系统技术说明操作手册 之 音频系统

第二章、选址与环境要求2.1 选址要求为了保证音响系统的正常运作,请确保将其放置在水平稳定的位置上,远离磁场、静电和灰尘等干扰源。
2.2 环境要求音响系统应放置在通风良好的环境中,远离阳光直射和潮湿环境,避免与火源或液体接触。
第三章、连接设备3.1 连接音源将音源设备(如电视、CD播放器等)通过音频线缆连接到音响系统的音频输入接口上,确保插头与接口相匹配,并牢固连接。
3.2 连接扩音器根据您的音响系统类型,将扩音器通过扩音器线缆连接到音响系统的扩音器接口上。
第四章、音调调节4.1 音量调节通过操作音响系统的音量旋钮或遥控器上的音量按钮,调节音响系统的音量大小。
4.2 音效模式选择根据个人喜好,在音响系统的控制面板或遥控器上选择适合的音效模式,如普通、摇滚、爵士等。
第五章、扩音器设置5.1 声场调节根据您的音响系统类型以及空间特点,调整音响系统的声场效果。
5.2 低音调节根据个人喜好,调节音响系统的低音效果。
第六章、其他设置6.1 平衡调节根据您的喜好,调节音响系统的平衡效果,确保左、右声道音量均匀分配。
6.2 重播与暂停通过遥控器上的相应按钮或音响系统的控制面板上的功能键,实现音频的重播与暂停操作。
第七章、维护与保养7.1 清洁音响系统定期使用柔软的干布清洁音响系统的外壳,避免使用含有液体的清洁剂,以防止对音响系统造成损害。

前言[数位音响分析系统](Digital Audio Analyser System, DAAS 3L+)是德国admengineering 公司(位于Nordhorn)所发展与制作的.合法使用者可以无限次使用DAAS 3L+所附的软体,并且容许自行拷贝一份当作[备份]软体,仅限自己使用. 除此之外,此软体、使用手册、与硬体等之其它拷贝或以任何形式复制,均属违法,将依法追诉. 使用手册或内含之资讯必须获得adm engineering公司或RCM Akustik 公司之书面许可,才能转载或复印.adm engineering公司与RCM Akustik公司并不保证本使用手册或所附之软体毫无瑕疵. 欢迎使用者提供修正意见,若有任何缺失,本公司将尽快修正.使用手册里所提及之公司名称与商标品牌等均受国际法保护,即使未特别声明.MS-DOS and WINDOWS © Microsoft CorporationDR-DOS © Digital Research IBM PC、XT、AT、PC-DOS © IBM(Inter National Business Machines)1 概述1-1.前言DAAS(数位音讯分析系统Digital Audio Analyser System)之发展目的在于制造一个能够利用个人电脑功能又售价合理的频率响应度测试仪器, 从取样、类比/树位转换、到计算评估技术等, 此系统逐渐发展成目前的多功能形式DAAS 3L.尽管讯号取样有很多种分析方法, 然而对于使用者而言, 测试值比讯号本身更加重要. 换言之, 扬声器或扩大机的设计师并不需要了解数字讯号评估技术, 因为每一项测试均可依照指定的程序而获得测试结果. 每一测试的所有重要参数均已经有最佳化之设定. 凡是想进一步利用此系统者, 可以更改系统参数, 尝试其它领域之运用,例如频谱分析与示波器功能等.新的DAAS 3L包含许多重要而实用的功能:●利用[数位/类比转换器]与[类比/数位转换器]产生讯号与执行测试。

图 44
图 45
图 46
图 47
图 48
图 49 1) 进入主菜单选择 F7 Scope (图 49)
2) 在图 50 界面中
图 50 F4 Time+, F9 Time-:调整测试时间宽度 F5 Test signal:选择测试讯号 F10 Sample rate :选择测试频宽
3) 例如测试 100HZ—800HZ 失真,选择 F2 进入测试界面(图 36)
图 36 F1 Start:开始执行失真测试 F2 Input selet :选择输入端及量程,测试扬声器一般选择 F2 8Pa,而测试放 大器时一般选择 F5 Line 20V(图 37)
图 37 F4 Test treq:选择测试频率范围 4) 选择 F1 Start 开始失真测试
图 22
图 23
图 24 三.扬声器低频参数测试
1) 在主菜单中选择 F3 Thiele small(图 23)
2) 在图 24 所示的界面中选择 F1 Start 开始基准测试 3) 在图 25 所示的界面中选择 F1 OK,基准测试完毕
图 25
图 26
图 12 F1 Setup frequeney axis 调整水平显示范围 F2 Setup magni tude axis 调整整纵向分辨率 5) 点击 F10 Functions,进入其它功能设定(图 13) F1 Export curve:储存当前测试曲线 F2 Correct distance loudspeaker—mic:手动修正扬声器与麦克风之距离 F3 Mask load/save/import/new:品管功能键见操作手册之品管功能说明 F4 Smoofh:平滑键 F5 Measure Impedance curve:在频响菜单中,测试阻抗曲线 F6 Compine with near field meas :低频测试时曲线结合功能
LG FX166 3D Blu-ray微型高保真音响系统 使用说明书

yy 根据美国和其他国家的版权法,未经授权对 电视节目、录影带、BD-ROM 光碟、DVD、CD 和其他材料进行录制、使用、播放、分发或 修改,将承担民事和/或刑事责任。
6 目录
1 开始
3 安全信息 8 介绍 8 – 可播放的光碟和本手册中使用的符号 9 – 关于“7”符号显示 10 – 文件要求 11 – AVCHD(Advanced Video Codec High
3 系统设置
27 设置 27 – 调整设置 27 – [显示] 菜单
29 – [语言] 菜单 29 – [音频] 菜单 30 – [锁定] 菜单 31 – [网络] 菜单 31 – [其它] 菜单 32 音效
4 操作
33 基本播放 33 – 使用 [主菜单] 菜单 33 – 播放光碟 33 – 播放光碟/USB 设备上的文件 34 – 播放蓝光 3D 光碟 34 – Enjoying BD-LiveTM 35 – 播放网络服务器中的文件 36 – 视频和音频内容基本操作 36 – 图片内容的基本操作 36 – 使用光碟菜单 36 – 恢复播放 37 高级播放 37 – 重复播放 37 – 重复指定区段 38 – 标记搜索 38 – 使用搜索菜单 39 – 更改内容列表视图 39 – 查看内容信息 39 – 选择字幕文件 40 – 最后场景记忆 40 – 观看图片时的选项 41 – 幻灯片放映期间欣赏音乐 41 屏幕菜单显示 41 – 在屏幕上显示内容信息 42 – 从选择的时间播放 42 – 收听不同的音频 42 – 选择字幕语言 43 – 从不同的角度观看 43 – 更改电视机宽高比 43 – 更改图像模式 44 – 更改字幕代码页 44 音频 CD 录制 45 显示 MP3 音乐信息 (ID3 Tag) 46 电台操作 46 – 收听电台 46 – 预设电台 46 – 清除所有存储的电台 46 – 删除储存的电台

****高技术产业园多媒体系统操作手册一、多功能厅系统操作手册1.统概述多功能厅会议系统是一套集中央控制器、无线触摸屏、RGB矩阵、A V矩阵、电源时序控制器、等离子显示屏、大屏幕投影系统、图形拼接系统、监控系统、网络系统、视频会议系统、音响系统于一体的多功能综合系统。
本系统采用先进的中央集成控制设备——CREA TOR PGMⅡ,它采用无线触摸屏作为控制平台,系统高度集成化,对矩阵、投影机、摄象机及音响设备可以实现精确控制,各种信号在不同的设备之间可以由触摸屏实现自由切换,系统稳定性强,操作简单,便于掌握。
(4)、RGB信号切换1)切换指令:“功能键”+“输出通道”+“输入通道”+“enter",其中:“功能键”包括:av或in/out:表示音视频信号同时切换(8/32系列用in/out) video:表示只切换视频信号或vga信号audio:表示只切换音频信号2“输出通道”要切换的信号源当前所连接的通道,面板上的“0-9”“10+”“20+”“30+”号数字键。

Classroom Audio System教室音频系统 Installation and Operating Manual安装及操作手册V 1.3重要的安全说明重要的安全说明1. 在安装和使用设备前请先仔细阅读本安全操作规程。
2. 请保存好您的安全操作指南便于以后作参考用。
3. 请遵守所有设备操作指南中的“警告”事项。
4. 须遵守各项操作指南中的规章原则。
5. 清洁设备:清洁设备之前,请先关掉电源,从插座中拔出设备插头,将各连接的系统单元拆卸出来,清洁时请用干燥的软布擦拭。
6. 未经生产厂家同意,不要使用任何不匹配的附件配置,这都有可能引起危险事故。
7. 勿将设备置于潮湿或靠近热源的地方,以免发生危险。
8. 设备不应遭受水滴或水溅,不应放置诸如花瓶一类装满液体的物品。
9. 电源插头作为断接装置,应便于操作。
10. 设备应可靠连接到带保护接地的电网电源输出插座上。
11. 勿将设备放置在不稳固的台面上;在运输过程中避免设备遭受强烈振动而引起损坏,建议在运输前选用合适的包装或使用原包装。
12. 请勿阻塞设备上的通风开口,并保持室内的空气通畅,便于设备的维护。
13. 供电电压:AC 100 V-240 V 50 Hz/ 60 Hz14. 设备连接所需要的延长电缆线请绕道穿行,勿有重物挤压,这样能有效维护系统的正常工作。
15. 每套系统中所连接的接收器不得超过规定数量,否则可能会导致整个系统中设备的异常工作,如有特殊要求请与距离您最近的深圳台电售后服务中心取得联系。
16. 确保设备不被任意拆开机壳,也不允许任何硬质导体或液态物质残留在机壳内。
17. 设备有需要维护时,不要自行拆卸,请及时与距离您最近的深圳台电售后服务中心取得联系。
18. 所有TAIDEN产品将提供一定期限(详见保修卡)免费保修,但人为损坏除外,例如:A. 设备因人为作用被摔坏;B. 因操作员操作不当而导致设备受损;C. 自行拆卸后而导致部分设备零件受损或丢失。

DAAS3L+ 音频测试系统
操 作 手 册
© Copyright 2013
一、主菜单功能:(图 1)
淘宝 ATS 音频 技术支持 18938097631
F1:频率响应测试 F2:阻抗特性测试 F3:扬声器低频参数测试 F4:失真测试 F5:RT60 测试 F6:声压及电平测试 F7:音频示波器 F8:扫频仪 F9:信号发生器 F 10:系统设定
图 17 4) 联接好待测扬声器,选择 F1 0.2V(图 17)
淘宝 ATS 音频 技术支持 18938097631 5) 选择 F 1 OK 即可得到阻抗曲线(图 18)
图 18
图 19 6) 在阻抗曲线界面内(图 19)
淘宝 ATS 音频 技术支持 18938097631 F2 Mask :绘制阻抗品管曲线功能键,点击 F2 Mask,得到图 20 界面
Qts 值(图 29)
图 29
图 30
淘宝 ATS 音频 技术支持 18938097631 7) 若要继续测得 VAS 值,在图 29 中点按 F2 VAS 键 8) 选择 F1 0.2V 开始测试 VAS 值(图 30)
图 31
图 32
淘宝 ATS 音频 技术支持 18938097631
9) 选择 F 1 OK(图 31)后,在中央询问菜单中依次填入扬声器有效的振动直径 及附重的重量后按回车键确定(图 32)
图 33
即得到扬声器 ThieleSmall 参数(图 33) F3 Fit 显示加附重后的谐振峰幅度。
淘宝 ATS 音频 技术支持 18938097631
RME MADIface XT音频接口用户手册说明书

用户手册MADIface XT全球首款USB3音频接口!USB 3 / USB 2.0 / PCI Express数字输入/输出系统24 Bit / 192 kHz数字音频192通道3个MADI接口AES/EBU输入/输出2 + 4通道模拟输入/输出196 x 198矩阵路由器1 x MIDI输入/输出3 x 嵌入MADI的MIDI重要的安全说明 (6)概述 (7)1. 简介 (8)2. 包装清单 (8)3. 系统要求 (8)4. 简介及主要特点 (8)5. 首次使用——快速上手 (9)5.1 接口、控制与显示 (9)5.2 快速上手 (10)安装与操作——Windows (11)6. 硬件、驱动和固件安装 (12)6.1 驱动安装 (12)6.2 驱动卸载 (12)6.3 固件升级 (12)7. 设置MADIface XT (13)7.1 Settings(设置)对话框—主标签 (13)7.2 WDM Devices(WDM设备)选项 (16)7.3 Global选项卡(PCI Express模式) (18)7.4 Pitch(仅E-PCIe支持) (19)7.5 时钟模式–同步 (20)8. 操作和使用 (21)8.1 播放 (21)8.2 播放DVD (AC-3/DTS) (22)8.3 多客户端操作 (23)8.4 数字录音 (23)8.5 模拟录音 (23)9. ASIO下的操作 (24)9.1 概述 (24)9.2 已知问题 (24)10. 使用多个MADIface XT (25)11. DIGICheck Windows (26)12. 热线–故障处理 (27)安装与操作——Mac OS X (28)13.驱动和Flash更新 (29)13.1 驱动安装 (29)13.2 驱动卸载 (29)13.3 固件升级 (30)14. 设置MADIface XT (31)14.1 Settings(设置)对话框 (31)14.2 时钟模式–同步 (33)15. Mac OS X FAQ (34)15.1 MIDI不工作 (34)15.2 修复磁盘权限 (34)15.3 支持的采样率 (34)15.4 各种信息 (34)16. 使用多个MADIface XT (35)17. DIGICheck Mac (35)18. 热线–故障处理 (36)19. 前面板操作 (38)19.1 概述 (38)19.2 Encoders(旋钮) (38)19.3 Menu(菜单)键— MIC/GAIN(话筒/增益)和METERS(电平表) (39)19.4 Channel(通道)菜单 (39)19.5 Setup(设置)菜单 (41)19.5.1 Options(选项)菜单 (41)19.5.2 Setups(设置)菜单 (42)19.6 Clock(时钟) (43)输入和输出 (44)20. 模拟输入/输出 (45)20.1 Mic / Line In (话筒/线路输入,XLR/TRS) (45)20.2 幻象供电 (45)20.3 AutoSet(自动设置) (45)20.4 Balanced Line Outputs(平衡线路输出) (46)20.5 Line – Headphones(线路-耳机) (46)21. 数字输入和输出 (47)21.1 MADI输入/输出 (47)21.2 AES/EBU (47)21.3 MIDI (47)21.4 D-sub针脚 (48)22. 字时钟 (49)22.1 字时钟输入和输出 (49)22.2 技术描述和使用 (50)22.3 布线和终止 (51)独立工作模式 (52)23. 操作和使用 (53)23.1 概述 (53)23.2 在设备上设置 (53)24. 实例 (54)24.1 2/4通道AD/DA转换器 (54)24.2 2通道话筒放大器 (54)24.3 194通道监听混音器 (54)24.4 模拟和数字插入器 (54)24.5 带有监听的3端口MADI路由器 (54)TotalMix FX (55)25. TotalMix:路由和监听 (56)25.1 概述 (56)25.2 用户界面 (58)25.3 通道 (59)25.3.1 设置 (61)25.3.2 均衡器 (62)25.3.3 动态 (64)25.4 控制室栏 (65)25.5 控制条 (66)25.5.1 视图选项 (67)25.5.2 快照-组 (68)25.5.3 通道布局-布局预设 (68)25.5.4 滚动位置标记 (70)25.7 首选项 (74)25.7.1 为当前所有用户保存(Windows) (75)25.8 设置 (76)25.8.1 混音器页面 (76)25.8.2 MIDI 页面 (77)25.8.3 OSC页面 (78)25.8.4 辅助设备 (79)25.9 热键与使用 (80)25.10 菜单选项 (80)25.11 菜单窗口 (82)26. 矩阵 (82)26.1 概述 (82)26.2 矩阵视图元素 (82)26.3 操作 (82)27. 操作技巧 (83)27.1 ASIO直接监听(Windows) (83)27.2 复制子混音 (83)27.3 复制一个输出信号(镜像) (83)27.4 删除子混音 (83)27.5 任意复制和粘贴 (84)27.6 录制子混音–回路 (84)27.7 MS 处理 (85)28. MIDI 远程控制 (86)28.1 概述 (86)28.2 规划 (86)28.3 设置 (87)28.4 操作 (87)28.5 MIDI控制 (88)28.6 回路检测 (89)28.7 OSC (89)技术参考资料 (90)29. 技术指标 (91)29.1 模拟 (91)29.2 数字输入 (92)29.3 数字输出 (92)29.4 数字 (93)29.5 MIDI (93)29.6 通用 (93)30. 技术背景 (94)30.1 MADI基础 (94)30.2 锁定(Lock)与SyncCheck(同步检查) (95)30.3 延时(Latency)与监听(Monitoring) (95)30.4 USB音频 (97)30.5 External PCI Express (98)30.6 DS –双倍速 (99)30.7 QS –四倍速 (99)30.8 SteadyClock(稳定时钟) (100)30.9 WDM的注意事项 (101)30.10 术语 (102)其他 (103)31. 配件 (104)32. 产品保证 (104)33. 附录 (105)34. 符合性声明 (105)重要的安全说明注意! 不要打开底盘,以防触电。
DAAS 4 Pro音频测试系统操作手册说明书

深圳阳光丽声仪器设备有限公司深圳市音之侣机电有限公司www sunvoice cn com email 138****6201163com 138****6201075529593393075589472581808.-. :@.手机: 电话:- 传真:--******************************************郑重申明:DAAS公司只提供英文版光盘使用操作手册,没有提供中文版本手册及印刷品. 此中文说明书为本公司翻译,版权为其所有,任何其他公司不得抄袭翻印.公 司 简 介本公司是专业电声测量领域的先导者。
******************************************DAAS4Pro 硬件安装图示:红白黄接线头按照位置顺序连接,请勿插错************************************************************************************ DAAS4Pro QC简易操作说明一:首先将DAAS卡插入电脑主机,然后安装驱动程序和测试软件.安装完毕后请接好电脑主机与DAAS专用功放之间的所有连接线缆并打开功放电源.(请注意,在以后进行测试操作时一定要先打开功放电源再打开测试软件,此点十分重要).当你装完DAAS卡的驱动后在你的电脑屏幕右下角会出现一个这样的图标,请双击它会出现下图:备注:此项设置是首次安装完驱动软件后必须要进行的,此设置只需进行一次.二:进入测试界面,首先双击桌面DAAS快捷图标,第一次会出现如下图所示的提示: 2:点击此处 ******************************************点击OK 进入下一画面,请按照图上的步骤操作:会出现下图:1:首先点击此处 ******************************************然后点击再按Esc 退出测试程序之后再重新进入测试程序,就会听到功放中的继电器切换几次,这是系统在检测电脑与功放之间的连接是否正常.如果一切正常就可进入下一步的操作.三:重新双击桌面上的DAAS 快捷图标会进入测试界面,我们首先调节测试电压,如下图所示:当选择好合适的电压后,我们开始进行下一步操作. ******************************************首先选择测试项目,我们先测试频响,如下图:接着点击F1会出现如下界面:选择F1******************************************还是选择F1开始接着选择F1点击OK******************************************选择F1点击F1出现下图所示的测试曲线,然后点击F5 ******************************************选择想要保存的路径和文件名称(路径和文件名称请按需要自己设定).保存完毕后请点击F7出现如下画面,再选择F9点击此处保存曲线******************************************出现如下图后请按照需要进行选择我们选择F1手绘上下限文件,会出现下图点击此处F1手绘上下限F2载入上下限F3存储上下限F4删除上下限******************************************点击此处用鼠标左键首先选择上限的起始位置,之后延样品曲线走势连续点击即可绘出上限(此处注意,选择F1手绘上下限文件时一定要先绘上限),之后点击鼠标右键会出现如下画面:继续选择此处 ******************************************用相同方法绘出下限,如下图:点F7,再F9,得出下图:出现如下图所示后选择路径,保存文件.(注意保存路径一定要和样品曲线的路径一致,即要在同一文件夹)选择F3保存上下限文件******************************************2.再点击OK ******************************************出现下图后先选择Quality Control(QC 品管控制)然后点击F1或者踩脚踏开关则开始QC测试,如下为测试结果图 ******************************************出现如下图所示画面后此时就会出现你所要的结果曲线,现在请点F5保存曲线,如下图,选择自己想要保存的文件名称和路径保存 ******************************************方法与频响上下限绘制方法一样再选择F1绘制上下限公差 ******************************************绘制完毕后出现如下图所示画面:如下图所示先选择F9,再选择F3保存上下限公差文件出现如下图所示后选择路径,保存文件.(注意保存路径一定要和样品曲线的路径一致,即要在同一文件夹)2,再选择F3******************************************然后进行QC测试,方法与频响QC测试一致.下图为频响,阻抗QC测试完毕后的画面: ******************************************(1)更改显示频率范围:如下框中先输入起始频率后点击ok ,再输入截至频率:.(2)要在同一画面显示多条频响曲线或者频响和阻抗曲线同时显示在同一1.在测试出结果后点击这里的F7 ******************************************画面,可以先将测试的曲线保存,然后测试另外一个频响曲线后在画面上点击File-Load Curve(载入曲线),选择刚才保存的文件名则可将刚才保存的曲线调入同一画面. ******************************************手动设置DAAS4系统功放输出电压/电平(1) 若被测试扬声器的阻抗为8欧姆,则在1M1W 的测试距离功放输出应该为8开根号=2.83V 来测试,麦克风和被测试扬声器的距离为1M(2) DAAS4输出电压/电平单位只有dB 没有V ,因此要经过换算,2V=22dB, 2.83V =19dB,179mV=43dB下图:出现如下画面,(3) 回到测试软件界面,测试频响曲线,麦克风和被测试扬声备注:若不用手动设置方法,可点选此软件自动换算设置,让软件自动换算成1M1W 测试结果,只更改这里被测试喇叭阻抗数值即可。

云南双豪会议室会议系统操作手册中国建筑股份有限责任公司2012年6月目录1系统组成:................................................................ 错误!未指定书签。
1.1系统..................................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
1.2调音台.............................................................. 错误!未指定书签。
1.3音源系统.......................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
1.4周边设备.......................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
1.5系统电源管理系统.......................................... 错误!未指定书签。
1.6系统开关机...................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
2主要设备功能介绍.................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
2.1调音台.............................................................. 错误!未指定书签。
2.2功率放大器...................................................... 错误!未指定书签。
2.3无线智能会议主机.......................................... 错误!未指定书签。

[免提通话接收 ]
[按键音 ](Key Tone)、[开机铃音 ](Melody )、[FM 外放到喇叭 ] (FM Radio)不用设置
说明: 相关操作类同于正常模式下的参数设置。参数设置参考表 2。
图 4:正常模式音频参数设置项
图 5:正常模式下 [ 正常通话接收 ] ( Speech)各级音量设置
图 6:音频参数设置
图 7:音乐播放器的音频参数设置
图 8:保存更新参数
表 1:正常模式参数设置参考
正常模式( Normal Mode)
音量 6 250
音量 5 230
音量 4 200
音量 6 音量 5 音量 4 音量 3 音量 2 音量 1 音量 0
FM 外放到喇叭
Key Tone :
音量 6 音量 5 音量 4 音量 3 音量 2 音量 1 音量 0
按键音到听筒或者喇叭, 取决于正常通话还是免提模式
Melody :
Microphone :
FM Radio :
音量 6 音量 5 音量 4 音量 3 音量 2 音量 1 音量 0

FeaturesUsing the audio/information screen P.213: Select to display any mode.The available modes include Sound , View Radio Text , Music Search , and various play modes.: Select to go back to the previous display.: Select to change the audio/information screen brightness.Select once and select - or + to make an adjustment.u Each time you select , the mode switches among the daytime mode, nighttime mode, and off mode.1Audio System Basic OperationAudio Menu Items2Station List P.237, 2382Music Search List P.248, 2572Scan P.237, 246, 2582Play Mode P.249, 258uu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeatures Audio/Information ScreenDisplays the audio status and wallpaper. From this display, you can go to various setup options.■Using the buttonPress the (display) button to change the display.■Switching the DisplayContinueduu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeatures■Using the audio/information screen■PhoneDisplays the HFL information.2Bluetooth ® HandsFreeLink ® P.3301Using the audio/information screenTouchscreen Operation•Use simple gestures - including touching, swiping,and scrolling - to operate certain audio functions.•Some items may be grayed out during driving to reduce the potential for distraction.•You can select them when the vehicle is stopped or use voice commands.•Wearing gloves may limit or prevent touchscreen response.•You can use the microfiber cleaning cloth included in your owner’s kit to remove dust or fingerprints from the touchscreen.You can change the touchscreen sensitivity setting.2Customized Features P.299uu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeatures ■InfoDisplays Trip Computer, Voice Info, Clock/Wallpaper and System/DeviceInformation.Trip Computer:•Current Drive tab: Displays the current trip information.•History of Trip A tab: Displays information for the three previous drives. Theinformation is stored every time you reset Trip A.To delete the history manually, select Delete History on the History of Trip Atab. The confirmation message appears on the screen, then select Yes.Voice Info: Displays the all commands list.Clock/Wallpaper: Displays the clock and wallpaper.System/Device Information:•System Info: Displays the software version of the audio system.•USB Info: Displays the memory usage of the USB device.■AudioDisplays the current audio information.■SettingsEnters the customizing menu screen.2Customized Features P.299■Navigation*Displays the navigation screen.2Refer to the Navigation System Manual1InfoWhen you select Info Top from the customizesettings, displays Trip Computer or Clock/Wallpaper.2Customized Features P.299*Not available on all modelsuu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenContinued Features■HondaLinkDisplays the HondaLink® screen.2HondaLink® P.261■Apple CarPlay/Android AutoDisplays the Apple CarPlay or Android Auto screen.2Apple CarPlay P.2692Android Auto TM P.273■Truck Bed Audio*Displays the Truck Bed Audio System screen.2Truck Bed Audio System* P.277*Not available on all modelsuu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeatures1.2.u The screen switches to the customizationscreen.3.Drag and drop the icon to where you wantit to be.4.Select OK.u The screen will return to the homescreen.■Changing the Home Screen Icon Layout1Changing the Home Screen Icon LayoutIt is not possible to change the position of theicon.Continueduu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeaturesYou can change, store, and delete the wallpaper on the audio/information screen.■Import wallpaperYou can import up to five images for wallpaper from a USB flash drive.1.Connect the USB flash drive to the USB port.2USB Ports P.2052.Select Settings .3.Select Clock/Info .4.Select Clock/Wallpaper Type , then open the Wallpaper tab.5.Select Add New .u The picture name is displayed on the list.6.Select a desired picture.u The preview is displayed on the left side on the screen.7.Select Start Import to save the data.u The display will return to the wallpaper list.■Wallpaper Setup1Wallpaper SetupThe wallpaper you set up on Clock/Wallpaper Type cannot be displayed on the multi-information display.•When importing wallpaper files, the image must be in the USB flash drive’s root directory.Images in a folder cannot be imported.•The file name must be fewer than 255 characters.•The file format of the image that can be imported is BMP (bmp) or JPEG (jpg).•The individual file size limit is 5 MB.•The maximum image size is 4,096 × 4,096 pixels. If the image size is less than 800 × 480 pixels, the image is displayed in the middle of the screen with the extra area appearing in black.•If the USB flash drive does not have any pictures,the No files detectedmessage appears.uu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeatures ■Select wallpaper1.Select Settings.2.Select Clock/Info.3.Select Clock/Wallpaper Type, then open the Wallpaper tab.u The screen changes to the wallpaper list.4.Select a desired wallpaper.u The preview is displayed on the left side on the screen.u The pop-up menu appears on the screen.5.Select Set.u The display will return to the wallpaper list.■1.2..3.Select .4.Select Clock/Wallpaper.■Delete wallpaper1.Select Settings.2.Select Clock/Info.3.Select Clock/Wallpaper Type, then open the Wallpaper tab.u The screen changes to the wallpaper list.4.Select a wallpaper that you want to delete.u The preview is displayed on the left side on the screen.u The pop-up menu appears on the screen.5.Select Delete.u A confirmation message appears on the screen.6.Select Yes to delete completely.u The display will return to the wallpaper list.1Wallpaper SetupFrom the pop-up menu, select Preview to see apreview at full-size screen.To go back to the previous screen, select OK, orselect .When the file size is large, it takes a while to bepreviewed.To delete all wallpapers you add, select Delete All,then Yes.Continueduu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeatures■To move to the next screenSelecting or , or swiping the screen left or right changes to the next screen.■Home Screen1Home ScreenThe home screen has 5 pages (fixed). You cannot add any more pages.Swipeuu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeatures ■To use apps or widgets1.2.u screen appears.3.Select the app or widget you want to use.Preinstalled app list:•Browser: Displays the web browser utilizedby smartphone and Wi-Fi connection.•Calculator: Displays Calculator.•Downloads: Displays the data downloadedfrom the web browser and so on.•Install USB: Check with a Honda dealer forapps that are available for installation.•Search: Displays various retrieval screens.•Settings: Displays the Android settingscreen.1To use apps or widgetsSelect and hold a selected app or widget to add thatapp’s or widget’s shortcut on the home screen.Pre-installed apps may not start up normally. If thisoccurs, you need to reset the system.2Defaulting All the Settings P.323If you perform Factory Data Reset, it may reset allthe settings to their factory default.2Defaulting All the Settings P.323In case those apps still do not startup normally evenafter Factory Data Reset, contact an authorizedHonda dealer.There is a possibility that a browser is shut down inthe situation of the use. In that situation, the screenwill return to before the browser startup.Do not install apps other than those confirmed by aHonda dealer. Installation of unauthorized apps mayintroduce data corruption risks to your vehicle’sinformation and your privacy.You can delete user installed apps by the followingprocedure.1.Select .2.Select Settings.3.Select System.4.Select the Others tab.5.Select Detail Information.6.Select an app that you want to delete.7.Select Delete.Pre-installed apps cannot be deleted.uu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenContinued Features■To add app or widget icons on the home screen1.2.3.screen.u The pop-up menu appears on the screen.4.Select Add App or Add Widget.u The Apps/Widgets screen appears.Select and hold.uu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeatures5.Select and hold an app or widget icon youwant to add.u The screen switches to the customizationscreen.6.Drag and drop the icon to where you wantit to be.7.Select OK.u The screen will return to the homescreen.Select and hold.Drag and drop.uu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenContinued Features■To move icons on the home screenYou can change location on the home screen.1.Select and hold an icon.u The screen switches to the customizationscreen.2.Drag and drop the icon to where you wantit to be.3.Select OK.u The screen will return to the homescreen.Select and hold.Drag and drop.uu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeatures ■To remove icons on the home screenYou can delete the icons on the home screen.1.Select and hold an icon.u The screen switches to the customizationscreen.2.Drag and drop the icon you want to removeto the trash icon.u The icon is removed from the homescreen.3.Select OK.u The screen will return to the homescreen.1To remove icons on the home screenYou cannot delete the Phone, Info, Audio,Settings, Navigation*, HondaLink, SmartphoneConnection, and Truck Bed Audio* icons.Apps or widgets will not be deleted by deleting theicon on the home screen.Select and hold.Drag and drop totrash icon.*Not available on all modelsuu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenContinuedFeatures1.Swipe down from the top of the screen.u The status area appears.2.Select an item to see the details.3.Select or swipe up from the bottom of the screen to close the area.■Status AreaSwipeuu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeatures1.2.3.Select Stop.u The display will return to the app list.■Closing Apps1Closing AppsIf you leave the apps used open in the background,some apps may stop operating properly next timeusing them.If this happens close unused apps.To close all apps on the system, select Stop All, thenYes.You cannot close the HondaLink® and Garmin* apps. *Not available on all modelsContinueduu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeaturesSome of the audio system’s apps can be updated wirelessly when connected via Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth ® in conjunction with the HondaLink ® app installed on a compatible iOS or Android device. If an update is available, the audio system beeps and a notification is displayed at the top of the screen with the respective app’s update icon.■To update an app:1.From the top of the screen, swipe down to see the messages.2.Select the software update notification from the list.■Updating Apps1Updating AppsThe wireless updates are for the apps on the audio system only.To update compatible apps on your iPhone orAndroid phone, please visit the App Store or GooglePlay Store, respectively.uu Audio System Basic Operation u Audio/Information ScreenFeatures 3.Select Download.4.Select OK.uu Audio System Basic Operation u Adjusting the SoundFeaturesAdjusting the Sound1.2..3.Select .4.Select Sound .Select a tab from the following choices:•BAS-TRE : Bass, Treble •FAD-BAL : Fader, Balance•SUBW */CTR-SUBW *: Center *, Subwoofer •SVC (Speed Volume Compensation):Sets the amount of volume increase.1Adjusting the SoundThe Speed Volume Compensation (SVC) has four modes: Off , Low , Mid , and High .SVC adjusts the volume level based on the vehicle speed. As you go faster, audio volume increases. As you slow down, audio volume decreases.You can also adjust the sound by the following procedure.1.Select .2..3.Select Audio .4.Select Sound .When the Truck Bed Audio system is on, only the BAS-TRE tab is selectable.Models with Truck Bed Audio System*Not available on all modelsuu Audio System Basic Operation u Display SetupFeatures Display SetupYou can change the brightness or color theme of the audio/information screen.1.2..3.SelectSystem.4.Select the Display tab.5.Select Display Settings.6.Select the setting you want.7.Select OK.1.2..3.Select System.4.Select the Display tab.5.Select Background Color.6.Select the setting you want.7.Select OK.■Changing the Screen Brightness1Changing the Screen BrightnessYou can change the Contrast and Black Levelsettings in the same manner.■Changing the Screen’s Color Themeuu Audio System Basic Operation u Display Setup Features Select the current source icon, then select an icon on the source list to switch the audio source.Certain manual functions are disabled or inoperable while the vehicle is in motion.You cannot select a grayed-out option until the vehicle is stopped.■Selecting an Audio Source■Limitations for Manual Operation Source List Icons。
BOSE link AL8无线音频连接系统 说明书

Bose® link AL8无线音频连接系统请阅读本用户手册请务必认真遵守本用户手册中的指示。
警告:本设备不能受到液体的滴溅或泼洒,不能接触例如花瓶等充满液体的物体,也不要将设备放 置于其他器材之上。
正如任何电子产品,不要将液体洒入本系统的任何一部分以免引起故障或者火 灾。
重要的安全指示1. 使用本产品前请先阅读每个元件的使用说明。
2. 保留这些说明以供日后参照。
3. 注意产品上和用户手册中的警告。
4. 遵守每个指示。
5. 不要在靠近水边或潮气处使用本产品。
不要在浴缸、洗脸盆、厨房水槽、洗衣槽附近以及潮湿的 地下室中,游泳池边或任何其他有水和潮气存在的地方使用该产品。
6. 只能按照Bose公司的规定使用干布擦拭该产品。
7. 按照制造商的指示安装,不要堵塞通风口。
为了确保产品安全运行,防止过热,请选择合适的方 位和位置放置产品以保证其正常通风。
例如,不要将产品放置在阻碍通风的床、沙发或类似表面 上。
8. 不要将产品放置在靠近热源处,例如暖气管、加热器、火炉或其他能产生热量的装置(包括放大器)。
9. 只能使用制造商制定的附件/零件。

目录目录 (2)1简介 (3)2安装和卸载 (4)2.1程序安装 (4)2.2修改、修复或者删除程序 (6)3快速操作 (8)3.1登录 (8)3.2控制面板 (8)3.3设备管理 (9)3.4预览 (12)3.5录像 (14)3.6回放 (17)3.7退出 (20)1简介本手册介绍软件软件的安装卸载,以及一些基本操作,如实时预览、录像和回放。
运行环境操作系统:Microsoft Windows 7/Windows 2008(支持32/64位系统),Windows 2003/Windows XP(均只支持32位系统)CPU:Intel Pentium IV 3.0 GHz或以上内存:1G或更高显示:支持1024×768或更高分辨率注意:(1)同时预览多路视频或较高分辨率的视频,需要更高的硬件配置。
Acura 车载音频系统操作手册说明书

Audio SystemRadio FrequenciesYour Acura's radio can tune in all frequencies in both the AM and FM bands.Those bands cover these frequen-cies:AM band:530 kilohertz to 1,710 kilohertz FM band:87.7 megahertz to 107.9 megahertz Radio stations on the AM band are assigned frequencies at least 10kilohertz apart (530,540,550).Those on the FM band are assigned frequencies at least 0.2 megahertz apart (87.9,88.1,88.3).Stations must use these exactfrequencies. It is fairly common for stations to round-off the frequency in their advertising, so your radio will show a frequency of 100.9 even though the announcer may call the station "FM101."(RS)(LS, GS-R)Comfort and Convenience FeaturesAM/FM BUTTONAM/FMBUTTONAudio SystemOperating the Cassette Player Turn the system ON. Insert the cassette into the slot with the tape opening to the right. Push the cassette in most of the way. The drive will pull it in the rest of the way and begin to play.The or will light to show you which side of the cassette is playing.The indicates the side you inserted facing upward is now playing. To play the other side of the tape, press the PROG button.The system also has an Auto-reverse feature. It will automati-cally reverse direction when it reaches the end of the cassette.(RS)CONTINUEDComfort and Convenience FeaturesON/OFF/VOL KNOBCASSETTE SLOT TAPE DIRECTION INDICATOREJECT BUTTON PROG BUTTON PLAY BUTTON DOLBY BUTTON(LS, GS-R)ON/OFF/VOL KNOBCASSETTE SLOTTAPE DIRECTION INDICATOREJECT BUTTON PROG BUTTON PLAY BUTTON DOLBYBUTTONAudio SystemDolby ® noise reduction turns on when you insert a cassette. If the tape was not recorded with Dolby "B " noise reduction, turn it off by pressing the button.To remove the cassette from the drive, press the EJECT button. The system automatically ejects the cassette whenever you turn off the system or the ignition switch.(RS)(LS, GS-R)Comfort and Convenience FeaturesFF/REW/TMS SWITCH EJECT BUTTON PROG BUTTON PLAY BUTTON DOLBY BUTTON REPEAT BUTTONFF/REW/TMS SWITCH EJECT BUTTON PROG BUTTON PLAY BUTTON DOLBY BUTTON REPEATBUTTONAudio SystemCassette Search Functions Once a cassette is playing, you can use the FF, REW, TMS, or REPEAT function to look for desired songs or passages.To rewind the tape, push the FF/REW/TMS switch down thenrelease it. You will see REW in the display. To fast forward the tape,push the switch up then release it.You will see FF displayed. To stop rewind or fast forward, press the PLAY button. If the system reaches the end of the cassette while in fast forward or rewind, it automatically stops that function,reverses direction, and begins to play.Press the REPEAT button to replay the current passage. You will see RPT displayed. When the system reaches the end of the song or passage that is being played, it automatically goes into rewind.When it senses the beginning of that passage, it goes back to play.The system will continue repeating this passage until you turn off REPEAT by pressing the button again.The TMS function lets you skip to the beginning of a song or other passage. The tape skips forward or backward, depending on which direction you push the FF/REW/TMS switch.Activate TMS by pushing the FF/REW/TMS switch and holding it until you hear a beep. If you push the switch down, you will see REW blinking in the display as the tape rewinds. If you push the switch up,you will see FF blinking in the display as the tape fast forwards.When the system senses a silent period on the tape, it goes back to PLAY mode.The REPEAT and TMS functions use silent periods on the tape to find the end of a selection. These features may not work satisfacto-rily on tapes that have almost no gap between songs, a high noise level between songs, or silent peri-ods in the middle of songs.Caring For CassettesDamaged cassettes can jam inside the drive or cause other problems.See page 90 for information on cassette care and protection.Comfort and Convenience FeaturesAudio SystemOperating the CD Changer or Player (Optional)A Compact Disc changer isavailable for your car. It holds up to six discs, providing several hours of continuous programming. You operate the CD changer with the same controls used for the radio and cassette player.Load the desired CD's in themagazine and load the magazine in the changer according to the instructions that came with the unit.Your dealer has Genuine Acura accessory in-dash CD players available that are operated by the radio controls. If you have one of these units, use the directions in this section (except for multi-disc selection) to operate it.To operate the CD changer, the ignition key must be inACCESSORY (I) or ON (II). If you are listening to a cassette tape,eject it before playing a CD.Press the CD button until "CD"appears on the display. Once in the CD mode, the system will start to play the first track of the first disc in the magazine.When that disc ends, the next disc in the magazine is loaded and played.After disc 6 has completed, the system will return to disc 1. To make your own disc selection, push one of the six preset buttons. Your selection will appear in the display and start playing.You can use the TUNE/SEEK switch while a disc is playing to select passages and change tracks.To move rapidly forward within a track, push up and hold the TUNE/SEEK switch. Push down and hold the switch to move rapidly back-ward within a track. You will hear a beep a half second after you push the switch up or down. Keeppushing the switch until you think the track has advanced or returned to the desired position. The disc will start playing when you release the switch.If you push the TUNE/SEEKswitch up and release it before you hear a beep, the system will skip forward to the beginning of the next track on that CD.If will skip backward to the begin-ning of the current track if youpush the switch down and release it.Comfort and Convenience FeaturesAudio System(RS)CONTINUEDComfort and Convenience FeaturesON/OFF/VOL KNOBRPT INDICATORTUNE/SEEK SWITCHCD BUTTONREPEAT BUTTON(LS, GS-R)ON/OFF/VOL KNOBA. SELECT INDICATORRPT INDICATORTUNE/SEEK SWITCHCD BUTTONA. SELECT/REPEAT BUTTONAudio SystemIf you push the REPEAT button on the RS model or the A. SELECT/REPEAT button on the LS and GSR models, the system willcontinuously play the track you are listening to. You will see RPT in the display.Push the switch again to turn off REPEAT mode.On LS and GS-R modelsYou can get the CD player torandomly select tracks by pressing A. SELECT/REPEAT until you see A. SELECT in the display.With this active, the system selects and plays the tracks randomly,rather than sequentially, on each disc. When the system has played all the tracks on that disc, it loads the next disc and starts to playrandomly. The system continues to select and play tracks randomly on each of the six discs until you press the A. SELECT/REPEAT button again.To turn on random play mode while the system is in the REPEAT mode,turn off REPEAT mode first by pressing the A. SELECT/REPEAT button. Then, press the buttonagain as explained above.If you change modes to radio or tape while a CD is playing, then change back to CD mode, thesame disc and track will play.If you turn off the system while a CD is playing, either with the ON-OFF/VOL knob or by turning off the ignition, the system will begin at the same disc and track when you turn itback on.If you try to select an empty slot in the magazine, the system will select and play the first track of the next disc in the magazine.To return to the radio function,press the AM/FM button.Comfort and Convenience FeaturesAudio SystemCD Error IndicationsIf you see an error indication on thedisplay, find the cause in the chartto the right. If you cannot clear theerror indication, take the car toyour Acura dealer.Comfort and Convenience FeaturesCaring for the Cassette PlayerThe cassette drive picks up dirt and oxides whenever you play a tape. This builds up over time and causes the sound quality to degrade.To prevent this, you should clean the cassette drive after every 30hours of use. Your dealer has a cleaning kit available for this purpose.After 30 hours of tape use, you will see CLEAN flashing for 5 seconds in the display when you insert atape into the tape slot. If you are already regularly cleaning the tape drive at least every 30 hours, reset the indicator by pressing the Preset 6 button while the system is in the tape operation mode. Hold the button until you hear a beep and the CLEAN indicator goes out.If you do not clean the cassette drive regularly, it may eventually become impossible to remove the deposits with a normal cleaning kit.The cassette player automatically ejects cassettes that do not play normally. If it ejects a cassette before it begins to play, it isprobably defective and should not be inserted again. You may have a cassette suddenly stop playing,reverse directions once or twice and then eject. This is normally an indication the tape is woundunevenly. It should play normally after being manually rewound.Use 100-minute or shorter cas-settes. Cassettes longer than 100minutes use thinner tape that may break or jam the drive.Look at a cassette before you insert it. If the tape is loose, tighten it by turning one of the hubs with a pencil or your finger.If the label is peeling off, do not put it in the player. It may cause the cassette to jam in the drive mecha-nism when you try to eject it.Do not leave cassettes sitting where they are exposed to high heat or humidity, such as on top of the dashboard or in the player. If a cassette is exposed to extreme heat or cold, let it reach a moderatetemperature before putting it in the player.Comfort and Convenience FeaturesCLEAN INDICATORTheft ProtectionOn LS and GS-R modelsYour car's audio system will disable itself if it is disconnected from electrical power for anyreason. To make it work again, the user must enter a specific five-digit code in the Preset buttons. Because there are hundreds of number combinations possible from five digits, making the system work without knowing the exact code is nearly impossible.You should have received two copies of a card that lists your audio system's code number and serial number. It is best to store one of these cards in a safe place at home, and to keep the other in your wallet or purse. In addition, you should write the audio system's serial number in this Owner's Manual. If you should happen to lose both cards, you must obtain the code number from your Acura dealer. To do this, you will need thesystem's serial number.If your car's battery is discon-nected or goes dead, the audio system will disable itself. If this happens, you will see "Code" in the frequency display the next time you turn on the system. Use the Preset buttons to enter the five-digit code. If it is entered correctly,the radio will start playing.If you make a mistake entering the code, do not start over or try to correct your mistake. Complete the five-digit sequence, then enter the correct code. You have three tries to enter the correct code. If you are unsuccessful in three attempts, you must then leave the system on for one hour before trying again.You will have to store your favorite stations in the Preset buttons after the system begins working. Your original settings were lost when power was disconnected.Comfort and Convenience Features。

太平洋保险会议室、培训室扩声及视频显示系统系统操作说明手册上海致达信息产业股份有限公司目录一、概述 ............................................................. - 3 -二、音频扩声系统 ..................................................... - 4 -1、系统简介 ......................................................... - 4 -2、操作说明 ......................................................... - 4 -2.1系统开关机顺序................................................ - 4 -2.2系统信号流程.................................................. - 5 -2.3系统设备使用.................................................. - 5 -3、注意事项 ......................................................... - 6 -4、系统维护 ......................................................... - 7 -三、视频显示系统 ..................................................... - 9 -1、系统简介 ......................................................... - 9 -1.1信号源........................................................ - 9 -1.2信号切换调度.................................................. - 9 -1.3信号显示..................................................... - 10 -2、操作说明 ........................................................ - 10 -2.1系统视频信号的类型和接线..................................... - 10 -2.2系统信号流程................................................. - 11 -2.3系统设备使用................................................. - 12 -2.3.1 VGA/AV矩阵............................................ - 12 -2.3.4 投影机 ................................................ - 15 -3、注意事项 ........................................................ - 16 -4、系统维护 ........................................................ - 17 -四、附录 ................................................错误!未定义书签。

系统主要由以下几个部分组成:1. 音频播放源:高级音响系统支持多种音频播放源,包括CD、USB、蓝牙和调频收音机等。
2. 音效调节:系统提供了丰富的音效调节选项,包括均衡器、环绕音效和声场调节等。
3. 外部设备连接:除了内置播放源外,系统还支持外部设备的连接,如电视、手机和平板电脑等。
第二部分:系统操作指南1. 播放源切换:通过面板或遥控器上的播放源按钮,您可以切换不同的音频播放源。
2. 音量控制:系统的音量控制按钮位于面板或遥控器上,您可以通过调节音量按钮来增加或减小音量。
3. 音效调节:系统的音效调节功能位于面板或遥控器上的相应按钮菜单中。
4. 播放控制:在播放音频时,您可以使用面板或遥控器上的相应按钮进行播放、暂停、前进和后退等控制操作。
5. 外部设备连接:如果您需要将外部设备连接到音响系统进行音频播放,可以通过HDMI接口或音频输入接口来实现。
6. 蓝牙连接:高级音响系统支持蓝牙连接,使您能够通过蓝牙无线技术,从手机或平板电脑等设备上进行音频播放。
系统技术说明操作手册 之 音频系统


图 15 2) 选择 F1 Start 做基准测试(图 15)阻抗线不联扬声器 。F9 Ser resist:设定取
淘宝 ATS 音频 技术支持 18938097631
图 16 3) 基准测试完毕,选择 F1 OK(图 16)
图 36 F1 Start:开始执行失真测试 F2 Input selet :选择输入端及量程,测试扬声器一般选择 F2 8Pa,而测试放 大器时一般选择 F5 Line 20V(图 37)
淘宝 ATS 音频 技术支持 18938097631
图 37 F4 Test treq:选择测试频率范围 4) 选择 F1 Start 开始失真测试
图 25
图 26
淘宝 ATS 音频 技术支持 18938097631 4) 联好待测扬声器,选择 F1 0.2 开始测试(图 26)
5) 选择 F1 OK(图 27)
图 27
图 28
淘宝 ATS 音频 技术支持 18938097631 6) 在中央询问框输入扬声器为直流电阻(图 28)后确定即得到扬声器 Fms 值及
1) 进入主菜单选择 F4 Harm dist (图 34)
图 35
淘宝 ATS 音频 技术支持 18938097631 2) 在图 35 界面中:
F1 Harm dist single measuring (spel trum):单点谐波失真测试。 F2 Distortion curve vs frequency:100—8000hz 频率失真测试。 F3 Distortion curve vs frequency,external:20—14000hz 失真测试(3L+版软 件仅支持 PⅡ芯片组) F4 Inter modulation distortion:互调失真测试 3) 例如测试 100HZ—800HZ 失真,选择 F2 进入测试界面(图 36)
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选择按钮有:1-2、3-4 group (组输出)和mas(总输出)。
四段均衡分为treble(高音)、hi mid(中高音)、lo mid(中低音)、bass(低音)进行提升或衰减的旋钮。
另外还增加了两个选择hi mid/lo mid中频点的旋钮freq HZ (频率),我们称之为全参数中频均衡。
四段均衡最末端设有一个eq on的按键,其作用是控制信号是否需要通过均衡器处理。
一般调音台每个通道都设计了6个辅助发送通道(fx/mon/aux), 也可称效果发送钮。
当辅助输出口连接了周遍音频处理设备后,则由辅助口输出的信号通过效果器处理后,由音频处理设备的输出口返回至调音台的辅助返回输入口(fx/mon/aux RETURN),然后同总线信号进行混合。
调音台有两个VU(Volume Unit 的缩写,意思为音量指示)指示器。