
《中医妇科学B》第四次1. 妊娠期用药,除下列哪项外,其余均应慎用或禁用 D.健脾和胃[1分]2. 女患者,带下量多,色白或淡黄,质稀薄,无臭气,面色萎黄,神疲纳呆,便溏足肿,舌淡苔白腻,脉细缓。
治疗首选方剂为:C.完带汤 [1分]3. 子晕进一步加重,可发展为:C.子痫 [1分]4. 治疗子肿脾虚证的首选方是:A.白术散 [1分]5. 妊娠恶阻的主要病机是:C.冲气上逆,胃失和降 [1分]6. 带下量多,色淡黄,质稀薄,无味,面色晄白,神疲肢倦,纳少便溏,舌淡苔白腻,脉细缓。
其治法是:C.健脾益气,升阳除湿 [1分]7. 妊娠病胎元正常的治疗原则是:A.治病与安胎并举 [1分]8. 女患者,孕8周,阴道出血5天,开始量少,昨日起量增多,有大血块,腹痛腹坠,阵阵加重,查宫口已开大,见组织物堵塞宫口,此时治疗原则应遵循:B.下胎益母 [1分]9. 女患者,28岁,停经45天,阴道少量出血2天,色黯淡,小腹坠痛,腰膝痠软,小便频数,查尿妊娠试验阳性。
其治法是;E.补肾健脾,益气安胎 [1分]10. 治疗恶阻肝胃不和证的首选方剂是:B.橘皮竹茹汤 [1分]11. 完带汤中除有柴胡、甘草、人参、白术、苍术外,还有:B.山药陈皮黑芥穗车前子白芍 [1分]12. 下列哪项对已破损期异位妊娠有重要诊断意义? E.后穹窿穿刺抽出不凝血[1分]13. 治疗滑胎气血虚弱证的首选方剂是:D.泰山磐石散 [1分]14. 治疗妊娠腹痛虚寒证的首选方是:B.胶艾汤 [1分]15. 妊娠5~6个月后出现腹大异常,胸膈满闷,甚则遍身俱肿,喘息不得卧者,称: E.子满[1分]16. “妊娠病”之名首见于:B.《金匮要略》 [1分]17. 妊娠小便淋痛的症状中,下述哪一项是错误的? E.闭塞不通[1分]18. 下述除哪项外,均属子晕的临床特点:E.昏迷抽搐 [1分]19. 下述哪项为带下病? B.女子带下量多,质粘稠,有秽臭味[1分]20. 女患者,30岁,孕4产0,自然流产2次,现又停经38天,阴道少量出血2天,色黯淡,小腹坠痛,腰膝痠软,小便频数,查尿妊娠试验阳性。


本次作业是本门课程本学期的第4次作业,注释如下:一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共19道小题)1. 管理学意义上的领导者,必须具有能够影响他人的权力。
(A)个人影响权(B)专长权(C)模范作用(D) 管理的制度权力正确答案:D解答参考:2. 从管理的制度权力的集中与分散角度,领导类型可划分为。
(A)集权式领导与创新式领导(B) 创新式领导与民主式领导(C) 集权式领导与民主式领导(D) 维持式领导与民主式领导正确答案:C解答参考:3。
(A)管理制度权力(B)个人模范权(C) 专长权(D)个人影响权正确答案:A解答参考:4. 在布莱克和穆顿的管理方格论中,“领导者对工作极为关心,但忽略对人的关心"的领导风格属于。
(A) 贫乏型管理(B) 中庸之道型管理(C)专权式管理(D) 理想型管理正确答案:C解答参考:5。
(A) 经济(B)社交(C) 尊敬(D)自我实现正确答案:A解答参考:6。
(A) 行为(B) 需要(C) 业绩(D)工作正确答案:B解答参考:7. “双因素理论”中,激励因素与()紧密相连.(A)工作条件(B)工作环境(C)工作内容(D) 人际关系正确答案:C解答参考:8. “双因素理论"中,能防止人们产生不满意感的一类因素是()。
(A)工作业绩(B) 激励因素(C) 工作内容(D)保健因素正确答案:D解答参考:9. 在“双因素理论"中,要想真正激励员工努力工作,就必须去改善(),才会增加员工的工作满意感。
(A) 激励因素(B) 保健因素(C)工作条件(D) 工作环境正确答案:A解答参考:10。
(A)需要层次理论(B) 成就需要理论(C) 双因素理论(D) ERG理论正确答案:C解答参考:11. 控制就是()各项活动保证其按计划进行,并纠正各项偏差的过程.()(A)监视(B)协调(C) 领导(D)组织正确答案:A解答参考:12。
第四次作业之一 所得税练习题(一)(客观题)

第四次作业之一所得税练习题(一)(客观题)你的姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________你的班级: [单选题] *○21会计2班○21会计3班一、单选题(16小题,每小题1.5分,共计24分)1、2022年,甲公司共发生研发支出1000万元,其中资本化支出为600万元。
不考虑其他因素,下列表述正确的是() [单选题] *A.2022年年末该无形资产计税基础为900万元B.2022年年末因该无形资产确认递延所得税资产71.25万元C.2022年应交所得税为169.375万元(正确答案)D.研发支出中的费用化支出共产生应纳税暂时性差异200万元2、2022年3月1日,甲公司因违反环保的相关法规被处罚270万元,列入其他应付款。
[单选题] *A.70B.270C.200D.0(正确答案)3、2022年甲公司当期应交所得税为15800万元,递延所得税资产本期净增加320万元(其中20万元对应其他综合收益),递延所得税负债未发生变化。
[单选题] *A.15480B.16100C.15500(正确答案)D.161204、2022年12月20日,甲公司以每股4元的价格从股票市场购入100万股乙公司普通股票,将其作为交易性金融资产。

11春开放本科英语II[1]第四次作业开放英语3第四次作业姓名专业学号成绩()1、Is Julie’s husband wearing a suit?A He has just come back from the officeB Yes, he isC Yes, he wearsD He went swimming yester day()2、How much is this blue tablecloth?A The green one is betterB Ten dollars and thirty centsC It’s cheapD Yes, It’s beautiful()3. Marilyn, I’m afraid I have to be leaving nowA That sounds wonderfulB Oh, so early?C Not at allD Good luck!()4.Would you like another slice of Christmas cake?I’m fullA Yes, pleaseB No more, thanksC Why not?D Nothing more()5.Tomorrow is my birthdayA Oh, I have no ideaB I’m glad you like itC Many happy returns of happyD You must be very happy阅读理解1、 People often say that the Englishman's home is his castle. They m ean that the home is very important and personal. Most people in Brit ain live in houses rather than flats, and many people own their home s. This means that they can make them personal, and change them in an y way they like. Most houses have a garden, even if it is a small on e, and the garden is usually loved. The house and the garden are the private space of a person. In a crowded city a person knows that he o r she has a private space which is only for himself or herself and fo r invited friends.People usually like to mark their space. If you are on the beach y ou may have spread your towels around you; in the rain you may have p ut your coat or small bag on the seat beside you; in a library you ma y spread your books around you.Once I was traveling on a train to London. I was on a section for four people and there was a table between us. The man opposite to me had his briefcase on the table. There was no space on my side of the table at all. I was unhappy. I thought he thought that he owned the whole table. I had been reading a book about nonverbal (非语言的) c ommunication so I took various papers out of my bag and put them on h is case! When I did this he suddenly became angry and his eyes nearly popped out (突出)of his head. I had taken up his space! A few minu tes later I took my papers off in order to read them. He immediately moved his case to his side of the table.()6、What does the first sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?A:The home matters greatly to Englishmen. B: The castle is mo re important than the home.C:The home is more important than the castle. D:Englishmen usu ally live in homes instead of castles.()7、Which of the following is NOT the reason for most British to live in homes?A:They can make changes in houses in which they live.B:They love houses more than gardens.C:They can own private space like the house and the garden.D:They can keep the private space to themselves and friends.()8、According to Paragraph 2, if you spread your books around yo u in a library, it means ______.A:you want to spread your towels around you further B:you want t o put your coat on the tableC:you can find no space for your books on the seat D: you want to tell others the space belongs to you()9、How did the man opposite to the writer show he owned the who le table?A:He sat in a section for four people. B:He placed his briefcase on the table.C:He was traveling on a train to London. D:He was reading a book.()10、The writer tried to get back his space by ______.A:moving the case off the table B:taking all his papers outC:taking up the space of the man opposite D:showing th e books concerned to the man词汇和结构()11.Twenty people were wounded in the air cra shA quicklyB wronglyC bitterlyD seriously()12.Will you me a favor, please?A doB makeC bringD give()13.The public store is to close at 9:00 p.mno need to worry;it is 7:30 p.mA You haveB They haveC It isD There is()14.There was so much noise in the classroom that the teacher co uldn’t make himselfA heardB hearingC to hearD hear()15.Take this medicine twice a day,Peter?Do I have to take it?It so terribleA is tastingB is tastedC tastesD has tasted完型填空Modern zoos are very different from zoos that were built fifty years 1 6 . At that time, zoos were places 17 people could go to see animals from many parts of the world. The animals lived in cages that were made 18 concrete with iron bars, cages that were easy to k eep clean.19 for the animals, the cages were small and impossible to hi de in. The zoo environment was 20 natural. 21 the zoo keepers took good care of the animals and fed them well, many of the animals did not thrive; they behaved in strange ways, and they often became i ll.In modern zoos, people can see animals in more natural habitats. The animals are given more 22 in large areas so that they can live more23 as they would in nature. Even the appearance of zoos has changed. Trees and grass grow in the cages, and streams of water flow 24 the areas 25 animals live in.16. A. later B. ago C. before D. aft er17. A. which B. that C. when D. whe re18. A. up of B. into C. of D. for19. A. Unfortunately B. Successfully C. luckily D. Unusually20. A. only B. anything only C. but D. anything but21. A. Despite B. Since C. Now that D. Although22. A. freedom B. food C. drink D. dependence23. A. silently B. comfortably C. difficultlyD. independently24. A. over B. through C. for D. below25. A. that B. where C. when D. the se英译汉1.As is known to all, China is a developing country.2.It is not necessary to do this work.3.They thought that there must be something wrong with their TV set.Instructions: 建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。

四大形成性测评系统课程代码:5110761 答案资料
、单项选择题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。
1. 数字资料检验主要是指()。
A. 对数字资料的完整性正确性进行检验
B. 对资料是否符合实际和计算是否正确进行检验
C. 对数据之间是否合乎逻辑进行检验
D. 对分类标准是否选择得当和科学进行检验
A. 定量分析
B. 理论分析
C. 定性分析
D. 预测分析
A. 信度审查
B. 效度审查
C. 资料校正
D. 资料分类
A. 平均数
B. 标准差
C. 结构相对指标
D. 计划完成率
A. 审查
B. 分类
C. 汇编
D. 检验
6. 微软公司推出的办公软件office系统中用于统计的最有名的一种软件是()。
A. AMOS4.0
C. Excel

选择一项:a. 在编辑新的、未命名的文档时,单击“文件”按钮下的“保存”命令b. 在编辑旧文档时,单击“文件”按钮“保存”命令c. 单击“文件”按钮“打开”命令d. 单击“文件”按钮“另存为”命令反馈正确答案是:在编辑旧文档时,单击“文件”按钮“保存”命令题目2采用________做法,不能增加标题与正文之间的段间距。
选择一项:a. 增加标题的段后间距b. 增加标题的段前间距c. 增加第一段的段前间距d. 增加标题和第一段的段后间距反馈正确答案是:增加标题的段前间距题目3在Excel中,某一工作簿中有Sheet1、Sheet2、Sheet3、Sheet4共4张工作表,现在需要在Sheet1表中某一单元格中送入从Sheet2表的B2至D2各单元格中的数值之和,正确的公式写法是_______。
选择一项:a. =SUM(Sheet2.B2:D2)b. =SUM(Sheet2!B2:D2)c. =SUM(Sheet2/B2:D2)d. =SUM(Sheet2!B2+C2+D2)反馈正确答案是:=SUM(Sheet2!B2:D2)题目4Excel 2010中一次选取多张相邻的工作表,需按_______键。
选择一项:a. Shifb. Escc. Ctrld. Alt反馈正确答案是:Shif题目5若想设置打印讲义稿中的每页幻灯片数,可更改_______。
选择一项:a. 标题母版b. 讲义母版c. 幻灯片母版d. 打印选项卡中的设置参数反馈正确答案是:打印选项卡中的设置参数题目6在PowerPoint 2010中不可以设置图形元素的_______。
选择一项:a. 阴影设置b. 叠放层次c. 艺术效果d. 三维效果反馈正确答案是:艺术效果题目7在Word中,选定文档内容之后,单击“开始”选项卡上的“复制”按钮,是将选定的内容复制到________。
选择一项:a. 另一个文档中b. 磁盘c. 剪贴板d. 指定位置反馈正确答案是:剪贴板题目8图表是与生成它的工作表数据相链接的,因此当工作表中的数据改变时,图表会_______。

01-10 BACC CCBA BB11.线相等于12.相量复阻抗复数13.相同正交超前正交滞后14.同频率不同15.最大值频率初相16.有效值频率初相17.KCL KVL 支路电流18.电压电流电流电压19.关联20.电路电源负载中间环节江苏开放大学《电工电子技术》第二次作业答案01-10 CCDB ABAB AC11.极对数电源频率改变转差率12.直接降压13.短时小电流14.过载阻断三相电流不平衡运行15.电磁系统触电系统灭弧系统16.短路17.旋转磁场定子铁芯定子绕组机座18.相序旋转磁场电子电流相序19.铁芯线圈20.电压电流阻抗江苏开放大学《电工电子技术》第三次作业答案01-10 BAAB CCBD CB11.变大变大下降12.电容电感13.变压器变压器滤波稳压14.线性非线性线性非线性15.输入级中间级输出级偏置电路16.直接大高低强17.零点漂移温度漂移差动放大18.电流串联负反馈电流并联负反馈电压串联负反馈电压并联负反馈19.基级集电级20.特殊二级管反击穿01-10 BCAB BADA AB11.施密特触发器多协振荡器 2 单稳态触发器 112.储存数据或代码移位13.同步14.输入逻辑变量电路原来的状态15.0 116.1 017.不变 118.基本触发器同步触发器边沿触发器19.与非或非异或江苏开放大学《电工电子技术》大作业答案01-10 BABA BCBA DA11.关联12.KCL KVL 支路电流13.最大值角频初相14.相量复阻抗复数15.电压电流阻抗16.短路17.电磁系统触点系统灭弧系统18.直接降压19.特殊的二极管反向击穿20.基极集电极21.串联电压负反馈并联电压负反馈串联电流负反馈并联电流负反馈22.输入级中间级输出级偏置电路23.与非或非异或24.同步25.不变 126.基尔霍夫电流定律的内容是:在某个一瞬间流入节点的电流之和等于流出该节点的电流之和。
2023年物业信息管理国家开放大学形考作业四平时作业四形成性考核 (第四次)

2023年物业信息管理国家开放大学形考作业四平时作业四形成性考核(第四次)1.无论32位计算机还是64位计算机,在一个主存储器单元中存放的数仍然是( )位的,只不过在计算机运行时,一次可以对2个存储单元或4个存储单元进行访问。
多选题(2.5分)A.并行接口B.串行接口C.网络接口D.通用串行总线正确答案:A B D4.关系模型由()三部分组成。
多选题(2.5分)A.关系数据结构B.关系操作C.关系完整性约束D.数据库正确答案:A B C5.控制器是微型计算机的指挥和控制中心。
多选题(2.5分)A.生命周期法B.结构化方法C.原型法D.面向对象的开发方法正确答案:A B C D7.数据模型通常由()三个基本部分组成。
多选题(2.5分)A.数据结构B.数据C.数据操作D.完整性约束正确答案:A C D8.物业管理信息系统属于哪中类型的软件( )单选题(2.5分)A.应用软件B.工具软件C.操作系统D.系统软件正确答案:A9.频带传输可以在电话线上传输数字信号。
多选题(2.5分)A.运行效率B.安全可靠性C.可操作性D.灵活性正确答案:A B C D1.在软件系统理论中,只要程序在通过测试后,就能被认为是完全正确的。
判断题(2.5分)A.对B.错正确答案:B2.无论32位计算机还是64位计算机,在一个主存储器单元中存放的数仍然是( )位的,只不过在计算机运行时,一次可以对2个存储单元或4个存储单元进行访问。

6. 下列关于萨提亚对于困难的看法正确的是( )。
A .困难是造成人心理和行为病态的外在原因。 B .问题本身不是问题,如何处理问题才是问题。 C .要重点关注困难事件本身的严重程度以求应对。 D .以上说法都错误
学生答案: B
正确答案: B
分数:3 得分:3
7. 萨提亚模式与传统的家庭治疗方法相区别的地方在于( )。 A .反对传统的精神分析的价值取向,强调以系统取向来帮助家庭。 B .认为在高自我价值观的情景下,可以将应对方式展现为高层次的自我照顾。 C .治疗的关键在于改善案主处理问题的能力。 D .注重消除案主的表面问题。 学生答案: C 正确答案: C 分数:3 得分:3
分数:4 得分:4
14. 萨提亚将表里不一致的沟通方式分为四种,下列说法正确的是( )。
A .讨好型是指一种忽略自我、讨好别人的方式来换取别人的认同。 B .责备型是指忽略自我、在行为上常常指责攻击别人的方式。 C .超理智型是指忽略了自我和他人,通过防卫方式向外部表现自己的能力来掩饰内心的脆弱。 D .打岔型是指忽略了情境,通过打断别人来引起别人的重视。 E .打岔型实际上不但忽略了情境,也忽视了自我和他人。
一. 单选. (共 10 小题,30 分) 1. 在现实治疗法中,其核心是( )。 A .建立专业关系 B .案主做出承诺 C .协助案主制定行动计划 D .拒绝放弃 学生答案: C 正确答案: C 分数:3 得分:3
2. 在现实治疗法中,工作者要和案主建立良好的专业关系,工作者要做到( )。 A .和案主建立一种个人化的关系。 B .时刻都可以和案主分享个人经验 C .把自己的不足专门暴露出来。 D .可以接受案主逃避负责任的借口 学生答案: A 正确答案: A 分数:3 得分:3

计算机网络第四次参考答案4.一大群ALOHA 用户每秒钟产生50个请求,包括原始请求和重传请求。
(a )试问:第一次发送成功的机会是多少?(b )试问:恰好K 次冲突之后 概率是多少?(c )试问:所需传输次数的期望值是多少?解:(a )取G = 2,根据泊松分布公式!]Pr[k e G k Gk -=,可得几率为2-e (b )k G k G e e 865.0135.0)1(⨯=---(c )传输次数的期望值:4.7==Ge E6.试问在下列两种情况下CSMA/CD 的竞争时间槽是多少?(a )一个2千米的双导线电缆(twin-lead cable )(信号传播速度是信号在真空中传播速度的82%)?(b )40千米长的多模光纤(信号传播速度是信号在真空中传播速度的65%)? 解:(a )信号传播速度在双导线电缆中是s m /1046.28⨯。
则信号在其中传播2km 时间是s μ13.8。
所以, 竞争时间槽是 s μ26.16(b )信号传播速度在多模光纤中是s m /1095.18⨯。
则信号在其中传播40km 时间是s μ13.205。
所以, 竞争时间槽是 s μ26.4108.在二进制倒计数协议中,试问为什么一个编号较低的站有可能得不到发送数据报的机会。
解:这里低-高电平跳变表示0, 高-低的电平跳变表示1。
15.一个1千米长、10Mbps 的CSMA/CD LAN(不是802.3),其传播速度为200米/微秒。


窗体顶端您的本次作业分数为:89分词汇与结构20131.【第四次】The young _______ eaten up almost everything on the table.A isB areC hasD have正确答案:D词汇与结构20132.【第四次】For a ______ of reasons, our team will not be participating in the upcoming match.A differenceB varietyC communityD branch正确答案:B词汇与结构20133.【第四次】As his personal secretary, I have ______ to his office.A wayB systemC advanceD access正确答案:D词汇与结构20134.【第四次】A: Must we finish the work right now? B: No, you ________. You can do it tomorrow.A needn’tB shouldn’tC mustn’tD can’t正确答案:A词汇与结构20135.【第四次】I prefer classic music ___ pop music.A thanB onC withD to正确答案:D词汇与结构20136.【第四次】This is George, ______ class you will be taking.A whoseB whomC whoD his正确答案:A词汇与结构20137.【第四次】When Lily came home at 5 pm yesterday, her mother ______dinner in the kitchen.A cookedB was cookingC cooksD has cooked正确答案:B词汇与结构20138.【第四次】What is the train ___________ to Birmingham?A feeB tripC fareD cost正确答案:C词汇与结构20139.【第四次】Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technolgy ___so rapidly.A is changingB has been changedC will have changedD will change正确答案:A词汇与结构201310.【第四次】On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several ________ a day.A customersB supportersC guestsD clients正确答案:D词汇与结构201311.【第四次】--What will you b uy for your boyfriend’s birthday? --I want to buy a ______ wallet for him.A black leather smallB small black leatherC small leather blackD black small leather正确答案:B词汇与结构201312.【第四次】A woman came in, ______ by her daughter.A followedB followingC followD being followed正确答案:A词汇与结构201313.【第四次】The reporters had to fight each other for a chance to ______ the famous singer.A instructB questionC interviewD invest正确答案:C词汇与结构201314.【第四次】It is the best ____________ I have seen.A thatB whoC whomD which正确答案:A词汇与结构201315.【第四次】As the bus came round the corner, it ran ________ a big tree by the roadside.A intoB onC overD up正确答案:A交际英语201316.【第四次】--Could you tell us where the post office is? --______A No, I am busy.B Sorry, I am new to the city too.C It is not next to the hospital.D You can buy a map.正确答案:B交际英语201317.【第四次】--I can't repair your recorder until tomorrow, I'm afraid.--That's OK, there's _______.A no problemB no wonderC no doubtD no worry正确答案:A交际英语201318.【第四次】--Susan is absent from today's writing class. --____. As far as I know she has never missed a class.A How come?B So what?C Why?D What for?正确答案:A交际英语201319.【第四次】--What would you like to have, meat or fish? --____________________________________.A Either will doB Yes, I like meatC Yes, I like fishD No, they are not my favorite正确答案:A交际英语201320.【第四次】--Could you be so kind as to turn down that rock "n" roll? I am preparing for tomorrow's exam. --________.A It’s none of your business.B What are you doing?C Sure. Sorry to disturb you.D No, I don’t think so.正确答案:C完型填空201321.【第四次】One night, a thief broke into an old man's house. He ___1___ a noise and woke up the old man and his wife. The husband told his wife to be silent, while he said loudly, "My dear, these days thieves are cleverer. If they take ___2___ their clothes and put them on the table, the people in the room will fall asleep and can't wake up." When the thief ___3___this, he took off his clothes at once and was ready to set out to work. At this___4___, the husband suddenly shouted in a loud voice:"Stop thief! Stop thief!" The thief was very frightened. He ran away as fast as be could and ___5___ his clothes on the table.A 1.A:made B:moment C:off D:left E:heardC 2.A:made B:moment C:off D:left E:heardE 3.A:made B:moment C:off D:left E:heardB 4.A:made B:moment C:off D:left E:heardD 5.A:made B:moment C:off D:left E:heard正确答案:1-A, 2-C, 3-E, 4-B, 5-D阅读理解201422.【第四次】Mr. Tom Forester lived by himself a long way from town. He hardly left his home, but one day he went into town to buy some things in the market. After he had bought them, he went into a restaurant and sat down at a table by himself. When he looked around, he saw several old people put glasses on before reading their newspapers. So after lunch he decided to go to a shop to buy himself someglasses too. He walked along the road, and soon found a shop.The man in the shop made him try on a lot of glasses, but Tom always said, "No, I can't read with these."The man became more and more puzzled (迷惑的) , until finally he said, "Excuse me, but can you read?""No, of course I can't!" T om said angrily. "If I was already able to read, do you think I would have come here to buy glasses?"D 1. Mr. Forester lived ______.A with his family in a cityB with his family in the countrysideC alone in a cityD alone in the countrysideC 2. T om ________ went into town.A oftenB alwaysC almost neverD everydayA 3. The old people in the restaurant read their newspapers ________.A with glasses onB with glasses offC with glasses of beer in front of themD with glass pipes in their mouthsD 4. The shop T ome went into sold ________.A drinking glasses and cupsB glass for windows and doorsC glasses for people who could not readD glasses for people who could not see wellC 5. What kind of mistake did Tom make?A He went to the wrong kind of shop.B He didn’t try on all the glasses inthe shop. C He thought that a person who had not learned to read would be able to do so if he wore glasses. D He left his money in the restaurant.正确答案:1-D, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D, 5-C阅读理解201423.【第四次】Sixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo. She was leaving her native country to join her sister in the United States. She spoke English very well. Though she was very happy she could go abroad, she was feeling sad at leaving her family and friends. As she was thinking all about this, she suddenly heard the airline employee asking her to pick up her luggage and put it on the scales (称). Maria pulled and pulled. The bag was too heavy and she just couldn't lift it up. The man behind her got very impatient. He, too, was waiting to check in his luggage."What's wrong with this girl?" He said, "Why doesn't she hurry up?" He moved forward and placed his bag on the counter, hoping to check in first. He was in a hurry to get a good seat.Maria was very angry, but she was very polite. And in her best English she said, "Why are you so upset? There are enough seats for everyone on the plane. If you are in such a hurry, why can't you give me a hand with my luggage?"The man was surprised to hear Maria speak English. He quickly picked up her luggage and stepped back. Everyone was looking at him with disapproval.B 1. Maria's story happened on her way back to Santo Domingo.A: T B: FA 2. You believe that the work of the airline employee mentioned in thestory is to check people's luggage at the airport.A: T B: FA3. "Why are you so upset?" Maria said to the man. She wanted to tell him that he should not be unhappy and worried.A: T B: FB4. "Everyone was looking at him with disapproval."This sentence means that the people around felt sorry for Maria's manners.A: T B: FA5. The author mentioned Maria's age at the beginning of the story in order to show that she was young but behaved properly.A: T B: F正确答案:1-B, 2-A, 3-A, 4-B, 5-A加入错题集关闭窗体底端资料。

市场营销案例第四次作业本次作业是本门课程本学期的第4次作业,注释如下:一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共17道小题)1. 2007年10月10日,国内首个以企业经营数据为城市排名的()发布。
(A) 基尼指数(B) 道琼斯指数(C) 肯德基指数(D) 必胜客指数你选择的答案:未选择[错误]正确答案:D解答参考:2. 必胜客每一张比萨饼都是在()之后上炉烤制,每道工序有严格的规定。
(A) 顾客点餐完毕(B) 顾客进门(C) 店铺开始营业(D) 顾客结账你选择的答案:未选择[错误]正确答案:A解答参考:3. 与休闲定位相比,必胜客的欢乐定位更符合()的要求,更能体现公司对消费者精神享受层面的关注。
(A) 市场营销(B) 社会营销(C) 体验营销(D) 福利营销你选择的答案:未选择[错误]正确答案:C解答参考:4. 1943年,英格瓦·坎普拉德在()创建了宜家公司。
(A) 法国(B) 英国(C) 瑞典(D) 美国你选择的答案:未选择[错误]正确答案:C5. 宜家强烈鼓励消费者在卖场进行全面的(),比如拉开抽屉、打开柜门、在地毯上走走、试一试床和沙发是否坚固等等。
(A) 仔细观察(B) 亲身体验(C) 阅读说明(D) 咨询员工你选择的答案:未选择[错误]正确答案:B解答参考:6. 宜家力图让每个家庭把光顾宜家专卖店看作是出外休闲的一次()。
(A) 愉快购物经历(B) 旅行(C) 购物体验(D) 美食品尝你选择的答案:未选择[错误]正确答案:B解答参考:7. 宜家把商场当作()来布置,通过一切可用的传播手段来全方位地吸引和引导顾客。
(A) 休闲的购物场所(B) 家庭(C) 娱乐场所(D) 休闲旅行场所你选择的答案:未选择[错误]正确答案:B解答参考:8. 随着时代发展,人们已经不再满足于被动地接受企业的诱导和操纵,而是对产品的设计提出了很多要求,在产品整体概念中所包涵的()属性因素就越来越重要。

一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题)1. –Well done and _______!–Thank you very much!(A) not at all(B) congratulations to you(C) that’s right(D) you are welcome正确答案:B2. –_______–You too!(A) Merry Christmas!(B) What a beautiful day!(C) Help yourself!(D) It’s very kind of you!正确答案:A3. –Thanks for inviting us to dinner.______–Thank you! It’s so good that you like them.(A) Best wishes to you!(B) Enjoy yourself!(C) Congratulations!(D) Everything tastes great!正确答案:D4. –I’ve heard that you are going to Thailand? –Yes, I’ll leave on Sunday.–That’s great! _______–Thank you!(A) Have a nice journey!(B) Watch out!(C) How are you!(D) You are so smart!正确答案:A5. –Welcome to the party! _______–Thank you!(A) Excuse me!(B) I totally agree with you!(C) How pretty you are today!(D) Which one do you prefer?正确答案:C6. –Which dress will you choose?–I prefer the red one.–_______(A) You have a very good taste!(B) I respect your work!(C) You have a very successful business!(D) You wife is very charming!正确答案:A7. –I hope you’ll succeed in everything!–_______(A) I’m sorry to hear that.(B) It’s a pity.(C) So do I.(D) You’re welcome.正确答案:C8. –Bob, you have a very successful business! ______ –Thank you!(A) You have a good sense of humor!(B) Enjoy yourself!(C) You two make a lovely couple!(D) Well done!正确答案:D9. –I’m engaged!–______ on your engagement!(A) Congratulations(B) Congratulation(C) Congratulate(D) Cheers正确答案:A10. –I hope you have a most happy and prosperous new year! _______–Thank you! You too!(A) Merry Christmas!(B) How smart you are!(C) Best wishes to you!(D) Nice going!正确答案:C11. The change in work patterns could offer a _______ of a better future for work.(A) information(B) organization(C) prospect(D) imagination正确答案:C12. No sooner had they got the goods covered up ______ it started raining hard.(A) in(B) than(C) then(D) after正确答案:B13. Many people are struggling at the ______ line, short of food and shelter.(A) poverty(B) poor(C) hunger(D) hungry正确答案:A14. There is an old saying that a little ______ will sink a great ship.(A) blast(B) burst(C) leak(D) sneak正确答案:C15. By no means ______ destroy or create energy.(A) we shall(B) shall we(C) can’t we(D) we can正确答案:B16. Mother is ill. Who will ______ the housework?(A) take after(B) take up(C) take out(D) take over正确答案:D17. Flood caused billions of dollars worth of his ______ damage.(A) property(B) treasure(C) goods(D) wealth正确答案:A(D) view正确答案:C23. Those students expect their teacher to ______ from disease very soon.(A) cure(B) treat(C) heal(D) recover正确答案:D24. For some years after his graduation, he ______ some of his classmates, but as times went by, he drop ped them one by one.(A) catch up with(B) keep up with(C) keep up(D) make up with正确答案:B25. The police will give you ticket, if you ______ the speed limit.(A) expand(B) extend(C) spread(D) exceed正确答案:D26. They are working together to ______ the whole society.(A) benefit(B) behalf(C) boast(D) broaden正确答案:A(C) that; that(D) where; that正确答案:C32. The Great West Development ______ a bridge between China and the rest world.(A) is a matter of(B) is the case of(C) is bound to be(D) is exemplified by正确答案:C33. Before 1920s, the American women were ______ the right to vote in a large extent.(A) deprived of(B) depriving of(C) persuade of(D) persuading of正确答案:A34. He asked who was the man ______ on.(A) to be operating(B) operating(C) to operate(D) being operating正确答案:C35. An unexpected gust ______ on us last night.(A) decreased(B) descended(C) declined(D) dropped正确答案:B(D) Friendly banks lend Joneses the money at a very low rate of interest.正确答案:C(4) Which one of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?(A) Joneses and neighbors are spending borrowed money.(B) We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive.(C) Our possessions, ‘mine’ and ‘yours’, are clearly labeled from early childhood.(D) We spend the whole of our lives keeping up with our neighbors, the Joneses.正确答案:B(5) Which of the following best describes the author’s tone in this passage?(A) Ironic(B) Optimistic(C) Objective(D) Neutral正确答案:A43.In all American history, there is no story stranger than that of John A. Sutter. When the independence of California was declared in 1846, San Francisco was a small town of some 800 inhabitants. Then, in 1848, gold was discovered on land not far away. This land was owned by John A. Sutter.[共5题](1) Which of the following is TRUE about Sutter?(A) Poor as he was, Sutter was full of adventurous spirit.(B) Sutter got his college education in Switzerland.(C) Sutter was a colonist.(D) Sutter was the richest man in the whole world.正确答案:A(2) From the passage we know that __________.(A) Sutter declared the news of gold discovery(B) men descended upon Sutter’s land to explore the gold fo r him(C) while building a saw mill, Sutter himself found some pieces of gold(D) the city of Sacramento sprang up because of the gold discovery正确答案:D(3) The change of both San Francisco and the life of Sutter was due to __________.(A) the movement of people toward San Francisco(D) insisted that he memorize good poetry in order to learn how to be a writer正确答案:A(2) The author believes that he became a writer mostly because of _________.(A) his special talent(B) his father’s teaching(C) his study at Harvard(D) a strong hidden wish within him正确答案:D(3) Which of the following is TRUE about the author?(A) He began to think of becoming a writer at Harvard.(B) He had always been successful in his writing career.(C) He went to Harvard to learn to write plays.(D) He worked as a newspaper man before becoming a writer.正确答案:D(4) The author really started on his way to become a writer _________.(A) when he was in high school(B) when he was studying at Harvard(C) when he lived in London(D) after he entered college正确答案:C(5) According to the passage, about the author’s life in 1926 which of the following conclusions CANNOT be safely drawn?(A) He lost the ability to determine in which direction he should go.(B) He was depressed about having his plays rejected.(C) He lived in a house which had smoked brick and cream-yellow-plaster look.(D) He started his first novel.正确答案:A”46. Does money buy happiness? No! Ah, would a little more money make us __(1)__ happier? Many of us would agree. There is, we believe, some connection between having money and feeling fantastic. Most of us would say that, yes, we __(2)__ to be rich. Three in four American college students now consider it is “ver y important” or “essential” __(3)__ they become “very well off financially”. Money matters. Well, are the rich people happier? Researchers have found that in poor countries, such as Bangladesh, being __(4)__ well off does make for greater well-being. We need food, rest, shelter and __(5)__ contact. But a surprising fact of li fe is that in countries where everyone can __(6)__ life’s necessities, increasing affluence matters surprisingly little. The correlation __(7)__ wealth and happiness is “surprisingly weak”, observed University of Mich igan researcher, Ronald Inglehart, in one 16-nation study of 170,000 people. Once comfortable, more money provi des diminishing returns. The second piece of pie, or the second 共10题](1)(A) more(B) less(C) very(D) a little正确答案:D(2)(A) would like(B) had better(C) would better(D) had like正确答案:A(3)(A) what(B) when(C) that(D) where正确答案:C(4)(A) relative(B) relatively(C) relation(D) relate正确答案:B(5)(A) social(B) society(C) sociable(D) socialize正确答案:A(6)(A) affect(B) afford(C) affair(D) affirm正确答案:B(7)(A) among(B) in(C) with(D) between正确答案:D(8)(A) special(B) unusual(C) average(D) public正确答案:C(9)(A) in the long run(B) for the long run(C) at the long run(D) on the long run正确答案:A(10)(A) over(B) than(C) to(D) instead正确答案:B。
江苏开放大学 管理学基础 第四次形成作业

、江苏开放大学管理学基础第四次形成性考核作业及答案学号: 2020050800139 姓名:王志伟课程名称:管理学基础大作业完成时间: 2021.1.第 4 次任务共 4 次任务一、单选题1.由于泰罗在科学管理理论方面所做出的开创性成就,他被人们称为“科学管理之父”A.是B.否正确答案:A2.管理,就是通过目标、组织、领导和控制,协调以人为中心的组织资源与职能活动,以有效实现目标的社会活动。

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Exercise TwoDirections: In this part there are 50 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices beneath marked a, b, c and d. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1. This is the same story ____ I heard ten years ago.a. thatb. about thatc. whichd. of which2. I advised her that in the presence of the princess she should not say anything until ____.a. askedb. being askedc. having been askedd. to be asked3. It is necessary that an efficient worker ____ his work on time.a. accomplishb. accomplishesc. can accomplishd. has accomplished4. It was ____ that he heard of the victory of the Chinese revolution.a. Stephenb. with Stephenc. by Stephend. from Stephen5. He was attending a meeting, ____ come to your birthday party then.a. unless he would haveb. or he wouldc. but he did notd. or he would have6. The curious children watched the towers ____.a. erectedb. be erectedc. to be erectedd. being erected7. She never laughed, ____ ever lose her temper.a. so did sheb. but she did notc. nor did shed. nor she did8. I regret ____ him a thief, but I regret even more his stealing my watch!a. to callb. to have calledc. having calledd. called9. Y ou are supposed to ____ in your composition yesterday.a. handb. be handingc. have handedd. handing10. A new technique ____ worked out, we set about our project.a. beingb. to bec. havingd. having been11. Some people hope, the rains will return and ease the hardship ____ the peasants of NorthernChina.a. facedb. facesc. facingd. to face12. Ever since the Smiths moved to the suburbs a year ago, they ____ better health.a. are enjoyingb. have been enjoyingc. could have enjoyedd. had enjoyed13. He loves doing some reading at home ____ to the cinema.a. than to gob. than goingc. more than goingd. rather than to go14. ____ of neglecting our education, my father sent my sister and me to an evening school.a. Accusedb. Accusingc. To be accusedd. That he was accused15. She never regretted paying $ 200 for the bookcase. As a matter of fact she would gladly havepaid ____ for it.a. as much twiceb. as twice muchc. much as twiced. twice as much16. I was held up by the traffic jam, otherwise I ____ here 50 minutes sooner.a. would beb. ought to have beenc. would have beend. must have been17. The driver carefully checked his car ____ it should go wrong on the way.a. lestb. or elsec. so thatd. in order that18. “ ____ his second heart attack if he hadn't smoked?" "He might not have. "a. Would he have hadb. Would he havec. Had he hadd. Were he to have19. Only after a baby seal is pushed into the sea by its mother ____ to swim.a. how will it learnb. will it learn howc. it will learn howd. and it learns how20. She ____ not have seen you yesterday, for she was not there.a. mightb. couldc. shouldd. must21. "He gave me ____ $ 100!” he said wi th satisfaction.a. no less thanb. no more thanc. something liked. only22. ____ the dog was the first animal to be domesticated is generally agreed upon by authorities inthe field.a. Untilb. It wasc. Whatd. That23. Mr. Brown is ____ respected by his colleagues.a. veryb. ratherc. enoughd. much24. If the pain in your leg becomes worse, get it ____ at once.a. to be seenb. seen toc. seeing tod. be seen to25. "I don’t understand how you got a ticket. I always thought you were a careful driver." " ____but I thought I could get through the intersection before the light turned. "a. I am usuallyb. Usually am Ic. I usually amd. Am I usually26. The teacher warned that whoever was caught ____ during the test would be punished.a. cheatb. cheatingc. to cheatd. to be cheating27. The man looked at me suspiciously ____ that he had heard this type of story many times andasked me to describe the case.a. even if to sayb. as if was sayingc. as if to sayd. even though saying28. It was not until she had arrived home ____ remembered her appointment with the doctor.a. when sheb. that shec. and shed. so that she29. The doctor insisted that his patient ____ for three months.a. not to work too hardb. took it easyc. to take some holidaysd. take it easy30. He showed great interest in my field of work. He asked me ____ fresh developments.a. informing him ofb. to inform himc. to keep him informed ofd. keeping him informed of31. By the time you come back I the work.a. finishb. shall finishc. shall have finishedd. would have finished32. John had been working hard, .a. so his brother didb. and so was his brotherc. so did his brotherd. and so had his brother33. I come here by ship, but I didn't have enough time.a. would like tob. would like to havec. would ratherd. would rather to34. If only he what I tell him, but he won't.a. had doneb. would have donec. would dod. has done35. Shining down out of the blue sky, .a. the sun burnt their pale skinsb. the sun burning their pale skinsc. they were burnt by the fierce sund. their pale skins were burnt by the sun36. an international student to work without proper papers, he would be in violation of hisvisa.a. Wereb. Wasc. Hadd. Should37. He didn't seem to mind TV while he was trying to study.a. them to watchb. that they watchc. their watchingd. them watch38. He is said to two trips to China in the last two years.a. makeb. be makingc. have been makingd. have made39. finish his homework he would have come to class.a. If Mike couldb. Were Mike able toc. Would Mike be able tod. If Mike had been able to40. A severe weather alert is now in effect for southern Ohio and Indiana.a. wholeb. the wholec. all ofd. the all41. I really appreciate to help me, but I am sure that I will be able to manage by myself.a. you to offerb. your offeringc. that you offerd. that you are offering42. If he the storekeeper's scissors, he would have forgotten to buy a pair.a. would not seeb. has not seenc. had not seend. were not to see43. My father did not go to New Y ork; the doctor suggested that he go there.a. not tob. won'tc. does notd. not44. Copernicus maintained that the earth round the sun.a. movesb. movedc. movingd. move45. My wallet is nowhere to be found. I it when I was on the bus.a. must dropb. had droppedc. must have droppedd. should have dropped46. Did you notice the little boy away?a. took the candy and runb. take the candy and runc. taking the candy and rund. taking the candy and running47. The new big factory is reported within two years.a. to have completedb. to completec. having been completedd. to have been completed48. It was essential that all the necessary documents in to the personnel office.a. handb. be handedc. are to handd. must be handed49. pretty late, we decided to leave at once, as we didn't want to risk missing the last bus.a. It beingb. Beingc. As is beingd. It was being50. I a little earlier, but I met a friend of mine on the way.a. should arriveb. would be arrivingc. could have arrivedd. arrivedKeys1-5 a.a.a.d.d. 6-10 d.c.c.c.d. 11-15 c.b.c.a.d. 16-20 c.a.a.b.b.21-25 a.d.d.b.c. 26 –30 b.c.b.d.c. 31-35 c.d.b.c.a. 36-40 a.c.d.d.c.41-45 b.c.d.a.c. 46-50 b.d.b.a.c.。