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(1 . Thermal Engineering Research Institute,School of Energy and Power Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China; 2 . Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Thermal Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China; 3 . CPI Mengdong Energy Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Tongliao 028000,China)
收稿日期:2012-08-09 责任编辑:宫在芹 作者简介:董爱霞(1988
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2012BAA04B01) ) ,女,山西宁武人,在读硕士研究生,研究方向为褐煤干燥脱水提质㊂ 通讯作者: 张守玉 (1971 ) , 男, 吉林集安 人,上海理工大学热能工程研究所教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为低阶煤提质; 煤炭热解㊁ 气化㊁ 燃烧; 生物质及固体废弃物能源 转化,E-mail:zhangsy-guo@ 163. com㊂ 引用格式:董爱霞,张守玉,王 健,等. 煤焦燃烧特性及反应活性探究[ J] . 洁净煤技术,2013,19(1) :87-91,120. 董爱霞等:煤焦燃烧特性及反应活性探究
中图分类号:TK16 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-6772(2013)01-0087-05
Combustion performance and reaction activity of coal char
DONG Ai-xia1 ,ZHANG Shou-yu1 ,WANG Jian1 ,GUO Xi1 ,CHEN Chuan1 , XIONG Shao-wu1 ,LV jun-fu2 ,DING Yan-jun2 ,DONG Jian-xun3
Abstract :China is abundant in lignite,while its application is greatly limited by its characteristics. With the help of thermal gravimetric analyzer,study the reaction activity of chars. Analyse the combustion characteristics of blended fuel combining char whose pyrolysis final temperature is 1273 K and raw coal with different proportion. Analyຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidue the combustion kinetics with Coats - Redfern method. The combustion reactivity of char can be charactered by the apparent activation energy. The results show that, the char reaction activity decreass with the increase of final temperature of pyrolysis,the added lignite help increase the combustion characteristics of char,while compared with the raw coal, the combustion stability of blended fuel change little. Continue to increase the ratio of lignite, the activation energy of blended fuel gradually increase, it become harder to light. The added lignite influence the combustion characteristics and reactivity of blended fuel. Under the same preparation condition, the combustion kinetic index of bituminous coal char and lignite char vary widely. That indicate that, the combustion reaction activity is related to the coal type. Key words:lignite;char;combustion reaction activity;combustion characteristic
董爱霞1 , 张守玉1 , 王 健1 , 郭 熙1 , 陈 川1 , 熊绍武1 , 吕俊复2 , 丁艳军2 , 董建勋3
( 1. 上海理工大学 能源与动力工程学院 热能工程研究所,上海 200093 ; 2. 清华大学 热能工程系,北京 100084 ;3. 中电投蒙东能源集团有限责任公司,内蒙古 通辽 028000 ) 摘要:中国褐煤资源丰富, 然而由于褐煤自身特点使其应用受到了极大的限制㊂ 针对中 国褐煤应用最广的途径 燃烧,借助热重分析仪对不同热解终温的褐煤半焦及热解终温为 1273 K 的褐煤半焦与原煤的混合燃料的燃烧特性进行了分析㊂ 并利用 Coats-Redfern 法进行 了燃烧动力学的分析,通过求得的表观活化能表征煤焦的燃烧反应活性㊂ 研究发现: 热解终 温越高,煤焦的燃烧特性越差;掺混褐煤有助于提高其半焦的燃烧特性, 而掺混燃料的燃烧稳 定性几乎和原煤无差别,且随着掺混比例的增加, 混合燃料的活化能逐渐增大, 越不易点燃, 掺混半焦对燃料的燃烧特性和反应活性都有影响㊂ 相同制备条件下的烟煤半焦和褐煤半焦 的燃烧动力学参数尤其是活化能相差很大,可见煤焦的燃烧反应活性与煤种有关㊂ 关键词:褐煤;半焦;燃烧反应活性;燃烧特性