
1.北京市5月直接辐射大于7月,主要是因为 ( )A.5月太阳高度大于7月B.5月散射辐射量小于7月C.5月气温日变化大于7月D.5月白昼长于7月2.上右图反映出( )A.太阳总辐射量阴天大于晴天B.阴天时太阳高度角的日变化大C.大气散射作用的强弱完全取决于质点的多少D.太阳高度角越小,质点散射作用越弱读北京时间10:00的日照图(阴影部分表示夜半球),回答3、4题。
3.A点最可能位于( )A.德国B.美国C.巴西D.澳大利亚4.此时,与B点日期相同的经度范围约占全球的( )A.3/4B.5/7C.5/9D.7/12下图为1950~2010年我国某海域冬、夏季风向与风速变化趋势图,风向角度0°(360°)表示正北风,风向角度90°表示正东风,风向角度180°表示正南风,风向角度270°表示正西风。
5.该海域( )A.冬季风向较夏季稳定B.盛行风季节更替不明显C.冬、夏季风速变化完全一致D.冬季风速始终较夏季大6.该海域大气环流的形成原因是( )A.高低纬度间的热量差异B.气压带风带的移动C.青藏高原和周围湖泊的温差D.海陆热力性质差异7.影响该海域冬季风速年际变化的主要原因是( )A.该地区冬季降水量的多少B.亚洲高压势力强弱变化C.该海域面积的年际变化D.该海域结冰面积的大小黑河是我国第二大内流河,该流域是古丝绸之路的必经之地,黑河下游过去曾是水草丰美、牛羊成群的地方,现在到处是荒漠戈壁。
8.黑河下游地区草原退化、生态恶化的主要人为原因是( )A.陡坡修筑梯田B.水资源利用不当C.工业规模扩大D.深居内陆,气候干旱9.为恢复黑河下游地区往日的生态,下列措施合理的有 ( )①上游推广节水农业②中游建设河流防渗工程③下游修建平原水库④全流域用水统一管理A.①②③B.②③④C.①②④D.①③④宁夏中卫市位于腾格里沙漠南缘,历史上曾长期被风沙困扰,自然环境较恶劣。

1.What does the woman mean?A.She praises the boy.B.She wants more cakes.C.She will give another cake to the boy.2.What does the woman probably do?A.A saleswoman.B.A cleaner.C.Ahotel clerk.3.Who is the woman most probably talking to?A.A painter.B.A mailman.C.Acarpenter.4.What can we know about the woman?A.She doesn’t like sandwiches.B.She has already eaten.C.She doesn’t feel like eating anything now.5.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Teacher and student.B.Doctor andpatient.C.Customer and salesgirl.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

可能用到的相对原子质量: N 14 O 16 Al 27 S 32 K 39 Mn 55 Ba 137第I卷(共50分)一、选择题(本题包括10小题,每小题2分,共20分。
对下列古代研究成果的说明不合理的是A. 《天工开物》“凡石灰,经火焚炼为用”里的“石灰”是指Ca(OH)2B. 《黄白第十大》“曾青涂铁,铁赤如铜”主要发生了置换反应C. 《本草纲目》“用浓酒和糟入甑,蒸令气上,用器承滴露”,利用到蒸馏D. 《梦溪笔谈》“以剂钢为刃,柔铁为茎干,不尔则多断折”中“剂钢”指铁合金【答案】A【解析】【详解】A.石灰石加热后能制得生石灰,“石灰”指的是碳酸钙,故A错误;B.铁与硫酸铜反应是铁置换出铜,铜为红色,反应方程式为:Fe+CuSO4=FeSO4+Cu,该反应为置换反应,故B正确;C.由信息可知,蒸令气上,则利用互溶混合物的沸点差异不同进行分离,则该法为蒸馏操作,故C正确;D.剑刃硬度要大,所以用的是碳铁合金,剂钢指的是铁的合金,故D正确。
2.国际计量大会对摩尔的最新定义为:“1摩尔包含6.02214076×1023个基本单元,这一常数称作阿伏伽德罗常数(N A),单位为mol-1。
”下列叙述正确的是A. 标准状况下,22.4L SO3含有N A个分子B. 6.4g CH4O含有的C-H键为0.6N AC. 0.1mol Na2O2与CO2反应转移的电子数为0.2N AD. 0.1mol/L的乙酸溶液中含有的H+数目小于0.1N A【答案】B【解析】【详解】A.标准状况下,SO3是固体,所以不能使用气体摩尔体积,故A错误;B.6.4gCH4O物质的量为0.2mol,1个甲醇分子中有4个氢原子,其中含有3个C-H键,1个O-H键,所以0.2mol甲醇分子中含有0.6molC-H键,故B正确;C.0.1mol molNa2O2与足量的CO2充分反应,生成0.05mol氧气,转移0.1mol电子,转移的电子数为0.1N A,故C错误;D.溶液的体积不确定,无法确定氢离子的数目,H+离子数也可能大于0.1N A,故D错误。

1. 科研人员连续两年对某岛屿社鼠种群的数量和性别比例(♀:♂)进行了研究,结果如图所示。
据图分析,下列叙述错误的是A. 据图可知,不同季节社鼠雌性个体和雄性个体生存能力不同B. 性别比例是通过影响出生率和死亡率来影响社鼠种群数量变化的C. 从春季到夏季,社鼠雌性个体存活率要小于雄性个体D. 第二年的秋季,该岛屿上社鼠种群数量比第一年的更少可能与环境有关2. 下列关于神经兴奋的叙述,错误的是A.兴奋部位细胞膜两侧的电位表现为膜内为正、膜外为负B.神经细胞兴奋时细胞膜对Na+通透性增大C.兴奋在反射弧中以神经冲动的方式双向传递D.细胞膜内外K+、Na+分布不均匀是神经纤维兴奋传导的基础3. 甲物质分子式为C12H22O,乙物质分子式为C57H110O6。
如这两种物质作为生物体内的能源物质,在相同条件下,质量相同的甲、乙两种物质被彻底氧化分解时,甲物质比乙物质()A. 耗氧少,产生能量少B. 耗氧多,产生能量多C. 耗氧多,产生能量少D. 耗氧少,产生能量多4. 下列有关生物学实验操作与现象的叙述,错误的是A.用低倍镜可以观察到紫色洋葱鳞片叶外表皮细胞的质壁分离和复原现象B.对酵母菌种群数量统计时,应将培养液滴在计数室上,盖上盖玻片后再计数C.低温诱导染色体数目变化的实验中,可观察到部分染色体数目加倍的细胞D.探索2,4-D促进插条生根的最适浓度时,需要提前做预实验,以免资源浪费5. 将一个细胞中的磷脂成分全部提取出来,并将其在空气一水界面上铺成单分子层,结果测得单分子层的表面积相当于原来细胞膜表面积的两倍。
用下列细胞实验与此结果最相符的是()A.人的肝细胞B.蛙的红细胞C.洋葱鳞片叶表皮细胞D.大肠杆菌细胞6. 染色质(体)、DNA和基因三者之间有着千丝万缕的联系,但又有较大区别。

2020届山东省实验中学高三英语月考试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AAre you looking for some new and exciting places to take your kids to? Try some of these places.★Visit art museums.They offer a variety of activities to excite your kids' interest. Many offer workshops for making hand-made pieces, traveling exhibits, book signings by children's favorite writer, and even musical performances and other arts.★Head to a natural history museum.This is where kids can discover the past from dinosaur(恐龙) models to rock collections and pictures of stars in the sky. Also, ask what kind of workshops and educational programs are prepared for kids and any special events that are coming up.★Go to a Youtheater.Look for one in your area offering plays for child and family visitors.Pre-show play shops are conducted by area artists and educators where kids can discover the secret about performing arts Puppet(木偶)making and stage make-up are just a couple of the special offerings you might find.★Tryhands-on science.Visit one of the many hands-on science museums aroundthe country.These science play-lands are great fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They'll keep your child mentally and physically active the whole day through while pushing buttons, experimenting, and building. When everyone is tired, enjoy a fun family science show, commonly found in these museums.1.If a child is interested in the universe, he probably will visit _____.A.a YoutheaterB.an art museumC.a hands-on science museumD.a natural history museum2.What does "hands-on science" mean in the last paragraph?A.Science games designed by kids.B.Learning science by doing things.C.A show of kids' science work.D.Reading science books.3.Where does this text probably come from?A.A museum guide.B.A tourist map.C.A science textbook.D.A news report.BIt was once a shoreline buried by enough garbage to make it invisible (看不见的), thus, given the unfortunatenickname "toilet bowl" . Now the Philippines' Manila Bay beach is totally different, compared with a few months ago. It happened so suddenly and extremely that it brought tears to the eyes of the local people.The cleanup started on 27 January, when 5, 000 volunteers descended on Manila Bay to remove over 45 tons (公吨) of garbage, marking the beginning of a nation-wide environmental campaign. But some two months before this great movement began, a quiet revolution was already underway.During the first week of December 2018, Brooklyn- based Bounties Network collectedthree tons of garbage from Manila Bay aver two days through a project that paid a small group of people, mostly fishermen, with a digital currency (数字货币) based on the Ethereum system.For the mostly non-bank -using Filipino fishermen, this was a first-ever experience with a digital currency. It's one that proves decisive in enabling poor communities around the world to take up arms in the fight against humanity's waste.There are signs that this recycling-for-digital payment industry may be just about to take off. Earlier in September 2018, Plastic Bank, a Vancouver -based company powered by IBM technology, also started a similar project. They set up a project in Naga, a town in southern Luzon, the country's largest island, building a collection point to let people exchange plastic and recyclable materials for digital payouts through a system.That both these pioneers have chosen the Philippines as their first location is not surprising considering the country's contribution to ocean waste. A Wall Street Journal study in 2015 revealed that the Philippines make the third-largest amount of plastic waste into global oceans.4. Why did people call Manila Bay beach“toilet bowl” ?A. It looked like a huge bowl.B. There were plenty of toilets.C. It was covered by rubbish.D. People loved the toilets here.5. What does the underlined phrase“descended on”in paragraph 2 mean?A. Completely depended on.B. Suddenly arrived at.C. Occasionally decreased to.D. Gradually disappeared from.6. What made poor communities willing to fight against waste?A. The benefits to their homeland.B. The desire to make a difference.C. The chance to escape ocean pollution.D. The experience with a digital currency.7. What is the best title for the text?A. Online system helps endocean pollution.B. Manila Bay beach is suddenly removed.C. Plastic Bank is powerful in recycling waste.D. Philippines make a great amount of waste.CFaming is a tradition among many in South Dakota, one that is not always easy to keep in the family. But one family has survived four generations and hopes to continue long into the future. The year was 1933 when Ed VanderWal's father first stepped onto the farm. Now 80 years later, Ed carries the passion(热情) his father gave him for farming every daywhile working the fields on the family farm in Volga.“Well, I was in the first grade when my dad moved here to this farm and I grew up on the farm. And that's what I was interested in doing more,” Ed said. But that love of working the land didn't stop with Ed. He's passed it down to his six sons. Some of them run farms of their own now, but two of them, Scott and David, still work side by side with their dad every day.Some people might worry that working sun up to sun down with family seven days a week would lead to a few family spats(争吵). But for the VanderWals, the constant time together works just fine.“When families work together on a farm, it's a challenge at times getting along. Everyone has to pull their weight and do their share. And that, of course, transfers from one generation to the next,” Scott said.And while they all get along like any family, with good days and bad, it's tradition that keeps each generation teaching the next.“But we taught them to work with animals at a young age, like most farmers do. So it's nice to be able to pass that tradition onto the next generation,” Scott said.The youngest generation of the VanderWals, Ed's three grandsons and a granddaughter, all started learning farming techniques at a young age.8. Why did Ed VanderWal devote himself to the farm?A. Because he grew up on the farm.B. Because he was affected by his father.C Because he could do nothing but work on the farm.D. Because he wanted to set a good example for his sons.9. What can we know from Paragraph 2?A. Managing a farm is a real challenge.B. Ed has divided his farms into six parts.C. Ed taught his sons how to work on farms.D. Scott and David own their own farms now.10. What can be inferred from the passage?A. The VariderWals have strict family rules.B. Ed's tradition has great effect on the local.C. Ed's grandchildren will drop out of school.D. Ed's farms have no lack of successors (继承者).11. What's the best title of the passage?A. A Faming Family.B. A Successful Farmer.C. The Agricultural 'Tradition.D. The Agricultural Generation.DFor as long as I can remember, my body and I have shared a relationship of discontent. Growing up, I was skinnier than the other kids and at five I was told I wasn't attractive and that I must put on some weight. But no matter how much I ate, I stayed thin for years until adolescence. Then I started putting on weight almost immediately. I remember feeling happy as I began to fill out. However, my joy didn't last long.I was thirteen when I was first called fat. Friends and neighbours would make jokes on my big size. As I entered my late teens, I had completely lost confidence in my body and, subsequently, in myself. Having failed to live up to conventional beauty standards, I was convinced that if I wanted to be loved, I needed to offer more, doing anything to please everyone around.I entered adulthood thinking I wasn't “enough”—an idea that was seeded not only by the fact that “skinny” is celebrated, but also by the language associated with accounts of losing weight—selfimprovement, discipline—all virtues. Being fat quickly categorizes you as lazy and undisciplined. Consumed by thoughts of the way my body looked, I didn't notice the other ways my body needed attention. I failed to realize, for example, that my period was much heavier and more painful than ever before. Actually I developed a rare disease and later I had two surgeries.I was always made to feel that my weight was the root of a lot of problems in my life; I have learnt this is not true. After a lot of selfreflection and some professional help, I realized I never learnt to like myself. While two decades of selfhatred cannot be undone overnight, I have taken first steps to acceptance.I am now much lighter than before, in body and mind. There are days I find voices on social media saying I amtoo fat to be loved or to be worthy, but I am learning not to focus on that thought for long. As long as I like myself, just the way I am, opinions at the end of the day are just water off a duck's back.12. What can we learn about the author from the first two paragraphs?A. She could change her weight at will.B. She had different beauty standards from others.C. She tried to love others to build her confidence.D. She was greatly influenced by others' opinions.13. Why did the author think she wasn't “enough”?A. She was poorly disciplined.B. She failed to celebrate “skinny”.C. She was labelled as lazy for her weight.D. She put on more weight after entering adulthood.14. What caused the author to make a change?A. Her lighter body.B. A troublesome illness.C. Popular beauty standards.D. Others' critical comments.15. What is the best title for the text?A. Beauty matters.B. Opinions vary.C. Worth your weight.D. Beyond your limits.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

⼭东省实验中学2020届⾼三第⼀次诊断考试化学试题及答案2020.10 ⼭东省实验中学 2021 届⾼三第⼀次诊断考试化学试题及答案(本试卷共 8 页,20 题;全卷满分 100 分,考试⽤时 90 分钟) 注意事项:1.答卷前,先将⾃⼰的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题纸上.2.选择题的作答:每⼩题选出答案后,⽤2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题⽬的答案标号涂⿊.如需改动,⽤橡⽪擦⼲净后,再选涂其他答案标号.3.⾮选择题的作答:⽤0.5mm ⿊⾊签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内,写在试卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的⾮答题区域均⽆效。
可能⽤到的相对原⼦质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 Mn 55 Cu 64第I 卷(共40分)⼀、选择题:本题共10⼩题,每⼩题2分,共20分。
1.下列有关说法正确的是A .反应Hg(1)+H 2SO 4(aq)=HgSO 4(aq)+H 2(g)在常温下不能⾃发进⾏,则△H<0B .在海轮外壳连接锌块保护外壳不受腐蚀是采⽤了牺牲阳极的阴极保护法C .SnC12+H 2O Sn(OH)C1↓+HC1配制氯化亚锡溶液时加⼊NaOH 固体D .当镀锡铁制品的镀层破损时,镀层仍能对铁制品起保护作⽤2.常温下,下列各组离⼦⼀定能在指定溶液中⼤量共存的是A .c(OH -)/c(H +)=10-12的溶液中:NH 4+、Cu 2+、NO 3-、SO 42-B .滴加KSCN 溶液显红⾊的溶液中:NH 4+、K +、C1-、I -C .0.1mol ·L -1的NaHCO 3溶液中:Fe 3+、K +、C1-、SO 42-D .⽔电离产⽣的c(OH -)=10-12mol ·L -1的溶液中:Na +、A13+、C1-、NO 3-3.N 2O 和CO 是环境污染性⽓体,可在Pt 2O +表⾯转化为⽆害⽓体,其总反应为N 2O(g)+CO(g)===CO 2(g)+N 2(g) △H ,有关化学反应的物质变化过程及能量变化过程分别如图甲、⼄所⽰。

每小题只有一个选项......符合题意)1.下列关于色素的叙述正确的是( )A.类胡萝卜素在红光区吸收的光能可用于光反应中ATP的合成B.叶绿素的吸收光谱可反应其在不同波长情况下吸收光能的百分比C.用乙醇提取的叶绿体色素中无胡萝卜素D.提取色素时加入少许SiO2能避免叶绿素被破坏2.下图为大豆叶片光合作用暗反应阶段的示意图。
下列叙述正确的是( )A.CO2的固定实质上是将ATP中的化学能转变为C3中的化学能B.CO2可直接被[H]还原,再经过一系列的变化形成糖类C.被还原的C3在相关酶的催化作用下,可再形成C5D.光照强度由强变弱时,短时间内C5含量会升高3.下列有关细胞呼吸作用的叙述,错误的是( )A.分生组织细胞的呼吸速率通常比成熟组织细胞的大B.若细胞既不吸收O2也不放出CO2,说明细胞已停止无氧呼吸C.适当降低氧浓度可降低果实的有氧呼吸进而减少有机物的消耗D.利用葡萄糖进行有氧呼吸时,吸收O2与释放CO2的摩尔数相同4.动物细胞中,葡葡糖的部分代谢过程如下图。
下列说法错误的是( )A.乙来源于甲和C6H12O6,丙和丁代表相同的化合物B.有氧条件下,过程②③均发生在线粒体C.过程①发生在细胞质基质中,该过程有能量放出D.用18O标记C6H12O6,在物质丙中可检测到18O5.下列与细胞周期有关的叙述,正确的是( )A.细胞周期中染色体存在的时间比染色质的短B.等位基因的分离发生在细胞周期的分裂后期C.在植物细胞的细胞周期中纺锤丝出现在分裂间期D.统计处于分裂期的细胞比例可计算细胞周期的长短6.诱导可使二倍体草鱼卵原细胞在减数第一次分裂时不形成纺锤体,从而产生染色体数目加倍的卵细胞,此卵细胞与精子结合发育成三倍体草鱼胚胎。

2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3. 非选择题的作答:用0.5mm黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。
AFour things that you can't miss in Macao.Macao Tower AJ Hackett Bungee JumpThe Macao Tower, 338 meters tall, is the world's 10th highest tower, with a variety of activities, such as gambling, eating and entertainment. One of the acclaimed activities is the bungee jump. The AJ Hackett Macao Tower Bungee Jump is 233 meters high, making it the highest commercial bungee jump in the world. Raise your arms and off you go! If you are not daring enough to jump that height, you can try the skywalk on the 57th floor ---it's still remarkable.Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinnerMacao was colonized by Portugal before 1999. As a result, Portuguese culture is deeply immersed into many comers of Macao. Many Portuguese settled and opened Portuguese restaurants in the special administrative region, but the flavor is more adaptable to Chinese people. Marking at the Ruins of St. PaulThe Ruins of St. Paul is the signature landmark of Macao. The ruins consist of the St.Paul'sCollege and the Church of St. Paul, built in 1583. However, after three intense fires in 1595, 1601 and 1835, the church was seriously damaged. It is beyond belief that after the vigorous cycles of rebuilding and fires, the huge surface and the front stairway remain unburned.Visiting a museumMacao, as a tiny city with only an area of 30.5 square kilometers, has 23 eye-catching museums. Due to its unique history, both Eastern and Western historical sites can be found. Many of them are preserved for cultural heritage, tourist spots or museums, such as the Grand Prix Museum, Maritime Museum and Wine Museum.1. Which activity will be popular with adventurous visitors?A. Going Bungee Jumping.B. Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner.C. Marking at the Ruins of St. Paul.D. Visiting a museum.2. What is incredible about the Ruins of St. Paul?A. It has a unique culture.B. It serves as a symbol of Macao.C. It partly stays undamaged after fierce fires.D. It is a combination of a college and a church.3. What do "'Grabbing a traditional Portuguese dinner" and "Visiting a museum" have in common?A. Taking a selfie in it.B. Finding historical sites.C. Enjoying a breathtaking experience.D. Feeling both eastern and western cultures.BI was seven when I first questioned my imagination. I remember watching the first Harry Potter film and my friend was complaining that the characters weren't how she imagined them to be. I couldn't understand what she meant because, in my mind, they had never been images at all, just concepts. When l shut my eyes, I see nothing. I have no visual imagination.I thought everyone's minds worked this way until about two years ago, when I came acrossatext about aphantasia, a condition where you lack a functioning mind's eye. I was 23, and it blew my mind to learn that others could visualize things. It was clear I had aphantasia, too, and a lot of things started to make more sense. For me, imagination had always been impossible. If someone asked me to close my eyes and picture myself by the sea, I would see nothing.I am currently studying for a PhD in biology at college. A good little test for me is drawing. I can copy things almost like for like if they are in front of me, but if I were to draw from my imagination it would look terrible. It doesn't mean you cannot be creative; you just have to adapt. Regardless of how many times I read a technique, it didn't make sense. But when I came to do it in the lab, I understood it immediately. If you have a visual imagination, you can look at a diagram and it triggers your memory; but I learn by repetition or physically doing something.I'd love to experience life with a mind's eye. I think it'd be cool and beneficial to imagine things so vividly. If you offered me a day with a visual imagination, I'd be excited. I think it'd be so brilliant that I wouldn't want to give it back.4. After watching the first Harry Potter film, the author _____ .A. misunderstood what her friend saidB. became a huge fan of the Harry Potter filmC. found it impossible to picture its characters in her mindD. complained its characters different from what she imagined5. How did the author know she had aphantasia?A. Her friend told her the fact.B. She read about aphantasia.C. She had a medical examination.D. Her life experience made it clear.6. What can we learn about the author?A. She lacks creativity.B. She always draws terribly.C. She learns by hands-on practice.D. She gets benefit from techniques.7. What is the author's attitude towards her disability?A. Uncertain.B. Uncaring.C. Upset.D. Positive.CFor years, the U.S. has experienced a shortage of registered nurses. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that while the number of nurses will increase by 19 percent by 2022, demand will grow faster than supply, and that there will be over one million unfilled nursing jobs by then.So what's the solution? Robots.Japan is ahead of the curve when it comes to this trend. Toyohashi University of Technology has developed Terapio, a robotic medical cart that can make hospital rounds, deliver medications and other items. It follows a specific individual, such as a doctor or nurse, who can use it to record and access patient data. This type of robot will likely be one of the first to be implemented in hospitals because ithas fairly minimal patient contact.A robot's appearance affects its ability to successfully interact with humans, which is why the RIKEN-TRI Collaboration Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research decided to develop a robotic nurse called Actroid F. It is so human-like that some patients may not know the difference. This conversational robot companion has cameras in its eyes, which allow it to track patients and use appropriate facial expressions and body language in its interactions. During a month-long hospital trial, researchers asked 70 patients how they felt being around the robot and "only three or four said they didn't like having it around."It's important to note that robotic nurses don't decide courses of treatment or make diagnoses, though robot doctors and surgeons may not be far off. Instead, they perform routine and laborious tasks, freeing nurses up to attend to patients with immediate needs. This is one industry where it seems the interaction of robots will lead to collaboration, not replacement.8. What does the author say about Japan?A. It ranks top in future robotics technology.B. It takes the lead in offering robotic nursing.C. It is in desperate need of registered nurses.D. It provides the best medication for the elderly.9. Which of the following best explains “implemented'' underlined in Paragraph 3?A. Cancelled.B. Constructed.C. Improved.D. Applied.10. What do we know about the robot Actroid F?A. It has no difference from a human nurse.B. It gets favorable remarks from all the patients.C. It interacts with patients like a human companion.D. It uses body language even more effectively than words.11. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Cooperation will not be replaced.B. Nurses will still play their roles.C. The robotics industry will be promising.D. Robots can meet patients' immediate needs.DWhy should most of us hate spiders when we know deeply how much good they do? Is it because they somehow seem so alien? After all, what other land creatures on earth have eight legs? What other creatures spin silk webs in which to catch and wrap their prey to preserve it for the future, much as we put food in the fridge to eat later? I do not personally suffer from arachnophobia, the name given to an abnormal fear of spiders, but I can't say that I like the little beasts. However, some peopledo, and they actually keep them as pets!There is a wide variety of spiders in the world. In fact it has been estimated that there are some 35,000 species——from little "money spiders" that live in your back garden, to the "black widow spider", and the “tarantula” ,the spider that is now sometimes kept as a pet.A tarantula can be any one of a large hairy spiders family and there are about 800 species of them. While experts can tell the difference between species at a glance, most are usually described in reference books as “rather slowly" with “a strong bite which may be poisonous”. They are covered with hairs which can cause a rash (皮疹)if they are handled.No one has calculated the number of human deaths caused by a bite from a tarantula perhaps because it has never happened, or happened so rarely, and indeed a tarantula will do no harm to anyone if handled correctly. Their disgusting image cannot belie their gentle nature but experts tell us not to handle a tarantula without expert advice.Tarantulas are popular as pets and it requires very little space to maintain them in excellent condition. They should be kept singly in a glass container, which need not be very large but should have a layer of stones in the bottom. They feed on insects, and while young tarantulas eat twice a week, adults will often eat no more than once every 10 days.You might like the idea of keeping a tarantula, but personally I am content with just watching them at a distance.12. According to the text, why do most people dislike spiders?A. They are abnormal beasts.B. They take food from fridges.C. They have unpleasant appearance.D. They make people suffer from arachnophobia.13. What do we know about the tarantula?A. It must be kept in groups.B. It feeds on poisonous insects.C. It doesn't belong to hairy spiders.D. It has mild nature if handled properly.14. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A. The death caused by a tarantula.B. The number of human deaths.C. The bite from a tarantula.D. The rash caused by hairs.15. What's the best title for the text?A. Never judge a book by its cover.B. Nothing seek, nothing find.C. No sweet without sweat.D. Once bitten, twice shy.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

是AABC的三个顶点,且sin Asin B-2cosC=0,则动点C的轨迹曲线「的离心率是()\/2a/3A.2B.2 c.扬 D.右2.若函数f(x)=l+\x\+x\贝0/(lg2)+/flg|k/(lg5)+/flg^=()A.2b.4 C.6 D.83.在AA3C中,CA_CA AB.则sinA:sin3:sinC=()543A.9:7:8b.c.6:8:7D何.3:由4.如图为我国数学家赵爽(约3世纪初)在为《周髀算经》作注时验证勾股定理的示意图,现在提供5种颜色给其中5个小区域涂色,规定每个区域只涂一种颜色,相邻区域颜色不相同,则不同的涂色方案共有()种A.120B.260C.340D.4205.已知直线y=kx-1与抛物线J=8y相切,则双曲线x2-k2y2=l的离心率为()73A.打B.右C.D.26.已知数列{%}的前〃项和S"满足S"+a"=2n(nwN*),则%=()1_127321385A.3b.64 c.32d.64x+y>l,7.设x,y满足约束条件\x-y>-l,若目标函数z=ax+3y仅在点(1,0)处取得最小值,则。
,3)D.(-6,0]8.已知集合M=(x|y=log2(-4x-x2)},2V=(x|(-)x>4},则肱N=()A.d-2]b.[-2,0) c.(-4,2]D(-co,-4)9.如图,已知等腰梯形A3CD中,AB=2DC=4,AD=BC=^5,E是OC的中点,P是线段BC±的动点,则的最小值是()_9_4A.5B.0C.5D.110.已知^A={x\a-l<x<a+2},B=(x|3<x<5},则能使A^B成立的实数。

山东省实验中学2020~2021学年第一学期期中高一数学试题2020.11第Ⅰ卷一、单项选择题1. 已知全集{}1,2,3,4,5,6U =,{}2,3,5A =,{}1,3,6B =,则()UA B =( )A. {}4B. ∅C. {}1,2,4,5,6D.{}1,2,3,5,6【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】先利用交集的运算求得AB ,再利用补集运算求解.【详解】因为{}2,3,5A =,{}1,3,6B =, 所以{}3A B ⋂=, 又全集{}1,2,3,4,5,6U =, 所以()UA B ={}1,2,4,5,6,故选:C2. 下列各组函数中,表示同一函数的是( )A. ()2f x x =,()22x g x x =B. ()f x x =,()g x =C. ()211x f x x -=-,()1g x x =+D. ()f x =()g x =【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】根据同一函数的判定方法,逐项判断,即可得出结果.【详解】A 选项,()2f x x =的定义域为R ,()22x g x x=的定义域为()(),00,-∞⋃+∞,定义域不同,不是同一函数; B 选项,()f x x =和()2g x x =的定义域都为R ,且()2g x x x ==,对应关系一致,所以是同一函数;C 选项,()211x f x x -=-的定义域为()(),11,-∞+∞,()1g x x =+的定义域为R ,定义域不同,不是同一函数; D 选项,()11f x x x =+⋅-的定义域为[)1,+∞,()21g x x =-的定义域为(][),11,-∞-+∞,定义域不同,不是同一函数.故选:B.3. 命题:“30,0x x x ∀≥+≥”的否定是( ) A. 30,0x x x ∀<+< B. 30,0x x x ∀<+≥ C. 30,0x x x ∃≥+< D. 30,0x x x ∃≥+≥【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】利用全称命题的否定可得出结果.【详解】命题“30,0x x x ∀≥+≥”为全称命题,该命题的否定为“30,0x x x ∃≥+<”. 故选:C.【点睛】本题考查全称命题否定改写,注意量词与结论的变化,属于基础题. 4. 在同一坐标系中,函数()1f x ax a=+与()2g x ax =的图像可能是( ) A. B.C. D.【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】分0a >和0a <两种情况,根据一次函数和二次函数的图象和性质判断. 【详解】因为当0a >时,()1f x ax a=+是增函数,与y 轴的交点在正半轴上,()2g x ax =的开口向上;当0a <时,()1f x ax a=+是减函数,与y 轴的交点在负半轴上,()2g x ax =的开口向下; 所以只有A 中的图象符合, 故选:A5. 已知4枝郁金香和5枝丁香的价格之和小于22元,而6枝郁金香和3枝丁香的价格之和大于24元.设1枝郁金香的价格为A 元,1枝丁香的价格为B 元,则A ,B 的大小关系为( ) A. A B > B. A B =C. A B <D. 不确定【答案】A 【解析】 【分析】本题先根据题意建立不等式组,再解不等式组判断A ,B 的大小关系即可.【详解】解:由题意:45226324A B A B +<⎧⎨+>⎩,解得10B A -<-<,则A B >故选:A【点睛】本题考查不等关系的大小比较、不等式的性质,是基础题.6. 若函数()y f x =为偶函数,且在()0,∞+上是减函数,又()30f =,则不等式()()02f x f x x+-<的解集为( )A. ()3,3-B. ()(),33,-∞-+∞C. ()(),30,3-∞-D. ()()3,03,-⋃+∞【答案】D 【解析】 【分析】根据函数奇偶性,将所求不等式化为()0f x x<;再由函数单调性,以及(3)0f =,即可求出结果.【详解】∵()f x 为偶函数,∴()()f x f x -=,∴()()02f x f x x+-<可转化为()0f x x <.而()f x 在(0,)+∞上是减函数,且(3)0f =, 故当3x >时,()0f x <; 当30x -<<时,()0f x >. 故()0f x x<的解集为(3,0)(3,)-⋃+∞. 故选:D7. 若正实数a ,b 满足1a b +=,则33b a b+的最小值为( )A.193B. C. 5D. 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 根据1a b +=,将33b a b +,变形为33333333b b a b b a a b a b a b++=+=++,利用基本不等式求解.【详解】因为正实数a ,b 满足1a b +=, 所以3333335333b b a b b a a b a b a b ++=+=++≥=,当且仅当334b a ==时,取等号, 所以33b a b+的最小值为5 故选:C8. 定义域是R 的函数()f x 满足()()f x f x =--,当(]0,2x ∈时,()(](]2,0,1,1,1,2,x x x f x x x ⎧-∈⎪=⎨-+∈⎪⎩若[)2,0x ∈-时,()142t f x t ≥-有解,则实数t 的取值范围是( )A. (),22⎡-∞-⋃-+∞⎣B. ((,20,2-∞-⋃+C. ((,20,2-∞-⋃-+D. ((,-∞⋃【答案】B 【解析】 【分析】先由(]0,2x ∈时的解析式,求出对应的最小值,根据函数奇偶性,得到()f x 在[)2,0x ∈-时的最大值,由()max 142t f x t≥-求解,即可得出结果. 【详解】因为(]0,2x ∈时,()(](]2,0,11,1,2x x x f x x x ⎧-∈⎪=⎨-+∈⎪⎩, 当(]0,1x ∈时,由二次函数的性质,易得()22111,0244f x x x x ⎛⎫⎡⎤=-=--∈- ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦;当(]1,2x ∈时,()[)11,0f x x =-+∈-, 所以(]0,2x ∈时,()[]1,0f x ∈-;又定义域是R 的函数()f x 满足()()f x f x =--,即函数()f x 是奇函数,关于原点对称, 所以[)2,0x ∈-时,()[]0,1f x ∈, 因为[)2,0x ∈-时,()142t f x t≥-有解,所以只需()max 142t f x t ≥-,即1142t t ≥-,整理得24204t t t --≤,所以24200t t t ⎧--≤⎨>⎩或24200t t t ⎧--≥⎨<⎩,解得02t <≤+2t ≤故选:B.【点睛】关键点点睛:求解本题的关键在于,根据已知区间的分段函数求出对应的值域,结合函数奇偶性,得出()f x 在[)2,0x ∈-时的最大值,即可求解.二、多项选择题9. 满足{}1234,,,M a a a a ⊆,且{}{}12312,,,M a a a a a =的集合M 可能是( )A. {}12,a aB. {}123,,a a aC. {}124,,a a aD.{}1234,,,a a a a【答案】AC 【解析】 【分析】由交集的结果知集合M 一定含有元素12,a a ,一定不含有3a ,由此可判断. 【详解】∵{}{}12312,,,Ma a a a a =,∴集合M 一定含有元素12,a a ,一定不含有3a ,∴12{,}M a a =或124{,,}M a a a =. 故选:AC .【点睛】本题考查由集合的交集求参数,掌握交集的定义是解题基础. 10. 设函数()f x 定义域()1,1-,且满足:①()1,0x ∈-时,()0f x >;②()()1x y f x f y f xy ⎛⎫++= ⎪+⎝⎭,(),1,1x y ∈-则下列说法正确的是( ) A. ()f x 是奇函数B. ()f x 是偶函数C. ()f x 在定义域上是减函数D. ()f x 在定义域上是增函数【答案】AC 【解析】 【分析】由条件②,令0x y ==,可得(0)0f =,再令y x =-,即可得到()()0f x f x +-=,从而可得函数的奇偶性,判断选项A ,B ;利用函数单调性的定义,结合条件①可得函数()f x 的单调性,从而判断选项C ,D . 【详解】()()()1x yf x f y f xy++=+, 令0x y ==,则(0)(0)(0)f f f +=, 所以(0)0f =,令y x =-,则()()(0)0f x f x f +-==, 又因为(1,1)x ∈-,所以()f x 为奇函数,故A 对,B 错; 任取1210x x -<<<,所以12121212()()()()()1x x f x f x f x f x f x x --=+-=-,因为1210x x -<<<,所以120x x -<,1201x x <<,所以1210x x ->,所以121201x x x x -<-,因为12121212(1)(1)1011x x x x x x x x -+++=>--,所以121211x xx x ->--,所以1212101x x x x --<<-,由条件①得1212()01x x f x x ->-,所以12())0(f x f x ->, 所以()f x 在(1,0)-上单调递减,所以()f x 在(1,1)-上单调递减,故C 对,D 错. 故选:AC【点睛】方法点睛:用定义法判断函数的单调性的一般步骤:①取值,设12,x x D ∈,且12x x <;②作差,求12()()f x f x -;③变形(合并同类项、通分、分解因式、配方等);④判断12()()f x f x -的正负符号;⑤根据函数单调性的定义下结论.11. 若a ,b ,c 为实数,下列说法正确的是( ) A. 若a b >,则22ac bc > B. 若0a b <<,则22a ab b >>C. “关于x 的不等式20ax bx c ++≥恒成立”的充要条件是“0a >,240b ac -≤”D. “1a <”是“关于x 的方程20x x a ++=有两个异号的实根”的必要不充分条件 【答案】BD 【解析】 【分析】 若0c,则A 选项不成立;根据不等式的性质,可判断B 正确;根据充要条件的概念,可判断C 错;根据充分条件和必要条件的概念,结合方程根的个数,可判断D 正确. 【详解】A 选项,若a b >,0c,则22ac bc =,A 错;B 选项,若0a b <<,则2a ab >,2ab b >,即22a ab b >>,B 正确;C 选项,不等式20ax bx c ++≥不一定是一元二次不等式,所以不能推出0a >;由0a >,240b ac -≤,可得出不等式20ax bx c ++≥恒成立,所以“关于x的不等式20ax bx c ++≥恒成立”的充要条件不是“0a >,240b ac -≤”,C 错;D 选项,若关于x 的方程20x x a ++=有两个异号的实根,则0140a a <⎧⎨=->⎩,即0a <, 因此“1a <”是“关于x 的方程20x x a ++=有两个异号的实根”的必要不充分条件,D 正确. 故选:BD.12. 对于定义在R 上的函数()f x ,下列说法正确的是( ) A. 若()f x 是奇函数,则()1f x -的图象关于点(1,0)对称B. 若对x ∈R ,有()()11f x f x =+-,则()f x 的图象关于直线1x =对称C. 若函数()1f x +的图象关于直线1x =-对称,则()f x 为偶函数D. 若()()112f x f x ++-=,则()f x 的图象关于点(1,1)对称 【答案】AC【解析】 【分析】四个选项都是对函数性质的应用,在给出的四个选项中灵活的把变量x 加以代换,再结合函数的对称性、周期性和奇偶性就可以得到正确答案.【详解】对A ,()f x 是奇函数,故图象关于原点对称,将()f x 的图象向右平移1个单位得()1f x -的图象,故()1f x -的图象关于点(1,0)对称,正确;对B ,若对x ∈R ,有()()11f x f x =+-,得()()2f x f x +=,所以()f x 是一个周期为2的周期函数,不能说明其图象关于直线1x =对称,故错误.; 对C ,若函数()1f x +的图象关于直线1x =-对称,则()f x 的图象关于y 轴对称,故为偶函数,正确;对D ,由()()112f x f x ++-=得()()()()112,202f f f f +-=+=,()()()()312,422f f f f +=+=,()f x 的图象不关于(1,1)对称,错误.故选:AC.【点睛】本题考查了命题的真假判断与应用,考查了函数的性质综合应用,考查分析问题、解决问题的能力,是易错题.第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)三、填空题13. 幂函数()2312235m m y m m x --=+-的图像分布在第一、二象限,则实数m 的值为______.【答案】3 【解析】 【分析】先根据函数是幂函数,由251m m +-=,求得m ,再根据其图像分布在第一、二象限确定m 的值;【详解】因为函数是幂函数, 所以251m m +-=,解得2m =或3m =-,当2m =时,23y x =,其图像分布在第一、二象限; 当3m =-时,796y x =,其图像分布在第一象限; 所以2m = 故答案为:214. 某地区居民生活用电分为高峰和低谷两个时间段进行分时计价,该地区的电网销售电价表如下:若某家庭5月份的高峰时间段用电量为200千瓦时,低谷时间段用电量为100千瓦时,则按这种计费方式,该家庭本月应付的电费为________元(用数字作答). 【答案】148.4 【解析】 【分析】本题首先可以结合表中数据计算出高峰时间段的电费,然后计算出低谷时间段的电费,最后两者相加,即可得出结果.【详解】高峰时间段的电费:500.5681500.598118.1⨯+⨯=(元), 低谷时间段的电费:500.288500.31830.3⨯+⨯=(元),所以该家庭本月应付的电费为118.130.3148.4+=(元), 故答案为:148.4.【点睛】本题考查从材料中提取信息解决实际问题,能否从材料中准确的找出关系式是解决本题的关键,考查学生处理信息的能力,是简单题.15. 函数()[]f x x =的函数值表示不超过x 的最大整数,例如:[ 3.5]4-=-,[2.1]2=.若{|[][2][3],01}A y y x x x x ==++≤≤,则A 中所有元素的和为_______.【答案】12 【解析】 【分析】 分103x ≤<,1132x ≤<,1223x ≤<,213x ≤<,1x =,5种情况讨论2,3x x 的范围,计算函数值,并求元素的和. 【详解】①当103x ≤<时, 220,3x ⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭,[)30,1x ∈,∴ [][][]230x x x ===,[][][]230x x x ++= ;②当1132x ≤<时,22,13x ⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭,331,2x ⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭ , [][]20,x x ∴==[]31x =, [][][]231x x x ∴++=;③当1223x ≤<时,[)21,2x ∈ ,33,22x ⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭[]0x ∴=,[]21x = ,[]31x = , [][][]232x x x ∴++=;④213x ≤<时,42,23x ⎡⎫∈⎪⎢⎣⎭,[)32,3x ∈ []0x ∴=,[]21x =,[]32x =,[][][]233x x x ∴++=;⑤当1x =时[]1x =,[]22x =,[]33x = ,[][][]236x x x ∴++= {}0,1,2,3,6A ∴=,则A 中所有元素的和为0123612++++=. 故答案为12【点睛】本题考查新定义的题型,需读懂题意,并能理解,应用,分类讨论解决问题,本题的难点是分类较多,不要遗漏每种情况四、解答题.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤16. 已知关于x 的不等式2520ax x +->的解集是M . (1)若3a =,求解集M ; (2)若122M xx ⎧⎫=<<⎨⎬⎩⎭,解关于x 的不等式22510ax x a -+->. 【答案】(1)123M x x x ⎧⎫=-⎨⎬⎩⎭或;(2)132x x ⎧⎫-<<⎨⎬⎩⎭.【解析】 【分析】(1)根据一元二次不等式的解法直接求得结果;(2)根据一元二次不等式的解集和一元二次方程的关系,利用韦达定理可构造方程求得a ,根据一元二次不等式的解法可直接求得结果. 【详解】(1)3a =,∴不等式为:23520x x +->,即()()3120x x -+>,解得:2x <-或13x >,123M x x x ⎧⎫∴=-⎨⎬⎩⎭或.(2)122M x x ⎧⎫=<<⎨⎬⎩⎭,12∴和2是方程2520ax x +-=的两个根,由韦达定理得:15221222aa ⎧+=-⎪⎪⎨⎪⋅=-⎪⎩,解得:2a =-,∴不等式22510ax x a -+->即为22530x x --+>,即22530x x +-<,即()()2130x x -+<,解得:132x -<<. ∴不等式的解集为132x x ⎧⎫-<<⎨⎬⎩⎭.17. 已知函数f (x )=1-2x. (1)若g (x )=f (x )-a 为奇函数,求a 的值;(2)试判断f (x )在(0,+∞)内的单调性,并用定义证明. 【答案】(1)1;(2)为增函数,证明见解析. 【解析】 【分析】(1)由函数()g x 是奇函数,得g (-x )=-g (x ),代入可求得a .(2)由函数的单调的定义进行证明,设0<x 1<x 2,作差f (x 1)-f (x 2),判断符号,可得证. 【详解】(1)由已知g (x )=f (x )-a ,得g (x )=1-a -2x, 因为g (x )是奇函数,所以g (-x )=-g (x ),即1-a -2()x -=-21a x ⎛⎫-- ⎪⎝⎭,解得a =1.(2)函数f (x )在(0,+∞)内为增函数.证明如下:设0<x 1<x 2,则f (x 1)-f (x 2)=1-12x -221x ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭=()12122x x x x -,.因为0<x 1<x 2,所以x 1-x 2<0,x 1x 2>0,从而()12122x x x x -<0,即f (x 1)<f (x 2).所以函数f (x )在(0,+∞)内是增函数.【点睛】本题考查函数的奇偶性和函数的单调性的定义,属于基础题.18. 已知函数()()()()5,133,125,2x x f x x x x x ⎧-<-⎪=--≤≤⎨⎪-+>⎩.(1)解不等式()1f x >;(2)若()0f x t +<对任意实数x 都成立,求实数t 的取值范围.【答案】(1)4,43⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭;(2)3t <-. 【解析】 【分析】(1)根据1x <-,12x -≤≤,2x >进行分类讨论,将求解出的结果取并集即可得到不等式解集;(2)将问题转化为“()t f x <-对任意实数x 都成立”,根据已知条件先求解出()f x 的取值范围,然后可求解出()f x -的取值范围,则t 的取值范围可求.【详解】(1)由题意()5,133,125,2x x f x x x x x -<-⎧⎪=--≤≤⎨⎪-+>⎩,①1x <-时,()51f x x =->,不等式无解;②12x -≤≤时,331x ->,解得423x <≤; ③2x >时,51x -+>,解得24x <<;综上不等式的解集为4,43⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭. (2)①1x <-时,()56f x x =-<-;②12x -≤≤时,6333x -≤-≤,所以()63f x -≤≤; ③2x >时,()53f x x =-+<; 所以()3f x ≤所以()3f x -≥-,因为()t f x <-对任意实数x 都成立 所以3t <-.【点睛】思路点睛:已知()f x 为分段函数,求解形如()f x a >的不等式解集的思路: (1)分别考虑每一段定义域下()f x a >的解集,同时注意前提条件;(2)将每一段定义域下()f x a >的解集取并集即可得到不等式()f x a >的解集. 19. 已知函数()()2210f x ax ax b a =-++>.(1)若1a b ==,求()f x 在[],1t t +上的最大值;(2)若()f x 在区间[]2,4上的最大值为9,且最小值为1,求实数a ,b 的值.【答案】(1)12t ≤时,最大值为222t t -+;12t >时,最大值为21t +;(2)10a b =⎧⎨=⎩.【解析】 【分析】(1)根据题中条件,分别讨论112t +≤,112t +>两种情况,结合二次函数的性质,即可得出结果;(2)根据二次函数的性质,由函数在给定区间的最值,得到()()2114819f b f a b ⎧=+=⎪⎨=++=⎪⎩,求解,即可得出结果.【详解】(1)()222f x x x =-+,[],1x t t ∈+因为对称轴1x =,而1122t t t ++=+,所以 ①112t +≤即12t ≤时,最大值()222f t t t =-+;②112t +>即12t >时,最大值()211f t t +=+;综上,12t ≤时,最大值为222t t -+;12t >时,最大值为21t +;(2)因为函数()f x 图像的开口方向向上,且对称轴方程为1x =, 所以,函数()y f x =在区间[]2,4上为增函数,又因为函数()y f x =在区间[]2,4上的最大值为9,最小值为1, 可得()()2114819f b f a b ⎧=+=⎪⎨=++=⎪⎩,解得10a b =⎧⎨=⎩.【点睛】思路点睛:求解二次函数在给定区间的最值问题时,通常需要根据二次函数的性质(开口方向、对称轴、单调性),由分类讨论的方法进行求解.20. 2020 年初,新冠肺炎疫情袭击全国,在党和国家强有力的抗疫领导下,我国控制住疫情,之后一方面防止境外输入,另一方面复工复产.某厂经调查测算,某种商品原来每件售价为25元,年销售量8万件.(1)据市场调查,若价格每提高1元,销售量将相应减少2000件,要使销售的总收入不低于原收入,该商品每件定价最多为多少元?(2)为了扩大该商品的影响力,提高年销售量,公司决定明年对该商品进行全面技术革新和营销策略改革,并将定价提高到x 元.公司拟投入()216006x -万元作为技改费用,投入50万元作为固定宣传费用,投入15x 万元作为浮动宣传费用.试问:当该商品明年的销售量a 至少应达到多少万件时,才可能使明年的销售收入不低于原收入与总投入之和?并求出此时商品的每件定价.【答案】(1)40;(2)10.2,30元. 【解析】 【分析】(1)根据条件列出关于t 的一元二次不等式,求解出解集即可确定出定价最多时对应的数值; (2)明年的销售收入等于销量a 乘以单价x ,原收入和总投入之和为()2112585060065x x ⨯++-+,由此列出不等式,根据不等式有解结合基本不等式求解出a 的最小值,同时计算出x 的值. 【详解】(1)设每件定价为t 元,依题意得2580.22581t t -⎛⎫-⨯≥⨯⎪⎝⎭,整理得26510000t t -+≤,解得2540t ≤≤所以要使销售的总收入不低于原收入,每件定价最多为40元. (2)依题意知当25x >时,不等式()2112585060065ax x x ≥⨯++-+成立 等价于25x >时,1501165a x x ≥++有解, 由于1501150121066x x x x +≥⨯=, 当且仅当1506xx =,即30x =时等号成立, 所以10.2a ≥当该商品改革后销售量a 至少达到10.2万件时,才可能使改革后的销售收入不低于原收入与总投入之和,此时该商品的每件定价为30元.【点睛】关键点点睛:本题中的第二问,解答的关键有两点:(1)根据条件列出满足的不等式并对不等式进行参变分离;(2)使用基本不等式求解出最值. 21. 已知函数2()43()52f x x x a g x mx m =-++=+-, (1)当时,求方程()()0f x g x -=的解;(2)若方程()0f x =在[]11-,上有实数根,求实数a 的取值范围;(3)当0a =时,若对任意的[]114x ∈,,总存在[]21,4x ∈,使12()()f x g x =成立,求实数m的取值范围.【答案】(1)15x x =-=或;(2) [-8,0];(3)(,3][6,)-∞-+∞. 【解析】 【详解】(1)当时,方程为2()()450f x g x x x -=--=,解得15x x =-=或(2)因为函数()f x =x 2-4x +a +3的对称轴是x =2, 所以()f x 在区间[-1,1]上是减函数, 因为函数在区间[-1,1]上存在零点,则必有:(1)0{(1)0f f ≤-≥即0{80a a ≤+≥,解得80a ≤≤-,故所求实数a的取值范围为[-8,0] .(3)若对任意的x1∈[1,4],总存在x2∈[1,4],使f(x1)=g(x2)成立,只需函数y=f (x)的值域为函数y=g(x)的值域的子集.()f x=x2-4x+3,x∈[1,4]的值域为[-1,3],下求g(x)=mx+5-2m的值域.①当m=0时,g(x)=5-2m为常数,不符合题意舍去;②当m>0时,g(x)的值域为[5-m,5+2m],要使[-1,3]⊆[5-m,5+2m],需51{523mm-≤-+≥,解得m≥6;③当m<0时,g(x)的值域为[5+2m,5-m],要使[-1,3]⊆[5+2m,5-m],需521{53mm+≤--≥,解得m≤-3;综上,m的取值范围为(,3][6,)-∞-+∞.。

第I卷注意事项:1. 答第I 卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上所对应题目的答案标号框涂黑。
1. What is the man going to do next?A. Swim in the sea.B. Go running.C. Take part in a competition.2. How many people attended the meeting last Friday?A. 60.B. 50.C. 30.3. What are the speakers talking about?A. The homework.B. One important person.C. The French Revolution.4. Where are the speakers?A. At a hotel.B. On a street.C. In a car park.5. What does the man mean?A. He has broken his keyboard.B. He needs help with the inputting.C. He will finish the inputting on time.第二节(共15小题, 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话。

2020届山东省实验中学高三英语期中考试试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ADive with Big SharksOur shark dive adventures make use of hookah systems and shark cages. A hookah system is a system of providing air from the surface to divers down below. Cage divers breathe by using a regulator connected to an air hose.Is SharkDiving Dangerous?Yes. You could get sunburnt. You could hit your head on the top bunk getting out of bed. You could fall overboard. As for a shark attack, according to the International Shark Attack File, you are far more likely to be killed by a dog or a deer.Pricing & DetailsOne day Cage Diver Adventure $ 875Our expert shark diver team will accompany you to the best viewing areas within the Marine Sanctuary. There, we'll drop our cage and prepare to provide you with a view you'll never forget.No dive experience is necessary. Our cages sit just below the surface. You'll be able to breathe comfortably from your snorkel or air hose while you move about the cage, taking photos and having fun.Top Shark Adventure $ 375If you want to see great white sharks but prefer them a little further away, we offer great top-side shark viewing from our observation deck(甲板). Help scan the horizon for fins and watch for sharks attacking their prey(猎物).Important NoteThere's No Shark GuaranteeAlthough we go to the best places at the best time of year, we cannot guarantee you'll see sharks. We've been very successful in past shark seasons and expect another incredible year. However, if we see no sharks, there is no refund(退款).1.Which of the following is TRUE about the two adventures?___________.A.Top Shark Adventure makes use of hookah systems.B.Cage Diver Adventure offers you a view of the bottom of the sea.C.Cage Diver Adventure is less interesting than the other.D.Top Shark Adventure is suitable for those worried about danger.2.We can learn from the advertisement that there might be a risk that____________.A.you fail to achieve your purpose of the tripB.you are out of breath deep down in the seaC.you are hurt by a shark while diving thereD.you suffer from lack of skill in shark diving3.It can be inferred from the advertisement that shark diving is____________.A.difficult but excitingB.challenging and tiringC.amazing and enjoyableD.expensive but popularBHave you ever been sad because of failure? Please remember, for quite often achieving what you set out to do is not the most important thing.A boy decided to dig a deep hole behind his house. As he was working, a couple of older boys stopped by to watch. “What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “I want to dig a hole all the way through the earth!” the boy answered excitedly. The older boys began to laugh, telling him that digging a hole all the way through the earth was impossible. After a while, the boy picked up a jar. He showed it to the visitors. It was full of all kinds of stones and insects. Then he said calmly and confidently, “Maybe I can’t finish digging all the way through the earth, but look at what I’ve found during this period!”Theboy’s goal was far too difficult, but it did cause him to go on. And that is what a goal is for-to cause us to move in the direction we have chosen, in other words, to cause us to keep working!Not every goal will be fully achieved. Not every job will endup with a success. Not every dream will come true. But when you fall short of your aim, maybe you can say, “Yes, but look at what I’ve found along the way! There are so many wonderful things having come into my life because I tried to do something!” It is in the digging that life is lived. It is the unexpected joy on the journey that really makes sense.4. The older boys laughed at the boy because he was thought to be______.A. braveB. impoliteC. foolishD. warm-hearted5. Why did the boy show the jar to the older boys?A. To drive them away.B. To show what he had found in digging.C. To show how beautiful the jar was.D. To attract them to join him in the work.6. What can be learnt from the fourth paragraph of the text?A. No dream can come true.B. All work will end successfully.C. Goals shouldn’t be set too high.D. Goals will make us work harder.7. The best title for the text should be______.A. A Boy Dug a HoleB. Joy in the JourneyC. No Pain, No GainsD. Failure Is the Mother of SuccessCOver the years, NASA has successfully sent several rovers (飞行器) to Mars. While the science laboratories continue to provide important information on the Red Planet, they keep the space exploration rovers staying closeto the original landing place.To get a more comprehensive (详尽的) view of Mars, the US Space Agency plans to make a small test helicopter with the Mars 2020 Rover, which will be sent off in July 2020.The football-sized “marscopter” weighs about four pounds.It can fly at about ten times the speed of helicopters on Earth. The light weight and fast speed are important for the helicopter to be able to fly in the thin Mars atmosphere, which is about just one percent of that of Earth. “To make it fly in that thin Mars atmosphere, we had to make everything ready, and make it as light as possible while being as strong and powerful as it can possibly be. “Mimi Aung, Mars helicopter project manager, said in a meeting.Upon landing on the Red Planet, the Mars 2020 Rover will find a proper location to send of the helicopter. The helicopter will start with a short climb, no higher than 10 feet, and hover (盘旋) for just 30 seconds before landing back on the Mars surface. If all goes well, five more flights of longer distances, for 90 seconds each, will be conducted over the next 30 days. The short journeys will be recorded by a small camera and sent back to the scientists on Earth.If the plan goes on well, the first helicopter to fly in another world, will open up a whole new way to exploreMars. The Mars helicopter's first flight will be a great invention. For those of us whose research is about flight, that would be a wonderful, historic moment.8. To fly in thin Mars atmosphere,we should make the helicopter_______.A. strong and heavyB. heavy and fastC. light and fastD. strong and slow9. How many times will the helicopter fly?A. Three timesB. Four timesC. Five timesD. Six times10. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. It’s interesting to fly in another world.B. I' s important to fly in another world.C. The plan to fly the helicopter goes on well.D. The helicopters first flight is successful.11. What may be the best title for the passage?A. To send a helicopter to Mars in 2020B. To send a rover to Mars in 2020C. To live in the thin Mars atmosphereD. To send back records to scientistsDThe Jewish(犹太人)family-had-just finished supper and the woman had placed the dishes in the sink.The kitchen was quite damp and even gloomier than in the main room.It was their third apartment since the start of the war,they had abandoned the other two in a hurry.The woman came back into the room and sat down again at the table.The 3-year-old boy sat with his back straight,his eyes fixed on his father,but it was obvious that he was so sleepy that he could barely sit up.The man was smoking a cigarette.His eyes were blood-shot and he kept blinking in a funny way.This blinking had begun soon after they fled the second apartment.It was late,past ten o'clock and they could have gone to sleep,but first they had to play the game that they had been playing every day for two weeks.Even though the man tried his best and he moved very quickly,the fault was his and not the child's.The boy was.marvelous.Seeing his father put out his cigarette,he opened his blue eyes even wider.The woman,who didn't actually take part in the game, stroked the boy's hair.“We'll play the key game just one more time only today.Isn't that right?"she asked her husband.He didn't answer because he was not sure.They were still two or three minutes off.He arose and walked towards the bathroom door.Then the woman called out softly,“Ding-dong."At the sound of the bell ringing somusically from his mother's lips,the boy jumped up from his chair and ran to the front door,which was separated from the main room by a narrow corridor.“Who's there?"he asked.The woman,remaining in her chair,shut her eyes tight as if feeling a sudden, sharp pain.“I'l1 open up in a minute,I'm just looking for the keys,"the child called out. Then he ran back to the main room,making a lot of noise with his feet.He ran in circles around the table,pulled out one of the sideboard drawers,and slammed it shut.“Just a minute,I can't find them,I don't know where Mama put them,"he yelled,then dragged the chair across the room,climbed onto it,and reached up to the top of the shelf.“I found them!”he shouted triumphantly.Then he got down from the chair, pushed it back to the table,and calmly walked to the door and opened it.“Shut the door,darling,"the woman said softly."You were perfect.”The child didn't hear what she said.He stood in the middle of the room,staring at the closed bathroom door.“Shut the door, the woman repeated in a tired flat voice.Every evening she repeated the same words,and every evening he stared at the closed bathroom door.At last it opened.The man was pale and his clothes were streaked with lime and dust.He stood there,eyes blinking in that funny way.“Well?How did it go?"asked the woman.“I still need more time.He has to look for them longer.I slip in sideways allright,but then...It's so tight in there that when I turn...And he's got to make more noise-he should stamp his feet louder."The child didn't take his eyes off him.“Say something to him,"the woman whispered."You did a good job,little one,"he said mechanically.“That's right,”the woman said,“you're really doing a wonderful job,darling. You act just like a grown-up.And you do know that if someone should really ring the doorbell when Mama is at work,everything will depend on you?And what will you say when they ask you about your parents?”“Mama's at work.”“And Papa?"He was silent.“And Papa?"the man screamed in terror.The child turned pale.“And Papa?”the man repeated more calmly.“He's dead,”"the child answered and threw himself at his father,who was standing right beside him,but already long dead to the people who would really ring the bell.12. What does the underlined sentence in Para.5 mean?A. The family needed to practise the game for another 2 or 3 minutes.B. There was still 2 or 3 minutes left before someone knocked at the door.C. They would become too sleepy to play the game 2 or 3 minutes later.D. The father needed 2 or 3 more minutes before the kid opened the door.13. Why did the boy make a lot of noise when he was looking for the key?A. Because he needed to drown out the noise caused by his father.B. Because he was too little and just couldn't control his footsteps.C. Because he was too anxious to find the key to open the door with.D. Because he met many barriers on his way to where the key was.14. In Para.12,why did the mother repeat“shut the door”in a tired,flat voice, instead of the previous soft one?A. She was angry because her son didn't close the door as he had been told to.B She felt anxious because she knew her husband would be annoyed at the boy again.C. She was disappointed because the boy's movement betrayed again where her husband was.D. She was impatient because she was asked to repeat these words again and again every evening.15. What is the best title of the passage?A. A Scary NightB. The Key GameC. My Father Is DeadD. An Innocent Boy第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

绝密★启用并使用完毕前山东省实验中学2020届高三模拟考试化学试题 2020.06 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、考生号、座号填写存相应位置,认真核对条形码上的姓名、考生号和座号,并将条形码粘贴在指定位置上。
可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 O 16 P 31 C1 35.5 S 32 Fe 56 Cu 64一、选择题:本题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分。
下列说法正确的是A.碳纳米管是一种比表面积大的有机合成纤维,可用作新型储氢材料B.生产医用防护口罩的原料聚丙烯可以使溴水或酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色C.用于新版人民币票面文字等处的油墨中所含有的Fe3O4是一种磁性物质D.医用酒精消毒液中乙醇的体积分数为95%2.设N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值。
下列说法正确的是A.标况下,11.2L CH2Cl2含极性共价键的数目为2N AB.电解精炼铜时,若阳极质量减少64g,则电路中转移的电子数目为2N AC.34g H2O2中含有的阴离子数为N AD.向100mL 0.1mol·L-1醋酸溶液中加入CH3COONa固体至溶液刚好为中性,溶液中醋酸分子数为0.01N A3.下列实验装置设计正确且能达到实验目的的是A.实验装置Ⅰ:检查装置的气密性B.实验装置Ⅱ:制取收集氨气C.实验装置Ⅲ:比较氯、碳、硅三种元素的非金属性强弱D.实验装置Ⅳ:定容4.下列指定反应的离子方程式正确的是A.向NaC1O溶液中通入少量SO2:2ClO-+SO2+H2O=2HClO+SO32-B.电解饱和MgCl2溶液:2Cl-+2H2O 2OH-+H2↑+Cl2↑C.用Na2S2O3溶液吸收水中的Cl2:4Cl2+S2O32-+5H2O=10H++2SO42-+8Cl-D.将0.2mol·L-1的NH4Al(SO4)2溶液与0.4mol·L-1的Ba(OH)2溶液等体积混合:2Al3++3SO42-+3Ba2++6OH-=2Al(OH)3↓+3BaSO4↓5.下列关于有机物的说法正确的是A.分子式符合C8H8的有机物都能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色B.存在立体异构的链烃中,碳原子数最少的一定是2-丁烯C.葡萄糖与核糖互为同系物D.C8H8O2芳香族化合物分子中可能含有两个醛基6.镍能形成多种配合物如正四面体形的Ni(CO)4和正方形的[Ni(CN)4]2-、正八面体形的[Ni(NH3)6]2+等。


2020年山东省实验中学高三英语期末试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ASwimming Holes in AmericaIn America, these secret swimming holes are hidden and hard to reach but well worth the adventure.Cummins FallsLooking for the best place to escape the summer heat in the heartland of America? For more than 100 years, Cummins Falls, a scenic,75-foot waterfall located in Jackson County, TN, has been a treasure for Tennessee natives. But now, the secret is out! Although it’s a bit tough to get to, once in the park, the mountains and river provide unmatched beauty on your way to taking a swim in Tennessee's eighth-largest waterfall.Sliding RockA popular place to cool off during those hot North Carolina summers, Sliding Rock waterfall is located in the Pisgah National Forest in Transylvania County. A flattened rock about 60 feet lies in a nearly 7-foot-deep pool at the bottom, making this natural waterslide a great place to visit with people of all ages.Mooney FallsIt is the tallest water feature in the Grand Canyon, rising 190 feet above the surface. Named after an explorer in the 1800s, Mooney Falls is accessible only by crawling(爬)through 2 underground passages and then climbing down a sheer cliff(峭壁)face with just a couple of chains to hold on to. Although it is tough to get to, the view and the cool alone make it worth the trip.Lihue EstateA private swimming hole at the old Lihue Sugar Farm on Kauai, HI, was changed into an inner-tube water ride by Kauai Backcountry Adventures in 2003 and opened to adults. The waters for this 2.5-mile journey, which come from near the top of Mount Waialeale—one of the wettest spots in the world—are channeled through ditches(沟渠)that were hand-dug by farm workers over a century ago.1. Which hole may be the favourable destination for families?A. Lihue Estate.B. Sliding Rock.C. Mooney Falls.D. Cummins Falls.2. What can we learn about Mooney Falls from the text?A. It wasfound by an explorer.B. It was hand-dug in the 1800s.C. It is dangerous to arrive there.D. It is the tallest fall in the world.3. What is special about Lihue Estate?A. It is man-made.B. It is a private area.C. Its water is from underground.D. It lies on the top of Mount WaialealeBNostalgia (怀旧) has become increasingly common in our current climate of accelerated, unexpected change. More and more Americans are turning back with longing towhat feels like simpler, sweeter times. They collect cassette tapes, manual typewriters even decades-old video games.Is it a mistake to get too obsessed with the past? Some psychologists warn that too much devotion to the so-called good old days is an escape from reality; it can indicate loneliness or that a person is having a difficult time coping in the present. Psychologist Stephanie Coontz argues that nostalgia distracts us from addressing the problems of modern life and contribute to anxiety, depression , insomnia etc.But new studies suggest that a modest dose of nostalgia is not only harmless, but actually beneficial. They suggest it helps strengthen our sense of identity and makes us feel more optimistic and inspired. It is also a tool for self — discovery and memories are a psychological immune response that is triggered when you want to take a break from negativity. Interestingly, those happy memories can be particularly beneficial both to kids in their teens and to society's elders. Recalling our childhood reminds us of “the times when we were accepted and loved unconditionally," says Krystine Batcho, a psychologist. "That is such a powerfully comforting phenomenon, knowing that there was a time in life when we didn't have to earn our love." Nostalgia can transform even the most ordinary past into legends which warms the heart and the body. Let's not forget that nostalgia has been a source of inspiration to innumerable American writers. Mark Twain recalled his boyhood, writing, "after all these years, I can picture that old time to myself now, just as it was then:The white town drowsing in the sunshine of a summer's morning."So go ahead, daydream a little about your best childhood friend, your first car, a long - gone family pct. As Dr. Sedikidessays,"Nostalgia is ly central to human experience. "But at the same time, keep these words of wisdom from the great inventor Charles Kettering in mind as well:"You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. "34. What did some psychologists in paragraph 2 probably agree?A. Nostalgia will cause some mental problems.B. Nostalgia makes us devoted to the good old days.C. Nostalgia shows you are trying to get rid of loneliness.D. Nostalgia helps us cope with the difficult time we are going through.5. There are many benefits of nostalgia except ________A. It can enable us to know ourselves better.B. It can bring us some comfort when we recall.C. We are likely to gain attention if we recall the happy childhood.D. We can sometimes break away from negativity with happy memories.6. What will be talked about in the following paragraph?A. The bad influence of too much devotion to nostalgia.B. The reasons why we should avoid nostalgia.C. The bad memories that always stick around you.D. The great changes nostalgia will bring to you.7. What's the best title of the passage?A. We all have a soft spot for nostalgia.B. Nostalgia is actually good for you.C. Don't be carried away by nostalgia.D. There are many times when we like to recall.CTwenty years ago, I became involved in pet therapy(疗法) work with our Angel. As she matured and went through professional training, we realized that she would be good at this new job.Angel is ten now and works every week. She visits two hospitals providing day care for the elderly, and our library’s PAWS forReadingprogram. At the library, six to ten dogs lie on the floor, and the kids pick a book to read to a dog. After they finish, they get a card with the dog’s picture and history. Angel also helps out at a special-needs camp. She is so popular that everywhere we go people recognize her, especially the kids she has worked with.We have seen some very special things through our pet therapy work. I brought Angel to our local hospital to visit a woman who was completely unable to move the right side of her body from a stroke(中风). One day, my husband, Jack, got Angel up into a chair next to the woman’s bed, asking her if she wanted to give Angel a treat. She nodded. Angel gently took the treat. Then the woman raised her right hand and started petting Angel. Her friend couldn’t believe her eyes.After that, every time we saw the woman, she lifted her left hand. We’d tell her she had to use her right hand, and she would. Next, you’ll fall in love with this woman’s story of rearing her own Angel later in her family and why she calls it the best decision she ever made.8. Who is Angel?A. A pet trainer.B. A hospitalC. A therapy dog.D. The author’s kid.9. What does Angel usually do?A. Save seriously ill people.B. Pay visits to kids in hospital.C. Protect the elderly in their homes.D. Help children at a special camp.10. Why was the woman’s friend astonished?A The woman moved her right hand.B. The woman treated Angel.C. Angel helped the woman recover.D. Angel got along with the woman.11. What does the underlined word “rearing” in the last paragraph mean?A. Accompanying.B. Raising.C. Assisting.D. Training.DThe Rise of Voice TechnologyVoice technology has come a long way. Just a few years ago, it would have been unusable. But now, those who follow the technology know that it has got considerably better.Writing with your voice raises several interesting questions. How difficult is it actually? Human speech involves a lot more starting and stopping with errors and the need for repairing broken sentences than you may think. Even gifted speakers make mistakes. To turn the spoken word into reasonable writing requires lots of planning. You’ll need some kinds of notes or other organisers to make it work.Another question turning speech into writing raises is the style. How would writing make the change that people speak their writing rather than type? Chances are that it would come up with many more short sentences and more concrete language, which is good. It would probably also rely on prepared phrases a lot more often,which is not available when you are speaking quickly.To confirm this, a column was not written, but dictated (听写). It was composed from brief notes written down for structure only, and it was edited for length, with all of the original errors kept in. Here were the results. The first was that the literal accuracy was extremely high. There weren’t many cases wherethe software had heard one word incorrectly and written down another. But the other result was that the readability of this column was rather bad. Obviously, the blame is not with the technology at all, which turns out to be rather good. Speaking into writing relies on a better human brain than the one we currently possess. Writing is hard. There’s a reason it can’t be done at the speed of speech, in real time.To clarify the matter, this time paragraph breaks were added after the whole writing. Punctuations (标点) had to be spoken aloud, and after a full stop, the first word in the new sentence was capitalized automatically. Some minor punctuation marks were added to make it clearer. To improve accuracy, people “trained” the software beforehand, reading a prewritten passage aloud. Actually it turns out to be more effective. All of these ensure the satisfactory completion of turning speech into writing.Language is the most important tool for human interaction, and voice is one beautiful part of language. With the maturity of modern technology, it has given birth to a great change in the human-computer voice interaction.12. According to the passage, which helps to turn speech into writing in terms of style?A. There is careful planning in advance.B. Errors and broken sentences are avoided.C. People type words as fast as they say them.D. The writing contains more prepared phrases.13. To achieve better results, the author mentions some changes for ______.A. processing errors in a column.B. adding minor punctuation marks.C. increasing the number of brief notes.D. integrating short paragraphs in writing.14. The author suggests that ______.A. human brains are responsible for poor dictated writing.B. writing with voice promises to improve the quality of writing.C. writing is an unnatural act that can hardly be learned and improved.D. technology has a long way to go in the human-computer voice interaction.15. What is the passage mainly about?A. Why people fully intend to turn speech into writing.B. What role voice technology plays in improving readability.C. Where the human-computer voice interaction is at an advantage.D. How voice technology enables the change from speech into writing.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
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(摘编自《凸显本体特征 深植现实观照——二零应该重新得到重视与强调,被赋予新的生命力。
(摘编自《开启新媒介现实主义 切近网络文学发展实际》)
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