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摘要:用异小杆线虫(Heterorhabditis s pp.)和斯氏线虫(S teinerne m a s pp.)处理大蜡螟5龄幼虫。结果显示:处理后

12h 昆虫血细胞开始变形、崩解,且血细胞数量急剧下降,到昆虫接近死亡时(24~32h 左右),血细胞数比正常水平

下降85%;处理后24h 血淋巴总量下降73161%,酯酶活性不断增强,蛋白含量明显高于对照,总糖含量降低14%~



中图分类号:S43211 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10002030(2005)03004305

Effects of ento mopathogen i c ne matodes on energeti c contents

i n he moly mph of Ga lleria m ellonella

D I N G Xiao 2fan,L I N Mao 2s ong 3

,L I U L iang 2shan

(Key Laborat ory of Monit oring and Manage ment of Plant D iseases and I nsects,M inistry of Agriculture,

Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China )

Abstract:Effects of 5s pecies of ent omopathogenic ne mat odes (Heterorhabditis s pp.and S teinerne m a s pp.)on the energetic con 2tents in he moly mph of 5th larvae of Galleria m ellonella was p resented .

I n all the s pecies the nu mber of he mocytes decreased by over

85%and he mocyte shape was obvi ously changed 24hours after treat m ent .The t otal volu me of he moly mph of 5th larvae infected

with ne mat odes decreased by 73161%,while esterase activity and content of p r otein increased .The decrease rate of t otal carbohy 2

drate content was 14%70%.

The results revealed that the ent omopathogenic ne mat odes destr oyed the host i m mune system and

dra matically changed the content of energy s ource in the hemoly mph of the host .

Key words:ent omopathogenic ne mat odes;Galleria m ellonella ;he moly mph;esterase activity;p r otein;t otal carbohydrate

昆虫病原线虫(ent omopathogenic ne mat ode )是昆虫专化性寄生性天敌,一般指斯氏线虫科(Stein 2

erne matidae )和异小杆线虫科(Heter orhabdidae )种类[1]



;国内学者主要开展生物防治研究,应用昆虫病原线虫防治农、林、牧、卫生等害虫,并取得了明显的经济效益和社会效益[6,7];而有关病原线虫感染寄主昆虫的病理学研究较少。肖猛[8]研究表明,昆虫病原线虫明显改变寄主昆虫血淋巴中蛋白含量、血糖含量和酯酶活性。为利用昆虫病原线虫防治害虫提供更多的基础理论,笔者用国外引进的5种昆虫病原线虫处理大蜡螟(Galleria m ellonella )5龄幼虫,观察、检测其对昆虫血淋巴中血细胞和各种能源物质的影响,进一步探讨昆虫病原线虫的杀虫机制。

1 材料与方法

111 供试线虫与昆虫

病原线虫:异小杆线虫Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (缩略为Hb,来自加拿大)和H.m egid is (Hm ,比利时);斯氏线虫S teinerne m a carpocapsae (Sc,比利时)、S.feltiae (Sf,比利时)和S.glaseri (Sg,美国)。



作者简介:丁晓帆(1979),硕士研究生。3通讯作者Corres ponding author:林茂松(1948),教授,从事植物病原线虫学研究,

E 2mail:linm s@njau 1edu 1cn 。

南京农业大学学报 2005,28(3):43~47Journal of N anjing A gricultural U niversity
