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活塞效应 Piston effect 井道利用率 Impact of car- / shaft ratio
高的压力差导致轿厢周围的空气流动速度也很快 High pressure differences lead to high air flow velocities around the car 电梯井道中的空气流动速度的主要参数是井道利用率RA One of the main parameters to determine air flow velocity in elevator shafts is the shaft ratio RA 井道利用率RA = 轿厢面积 Area (car + car door) / 井道面积 Area (shaft)
电梯井道的弯曲变形会对电梯部件造成损坏 bending and deformation of hoistways may damage elevator components.
当大楼摇摆是由于周围环境引起时,一般对电梯影响不大 When Building sway is caused by ambient is usually no problem for elevators. 炎热的夏季和寒冷的冬季中的温度差异比较,冬季的温度对井道高度的影响更大 temperature differences between hot summers and cold winters may have an influence on the hoistway height. 大楼的伸缩需要对机械部件作调整 building shrinkage may require mechanical measurements.
活塞效应 Piston effect 空气槽的位置 Location of air ducts (1)
空气槽可以预设在井道地坑、顶层以及中间部分 Air ducts can be foreseen in shaft pits, shaft heads and in-between. 单独井道可以与相邻井道连接起来 A single shaft can be connected with an adjacent shaft. 下图示意4台群控电梯井道分隔墙的空气槽布置 Below figure shows an intershaft air duct for a quadruplex group, separated into four single shafts with partition walls.
大楼建造方法 Construction method - 框梁钢结构 Skeletal steel beam framework - 混凝土结构 Composite concrete structure
大楼摇摆 Building sway 大楼摇摆的产生原因Reasons for building sway
大楼摇摆 Building sway 对于电梯的影响 Impact on elevators
当大楼摇摆是由于风载引起时 When Building sway is caused by wind loads 大楼的多种频率也许与其共振频率相符,因而导致对于井道内的设备造成损坏 the swinging frequency of the building may coincide with resonances, thus causing damages to the shaft equipment.
Key Points for High Rise Building 高层建筑注意事项
A. Building Sway 大楼摇摆
Leabharlann Baidu
大楼摇摆 Building sway 大楼的构造对摇摆的影响 Building composition has an impact on sway behavior
大楼的类型 Building type - 结实型高层塔式建筑 Massive high-rise tower - 细长型观光/广播塔式建筑 Slim observation / broadcasting tower
大楼摇摆 Building sway 摇摆的研究调查 Sway investigation
摇摆研究的方面 Criteria for sway investigation - 高度超过250米的结实型高层塔式建筑 Height of massive high-rise buildings more than 250 meters - 高度超过150米的细长型塔式建筑 Height of slim towers more than 150 meters - “招风”外形的建筑 „Wind-attracting“ shape of building - 建筑物处于已知的强风和狂风地带 Building located in areas with known heavy wind and gusts - 在招标文件中已经明确要求 Requirement in the tender specification 大楼摇摆分析 Building sway analyses - 使用迅达电梯专家的专业工具 by means of a Schindler expert tool. - 指定必要的机械和电气方面的措施 specify the required mechanical and electrical measures.
活塞效应 Piston effect 减小活塞效应的措施 Measures to reduce impact of piston effect
为了讨论优化方案,我们需要与客户密切沟通合作 Close cooperation with customer is required in order to discuss optimum solutions. 井道间的空气槽 Air-ducts between shafts. 对于消防电梯,井道空气槽不可行 Air ducts into shafts of firemen elevators are not feasible. 空气导流罩安装在轿厢顶部和底部 Air fairings on top and bottom of car. 轿厢前壁密封 Car door front sealing. 井道门盖板 Shaft door covering.
风力载荷 Wind loads - 表面不平衡的压力分配表面Imbalance pressure distribution - 大楼周边的过风 Wind passing around a building 环境温度 Ambient temperatures - 建筑的向阳面 Sun-exposure of buildings - 高温下的潮湿环境 Humid weather conditions in connection with high temperatures 地震 Earthquakes - 电梯可以经受轻微地震,但无必要抗强震 An elevator may sustain a light earthquake, but not necessarily a devastating one
大楼摇摆 Building sway 机械部件的预警措施 Mechanical precautions
大楼摇摆 Building sway 电气部件的预警措施 Electrical precautions
电梯的控制系统可以识别出下列不同的电梯类型 The control feature distinguishes between the following elevator types - 停靠大部分层站的乘客电梯或服务电梯 Elevators with stops at various locations throughout the hoistway. - 穿梭电梯或快速电梯 Shuttle or express elevators. 摇摆传感器能识别出下列摇摆模式 The sway detector distinguishes between the following modes - 没有摇摆 No sway - 轻微摇摆:1类警报 Low sway: Alarm 1 - 中度摇摆:2类警报 Medium sway: Alarm 2 - 重度摇摆:3类警报 High sway: Alarm 3
高压 厅门的漏风 运行方向 背侧气流
自然通风孔经过的 气流 低压
活塞效应 Piston effect 活塞效应的结果 Consequences of piston effect
轿厢四周的气流产生扰动,影响到乘坐质量中的轿厢噪音水平 Flowing air around the car creates turbulences, affecting riding quality noise level in the car.
下列RA值超过表中值时, 需要加防止活塞效应措施 Piston effect measures required if following RA-values are exceeded
速度 (m/s)
井道利用率 (-)
3.5 4.0 >4.0 – 10.0
> 0.56
> 0.50 > 0.42 需要考虑 always req.
空气压力会影响到厅门运行,进而产生难听的啸叫 Air-pressure will affect the landing doors, thus creating an unpleased whistle.
这些自然现象可能会对乘客产生坏的影响。作为可能的措施,降低 下行速度可以减少这些影响 These physical effects may have an unpleased impact to the passengers. As a possible consequence, the down-speed may have to be reduced.
大楼摇摆 Building sway 结论 Conclusion
必须提前在项目的投标阶段,客户和迅 达进行讨论,才能通过采取相应的措施 来减小大楼摇摆对电梯的影响。
Key Points for High Rise Building 高层建筑注意事项
B. Piston Effect 活塞效应
活塞效应 Piston effect 什么是活塞效应 What is the piston effect?
大楼摇摆 Building sway 摇摆的模式 Sway modes
模式 1 Mode 1 模式2 Mode 2 模式3 Mode 3 模式4 Mode 4
左右方向 Left and right
前后方向 Back and forth
旋转 / 扭转 Rotation / twist
组合扭曲 Combined deformation
“活塞”效应在高层电梯的业务中是常 用词 „Piston effect“ is a common term in the high-rise elevator business 电梯轿厢相当于一个活塞挤压空气 An elevator is compared to a piston Compressed air 在高速情况下活塞效应可能成为问题 The piston effect might becomes a problem with higher speed 井道压力差来自于 Pressure difference depends on - 井道气密性 Air tightness of shaft - 运行速度 Traveling speed - 井道利用率 Car / shaft size ratio - 轿厢外形 Car shape “活塞”效应不要与“烟囱”效应混淆 Piston effect may not be confused with stack effect