商务英语翻译 金焕荣-U2

n. 经营者;操作员;话务员;行家
n. 皇室;王权;版税;使用费;专利税; 以货代款;以……分类; 以旧物折价换物;贸易 vt. 画;拉;吸引;开立票据 vi. 拉;拖n. 平局;抽签 n. 考虑;原因;关心;报酬 n. 广告;账单;汇票;[金融] 票据;钞 票;清单vt. 宣布;开账单;
Politeness ( page 7 )
• In reply to your enquiry of November 10, we are sorry to say that we cannot divulge any our sales information. We hope this will not bring you too much inconvenience. • 译:兹复贵方11月10日之询价函,我方真诚抱歉地奉告,我们 不能泄露我方任何销售信息。但愿这样不会给贵方带来太多的 不便。
商务英语的特征 (一)整体性特征
1、专业性 2、正式性
Security, interest, accept, distributor, balance, operator, royalty, in kind, trade in, draw, consideration, bill, acceptance, draft, document, negotiate, collect, confirmed, honour, principle, quotations, offer, commission …
Exam Paper Sample
III. Translation Improvement from English to Chinese. For each English sentence, there is one or more errors in the translation provided. Please underline the error or errors, and then write the whole of your improved version in the space provided below. (20 points,2 points for each)

(see...off)I don't like to see people off at the railway station.2.公司星期一晚上为你举办告别晚会,七点半有车到旅馆来接你。
(pick up)The company is giving a farewell party for you on Monday evening. A car will come to your hotel to pick you up at half past seven.3.她太激动了,情不自禁地热烈拥抱我。
(give...an embrace)She was so excited that she couldrft help giving me a warm embrace4.我从未摆脱局外人的感觉。
(out of place)I never quite succeed in overcoming the sense of being out of place・5.她环视房间,想看看谁在那儿。
(glance)She glanced round the room to see who was there.6.他的大鞋子看起来像只小船。
(look like)His big shoes look like small boats・7.你应该把鸡蛋搅进面粉,而不是反过来做。
(foldinto)You should fold the eggs into the flour in stead of doing it in the opposite way.1.他认为他们Z间的婚约只不过是个交易而已。
(no more than)He thinks that the marriage between them is no more than a business deal.2.他把身上的钱花了个精光。
商务英语第二版 课文翻译9

Beyond Bretton Woods 2后布雷顿森林体系2.0版WHEN the leaders of the Group of Twenty (G20) countries meet in Seoul on November 11th and 12th, there will be plenty of backstage finger-pointing about the world’s currency tensions. American officials blame China’s refusal to allow the yuan to rise faster. The Chinese retort that the biggest source of distortion in the global economy is America’s ultra-loose monetary policy—reinforced by the Federal Reserve’s decision on November 3rd to restart “quantitative easing”, or printing money to buy government bonds (see article). Other emerging economies cry that they are innocent victims, as their currencies are forced up by foreign capital flooding into their markets and away from low yields elsewhere.当二十国集团领导人于11月11日至12日齐聚首尔,私下里纷纷指责世界货币大战。

商务英语综合教程u1和u2商务词汇总结以下是商务英语综合教程U1和U2中的一些商务词汇总结:1. Business Plan 商业计划2. Marketing 市场营销3. Product 产品4. Pricing 定价5. Distribution 分配6. Promotion 促销7. Customer Service 客户服务8. Brand 品牌9. Competition 竞争10. Strategy 策略11. Budget 预算12. Finance 财务13. Revenue 收入14. Profit 利润15. Loss 损失16. Expense 支出17. Inventory 库存18. Merger 合并19. Acquisition 收购20. Negotiation 谈判21. Contract 合约22. Leadership 领导力23. Teamwork 团队合作24. Communication 沟通25. Ethics 道德26. CSR 企业社会责任27. Strategy 战略28. Operations 管理29. Human Resources 人力资源30. Training 培训31. Recruitment 招聘32. Performance 绩效33. Retention 保留34. Organizational Culture 组织文化35. Change Management 变革管理36. Risk Management 风险管理37. Compliance 合规性38. Quality Management 质量管理39. Project Management 项目管理40. Supply Chain Management 供应链管理41. E-commerce 电子商务42. Social Media 社交媒体43. Digital Marketing 数字营销44. Data Analysis 数据分析45. Big Data 大数据46. Cloud Computing 云计算47. Mobile Commerce 移动商务48. IoT Internet of Things 万物互联49. AI Artificial Intelligence 人工智能50. PEST Analysis PEST分析(政治、经济、社会、科技)51. SWOT Analysis SWOT分析(优势、劣势、机会、威胁)52. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 五力模型分析(供应商、购买者、新进入者、替代品、现有竞争对手)53. BCG Matrix (Boston Consulting Group Matrix) BCG矩阵(波士顿矩阵)54. Portfolio Management 投资组合管理55. Blue Ocean Strategy 蓝海战略56. Value Chain Analysis 价值链分析法57. Cost Leadership Strategy 低成本战略(成本领先战略)58. Differentiation Strategy 差异化战略(别具一格战略)59. Focus Strategy 集中化战略(目标集聚战略)60. Positioning Strategy 市场定位战略(市场利基战略)61. Pestle Analysis PESTLE分析(政治、经济、社会、技术、法律和环境)62. Porters Generic Strategies Porter的通用战略(总成本领先、差异化、专一化)等。

Part Three (Para.6-7) In this part, the primary reasons for the financial crisis in Southeast Asia are explored and the measures that should be taken to avoid financial crisis in general are put forward.
Text A Financial Markets in General
The Structure of the Text
Part One (para.1-3) This part covers the evolution of the concept “finance” and the definition of “financial market” Part Two (para.4-5) This part is about the international financial markets and the interdependence of them. The financial crisis in Southeast Asia is taken as an example of the interdependence.
9. reserve 储备 e.g. The foreign exchange reserve of the country is sufficient. 国家的外汇储备充足。
10. to extend credit 提供信贷 e.g. The bank only extends credit to those companies with good reputation. 银行只向那 些信誉好的公司提供信贷。
当代商务英语综合教程 2 (第2版)The Praying Hands

to send either of them to Nuremberg to study at the Academy.
Text A The Praying Hands
After many long discussions at night in their crowded bed, the two
Pre-class Task 1
Pre-class Task 1 Read the text once for the main idea(s). Do not refer to the notes, the glossary or dictionaries.
Text A The Praying Hands
into the dangerous mines and, for the next four years, financed his brother,
whose work at the academy was almost an immediate sensation. Albrecht's
etchings, his woodcuts, and his oils were far better than those of most of
Text A The Praying Hands
They tossed a coin on a Sunday morning after church. Albrecht Durer
won the toss and went off to Nuremberg. His brother Albrecht went down

高级商务英语阅读课文译文第1 课主课文译文新长征“中国制造”这个标记很久以前就不新鲜了,它贴在鞋子上、玩具上、服装上,以及为跨国公司制造的其他商品上,世界各地到处可见。
一些人认为,在创业精神饱满的本地管理层的协助下,或者在一些想在其产品系列里添加新产品的外国公司的协助下,中国商品在极具竞争力的价格的基础上,若把卖点放在产品质量和异国情调上,那末10 年之内,中国品牌将一个一个地走向全球。
总部在香港的广告公司中国精信(Grey China)的执行董事陈一木丹(Viveca Chan)说:“如果世界上只有一个国家具备创立全球品牌的潜力,那么这个国家就是中国。
中国总部设在上海的泰勒·娜尔森·索福瑞(Taylor Nelson Sofres)市场调研公司的中国区总经理Kevin Tan 说:“与中国相联系的神秘色彩还有许多。
整个20 世纪90 年代,“中国品牌”这个概念一直在发育着,而目前在国内受到的重视更大了。
商务英语综合教程(第二版) Unit 2

……before taking any anti-dumping decisions. 此部分中 before 为连词后面加上现在分词结构相当于一个时间状语从句。
e.g. After shipping the goods, please inform us of the name of steamer and the date of shipment as soon as possible. 在装运货物后,请立即通知我方船名和装船日期。
WTO itselfs
1. There are two lists below. Pair off each word in the first list with its opposite in the second.
1. theoretical 2. private 3. individual 4. capitalist 5. simple 6. buying 7. minimum 8. national
目前,讨论已经开始了,讨论的议题是在修改欧盟反倾销政策时应充分 考虑贸易商、进口商和进口产品的用户和消费者这些所有欧洲经济 操作者的利益。
此句的主要结构是Discussions have started. on……goods 这部分 内容均为discussions 的定语。
take sth. into account: consider sth. 考虑 e.g. The seller should take the risk of accepting D/A terms
5Multifibre Arrangement:(MFA) 多种纤维贸易安排即国际纺织品贸 易协议 6. Asians have long argued that the methods for determining injury to domestic industry and calculating dumping margins before imposing the fines are flawed. 亚洲人长期以来一直在抗议:在强行征缴罚款之前用来确定倾销对 于国内工业所带来的损失及核算倾销利润的方法存在问题。 impose(to sb./sth): v. place (a penalty, tax, etc.) officially on sb. / sth 加 (罚金等)于某人 e.g. impose a further tax on wines and spirits 对果酒/烈性酒进行进一步 加税

2017年对外经贸大学翻译硕士考研真题、答题攻略及复习经验指导357英语翻译基础考研真题第一部分短语翻译加解释七个选五个翻译加解释E-C barriestoentrycarpooling specialdrawingrightscurrentaccountquotaexportcredittertiaryindustry C-E全面二孩灵猫六国跨太平洋伙伴合作协定一带一路首次公开募股国际收支平衡表投资组合理论第二部分E-C世界银行集团的风险管理C-E第一部分三个古文句子翻译1.百川汇海阔风正好扬帆(后半句不大确定了)2.同心合意,庶几有成3.急人之急,雪中送炭,是中国所推崇的处世之道第二部分,篇章翻译是关于RCEP的,貌似是李克强的一个讲话。
商英翻-unit 2

能力目标: 1. 能够运用相关知识准确地翻译各种商务标识语 2. 能够运用相关知识独立地设计中英文标识 3. 能较好地把握直译和意译的翻译方法
2.3 Basic Knowledge
指示、说明或规定功能的公共信息牌;常见的标识包括交通标识(Traffic Signs)、商用
(2)Photography and video are not permitted inside the building
2.4 Warm-up Exercises
2. 将下列标识语翻译成英文。
(3)Foreign exchange (services)
Do Not Disturb请勿打扰、Mind the Gap注意站台缝隙、Please Use Revolving Door请使
用旋转门、Beware Obstruction小心障碍。在翻译过程中我们也应采用相应的名词短 语或祈使句句式,力求在语气、信息度等方面做到较好的匹配。
2.5 Methods and Techniques
总主编 刘杰英 审 校 Chuck Thode 主 编 谢金领
2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 2.9
Case Study Basic Knowledge Methods and Techniques Notes Classic Translation
尤其是商业标识(business signs)及店铺的招牌(signboard),更是追求夸张的效果。
当代商务英语综合教程 2 (第2版)The Light Was On

contacts among architects, so I told Brian I wanted him to meet them and
learn more about the profession. Brian and I also talked about positive
things we planned to do to address some of our worries and fears. Our
Warm-up Questions: 1. Have you ever had the experience of helping other people? What do you think of the experience? 2. Suppose you are to help those people who have lost hope in life, how will you help them?
Sincerely, Brian
Text A The Light Was On
10 I don't believe this note was the result of anything extraordinary I did
with Brian; our conversations had been very ordinary. But reflecting on my acquaintance with Brian makes me think there was something quite exceptional at work.
without distractions. It also allowed for clear thinking about my own life.
商务英语综合教程2 汉译英

商务英语综合教程2 汉译英原文P19近年来在布鲁塞尔不难看到,英语正以不可遏止的态势日益成为欧洲的通用语言。
格林(Francois Grin)说,借助英语的优势,英国人每年从邻国隐性获利数十亿欧元。
In recent years Brussels has been a fine place to observe the irresistible rise of English as Europe’s lingua franca. For native speakers of English who are lazy about learning languages (yes, they exist), Brussels has become embarrassingly easy place to work or visit. English is increasingly audible and visible in this charming Belgian city, and widespread in the conerete-and-grass European quarter. Now , however, signs of a backlash are building. This is not based sentiment, but on points of economic efficiency and political fairness. And in a coincidence, Brussels is again a good place to watch the backlash develop.Start in the European district, where the expansion of the European Union has left English not just ahead of other languages, but in the position of utter dominance. The union now boasts 27 members and 23 official languages, but important meetings use interpreters. At lower levels, as a matter of fact, English is the language spoken.Is this good for Europe? It feels efficient, but being a native English-speaker also seems to many to confer an unfair advantage. It is far easier to argue a point in your mother tongue. It is also hard work for even the best non-native speakers to understand other non-native versions of English, whereas it is no great strain for the British or Irish to decipher the various accents.Francois Grin, a Swiss economist, argues that Britain enjoys hidden transfer from its neighbors worth billions of Euros a year, thanks to the English language. He offers several reasons, starting with spending in Britain on language teaching in schools, which is proportionately lower than in France or Switzerland, say, to add insult to injury Britain profits from teaching English to foreigners.P421986年,飞机制造商们发布了他们第一部简化技术英语(Simplified Technical English)指南,随后被美国航空运输协会(Air Transport Association of America)采用,并自那时起成为一个国际标准。
商务英语翻译 金焕荣-U2

• P.10:This fee often involves a fixed amount upon signing the contract and then a royalty of 2 to 5 per cent on sales generated by the arrangement. • 该费用通常指的是在签订合同时所支付的 一笔固定金额以及专利使用费,专利使用 费为据此约定所产生的销售额的2%-5%。
• P 10: A fifth reason is to overcome tariff walls by serving a foreign market from within. • 第五个原因是通过服务国外市场来从其内 部克服关税壁垒。
• P.10 : A license agreement is a contractual arrangement in which one firm, the licensor, provides access to some of its patents, trademarks, or technology to another firm, the licensee, in exchange for a fee or royalty.
• …..画有红、金、蓝三色的各种兽形神象,象征着勇敢、 权力和残忍,用来激发当时信奉迷信的水手们的想象力。
这句中的symbols是shapes的同位语,这里可以把 symbols of . . . cruelty译为“即勇敢、权力和残忍的象征 ”,但也可以将symbols转化为动词,译为“象征着……” 。

新视野商务英语综合教程2课文翻译The moment. Hope, just ninemonths o1d, saw another haby fall, tears welled up inher own eyes and she crawled off to be comforted by her mother, as thoughit were she who hed beenhurt. And 15- month-old Michael went to get his own teddybcarfor his crying friend Paul; whenPaul kept crying,Michacl rctrieved Paul' ssecurity blanket for hiu.霍普才九个月大,一见到另一个婴儿摔倒,泪水就涌了出来。
Both these small acts of syupathy and caring were observed by motherstrained to record such incidents of empathy in action. The results ofthe study .suggest that the roots of empathy can be traced to infancy. Virtually from theday they are born nfants are upset when they hear another infant crying- aresponse some see as the earliest precursor of empathy,这些小小的衣示同情和关爱的举动都是接受过记录同感行为训练的母亲们观察到的。

商务英语翻译教程第2单元教案第二单元I. 教学目的与要求通过本单元的学习,了解商贸活动中用英语表达的损失索赔及其翻译;翻译技巧中的省略翻译法和增减词翻译法。
II.教学时间:4学时III.教学重难点:1.人称代词的省略2.英语冠词的省略3.增减法IV.教学内容:Section I TextSection II Method and TechniqueSection III ExercisesV.教学方法与手段:讲授为主,配以师生互动实训,PPT等。
VI. 教学步骤一、增减法在翻译中的灵活使用(重点)理解:增词法和减词法的方法(1)增加谓语、宾语、名词复数概念、时态、句意、副词、修饰性词、明确化词语、省略的部分(2)省略人称代词、物主代词、关系代词、形式主语、形式宾语、关系代词、并列连词、动词、系动词、物主代词及介词应用:增词法和减词法二、省略翻译法(次重点)理解:省略法应用:人称代词的省略;英语冠词的省略人称代词的省略I’m afraid the weather is not good, we can’t go out today.天气不好,恐怕我们不能出去了。
英语冠词的省略The blood-red sun sank below the horizon.火红的太阳沉入地平线。
增减法An American officer slipped on a banana skin.一个美国军官踩在香蕉皮上滑到了。
Could you help me in any way?你能帮帮我吗?翻译中的省略, 增减Don’t put your hands in your pocket.I am afraid she will come.We had much rain last summer.We live and learn.They say he is a genius.Give him an inch and he’ll take an ell.Liquids are like solids in that they have definite volume.The average American changes his or her job nine or ten times during his or her working life.In most cases, bona fide party to an international sales contract will do his best to perform his duties either as a seller or a buyer.It is not rare that either party to a contract may fail to perform his duties, or his performance is inconsistent with the terms provided on the contract.The atom is the smallest particle of an element.Go into the garden and give an eye to the children.He has an eye for beauty.Please give me the letter you received yesterday.She is quite a beauty.He is the man I want to see.Take the medicine.The dean had a lot of work to do before the meeting.Science demands of men great efforts and complete devotion.In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communique.I could knit when I was seven.Steel and iron products are often coated lest they should rust.Air is a mixture of gases.Things in the universe are changing all the time.The design is considered practical.Matter can be changed into energy and energy into matter.This is the first step toward the solution of air pollution.Our railway system is being improved.The lion is the king of the animals.Reports of new successes keep pouring in.Studies serve for delight, for ornament or for ability.At the meeting he made a speech, eloquent and energetic.These early cars were slow, clumsy, and inefficient.He is queer.Arrangements have been made to give the foreign guests a warm welcome.Where was his smile and hearty hand grasp.Once you are in, you wouldn’t be allowed to get out.He entered the room, his coat covered with snow and his nose red with cold.There are still many difficulties ahead which we must not overlook.It seems incredible that he has finished the work so soon.He believes it necessary to learn some rules before doing it.The day when he was born remains unknown.Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy.The year of 1949 saw the fo unding of the People’s Republic of China.You don’t look very well to day.He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing. Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes.三、专业知识(一般)识记:本单元专业术语理解:商务英语中的索赔条款(Claim Clause)Claim Damages 索赔条款In case either party to a contract may fail to perform his duties, or his performance is inconsistent with the terms provided on the contract, he may cause damage or loss to the other, who is entitled to take remedial measures according to the contract and the law.索赔条款索赔(claim)是指交易一方不履行合同义务或不完全(也称“不适当”)履行合同义务,致使另一方遭受损失时,受损方向违约方提出要求给予损害赔偿的行为。

当代商务英语The Bright Student and the Dull Student

当代商务英语综合教程 2 (第2版)
The Bright Student and the Dull Student
Text A The Bright Student and the Dull Student
Language in Use
Text B Not Really Made in China
Not so the dull student. He cannot stand uncertainty or failure. To him, an unanswered question is not a challenge or an opportunity, but a threat. If he can't find the answer quickly, it must be given to him, and quickly; and he must have answers for everything. Such are the students of whom a second grade teacher once said, “but my students like to have questions for which there is only one answer.” They did, and by a mysterious coincidence, so did she.
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• P.9: This is part of the process of globalization, the rapid growth of similar goods and services produced and distributed by MNEs on a world scale. • 跨国企业在世界范围内生产、销售的相似 产品及服务在快速增长,这正是全球化进 程的一部分。 • Translation of the appositive • Transformation of part of speech
• 二、翻译英语名词作同位语时有时可另起 • 例如: Mr. Brocklehurst was here interrupted; three other visitors, ladies, now entered the room.
• 布洛克尔赫斯特先生说到这儿,话给打断了,另 外三个客人走进了教室,三个都是女客。 • 原句中的ladies是visitors的同位语,译文中把 ladies另成一句,而且放在句末,读来自然妥贴。
• •
三、翻译英语名词作同位语时有时可把名词转化为动词: ... .and zoomorphic animal shapes ablaze with red and gold and blue, symbols of courage, power and cruelty, were portrayed to stir the imaginations of the superstitious sailors of the day.…
• …..画有红、金、蓝三色的各种兽形神象,象征着勇敢、 权力和残忍,用来激来自当时信奉迷信的水手们的想象力。
这句中的symbols是shapes的同位语,这里可以把 symbols of . . . cruelty译为“即勇敢、权力和残忍的象征 ”,但也可以将symbols转化为动词,译为“象征着……” 。
• A mother of three children, the ambassador„s wife is an comrade-in-arms to her husband. • 这位大使夫人已是三个孩子的母亲,但也是她丈 夫的战友。 • 英语同位语一般位于主导词的后面,但有时也可 位于它的前面。这句中的主导词是主语wife,而 位于句首的mother则是wife的同位语,这句也可 以把mother移在wife之后,改为The ambassador's wife, a mother of three children, is .…译法仍宜将主语wife连同它的同位语mother先 成一句,然后再把wife is…译为一句。
• ①那 第一座 美丽的 中国 小 白 石 桥
• the first beautiful little white Chinese stone bridge
• • • • •
1 2 3 5 6 4 7 ②一个聪慧的个子很高的年轻的中国军官 1 2 3 4 5 a tall intelligent young Chinese officer. 1 3 2 4 5
Business English Translation
Unit Two
Words & Expressions
• set up operations • diminish the negative effects of economic swings • tap the growing world market for goods and services • in response to increased foreign competition • “internationalization” of control within the MNE • tariff walls • take advantage of technological expertise • provide access to • reclaim one‟s exclusive rights • protect one‟s international competitiveness • 成立公司 • 减少国内经济波动的负面影响 • 打开日益增长的商品和服务市 场之门
• McDonald‟s, Pizza Hut, Subway Sandwiches, Blockbuster Video, Micro Age Computers, and Dairy Queen have franchises that are owned and managed by local residents in many foreign countries. • 麦当劳、必胜客、赛百味、Blockbuster Video、Micro Age Computers和冰雪皇后 都在许多国家特许当地经销商拥有并经营 特许企业。
• P.9: A second reason is to tap the growing world market for goods and services. • 其二是为了打开全球日益增长的商品和服 务市场之门。 • 讲解: • modifiers to express possessions should be near the word it modifies in English, but different in Chinese.
• 应对日益激烈的国外竞争
• 跨国公司内的国际化控制 • 关税壁垒 • 有效利用技术专长 • 允许使用 • 收回专有权 • 保护自身的国际竞争力
Focus of the Unit
• 英汉定语位置的异同—多个形容词修饰一 个名词 • 英语同位语的汉译 • 翻译中的词性转换 • 长句的翻译技巧之一—分切法 • 定语从句的翻译
• 一、由that引导的同位语从句翻译时可补充“认为” 、“所谓”等。 • 例如: After this disclosure, Tess nourished no further foolish thought that there lurked any grave and deliberate import in Clare's attentions to her. • 苔丝听见了这段新闻以后,再也不痴心妄想,以为克 莱对她的殷勤含有什么郑重有心的意味了。 • 原句中that引导的名词从句,作它前面thought的同位 语,这里不能译为相应的汉语同位语,可在从句前面 补充“以为”或“认为”。
Translation Skills (Ⅰ)
• 1.定语前置法 • 2.定语后置法 • 3.融合法 • 4.转换为状语从句
• International trade is a relatively conservative approach that can be used by firms to penetrate markets (by exporting) or to obtain supplies at a low cost (by importing). • 国际贸易是公司用以渗透市场(通过出口 )、或以低成本采购(通过进口)的一种 相对保守的方式。
• A joint venture is a venture that is jointly owned and operated by two or more firms. • 合资企业是指由两个或两个以上的公司共 同拥有和经营的企业。
• Any method of increasing international business that requires a direct investment in foreign operations normally is referred to as a direct foreign investment (DFI). • 任何一种对国外公司直接投资以此来拓展 国际商务的方法通常被称为对外直接投资 (DFI)。
• 许可协议是一种合同约定,在协议中,一家公司 (许可方)将自己的专利、商标或者技术授予另 一家公司(被许可方)使用;作为交换,被许可 方向许可方支付一定的费用或专利使用费。
• P.10:This fee often involves a fixed amount upon signing the contract and then a royalty of 2 to 5 per cent on sales generated by the arrangement. • 该费用通常指的是在签订合同时所支付的 一笔固定金额以及专利使用费,专利使用 费为据此约定所产生的销售额的2%-5%。
• 在汉语中,几个定语连用时,习惯上是把最能表明事物本 质的放在最前面,而把表示规模大小,力量强弱的放在后 面。 • 英语则往往与此相反,越是能表示事物基本性质的定语越 要靠近它所修饰的名词。再者,往往根据定语和它所修饰 的名词之间的关系来安排前后位置;定语和中心词关系愈 密切,位置愈接近,如果关系远近难分,则按词的长短排 列,短的在前,长的在后。另外,在一连串定语中,如有 物主代词,则总是放在最前面,而不定代词中的all, both 又总是放在其它代词之前。所以,汉译英时,要按英语的 习惯顺序仔细斟酌排列。
• P.10: Although the benefits of a licensing agreement are obvious, in recent years some MNEs have concluded that it is unwise to give another firm access to proprietary information such as patents, trademarks, or technological expertise, and they have allowed these arrangements to lapse. • 尽管许可协议的好处显而易见,但近年来,一些 跨国公司得出结论,让其它公司使用其专有信息 ,如专利、商标或技术专长是不明智的,并且它 们也终止了这些约定。