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Polar bears have two kinds commonly hunting pattern, the most commonly used is "waiting" method. They will advance in ice find seals breathing hole, then highly endurance to waiting for several hours. Wait until the seal a outcrops, they will launch a surprise attack, with sharp ZhaoGou will seals from breathing hole dragged up. If the seal on the shore, they will hide in sight to see seals place, then crept climb over to initiate onslaught. Another kind of mode is directly into ice near shore, until the seals to attack, so is the advantage of the seals of direct truncation leeway.
2.Predator-prey habits The polar bear in XiongKe animal family belongs to card-carrying predators, they primarily hunt seals, especially ringed seals, will also prey on fine beard seals, saddle grain seals, hooded seals. In addition, they also capture walrus, white whale, seabirds, fish, small mammals and sometimes clean carrion. Is the only active attack humans to bear, the polar bear's attack occurs mostly in the night The polar bear is not a bit vegetarian in summer they not touch, occasionally eat some berries or plant roots. In late spring and they will XiaLin to go to the seaside place to take blunt come up seaweed compensatory body needed minerals and vitamins substances .The polar bear is very good swimmer that once were considered Marine animals, its Latin name U. Maritimus namely "hai" bear. Polar bears in their life, most of the time (about 66.6%) is源自文库in "static" condition, such as bed rest, lying down, or waiting for prey. There is 29.1% time left on land or walk on the ice or swimming, 1.2% of time in the last remaining attacks prey, the time to enjoy a delicious basic is in.
7.Environmental pollution leading to polar bears are hermaphrodite Wildlife researchers have found new evidence, because of global warming are seriously threatened habitats of polar bears, now again by chemical compounds harm. These compounds is mainly European used to reduce sofa, clothes and carpet etc household combustible toxic chemicals. From Canada, the United States Alaska, Denmark and Norway, a group of scientists is warning they recently found that an enzyme called bromine biphenyl (more than PBDEs) of flame retardants began to appear in the polar bear adipose tissue, especially life in east Greenland and Norway sasha anwar the gilbert islands polar bears. About these chemicals can to polar bears what impact, research is still in progress. But in mice test showed that these toxic chemicals for animal's influence is considerable, including their gender, thyroid, sports skills and brain function. There is evidence that those and more bromine biphenyl of similar compounds leads to the amazing proportions of hermaphrodite polar bears. In gaza anwar gilbert islands, about every 50 only female bear 1 in only two organ in length, the scientists will this directly linked with pollution. "Global natural foundation leaders colin - butterfield said:" the arctic is now a chemical receiver. We daily use products that occupy the home is polluting chemicals in arctic wildlife." These polluting substances mainly come from the United States and Western Europe and other developed industrial area, water flow and north decent practice takes them arctic, in the arctic cold climate accumulation down and introduced into the food chain, and suffer the biggest is the polar bear. 8.Protection measures Polar bears currently living in the world of polar bear about 2 million more only, quantity relatively stable .In order to protect their survival, as early as in 1972, America has promulgated after the law, except for survival needs, prohibited hunting polar bears. While in 1973, arctic countries, including the United States, Canada, Norway, Denmark and the former Soviet union further signed protect polar bears international conventions, convention except limit kill and trade beyond, still further puts forward to protect their habitats and cooperative research terms. At present already listed in appendix 157 listing the polar bear the IUCN red II, as is in early May 2006 formally as its "endangered.
1.The polar bear's skin and hair The polar bear's hair is white and slightly belt light yellow, but its skin is black, from their muzzle, claw mat, lips and dark skin around the eyes you can see the beauty of the skin .Black skin help absorb heat, this is good method of keeping warm.The polar bear's hair is very special, their hair is hollow small tube, looks white is because light refraction, scattering, turned white protective coloration. These small tube in sunshine will change into a beautiful yellow, but in overcast or have cloud, capillary to light reflection refraction and less, people will see white polar bears. These small tube is very important, it is the polar bear collect heat natural tools, such structure can put the sunlight reflection to the black hair underneath the skin, help absorb more calories, with it, polar bears can resist the arctic cold, but this statement was new study negation. In addition, the skin below the thick fat layer in the further to cold isolation outside the body. The polar bear such multilayer heat preservation measures is so effective, that they sometimes have to four AngBaCha to lie prone on the ice to cool off well... .
The polar bear is the world's largest land predators, also known as the arctic. According to the classification of zoology BuRuGang, XiongKe. Male polar bears length about 240-260cm, weight is commonly 400-800 kilograms. The female polar bear form about than males little about half, height, weight 210cm about 190 - about 200-300 kg. In winter sleep time coming before, because fat will accumulate a huge number, they weigh up to 800 kilograms. The polar bear's vision and hearing and human subjects, but their sense of smell is dogs sniff, seven times, speeds up to 60 kilometers, is the world 100 meters champion of 1.5 times