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1.This time main follow Britain

Britishr ——south area r——made more money

Puritan r——north area r——religious freedom

17century,Europen explor settle in english.the early settler include Dutch Swedes Germans French Italians Portuguese.

The first writings that we called American were the narratives(记叙文)and journals (日记)

The characteristic in that time :developed slowly,especially in the south.

2.the first American writer——captain John Smith

3.early New England Literature

Puritan for the sake of religious freedom.the church is the supreme political body. Puritan value:hard work,serious,thrift,loyalty.

思想:1,They want simplicity to church,2,the authority of Bible.

they want disciplined and hard(艰苦有原则),but it is extreme opinion.they think god is wrathful(愤怒的)

4.Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor——nature and religion.


1.historical introduction

思想条件:Thomas Paine’s 《Common Sense》and the eloquence of the 《Declaration of Independence》

政治背景:the colonial have been united.

经济条件:industry depended very fast

文化条件:Philadelphia ,New York,and Virginia is the political and literature talent ①.the war for independence lasted for eight years (1776——1783)and ended in the formation of a federative bourgeois democratic republic联邦的资本主义民主共和国——the united state of America.

②.Literary Genre(体裁)only is political.

2.Benjamin Franklin

He is the only good American author befor the independence War,as a yonng man began printer,his famous《Poor Richard’s Almanac》穷查理年鉴。His own book 《Autobiography》自传is very popular.he like reading from child

3Th omas Paine

He is rebellion but born into an age of revolution(生性叛逆却生得其所)

His famous book is 《Common Sense》and 《American Crisis》((美国的危机)summer soldier and the sunshine patriot)。Other books are 《Right of Man》and《The Age of The Reason》

4.Thomas Jefferson

serve for two terms as president.《Declaration of Independence》(we hold these truths to be self-evident,that all man are created equal,that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.that among those life ,liberty,the pursuit of happiness)

5.Philip FRENEAU

He is a poet and political journalist(诗人和记者),praise of nature and social .《The Wild Honey Suckle》《The Indian burying Ground 》《To a Caty-Did》

三THE LITERATURE OF ROMANTICISM(novel,short stories,poems)

经济原因。Industry in the American developed very fast.but the gap of poor and rich more serious.

政治原因:American won the Independence War ,they are very happy.

社会原因:the lever of education and literacy had risen significant

文化原因:New York is the largest city Boston and Philadelphia as the economic and culture capital of the nation.

工业的生产特点:mass production,advanced science and technology

②,the characteristic of romantic :nature, personal emotion.imagination

③transcendentalism(oversoul)extremely think nature is perfect


④gothic novel

1.Washington Irving

The first work by American writer to win financial success on both sides of Atlantic is Washington Iring’s《Sketch Book》见闻杂记,the author use Gothic.他的作品世界和欧洲和美国过的时期的作家。The author account himself“always fond of visit new scene,even journeyed one long summer’s day,books and travels become my passion.further reading and thinking,see the great man”.but he writ for entertainment.《The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 》the story happened in Hudson quite place,headless houseman,Ichabod is teacher,Katrina Van Tassel,白富美,BROM BONES,情敌。

2,James Fenimore Cooper

《The Spy 》,the see romance 海上冒险故事is 《The Pilot》,the frontier stories is 《Leatherstocking Tales》(include 《The Deerslayer》,《The Last of the Mohicans》,《The Pathfinder》,《The Pioneer》.《The Prairie》)it called the American epic.故事集讲的都是Natty Bumppo这一个人

His masterpiece is 《The Last of the Mohicans》Natty Bumppo in the story name is Hawkeye.Chingachgook is the 酋长,his son is Uncas.Cora and Alice is twins.

3.Willam Cullen Bryant

The style poem is called “Thanatopsis”(means“view of death”象征着fitting and struggle),he supported such causes as free speech支持自由言论。《To a Waterfowl》is the peak of his work,called it the“most perfect brief poem in the language”he is the first famous and popular to gain the word’s admit.

4.Edgar Allen Poe

《To Helen》《The Raven》(never more)《Annabel Lee》(i was a child and she was

a child)《The Fall of the House of Usher》

5.Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Emerson is the Transcendentalism and the leader of the transcendentalism.he is one of the most influential American thinkers.his theme is individualism,independence of mind and self-reliance.

His books are 《Nature》《The American Scholar》《self-reliance》(I gain my
