医学影像学英文课件:The system of digestion

医学影像学英文课件Medical Imaging Course Slides1. Introduction to Medical ImagingMedical imaging is a broad field that encompasses various techniques used to visualize the internalstructures and functions of the human body. These techniques play a crucial role in the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of various medical conditions. The most commonly used medical imaging modalities include X-ray, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, and nuclear imaging.医学影像学是一个广泛的领域,包括各种用于可视化人体内部结构和功能的技术。
2. X-ray ImagingX-ray imaging is one of the oldest and most widely used medical imaging techniques. It utilizes high-energy electromagnetic radiation to create images of the body's internal structures. X-rays are able to pass through thebody, and the degree of absorption by different tissues is used to create the image. This technique is particularly useful for visualizing bones, joints, and the chest cavity.X射线成像是最古老和最广泛使用的医学影像技术之一。
医学影像学专业英语Digestive system(2)

barium swallow: revealing the mucosae of middle and lower oesophagus
erect: used for middle and late stage of oesophageal varices
supine/prone:beneficial for early stage of oesophageal varices
gastric peptic ulcer
direct appearance: niche
acute period:
Hampton’s line: result from the edema of mucosa around the entrance of the niche
width: 1~2mm, smooth, transparent line
narrow neck sign: the entrance of niche is narrow.
collar sign
narrow neck sign
edema of mucosa
gastric peptic ulcer
direct appearance: niche
chronic period: converging of mucous folds
esophageal varices
early stage :
mucosae of distal esophagus are thickening, circuitousபைடு நூலகம்
the wall is like saw-tooth contraction and relaxation is normal, barium is swallowed

How does CT Work?
X-ray generation Data acquisition Recon. & postpro.
How does CT Work?
Non Slip-ring ScaCn文Tn版成er医像学原知理识S介l讲i绍p-解英ring Scanner
Computed Tomography
CT Basics Principle of Spiral CT Scan Parameter & Image Quality Optimizing Injection Protocols Clinical Applications
30 s
10mm P1
More Coverage in the same time with extended Pitch!!
CT成像原理介绍10英mm P2
Scan Range = 300mm
10mm P1 10 mm/s
10mm P2 20 mm/s
Cover the same volumeCinT成sh像ort原er理ti介me绍w英ith extended Pitch
Less images createCdT成像原理介绍英
Deep Inspiration
Shallow Inspiration
Standard CT / Slice Imaging
医学影像学专业英语Digestive system(4)

oesophageal varices: mainly caused by cirrhosis of the liver
x-ray appearances
Mucosa abnormality :Thickening, circuitous and disturbance.
Filling defects :longitudinal serpiginous.
Dividing line : not clear.
Contraction and relaxation is not enough good, barium is swallowed slowly.
Tension is lower.
x-ray appearances
Mucosa abnormality :Thickening, circuitous and disturbance.
Filling defects :longitudinal serpiginous.
Dividing line : not clear.
Contraction and relaxation is not enough good, barium is swallowed slowly.
– mucosa:destruction, discontinue or disappear
– filling defect – relaxation is limited, wriggling is weakening or disappeared. – lumens: stenosis, enlargement. – dividing line : clear
• Carcinoma of oesophagus and gastric fundus

1 Principles of MRI
Understand the physics behind magnetic resonance imaging and how it creates detailed anatomical images.
2 MRI vs CT
Compare the advantages and limitations of MRI and CT scans in different clinical scenarios.
Principles of Medical Imaging
Understand the fundamental principles of medical image acquisition and interpretation.
History of Medical Imaging
Trace the evolution of medical imaging techniques from X-rays to modern advancements.
Women's Imaging
Screening and diagnosis of breast and gynecological conditions, including mammography and ultrasound.
Future Trends in Medical Imaging Technology
Image Processing and Analysis
Discover the role of image processing and analysis in enhancing medical images and extracting valuable diagnostic information.

Text Study——Part 1
1. What are other terms for digestive tract?
Digestive tract is also termed as gastrointestinal tract, alimentary canal or gut(消化道).
They are also known as accessory organs, because they are not part of the digestive tract, yet have a role in digestive activities.
Unit Two
The Digestive System
In this unit, we are going to learn to:
1. Grasp some medical terms related to digestive system.
2. Describe the function of the digestive system, and differentiate between organs of the alimentary canal and accessory digestive organs;
Text Study——Part 1——Translation
There are many people who are waiting to be admitted to the hospital ward.
Fat-soluble vitamins, which include vitamins A,D,E, and K, are usually absorbed with the help of foods that contain fat.
医学影像学专业英语Digestive system(2)

contrast enhanced varices.
carcinoma of oesophagus
carcinoma of oesophagus
Clinical manifestations
1.carcinoma of esophagus is a malignant tumor arising from the oesophagus , most in over 40 years old.
is swallowed slowly
esophageal varices
Late stage (serious)
involving the whole esophagus mucosae is displaced of filling defects which sizes are
different wriggling is weak, barium is swallowed slowly
Oesophageal varices
CT at mid-chest level
demonstrates multiple tubular and rounded contrast enhanced structures surrounding the oesophagus and representing perioesophageal varices (large arrows). Enhancement of the thickened oesophageal wall (small arrow) is due to enlarged submucosal

• Question :No.2 • Brain MR images demonstrate which of the following? (Check all that apply) 正确选项:A.D 颅脑 MR图像的表现包括下列那种?(选择全部正确选项) A.Sphenoid sinus opacification 蝶窦浑浊 B.Internal carotid artery occlusion颈内动脉闭塞 C.Normal pattern of sphenoid sinus mucosal enhancement 蝶窦粘膜正常强化 D.Unilateral cavernous sinus expansion单侧海绵的膨胀
A. Orbital apex involvement 眶尖部侵犯
B. Osseous
C. Mastoid air
sclerosis 骨质硬化
cell destruction 乳突气房破坏 蝶窦皮质破坏
D. Sphenoid sinuscortical disruption
• 注释: • The lesioninvolves the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus extending into the rightorbital apex, as demonstrated by loss of normal fat attenuation in thislocation. • 此病变累及蝶窦外侧壁,侵入右侧眶尖,表现为此处正常脂肪消失。 • The walls of thebilateral sphenoid sinuses are thickened and sclerotic, as is the intersphenoidalseptum. The sphenoid sinus is opacified. • 双侧蝶窦壁及间隔增厚、硬化,蝶窦浑浊。

某物体间对X线吸收具有高的差异、形成高对比的条件下,鉴别其细 微结构的能力
影响因素:探测器数目,重建算法,图像 矩阵
第四节: 磁共振成像(MRI)
原子核总是不停地按一定频率绕着自身的轴发生自旋 ( Spin )
原子核的质子带正电荷,其自旋产生的磁场称为核磁,因 而以前把磁共振成像称为核磁共振成像(NMRI)
第四节: 磁共振成像(MRI)
MR按主磁场的场强分类 —低场强 小于0.5T —中场强 0.5-1.0T —高场强 1.0-2.0T(1.0T 1.5T 2.0T) —超高场强 大于2.0T(3.0T 4.7T 7.0T)
像的一种单位,相对在CT成像设备中,用每个体素对X线 束的吸收系数来表示其影像信息,并转换成各组织的CT 值,映射在平面图像上对应的像素
图像矩阵 把受检体的体层影像人为加上一个栅格,
并有规律的划分为许多大小(面积)均等的小单 元体。按照顺序进行排列和编号,便形成一个有 序的数组,此有序数组反映在影像平面形成图像 矩阵。图像矩阵中每个元素即为像素。图像矩阵 是X线束扫描过程中形成的
X线检查方法的选择原则 安全 准确 简便 经济
体素: 依据CT成像的物理原理,将人体内器官或组织体层划
分有限个小单元体,称为体素。即受检体体层上按一定坐 标人为划分的小体积元

要把西方语文翻成通顺的汉语,就得翻个大跟头才颠倒得过来 汉语和西方语言同样是从第一句开始,一句接一句,一段接一段 ,直到结尾;不同主要在句子内部的结构。西方语言多复句,可 以很长;汉文多单句,往往很短。即使原文是简短的单句,译文 也不能死挨着原文一字字的次序来翻,这已是常识了。所以翻译 得把原文的句子作为单位,一句挨一句翻。
Plain scan of lumbar vertebra CT was performed. 腰椎平扫 Plain scan of lumbar vertebra CT reveals that…..腰椎平扫显示(主 谓) Be displayed/Be showed :显示的
The mediastinum and heart shadow are normal.Bilateral diaphragms are smooth. The ribs and clavicles are normal too.肋骨、锁骨未见异常(肯定与否定交换) Mediastinum (ˌmi:dɪæs'taɪnəm ):纵膈 diaphragm['daɪəfræm] : 隔膜 hemi+diaphragm : 偏侧膈,半隔 Hemi: pref.表示“半; 偏侧;单侧 例:The left hemidiaphragm is blurred.左膈面不清楚
最新医学影像检查技巧 第一章绪论教学讲义ppt课件

besides adv. (=moreover=in addition) 还有,而且。通常置于句首。
prep. 除…之外,还有…
sit still.
lay down 放下;铺 ;制订,规定 lay down one’s life 牺牲生命 lay down one's arms 放下武器
• The young mother laid the baby down gently on the bed.
• The guest laid down his knife and fork with a look of complete satisfaction.
replace= take the place of vt. 代替、取代
• John will replace Bill in the team. • Can anything replace a mother's
love and care? • We have replaced slave labour
② They were watched over by three policemen.
protect sb./sth. from /against… 保护某人/某物免受…
• You should wear your sunglasses to protect your eyes against/from sunlight.
• These price limits are laid down by the government.
Physical foundations
Radiofrequency (RF) pulse 射频脉冲 RF sequence 射频序列 Repetition time (TR) 重复时间 Echo time (TE) 回波时间 T1-weighted imaging T1加权像 T2-weighted imagingT2加权像 PD-weighted imaging质子加权像
Fundamentals of X-Ray Imaging X线诊断的基础
X-ray characteristics Densities and thickness of human body
High density Medium density Low density
Methods of Examination 检查方法
Protection from X-Ray X线防护
Should not be overlooked Unnecessary fear should not be
bourn in mind
II. X-Ray Computed Tomography CT
Hounsfield 1969 Clinical application 1972 Nobel prize 1979
X-Ray Diagnosis and Analysis X线诊断和分析
Thorough observation Exact analysis
Site and distribution, number, size, shape, density, outline, etc. The essence of lesions diseases / signs Correlated with the clinical data
Gastrointestinal System(消化系统)影像学教学课件英文版

Chapter 10
(4). It requires preliminary preparation of the patient’s gastrointestinal tract fasting stomach on the day of examination and empty colon by cleaning enema for colon examination.
Chapter 10
However, generally only the stomach with the gastro-esophageal junction and the duodenum, part of the jejunum are investigated in detai1, complete examination of the esophagus and small bowel are usually performed only in cases with special pertinent problems and should be ordered separately .For examination of the colon barium enema is the best choice.
Section 2
2. Esophagus
(1). Basic tissue layers of the gut are ① mucosa ② submucosa ③ advenfitia ④ muscularis extemal
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Case 5
Describe sonographic appearances of diffuse hepatic lesions.
Case 6
A 63 year-old man found a renal lesion in health examination. Physical exam: no positive signs.
Early stage: (inflammatory , no abscess) • Hypoechoic • Irregular border • Abundant CDFI
The ultrasound appearance of an abscess may be variable depending on the internal consistency of the mass.
Liver abscess
Liquefied stage:(abscess lumen)
Complex: with some debris and irregular walls.
Absorbent stage
Hypoechoic area
Liver metastases
The following three specific patterns have been described: ➢ A Well-defined hypoechoic mass. ➢ A Well-defined hyperechoic mass. ➢ Diffuse distortion of the normal homogeneous
Polycystic liver
Polycystic renal
Polycystic spleen
Of patients with polycystic liver disease, 60% have associated polycystic renal disease.
Liver abscess
parenchymal Pattern without a focal mass.
Metastatic disease appear as well-defined hyperechoic lesions throughout the liver.
Multiple hypoechoic solid nodules with clear margin bull's-eye configuration ( halo)
WES ( Wall-echo-shadow )Sign
When the gallbladder is completely packed full of stones, the sonographer will only be able to image the stones casting a distinct acoustic shadow known as the wall echo shadow (WES) sign.
Case 3
According to the characteristics of ultrasonic imaging, what kind of diagnosiive the reasons?
Case 4
Describe sonographic appearances of cystic, complex and solid hepatic lesions.
The system of digestion
● Spleen
Normal Anatomy
Location: left hypochondriac region Shape: bean Length:8-12cm;width:3-4cm; The echo intensity is usually slightly less than that of the liver.
The system of digestion
Polycystic liver disease
The cysts are small, under 2 to 3 cm, and multiple throughout the hepatic parenchyma. On ultrasound examination the cyst generally present as anechoic, well-defined borders with acoustic enhancement.
Metastatic disease appears as diffuse hypoechoic lesions with unclear margin.
The system of digestion
● Gallbladder
Gallstones may take several different shapes and size.
Hyperechoic/ mixed echoic lesion Clear margin
Case analysis
Case 1
A 61 years old man. The history of pancreatic tumor surgery. What kind of diagnosis may be made for and please give the reasons?
Case 2
A 56 year-old man found a liver lesion during his routine health examination. What kind of diagnosis may be made for and please give the reasons?