








目录第一章概述................................................................................ . (1)第二章技术参数................................................................................ .. (1)第三章安装连接..................................................................... ...................... .. (2)第四章操作方法....................................................................... .... ........... (6)第五章常见故障与解决方法 (9)第六章维护保养及注意事项 (12)附录一:出厂默认参数 (13)附单 (14)第一章概述1.具有高精度、高可靠性。





6. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage(operating) Supply Current
©2009-2013 Innosen Technology Co., Ltd.
5.5 70
V μA
Test Conditions
Operating Average
3 45 1.0
V μA mA
IOUT=1mA Operating Operating 20
V μS μS
Magnetic Characteristics
3 - 0.44 3.90 0.05 0.05 3.90 3 - 0.39 3.90
Active Area Depth:
3 1
0.84(Nom) 6 1
2.3. 0.1
1 2
2 1
3 4
3 1
6 1
0.5 14
Notes: 1). Controlling dimension: mm; 2). Leads must be free of flash and plating voids; 3). Do not bend leads within 1 mm of lead to package interface; 4). PINOUT: Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 VDD GND Output



Q & A ( 3)
Q:ES2481与ES2482的区别? A:对于最新出的ES2481和ES2482两个产品,虽然名称相近,但是功能 却大不相同。 ES2481是一个单输出的产品,它可以分为ES2481H和ES2481L。 ES2481H在无磁场时输出为高,ES2481L无磁场时输出为低。 ES2482是一个双输出的产品,能同时检测N、S极,它的这一特性可以很 好的应用于玩具当中。
• 优化功耗设计的霍尔IC
• 专为直流风扇设计的霍尔IC
• 专为齿轮设计的霍尔IC
Q & A ( 1)
Q:ES495与ES49E有什么区别? A:ES495的输出是rail-to-rail输出,即霍尔IC的输出电压最高可以接近正 电源电压,最低可以低至负电源电压,该特性使得ES495的电压范围比较 广,可调空间大,被广泛应用于工业领域。 ES49E电路简单、应用普遍,大量应用与电动车调速把上。
• 霍尔IC器件内部集成了上百个甚至上千个场效应管
它其中的一部分; 霍尔元件只是根据霍尔效应集成的一个敏感元件,是复合材料; 霍尔IC是Si制作,集成了霍尔敏感元件和少量简单处理的电路。
























有很多申请这HED -霍尔电子设备除了那些下面列出。


交付的设备是在一个小提纲晶体管(说)表面安装过程和在一个塑料单(- 92平)通孔。

3-lead 包都是通过无铅认证。

2.特性宽工作电压范围3.5 v和24 v介质的敏感性CMOS技术Chopper-stabilized放大级优良的温度稳定性极低的开关点漂移对身体压力低电流消耗明渠输出小SOT23 3 l和平板- 92 3 l,通过无铅认证包3.应用程序汽车、消费品和工业固态开关断续器速度检测线性位置检测角位置检测接近detectio4.原理框图5.术语表术语描述毫伏特斯拉(mT) 高斯,磁通密度单位:1吨= 10高斯 RoHS有害物质限制SOT 小轮廓晶体管(说包)——也被称为包代码” ESD 静电放电 BLDCBrush-Less 直流操作点(BOP)磁通密度应用于品牌的包将输出驱动程序(输出电压= VDSon)释放点(BRP)磁通密度应用于品牌的包挫伤了驱动程序的输出(输出电压=高)6.销的定义和描述SE 销UA 销.类型函数名称 1 1 V DD 输入 电源电压销 2 3 OUT 输出 输出销 32GND接地地面销VDDOUTV oltage Regulat o rChopperHall PlateGNDUA Package SO Package Pin 1 – V DDPin 1 – V DDPin 2 – GND P in 2 – OUT Pin 3 – OUT P in 3 – GND7.独特的特性基于混合信号CMOS技术,Innosen ES582霍尔设备与介质磁敏感性。

CTEK SWEDEN AB ESES 21 新型专业电池充电器用户手册说明书

CTEK SWEDEN AB ESES 21 新型专业电池充电器用户手册说明书

E SETAPA 1 DESULFATACIÓNDetecta las baterías sulfatadas. Corrientes y tensiones pulsantes eliminan los sulfatos de las placas de plomo de la batería y restablecen su capacidad.ETAPA 2 INICIO SUAVEComprueba si la batería puede aceptar la carga. Esta etapa impide que continúe el proceso de carga si la batería está defectuosa.ETAPA 3 VOLUMENCarga con corriente máxima hasta aproximadamente el 80% de la capacidad de la batería.ETAPA 4 ABSORCIÓNCarga con corriente decreciente para maximizar hasta el 100% la capacidad de la batería.ETAPA 5 ANÁLISISComprueba si la batería puede retener la carga. Las baterías que no pueden retener la carga quizás deberán ser reemplazadas.ETAPA 6 REGENERACIÓNSeleccionar el programa Recond para agregar la etapa de regeneración al procesode carga. Durante la etapa Recond, la tensión aumenta para generar en la batería un desprendimiento controlado de gases. El gas emitido se combina con el ácido de la batería y hacer recuperar energía a la misma.ETAPA 7 FLOTANTEMantiene la tensión de la batería al nivel máximo mediante carga a tensión constante. ETAPA 8 PULSOSMantiene la batería al 95–100 % de su capacidad. El cargador monitorea la tensión de la batería y da un pulso cuando es necesario para mantener la batería completamente cargada.E SETAPA 1 ENCENDIDOLea la sección sobre baterías con “protección frente a bajas tensiones” en la página anterior.ETAPA 2 ADMISIÓNComprueba si la batería puede aceptar la carga. Esta etapa impide que continúe la carga si la batería está defectuosa.ETAPA 3 CARGA DE VOLUMENCarga con corriente máxima hasta aproximadamente el 90 % de la capacidad de la batería.ETAPA 4 ABSORCIÓNCarga con corriente decreciente para maximizar hasta el 100% la capacidad de la batería.ETAPA 5 ANÁLISISComprueba si la batería puede retener la carga. Podría ser necesario cambiar las baterías que no pueden retener la carga.ETAPA 6No aplicable.ETAPA 7 FLOTANTEMantiene la tensión de la batería al nivel máximo mediante carga a tensión constante. ETAPA 8 PULSOSMantenimiento de la batería al 95-100 % de su capacidad. El cargador controla la tensión de la batería y suministra un pulso para mantener la batería completamente cargada.LISTA PARA USOLa tabla muestra el tiempo estimado para cargar al 80% una batería descargada. TAMAÑO DE BATERÍA (Ah)TIEMPO HASTA EL 80% DE CARGA 5Ah2h10Ah4h15Ah6h20Ah7h25Ah9hESPECIFICACIONES TÉCNICASNúmero de modelo1087Tensión nominal CA220–240VAC, 50–60HzTensión de carga14,4V, 15,8V, 14,2VTensión de batería mín.Plomo: 2,0V, Litio: 5,0VCorriente de carga2,3A máx.Corriente, red0,6A rms (a plena corriente de carga)Pérdidas de contracorriente*< 1,5Ah/mesTensión de ondulación**<4%Temperatura ambiente-20°C a +50°CTipo de cargador De ocho etapas, ciclo de cargacompletamente automáticoTipos de batería Todos los tipos de baterías de plomo de 12 V (WET, MF,Ca/Ca, AGM, GEL)Baterías de litio 12 V (4 celdas) (LiFePO4, LiFe, Li-iron,LFP)Capacidad de batería 5 a 25AhDimensiones168 x 65 x 38 mm (Long. x Anch. x Alt.)Clase de aislamiento IP65Peso0,6kg*) La pérdida de contracorriente es la corriente que se pierde si el cargador no está conectado a la red. Los cargadores CTEK tienen una contracorriente muy baja.**) La calidad de la tensión de carga y de la corriente de carga son muy importantes. Una corriente de ondulación alta calienta la batería, lo cual tiene un efecto de envejecimiento en el electrodo positivo. Una tensión de ondulación alta puede dañar a otro equipo que esté conectado a la batería. Los cargadores de batería CTEK producen una tensión muy limpia y una corriente con una ondulación baja.GARANTÍA LIMITADACTEK SWEDEN AB, expide la presente garantía limitada al comprador original de este producto. Esta garantía limitada no es transferible. La garantía rige para defectos de fabricación y material durante 5 años a partir de la fecha de compra. El cliente debe devolver el producto junto con el recibo de compra al punto de compra. Esta garantíano es válida si el cargador de baterías se ha abierto, manejado descuidadamente o reparado por otros que no sean CTEK SWEDEN AB o sus representantes autorizados. Uno de los agujeros de tornillo en el fondo del cargador está sellado. La supresión o deterioro del sellado invalidará la garantía. CTEK SWEDEN AB no concede otra garantía que esta garantía limitada y no se hace responsable de otros costos que los arriba mencionados, es decir, no se hace responsable de daños consecuenciales. Además, CTEK SWEDEN AB no está obligada a otra garantía que la presente.ASESORAMIENTOCTEK ofrece asesoramiento profesional a los clientes: .Para la última revisión del manual vea . Por correo electrónico:************, por teléfono: +46(0) 225 351 80, por fax +46(0) 225 351 95.52345B。



Tel.: +49 (0)8121-2574100 Markt Schwabener Str. 8User’s Manual of Hall Probe CYHP8811. Characteristics- The Hall probe gives an analog voltage output of 0 - 4.5VDC. It can be integrated indifferent measuring and controlling systems for magnetic field measurement.- The Hall probe is powered with a single voltage source +5VDC that can be provided in themost microprocessor controlled systems.- A low-cost measuring device, which is easy to operate and convenient to handle and store. - Ideal for quick quality checks and comparative measurements2. Technical DataMeasuring range:0 - 500mT (for unipolar DC magnetic field, measuring rang can be adjusted according to requirements of customer. Part number CYHP881-xxxmT, for instance, CYHP881-200mT for measuring range 0-200mT) Voltage output: 0 - 4.5VDCPower supply: +5VDC (± 10%) Linearity: ±0.5%Accuracy: depending on the accuracy of calibration magnet field, normally ±1.0% Zero point offset:0.2%Operation temperature range: -40°C ~ +85°C Relative humidity: 20% ~ 80%Dimensions (without cable): 220 x 40 x 26mm Weight (without cable):80gTel.: +49 (0)8121-2574100 Markt Schwabener Str. 83. Connection4. FunctionsThe CYHP881 can be used to measure the magnetic field by putting the head of the Hall probe on the surface of the measured magnet or at the measuring point of a magnetic field. The magnetic lines of the measured magnetic field should perpendicularly pass through the Hall Effect element of the Hall probe.By increasing the magnetic field, a linear behavior at the voltage output should be visible.Tel.: +49 (0)8121-2574100 Markt Schwabener Str. 8Moreover, the sensor head is smoother and there are no numbers or letters on the front side of the Hall chip.On the rear side of the Hall probe, there are potentiometers for adjusting the zero offset and gain.The zero offset can be adjusted by the potentiometer named with “Offset”. It is recommended to set up a zero point at about 8mV, which means a zero point deviation of about 0.2%. By using this method, a dead zone, which causes decreasing sensitivity and nonlinear behavior, can be avoided effectively.Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the output voltage for the proper usage at a certain magnetic field level. This can be done by setting up the correct gain factor with the “Gain” potentiometer.Tel.: +49 (0)8121-2574100 Markt Schwabener Str. 85. Calibration dataThe calibration is processed with a Gaussmeter CYHT201 for measuring magnetic field strength generated from an electromagnet and an Agilent 34401a multimeter for measuring the output voltage of the probe CYHP881-200mT at the magnetic field.- Calibration results by using magnetic field generated by an electromagnet(theoretical voltage output at 198.8mT: 4.473V)- Precise calibration points by using Alnico reference permanent magnet (theoretical voltage output at 178mT: 4.005V)6. Application- Measuring magnetic field strength of permanent magnet materials, electromagnets, motors, loudspeakers, magnetic sensors/transducer and other machines and instruments etc.- Magnetic field measurement by integrating in measuring instruments and controlling systems.- Magnetic field measurement together with any digital voltmeters, ADC and other voltage measuring instruments etc.7. Attention- Please be careful with the head of the Hall probe. Use the protection cover for avoiding any damage of the sensor head after using the probe.- The probe doesn’t give any output signal if one put s the front side to the surface of the measured magnet.- It is recommended to set up a zero point at about 8mV for avoiding any dead zone which decreases the sensitivity and shows nonlinear behavior.- Please do not open the case in order to avoid any damage and malfunction on the Hall probe.8. WarrantyChenYang Technologies GmbH & Co. KG warrants its products against defects in workmanship and materials under normal use and service for a period of 12 months from the shipping date. All obligations and liabilities under this warranty are limited to repairing or replacing at our option.The warranty is extended only to the original purchaser. The warranty shall not apply to any products or parts which have been damaged on account of improper installation, improper connections, misuse, neglect, accident or abnormal conditions of operation.Any attempt to tamper with the products as evidenced by disruption of warranty sticker and/or unauthorised repair/modification of the products shall render this warranty null and void.Markt Schwabener Str. 8Tel.: +49 (0)8121-2574100。




2.霍尔在安装过程中应尽量避免对霍尔本体施加机械应力,如管脚需要弯曲请在距引线根部3MM 以外操作。





UA package - Latch characteristic
SO package
- Latch characteristic
8. Unique Features
Based on mixed signal CMOS technology, InnoSen ES2881 is a Hall-effect device with high magnetic sensitivity. This multi-purpose latch suits most of the application requirements. The chopper-stabilized amplifier uses switched capacitor technique to suppress the offset generally observed with Hall sensors and amplifiers. The CMOS technology makes this advanced technique possible and contributes to smaller chip size and lower current
Voltage Regulator
Hall Plate
UA Package Pin 1 – VDD Pin 2 – GND Pin 3 – OUT SO Package Pin 1 – VDD Pin 2 – OUT Pin 3 – GND
5. Glossary of Terms
switch points. There are many applications for this sensor in addition to those listed above. The design, specifications and performance have been optimized for commutation applications in 5V and 12V brushless DC motors. Thanks to its wide operating voltage range and extended choice of temperature range, it is quite suitable for use in automotive, industrial and consumer applications. The device is delivered in a Small Outline Transistor (SOT) for surface mount process and in a Plastic Single In Line (TO-92 flat) for through- hole mount. Both 3-lead packages are RoHS compliant.



车用霍尔传感器MLX92211数据手册PDFFeatures and BenefitsWide operating voltage range : from 2.7V to 24VVery high magnetic sensitivity : +/-3mT typicalChopper-stabilized amplifier stageBuilt-in negative temperature coefficient : -1100ppm/degC ?Reverse Supply Voltage ProtectionOutput Current Limit with Auto-ShutoffUnder-Voltage Lockout ProtectionThermal ProtectionHigh ESD rating / Excellent EMC performanceThin SOT23 3L Green Compliant package Application ExamplesAutomotive, Consumer and Industrial ?Solid-state switch3-phase BLDC motor commutation ?Wiper motorWindow lifterSunroof/Tailgate openerSeat motor adjusterElectrical power steering1Functional Diagram2General DescriptionThe Melexis MLX92211 is the second generation Hall-effect latch designed in mixed signal CMOS technology. The device integrates a voltage regulator, Hall sensor with advanced offset cancellation system and an open-drain output driver, all in a single package.Based on a brand new platform, the magnetic core is using an improved offset cancellation system allowing faster and more accurate processing while being temperature insensitive and stress independent. In addition is implemented a negative temperature coefficient of -1100ppm/degC to compensate the natural behaviour of magnets becoming weaker with rise in temperature. The included voltage regulator operates from 2.7 to 24V, hence covering a wide range of applications. With the built-in reverse voltage protection, a serial resistor or diode on the supply line is not required so that even remote sensors can be specified for low voltage operation down to 2.7V while being reverse voltage tolerant.In the event of a drop below the minimum supply voltageduring operation, the under-voltage lock-out protection will automatically freeze the device, preventing the electrical perturbation to affect the magnetic measurement circuitry. The output state is therefore only updated based on a proper and accurate magnetic measurement result.The open drain output is fully protected against short-circuit with a built-in current limit. An additional automatic output shut-off is activated in case of a prolonged short-circuit condition. A self-check is then periodically performed to switch back to normal operation if the short-circuit condition is released.The on-chip thermal protection also switches off the output if the junction temperature increases above an abnormally high threshold. It will automatically recover once the temperature decreases below a safe value. With latching magnetic characteristics, the output is turned low or high respectively with a sufficiently strong South or North pole facing the package top side. When removing the magnetic field, the device keeps its previous state.The MLX92211 is delivered in a Green compliant 3-pin Thin Small Outline Transistor (TSOT) for surface-mount process.Table of Contents1 Functional Diagram (1)2 General Description (1)3 Glossary of Terms (3)4 Absolute Maximum Ratings (3)5 General Electrical Specifications (4)6 Magnetic Specifications (5)7 Output Behaviour versus Magnetic Pole (5)8 Performance Graphs (6)8.1 Magnetic parameters vs. T A (6)8.2 Magnetic parameters vs. V DD (6)8.3 V DSon vs. T A (6)8.4 V DSon vs. V DD (6)8.5 I DD vs. T A (6)8.6 I DD vs. V DD (6)8.7 I LEAK vs. T A (7)8.8 I LEAK vs. V DD (7)8.9 Power Derating vs. T A (7)9 Application Information (8)9.1 Typical Three-Wire Application Circuit (8)9.2 Automotive and Harsh, Noisy Environments Three-Wire Circuit (8)10 Standard information regarding manufacturability of Melexis products with different soldering processes (9)11 ESD Precautions (9)12 Package Information (10)12.1 SE Package (TSOT-3L) (10)12.2 Pin Definitions and Descriptions (10)13 Disclaimer (11)3Glossary of TermsMilliTesla (mT), Gauss Units of magnetic flux density: 1mT = 10 GaussRoHS Restriction of Hazardous SubstancesTSOT Thin Small Outline Transistor (TSOT package) –also referred with the Melexis packagecode “SE”ESD Electro-Static Discharge4Absolute Maximum Ratingsfor extended periods may affect device reliability.1 The maximum junction temperature should not beexceeded2 For maximum 1 hour3 Including current through protection device4 For maximum 1s5 Through protection device6 For VOUT ≤27V.7 For 1000 hours.8 Human Model according AEC-Q100-002 standard9 Machine Model according AEC-Q100-003 standard10 Charged Device Model according AEC-Q100-011 standard mA C C C5 General Electrical Specifications1 Typical values are defined at T A = +25oC and V DD = 12V, unless otherwise specified 2Guaranteed by design and verified by characterization, not production tested 3R PU and V PU are respectively the external pull-up resistor and pull-up power supply 4If the Output is in Current Limitation longer than t CLON the Output is switched off in high-impedance state. The Output returns back in active state at next reaching of B OP or after t CLOFF time interval 5The Delay Time is the time from magnetic threshold reached to the start of the output switching 6Output jitter is the unpredictable deviation of the Delay time 7Maximum switching frequency corresponds to the maximum frequency of the applied magnetic field which is detected without loss of pulses 8The Power-On Time represents the time from reaching V DD = V POR to the first refresh of the output (first valid output state) 9Power-On Slew Rate should not be critical for the proper device start-up6 Magnetic Specifications7 Output Behaviour versus Magnetic Poleoo1Temperature Coefficient is calculated using the following formula: C T C T C ppm T T BB B o o o CT T o 150;40;/,10*216122512, value guaranteed by design and verified by characterization, not production tested2 Default Output state during power-up3Magnetic pole facing the branded/top side of the package8Performance Graphs8.1Magnetic parameters vs. T A8.2Magnetic parameters vs. V DD8.3V DSon vs. T A8.4V DSon vs. V DD8.5I DD vs. T A8.6I DD vs. V DD8.7I LEAK vs. T A8.8I LEAK vs. V DD8.9Power Derating vs. T A9Application Information9.1Typical Three-Wire Application CircuitVOUT Notes:1. For proper operation, a 10nF to 100nF bypass capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the V DD and ground pin.2. The pull-up resistor R PU value should be chosen in to limit the current through the output pin below the maximum allowed continuous current for the device.3. A capacitor connected to the output is not needed, because the output slope is generated internally.9.2Automotive and Harsh, Noisy Environments Three-WireCircuitV OUTNotes:1. For proper operation, a 10nF to 100nF bypass capacitor should be placed as close as possible to the V DD and ground pin.2. The device could tolerate negative voltage down to -27V, so if negative transients over supply line V PEAK< -32V are expected, usage of the diode D1 is recommended. Otherwise only R1 is sufficient.When selecting the resistor R1, three points are important: - the resistor has to limit I DD/I DDREV to 50mA maximum - the resistor has to withstand the power dissipated in both over voltage conditions (V R12/R1)- the resulting device supply voltage V DD has to be higher than V DD min (V DD = V CC– R1.I DD)3. The device could tolerate positive supply voltage up to +27V (until the maximum power dissipation is not exceeded), so if positive transients over supply line with V PEAK> 32V are expected, usage a zener diode Z1 is recommended. The R1-Z1 network should be sized to limit the voltage over the device below the maximum allowed.10Standard information regarding manufacturability of Melexis products with different soldering processesOur products are classified and qualified regarding soldering technology, solderability and moisture sensitivity level according to following test methods:Reflow Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices)IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices(classification reflow profiles according to table 5-2)EIA/JEDEC JESD22-A113Preconditioning of Nonhermetic Surface Mount Devices Prior to Reliability Testing(reflow profiles according to table 2)Wave Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices)EN60749-20Resistance of plastic- encapsulated SMD’s to combined effect of moisture and solderin g heatEIA/JEDEC JESD22-B106 and EN60749-15Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devicesIron Soldering THD’s (Through Hole Devices)EN60749-15Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devicesSolderability S MD’s (Surface Mount Devices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices)EIA/JEDEC JESD22-B102 and EN60749-21SolderabilityFor all soldering technologies deviating from above mentioned standard conditions (regarding peak temperature, temperature gradient, temperature profile etc) additional classification and qualification tests have to be agreed upon with Melexis.The appli cation of Wave Soldering for SMD’s is allowed only after consulting Melexis regarding assurance of adhesive strength between device and board.Melexis is contributing to global environmental conservation by promoting lead free solutions. For more information on qualifications of RoHS compliant products (RoHS = European directive on the Restriction Of the use of certain Hazardous Substances) please visit the quality page on our website: /quality.asp11ESD PrecautionsElectronic semiconductor products are sensitive to Electro Static Discharge (ESD).Always observe Electro Static Discharge control procedures whenever handling semiconductor products.12 Package Information12.1 SE Package (TSOT-3L)SECTION B-B’Notes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters2. Outermost plastic extreme width does not include mold flash or protrusions. Mold flash and protrusions shall not exceed 0.15mm per side.3. Outermost plastic extreme length does not include mold flash or protrusions. Mold flash and protrusions shall not exceed 0.25mm per side.4. The lead width dimension does not include dambar protrusion.Allowable dambar protrusion shall be 0.07mm total in excess of the lead width dimension at maximum material condition.5. Dimension is the length of terminal for soldering to a substrate.6. Dimension on SECTION B-B’ applies to the flat section of the lead between 0.08mm and 0.15mm from the lead tip.7. Formed lead shall be planar with respect to one another with 0.076mm at seating plane.Marking:Tope side : 11YY11 - Part Number (MLX92211)YY – Year (last 2 digits)Bottom side : XXXXXXXX – Lot number (last 4 digits)see note 6TOP VIEWEND VIEWSIDE VIEWNotes:1. All dimensions are in millimeters2. Hall sensor located at package center in X and Y axisTOP VIEW END VIEW13 DisclaimerDevices sold by Melexis are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale.Melexis makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. Melexis reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with Melexis for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by Melexis for each application.The information furnished by Melexis is believed to be correct and accurate. However, Melexis shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interrupt of business or indirect, special incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of Melexis’ rendering of technical or other services.2005 Melexis NV. All rights reserved.For the latest version of this document, go to our website at Or for additional information contact Melexis Direct:Europe, Africa, Asia:Phone: +32 1367 0495E-mail:************************America:Phone: +1 603 223 2362E-mail:*********************ISO/TS 16949 and ISO14001 Certified。

凯撒电子 PLA 90 耳机霍尔辅助系统用户手册说明书

凯撒电子 PLA 90 耳机霍尔辅助系统用户手册说明书

PLA 90Counter LoopMAN 173DWe would like to congratulate you on purchasing your portable induction loop system PLA 90. Y ou have chosen a modern, reliable device. Please read these operating instructions carefully. This describes how to set up the system correctly and explains all the system features. Standard componentsPlease check if all following components are included:- Portable induction loop system PLA 90 with integrated battery,- Power supply unit- 3 color signal strips- 2 T-coil labels- 4 rubber feet- Operating instructions- Warranty cardIf any parts are missing, please contact your dealer immediately.How it worksThe PLA 90 uses its built-in microphone or an external microphone to pick up sounds and emits them via the integrated induction loop. The signals emitted in this way can be received by a hearing aid that is set to the “T” or “MT” position.Setting up the PLA 90The induction loop system is already completely installed and set up in the housing. All you have to do is to place the PLA 90 at the desired position between you and the person you are talking to and connect the power supply unit. Please note that the microphone on the back of the device should be facing the person speaking.Switching the device onT o switch the induction loop system on, press the “Power on“ button on the rear side of the device. Once the device is switched on, the “Power on” light on the rear of the device will light up green, and the “Power on” light on the front will light up blue.Picking up/ emitting signalsIf sounds are picked up by the microphone on the back of the device or via an external microphone and emitted by the device as magnetic signals, the status light “loop signal” will flash orange.Controls and IndicatorsColor signal stripFront Viewjack microphone input jack Built-in microphone Microphone adjustment Volume control Microphone selection switch (internal/external)Theft protection via Kensington™lockRear ViewAdditional microphone input(3.5 mm plug)An external microphone can be connected to the additional microphone input.Microphone selection switchWith the microphone selection switch you can choose the microphone which should record the sounds.Switch position:Up: internal microphoneDown: external microphoneSetting the sensitivity of the microphone inputWith the control dial on the backside of the device you can adjust the sensitivity of the microphone input. This is useful if you want to connect a low-output microphone to the PLA 90.Headphone jack (3.5 mm plug)Y ou can connect the following products to the Headphone jack:- Under-the-chin receiver- Unobtrusive earphones- Lightweight headset- Audio-Cable monaural- Audio-Cable binaural- Induction Link monaural- Induction Link binauralVolume controlThe volume control adjusts the volume of the headphone jack. Automatic switch offThe PLA 90 will switch off automatically after 2 minutes if no signal is received, from either the internal or external microphone.Charging control lightLED flashes red = Battery is in the process of being rechargedLED off = Battery is fully rechargedPermanent installation of the PLA 90The PLA 90 can be screw-fastened through the lateral holes to a tabletop or other surfaces. The holes are located under the side covers. Remove the covers as shown in the picture below.Retaining clipSide cover Holes for screw fasteningSwitching the device offT o switch the induction loop system off, press the “Power off” button on the rear side of the device. The “Power on” control light goes off.Power supply for the PLA 90The PLA 90 can be operated using the built-in rechargeable battery or the power supply unit. If the battery is fully charged, the device can be used for up to 6 hours.A depleted battery has to be recharged for approximately 3 hours until it reaches full capacity again. Y ou can also use thePLA 90 while it is being charged, but please note that this will lengthen the time required to fully recharge the battery. The device can remain connected to the power supply for as long as desiredWall mounting1. Screw in two screws (not included)14.1 cm apart at the place you would like to mount the PLA 90 on the wall (see figure).2. Now set the PLA 90 on the screws and slide it down slightly to secure it in place.5.55 inChanging the color signal stripY ou can change the color signal strip of the PLA 90, as shown below.Maintenance and careThe PLA 90 does not require any maintenance. If the unit becomes dirty, simply wipe it clean with a soft, damp cloth. Never use spirits, thinners or other organic solvents. Do not set up the unit where it will be exposedto full sunlight for long periods. In addition it must be protected against excessive heat, moisture and severe mechanical shock. Note: This product is not protected against splash water. Do not place any containers filled with water, such as flower vases, or anything with an open flame, such as a lit candle, on or near the product.SpecificationsDimensions:7-7/8" H x 7-1/4" W x 2-15/16" D(200 x 185 x 70 mm)Weight: 1.4 lb (635 g) (with battery installed)Power supply:Input: 100-240 VAC, 50-60 HzOutput: 16 VDCRechargeable battery:12 V NiMH, user-replaceable.Operating time per charge:Up to 6 hoursBattery charging time:Approximately 3 hoursOutput power:10 WMicrophone Sensitivity:Up to 60 dB ±3 dBCE Certification (EU directives):2002/95/EG RoHS 2002/96/EG WEEE 2004/108/EG EMC 2006/95/EG Low voltageCompliance with the directives listed above is confirmed by the CE seal on the device. Specifications subject to change without notice.WarrantyThe PLA 90 is a very reliable product. Should a malfunction occur despite the unit having been set up and operated correctly, please contact your dealer.The warranty covers the repair of the product and returning it to you free of charge during the warranty period. It is essential that you send in the product in its original packaging, so do not throw the packaging away. The warranty does not apply to damage caused by incorrect handling or attempts to repair the unit by people not authorized to do so (destruction of the seal on the unit). Repairs under warranty are only carried out providing the enclosed warranty card is filled out and returned to dealer; also a copy of the sales slip is required.Unit disposalDisposal of used electric and electronic units (applicable in thecountries of the European Union and other European countrieswith a separate collection system). The symbol on the productor the packaging indicates that this product is not to be handledas ordinary household waste but has to be returned to a collecting point for the recycling of electric and electronic units. Y ou protect health and environment by the correct disposal of this product. Material recycling helps to reduce the consumption of raw material. Y ou will receive further information on the recycling of this product from your local community, your communal disposal company or your local dealer.Rechargeable battery disposalThe rechargeable battery that comes with the device can berecycled.Please dispose of this rechargeable battery in receptaclesdesigned for that purpose or return it to a retail outlet. Disposeonly of those batteries that have been completely discharged toensure environmental protection.*******************/ 800-843-3544 / INTL: +1-952-943-2252©2019 Williams AV • All Rights Reserved MAN 173D。


Voltage Regulator
Chopper UA Package Pin 1 – VDD Pin 2 – GND Pin 3 – OUT SO Package Pin 1 – VDD Pin 2 – OUT Pin 3 – GND
Hall Plate
5. Glossary of Terms
10. Magnetic Specifications
DC Operating Parameters: VDD = 3.5V to 24V (unless otherwise specified) Parameter
Operating Point Release Point Hysteresis
Symbol (Test Conditions) BOP (TA=25℃, VDD=12V DC) BRP (TA=25℃, VDD=12V DC) BHYS (TA=25℃, VDD=12V DC)
2. Features
Wide operating voltage range from 3.5V to 24V Medium sensitivity CMOS technology Chopper-stabilized amplifier stage Superior temperature stability Extremely low switchpoint drift Insensitive to physical stress
©2009-2013 Innosen Technology Co., Ltd.
Medium Sensitivity Unipolar Hall Latch 4. Functional Block Diagram



单极霍尔效应开关ES3144 6. 绝对最大额定值
No Limit
-40 ~ 150
-65 ~ 150
All Devices
All Devices
Pack agePower Dissipation (mW) Solder Temperature (℃)
温度 (℃)
©2009-2012 Innosen Technology Co., Ltd. 4/7
铅 温 度 封装功率耗散

+注25:0 超过绝对最大额定值可能会造成永久性损坏。
7. 直 流 电 气 特 性
参数 工单作位电压 工作电流 饱和压降 漏电流输出 I 上升时间
0.3 0.5
0.01 10.0 µA
0.18 70.0 µs
8. 磁特性
参数 最大单位 工作点
BOP(TA=25℃,V DD=12VDC)



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FESTO SMAT-8E位置传感器说明书

FESTO SMAT-8E位置传感器说明书

Position transmitters SMAT-8E, for T-slotPosition transmitters SMAT-8E, for T-slot Key featuresDesignThe SMAT-8E is a sturdy magnetic measuring system with a sensing range of 50 mm. It provides a stand-ardised analogue current and voltage signal via an M8x1 plug connection, regardless of the drive used.This enables the transmitter to be con-nected directly to the analogue inputof a programmable logic controller.The piston position of the pneumaticcylinder is detected by contactlesssensing and the travel distance can bemeasured between any set switchingpoints with typical reproducibility of0.1 mm.Analogue output as a function of piston positionH--NoteSensors that detect magnetic fields, such as the position transmitter SMAT,must not be secured onto the drive using mountings made from ferriticmaterials, as this can lead to malfunction.2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2021/03Position transmitters SMAT-8E, for T-slot Selection aid1) Only with feature D3, with slot that can be accessed from the side++Unrestricted use+Sensor function guaranteed without restriction; installation direction and clamping dependent on driveo On request–Not suitable3 2021/03 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2021/03Position transmitters SMAT-8E, for T-slotPeripherals overviewPosition transmitters SMAT-8E, for T-slotType codes52021/03 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...6d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2021/03Position transmitters SMAT-8E, for T-slotData sheetFunctionNormal operation1)Use of a non-rotating piston rod or a mechanical structure which provides protection against rotation is recommended.Position transmitters SMAT-8E, for T-slot Data sheet1)Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.BK = Black WH = White7 2021/03 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Position transmitters SMAT-8E, for T-slotData sheet8d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2021/03Position transmitters SMAT-8E, for T-slot Accessories9 2021/03 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...。

霍尔传感器 HS01-C 系列电流传感器 说明书

霍尔传感器 HS01-C 系列电流传感器 说明书

霍尔传感器·HS01-C 系列电流传感器 “BingZi 兵字”/传递品质安全典范HS01-C 系列电流传感器一、特点1.立式卧式两种穿芯方式,接线端子引出,使用灵活方便,外形美观;2.利用霍尔效应及磁补偿原理,被测回路与测试回路绝缘度高;3.用于测试直流、交流、脉动电流;4.全封闭,机械和耐环境性好,电压隔离能力强,安全可靠。

二、使用环境条件1.工作温度范围:-20℃~+75℃;2.相对湿度:温度为40℃时不大于90%;3.大气压力:860~1060mbar (约为650~800mmHg)。

三、工作频率范围:0-150kHz 。

四、绝缘耐热等级:B 级(130℃)。

五、安全特性:1.绝缘电阻:常态时大于1000M Ω;2.抗电强度:可承受工频6000V/1分钟;3.阻燃性:符合UL94-V o 级。





5.副边连接:+:+15VDC -:-15VDC M:电流输出端0:±15电源相对零点九、典型应用●直流变频调速,伺服电机牵引●直流电机牵引的静态转换●不间断电源(UPS)●开关电源(SMPS)●电焊机电源。

同惠电子 MODEL TH2882-1 -3 -5 说明书

同惠电子 MODEL TH2882-1 -3 -5 说明书

OPERATION MANUALI m p u l s e W i n d i n g T e s t e rT o n g h u i E l e c t r o n i c s C o.,L t d.地址:江苏省常州市新区天山路3号.1718p or t.co m- I -目 录第1章概述........................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 引言........................................................................................................................1-1 1.2 使用条件................................................................................................................1-3 1.3 体积与重量............................................................................................................1-3 第2章基本技术指标........................................................................................................2-1 2.1 技术指标................................................................................................................2-1 2.2比较方法说明........................................................................................................2-2 2.2.1 面积比较........................................................................................................2-2 2.2.2 面积差比较....................................................................................................2-2 2.2.3 电晕放电比较................................................................................................2-3 2.2.4 相位差比较....................................................................................................2-3第3章面板说明及显示说明.............................................................................................3-1 3.1 前面板说明..........................................................................................................3-1 3.2 后面板说明..........................................................................................................3-2 3.3 基本显示区域说明................................................................................................3-3 第4章使用说明................................................................................................................4-1 4.1 基本操作................................................................................................................4-1 4.2显示画面说明........................................................................................................4-2 4.2.1 开机画面........................................................................................................4-2 4.2.2 测量显示页面................................................................................................4- <测量显示> (<MEAS DISP>)...............................................................4-5 时基缩放 (TIME BASE ZOOM)..........................................................4-5 比较设置 (COMP SETUP)....................................................................4-5 电压测量 (VOLT MEAS)......................................................................4-6 时间测量 (TIME MEAS)......................................................................4-7 频率测量 (FREQ MEAS)......................................................................4-7 文件 (FILE)...........................................................................................4-8 工具 (TOOL).........................................................................................4-9 脉冲电压 (IMP VOLT)..........................................................................4-9 采样率 (SAMP RATE)........................................................................4-10 4.2.3 统计显示页面..............................................................................................4- 文件 (FILE).........................................................................................4-12 工具 (TOOL).......................................................................................4-13 统计显示 (STST. DISP)......................................................................4-13 统计功能 (Stat. Func)........................................................................4-13 4.2.4 测量设置页面..............................................................................................4- 文件 (FILE).........................................................................................4-14 工具 (TOOL).......................................................................................4-14www .1718p or t .co m4.2.4.3 脉冲电压 (IMP VOLT)........................................................................4-16 平均次数 (A VG TIMES).....................................................................4-16 比较器 (COMPARATOR)...................................................................4-16 标波采样 (SWA VE SAMP).................................................................4-17 波形显示 (WA VE DISP).....................................................................4-17 触发方式 (TRIG MODE)....................................................................4-17 延时 (DELAY).....................................................................................4-18 电压调整 (VOLT ADJ)........................................................................4-18 状态 (STAT).........................................................................................4-18 位置 (POSIT) (面积,面积差,电晕)...............................................4-18 位置 (POSIT )(相位差)......................................................................4-18 差值 (DIFF )(面积,面积差,相位差)............................................4-19 差值 (DIFF )(电晕)............................................................................4-19 4.2.5 系统设置页面..............................................................................................4- 文件(FILE )......................................................................................4-20 工具(TOOL )....................................................................................4-20 液晶对比度 (LCD CONST)................................................................4-21 合格报警 (PASS ALARM)..................................................................4-22 不合格报警 (FAIL ALARM)..............................................................4-22 判别显示 (PASS&FAIL).....................................................................4-22 按键声 (KEY BEEP)...........................................................................4-22 语言 (LANGUAGE)............................................................................4-22 密码 (PASSWORD).............................................................................4-23 总线方式 (BUS MODE).....................................................................4-23 总线地址 (BUS ADDR)......................................................................4-23 测试模式(TEST MODE )................................................................4-23 4.3 简明操作步骤......................................................................................................4-24 第5章远程控制................................................................................................................5-1 5.1RS232C 接口说明...................................................................................................5-1 5.1.1 RS232C 接口简介`.........................................................................................5-1 5.1.2 仪器与计算机通讯.........................................................................................5-25.2GPIB 接口说明......................................................................................................5-4 5.2.1 GPIB 总线......................................................................................................5-4 5.2.2 GPIB 功能......................................................................................................5-6 5.2.3 GPIB 地址......................................................................................................5-7 5.2.4 GPIB 总线功能..............................................................................................5-75.3 数据格式................................................................................................................5-8 第6章命令参考................................................................................................................6-1 6.1 命令结构................................................................................................................6-1 6.2符号约定与定义....................................................................................................6-3www .1718p or t .co m6.3 命令参考................................................................................................................6-36.3.1 DISPlay子系统命令......................................................................................6-46.3.2 COMParator子系统命令................................................................................6-66.3.3 Impulse VOLTage子系统命令....................................................................6-116.3.4 Sample RATE子系统命令............................................................................6-136.3.5 Standard WAVE子系统命令........................................................................6-156.3.6 STATistic子系统命令..................................................................................6-26.3.7 TRIGger子系统命令......................................................................................6-26.3.8 FETCh?子系统命令.......................................................................................6-36.3.9 MEASure子系统命令......................................................................................6-56.3.10 ABORt子系统命令..........................................................................................6-66.3.11 Mass MEMory子系统命令..............................................................................6-76.3.12 公用命令........................................................................................................6-86.4 出错信息................................................................................................................6-9 第7章分选接口使用说明................................................................................................7-17.1 基本信息................................................................................................................7-17.2 电气特征................................................................................................................7-27.2.1 直流隔离输出................................................................................................7-27.2.2 直流隔离输入................................................................................................7-37.3 HNADLER接口板跳线设置......................................................................................7-4 第8章成套与保修............................................................................................................8-18.1 成套........................................................................................................................8-18.2 保修........................................................................................................................8-1w w w.1718p or t.co m- 1-1 -第1章 概述感谢您购买和使用我公司产品,在您使用本仪器前请根据说明书最后一章“成套和保修”的事项进行确认,若有不符请尽快与我公司联系,以维护您的权益。

ES-A20020K-1 用户手册说明书

ES-A20020K-1 用户手册说明书

QUICK SETUP GUIDEBefore using the TV, please read this guide thoroughly andretain it for future reference.EnglishES-A20020K-1third party’s content and service is provided as it is without any guarantee, express or implied.Manufacturer hereby declare explicitly that Manufacturer shall not be held liable for any guarantee and conditions, express or implied, related to this device and any content and service, including but not limited to warranty on marketability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, quiet use and non-violation of any third party’s rights; to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Manufacturer gives no guarantee on the accuracy, validity, timeliness, legitimacy and completeness of any content or service provided through this device, or the fitness of such device, content or service for your particular requirement, or the protection from interruption and error during operation of such device, content or service; to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in any case, including fault or neglect, Manufacturer shall not be held liable for legal actions or indemnity obligation arising from any consequence as a result of or related to any information loaded in this device or use of such device, content or service by you or any third party.Any content and service provided as it is together with this device shall be the property of the applicable third party, therefore Manufacturer gives no declaration or warranty on modification, suspension, cancellation, termination or abortion thereof, and shall not be held liable for legal actions or indemnity obligation arising thereof.Manufacturer reserves the rights to restrict the use or access of certain content or service. As the content and service are transmitted through third party’s network and transmission facilities, Manufacturer undertakes no customer service thereof or the obligation for such customer service.symbol is AC voltage.Disposal of Used Electrical & Electronic EquipmentPackaging and electrical goods should be recycled appropriately, andnot treated as household waste. Please dispose of this equipment atyour applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical & electronicequipment waste. By ensuring the correct disposal of this product,you will help prevent potentially hazardous to the environment and tohuman health, which could otherwise be caused by unsuitable wastehandling of this product. The recycling of materials will help conservenatural resources. Please do not therefore dispose of your old electricaland electronic equipment with your household waste. For more detailedinformation about recycling of this product, please contact your local cityoffice, your household waste disposal service or the shop where youpurchased the product.Educating children about the dangers of climbing on furniture to reach the television set or its controls.If your existing television set is being retained or relocated, the same considerationsas above should be applied.lightly dampened cloth for cleaning.4. Wall BracketAfter market brackets may be available to purchase locally. Please refer to the specification page for dimensions.5. Water and MoistureAvoid dripping or splashing of liquids onto the product. Objects filled with liquids, such as vases, should not be placed on the product.6. SettingDo not place this TV on an unstable cart, stand or table. Placing the TV on an unstable base can cause the TV to fall, resulting in serious personal injuries as well as damage to the TV. Use only a cart, stand, bracket or table recommended by the manufacturer or salesperson.7. VentilationSlots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation, to ensure reliable operation of the TV and to protect it from overheating. Do not cover the ventilation openings in the cabinet and never place the set in a confined space such as built-in cabinet unless proper ventilation is provided. Leave a minimum 10cm gap all around the unit, the rear of the TV should be 6cm away from the wall.8. Power SourceThis TV should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supplied to your home, consult your appliance dealer or local power company.9. Power-Cord ProtectionPower- supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plug, wall outlets, and the point where they exit from the TV. MAIN plug is used as the disconnect device, the disconnect device shall remain readily operable.10. LightningFor added protection for this TV during a lightning storm, or when it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time, unplug it from the wall outlet and disconnect the antenna or cable system. This will prevent damage to the TV due to lightning or power-line surge.11. Power LinesAn outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. While installing an outside antenna system, extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might be fatal. 12. OverloadingDo not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.13. Object and Liquid EntryNever push objects of any kind into this TV through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on or into the TV.14. Outdoor Antenna GroundingIf an outside antenna or cable system is connected to the TV, be sure the antenna or cable system is grounded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges and built-up static charges.15. ServicingDo not attempt to service this TV yourself as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.16. Damage Requiring ServiceUnplug the TV from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:(a) When the power - supply cord or plug is damaged.(b) If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the TV.(c) If the TV has been exposed to rain or water.(d) If the TV does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjustonly those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the TV to its normal operation.(e) If the TV has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged.(f) When the TV exhibits a distinct change in performance - this indicates a need forservice.17. Replacement PartsWhen replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards.18. Safety CheckUpon completion of any service or repair to the TV, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the TV is in safe operating condition.19. HeatThe product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat.20. FireThe product should be situated away from naked flame sources such as lighted candle.21. Off-gassingThe TV smells of plastic is normal and will dissipate over time.Accessories ListThe following accessories are included with TV:Turning the TV on for the First Time .............................................................................12Specifications ...............................................................................................................13Other Information..........................................................................................................15 The accessories may be different from the list above due to different models, countries / regions, please refer to the actual accessory bag.Quick Setup Guide × 1 AAA Battery × 2 Power Cord × 1 Base Stand × 1 Screw × 4 Remote Control × 11.Carefully place your TV face-down on a soft, flat surface to prevent damage to theTV or scratching to the screen.2.Remove the Base Stand from the accessory bag and then insert the stand into thebottom slots of the TV.3.Secure the Base Stand to the TV with the screws in accessory tightly.Base Stand• The diameter and length of the screws differ depending on the wall mount bracket model.• Wall mount bracket is optional, your device may not have wall mount bracket, please refer to the actual accessories.The Picture is Only for Reference.Powering on the TV requires several seconds to load programs. Do not rapidly turn the TV off as it may cause the TV work abnormally.Single button (Remote sensor / Power indicator / Standby)Wireless router with DHCPLAN CableYou must use the built-in Wireless LAN Adapter to use a wireless network because the set doesn’t support external USB network adapter.If the wireless router supports DHCP , your TV can connect more easily to the wireless network.If you apply a security system other than the systems listed below, it will not work with the TV.Security system:WPA,WEP ,WPA2.In order to guarantee smooth network, the distance between router and TV should be less than 10 meters.Wireless setupConnect your TV to your network wirelessly, you need a wireless router or modem. See the illustration below.·The built-in Wireless LAN Adapter supports the IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac communication protocols. We recommend using IEEE 802.11n router. Low transfer rates for b/g may have the influence on the quality of streamed videos and other media.(Cables are not included)NOTE: The included remote control will vary depending on model, country. Check information according to theRemote Control Operation RangeProduct image is only for reference, actual product may vary in appearance.Handling the BatteriesIncorrect use of batteries may cause corrosion or battery leakage, which could cause fire, personal injury or damage to property.Only use the battery type indicated in this manual.Do not mix old and new batteries or different types of batteries.Do not dispose of used batteries as domestic waste. Dispose of them in accordance with local regulations.For DTS patents, see . Manufactured underlicense from DTS Licensing Limited. DTS, the Symbol, DTS andthe Symbol together, DTS-HD, and the DTS-HD logo are registeredtrademarks and/or trademarks of DTS, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. © DTS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.This product does not support decoding of DTS CD bitstream. Playback of this format mayproduce undesirable noise.。

TURCK BI5-M18E-Y1X-H1141型号的感应式传感器技术数据说明说明书

TURCK BI5-M18E-Y1X-H1141型号的感应式传感器技术数据说明说明书

B I 5-M 18E -Y 1X -H 1141 | 11/29/2022 08-28 | t e c h n i c a l c h a n g e s r e s e r v e dBI5-M18E-Y1X-H1141Inductive SensorTechnical dataBI5-M18E-Y1X-H11414015020 Rated switching distance 5 mmFlushSecured operating distance ≤ (0.81 × Sn) mmSt37 = 1; Al = 0.3; stainless steel = 0.7; Ms = 0.4≤ 2 % of full scale ≤ ±10 %1…10 %2-wire, NAMUR 1 kHz Nom. 8.2 VDC Non-actuated current consumption ≥ 2.1 mA Actuated current consumption ≤ 1.2 mAKEMA 02 ATEX 1090X )/inductance (L i )150 nF/150 µHÉ II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga/II 1 D Ex ia IIIC T135 °C Da(max. U i = 20 V, I i = 20 mA, PThreaded barrel, M18 × 172 mmFeatures■Threaded barrel, M18 x 1■Chrome-plated brass ■DC 2-wire, nom. 8.2 VDC■Output acc. to DIN EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR)■M12 x 1 male connector■ATEX category II 1 G, Ex zone 0■ATEX category II 1 D, Ex zone 20■SIL2 (Low Demand Mode) acc. to IEC 61508,PL c acc. to ISO 13849-1 at HFT0■SIL3 (All Demand Mode) acc. to IEC 61508,PL e acc. to ISO 13849-1 with redundant configuration HFT1Wiring diagramFunctional principleInductive sensors detect metal objectscontactless and wear-free. For this, they use a high-frequency electromagnetic AC field that interacts with the target. Inductive sensors generate this field via an RLC circuit with a ferrite coil.Technical dataMounting instructions11H-X1Y-E81M-5IBB I 5-M 18E -Y 1X -H 1141 | 11/29/2022 08-28 | t e c h n i c a l c h a n g e s r e s e r v e dAccessoriesQM-186945102Quick-mount bracket with dead-stop;material: Chrome-plated brass. Male thread M24 × 1.5. Note: The switching distance of the proximity switches may change when using quick-mountbrackets.BST-18B6947214Mounting clamp for threaded barrel sensors, with dead-stop; material:PA6MW-186945004Mounting bracket for threaded barrel sensors; material: Stainless steel A21.4301 (AISI 304)BSS-186901320Mounting clamp for smooth and threaded barrel sensors; material:PolypropyleneB I 5-M 18E -Y 1X -H 1141 | 11/29/2022 08-28 | t e c h n i c a l c h a n g e s r e s e r v e dInstructions for useIntended useThis device fulfills Directive 2014/34/EC and is suited for use in areas exposed to explosion hazards according to EN 60079-0:2018 and EN 60079-11:2012.Further it is suited for use in safety-related systems, including SIL2 as per IEC61508.In order to ensure correct operation to the intended purpose it is required to observe the national regulations and directives.For use in explosion hazardous areas conform to classificationII 1 G and II 1 D (Group II, Category 1 G, electrical equipment for gaseous atmospheres and category 1 D, electrical equipment for dust atmospheres).Marking (see device or technical data sheet)É II 1 G and Ex ia IIC T6 Ga and É II 1 D Ex ia IIIC T135 °C Da acc. to EN 60079-0, -11Local admissible ambient temperature -25…+70 °CInstallation/CommissioningThese devices may only be installed, connected and operated by trained and qualified staff. Qualified staff must have knowledge of protection classes, directives and regulations concerning electrical equipment designed for use in explosion hazardous areas.Please verify that the classification and the marking on the device comply with the actual application conditions.This device is only suited for connection to approved Exi circuits according to EN 60079-0 and EN 60079-11. Please observe the maximum admissible electrical values.After connection to other circuits the sensor may no longer beused in Exi installations. When interconnected to (associated) electrical equipment, it is required to perform the "Proof of intrinsic safety" (EN60079-14).Attention! When used in safety systems, all content of the security manual must be observed.Installation and mounting instructionsAvoid static charging of cables and plastic devices. Please only clean the device with a damp cloth. Do not install the device in a dust flow and avoid build-up of dust deposits on the device.If the devices and the cable could be subject to mechanical damage, they must be protected accordingly. They must also be shielded against strong electro-magnetic fields.The pin configuration and the electrical specifications can be taken from the device marking or the technical data sheet.Service/MaintenanceRepairs are not possible. The approval expires if the device is repaired or modified by a person other than the manufacturer. The most important data from the approval are listed.。

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Glossary MilliTesla (mT) RoHS SOT ESD BLDC Operating Point (BOP)
Release Point (BRP)
Gauss, Units of magnetic flux density: 1mT = 10 Gauss Restriction of Hazardous Substances Small Outline Transistor (SOT package) – also referred with the package code “SO” Electro-Static Discharge Brush-Less Direct-Current Magnetic flux density applied on the branded side of the package which turns the output driver ON (VOUT = VDSon) Magnetic flux density applied on the branded side of the package which turns the output driver OFF (VOUT = high)
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Very High Sensitivity Hall Latch 7. Detailed General Description
switch points. There are many applications for this sensor in addition to those listed above. The design, specifications and performance have been optimized for commutation applications in 5V and 12V brushless DC motors. Thanks to its wide operating voltage range and extended choice of temperature range, it is quite suitable for use in automotive, industrial and consumer applications. The device is delivered in a Small Outline Transistor (SOT) for surface mount process and in a Plastic Single In Line (TO-92 flat) for through- hole mount. Both 3-lead packages are RoHS compliant.
2. Features
Wide operating voltage range from 3.5V to 24V High magnetic sensitivity – Multi-purpose CMOS technology Chopper-stabilized amplifier stage Superior temperature stability Extremely low switchpoint drift Insensitive to physical stress
Voltage Regulator
Hall Plate
UA Package Pin 1 – VDD Pin 2 – GND Pin 3 – OUT SO Package Pin 1 – VDD Pin 2 – OUT Pin 3 – GND
5. Glossary of Terms
The ES732 exhibits latch magnetic switching characteristics. Therefore, it requires both south and north poles to operate properly. The OUT pin of these devices switches low (turns on) when a magnetic field perpendicular to the Hall sensor exceeds the operate point threshold, BOP. After turn-on, the output voltage is VDSon. Note that the device latches, that is, a south pole of sufficient strength towards the branded surface of the device turns the device on. The device remains on if the south tching property defines the device as a magnetic memory. When the magnetic field is reduced below the release point, BRP, the OUT pin turns off (goes high). The difference in the magnetic operate and release points is the hysteresis, BHYS, of the device. This built-in hysteresis prevents output oscillation near the switching point, and allows clean switching of the output even in the presence of external mechanical vibration and electrical noise. The device behaves as a latch with symmetric operating and release switching points (BOP=|BRP|). This means magnetic fields with equivalent strength and opposite direction drive the output high and low. Powering-on the device in the hysteresis region (less than BOP and higher than BRP) allows an indeterminate output state. The correct state is attained after the first excursion beyond B OP or BRP. The SOT-23 device is reversed from the UA package. The SOT-23 output transistor will be latched on in the presence of a sufficiently strong North pole magnetic field applied to the marked face.
UA package - Latch characteristic
SO package
- Latch characteristic
8. Unique Features
Based on mixed signal CMOS technology, InnoSen ES2881 is a Hall-effect device with high magnetic sensitivity. This multi-purpose latch suits most of the application requirements. The chopper-stabilized amplifier uses switched capacitor technique to suppress the offset generally observed with Hall sensors and amplifiers. The CMOS technology makes this advanced technique possible and contributes to smaller chip size and lower current
6. Pin Definitions and Descriptions
SE Pin No.
1 2 3
UA Pin No.
1 3 2
Supply Output Ground
Supply Voltage Pin Open Drain Output Pin Ground Pin
Low current consumption Open drain output Tiny SOT23 3L and flat TO-92 3L, both are RoHS Compliant packages
3. Applications
Automotive, Consumer and Industrial Solid-state switch Brushless DC motor commutation Speed detection Linear position detection Angular position detection Proximity detection