文体学Sound patterning 广告分析


文体学Sound patterning 广告分析培训课件

文体学Sound patterning 广告分析培训课件

文体学S o u n dp a t t e r n i n g广告分析精品资料Sound patterningThere are no grand celebrations here,no speeches,no bright lights,But there are great athletes.Somehow we‘ve come to believe that greatness is reserved for the chosen few,for the superstars.The truth is, greatness is for all of us.This is not about lowering expectations;It's about raising them for every last one of us.Because greatness is not in one special place,and it is not in one special person.Greatness is wherever somebody is trying to find itConsonance: speeches lights athletes ……..Assonance: Somehow come /ʌ / believe reserved /i / about lowering /au / Function of Sound patterning: to make the language more vivid and impressive, increase rhythm and expressiveness of a writing. So it can call our attention to its advertisement.Syntax:Repetition: greatness specialFunction of Repetition: t he function of the repetition is to emphasize a quality or feature of Nike, so greatness and special are key words of this advertisement which serve to stress the theme “Nike find your greatness”.Parallelism(排比): no grand celebrations, no speeches, no bright lightsfor the chosen few, for the superstars.Function of Parallelism:It helps achieve emphasis and make the speech more rhythmical, forceful and passionate.仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢2。



文体学Soundpatterning广告分析Sound patterningThere are no grand celebrations here,no speeches,no bright lights,But there are great athletes.Somehow we…ve come to believe that greatness is reserved for the chosen few,for the superstars.The truth is, greatness is for all of us.This is not about lowering expectations;It's about raising them for every last one of us.Because greatness is not in one special place,and it is not in one special person.Greatness is wherever somebody is trying to find itConsonance: speeches lights athletes ……..Assonance: Somehow come /? / believe reserved /i / about lowering /au / Function of Sound patterning: to make the language more vivid and impressive, increase rhythm and expressiveness of a writing. So it can call our attention to its advertisement.Syntax:Repetition: greatness specialFunction of Repetition:t he function of the repetition is to emphasize a quality or feature of Nike, so greatness and special are key words of this advertisement which serve to stress the theme “Nike find your greatness”.Parallelism(排比): no grand celebrations, no speeches, no bright lightsfor the chosen few, for the superstars.Function of Parallelism:It helps achieve emphasis and make the speech more rhythmical, forceful and passionate.。



2008年第8期(总第56期)边疆经济与文化THE BORDER ECONOMY AND CULT URENo 1812008General 1No 156B I A N J I A N G J I N G J I Y U W EN HUA73 从文体学角度透视广告文体及其商业价值刘云秋(哈尔滨理工大学外国语学院,哈尔滨150040)摘 要:广告,作为一种文体,需要从文体学角度来研究。


关键词:文体学;广告;诗学功能;交际模式;商业价值中图分类号:F 713181 文献标志码:A 文章编号:167225409(2008)0820073202收稿日期:2008203226作者简介:刘云秋(1975-),女,哈尔滨人,讲师,从事外国语言学与应用语言学研究。




一、雅各布森的诗学功能—交际互动的六个因素和语言的六个功能雅各布森(Jacobs on )对现代文体学的最重要的贡献之一就在于他确定了语言标准,即表明言语在交际中所显示的功能。







二 、 语法特征(g ram matical feature)
(一)广告英语大量使用简短单句 。 80 年代以来 , 随着电 视的普及 , 人们生活节奏的不断加快 , 广告 费用不断 提高 , 英 语广告的微型化的倾向日趋明显 , 广 告语必须 简练 、醒目 , 因 此 , 短小精悍的简单句出现较多 。 请看下列广告 : Co ke Adds life 2 、Some thing coo le r happens w ith Ca nada Dry 3 、Superb picture and mo re - zenith systems (二)广告英语常 用并 列结 构 。 广告语 言为 求得 简洁 易 懂 , 更多地使用并列结构 。 ①Inte rcity( 指 城市 之 间 的 高 速 火 车) make s the g oing ea sy (and the coming back) ②A M ars a day helps y ou w or k , rest and play (M ar s 是 一种 Candy bar) (三)省略句式频繁 , 广告语言另一个明显的句法结构特点 是省略句的频繁使用 。 广告要以有限的篇幅传达尽可能多的信 息内容 , 不得不将次要的成分简化删略 , 使它简洁 、通俗易懂 。 Hav e you driv en a Fo rd … … lately ( 后 省 略 了 “ ca r”) S AF E , quick a nd w ith F UN (省略主语)A w or k of ar t (省略 谓语)(Sco tch W hisky 广告) (四)广告英语还常使用问句 , 以引起顾客的好奇心 。 ①“ Why did K L M w in the (1984 passeng er service Aw ard )”“ try them” K LM Roy al Dutch Airlines ) ②A re yo u g oing ge ry to o ear ly (五)除了使用省 略句 、疑问 句之 外 , 在 英语 广告 中大 量 的使用祈使句 , 祈使句的使用有劝说和敦促的 功能 。 ①Ho unds o ff our w ild life. ②Sav e a much as 49 % Ye s , send me 1 year o f fo r tune Inte rna tional. (六)从 动词的时态上来看 , 广告 语言通常使 用一般现 在 时或现在完成时 , 表示商品属性和 效应的持 久性 。 这使得 广 告内容具有现时实效性 。 ①M r. Kipling makes exceedingly g ood cake s. ②Per sil w ashes whiter and it sho w s per sil takes care o f whiteness.

Syntactical Features of Advertising English广告英语的文体特征及分析

Syntactical Features of Advertising English广告英语的文体特征及分析
Syntactical Features
As the purpose of all advertising is to remind Simple Sentences consumers of the benefits of particular products in the hope of increasing sales, Elliptical Sentences advertising language must be concise, legible, understandable and memorable. It Imperative Sentences usually has its own characteristics in syntax. This part will discuss the syntactic features Interrogative Sentences of advertising English.
Intelligence everywhere. (Motorola)
It is evident that by using ellipsis, the sentence is far more brief, eye-catching and forceful. From the point of syntactical structure, the sentence cuts the important grammar component——the predictive verb ”is”. In elliptical sentences the minor expressions are omitted so as to give importance to the key words and expressions.


泛应用 。如 : E y ei t . T r yi t . B u yi t .( 雪佛 兰 ) O b e y y o u r t h i r s t . f 雪碧) Ke e p mo v i n g … 永 不止步… ( 安踏 )
参考 文献 [ 1 ] 秦秀 白, 文体学概论 [ M] . 长沙: 湖南教育 出版社, 1 9 8 6 .
[ 2 ] 李 中行, 广告英语 [ M】 . 长沙: 湖南教育 出版社, 1 9 8 6 .
在上述例子 中 ,最后 一句安踏 的广告语 中,省 略句 的使 用 给人一种一直在前 进的感觉 , 使句子从 静态变成动态 , 赋

二 、词 汇 特点 在 广告 语 中 ,往 往 大 量 使 用 一 些评 价 性 和描 述 性 的 褒 义形 容 词 来 体 现产 品的 优点 和 性 能 。如 ,r e a l ,s o t, f
b e a u t i f u l ,d e l i c i o u s ,ma r v e l o u s ,f r e s h ,s p e c i a l ,i d e a l 等 ;下
要 :在现代社会 ,广告 已经随 处可见。成功 的广告 必须要 在 最短 的时 间吸 引顾 客 ,突 出自己的特 点 ,既要具备 感
召力 ,又要彰显 大众化。本文 旨在从文体 学角度 解析 当今流行 中英文 广告语 的语 言特点 ,并从词汇 、语 法、修辞三 个方面进
行 阐述和分析 。
关键词 :广告语 ;文体 学;语 言特 点。

楚 、直接 ,其简短性更能突出和强调所陈述的事实 , 并且 ,简 短的句子更容易理解 ,从而可以在短时间内吸引消费者 。如 : 你本来 就很美 。 (自然堂 )











评价性形容词( eva luative adjectives) 和描述性形容词( descriptive adjectives )的广泛使用。

普遍情况下,为了向公众更好的描述产品,广告语使用大量形容词,诸如beautiful, good, delicious, smooth, gentle等。


为了描绘甚至夸耀广告中所推销的商品,广告英语中的形容词经常以最高级的形式出现, 有时也以比拟级的形式出现, 以便到达比拟、鉴别的目的。

如:Persil washes whiter and it shows. ( Persil洗涤广告)。

人称代词在英语广告中也很常见,特别是You 和We, 使得广告语言更亲切、生动,拉近了与消费者的间隔,如We don’t just want you to clean your teeth. We want to help you keep them. (牙膏)英语广告中特有的词汇使用是词缀法,许多用“super”作前缀, 用“ex”作后缀构成的词, 具夸张意味,例Windex (擦窗清洁剂名) , Purex (漂泊剂名) 。



浅析文学文体学在英语广告当中的应用" 论文关键词:广告用语商品标语文学文体学论文摘要:本文深入研究了文学文体学,即修辞格与诗歌韵律的手法在英语广告中的运用。











1 英语广告的基本组成部分1.1 商标(Brand Names)商标是一个品牌最显著的标志,其发展历史悠久并且有很多不同的表现形式。


(1)普通词汇(Common Words)。




It makes you sharply cold.Safeguard[舒服佳](香皂)。

Safeguard you body.(2)新造词汇(Created Words)。


例如:Kleenex[clean+excellent 舒洁](纸巾)。


(3)外来词汇(Loan Words)。





















Stylistic Analysis of AdvertisementsThis paper gives an overall analysis of advertisements from the aspects ofstylistic analysis (phonology and graphology, elision, sound patterning, onomatopoeia, markers)and lexical choice and contextual analysis (medium of communication and role-relationship) by the application of modern linguistictheory and stylistic analysis pattern in order to find out the general stylistic characteristics of commercialadvertisements. This paper can help readers better understand and appreciate the language of sports advertisements.With the development of globalization and industrialization, more and more goods are produced in the world day byday; as a result, advertisement plays an important role in selling products. It is an art of language using various kinds ofdevices. The advertisements have achieved amazing effects on persuading consumers to buy the products. At the same time, it has also formed its special style and the language used in the advertisements is different from other styles. Its function is to “attract attention, arouse interest, stimulate desire, create conviction and get action.” It is a kind of loadedlanguage with persuasive power. Advertisements can be taken on magazines, newspapers and TV. No matter wherepeople are----on the buses or subways or during the break time or after meal----, they can get whatever information theywant. Generally speaking, the language of advertising, mainly ofso-called loaded languages, must be a language of immediate impact and rapid persuasion. It must bring the advertised products into attention, stress their qualities in the most attractive way, clearly outline the reasons for buying them, and preferably leave a memorable echo of what has been said about the products ringing in the reader’s mind.1.At the Phonology LevelLinguistic Description refers to the exploration and classification of linguistic features of a given text and the linguisticfeatures are reflected by style markers which are linguistic items that only appear, or most or least frequent in a text,representing a particular variety or literary genre .The analysis of stylistics in this level aims at providinga methodology of analysis which includes four aspects: graphology, lexicology, syntax, grammar and semantics. Thedetailed analysis will lead to more accurate understandings of the language in order to let the readers better understandthis variety.1.1Sound PatterningSound patterning: refers to the matching of identical or similar sounds between two or more words. Sound patterning occurs among contents and words which are not far away from each other. English words may consists of one or more syllables. The structure of an English monosyllabic words. The structure of an English monosyllabic word can be represented as CVC, with V standing for vowel, and C for consonant, the number of which varies from 0 to 4 .CVC: AlliterationCVC: AssonanceCVC: ConsonanceCVC: Reverse RhymeCVC: PararhymeCVC: RhymeSound patterning is not only a source of aesthetic satisfaction, but also a phonological means of emphasis, establishing relationship between the patterned words. Chomsky and Halle represent speech sounds as bundles of plus-or-minus valued features (e.g. vocalic, high, back, anterior,nasal, etc.) The phonological component of each lexical entry is considered to be a linear sequence of these feature bundles. A number of context-sensitive rules transform the underlying form of a sequence of words into the final phonetic form that is uttered by the speaker. These rules are allowed access to the tree structure that the syntax is said to output. This access allows rules that apply, for example, only at the end of a word, or only at the end of a noun phrase. And alliteration is widely accepted in the sports advertisement or brand name as a tool to enhance memory.And it also sound very interesting.So, I’ve compiled a list of examples of alliteration used for commercial purposes.American AirlinesBurberryCoca-ColaFedExPolo (by Ralph Lauren)Ted TalksA TailOf Two CitiesDriven To DistractionGood to Great[The] Great GatsbyPride And PrejudiceAlibabaCitySearchGoogleTwitterYouTubeWish You Were HereBaby BoomersBB Gun1.2OnomatopoeiaSome words as bang, hiss, sizzle, moo, are said to be onomatopoeia, or echoic,i.e.,their sounds are imitative of their senses; but the relationship between the sound and sense of a word is weakly iconic, some linguists have rightly pointed out that “onomatopoeia”is actually the mutual reinforcement of sense by sound and sound by sense.2.At the Lexical LevelLinguistic Description refers to the exploration and classification of linguistic features of a given text and the linguisticfeatures are reflected by style markers which are linguistic items that only appear, or most or least frequent in a text,representing a particular variety or literary genre The analysis of stylistics in this level aims at providinga methodology of analysis which includes four aspects: graphology, lexicology, syntax, grammar and semantics. Thedetailed analysis will lead to more accurate understandings of the language in order to letAdvertising language is marked by a wealth of adjective vocabulary, and a poverty of verb vocabulary.” Among the highly frequent key words are:delicious,latest,up-to-date,fragrant, charming, attractive, long-lasting, unique, perfect,etc. In order to stress the uniqueness or novelty of a product advertisers resort toneologism, and improvised adjectival sructures.2.1Using a lot of general and vague wordsIn ordinary daily exchange , clichés and general or vague words are often used when there is no need for saying anything original, or when the speaker doesn’t know how to express exactly what he wants to say, or when he simply wants to maintain the informal atmosphere of a conversation. Common vague or general words are: t hing , stuff, things like that , got , do, nice , thingummy, what-do- you –call-it, what’s-her-name, etc. The vague nouns are substitutes for names not recalled, that is , they are used instead of nouns that one cannot remember.A word is GENERAL when it refers to a group or objects or a class of objects or action. General terms are preferred, when there is no need for specification, or when the user wants to leave things vague for some reason.Such as the BMW advertisement on 2010 London Olympics;SOMETIMES PERFORMANCE WINSSOMETIMES BALANCESOMETIMES AGILITY WINSSOMETIMES CONTROLWHAT ALL WINNERS HAVE IN COMMON iSJOY.On this advertisement,SOMETIMES is a vague, this word can refer to the athletes both the cars have those excellent performance. Using this vague word, can 突出产品的优点。



有复合词的使用, 如下例广告:
之易于理解 。广告英语 中常用 的转义修辞有比喻 ( m e t a .
h o r 或s i m i l e ) 、 提喻( S y n e c d o c h e ) 、 转喻( M e t o n y m y ) , 这些 例5 ) A l l s o r t s o f o i l s , d e l i c a t e l y p e f r u m e d h e r b a l e s s e n c e s p a n d t h e g e n t l e s t o f t o n i n g a g e n t s 修辞极大地增加了广告语言的美感及其生动逼真的表达效
印象 , 并对其使用效果浮想联翩, 达到了有效 的广告效果。 看下例 :
再看下面一则广告: 例6 ) D o n t s e c o n d h a n d s m o k e t h e m e s s e n g e r .

例1 0 ) H e y , i f y o u t h i n k f e m a l e b o n d i n g i s l a l a b o u t h a i r
V i r g i n i a S l i m s 化妆品广告( 引自鄂贵龙、 张宏博 , 2 0 0 8 )
词词组, 提醒人们不要抽着烟同他人会话, 二手烟对他人的 该广告运用提喻, 即用部分( 女性化妆品 h a i r s p r a y 和 危害跃然纸上。该广告形象易懂, 大大增强了广告的动感 n a i l g l u e ) 来表示全部的女性化妆品, 反衬了如今女性化妆
和鲜活的情感色彩。 以上三种杜撰新词的文体手段首先使消费者产生 困 品种类繁多且化妆品产业日新月异的发展, 树立了 V i r g i n i a S l i m s 化妆品引领时代潮流的形象。 下面我们再看一例:



[收稿日期]2007-08-30[作者简介]袁祖焕(1979- , 女, 河南省南阳市人, 河南大学外语学院05级研究生, 研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言学。

唐晓(1956- , 女, 广西平乐县人, 桂林师范高等专科学校外语系主任、副教授。

从文体学角度谈英语广告的语言特点袁祖焕1, 唐晓2(1、河南大学外语学院, 河南开封475001; 2、桂林师范高等专科学校, 广西桂林541001[摘要]在现代社会中, 广告已渗透到了人们生活的各个方面, 充斥于社会生活的每一个角落, 它已成为人们社会生活的一个重要组成部分。

广告必须能够在短时间内吸引读者, 说服顾客, 因此广告语言必须具有自己独特的特点。

文章旨在通过对广告语言特点的描述, 使读者了解广告语言, 、引人注目的广告, 实现推销和售卖商品的目的。

[关键词]英语广告文体; 词汇; 语法; 修辞[中图分类号]H312[文献标识码]A[文章编号(0054-03Ⅰ. 引言在现代社会中, 个方面, , 。

广告有各种类型, , 批发商对零售商的广告, 各公司或组织为某一社会目的(如号召人们讲卫生、戒烟或慈善事业而做的公益广告, 还有为个人目的在报纸上登的各种分类广告等。


[4]尽管种类不同, 它们却有着一个共同点, 即它们的功能全都是为了说服他人, 或购买商品或劳务, 或去看什么东西, 或做什么事情。

因此, 广告必须具备“推销能力”(selling power , 使人们听到或读到后能产生购货的欲望; 广告必须具备“记忆价值”(memory value , 给人以深刻的印象, 使人能随时想起某类商品的长处和特点。

为此, 广告必须引人注目, 具备“注意价值”(attention value 和“可读性”(readability 。


[2]Ⅱ. 英语广告文体的语言特点英语广告文体的语言属于“鼓动性语言”(loaded language , 有着强烈的“说服力”(persuasive power 。


Synaesthesia Onomatopoeia, or echo words,
imitative word
The moan of doves in immemorial elms , And murmuring of innumerable bees.
(A. Tennyson : Come Dow n , O Maid)
sneak (潜行)、snoop (藐视)
可暗示“强光或噪音”(big light or noise) : blare(喇叭等高音乐器发出的刺 耳声音)、f lare (火焰)、glare (刺目的强 光)、stare (凝视)
以- ump 结尾的系列词均与强重(heavy) 和粗笨(clumsy) 有关:
Words have weight, sound and appearance; it is only by considering these that you can write a sentence that is good to look at and good to listen to. -- Maugham(毛姆)
古老的榆树林中鸽子的呢喃, 还有成群飞舞的蜜蜂的嗡嗡声。
[m]音常常象征着低沉声,如murmur,moan, mutter,mumble,hum
1. We chip a small piece but chop a large one.
2. A slip is smaller than a slab.
`John bought that new car yesterday. ↗ John bought `that new car yesterday. ↗

广告文体分析Stylistic Analysis of an Advertisement about iPad 2

广告文体分析Stylistic Analysis of an Advertisement about iPad 2

Stylistic Analysis of anAdvertisement about iPad 2Ⅰ.IntroductionThis is a video ad. of iPad 2. It introduces the functions of the product in a very concise, attractive, convincing way. The following is the advertising slogan.Are you curious about the new ideas?Do you want to learn a new language, or just a new word?Maybe you want to know more about anatomy,or astronomy.You can master something new or uncover a hidden talent.There hasnever been a better time to learn.Ⅱ.Stylistic analysis.1. Phonological features.By listening to or reading aloud this advertisement, we can find it‟s rhyming and easy to remember.a. Consonance: curious and ideas, been and learnb. Rhyme: anatomy and astronomy master and uncover, never and better.2. Lexical features.a. Most of the words are general, simple and common words so that it‟s easy to understand.b. it uses a favorable adjective word “new” for three times to impress the potential buyers.c. comparative words…better‟ to make it more attractive.d. personal pronoun …you‟is used almost every line making the language more friendly in tone and more thoughtful.3. syntactic/grammatical featuresa. the first and second sentences are occasional questions to arouse curiosity of the consumers and to show the new functions of iPad 2.b. most sentences are minor sentences and short simple sentences.c. it uses active voice in the ad. To tell consumers it‟s a right choice to buy it.4. Semantic features.a. hyperbole; thus never be a better timeb.parallelism; three …or‟c. repetition: you, newⅢ.Conclude.All in all, I think this ad. isbrief and focused. It shows us a multifunctional and utility iPad2.in an soimpressiveconvincingwaythat makes consumersthink it can help us learn more and live a better life and is worth buying.。




W hatMakes A Slogan M e morable?———F r om the S tylis ti c s ’Po i n t o f V i ew○Zhe ng D an,Zhang S iyo u(College of Foreign L anguages,W uhan U niversity of Science and Technology,W uhan,Hubei 430081) [Abstract] Owing t o the fast devel opment of economy,consu mer advertising gradually gains its positi on .A p iece ofconsu mer advertising is nor mally composed of three parts:a headline,a body copy,and a sl ogan .Among the m,the sl ogan is considered t o be the very s oul .The essay briefly intr oduces the features of advertising sl ogans .Fr om the stylistics ’point of vie w,the essay analyses the reas ons that make a sl ogan me morable on phonol ogical,lexical and syntactical level sepa 2rately .The analysis on this feature of sl ogans is useful t o standardize advertising sl ogans and lead t o an effective effect on consu mers .W hat ’s more,it is als o hel pful t o standardize the advertising language and its app licati ons in s ociety . [Key words] advertising sl ogan;feature;me morable feature [中图分类号]J524.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]167228610(2006)1220014205I .Advertisi n g slogan sI n our ti m es,advertising has penetrated int o all as pects of our daily lives .According t o the target audi 2ence,commercial advertising can be divided int o the foll owing ty pes:consu mer advertising,industrial ad 2vertising,trade advertising,financial advertising,service advertising and retail advertising .Consu mer advertising,al ong with the fast devel opment of econo 2my,expands in an exp l osive way and gains its unique style in language use .1.1Definiti ons of advertising sl ogans A p iece of consu mer advertising is nor mally com 2posed of three parts:a headline,a body copy,and a sl ogan .Among the m ,the sl ogan is considered t o be the very s oul .So meti m es an efficient sl ogan even cre 2ates m iracles .A t the start ofWorld W ar I,when modern adver 2tising was in its infancy,a fa mous poster called on youngB ritish men t o heed the need exp ressed by one of B ritain ’s f ore most s oldiers,Lord Kitchener,and vol 2unteer t o serve their country .The fa mous sl ogan “Your Country Needs You ”was heard ar ound the world .Stillt oday America uses a variant of this sl ogan “Uncle Sa mneeds you ”,or “The A r my needs you ”.W iki pedia,the free encycl opedia,exp lains adver 2tising sl ogan as f oll ows:Advertising sl ogans are clai m ed t o be,and often p r ove t o be,the most effective means of dra wing atten 2ti on t o one or more as pects of a p r oduct .Typ ically they make clai m s about being the best quality,p r oviding an i m portant benefit or s oluti on,or being most suitable for the potential cust o mer .W hile,in his book,Creative Advertising,Charles L.W hittier says a sl ogan:“……should be a statement of such merit about a p r oduct or service that it is worthy of continuous repeti 2ti on in advertising,is worthwhile for the public t o re 2me mber,and is phrased in such a way that the public is likely t o re me mber it .”1.2features of sl ogansA lthough a thousand of advertising p r ofessi onals may give a thousand of definiti ons t o an advertising sl o 2gan,it is br oadly accep ted that an effective sl ogan usu 2ally has the foll owing features:11states the main benefits of the p r oduct or brand41for the potential user or buyer21i m p lies a distincti on bet w een it and other fir m s’p r oducts31makes a si m p le,direct,concise,cris p,and ap t state ment41is often witty,51adop ts a distinct“pers onality”of its own61gives a credible i m p ressi on of a brand or p r od2 uct71makes the consumer feel“good”81makes the consumer feel a desire or need91is hard t o forget-it adheres t o one’s me moryFr om all these features,one can extract the es2 sence of sl ogans:a means of eli m inati on in trade com2 petiti ons.T o efficiently attain this goal,a sl ogan should firstly be me morable.I n case that a sl ogan were not me morized by consu mers,all other features are of no avail.Then,what makes a sl ogan me morable?II.W ha t makes a slogan m e m orable?2.1On the phonol ogical level2.1.1Theoretical bases:the si m ilarity of p r os ody aids me moryA r obust finding in working me mory research is that t o recall a set of phonol ogically si m ilar words is much more difficult than t o recall a set of phonol ogical2 ly dissi m ilar words.It is the well2known phonol ogical2 si m ilarity effect.(Conrad&Hull,1964)However, based on his own experi m ents,M icheal C.W.Yi p ar2 rives at a conclusi on that the p r os odic infor mati on of the t o2be2me morized materials see m s t o be retained l onger in the working me mory.That is t o say,si m ilari2 ty in p r os odic inf or mati on will not create any interfer2 ence effect,but a facilitat ory effect in working me mory instead.For exa mp le,most of the Chinese peop le have the subjective experience that t o i m mediately recall a set of coll oquial sl ogans in televisi on advertise ment is much easier than t o i m mediately recall a set of common sentences due t o the si m ilarity of p r os ody.The instance p r oves that the si m ilarity of p r os ody perf or m a positive functi on in me morizing p r ocess.Since p r os ody is the study of the rhyth m,pause,te mpo,stress and p itch features of a language,we may conclude that a sen2 tence of regular patterns tends t o be more easily me mo2 rized than a common sentence.I n this paper,regular patterns of sentences are inter p reted not only on the syntactical level but als o on the level of s ounds.Gener2 ally s peaking,regular patterns of sentences are mostlymaterialized by rhet orical devices.Therefore,based on all these analyses,we may come t o a reas onable con2 clusi on that the app licati on of vari ous rhet orical devices shall aid me mory.2.1.2A lliterati onA lliterati on is defined as“the recurrence of the sa me initial s ound in words in cl ose successi on”.The use of alliterati on makes a sentence s ound har moni ous. It als o makes a sentence easy t o read and me morize. Someti m es it works t o create a funny as well as witty sl ogan.W e’ll bring for ward numer ous cases t o illus2 trate it.B ritain’s best business bank.(A llied Irish Bank)D iscover the Doral difference.(Doral)Don’t drea m it.D rive it.(Jaguar)D rea m.Dare.Do.(Girl Guides)Functi onal…Fashi onable…For m idable…(Fila)Specialized staffing s oluti ons.(H ire Knowledge)Your flexible friend.(Access)Transf or m ing bathr oom s beautifully.(Dol phin)Honey well home s oluti on a wait you.(Honey well)Don’t rep lace,rest ore.(The Sash W indow Workshop)An efficient app licati on of alliterati on gives an in2 delible i m p ressi on on consu mers.W e’ll cite an exa m2 p le t o illustrate the case.The sl ogan“B ritain’s best business bank”is considered t o be a typ ical case.A ll the four words used in the sl ogan possess the sa me ini2 tial s ound.Moreover,all the four initial s ounds are stressed.I n this way,the p r ofessi onal writer creates a musical rhythm,by which consumers are very i m2 p ressed and shall bear the witty sl ogan in me mory natu2 rally.2.1.3Rhy meRhy me is nor mally used in writing poe m s.Togeth2 er with meter and f oots,rhy me is generally e mp l oyed in poe m s t o f or m a certain rhythm and har mony,as the foll o wing exa mp le shows:R ich the treasure,S weet the p leasure;(John D ryden)However,rhy me used in a single sentence still works t o f or m har mony.I n this sl ogan“It’s the V iakal fizz that does the bizz!”,the t w o words“fizz”and “bizz”obvi ously f or m a perfect rhy me:The stressed vowels are the sa me,the s ounds before the vowel are different,and the s ounds after the vowel are the sa me. W hat’s more,the sl ogan uses the tr ochaic foot.The51rhy me and the f oot e mp l oyed enable the sl ogan t o have a p leasing rhyth m,and make it a p leasure t o read it.A Mars a day hel p s you work,rest and p lay. (Mars)It’s the V iakal fizz that does the bizz!(1992) (V iakal)It’s the Andre ws fizz that does the bizz.(1996) (Andre ws Antacid)M ilk’s gotta l otta bottle.(M ilk)Soothe it a way the O raldene way.(O ralden)Savour the flav our of Belgiu m.(Flanders,Bel2 gium)Nevertheless,these sl ogans listed above have a common weak point.Thr ough attentive observati on, one may find out that the brand na me is menti oned but it does not actually rhy me.The f oll owing sl ogans may be more efficiently written.City L inking,s mart thinking.(City L ink)Don’t be vague.A sk f or Haig.(Haig Scotch)T o save and invest,talk t o Nat w est.(Nat w est Bank)It needn’t be hell with N icotinell.(N icotinell)The flavour of a Quaver is never known t o waver. (Quavers)Stay contented,get Radi o Rented.(Radi o Rent2 als)Don’t get vexed.A sk Teletext.(Teletext)Don’t just book it,Thomas Cook it.(Thomas Cook)2.2On the lexical level2.2.1Theoretical base:deliberate a mbiguity aids me moryI n sl ogans,a mbiguity is often e mp l oyed t o p ique the interest of the consumers.According t o several the2 ories of text p r ocessing,this deliberate a mbiguity may gain greater app reciati on than sl ogans e mp l oying other rhet orical means.A s pecial f or m of deliberate a mbigui2 ty is al w ays e mp l oyed t o write sl ogans.This s ort of sl o2 gans may be taken literally.The noti on of salient meaning exp lains what happens when idi omatic mean2 ing is reinter p reted int o literal meaning,t o fit the con2 text.It i m p lies that a sl ogan e mp l oying deliberate a m2 biguity nor mally have t w o meanings:literal meaning and idi omatic meaning.L iteral meaning exp lains what happens,while idi omatic meaning can only be ex2 p lained in context.This kind of a mbiguity evokes hu2 mor.An experi m ent shows that deliberate a mbiguity in sl ogans has a positive effect on app reciati on.Recogni2ti on of the a mbiguity is a str ong fact or in the app recia2 ti on of these sl ogans.2.2.2PunPun,one of rhet orical devices,is the deliberate a mbiguity in actual use.Pun refers t o the humor ous use of a word or a combinati on of words s o as t o e m2 phasize different meanings or app licati ons.Let’s illus2 trate the case with a si m p le exa mp le.“GetMore Satisfacti on.”(More)More is the na me of a cigarette company.The brand name of the company is:“More”,which has the sa me f or m and p r onunciati on with“more”,the relative for m of“many”.The p r ofessi onal writer made full use of this fact and created such a witty sl ogan.I n the sl o2 gan,the word“More”can either be comp rehended as a synony m of“extra”or just the brand name itself.I n this case,the use of deliberate a mbiguity achieved great success.The sl ogan not only i m p resses the con2 su mers with the unique character of the p r oduct,but als o gives the consu mers a credible i m p ressi on of the brand“More”.More exa mp les are given:A l w ays p ick Fl owers.(Fl owers Fine A les)Barbados.Goodness.Graci ous.(Barbado)B rilliant cleaning starts with Finish.(Finish De2 tergent)B ritish mettle.(B ritish Steel)First relati onshi p s last.(First Nati onal Bank of Chicago)Get R ich quick.(Kenco Really R ich Coffee)Get your fa m ily int o Shape,without the m even no2 ticing.(St.I vel Shape Yogurt)Is y our fil m as good as Gold?(Kodak Gold)It’asda be A sda.(A sda)No H MV,no video.(H MV)Nothing fitz like a R itz.(R itz Crackers)Nothing runs like a Deere(John Deere Tract ors)One word cap tures the moment.Mumm’s the word.(Mu mm’s Cha mpagne)Reap the re wards of Money.(Money Magazine)Send y our parcels Red Star and pull out all the st op s.(Red Star)Tetley make teabags make tea.(Tetley Tea)Surely the best tactic.(Tic Tac Candy)You just can’t hel p acting on I m pulse.(I m pulse Deodorant)I n above lines,the brand na me appears,but as the s oluti on or p r om ise rather than as part of the pun. The most skillfully written sl ogans are as f oll ows.The61brand goes t o work,inextricably part of the pun.Abs olut magic.(Abs olut Vodka)Because the Citi never sleep s.(Citibank)Chexellent,or what?(Fr osted Chex)Do me a Quaver.(Quavers Snacks)Don’t just book it,Thomas Cook it.(Thomas Cook)Good mornings f oll ow a good Nyt ol.(Nyt ol Sleep2 ing Pills)I think,theref ore I B M.(I B M)I nvest m ents with Abbey endings.(Abbey Nati on2 al Building Society)L ive a Cutty above.(Cutty Sark W hisky)Lowering p rices forever,that’s Comet sense. (Comet Electrical St ores)Nothing else is A rthur’s good.(A rthur’s Cat Food)Put your money on the Fav orit.(Skoda Favorit)So Farley’s,s o good.(Farley’s Baby Food)Take a Tho mas Cook at our p rices!(Thomas Cook Travel)The l ook is I m mac2ulate(I m mac Dep ilat ory)V isa’s Delta bl ow t o cheques(V isa Delta Debit Card)You can’t keep quiet about a W is pa(Cadbury’s W is pa Candy)You’ll find there is no Ca mparis on.(Ca mpari Aperitif)You’llW ike it t oo.(W ike Far m s Cheese)2.2.3Nonce wordsT o attract consu mers’attenti on,nonce words are coined with intenti on.On most part this strategy ob2 tains an excellent effect on the consu mers by evoking the consu mers’curi osity.The nonce words are ne wly2 created words.Thus,consu mers have t o guess the meaning of these words.I n most cases,these words can only be exp lained in a given context.Theref ore, while the consu mers guessing their meaning;they have t o take account of the nature of the company.I n this way,p r ofessi onal writers successfully call consu mers’attenti on both t o the sl ogan itself and t o the na me of the company.Chineasy.(Amoy)Ep ileather.(Louis Vuitt on)Every wear.(Burt on Mens wear)Fruitius.Yogurtus.Delicia.(Ski Fruit)Guinnless isn’t good f or you.(Guinness)I nnervigorati on.(Gordon’s&T onic)Nefficiency.(Neff)Pure snacking.Pure snacktivity.(KP Peanuts)Wotal otI got!(S marties)2.3On the syntactical levelOn the level of sentence,s orts of rhet orical de2 vices are used in order t o exercise positive influence on the consumers.Hyperbole,parallelis m and pers onifi2 cati on are all frequently used ones.2.3.1HyperboleSl ogans are created t o sell p r oducts.It is required t o state the main benefits of the p r oduct f or the poten2 tial user or buyer and t o make the consu mers feel a de2 sire or need.T o achieve this goal,hyperboles are often used t o insinuate excellent quality of a p r oduct or the efficiency of a company.Let’s have a l ook at s ome ex2 a mp les:It’s every where you want t o be.(V isa)The world’s favorite airline.(B ritish A ir way)Start the day with great taste.(Nescafe)The na me that covers the earth.(Loyd’s of Lon2 don)The world’s reference point of ne ws.(BBC Ne ws24)A p reparati on for life.(Hurst p ier point College)Pr obably the best beer in the world.(Carlsberg)A ll the ne ws that’s fit t o p rint.(The Ne w York Ti m es)Give us20m inutes and we’ll give you the world. (W I N S Radi o,Ne w York)I n this kind of sl ogans,big words such as“world, great,life,best,all”are used t o insinuate that the p r oducts recommended are of good quality and are used all over the world.These hints bet w een lines can al2 ways be easily caught by consumers and affect the con2 su mers’decisi ons in wardly.L it otes is another way of ext olling the excellent quality of p r oducts.It is a f or m of understate ment, which means negative for m s are used t o exp ress an af2 fir mative.Thus,it is a more intelligent way t o put the idea acr oss t o the consu mers.Nothing runs like a Deere.(John Deere)Someone isn’t using Amp lex.(Amp lex Deodor2 ant)Don’t leave home without it.(American Ex2 p ress)Betcha can’t eat just one.(Lay’s)2.3.2Parallelis mParallelis m is e mp l oyed t o construct regular pat271terns of sentences.The well2balanced structure of the sentence makes the sl ogan unf orgettable.“No FT,no comment”comes fr o m Financial Ti m es.The brief and parallel pattern of the line for m s an affir mative t one as an i m perative sentence.Everyone can feel its power and certainty.The parallel structure,t o s ome extent, hel p s t o create the powerful influence on the consu m2 ers.O ther exa mp les are given:W hen you got it,flaunt it.(B raniff A irline)No FT,no co mment.(Financial Ti m es)Someti m es you feel like a nut,s ometi m es you don’t.(Peter PaulMounds)I f it’s on,it’s in.(Radi o Ti m es)Know H MV,know music.(H MV)Don’t just set the table,set the scene.(Denby Pottery)2.3.3Pers onificati on and transferred ep ithetPers onificati on and transferred ep ithet are used t o attract attenti on.Special effects are created by using unexpected modifiers and adhering hu man feelings t o inani m ate p r oducts.Honey well home s oluti ons a wait you.(Honey2 well)The Citi never sleep s.(Citibank)Push thr ough the pain.(Tylenol)Danger ous entertaining.(V irgin Megast ores)Fly the friendly skies.(United A irlines)The world’s favorite airline.(B ritish A ir ways) III.Conclusi onFr om the stylistics’point of view,the essay ana2 lyses the reas ons that make a sl ogan me morable on phonol ogical,lexical and syntactical level separately. The analysis on this feature of sl ogans is useful t o standardize advertising sl ogans and lead t o a effective effect on consu mers.W hat’s more,it is als o hel pful t o standardize the advertising language and its app lica2 ti ons in s ociety.【References】[1]卢炳群.英汉辞格比较与唐诗英译散论[M].青岛:青岛出版社,2003.[2] 王佐良,丁往道.英语文体学引论[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1987.[3] 秦秀白.英语语体和文体要略[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001.[4] Lager werf,D eliberate Am biguity In S logans:Recognitionand A ppreciation.Jone Benja m ins Publishing Company,2002.[5] M ichael C.W.Yi p,W hat is si m ilar in Phonological2si m2ilar Effect?Myi p@.hk.[6] Ti m othy R.V.Foster,The A rt and Science of the Adver2tising Sl ogan www.adsl /.从文体学的角度分析广告标语的易记特征郑丹,张四友(武汉科技大学外语学院,湖北 武汉 430081)[摘 要] 随着经济的快速发展,当今社会广告越来越深入人们生活的各个方面。



重复 广告的翻译难点 Repetition
不同点:中文象形,英文表音(头 韵),意像不同(文化差异)
“愿君多采撷,此物最相思” “滴滴不尽相思弃泪抛红豆”
01 英文广告的文本特点与
广告中的文化差异与 翻译
广告语境与翻译广告文Fra bibliotek的特点01
节律 韵律 重复 排比 层进
视觉意向Visual Imagery 听觉意向Auditary Imagery 触觉意向Tactile Imagery 味觉意向Gustatary Imagery
淡月华艳岛,幽椰树芳晴,岸白沙乱饶,舟斜渡荒星 ……
破格 Deviation
1.Think different.
Crest 2.The coffee-er coffee. We Want What You Want Grr-eat! Kids without Cavities
通感意向 Synaesthesia
通感意向 Synaesthesia
1.Red stands out.Tastefully
2.Excitement you can taste
节律 韵律 重复 排比 层进



Stylistic Analysis of Advertising LanguageXXXXXXXXX2011/12/15/Stylistic Analysis of Advertising Language [Abstract]: Nowadays advertising can be found at every corner of our society. We can see advertisements everywhere, on television, newspaper, magazines, bus shell, building wall, and so on. The advertisers often make the advertisements the most effective in order to secure a number of readers and to compete with many other similar advertising messages. They use various ways to catch attention of the customers. In this paper, it gives a brief introduction to the characteristics of advertising language from the view of stylistics.Definitions of advertising language: The definition of advertising language is that the language is specifically used in advertisement. A piece of consumer advertising is normally composed of three parts: a headline, a body copy, and a slogan. Among them, the slogan is considered to be the very soul.Essential features of advertising language: Advertising language is one of business languages. And it has some distinctive features. When we see the advertisements, we always have a deep impression. These features help us to remember the goods easily:(1)Brief: A successful ad is always brief. An ad does not use a large number ofwords and sentences. It often uses a brief sentence to express the meaning.The most famous example is the ad of McDonald's: I love it! And this company creates a song which is named I'm loving it, the lyrics are easy and brief, back and forth only a few words, but almost every earthman knows it.The other examples:Intel Inside.(Intel Pentium)Communication unlimited.(Motorola)Connecting People.(Nokia)(2)Memorable: An ad also should be Memorable. People always prefer to buysomething whose ads and brand they can remember. That is to say, asuccessful ad should be known by customers, and they can get impressions.(3)|(4)Distinctive: If the ads are not distinctive, they cannot stand out among suchenormous competitors. Each ad is special, and it has its own feature. Thesuccessful advertisement has a significant way to show itself, which isdifferent from the others. When we see an ad, we know that is about thespecified good, not other ones.(5)Easy to read: The merchants often make the fine-sounding advertisements inorder to draw customers’ attention. An easy-to-read ad is more likely to beremembered by customers, and arouses their interests. For examples: Impossible made possible. (Canon Printers).Poetry in motion, dancing close to me.( TOYOTA Motor).Take TOSHIBA, take the world.( Toshiba)Lexical features: As a means of disseminating information, advertising language is simple, vivid, rich color and emotional appeal. Therefore, the ad in English and general English words vary widely.(1) The use of high frequency words: Ads must be easy to be understood andremembered. So many advertisers focused on using high frequency words.For example, the popular words, simple verbs and adjectives.(2) The use of the spoken wordFor example: Mosquito Bye Bye Bye. Mosquito Sha Sha shaAnalysis: Bye is a very colloquial word, the language used in both theadvertising image and witty humor, memorable, advertising with excellent results.`(3) Simple verbs usedFor concise, popular, catchy, simple verbs, especially monosyllabic verbs,such as: make, come, get, go, know, have, keep, look, see, need, buy, love, use, take, feel , like, start, taste, save, choose the language most commonly used in advertising. For example the following advertising slogan in boldwords:Start Ahead. Success, start from scratch. (Rejoice shampoo)We bring high Technology home. - NECWe high-tech home. (Japan NEC Electric)(4) Frequent use of personal pronouns: Use of personal pronouns is extremelycommon,especially you and we,obviously to make the language more warm and friendly in tone and strengthen its appeal to the reader.For example:We made this watch for you --- to be part of your life --- simply because thisis the way we always made watch. And if we may draw a conclusion, it willbe this:choose once and choose well.(an ad of a watch)Slip it on her fingers and she’ll know what’s in your heart.(6) Wide use of affirmative and commendatory words and expressions:¥For example: An unrivaled international collection of exceptional naturalfiber bedding,clothing,intimate apparel and personalaccessories,for discerning adults and some fortunate children(an ad of a kind of bedding )Comparisons are widely used in advertising,usually to affirm theimprovement made for a product or service.Of America’s best-tasting gums,Trident is sugar-free.There are two tricks here:(1)Without saying directly,the ad placesTrident among“America’s best-tasting gums”.(2)By deliberately omittingthe word ONLY,Trident does not say that other gums are not sugar-free— a claim that it would not be able to support if taken to court.Rhetoric devices in advertising English(1)Simile: Cool as a mountain stream…Cool as fresh Consulate.(Consulate, a kind of cigarette)(2)Metaphor: You’re better off under the Umbrella.(3)Metonymy: The most sensational place to wear satin on your lips.(silk fabric)(4)Repetition: Free Hotel! Free Meals! Free Transfers! For afree“Stay-on-the-Way”in Amsterdam,you can rely on KIM.(tourismcompany)(5)Personification Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart.(6)](7)Hyperbole Every time we race,you win.(8)Pun Ask for MORE. (MORE, a kind of cigarette)We lead,others copy.(duplicator)Some problems of advertising languageSince the ads come out one after another, many of them have problems. The failed ads can’t make customers pay attention to the goods, and some can even offend them. These include too much dialects, words not conveying their ideas, wordiness, and so on.(1)Too many dialects: Many ads use the local language to express theproduction for communicating well with customers, most of which arehumorous. But there is a problem: these customers who live in other regions do not understand the meaning. If the ads are put out in other areas, thesepeople cannot get the message from the products correctly. That is, ad is akind of business English, and they have some common features. Becausethere is a large number of people to receive ads, advertisers should payattention to the universality of the pronunciation. In ads, the standardpronunciation of language is suitable.(2)Words not conveying their ideas: Words not conveying their ideas means thewords fail to express the intended meaning. Ads cannot express the products correctly with. Ad words should be precise, especially translation between two languages. Admen should understand the correct meaning, and inauthentic expression. There are two ads translated from Chinese to English, for instance:人人为我,我为人人,无偿献血,博爱人间Everyone does for me; I do for everyone; denote blood forfree, the world is full of love!一棵树可制作300 万根火柴,一根火柴可点燃300 棵树木One tree can make 3,000,000 matches; one match canburn 3,000,000 treesThe incorrect expression does not only lose the original emotional andcultural connotations, but also make the foreigners incomprehensible.(3)Wordiness: Ad language is usually brief and simple. The successfulbusinessmen will use the most precise words to improve the expression of the goods they sell, and in the shortest possible time to attract consumers.Some use a lot of advertising language articles, but are still not understood by consumers. When customers see these ads, they are confused. That isbecause they do not know what the merchants want to express.Ad language is something like the news, for the expression is often short sentences, and use abbreviations.For example: rep (representative), gym (gymnasium), lib ( liberation), copter (helicopter)Conclusion:This paper makes a stylistic analysis of advertising text in linguistic aspects—essential features, lexical features, rhetoric devices, and some problems. However, many advertisements employ more complex combination of these features to make them more outstanding, attractive and persuasive. More often it is the prominent style of the text calls the targeted consumers’ attention, arouses their interest, stimulate their desire, activate their memory, and drive their action. That’s the reason why advertising language is so powerful.(。



为公众利益服务,旨在以倡导戒警示等 方式传播某种公益观念,促迚社会主义精神 文明建设的非商业性广告。刊登这类广告是 网络作为大众传播媒介的应尽职责,因而通 常是免费的。
按广告内容归类刊出的小广告,其内容 可以是促销某种商品戒服务,也可以是招领 等启事,涉及社会生活的方方面面。大分类 广告更适切亍个人戒中小企事业单位的需求。 在形式上,分类广告一般是指版面位置相对 固定、觃格较小的非工商广告, 多数情况 下“扎堆”出现,并按行业划分开,以便亍 浏览者查找。
分类广告 (Classified Ads)
• 1.双关:妙利用同音异义戒同行异义现象,使一个词语戒句子具有两种丌同的 义。双关是语言中最富智慧、最简洁、最生劢的表现手段之一,是语言高度 収展的具有体现。由亍自身幽默、诙谐、寓意亍丌言中的特点,因此在广告 中得到广泛应用。
• 1.多用形容词做修饰语 例如:Mysterious, unsophisticated China totem carving and noble vase of Song Dynasty that is made of celadon ware form strong Chinese Culture.这是某大酒店为其大堂所做的广告, 广告 中用到了“mysterious”和 “unsophisticated”两个形容词来修饰 “China totem carving”。
acrobatics world of Chaoyang Theater, where energetic boys
and girls exhibit the charm and elegance of acrobatic art.


seems to give consumers the “right” to choose and this ad use the active voice all the time.
The use of negation
Negation is rarely used, since no advertiser wants to say NO to his products. But this does not means negation has no place in advertisement. It is usually used to compare with other products
Stylistic Analysis of
Newspaper Advertising
by Yuan Lin 121220010ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ8
Advertising has resorted(采取) to all kinds of techniques--audio and visual, sound and light, photographs and drawings, ect. But the most basic is the language. According to the target audience, the functional tenor(大意) of advertising language is mainly persuasive or mainly informative. But all advertising language must have its appeal to target
buy the product.
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Sound patterning
There are no grand celebrations here,
no speeches,
no bright lights,
But there are great athletes.
Somehow we…ve come to believe that greatness is reserved for the chosen few,
for the superstars.
The truth is, greatness is for all of us.
This is not about lowering expectations;
It's about raising them for every last one of us.
Because greatness is not in one special place,
and it is not in one special person.
Greatness is wherever somebody is trying to find it
Consonance: speeches lights athletes ……..
Assonance: Somehow come /ʌ / believe reserved /i / about lowering /au / Function of Sound patterning: to make the language more vivid and impressive, increase rhythm and expressiveness of a writing. So it can call our attention to its advertisement.
Repetition: greatness special
Function of Repetition:t he function of the repetition is to emphasize a quality or feature of Nike, so greatness and special are key words of this advertisement which serve to stress the theme “Nike find your greatness”.
Parallelism(排比): no grand celebrations, no speeches, no bright lights
for the chosen few, for the superstars.
Function of Parallelism:It helps achieve emphasis and make the speech more rhythmical, forceful and passionate.。
