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在英语文法中有三种语气,即直述式语气(In dicative Mood)、祈使语气(Imperative Mood)和虚拟语气(Subjective Mood),其中前两种我们早已熟悉了,这里则不多谈了,女口:How beautiful she is!则是直述式语气,而Hurry up! Do n't hurry up则是祈使语气。我们主要来看看虚拟语气的主要用法。虚拟语气主要是用来表达一种无法实现的愿望,一种与事实相反的情况,或者将不可能实现的,或可能性很小的事实,假想为事实予以表述。这样的动词结构称为虚拟语气。它主要有三种形式,即与现在事实相反的假设,与过去事实相反的假设,与将来事实相反的假设。它们具体结构如表8 —7。




In correct: If I was a girl, I would marry you

Correct: If I were a girl, I would marry you


In correct: If I were you I will not worry

Correct: If I were you I should n't worry


In correct: God forgives you!

Correct: God forgive you!

这里的主语God是第三人称单数,之所以动词不加s是因为要表达一种祝愿,即人力所不能及的事情,实际上是forgive前有一助动词should, May 等,

但在口语中将其省略了。如:May you be happy祝你幸福。

In correct: If the weather was nice yesterday,

we would have gone to the zoo

Correct: If the weather had been nice yesterday we would have gone to the zoo

因句中有 yesterday 一词即表示的是与过去相反的事实,即昨天天气很不好, 我们也未去动物园,所以if 条件句应用had+过去分词。

Incorrect: If it is was not snowing right now,I will go for a walk

Correct: If it was (were) not snowing right now , I would go for a walk

虚拟语态be 动词作助动词时,则可用 was 来取代were,女口 was to 。虚拟语 态中的动词如果是表示正在进行之中也要用进行时态。

Incorrect: If you had taken my advice, you would have been better now Correct: If you had taken my advice, you would be better now

这句话的意思是如果你以前要是能听我的忠告的话, 你现在就会好多了。 其条 件句是与过去事实相反的虚拟句, 而主句是与现在事实相反的虚拟句, 这在语法 书中叫做混合虚拟条件句。 例如: If I had caught that plane , I would be dead now 即: The plane I intended to catch crashed and everyone was killed

he would go home at once he would go home at once

在虚拟条件句中的if 可以省略,但if 省略后其句子的结构要采用倒装语序 Incorrect: Supposing your teacher saw you with me What does she think? Correct: Supposing your teacher saw you with me , what might she think?

这句话中没有if 条件句,但仍要用作虚拟语态。这里因为有些分词或介词短 语,起到了从句的作用。这些短语有: without , providing, supposing , but for(you) … Incorrect: To see the girl , you will like her Correct: To see the gir ,l you would like her


Incorrect: I'm sorry I did have come here by car Correct: I'm sorry I should have come here bycar 这里的条件句被省略了, 其意为我真应该坐小车来。 同样在句意不会混淆的情 况下,主句也有时可以被省略,女口: What if we should fail!(我们万一失败了如何)。 If he could do it, why not? (如果他能做,他怎么会不干呢 ?)

Incorrect: If the earth were (was) to turn from east to wes ,t I will give you this car as a gift

Correct: If the earth were(was) to turn from east to west I would give you this car as a gift

条件句中也常用 were to 来表示说话者认为可能性极小或根本不可能的事。 In correct: If you'd have told him early , he would have passed the exam

Correct: If you had told him early , he would have passed the exam

非正式口语中往往听见外国人讲:'d have+ pp (过去分词)但仍没有人认为它是 正确的句子,不易为我们效仿。

Incorrect: He were you , he would go home at once

Correct: Were he you , Correct: If he were

you ,
