequency (rate) of deformation. As the frequency of the test increases, the molecular relaxations can only occur at higher temperatures and, as a consequence, the Tg will increase with increasing frequency as illustrated to the right. In addition, the shape and intensity of the Tan δ peak as well as the slope of the storage modulus in the transition region will be affected. Based on end-use conditions, it is important to understand the temperature andfrequency dependence of transitions.Temperature (˚C)0255075100125-25-50-75-10010000StorageModulus(MPa)LossModulus(MPa) 10001001010.10.011000010001001010.10.01Temperature (˚C)20406080100120140160StorageModulus(MPa)TanDelta0. Measurement of Secondary Transitionsin Vinyl EsterDMA is one of the few techniques sensitive to β and γ second-ary transitions. Secondary transitions arise from side group motion with some cooperative vibrations from the main chain as well as internal rotation within a side group. The transitions are below the Tg and typically subambient. They are very important as they af-fect impact resistance and other end-use properties. This data was generated using 3-point bending and also illustrates the ability torun stiff composites.Measuring Effect of Adhesive Coatingson FilmsThis figure shows a comparison among three PET samples in tension on the DMA; one with a uniform adhesive layer that performs well, one with a non-uniform layer that performs poorly, and one that is uncoated. A transition peak due to the adhesive is seen in Tan δaround 40°C in the “good” sample, whereas the “poor” sample shows a much smaller peak. Knowing the characteristics of good and poor samples enables quality control of the coating process and the finished product.Temperature (˚C)TanDeltaTg200.72˚Cβ Relaxation101.27˚CγRelaxation-89.55˚C-150-100-500100000StorageModulus(MPa)100001000100501001502002503000. (˚C)E'StorageModulus(Pa)TanDelta 101010010-310210110-110-2Tan DeltaE'Frequency = 6.28 1 HzUncoatedGood CoatingPoor Coating93aPPliCatioNSCharacterizing Printed Circuit BoardsPrinted Circuit Boards (PCB) are typically comprised of fiberglass braid impregnated with a thermosetting resin. Characterizing the Tg of PCB’s is often difficult due to the very low amount of resin used. This figure shows a typical PCB run in single cantilever bending. The Tg is clearly discernible and the difference between the sample “as received” and “post baked” clearly shows the effect that further crosslinking has on both the Tg and the absolute value of modulus.Effect of Carbon Black in ElastomersAnother very common application is the effect of fillers and additives on viscoelastic properties. The figure to the right illustrates the effect on storage modulus (E’) and Tan δ when adding carbon black to an SBR rubber. This test, performed in dual cantilever on the DMA, shows that adding carbon black increases the absolute value of the storage modulus and significantly increases the Tg temperature. Understanding how fillers and additives affectmaterial properties is crucial in many industrial applications.Temperature (˚C)LossModulus(MPa) StorageModulus(MPa)12000100008000600040002000109108106107105-65-80-50-35-20Temperature (˚C)ModulusE'(Pa)TanDelta 10100.10.0011010.01SBR + Carbon BlackSBR94Characterizing Packaging FilmsUsing CreepIn a thermoforming process, a film is pulled down into a heated mold to form a desired shape. The ability to produce a stable product can be predicted by using a creep-recovery experiment. This figure illustrates data on a packaging film using the tension mode. In the recovery phase, the equilibrium recoverable compliance, (J er) canbe calculated. If the sample compliance is too high, as observed by a high J er, then the elasticity may be too low at the formingtemperature to maintain the desired shape.Predicting Material Performance Using Time/ Temperature Superpositioning (TTS)The TTS technique, well-grounded in theory, is used to predict material performance at frequencies or time scales outside the range of the instrument. Data is usually generated by scanning multiple frequencies during a series of isothermal step-hold experiments over a temperature range. A reference temperature is selected and the data shifted. A shift factor plot is generated and fit to either a Williams-Landel-Ferry (WLF) or Arrhenius model. Finally, a master curve at a specific temperature is generated as illustrated to the right for a PET film sample. Using this technique, properties at very high frequencies (short time scales) or very low frequencies (long time scales) can be assessed.Time (min)Strain(%)108642Frequency (Hz)E'(Pa)10101095© 2010 TA Instruments. All rights reserved.L90010.001。

NITON XLt 800说明书要点

NITON XLt 800说明书要点

NITON XLp 800系列合金分析仪用户指南版本:4.2美国热电公司便携式元素分析部门900 Middlesex Turnpike,Building 8Billerica,Massachusetts 01821 USA语音电话:(800)875-1578 • +1 (978)670-7460 • 传真:+1 (978)670-7430Email:xrf@·web:http://美国热电公司版权所有©1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004.保留所有权利如未提前获得美国热电公司允许,不得以任何形式或方式(电子、机械、影印、录音等)进行复制,在检索系统中阅读、存储、或传播本资料的任何内容。

NITON® XLp™,800 Series™,以及SpectraView™ 为美国热电公司的商标。



XLp™ 800 系列合金分析仪用户指南XLp™ 800 系列合金分析仪美利坚合众国制造注册:美国热电公司制造XLp™ 800系列合金分析仪已获得马萨诸塞州联邦授权,并符合放射性物质许可55-0238警告:在未首先阅读并理解整个用户指南资料之前,不得尝试使用该仪器!您的NITON XRF分析仪 (I)拆箱以及组装您的NITON XLp XRF分析仪 (i)NITON XLp XRF 分析仪综述 (ii)控制面板 (ii)仪器启动 (iv)屏幕对比度 (vi)辐射安全 (1)以毫雷姆为单位的典型辐射剂量(NCRP,1987) (3)如何使用您的NITON XLp仪器 (5)挡板安全 (7)监控您的辐射暴露 (8)美国境内的仪器遗失或损坏程序 (11)美国境外的仪器遗失或损坏程序 (12)辐射数据表 (13)菜单系统 (1)主菜单 (2)模式菜单 (4)应用程序菜单 (6)数据菜单 (9)数据菜单-第二页 (13)查看数据库菜单 (14)通用设置菜单 (15)标定菜单 (17)删除菜单 (19)串行输出菜单 (21)设置协议菜单 (22)硬件设置菜单 (24)辐射源菜单 (26)辐射源时间菜单 (27)辐射源匹配数字菜单 (29)合金测试 (1)合金菜单 (2)化学模式菜单 (4)特征ID模式菜单 (6)存储特征菜单 (7)SuperChem菜单 (9)超级识别菜单 (15)所有合金测试菜单 (20)Cu/Zn/Pb测试菜单 (23)Ta/Hf/Re 测试菜单 (25)匹配特征测试菜单 (27)分析金属合金样品............................................... . (29)数据输入屏幕............................................................................ .31设置自定义条形码................................................................ .33浏览数据输入屏幕.......................................................... .34虚拟键盘............................................................................. .35结果屏幕....................................................... (36)匹配数字.................................................................................... .38铝合金分析以及分类................................................................ .39PB涂料模式 (1)使用Pb涂料模式 (1)细薄样品测试模式 (1)使用细薄样品测试模式 (1)大块样品测试模式 (1)使用大块样品测试模式 (1)贵重金属模式 (1)使用贵重金属模式 (1)例行维护指南 (1)电池组以及电池充电器 (1)维护、清洁以及维修 (6)存储以及运输您的NITON XLp 800 系列分析仪 (9)附录一 (I)X射线发射能量,按照元素原子序数顺序排列... .. (i)附录二 (III)X射线发射能量,按照元素字母表顺序排列............ . (iii)附录三 (V)SpectraView (v)附录四 (VIII)警告摘要 (viii)附录五 (XI)注意事项摘要............................................................................. (xi)附录六 (XIV)焊接护罩附件工具箱................................................................. (xiv)附录七 (XX)附录八 (XXI)术语表 (XXIII)NITON XLp 800系列合金分析仪用户指南 简介-1简介 您的NITON XRF 分析仪拆箱以及组装您的NITON XLP XRF 分析仪·检查装运箱是否存在损坏迹象,例如包装破碎或水渍损失。

DXI800 中文手册

DXI800 中文手册

3 供应材料 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1
• • • • • • • •
系统状态面板 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 更换已空的或过期的底物瓶 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 更换空的大容量清洗缓冲液容器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 增加反应容器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 更换已满的大容量废液容器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 更换满的固体废料容器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 装载试剂包 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 卸载试剂包 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8

北美海洋公司 PRG300 PRG320 产品说明书

北美海洋公司 PRG300 PRG320 产品说明书

8.64 Ø (0.34)
2 Places
U Compact Light Weight Construction
U Low Air Consumption
U Rugged Corrosion Resistant Design
U Direct, Pipe or Bracket Mounting
U 40 Micron Filter
Cv Values: PRG300: 0.5 at 150 psi supply and 80 psi setpoint PRG320: 2.5 at 150 psi supply and 80 psi setpoint
Sensitivity: 1 inH2O Air Consumption: Less than 5 SCFH
PRG300: 0.45 kg (1.2 lbs) PRG320: 0.64 kg (1.71 lbs)
Dia67p.7hragm: Nitrile elastomer and nylon fab(2r.6i6c)
Materials Body: Diecast aluminum alloy, irridite
17.5 (0.69)
0 to 30
0 to 2.1
12.8 (0.505)
PRG300-60 PRG300-120
0 to 60 0 to 120
Dimensions: mm (inch)



NITON XL2 800 手持式合金成分分析仪-——-—-—-——-—金属合金检测的质量保证NITON XL2 800 是一款为你量身定做的X 射线的荧光光谱仪.它集快速,准确,可靠为一体,加上硬件,软件,直接的行业经验,必定会满足你特定的检测要求。

XL2 800 是一款通过完美的创新,并处于领先的具有实践解决方案的手持式XRF仪器。

NitonXL2 800 提供许多独特的优势:。



行业科技领先的可靠的检测结果快速,准确的成分分析是您对材料的可靠性检验的需要:●异型零件●1mm直径的金属线和丝●杆材,棒材●成品焊材●螺钉,铆钉和其它扣件●成品加工组装件NITON XRF分析仪—--今天材料可靠性检验中元素分析的解决方案,NITON 手持式X射线荧光光谱仪是具有革命性突破的元素分析仪器,只要简单的扣下扳机即可。

NITON XL2 800手持式合金分析仪特点:●快速检测操作简单从检测点到扣扳机,几秒钟即可显示检测数据。





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每天超过20000台NITON XRF 分析仪在六大洲超过75个国家使用,独特的超过400种合金牌号的数据库,NITON 分析仪提供了出众的合金牌号鉴别的准确性,这是其它手持式XRF分析仪无法超越的。

Niton Xl3t 800介绍

Niton Xl3t 800介绍
Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t 800手持式合金分析仪-简易而出众
Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t 800系列的性能
Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t 800 系列分析仪提供的合金化学成分可达23种最常用的元素,几百个合金牌号,并且还可按需提供额外的元素。
12Cr 钢
Thermo Scientific Niton X 射线荧光分析仪将以先进的技术在手持式合金分析仪领域内继续保持主导地位,其技术将直接满足金属生产、制造装配和分销工业的需求。Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t 800系列为金属制造工业带来了最新的、跨时代的、坚固而可靠的工具,并对其人性化设计,速度以及性能进行了改进。同时还保留了简洁的“点-射”操作的简单性。Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t结合了先进的电子技术、材料技术和最强大的X射线管(可达50KV),独具一格。 Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t 带有多重过滤器,以优化X 射线,因而它提供了比任何一种X射线荧光分析仪更大的分析范围、更快的检测速度和更好的检测精度。从一体化可旋转的彩色轻触式显示屏至可自定义的菜单,符合人性化设计的Thermo Scientific Niton XL3t系列分析仪是迄今为止我们所制造的重量最轻、结构最坚固的仪器。它能在所有的环境条件下使用,包括室内和室外。可通过蓝牙或USB接口与仪器相连,串行通讯口和麻烦的PDA同步下载过程都已成为了过去。此外,所有的Thermo Scientific Niton 分析仪使用第三代的锂电池,可提供更长的使用时间。

NITON XL3t(美国力通-矿石元素分析仪)用户手册-中文

NITON XL3t(美国力通-矿石元素分析仪)用户手册-中文

NITON XL3t系列手持式元素分析仪操作手册关于本用户手册警告!在没有阅读并完全了解本使用手册之前,请勿使用仪器!注意!NITON分析仪不防火,分析样品时,如果涉及高温环境要谨慎。

目录第1章仪器概述 (7)NITON XRF分析仪外观概览 (7)控制面板(Control panel) (7)LCD触摸屏 (9)数据接口 (10)仪器启动 (11)导航菜单(NAV) (14)电池指示 (15)菜单路径 (16)第2章应用 (17)导航菜单(NAV) (17)工具菜单(TOOLS) (18)平均数举例 (22)塑料分析模式 (23)厚度校正 (24)电子合金分析 (29)电子合金Cu/Zn模式 (32)电子合金T a/Hf模式 (34)ROHS达标 (36)分析土壤或矿石样品 ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

数据输入屏幕 (41)查看样品信息 (44)数据输入屏幕导航 (45)虚拟键盘 (46)制备或不制备样品——现场和非现场测量的比较 (48)现场分析未经处理的样品 (49)现场测量 (50)直接读取岩石表面的数据 (50)分析岩心 (51)粗样品的预测量 (52)现场与实验室分析的比较 (53)非现场分析制备合格的样品 (53)样品收集 (54)制备大块土壤样品 (55)清洁仪器 (56)样品制备 (57)圆锥四分法 (58)将处理好的样品放入样杯 (59)样品制备——液体和泥浆样品 (61)矿石T a/Hf模式(Mining Mode Ta/Hf) (62)矿石Cu/Zn模式(Mining Mode Cu/Zu) (64)土壤模式 (66)土壤标样 (67)NIST土壤标样和替代物的对比表 (70)校正因子(Cal Factor) (73)氧化物与元素含量 (77)查看数据 (78)元素筛选 (79)所关注元素的检出 (80)谱图查询 (81)清空内存 (82)数据删除 (83)编辑数据库 (85)编辑合金成分含量 (87)探测器自校正 (88)日期和时间调整 (94)屏幕旋转设置 (95)背景灯调节 (96)硬件设置屏幕 (97)滤光片设置界面 (100)摄像头和小点功能设置 (104)小点模式的应用 (106)语言设置 (107)打印机设置屏幕 (109)提示音设置 (112)元素分类显示菜单 (114)设置元素检出限 (119)设置显示单位菜单 (124)显示单位屏幕 (125)第3章日常维护指南 (126)电池和电池充电 (126)保养、清洁和维修 (130)更换Kapton窗口 (131)XL3t分析仪的存放和运输 (133)第4章辐射安全 (135)X射线管的保险装置 (135)监控您的辐射 (138)如何安全使用NITON XL3t分析仪 (138)正确使用NITON XL3t分析仪 (141)避免过度暴露 (141)分析不同样品的安全须知 (141)辐射简介-充He (142)主辐射 (146)深部和浅部剂量 (147)贮存和运输 (147)紧急处理程序 (147)常见问题解答 (149)设置无线连接 (150)附录 (152)附录1 能谱表 (152)附录2 谱图 (154)附录3 警告 (155)附录4 注意 (156)第1章仪器概述NITON XRF分析仪外观概览本款NITON XL3t系列分析仪是手持式的高性能x射线荧光(XRF)元素分析仪。

美国 Sierra 仪表公司 830 840 Side-Trak 质量流量计和调节仪 说明书

美国 Sierra 仪表公司 830 840 Side-Trak 质量流量计和调节仪 说明书

美国Sierra 仪表公司 830/840 Side-Trak™质量流量计和调节仪指导手册G版 5-03中文版初版 0310顾客需知 美国Sierra 仪表公司对任何将质量流量计或质量调节仪运用于氧气领域所造成的损坏及人身伤害概不负责。


目录第1章 简介简介…………………………………………………………………1-1 手册的使用……………………………………………………1-1安全信息………………………………………………………1-1收货……………………………………………………………1-2技术支持………………………………………………………1-2 800 系列流量传感器原理………………………………………….1-2 每2章 安装安装总览…………………………………………………………….2-1仪表安装…………………………………………………………….2-1 压垫式连接……………………………………………………2-2VCO连接………………………………………………………2-2VCR连接………………………………………………………2-2NPT及1/2英寸连接-所有型号………………….………….2-2 仪表接线………………………………………………………...…..2-3 推荐线规………………………………………………...……..2-3用20针卡边连接器接线………………………………………2-4用15针D连接器接线…………………………………………2-7电动阀环形10针连接器…..…………………………….…...2-10 第3章 操作质量流量计操作……………………….……………………………3-1质量流量调节仪操作………………….……………………………3-1 电磁阀调节仪………………………………………………….3-1电动回转阀调节仪…………………………………………….3-2 质量流量调节仪特点……………………………………………….3-2 过量程及冷传感器锁定电路…………………………………..3-2自关断特点………………………...…………………………...3-3开关控制及软启选择………………..…………………………3-3阀门清洁功能………………………..…………………………3-3 第4章 故障查找和维护流量通路维护………………………………………….……………4-1 薄片流量元件清洁………………………………..……………4-1 传感器维护…………………………………………….……………4-4 传感器清洁及检查……………………………….…………….4-4传感器电路测试………………………………….…………….4-5 阀门维护……………………………………………….……………4-5电磁阀──低、中流量仪表……………………...….................4-6 电磁阀──高流量仪表………………………..........................4-6 电动回转阀……………………………………….…………….4-7 仪表标定……………………………………………….……………4-7 第5章 故障处理 故障处理步骤……………….………………………………………5-1仪表送回厂家处理………….………………………………………5-4附录A 换算公式和气体表附录B 技术参数图片目录图1-1 流体通过仪表的路径……………………………………...1-2图1-2 流量测量原理…………………...…………………………1-3图1-3 传感器温度分布………………...…………………………1-3图1-4 变送器输出信号线形范围……...…………………………1-4图2-1 NPT及21英寸过程连接所需管道长度…...………………2-2图2-2 输入电源连接(20针连接器)……………………………..2-4 图2-4 本地设定点电位器(20针连接器)......................................2-4 图2-5 外部设定源(20针连接器)………..………………………2-5 图2-6 阀门清洁及阀门关闭(20针连接器)…………………...2-5 图2-7 阀门清洁及阀门关闭(20针连接器)……………………2-5 图2-8 20针连接器引脚分配…………………..…………………2-6 图2-9 输入电源(15针D形连接器) ……………………………..2-7 图2-10 输出接线(15针D形连接器) …………...……………….2-7 图2-11 现场设定点电位器(15针D形连接器) …………………2-8 图2-12 现场设定点电位器(15针D形连接器) …………………2-8 图2-13 阀门清洁及阀门关闭(15针D形连接器)……….………2-9 图2-14 阀门清洁及阀门关闭(15针D形连接器)……….………2-9图2-15 15针D形连接器引脚分配……………………………...2-10图2-16 电动回转阀……………………………………………...2-10图3-1 软启响应时间………….......................................................3-3图4-1 低流量仪表LFE清洁……………………………………..4-1图4-2 中等流量仪表LFE清洁…………………………………..4-2图4-3 高流量仪表LFE清洁……………………………………..4-3图4-4 NPT-型仪表LFE清洁…………………………….………..4-3图4-5 传感器接线检修…………………………………...………4-5 表格列表表2-1 推荐线规………….................................................................2-3警告及注意事项警告!请遵守NEC 或地方安全实施规范接线。








按以下顺序打开各单元的电源开关(各单元的电 源显示灯应随即点亮):
– – – – – – – 测量单元;(预热半小时后进行下面各步骤) 空气压缩机 干粉进样器; 打印机; 显示器; 计算机主机; 计算机进入WINDOWS98操作系统的桌面,用鼠标左 键双击OMEC图标,显示器随即出现本仪器的主界面。
3 系统参数设置 在主菜单下,用鼠标左键单 击“文件”,屏幕上即弹出“文件” 子菜单。在用鼠标左键单击“重新 开始”,屏幕继续弹出“系统参数 设置”栏。
4 样品准备(以循环进样器为例); (1)在50ml量杯内盛大约25ml的悬浮液 (2)用取样勺有代表性地取适量的待测样品, 投入量杯中;取样的适量是指样品与悬浮液混 合后有适当的浓度。遮光比应控制在5%—— 25%之间。 (3)在量杯内滴入适量的分散剂,用玻璃棒搅 拌悬浮液;样品与液体应混合良好,否则要更 换悬浮液或分散剂; (4)将量杯放入超声波清洗机中,让清洗槽内 的液面到达量杯总高度的1/2左右,打开电源, 让其振动2分钟左右; (5)关掉电源,取出量杯。

比如标准粒子、金刚砂等 循环样品池适用于量大,分布较宽的样 品。比如碳化硅,高岭土,钛白粉等
1 测量单元预热 打开本仪器测量单元的电源,一般要等半小时 以后,激光功率才能稳定
2 系统对中 旋转上下两个对中旋钮,使“背景光能分布” 中“零”环最高,而其它环相对低。正常情况下, 零环高度调到最高时应在60至30之间 此步骤没有完成好,后面的操作很可能无用



















目前合金分析仪市场上主要的企业包括美国Thermo Fisher Scientific、德国Bruker、日本Rigaku等,其中Thermo Fisher Scientific是全球领先的合金分析仪企业之一。


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●随机配置NDT软件,可进行数据上传或下载,可编辑、输出PMI分析报告,可实现PC 机远程控制
●NITON NDT软件可对仪器进行定制,设置用户权限,生成定制报告和打印分析证书,还可以实现对仪器的远程操控
●选配高温适配器(HotFoot TM
