美卓(MESTO)Neles ND9000智能化阀门控制器兖矿国泰化工河谷ND9000是一种先进的全智能式阀门定位器,适用于所有工业领域的各种控制阀的气缸。
它具有独特的诊断功能和无可比拟的性能,并且在整个运动过程中得到Metso FieldCare软件的支持。
ND9000是系列代号,“9”指的是ND9000系列,“10”指的是外壳安全级别为“Standard IP66/NEMA 4×”,“H”指的是支持HART通讯协议和所定义的输入信号范围(4-20mA)。
1. 工作原理ND9100H是一种基于微处理器技术的智能阀门控制器,采用4-20mA的供电回路,使用HART手操器操作设备时支持最低3.6mA输入信号。
阀位由功能强大的32位微处理器控制,相关的测量参数有输入信号、带无触点传感器的阀位、执行器压力(2个独立的测量值)、气源压力、滑阀(spool valve)、设备温度。
C 31-MIDAS Manual
11.1 安装模拟模块
11.2 重新组装MIDAS® 探测器
12 找出故障并诊断
14 内置的网络服务器
14.1 物理的网络组件
14.2 网络设置
14.3 运行网络浏览器
15 典型安装拓扑
15.1 常规安装
15.2 Modbus/TCP 安装
Honeywell Analytics
mda scientific
©2004 Honeywell Analytics
1 目录
2 概述
3 产品概述
3.1 主机架
3.1.1 显示器模块
3.1.2 泵模块
3.1.3 传感器暗盒腔
3.2 安装托架座
3.2.1 安装托架
8.2 设置、校准和测试模式
8.2.1 设置菜单‘ SEt’
8.2.2 设置报警 ‘ ALm’
8.2.3 设置故障 ‘ FLt’
8.2.4 设置校准间距 ‘ CAL’
8.2.5 设置日期和时间 ‘timE’
8.2.6 设置地址‘ nEt’
8.2.7 设置密码 ‘ PWd’
3.2.2 终端模块
3.3 传感器盒
3.3.1 偏致传感器盒
3.4 机壳
4 默认配置
5 安装
5.1 探测器的安装和定位
5.2 机械安装
5.3 样品和排气管道计算
美卓Metso DCS 系统教程
记录有操作人员调节和自动调节的记录,包括设定值、电机启停等一些 操作记录。可用于操作人员的误操作查证。 d、Message Display 报警记录。 e、Trends (历史曲线记录)
可以记录一个回路7.5min~28d的历史曲线。可以用于对比分析,工艺上 可以用来跟踪纸的质量。 f、metsoDNA process Help Interlocking (metsoDNA过程连锁条件帮 助) 其中绿色代表着条件已满足。如有惊叹号的三角形标志说明此条件不满足, 该功能主要用于快速查找联锁条件(此功能在纸机上有,浆线上没有做。
在BIU84卡的内部每个通道都对应有一个跳线槽(见上图),分别是0~7, PNP/NPN的跳线方法如下:
BOU8(Binary Output Unit):BOU8是一个八通道开关量输出单元。主要 用来控制电磁阀,开关阀和电机的启停。但应该注意:每个通道的再大 负载不得超过3W。如果负载大于3W,我们就要采用中间继电器来控制。
电源单元 FPU (Field Power Unit 400) :输出功率900W 的多功能供电电源。 SPU (Standby Power Unit):后备电源。用于I/O柜。 SPUC (Standby Power Unit):后备电源。
在硬件介绍完以后。我想就我们常用到的地址的概念来介绍下:比如我们 对地址常这样说:2:3:4。其实我们这样的说法是错误的。这样的地 址是不唯一的。地址的正确说法应该是:CP** FBC** 2:3:4。这样的 地址才是正确的才可以找到唯一的一个点。它代表的意思是:CP**(过 程控制站);FBC**(现场总线控制器);2(PIC);3(card);4 (channels)
PIC(Process Interface Controller)程序接口控制器。 PIC连接过程控制服务器(PCS)和I/O单元。PIC通过1 Mbit/S 的同轴电缆 连接过程控制服务器的现场总线控制器(FBC),并且通过375 kbit/s来 连接I/O单元。一个PIC单元再多能够控制16个I/O单元。即一个机笼再多 可插16块I/O模块。
美国莱卡 iSolution Lite 测量软件使用手册说明书
Features included in iSolution Lite, i-Solution™ , iSolution DTInclude:Live Measurement and Overlay SettingsUsers can perform measurements on the live preview image, using the crosshair or grid masks to center and count. The grid masks include calibration data. Calibration marker (scale bar) can be placed on the live preview image. The marker (scale bar) can also be burned on each captured image automatically. Any standard file format image can be chosen to see it above live preview imageC alibration (Auto, Manual)All measurements start with an accurate calibration. Auto and Semi-Auto calibration functions allow the software to calculate the pixels-per-unit value automatically. One need only to set the unit for the calibration scale and the distance between the scale marks. This feature greatly improves the accuracy and repetition of measurements. Manual calibrations are easily added and saved for recall from a drop down menu. A scale bar can be permanently added to each image. Scale bar properties for color, size and text are simple to optimize for any image background.Z-Axis Extended Focus Imaging (EFI), with displacement compensation forstereo microscopesSamples with curves or of varying heights are difficult to bring into focus under highly magnified conditions. Software can combine a stack of images sequentially captured at different levels of focus and combine them into a single in-focus image. You can count on our software not to leave any trace of the composites.3D Visualization. . . clearly view complex structuresA Three-dimensional picture can be created from any image. The 3-D presentation is based upon intensity values of the image and can be displayed as a normal or wire frame image. Z axis information can easily be adjusted to optimize the 3-D effect. To better visualize an image in 3-D, software offers full 360 degrees of rotation on X-Y-Z axis. A 3D image can then saved in JPG, TIF or BMP format.I mage Stitching. . . create a mosaic of the “Big Picture”With our software, you can create auto composites of continuously captured images in order to minimize the reduction in the field-of-view that typically comes with increased magnification. Combined images are automatically corrected for brightness.L ive Image Comparison. . . for fast inspection and size verificationFor QA testing or quick go/no-go inspections any stored image can be used as a reference image onto which the live preview image is projected.T ime Lapse Capture and Movie File Production. . . Import into Power PointSoftware features a Time Lapse Capture function that supports TIF, BMP and JPG file formats. The Time Lapse Capture function also includes an Auto Save feature. You can save video movie recordings in AVI, MPG, MPEG, and MOV formats.C ombine Image Planes - Fluorescence ImagingMerge and pseudo color monochrome images into a single RGB composite.E xport Into Excel® - with one mouse clickA single mouse click exports the original image with measurement, calibration, annotation overlay, measurement data, statistics, and chart.M anual Measurement Tools - Including Various Perpendicular DistanceSoftware’s versatile manual measurement features include tools for measuring lengths, areas, and angles and can even auto detect an object's outline and then make specified measurements. The software is equipped with a wide choice of powerful measurement tools including 3-point circle functionality, N-point circle measurement functionality, parallel line distance measurement, perpendicular distance measurement and object distance measurement. In addition, a zoom-in window can be used to determine the accuratemeasuring point of an object. Once you've measured a specimen you can easily export all of the images, measurement data and statistics to an Excel® file. With iSolution Lite, i-Solution & iSolution DT, comprehensive statistics and data are just one effortless mouse click away.L ine ProfilingSingle, multiple, parallel and polyline commands provide intensity values for specific lines within an image.A uto TraceUsing an automatic edge detection algorithm, our software will perform an auto trace measurement function around a closed object. This function greatly increases accuracy and saves time when making measurements of complex shapes.I mage ProcessingManual Brightness, Contrast, Gamma, Background Subtraction, Shading Correction, Histogram, Clone, Crop, AOI, Resize, Rotate, Split, Merge Monochrome series into RGB Color, Combine different exposure Images for highlight reduction, Image Mode Change, Grayscale, RGB, HSB, YUV Pseudo Color view, Full range of enhancement and morphology filters 8bit and 16bit per channelM anual MeasurementsPoint Count, Straight Line, Circle by radius, Circle by N points, Circle by diameter, Circle by 3 points, rectangle, polygon, polyline, splice lines from a common point, auto trace, angle parallel lines, perpendicular width, perpendicular from common line, angle between 2 lines, distance,perpendicular distance.A nnotationLine, arrow, polyline, spline, rectangle, ellipse, textR egion of Interest- ROI. . . . with unique add/subtract capabilityRectangle, arbitrary rectangle, circle, arbitrary ellipse, polyline, spline, magic wand L ine ProfileStraight line, polyline, parallel line. Each profile in a different color.V iew and Zoom ImageManual zoom In-Out, User Defined, Fit to Window, 1600% Zoom in Window for Accurate Edge Detect, sizeable context Window to view all open ImagesI mage EditingUndo, Redo, Copy, Paste, Paste New, Delete, Delete All, Annotate, Image Information S ave OptionsTXT File Format, image and measurement data together in Proprietary .img File Format for future editing and data collectionS upported Image File Formatsjpg, jpeg, jpe, tif, tiff, bmp, gif, pcx, tga, mpg, mpeg, avi, mov, img, rpt, txt and etc.R eport GeneratorCreate Report, Insert Image and Data, Insert other OLE ObjectsW indow ViewSplit Horizontal, Split Vertical, Cascade, Tile Horizontal, Tile Vertical, Arrange icons, Dynamic User Interface (UI); Classic, ModernT i me Lapse Sequence ControlPlay Forward, Backward, Making Movie File (mpg, avi, mov) with Still Images, Split Single Image from Sequence FileWith i-Solution™ and iSolution DT you get these additional features!Auto/Manual Thresholding for Count and SizeIntensity based thresholding tools for identifying, counting and categorizing objects.Ideal for automatic objects counting and percentage of area measurements.Over 67 selectable measurements (iSolution DT)A complete menu of measurement types with a description of the parameterObjects Editing… enhanced measurement accuracy!Target threshold objects can be edited by all measurement parameters or withfilters to clean, close, open, dilate, erode, automatic separate and fill holes.Macro-Enabled RecordingCreate and save customized measurement settings and sequencesData CollectorSelect desired measurements then easily collect and tabulate data from multiple samples. Reflected Light Subtractioni-Solution™ & iSolution DT create clear, evenly illuminated images by removing thebright saturated light from a highly reflective sample.Automatic count for live and stained cellsConglomerated live and stained cells are separated automatically and counted.With i-Solution™ DT you get these additional features!Large Size Object MeasurementiSolution DT allows to measure images even outside the Field of View (FOV) aswell as within the FOV. Measurement stage (including linear scale) is not needed for such a purpose. Software tracks objects movements within the image at high-speeds, then uses the results to automatically extrapolate the distance between the two objects. IMT i-Solution Inc. has the patent in this technology.Auto Edge DetectoriSolution DT automatically detects the edge of any object being measured, including lines, points, circles, boxes.DensitometryiSolution DT automatically calculates Optical Density (OD) by absolute and relative figures, semi automatically, or manually based on user configuration. Images and OD figures can then be exported directly to an MS PowerPoint file.Phase Analysis & Advanced ThresholdiSolution DT conducts phase analysis on an entire image or within a specified Region of Interest (ROI) and it can allow to sort images using Gray Scale, RGB, HSB or YUV.Thickness Measurement (Layer Depth Measurement)Average thickness is measured automatically by defining box. The number of scanlines can be defined by users.Stereometry for BiovolumeThe 3D volume of an object is calculated by using 2D measuring parameters.Automatic Fruit Size AnalysisIt measures fruit size automatically.Perfect Focus EnhancementiSolution DT implements a perfect function of focus compensation irrespective of the status of lights and specimen.Grain Size MeasurementiSolution DT provides the standard measurement environment in structure analysis of metal and materials according to ASTM E112 (2000). Both intercept lines and planimetric counting are available.Ferrite in Cast IronPercent Ferrite is calculated by excluding the graphite area. Graphite can be sortedfor calculation including portions with the same gray intensity value of the background pearlite. Graphite Analysis in Nodular Cast IroniSolution DT may automatically generate measured data on the international standards regarding the cast iron. It provides graphite types and nodularity data according to the international standards such as ASTM A247-67 (1998), ISO 945 (1975), JIS G5502 (2001), KSD4302 (2002) with a single click.Non-metallic Inclusion RatingThe functions in iSolution DT is intended to determine the inclusion content of steel according ASTM E45 (2002), ASTM E1122 (1996), DIN 50602 (1985), ISO 4967(1998), KSD 0204 (2002), JIS G0555 (2003). Two analysis approaches, Stereological measurements and JK inclusions ratings are implemented.Chart NavigatorThe Chart Navigator permits direct comparison between the live or captured imageand a series of reference images. The user-friendly interface makes you quicklyfind the image you need which matches or is similar to the live or captured imageout of a large number of reference images. Both the live image and the referenceimage can be exported to MS Excel by simple mouse click. Synchronize zoomfunction makes it enable to see the same view size whatever zoom ratio the live orcaptured image has.Adding customized modules by requestSystem Requirements•PC with a Pentium-class processor; Pentium 300MMX or higher recommended •Microsoft Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista operating system•32 MB of RAM or more (128 MB recommended)•15 MB or more hard-disk space (50 MB recommended)•CD-ROM drive•VGA or higher-resolution monitor; Super VGA recommended (1024 x 768 pixel and 24 bit and more color support video card is recommended)•Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device•USB- or LPT-port for hardware key (depends on delivery).。
美卓浓度计可用于监测水体、气体等环境中的物质浓度,为环境保 护和治理提供科学依据。
美卓浓度计作为一种高精度的测量仪器,在化学、生物、医学等领 域的研究中具有重要作用,有助于推动科学研究的进步。
进一步研发更先进、更稳定、更可靠的美卓浓度计,提高测量精度和 稳定性,满足更广泛的应用需求。
某污水处理厂需要调试浓 度计,以确保污水处理的 效率和达标排放。
对浓度计进行调试,优化 其测量参数,提高测量精 度。
通过调试,浓度计的测量 精度得到提高,污水处理 效率得到提升,有效降低 了污染物排放。
利用光的折射原理,通过测量 溶液的折射率来推算溶液浓度
基于质量流量测量的原理,通 过测量溶液的质量流量来推算
利用超声波在溶液中的传播特 性,通过测量超声波的传播速 度和时间来推算溶液浓度。
美卓浓度计采用先进的测量技 术和算法,能够实现高精度的
美卓浓度计支持多种测量模式 ,可根据不同应用场景选择合 适的测量模式。
美卓浓度计设计简洁,易于维 护和调试,降低了使用成本。
美卓浓度计采用高品质的材料 和零部件,具有较高的可靠性 和稳定性,能够保证长期稳定
O ,1Vl,o0hau& ardt 7 c21 o2 . Cn l P en s 8 t0 N2 iPp p Iuy 3 r
|f | nrt m Oa 1 i O
进 行 比较 和 综 合 。 作 员 只 需 了解 一 套 系 统 即 可 。 操
的低热 值足够运转C C 序, 需要再 补充加热 。 TI 不
立 即刷 新 了56 米 / 的 全 新 世 界 速 度 记 录 。 10 分 卓D A N 自动 化 系 统 进 行 控 制 , 中 传 动 控 制 设备 与 机 器 其
控制 系统 实现完 全 集成 。 张力控 制采 用美卓开发 的新 型 多变量 控制 系统 实施 ,以做 到在 动态 变化 的涂布 机 条件下实现 更精准 的张力 管理。 此 实 验涂 布 机 能 以2 ~3 0 / 5 5 g m 的定 量 进 行 运 行。 可用 的涂 布 技 术 包 括 0 t S e 膜 转 移 施 胶、 P i i r Z O t C a D o p i o t u 双背辊 涂布、 p i o t e 喷射 式涂 O t C a J t 布、O t B a e p i 1 d 短驻 留涂 布、O t L y r p i a e 帘式 涂布 和 V l p a 喷 淋式施胶 。 a Sr y ( 郝永 涛)
时 电 能 及 1万 吨 用 于 造 纸 生 产 的蒸 汽 , 而 减 轻 了锅 4 从 炉 的负担。 ( 伊特 造 纸 ) 福
监控 。 出世界上首个 全新控 制应用程序 , 升工厂生 提供涉及所有控 制装 置的单
美 卓D N A自动 化系统 助 实验涂布 机 刷新 3 0 1 米/分世 界速 度 记 录 6
诺德伯格C系列颚式破碎机C80 C100 C96 C106 C116 C3054 C110 C125 C140 C145 C160 C200 23目录高质量和高可靠性...........................4高性能..........................................6安装和运行成本低...........................10地面安装.......................................14井下安装.......................................16移动破碎站....................................18技术参数.......................................20诺德伯格C 系列颚式破碎机与众不同 (22)世界上最受青睐的颚式破碎机美卓矿山与建筑技术是世界领先的岩石和矿物加工供应商,自20世纪20年代以来已安装了10000多台颚式破碎机。
如今,美卓的诺德伯格C 系列破碎机已经无可争议的成为世界上最受青睐的颚式破碎机。
当要求高效地对坚硬、强磨蚀性物料进行粗碎时,C 系列颚式破碎机则代表了最先进的破碎技术和制造水平。
诺德伯格C 系列颚式破碎机均采用创新的模块化、无焊接框架结构,因而赋予设备最大的抗疲劳性、最佳的可靠性和多种安装方式。
C 系列颚式破碎机有两种系列机型。
第二种是为小型移动破碎站的需要而专门设计的机型(C96,C106, C116)。
所有C 系列颚式破碎机都用于破碎坚硬的岩石。
不论何种破碎需要,从坚硬的强磨蚀性岩石到各种再生物料,您都可以从诺德伯格C 系列颚式破碎机中找到最佳解决方案。
Table of ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-3 Low Profile/Pancake Style – Stainless Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5 Low Profile/Pancake Style – Carbon Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-7 Miniature and Subminiature Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-9 Canister Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10-11 Donut Thru-Hole Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-13In Line / Rod End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-15 Beam Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-17 S and Z Beam Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18-19 Special Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-21 Digital Gauges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Accessories and Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2334 Honeywell offers two types of low profile or pancake style precision load cells to meet most test and measurement needs. Stainless steel low profile pancake load cells feature bonded foil gages to provide rugged high performance over many cycles of testing, such as in material testing applications.Our cost-effective general purpose carbon steel pancake load cells offer a compact design which features exceptional structural capability to withstand extraneous loads, such as torque, bending movements, and side loads combined with a high degree of accuracy for general purpose applications.5Features• Low profile pancake style constructed of either stainless steel or carbon steel• Accuracy ranges from ±0.28 % up to ±0.02 % (enhanced)• Load ranges from 5 lb to 500,000 lb (metric equivalents available)• Low sensitivity to extraneous loads • mV/V output• Intrinsically safe option available • Fatigue rated options available• CE approvedTypical Applications • Tube mills• Extruding processes • Weighing• Oil and gas exploration and production • General material and component testing • Process control and automation monitoring• Press applications6 78 Honeywell’s miniature and subminiature load cells are designed to fit into systems with limited space or tight clearances.Constructed of rugged stainless steel for precise measurements and excellent long term stability and reliability under rugged operating conditions, these load cells are designed to eliminate or reduce to a minimum the effect of off-axis loads.11139Features• Sized for use in extremely small or tight spaces • Stainless steel construction• Load ranges from 50 g up to 50,000 lb [0.5 kN to 5 kN]• Miniature accuracies of ±0.15 % to ±0.25 % full scale • Subminiature accuracies of ±0.7 % full scale • All welded option available on select models for underwater applications • mV/V output• CE approvedTypical Applications• Cable tension monitoring/testing • Electromechanical parts testing • Medical control systems • Medical equipment testing• Pharmaceutical process or product control • Semiconductor/electronics testing • Aerospace test applications • Press applications • Weighing• Sensing for applied load • Automation process control • Robotics• Machine process control533410 Honeywell’s canister-style load cells are constructed of either carbon steel or stainless steel. Our carbon steel models, with load measurement capacities up to 2,000,000 lb. are extremely resistant to extraneous bending and side-load forces. The fatigue-resistant, multi-beam structural design virtually eliminates bending strains at the strain gage, minimizing the primary cause of load failure. A dual-bridge option is available for feedback control and redundancy.Stainless steel models offer high precision and reliability in a small footprint to fit into tight spaces, measuring compression load forces in ranges of 100 to 150,000 lb or 8 to 1,000 tons (15,000 lb to 200,000 lb).Features• Stainless or carbon steel construction• Enhanced resistance to side loads and bending movements• Fatigue resistant models with multi-beam structure design• Stainless steel models with button style design • Load ranges from 100 lb to 2,000,000 lb• Accuracies from ±0.29 % to ±0.05 %• Models with small footprint to fit tight spaces• English or metric threads• Intrinsically safe option available (select models)• CE ApprovedTypical Applications• Military or aerospace structural testing • Materials or product fatigue testing • Spring testing• Bridge weight monitoring/development • Seismic testing• Component structure testing• Impact testing• Mine shaft roof simulations• Large capacity weighing applications • Infrastructure monitoring• Hopper tanks• Bin weighing• Weighing scales• General purpose force monitoringHoneywell’s donut style load cells feature a compact, smooth thru-hole design for use inapplications where the load structure must pass through the cell. Available in carbon steel or stainless steel in either tension or tension/compression models, these devices measure load ranges from 150 g to 200,000 lb.Features• Carbon or stainless steel construction • Donut style with thru-hole design • Compact column construction• Load ranges from 150 g up to 200,000 lb• Special model for bolt and engine mount force sensing• CE approvedTypical Applications • Post or leg mount • Rolling mill systems• Press or weigh applications• Measuring press fit loads on bearings and tie-rod loads • Metalworking/steel industry applications • Bolt force measurements • Clamping forces• Monitoring overloadsHoneywell’s in-line tension and tension/compression load cells are designed to be mountedin-line to the load axis to measure tension. Stainless steel rod-end models are available in either tension or tension/compression versions with a variety of thread configurations. Tension/ compression models are capable of withstanding significant off-axis loads, making theman ideal choice for in-line compression measurement or tension measurement where side loading cannot be completely controlled.Carbon steel models offer a smaller diameter design for mounting into tight spaces. Economical and easy to mount, these load cells allow simultaneous testing of multi-element systems and are commonly used in fluid power transfer systems.Features• Rugged construction• All-welded stainless steel or carbon steel• Small diameter for easy mounting in tight spaces • Fatigue resistant models available• Load ranges from 2,000 lb up to 200,000 lb • Accuracies up to ±0.20 % full scale (depending on model)• CE approvalTypical Applications• Fluid power transfer systems • Hydraulic actuator testing• Rugged oil and gas applications• Laboratory measuringHoneywell offers two types of economical beam style load cells; built either of one-piece,nickel plated carbon alloy steel or aluminum. Both offer impressive measuring accuracies to measure even very low bending forces. Small physical dimensions ease integration into existing systems.Features• Economical load cell for measuring a variety of bending forces• Constructed from aluminum or carbon steel • Load ranges from 25 g up to 10,000 kg• ±0.15 % to ±0.02 % accuracy full scale• Small size to fit tight spaces• Integral cable Typical Applications • Laboratory weighing • Material weighing• Scale weighingHoneywell’s S and Z type beam load cells combine both a compact form and high precision toproduce a superior tension force transducer. These load cells achieve maximum non-linearity of 0.02 % or 0.03 % in load ranges from 20 kg to 20,000 kg and feature nickel-plated alloy steel construction in a one-piece design.Features• Economical option for a variety of tension force measurements• Load ranges from 20 kg up to 20,000 kg • ±0.02 % or ±0.03 % accuracies full scale• One-piece, nickel-plated alloy steel construction • Compact size• Integral cableTypical Applications• Mechanical weigh bridges • Platform scales• Electronic scalesHoneywell offers a variety of load cells adaptable for special applications in aerospace,automotive/transportation, oil and gas, industrial automation, and many other industries. Listed below are just a few examples of products that we have developed for customers seeking specialized load cells for very specific applications.If you need a specialized load cell not listed here, please contact us to discuss your specific requirements. Our in-house design, engineering, and manufacturing experts is experienced in working with customers to understand your application challenges and develop a specific solution to meet your individual test and measurement needs.21Features• Special application load cells for component and system testing in automotive, aerospace, oil and gas, and many other industries• Load ranges from 50 lb up to 2,000 lb, depending on model• Rugged construction for high performance and long life• Can be modified or completely customized to meetspecific requirementsTypical Applications• Radial tire component bearing force leads• Tire uniformity test machines (radial and side load monitoring)• Pedal force monitoring • Seat belt load monitoring • Extruding processes • Weighing• General material and component testing • Process control and automation monitoring• Bolt force and engine mount sensing22 Honeywell’s stainless steel digital gauges provide a highly portable force measurement device that’s rugged enough to withstand field use. Compact in design, each features a load sensor separate from the gauge unit to minimize the chance of damage to the electronic body of the gauge. Set-up and operation are easy, with a peak capture feature so the highest force reading taken can be displayed with the push of a button.Features • Rugged, stainless steel design• Battery operated power supply for easy portability• Measures load ranges up to either 10,000 lb or 50,000 lb• Tension and compression measurement • High and low force capture • Zero offset/tare• Load sensor separate from gauge unit for increased durability• Easy to read face with large buttons • Quick and easy setup and operation • Optional handles, panel mounting ring, and carrying case• Optional NEMA 4 ratingTypical Applications• Cable tension monitoring/testing • Electromechanical parts testing • Press applications • Weighing• Sensing for applied load• Automation process control23Because our load cells are used in so many different applications and industries, we know that sometimes you may need a specific accessory, connector, or display instrument to help maximizesensor performance and meet the precise requirements of your application.Honeywell provides a wide range of both new and replacement accessories and many types of display instruments, amplifiers and other products to complement all of our test and measurement products. Many can be customized to meet the needs of a particular application or operating environment.For example, our load cell accessories include pull plates, load buttons, bearingrod ends, tongue shackles, yoke shackles, and various cables and mating connectors all designed for proper fitting and connection of your load cells to your particular application. Our in-line amplifiers are available in several configurations and materials, including plastic or die cast, din rail mount, and your choice of unamplified transducer input or strain gage transducer input.Display andconditioning units for your pressure sensors can be selected from single channel, multi-channel, handheld, or portable options.Most of these items are available to order with your new load cell, or you can visit our website at http:// to find replacement items. Should you have questions about any of our products or need help in finding exactly the accessory or instrument you need, please contact our Inside Sales team at 800-848-6564 or +1 614-850-5000 or your local representative.Like we said, when it comes selecting the right sensor for your test and measurement applications – and the right sensor company – we’re here to help ease the strain. Contact ustoday.Honeywell Sensing and Control 1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 008886-2-EN IL50 GLO Printed in USA.July 2014© 2014 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distribu-tors. For application assistance, cur-rent specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office. To learn more about Honeywell’s test and measurement products, call +1-614-850-5000, visit, or e-mail inquiries to *********************Warranty/RemedyHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s stan-dard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledge-ment or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell dur-ing the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the cus-tomer to determine the suitability of the product in the applica-tion.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this print-ing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.。
目录 工作原理
参数设定及说明 故障分析
美卓旋转浓度计,一个以力平衡原理为基础而设计的旋转浓度传感器, 可以测量纸浆纤维交织而产生的剪切力扭矩。这个传感器是有一个被电 机驱动的轴对组成,而这个机械轴对又是同心排列的弹性连接构成,并 允许内轴(测量部分)对于外轴(主动轴)有相对移动。 安装好的主动轴的旋转推进器,会连续地将主管道中流动的浆料吸入 并流经与传感器单元连接的测量轴。测量转轴在浆里的转动受到一个给 出扭矩的限制,这个给出扭矩尽量阻止测量轴和主动轴的并联 。 相位的偏差测量是通过对机械轴相连的齿轮的光学测量,测量信号会 依据传感电子学原理转换数字反馈信号来调节电磁平衡力。电磁部分包 括两个线圈,这两个线圈感应产生同级性的磁力为轮轴提供扭矩。 电磁力的大小是通过控制器测量相位偏差进而得到的预先设定值来调 节。进入线圈的电流值会转换成扭矩值和浓度值。信号同时会转换成叠 加了HART数字信号的4—20ma的输入信号。
P 15
感谢聆听 !
• 版次日期:2016年04月初版 • 制作部门:生仪电处 二课
按“ESC”即可以进入主菜单:1.Configuration(组态)2.Calibration(校验) 3.Diagnostics(诊断)4.Special function(特殊功能),此时按对应的数字键即可以进入相 应的菜单
P2值(偏差值)默认为0,具体修改为多少要按实际偏差来选择(如按 EDIT后,光标在Pulp Type处闪烁,则按Enter,此时光标会下移P1,再按 Enter,光标至P2,这时可以按数字键来修改,确认按SAVE),例如: 面板显示为2.5,实际浓度为3.0,则差值为0.5,若原来的P2值为0.3, 此时将P2改为0.8即可。 若面板显示为3.0,实际浓度为2.5,若原来的P2值为0.3,此时将P2改 为-0.2即可。
Site MasterS113C,S114C,S331C,S332C,天线、电缆和频谱分析仪用户指南专门用于传输线和其它射频器件的手持式测试仪目录第一章—概述简介………………………………………………………………..1-1说明………………………………………………………………..1-1标准附件……………………………………………………………1-1选件…………………………………………………………………1-2可选附件……………………………………………………………1-2性能指标…………………………………………………………..1-3维护事项……………………………………………………………1-6校准…………………………………………………………………1-6自动校准InstaCal 模块…………… ………………………………1-7年检………………………………………………………………….1-7第二章—功能和操作简介…………………………………………………………….…….2-1测试连接器面板…………………………………………………….2-1前面板概述………………………………………………………….2-2功能区硬键……………………………………………………………2-3 键盘区硬键…………………………………………………………2-4软键…. ………………………………………………………………2-6功率监测菜单……………………………………………………….2-15符号………………………………………………………………….2-19自检………………………………………………………………….2-19错误代码…………………………………………………………….2-19 自检错误…………..…………………………………………….2-19范围错误……..………………………………………………….2-21自动校准InstaCal错误消息………….…………………………2-22 电池信息…………………………………………….………………2-24新电池充电…………………………………………………………2-24 在Site Master上给电池充电…………………………………….2-24用充电器给电池充电………………………………………………2-24电池充电指示……………………………………………………2-25电池寿命…………………………………………………………..2-25关于电池的重要信息……………………………………………..2-26第三章—操作入门简介…………………………………………………………3-1开机过程……………………………………………………3-1选择频率/距离………………………………………………3-2校准…………………………………………………………..3-2校准确认……………………………………………….3-3手动校准过程………………………………………….3-4自动校准InstaCal 模块确认…………………………3-5自动校准InstaCal模块校准过程……………………. 3-6有测试端口延长电缆的校准………………………3-6 设置刻度…………………………………………………3-7自动刻度……………………………………………….3-7幅度刻度………………………………………………3-7 保存和调用设置………………………………………….3-7保存设置……………………………………………...3-7调用设置……………………………………………..3-8 保存和调用显示…………………………………………3-8保存显示…………………………………………….3-8调用显示……………………………………………3-8设置距离和电缆类型……………………………..3-9 改变单位…………………………………………………..3-9改变显示语言……………………………………………..3-9打印………………………………………………………..3-10打印屏幕……………………………………………..3-10打印机开关设置……………………………………..3-11 使用软背包……………………………………………….3-12第四章—电缆测量和天线测量简介……………………………………………………….4-1传输线扫描的基本原理………………………………….4-1进行传输线扫描所需的信息…………………………….4-2典型传输线扫描的测试过程…………………………….4-3 系统回波损耗测量………………………………….4-3插入损耗测量………………………………………4-4故障点定位(DTF)传输线测试…………………4-8天线子系统回波损耗测试………………………..4-10第五章—频谱分析仪测量简介……………………………………………………….5-1占用带宽………………………………………………….5-1通道功率测量…………………………………………….5-2Site Master的通道功率测量…………………………5-2 邻道功率测量…………………………………………….5-4带外杂波散射测量……………………………………….5-6带内/通道外测量…………………………………………5-7场强测量…………………………………………………5-8天线校准………………………………………………….5-9第六章—功率测量简介………………………………………………………..6-1功率测量…………………………………………………..6-1第七章—Site Master软件工具简介………………………………………………………… 7-1特点…………………………………………………………7-1系统需求……………………………………………………7-1安装…………………………………………………………7-2 通讯口设置……………………………………………7-2接口电缆安装………………………………………….7-3 使用软件工具……………………………………………….7-3从Site Master下载图形曲线………………………………..7-3图形获取……………………………………………………..7-3图形属性…………………………………………………….7-4 曲线叠加或图形叠加…………………………………..7-4保存曲线………………………………………………7-5常规电缆列表…………………………………………7-6输入天线因子…………………………………………7-7上载天线因子………………………………………...7-8创建数据库…………………………………………..7-8打印格式……………………………………………..7-8附录 A—参考数据同轴电缆技术数据…………………………………………………A-1附录B—视窗简介…………………………………………………………………B-1 样例…………………………………………………………………B-1第一章概述简介本章对Site Master S113C、S114C、S331C和S332C型号及其性能指标、选用附件、日常维护和校准要求进行了说明。
如今,美卓的诺德伯格C 系列破碎机已经无可争议的成为世界上最受青睐的颚式破碎机。
当要求高效地对坚硬、强磨蚀性物料进行粗碎时,C 系列颚式破碎机则代表了最先进的破碎技术和制造水平。
诺德伯格C 系列颚式破碎机均采用创新的模块化、无焊接框架结构,因而赋予设备最大的抗疲劳性、最佳的可靠性和多种安装方式。
C 系列颚式破碎机有两种系列机型。
第二种是为小型移动破碎站的需要而专门设计的机型(C96,C106, C116)。
所有C 系列颚式破碎机都用于破碎坚硬的岩石。
不论何种破碎需要,从坚硬的强磨蚀性岩石到各种再生物料,您都可以从诺德伯格C 系列颚式破碎机中找到最佳解决方案。
本产品手册将向您介绍C 系列颚式破碎机。
4高质量和高可靠性56高性能高性能7高性能8高性能910安装和运行成本低安装和运行成本低安装和运行成本低地面安装的正确选择诺德伯格C 系列颚式破碎机是采石、矿山、采砾坑、甚至是循环回收利用等地面固定破碎设备的理想选择。
卓越的破碎机更新换代产品由于诺德伯格C 系列颚式破碎机所占总体空间小,所以成为替换现有复摆和单摆颚式破碎机的理想选择。
用诺德伯格C 系列颚式破碎机更换同规格的老式复摆和单摆颚式破碎机后,破碎机产量提高,破碎给料粒度更大,破碎产品更细。
AMETEK 多功能校验仪 ASC300 用户手册
4w RTD
功能 测量电流电压并提供回路电源 测量或模拟输出热电偶信号 测量或输出电压,频率,脉冲,2 线热电阻
测量或输出电流,3 线,4 线热电阻
连接外接压力模块测量压力 连接计算机实现远方控制
图 2 显示了键盘的布局
F1,F2,F3 功能键
3.1.屏幕显示 .......................................................................................... 5 3.2.操作菜单 .......................................................................................... 6 3. 使用测量模式(下屏幕)............................................................................ 8 4.1.测量电压和频率 .............................................................................. 8 4.2.测量 mA 电流 .................................................................................... 9 4.3.测量温度 .......................................................................................... 9 4.4.测试压力 ........................................................................................ 10 4. 使用输出模式(下屏幕).......................................................................... 11 5.1.设置 0%和 100%输出参数,使用 25%步进 ................................... 11 5.2.输出 mA ........................................................................................... 11 5.3.模拟变送器 .................................................................................... 12 5.4.输出电压 ........................................................................................ 13 5.5.输出频率 ........................................................................................ 13 5.6.输出脉冲串 .................................................................................... 13 5.7.输出热电偶 .................................................................................... 14 5.8.输出电阻/热电阻 .......................................................................... 14 5. 使用测量功能(上屏幕).......................................................................... 15 6.1.测量电压和 mA 电流 ...................................................................... 16 6.2.内部回路电源供电测量电流 ........................................................ 16 6.3.测量压力 ........................................................................................ 17 6. 同时使用上下屏幕进行校准和测试 .................................................... 17 7.1.测试一个测量或指示设备 ............................................................ 18 7.2.校准一个温度变送器 .................................................................... 18 7.3.校准压力变送器 ............................................................................ 18 7. 计算机控制............................................................................................. 19 8. 技术指标................................................................................................. 19
打 印头将 用于 2 0 1 3 财年 下半年 上 来 积累 的喷 墨技术 和专 业知 识 以 型打 印头 的用 途和 产 品阵营 ,在
市 的商用 和工 业 印刷系 统用 打 印 及 最顶 尖 的M E M S 生产 技术 。新 喷墨打 印机整 个产 品线 实现平 台
生 产线 的建立 ,对 于实 现爱普 生 化 发展 ,进 一步加 强企 业 的竞 争
M e t s o M e t r a 代表 了化 学 回
石 灰成 本 。
纸 浆厂 。K l a b i n 公司此 外 , 已收
这 两家 公司 的合作 可 以追 溯 到北美 、南美 、德 国和 北欧 国家
收 的优化 最新 一代 的全 自动滴 定 到 几十 年 。有 几 次 ,该 厂 已采 用 钢 厂 的订单 。
大幅 宽 、分条后 或较 为松散 的纸
最新 的标准 型 L R D 不 停 机 收 卷 ,可 不 需 使 用 小 车 或 其 它 装
0 0 m m ,新型 置 ,即可 由特殊 设计 的下卷 坡道 最新 型 的M B S 标 准规 格含 有 卷机 收卷 直 径 可达 8
超 声波 纠偏传 感器 及螺 线沟 纹过 的 触 控 面 板 可 以 储 存 各 种 不 同 自动 下卷 出卷 ,若收卷 成 品为分 纸辊 ,除 了能放卷 透 明胶 膜 外 , 材 料 的收卷 设定 参数 ,迅速 召 回 条后 的小卷 ,也 可选购 由侧面 直 接 出卷装置 。
的 美卓循 环分 析 。通过应 用 这种 技 术作为 一种选 择 。这种 分析
美 卓提供 的分 析仪 是 当今 全
先进 的在 线测 量 ,硫酸 盐浆 厂将 仪 , 以及过程 优化 控制 ,使 锅炉 球 市场 的领 导者和 行业标 杆 。美 能提 高其 蒸煮 液 的质量和 强度 ,
MetsoDNA 操作员测量回路操作手册
DNAuse Measurement User's Guidev. 1.3© Metso Automation Inc., 1988-2006. All rights reserved.Table of Contents目录Introduction (1)简介Contents of the Measurement (3)测量内容Measurement Component (3)测量组件Elements (3)元件Loop Window (3)回路窗口Elements (3)元件Operations (7)操作How to Change the Measurement Value (7)如何改变测量值How to Open the Loop Window (7)如何打开回路窗口How to Toggle the View of the Loop Window (8)如何切换观察窗口How to Change the Event Delays (8)如何改变事件延迟How to Change the Event Limits (9)如何改变事件限位How to Change the Event Masks (10)如何改变事件屏蔽Error Messages (11)错误信息Status Information (13)状态信息Alarms (13)报警Limit Alarms (13)限位警报Faults (13)故障Introduction简介Measurement Component测量组件Measurement component presents measured and set values in numerical format. With the component, you can set new values for the measurement if it has been enabled for the position in question, and also open the loop window which displays more detailed information on the measurement.测量组件显示数字形式的测量值和设定值。
METTLER TOLEDO 谐音解析实验室分析仪器产品介绍说明书
L a b o r a t o r y A n a l y s is Forensics Laboratory Accuracy Compliance Service & SupportAccurate Solutions for the Forensics LaboratoryL a b o r a t o r y A n a l y s i s 2Solutions for the Forensics LaboratoryWhen your work is highly visible and your results have serious implications you need accurate and traceable equipment you can trust. From hardware to software through services and support METTLER TOLEDO offers the complete solution for your forensic lab. Weighing Solutions XPE Excellence Plus Analytical and Precision Balances The Excellence line of Analytical and Precision balances helps minimize measurement uncertainty and achieve the most accurate weighing results for controlled substances.Innovative weigh pans like the SmartGrid (Analytical Models) and the SmartPan (Precision models) are designed to meet the challenges of the weighing environments. This leads to decreased drift and faster stabilization times, saving you valuable time and money.XPE Excellence Plus Features • Color touch-screen display offers clear, graphical user guidance • Built-in StatusLight™ alerts the user when the balance is ready for use • StaticDetect™ identifies and eliminates electrostatic charge, minimizing sample drift• SmartSens™ infrared sensors enable hands-free control of the draft shield to help preventcross-contamination• LabX ® compatibilitysupports the highest process security and traceability requirementsLabX ® 2016Minimize measurement uncertainty and improve traceability using LabX Balance software.LabX Balance 2016 Features• Ensure Compliance with quality management SOPs and measurement uncertaintyrequirements (as outlined in ISO17025, ASCLD/LAB, and ISO 9000/9001)• User guidance provided on screen, eliminating the need for PCs at the bench• Minimum weight determination and automatic incident tracking• Manage testing schedules thanks to scheduling of calibrations and routine weight checks• Automatic data capture and calculation functionality (including extrapolations)• Seamless integration with any 3rd party system, such as LIMS Software SolutionsQuantos Liquid Dosing Solution Save time and resources when determining the purity or concentration of controlled substanceswith Quantos liquid dosing solution.Quantos Liquid Dosing Features• Say goodbye to dilutions and volumetric sample preparation when plotting calibration curves• Gravimetric solution preparation relies on an objective balance reading rather than a subjectiveoptical interpretation, thus increasing accuracy and drastically reducing human error.• Create precise concentrations quickly and efficiently because solvent is added automaticallybased on the weight of the weighed-in solids• LabX ® compatibility enables the recording of Sample ID, solution concentration, date and time to fulfill ISO17025, and ISO9000/9001 traceability requirements3RAININ Pipettes and Tips For full product information on pipettes, tips and services, go to .Secure your liquid samples with the latest liquid handling solutions.RAININ Pipetting Features• Improved accuracy and repeatability through innovative pipettes and tips• The LTS ® LiteTouch™ system keeps plunger and tip ejection forces to a minimum whilemaintaining a reliable, consistent seal• High-grade BioClean pipette tips are guaranteed to be free of bio-active components and externalcontaminants (DNA, DNase, RNase, ATP , Pyrogens and PCR inhibitors) which helps preventexperiment inconsistencies and failuresRAININ Pipetting 360°®Is your lab accredited to ISO 17025 or equivalent?Ensure that your balances are compliant with ISO 17025 requirements, and optimize the performance of your weighing process, by visiting .Electrochemistry SolutionsSevenExcellence, SevenCompactand SevenGo Duo Meters Accessory SolutionsMETTLER TOLEDO Accessories Extensive accessory offering for a variety of laboratory applications.METTLER TOLEDO Accessories Features• Printers provide accurate, electronic documentation and eliminates manual data recording by hand• CarePacs include two test weights, tweezers, gloves – giving you to the tools you need to performroutine tests and ensure accurate results• Anti-Static solutions remove electrostatic charges from samples and tare vessels – Neutralizationof static charges also help prevent cross-contamination• ErgoClips eliminate traditional weighing paper and allow for direct dosing into tare containers.This eliminates transfer errors, minimizes sample loss, and reduces contamination risks.Measure a multitude of parameters with METTLER TOLEDO meters and electrodes.Electrochemistry Solutions Features• Meet all ISO17025, and ISO9000/9001 accreditation requirements regarding quality controland data management• Intuitive operation with the clear, color display makes starting an analysis and readingmeasurement results easy• The SevenExcellence is a multi-channel instrument that fits three modules(pH, Ion, Conductivity, DO) in any order and combination – offering complete flexibility.The instrument’s method concept ensures compliance with SOPs• InLab ® electrodes deliver quality results and robust design. Electrode performance is monitoredby the meter and displayed on-screenFor more information /na-forensicsService SolutionsAccurate ResultsIndustry ComplianceAvailable When You Need UsDon’t let minor problems turn into costly repairs, lost man-hours and system downtime. Our approach to service is about more than just fixing a breakdown.METTLER TOLEDO reduces the risk of breakdowns through a proactive, comprehensive approach to keeping your instruments running at peak performance, today, tomorrow and years into the future.• Professional Installation and Equipment Qualification Packages• Preventive Maintenance Service Plans• Dedicated Tech Support Team• Certified Test Weights & Weight Calibration Services • Nationwide team of factory-trained and certified techniciansMETTLER TOLEDOSpecifications subject to change withoutnotice METTLER TOLEDO ® is a registeredtrademark of Mettler-Toledo, LLC.BAL8611LIT USA1900 Polaris ParkwayColumbus, Ohio 43240Tel. (800) METTLERFax (614) 438-4525Canada 2915 Argentia Road, Unit 6Mississauga, Ontario L5N 8G6Tel. (800) METTLERFax (800) 786-0042。
MARSURF I M 300:Mahr 产品,表面测量仪器说明书
9890DFXT管线探测仪中文操作说明书美国麦测METROTECH 公司美国加利福尼亚州硅谷SANTA CLARA市OLCOTT路3251号,美国原产目录1.引言2.安全防护措施3.9890DFXT简明操作说明4.9890DFXT型设备4.1 标准配置4.2 可选功能4.3 选件4.4 技术数据4.5 发射机:控制开关、指示器和特性4.6 接收机:控制开关、指示器和特性5.检查步骤6.操作6.1 发射机设定6.2 接收机操作7.高级技术7.1 工地勘查7.2 相邻导体7.3 深埋导体7.4 跟踪长管线7.5 定位支管7.6 弯管和管端定位7.7 阀门、入孔盖、T型接头和立管7.8 连接在一起的导体7.9 用另一测量夹钳区分导体7.10 管线密集地区7.11 如何确定是否碰到“幽灵”导体7.12 绝缘连接的管路7.13 配气管道系统7.14 非金属管道7.15 示踪线8.维护8.1 更换9890 DFXT 发射机碱性非充电电池8.2 9890 DFXT发射机充电电池8.3 更换9890 DFXT 接收机电池8.4 服务中心附录版权声明担保插图目录图4-1:9890DFXT智能管线探测仪—标准配置和可选配置图4-2:9890DFXT发射机—控制开关和指示器图4-3:9890DFXT接收机—控制开关和指示器图4-4:9890DFXT接收机LCD显示图4-5:9890DFXT接收机LCD显示—深度测量模式图5-1:发射机接线图5-2:将接收机对准发射机图6-1:直接(导体性能)连接图6-2:测量夹钳电感耦合图6-3:感应法发射机位置图6-4:接收机用于定位时的位置图6-5:测量深度时接收机的位置图6-6:三角测量法原理图6-7:三角测量时接收机的位置图6-8:中心线定位图6-9:多个导体位于公用地沟图7-1:盲查—平行移动法图7-2:相邻导体—接地引线位置图7-3:定位支管图7-4:弯管定位图7-5:导体端部定位图7-6:管线密集地区不正确耦合方法图7-7:管线密集地区正确耦合方法图8-1:更换9890 DFXT 发射机碱性非充电电池图8-2:用壁挂式充电器对发射机电池充电图8-3:用车载式充电器对发射机电池充电图8-4:更换9890 DFXT 接收机电池1.引言本说明书阐述了型号为9890 DFXT系列智能管线探测仪,包括设备描述、产品性能、检查步骤、操作过程、使用及仪器维护。
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适用:适合于含有木节、碎片、绳索等其他固体的纸浆:0~18% 浓度 过程压力:最小 0bar,取决于取样浓度
最大 25bar 过程温度:最大 200°C 执行机构操作压力:5~8bar
推荐 6bar,相当于活塞开 / 关力 3000 牛 当压缩空气关断时,弹簧用来使活塞阀关闭
Metso SP 美卓刀式浓度计
Metso Rotary 美卓旋转浓度计
Metso MCA 美卓微波浓度计
Metso NOVE 美卓取样器
Metso NOVE H 美卓高浓取样器
Metso Conductivity Measurement 美卓电导率测量
典型的美卓旋转浓度计用于化学浆厂,相对于要实现许多其他高级控制来说, 浓度控制是基础。浓度计可用于洗涤、筛选和漂白工段。显然,以尽可能低的 成本达到理想纸浆质量的生产是非常重要的。
测量范围:1.5~18% Cs 重复性:±0.01% Cs 过程压力:PN10/PN25 过程温度:0~120°C pH 范围:1.5~13 灵敏度 : 0.004% Cs 振动最大:20 m/s2, 10-2000 Hz
最大过程压力 25bar 气动执行机构有一个回复弹簧,当压缩空气关断时,活塞阀关闭 压缩空气压力 ( 气动型 ):最小 1/ 3 工艺压力
最大 10bar
Metso Nove 气动型取样器,安装示例
手动取样开关器 取样器开 / 关检测(可选) 反冲洗水阀 冲洗阀 漏斗
Metso NOVE H 美卓高浓取样器
Metso Polarox5 F 美卓滤液残率分析仪
Metso Polarox5 FP 美卓过氧化氢残率分析仪
Metso AT 美卓二氧化氯分析仪
Metso AT 美卓二氧化硫分析仪
Metso RM3 美卓留着率分析仪
Metso WEM 美卓湿部系统分析仪
Metso MAP 美卓游离度分析仪
Metso Kappa Q 美卓卡巴分析仪
Metso Alkali 美卓碱度分析仪(苛化工段)
Metso Alkali 美卓碱度分析仪(蒸煮工段)
Metso Cormec 5 美卓白度分析仪
Metso Cormec 5 X 美卓紫外光法白度分析仪
Metso Polarox 5 美卓残率分析仪
无需定期维护,因此启动和运行成本降到最低。只需一点标定即可达到极佳的精度和极高的重复性。Metso MCA 微波浓度计是制浆和造纸工业总浓度测量和控制的最佳选择。
测量范围:0~16%Cs(如果 >16%Cs, 或应 用于非制浆、造纸行业,请与 美卓自动化公司联系)
重复性:±0.01% Cs 过程压力:最小大于 1.5bar,无气泡。
Metso NOVE 美卓取样器
美卓 Metso Nove 取样器有手动和气动两种形 式,从工艺管道中获取有代表性的浆样,对 工艺条件和人的因素没有特别的要求。这些 取样器适合用于所有化学制浆厂和造纸厂的 取样要求。充分考虑了取样的位置,相应的 工艺管道、浆的流量和取样头的设计,这些 都确保了取得具有代表性的浆样。浓度取样 是对浓度变送器标定和评估的唯一参照物。 正确的浓度控制将使过程更优化。
随着行业发展以及市场需求不断增长,迫切地 需要简单直接的东西,同时减少维护需求。现 在我们根据全新方式开发测量浓度的更佳方案。
美卓旋转浓度计 Metso Rotary 金属对金属的精密密封结构代替了传统的橡胶密封件,避免了因橡胶老化带来泄 漏的风险。通过化学制浆工艺的大量现场测试已经证明了美卓旋转浓度计 Metso Rotary 面对高温、高压和腐蚀 性化学环境的卓越表现。金属对金属的精密密封结构使美卓旋转浓度计 Metso Rotary 更坚固、更稳定、使用寿 命更长。
1.5-6.5 1.7-6.5
0.7-3 1.5-5.5 3-6 (1.5-6)
0.7-3 1.5-5.5 3-6
4-16 1.5-6 4-16 1.5-6 5-16 1.8-6 5-16 1.8-6 5-16 5-16 4-16 4-16
1.7-8 1.5-7
1.8-8 1.7-8
测量范围: 0.7~16%Cs 过程压力:最大 25bar 过程温度: 0~120°C 外壳防护等级:变送器 IP66(NEMA 4X)
操作单元 IP65
Metso Rotary 美卓旋转浓度计
在过去的 60 年中,旋转式传感器测量方案是制 浆造纸业众多应用场合的首选。所以,一般来 说,旋转测量原理已经成为一个长期工厂标准。 虽然在此期间也推出了各种新型传感器,但是 最重要部分的实测原理仍然没有变化。
美卓高浓取样器 Metso NOVE H 可用于取样高浓纸浆,或者含有木节、碎片的纸浆。它适合用于所有浆种、制浆 造纸厂任何应用点的取样,包括蒸煮喷放线。在工作和非工作状态下,美卓高浓取样器 Metso NOVE H 不会存在 堵塞情况。每次取样后,会对内部部件做一个冲洗。关闭机械部件带有刀刃。当取样器关闭时,刀刃会切断所 有木节或者木片。
Metso Concentration Measurement 美卓浓度测量
Metso Cooking Liquor Measurements 美卓蒸煮液测量
Metso Causticizing Measurements 美卓苛化测量
Metso TS 美卓总固体浓度测量
Metso LS 美卓低固体含量测量
各种刀型的应用范围(% Cs)
0.7-3 1.5-6
(1.7-7) (1.5-6)
0.7-3 1.5-6
(1.7-7) (1.5-6)
1-3 (1.8-5)
1.8-7.5 1.7-6.5
1-3 (1.8-5)
1.8-7.5 1.7-6.5
1.8-7.5 1.7-6.5
Metso SP 智能浓度变送器应用于制浆造纸工业的 浓度测量,它基于剪切力原理进行测量并直接安 装在工艺管道上。
用户通常都希望只用一种刀型就能满足所有的浆种的测量,但经验表明只用一种刀型对于短纤维浆、机械浆、 回收浆都存在明显的灵敏度及流速欠补偿问题。如果要求高的重复性,那没有捷径,美卓的刀式浓度变送器能 保证最佳的测量结果。这些已被多个独立的国际权威机构如 API、WIP 和 Norske Skogindustri 测试所证明。
Pulp type
未漂针叶木化学浆 漂白针叶木化学浆 未漂阔叶木化学浆 漂白阔叶木化学浆 磨木浆 RMP,TMP,CSF<200ml(SR>52) RMP,TMP,CSF>200ml(SR<52) CTMP 回收纤维,OCC ,未筛 回收纤维,未筛 回收纤维,OCC ,已筛 回收纤维,已筛 括号内的数值为第二选择
在一些应用场合,浓度变送器的标定会非常困难,这或 是由于杂质和浆团引起了堵塞和挂浆,或是由于流速变 化影响。以及在一些无法感应填料浓度及对浓度变送器 安装和维护非常困难或极其昂贵的工况。而 Metso MCA 微波浓度变送器就是针对这些问题的最佳解决方案。
Metso MCA 采用专利测量技术,其原理是其基于浓度与微波传播时间的线性关系。低能量的微波从管道(FT 型号) 上一端的发射器发出,穿过浆料到管道的另一端。机械结构设计为一体式铸件,全通径,带传感器及陶瓷窗口。 固体物质,例如纤维和填料,它们传播微波的速度要快于在水中德传播速度,因此较短的传播时间就表明较高 浓度。两者是线性关系,所以不论是什么待测浆料都很容易进行标定。导率仪表利用四电极原理对高低电导率进行 测量。为制浆、电力、制药、食品、酿酒、制 糖和化工等行业的电导率控制而设计。
Metso Nove 取样器设计用于木浆取样,适合 用于化学浆、机械浆和回收浆。Metso Nove 直接安装于过程管路上。有手动型和气动型 两种,提供法兰、卡箍和螺纹等不同安装方 式。并提供不同的材质可选,适合用于不同 的工艺安装点。
适用:浓度范围 0~8%。注意:如果浆液里含有碎片或木节等,推荐使用 Metso Nove H 取样器。 过程压力:最小过程压力取决于纸浆浓度
美卓高浓取样器 Metso NOVE H 是气动型的,提供了卡箍和法兰等安装方式,有不同材质根据要求可选,用于安 装于不同的应用点。
另外可选 MUKI H 取样容器,用于安全、简单、准确的取样。
美卓是现代取样技术的先驱和市场领导者。大多数纸浆和造纸工厂使用这款取样器确保得到代表性的浓度样本 用于实验室分析。
可靠的取样是浓度控制的主要挑战。上世纪 八十年代,通过广泛的测试,这个挑战被解 决了。基于这些成功测试开发出了一种全新 的取样器。今天,美卓高浓取样器 (Metso Nove H) 是全球制浆造纸行业的标准取样 器。
美卓已经升级了高浓取样器 Metso Nove H M2。新型 Metso Nove H M3 已经开始供货。 新型取样器的主要特点是改进了活塞轴的设 计,免于堵塞,且可方便和安全地调节取样 流量。