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1. How does Mary go to work when it rains?

A. By subway.

B. By bus.

C. By bike.

2. When did J.K Rowling start to write Harry Potter?

A. In 1998.

B. In 1965.

C. In 1990.

3. What did the man buy for his sister on the trip?

A. Nothing.

B. Football.

C. Watch.

4. What are they doing?

A. Doing shopping.

B. Having sports.

C. Making a telephone call.

5. How often does the man learn English by watching TV?

A. Once a week.

B. Twice a week.

C. Every day.


听下面一段对话, 回答第6至8三个小题。现在, 你有15秒钟的时间阅读这两题。

6.What is the weather like ?

A. It’s a rainy day.

B. It’s so noisy.

C. It’s a beautiful day.

7. Why do esn’t the man feel like going out for a walk with the woman?

A. There is too much noise and the air isn’t good.

B.It’s a rainy day.

C. It’s too hot.

8.What are they going to do in the end ?

A. They want to take a walk.

B. They want to listen to music.

C. They will do a lot of interesting things.


9. Where is Bob living now?

A. In a town in England.

B. In West Hills, a small town in California.

C. In a village in the west of England.

10.Which country are Bob’s travel books mainly(主要地) about?

A. England.

B. Italy.

C. France.


11. By which means(方式)can we get a lot of knowledge faster?

A. By listening to the radio.

B. By reading books.

C. By watching TV.

12. On TV you may know_____________ .

A. super stars

B. your family

C. everything in our life

13. If you have no time to travel, you may be very ___________ .

A. worried

B. sad

C. shy

14. What does the writer think of watching TV?

A. It’s good.

B. It’s bad.

C. It’s good, but too much is bad.

15. Some of the students don’t like their studies ___________ .

A. because their studies are too boring.

B. because they don’t know how important their studies are.

C. because they love watching TV too much.



1. A. vacation B. exam C. David D. favorite

2. A. most B. post C. host D. cost

3. A. seem B. feel C. coffee D. between

4. A. however B. blow C. brown D. now

5. A. clearly B. hear C. learn D. near

二. 单项选择(15分)

1. ---_______do you have an art festival in your school? ---Once a year.

A. How long

B. How often

C. How far

D. How soon

2. They decided ____________ by bus.

A. to go to there

B. to go there

C. going there

D. going to there

3. ---Do you often go to the gym? ---No. ________. I don’t like sports at all.

A. always

B. never

C. sometimes

D. usually

4. ---I often have hamburgers for lunch.

--- You’d better not. It’s bad for you _____ too much junk food.

A. eat

B. to eat

C. eating

D. ate

5. ---Do you know the ______of the exam? ---Yes, I got an A.

A. result

B. time

C. place

D. name

6. ----What’s wrong with me, doctor? ---- ________. You just have a cold.

A. Something much.

B. Nothing much

C. Much something

D. Much nothing

7. ---Are there any oranges in the bag? ---Yes. But only _______.

A. few

B. a little

C. a few

D. little

8. ---Hey, Tina. _____are you going for your vacation?

--- Hmmm. I think I’m going to shanghai.

A. How

B. Where

C. When

D. Why

9.----I’m going for a summer camp in Beijing next month.--- ________.

A. What a pity

B. Not at all

C. Don’t worry

D. Have a good time

10. ---How often are the Olympic Games held?---_____four years.

A. Every

B. Each

C. In

D. For

11. He must _____ his sister with her math.

A. try help

B. trying to help

C. trys to help

D. try to help

12. --- Are you ______ from America? --- No, none of us.

A. both

B. all

C. any

D. either

13. ----Why do you make friends with Joe ?

----He isn’t a good student, but ________ he is honest.

A . almost

B . at least C. less than D. more than

14. The woman is ______ fat because he eats ______ junk food.

A. much too, too much

B. much too, much too
