

英语成语谚语俗语大全 ppt课件

英语成语谚语俗语大全 ppt课件
Deal with a man as he deals with you. 以其人之道还治其人之身
Look before you leap. 三思而后行
Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮。
A good beginning the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
green bird
Talk horse. 吹牛。
duck’s egg 得零分
black sheep of the family
as busy as a bee 和蜜蜂一样勤劳
Little chips light great fires. 星星之火,可以燎原。
Dreams are lies. 梦不足信。
Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。
A light heart live long. 心情开朗寿命长。
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 日吃苹果一只,身体健康不求医。
It's never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢
There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪
Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕 East or west,home is best. 走东串西,还是家里好
Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败
Barking dogs don't bite 吠犬不咬人
意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯 于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真


4.back to the drawing board
4.back to the drawing board 从头开始,失 败后另起炉灶
drawing board指“画板”。该习语直议为“(退)回到画板前”,引 申为“从头开始。失败后另起炉灶”。
A: How is Jim recently? 吉姆近况如何? B: Very well. Since he was back to the drawing board, he's
2.at sixes and sevens
般认为源于掷色子,原为赌博行话。据说在中世纪时,色子面上的最高点数是7 ,如想求得13点,即一个色子6点,一个色子7点,这谈何容易,只有那些心烦意乱或处 于思想混乱状态下的人才会下此赌注,一试赌赢。该习语最初表示“漫不经心地下赌注”, 后来转而表示“心烦意乱”,最后又引申出“乱七八糟”、“意见不一”等意思。乔叟在爱情 长诗《特罗勒斯和克丽西德》中使用过该习语。
7.be brassed off doing
7.be brassed off doing 厌烦干… ,对 … 满腹牢骚
brass作名词指“黄铜”,作动词指“镀黄铜于 … ”,而brassed off是俚 语,意思是“厌烦,不满,牢骚满腹”。
A: I am awfully sorry that I have kept you waiting. 真是很抱歉让您 久等了。
been very successful. 非常好。自从他失败以后另起炉灶,就一直 很成功。 A: I know he will get back on his feet sooner or later. 我知 道他迟早会东山再起的。



• 他论事不论人
• he see things not people
• 我们志同道合

we sang the same songs
• 我希望你也能来

I hope you in the roll
• 我们各付各的吧

let’s go Dutch
• 说曹操, 曹操就到

speak of the devil
• 千里之行始于足下。
• Look before you leap. 三思而后行。
• Pour cats and dogs
Facts speak plainer (清楚,明白) than words. 事实胜于雄辩。
Action speaks louder than words. 行动胜过语言。
Where there is a will, there is a way. (A willful man will have his way. )
can‘t make him drink! 〔谚〕带马到河边容易,逼马饮水难!
Chichen 小鸡 19.Come on! Don’t be chicken! 来,别害怕! 20.Well,she’s certainly no spring chicken .她当然不再是个小丫头了。 21.Don't count your chickens before they're
12. Just hold your horses! 忍耐一下吧! 13. She works like a horse all day long. 她整天辛辛苦苦地干活。 14.That’s a horse of a different color! 那完全是另外一回事。 15.You can take a horse to the water,but you



英语习语、俚语、谚语、外来语////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////知识回顾1) Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳2) Call a spade a spade. 有啥说啥;直言不讳3) happy money. 供零花的钱4) A lion’s skin is never cheap. 好货不便宜。

5) Gone With The Wind 《乱世佳人》9. If you confera benefit,never remember it; If you receive one,remember it always.【译文】施恩勿记,受恩勿忘。

一、直译法a die-hard、think tank、time frame、the hot line、paper tiger、armed to the teeth、comfort woman、to burn one’s boats、to fan the flame(s)、to turn a deaf ear to、to have a well-oiled tongue、a gentleman’s agreement死硬派、思想库、时间框架、热线、纸老虎、武装到牙齿、慰安妇、破釜沉舟、扇风点火充耳不闻、油腔滑调、君子协定an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth以眼还眼,以牙还牙Long absent, soon forgotten. 久别情疏。

Add fuel to the fire. 火上加油。

Run with the tail between the legs.夹着尾巴逃跑。

二、套译法to go through fire and water赴汤蹈火to laugh off one’s head笑掉牙齿to praise to the skies 捧上天去 the apple of the eye掌上明珠Life is but an empty dream.人生如梦。


• to criticize or stop something that some people are enthusiastic about
The shoe is on the other foot
• Back in school we made fun of Jones because we thought he spent too much time studying instead of having fun. Now the shoe is on the other foot -- he's made lots of money and the rest of us are just barely making enough to feed our families.
English slangs
Slang is the use of
informal words and expressions , but it’s more acceptable when
used socially.
Break a leg
A:Man,I have a performance tomorrow .I am so nervous. B: Don’t be, you will be fine , break a leg ,okay! A: break a leg? Are you kidding me?
Break a leg= Good Luck
On the house
A:Hi,do you want to try this new flavor hamburger , buy one and I’ll give you one on the house. B:On the house? Can I just go upstairs?


• 众人拾柴火焰高。 • Many hands make light work. • 钱能通神。金钱万能。 • Money talks. • 凡人皆有得意日。 • Every dog has his day. • 满瓶不响,半瓶晃荡。 • Empty vessels make the most sound.
• 一日之计在于晨。 • An hour in the morning is worth two in the
evening. • 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 • As you sow, so shall you reap. • 不要孤注一掷。 • Do not keep all the eggs in one basket. • 船到桥头自然直。 • Don’t cross a bridge till you come to it.
• 良药苦口(利于病)。 • A good medicine tastes bitter. • 树大招风。 • A tall tree catches much wind. • 同病相怜。 • Fellow-sufferers pity one another. • 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。 • An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
• 时间治愈一切。 • Time cures all things. • 时间创造奇迹。 • Time works wonders. • 旅游开阔思想。 • Travel broadens the mind. • 笔的力量胜于剑。 • The pen is mightier than the sword.





1、abig fish 大人物In the city I was nothing, but in thecountry I was considered a big fish、在城里我并不就是什么大人物,但就是在乡下我被认为就是个了不起得人物。

2、a pieceof cake小菜一碟For him, the work is a piece of cake、对她来说,这点活儿就就是小菜一碟。

3、Actions speak louderthan words、事实胜于雄辩。

4、add insult toinjury伤口上撒盐,落井下石,火上浇油,雪上加霜My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to injury, Igot a flat tire in thedriveway、今天早上我得车差点没发动起来,雪上加霜得就是开到车道时一个车胎也没气了。

5、allears洗耳恭听If you have a good idea for improving my pronunciation, I’m all ears、如果您对改进我得发音有好得建议,我洗耳恭听。

6、be down-to—earth 脚踏实地People should be down—to-earth, instead ofbeing over—ambitious、做人应该脚踏实地,不要好高骛远。

7、beat around thebush旁敲侧击,兜圈子,拐弯抹角Don’t beat around the bush! Tell me exactly what Jacksaid、别拐弯抹角了!实话告诉我杰克说什么了。



— Mom, I’d really like to go to the beach today. — I’m afraid you can’t. You’d better _______ and
stay home to prepare for your exams.
A. jump the gun
B. bite the bullet
“kill the goose to get the eggs ”源于希腊寓言 , 说的是有一个乡下人 , 因为发财心切杀了自己 饲养的那只能下金蛋的鹅 , 以为如此就可一次 获得全部想像中的金块 , 但其结果一无所获。 现比喻贪图眼前利益 , 没有长远打算。
“a feather in your cap ”汉译为“值得荣耀的 事、荣誉” , 源于广泛流行于亚洲和美洲印第安 人中的一种风俗 : 每杀死一个敌人就在头部或帽 子上插一根毛 , 以此来显示战绩与荣誉。
A:Break a leg on your final! B:Thanks, I will do my best.
break a leg本义“断一条腿”。有一种说法是,相传淘气
的精灵(elf)会让与愿望相反的事发生。于是人们故意说 “祝你断一条腿”,希望借此骗过那些精灵。最早用于演
出前预祝成功,现在使用更加广泛,相当于good luck。
The Trojan Horse the hidden danger; the convert wreckers(暗 藏的危险;奸细)
Greek gift(s)
a gift with some evil purposes of the enemy;one given with intention to harm (阴 谋害人的礼物;黄鼠狼拜年-不安好心)


• gain in both fame and wealth
• 31.茅塞顿开
• be suddenly enlightened 32.没有规矩不成方圆
• Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. • 33.每逢佳节倍思亲
• On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away. It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most. 34.谋事在人成事在天
• Harmony brings wealth. 19.活到老学到老
• One is never too old to learn. 20.既往不咎
• let bygones be bygones
• 21.金无足赤人无完人
• Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect. 22.金玉满堂
• Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future. 44.前人栽树后人乘凉
• One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests. One sows and another reaps. 45.前怕狼后怕虎
• 1.爱屋及乌
• Love me, love my dog. 2.百闻不如一见
• Seeing is believing. 3.比上不足比下有余



与食物相关的俚语通常与日常生活和 饮食习惯紧密相连。
例如,“apple of my eye”表示珍贵 的人或物,“hot potato”形容棘手 的问题或难以处理的事情,“sour grapes”表示对某事物的嫉妒或不满 。
不同文化背景下,某些俚语的含义可能有所不同,甚至可能产生 相反的含义。
在使用来自其他文化的俚语时,应谨慎考虑其是否适用于当前语境 ,并确保不会产生误解或冒犯。
Hale Waihona Puke 练习使用英语俚语总结词:实践应用
详细描述:通过观看ppt课件,学习者可以学习到各种英语俚语,并在实际生活 中加以应用。这有助于提高学习者的口语表达能力和交际能力。
详细描述:深入思考英语俚语在文化中的地位和作用,可以帮助学习者更好地理解英语国家的文化内涵。通过了解俚语的起 源、发展和变化,学习者可以更全面地认识英语文化。
俚语在日常对话中广泛使用, 能够增加语言的生动性和表现 力,使交流更加自然和流畅。
俚语通常用于口语表达,能够 快速传达意思,避免正式和繁 琐的表达方式。
在日常对话中使用俚语可以拉 近人与人之间的距离,增强亲 近感,促进交流。
虽然俚语在书面语言中的使用不如日 常对话中普遍,但在某些文体中适当 使用俚语可以增加语言的魅力和表现 力。
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”1. a big fish 大人物In the city I was nothing, but in the country I was considered a bigfish.在城里我并不是什么大人物,但是在乡下我被认为是个了不起的人物。

2. a piece of cake 小菜一碟For him, the work is a piece of cake.对他来说,这点活儿就是小菜一碟。

3. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

4. add insult to injury 伤口上撒盐,落井下石,火上浇油,雪上加霜My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to injury,I got a flat tire in the driveway.今天早上我的车差点没发动起来,雪上加霜的是开到车道时一个车胎也没气了。

5. all ears 洗耳恭听If you have a good idea for improving my pronunciation, I'm all ears. 如果你对改进我的发音有好的建议,我洗耳恭听。

6. be down-to-earth 脚踏实地People should be down-to-earth, instead of being over-ambitious.做人应该脚踏实地,不要好高骛远。

7. beat around the bush 旁敲侧击,兜圈子,拐弯抹角Don't beat around the bush! Tell me exactly what Jack said.别拐弯抹角了!实话告诉我杰克说什么了。

8. bed of roses 称心如意的生活Life is not a bed of roses, but please treasure it and enjoy it.虽然生活不总是一帆风顺,但是请珍惜生活,享受生活9. best of both worlds 两全其美The house combines country surroundings with city convenience, sohaving the best of both worlds.这所房子既有乡村的环境又有城市的便利,两全其美。

10. big time 非常; 很; 大大地And you owe me big time!这回你欠我很多了吧。

11. bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂,心有余而力不足,好高骛远One can't bite off more than one can chew in reading or doing anywork.无论读书或做任何工作,一个人都不能好高骛远。

12. boss around 颐指气使I heard that he loves to boss people around.我听说他很爱指使人。

13. call it a day 收工Let's call it a day and go to the movies.我们收工看电影去吧!14. cat nap 打瞌睡I try to take a little cat nap every Sunday afternoon.我试着在每个周日的下午小睡一会儿。

15. catch some Zs 小睡, 稍睡片刻16. come easily 易如反掌Languages come easily to some people.语言学习对有些人来说易如反掌。

17. cool it 冷静一点Stop fighting, you boys! Now cool it!孩子们,不要打了!冷静些!18. couch potato 花大量时间看电视的人,电视迷I like being a couch potato!我喜欢窝在沙发上看电视!19. cry over spilt milk 后悔莫及Do not cry over spilt milk!不要做无益的后悔。

20. get with it 适应;赶上时髦,跟上潮流Come on, do the latest dance, get with it!来吧,跳最新式的舞蹈,要跟上时代潮流。

21. Give it a shot! 试试看!Give it a shot! I got faith in you.试试看!我对你有信心。

22. go places ( 在社会上等)成功; 有成就Once I'm qualified in my profession, I intend to go places.一旦我有资格从事自己的职业,我就想获得成功。

23. go the extra mile 多付出代价; 多努力一点He's always willing to go the extra mile for his friends.他总是愿意为朋友两肋插刀。

24. go up in smoke 成为泡影,化为乌有Whe he crashed his car, all his travel plans went up in smoke.他把汽车撞坏了,他的整个旅行计划都泡汤了。

25. Got you! ( 骗、吓) 到你了吧!26. have a cow 非常生气I thought he was going to have a cow when I told him I'd lost his key.当我告诉他我丢了钥匙时,我以为他会大发雷霆的。

27. hit the road 上路;出发It's time to hit the road.是上路的时候了。

28. hold your horses 耐心点,不要着急Hold your horses; we're not ready to leave yet.等一等,我们还没有准备好离开。

29. If you snooze, you lose! 如果你不注意, 就错过良机了。

30. in hot water 有麻烦He was found cheating on the exam, and now he's in hot water.他考试作弊被发现了,现在他可麻烦了。

31. in the driver ’s seat 掌有控制权In that business, the old man is really in the driver's seat.在那个行业中,这位老人确实掌有控制权。

32. joy ride 兜风We went for a joy ride in Tim's new jeep.我们坐蒂姆的新吉普车去兜风了。

33. jump the gun 草率行事不要草率行事。


34. keep one ’s shirt on 保持冷静Keep your shirt on; we will support you at any times.冷静点,在任何情况下我们都会支持你。

35. kick back 轻松休息As soon as they've finished up, they kick back and wait for the next show.他们一完工就开始休息并等待下一场演出。

36. knock it off 住手;不要再做某事Knock it off! I'm trying to sleep.别闹了!我要睡觉了。

37. miss the boat 错失良机One of the biggest mistakes in one's life is to miss the boat.人生最大的错误之一就是坐失良机。

38. My hands are tied. 我无能为力。

39. Oh, boy! 乖乖! 唉呀! 真是!Oh, boy! I'm going to have to restart it again.哦天呐!我又得重启了。

40. on the nose 正好,恰好,准确He hits the target on the nose.他正好击中了目标。

41. on the spot 让(某人) 在压力下作决定; 当场James was called to see the producer and got the job on the spot.詹姆斯被叫去见制片人,当场就得到了那份工作。

42. once in a blue moon 千载难逢It's only once in a blue moon that you get an opportunity like that. 这样的机会对你来说真是千载难逢。

43. pull one ’s leg 开玩笑Whenhe said he would invite the whole class to his birthday party,we thought he was pulling our leg.当他说要请全班同学参加他的生日宴会时,我们以为他在开玩笑。

44. push around 摆布;使唤Be yourself and don't let anybody push you around.做你自己,不要让别人牵着鼻子走。

45. red-letter day 大日子June 2nd will be a red-letter day for him; he's getting married.六月二日是他的大喜日子,他要结婚了。

46. rock the boat 找麻烦I said I didn't want to rock the boat in any way.我说过我根本不想挑事。

47. shake a leg 赶快Shake a leg! We're already ten minutes late.快点!我们已经迟到十分钟了。

48. tell it like it is 实话实说I always tell it like it is but, unfortunately, sometimes the truth hurts.我一向实话实说,只是有时候实话会伤心。
