现西第一册Lección 8

《现代西班牙语》第一册讲解 :Fernando,维克多 ,泰哥编辑整理:泰哥( Tigre)2. en esa plazoleta se prohibe aparcar.3.Una vieja(anciana) se?ora subióal autob s,úy le ced el asientoía ella enseguida4.Poco a poco,el aprendi a conduciróel coche.5.Hay muchos coches circulaciones en esta autopista,conduce con cuidado .o se produce (A causa de prodducirse) el accidente de tr fico adelante,álos todos detuvieron a esperar con resignado.X1.Al terminar2.Cuando entr é3.Cuando me levanté4.al llegar a la puerta5.Al contestar6.al levantar la cabeza7.Al verme entrar8.Cuando son óel timbre9.Al oir la voz10.al sentir fr oíXI.1.El cine est cercaá de nuestra escuela.2.D ónde dejaste el abrigo antenoche?3.Busqu éesta revista en todas partes ayer, pero no encontr en ningunaéparte.4.No hay ninguna estacion en esta calle.5.Hubo¨ heridos y muertos en el accidente aquel d a?‖í―No hay nadie. ‖6.Q u édate aqu ,ívoy a buscar un lugar para aparcar el coche.7.V io que le queda bien la camisa, decidi quedarseócon ella.8.M e voy, los dos ustedes se quedan.9.P erd n,dejameóbajar por aqu porífavor.10.― Cuá ntos clases espa?olas tuvist eisanteayer? ‖― No hay nada. ‖XII:!.Te s 3.me 4.les 5. me 6.les 7.melos 8.melos9.me10.selos现西第一册Lecci ón 22语法Gramá tiva一、过去未完成时和简单过去时的区别类别I动词II动词una vez简单过去时过去未完成时过去结束、完成的动作过去动作的过程,不强调起、终动词多用短暂、瞬间动词动词多用延续性动词过去一次、几次的动作过去反复、习惯性的动作动词多用短暂、瞬间动词动词多用延续性动词,dos vez ,todos,cada vez que,en aquellos a?os ,dos veces al mes , soler+inf. 习惯做某事mucha veces动作具体完成的次数关键词III过去完成的动作描述动词发生时的背景,状态特征过去的事情中出现了点时间故事开头,一种情景cuando era ni? o,cuando ten aícinco a? os 关键词 a las dos , en ese momento二、直接引用语和间接引用语直接引用语和间接引用语的含义我就不重复讲解了,大家也能理解。


如果表达向某人学习,则应该用aprender a alquien.¿Comó la aprendemos?(你们问)我们怎么学的?宾格代词首次登场!这里的la指上面提到的una nueva lección.而因为aprendemos是变位动词,所以la放在了它得前面,如果表示“我们应该怎么学习它呢”,就应当是:¿Comó tenemos que aprenderla?或者是:Comó la tenemos que aprender?知道为什么吗,如果还没有搞清楚,再复习一下上面的语法部分。
Primero la profesora lee el texto y explica las palabras nuevas.女老师首先读课文,解释新单词.Después hace preguntas y nosotros,mis compañeros y yo,las tenemos que contestar.然后她提问题,我们,我的同学们和我,必须回答这些问题。
这两句话我们应该学到得是:primero....después首先....然后...,还有"提问题"这个词组:hacer pregunta,当然最重要得还是理解las tenemos que contestar中las的用法以及位置.Algunas preguntas son difíciles y no las podemos contestar bien.一些问题是难的,我们回答不好。
También tenemos que comentar el texto.我们还需要评论课文。
también相当于英文里的too.Podemos comentarlo en chino o en español.我们能用中文或西语来评论它。

现西第一册Lección 1西班牙语是相对于英语来说更严谨的一种语言,之所以这样说主要体现在如下几个方面:1.所有的名词均分为阴阳性,基本上以o结尾的为阳性,而以a结尾的为阴性,修饰名词的形容词要根据名词来变性。
2.动词需要根据主语的人称来进行相应变化,西班牙语中共有这样六组人称代词:1.我2.你3.他,她,它,您4.我们5.你们6.他们,她们,它们,您们,既然代词共有六组,那么相应的动词也同样需要6种变化(西班牙语中称之为动词变位),这在以后的课程中会逐渐讲到3.西语的字母发音相对比较单一,因此,我们可以通过单词字母的组成结构,读出其发音,好了,先讲这么多,下面我们开始看课文.我们首先看题目:¿Quién es él?,看惯了英文,第一眼看上去,会觉得有些奇怪,没错,你说对了,第一个单词前面确实是一个倒过来的问号,这个是我们应该注意的第一点:1.西语的问句中有两个问号,问句前一个倒问号,问句结束后才是一个正问号。
2.不光问句如此,感叹句也是由两个感叹号组成,和问句一样,前面一个倒过来的感叹号,结束时是一个正的感叹号,如:¡Qué lástima!3.让大伙看不习惯的还有单词的小尾巴´,这个是西语中的重音符号.相信大家已经背过了单词,那么下面我们来看第一部分:1.Él es Paco,Paco es cubano.这个句子是个典型的主谓结构,不难理解,但这里面有我们需要掌握的东西,那就是这里面已经体现出上面所谈的西语名词的性了。
通过词汇表我们知道cubano这个词是阳性的,那比如我们要说Maria是古巴人怎么说呢,Maria es cubano,这个句子是不对的,因为Maria是女孩名字,那么自然是阴性了,所以cubano这个词要相应的变性,把最后的o变成a,所以正确的句子应该是Maria es cubana.记住了,要变性!2.Él es Pepe,Pepe es chileno.这个句子和上面的句子构成模式完全一样,那如果现在要你说:Ana 是智利人,你会说吗? 没错,当主语为Ana时,相应的名词chileno需要变性,把最后的o变成a,那么这句话应该是: Ana es chilena.3.第三句需要我们注意一下,因为它出现了se llama这个结构,词汇表解释为:它,他,她,您叫....,那根据这个我们不难翻译这句话:Ella se ll ama Ana.她叫安娜。

现西第一册Lección 18题目:La casa(家)Mi amigo Felipe vive en Barcelona. Esta es su casa. Estáen la calle de Buenos Aires, número treinta y cinco. 我的朋友费利佩居住在巴塞罗那。
这里有个地理知识需要记住,Buenos Aires 是Argentina的首都。
另外,Está en la calle de Buenos Aires, número treinta y cinco.这句话很实用,比如说我家在长安街88号。
Mi casa eatá en la calle de Changan, número ochenta y ocho. 或者在为某公司翻译其资料,提到它的地址,也可这样翻译,如,这个公司(企业)在幸福街66号。
(当成作业,留给大家)Es una casa bastante grande, de dos plantas.这个房子很大,是个小二楼。
另外这句中de dos plantas.是说两层的房子,省略了被修饰词casa,前置词de相当于hay。
Al entrar,se ve enseguida un amplio patio. A la izquierda de la casa hay una piscina, de diez metros de ancho y veinte de largo. 一进去,立刻就看到一个大院子,在房子的左边有一个十米宽,二十米长的游泳池。

剑桥少儿英语第一册第八单元课文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite ClothesHi there! My name is Emily and I'm going to tell you all about my favorite clothes. Clothes are so much fun to wear and pick out. Getting dressed up is one of my favorite things to do every day!My absolute favorite item of clothing is this sparkly purple dress I have. It's so pretty and princess-like. The skirt part is super twirly and fun to spin around in. The top has these cute little ruffles and the whole thing is covered in shiny sequins that shimmer and shine in the light. I feel like a real-life princess whenever I wear it!I also really love my rainbow striped leggings. They have all the colors of the rainbow going down the legs - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. I like to wear them with a bright colored shirt to match. My favorites to pair them with are my sunshine yellow t-shirt with a smiley face on it or my neon green tank top. So colorful and fun!For going out and playing, I can't get enough of my denim overalls. They're really sturdy and I don't have to worry about getting them dirty or ripped when I'm running around outside. The blue jean material is nice and thick too to keep me warm. I like to wear a stripey long-sleeve shirt underneath when it's cold out. The overalls have these awesome big pockets on the front that are perfect for collecting rocks, leaves, or other treasures I find when exploring.Another thing I love to wear is dresses over pants or leggings. It's like getting two outfits in one! My favorite combo is a pink flowery dress over purple leggings. Or sometimes I'll do a denim dress over green pants. It looks super stylish and lets me wear a dress no matter what the weather is outside.For play, I live in my light-up sneakers. Every step I take makes the soles flash with colored lights! How cool is that? They're pink and purple and the lights make all sorts of fun patterns as I run around. I also really like my yellow rain boots covered in bright rainbow stripes. They're perfect for stomping around in puddles and keeping my feet dry.Accessories are just as important as the clothes themselves! I have tons of fun headbands, hair clips, bracelets, and necklaces to jazz up my outfits. Headbands with big bright bows or flowersare my favorite for dressing up a casual outfit. And I love sparkly bracelets that kind of jingle when I wave my arms around.Dressing up is just the best. I can be a different character every day based on what clothes I pick out. Some days I'm a princess, others I'm an explorer, and sometimes I'm a cool punk rocker! The possibilities are endless with all the fun stuff in my closet. Clothes let me use my creativity and imagination in the best way. I never want to stop playing dress up!That's all about my favorite clothes for now. But who knows, my fashion preferences might change next week! A girl has to keep things exciting, you know. Thanks for listening! Time for me to go pick out an extra special outfit for my best friend's birthday party...篇2My Summer Holiday AdventureLast summer, I had the most amazing adventure! It all started when my parents told me we were going to visit my grandparents in the countryside. I was a bit disappointed at first because I thought the countryside would be really boring. Boy, was I wrong!The journey there was lots of fun. We drove for hours, singing songs and playing games in the car. I spotted cows, sheep, horses and even a few tractors out of the window. When we finally arrived, Grandma and Grandad were waiting with a huge hug and the most delicious homemade cookies.After settling in, I went out to explore the farm. There were so many animals - chickens, pigs, goats, you name it! Grandad took me to see the cows being milked and I even got to feed the calves with a big bottle of warm milk. They were so cute, with their big eyes and wet noses.In the fields, I chased butterflies and crickets, and made daisy chains with Grandma. We had picnics in the long grass and I ate the juiciest strawberries I've ever tasted, straight from the plants. In the evening, we toasted marshmallows around the firepit and looked for shooting stars in the inky black sky. I'd never seen so many stars before!But my favourite part was the farm's secret hideout - an old tree house in the woods! Grandad had built it himself when he was a boy. It was a bit rickety but felt like the coolest secret base.I played explorer, hunting for treasure and ancient ruins. The trees became enchanted forests and I was the brave knight, fighting evil dragons and wicked witches.One day, we went on a ramble and saw a baby deer and her mom in a clearing. We stayed very still and quiet, and I was amazed at how gracefully they moved. On the walk back, I found a pretty feather which I carefully put in my adventure journal to remember the day.I loved wandering the fields, collecting weird shaped sticks, colorful pebbles, and looking for animal tracks in the mud. Every morning, I raced Grandad to see who could find the first fresh chicken egg of the day in the hen house. Sometimes a cheeky hen would have laid one in the bushes!On rainy days, we played board games and put together puzzles in front of the fire. Grandma taught me how to bake the most gooey chocolate brownies. We read adventure stories about explorers in faraway jungles, battling ancient curses and uncovering lost treasures. I couldn't wait to go on my own thrilling expedition!As the summer drew to an end, I was really sad to leave. I gave my grandparents the tightest hugs, promising to come back soon. The countryside was definitely not boring - it was the best adventure playground I could imagine! I kept a nature diary of all the plants, critters and fun I had. I can't wait to start the next volume when I go back next summer!篇3A Day at the FarmHi there! My name is Emma and I'm going to tell you all about the super fun day I had at my Uncle's farm last weekend. Get ready for an amazing adventure!It was early on Saturday morning when Mom woke me up. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead! We're going to visit Uncle Jack at his farm today." I jumped out of bed, did my morning routine, and got dressed in a hurry. Spending the day on a real farm is every kid's dream!After a long drive into the countryside, we finally arrived at Uncle Jack's place. The farm was huge, with wide open fields, a big red barn, chicken coops, and even a little pond. As soon as we got out of the car, I was greeted by the most wonderful smells - fresh air, hay, and...animal poop! But I didn't mind at all.Uncle Jack came out to meet us, with his trusty dog Rufus by his side. "Well, well, if it isn't my favorite niece!" he exclaimed, giving me a big hug. "Are you ready to be a farmer for a day?" You bet I was!The first stop was the chicken coop. Uncle Jack showed me how to collect the fresh eggs the hens had laid. I was pretty nervous about reaching under the big birds at first, but then I realized they were just clucking and minding their own business.I gathered over a dozen eggs into the basket - they felt so warm and delicate in my hands.Next, we headed over to the barn where Uncle Jack keeps his cows and other animals. I got to brush the soft fur of a calf that was born just a few weeks ago. Uncle Jack let me give it a bottle of warm milk, which it guzzled down happily. I've never seen an animal drink so quickly!Behind the barn was a huge field where Uncle Jack grows crops like wheat, corn and vegetables. He let me hop on his big tractor and I even got to steer it around the field a little bit! I loved being up so high off the ground. Uncle Jack showed me how he uses the tractor to plow the soil and plant seeds for the next harvest. It's a lot of hard work, but also really fascinating.After a morning of chores, it was finally time for lunch. Aunt Maya had prepared a delicious picnic for us to enjoy outside. We had fresh bread, cheese, fruits and vegetables - some of which came straight from the farm. The food tasted absolutely amazing!I'll never forget biting into one of those juicy strawberries straight from the garden. Mmmm!With full bellies, Uncle Jack suggested we go explore the woods near the pond for a while. Rufus the dog was super excited to lead the way. We hiked along a little trail, watching for any critters that might be scurrying about. Uncle Jack taught me how to identify different kinds of trees and plants. We even saw a family of deer quietly drinking from the pond! I'd never seen deer that close before. They were beautiful.As the sun started to go down, we headed back to the farmhouse. I felt sad that the day was coming to an end, but also completely worn out from all the activities. Aunt Maya could tell how tired I was, so she let me relax in the rocking chair on the porch while she started getting dinner ready. The gentle creaking of the rocking chair, combined with a light breeze and the sound of birds chirping, made me feel so peaceful and content.After we ate a hearty dinner of chicken and mashed potatoes, it was finally time to hit the road and head back home. I gave Uncle Jack and Aunt Maya both big hugs goodbye. "Don't be a stranger now!" Uncle Jack said with a wink. "Come back and visit real soon."On the drive home, I kept thinking about what an incredible day I'd just experienced. I got to see first-hand where our food comes from and how much effort goes into running a farm. More importantly, I made so many special memories - collecting eggs, feeding animals, driving the tractor, hiking in the woods. I felt so lucky and grateful.As I drifted off to sleep that night, my heart was completely full of happiness. I decided that when I grow up, I'm going to be a farmer, just like Uncle Jack. Taking care of animals and working on the land seems like the most wonderful way to live. I can't wait for my next farm adventure!篇4My Summer Holiday AdventureHi there! My name is Emma and I'm going to tell you all about the exciting adventure I had during my summer holiday. It was the best summer ever!The summer started out pretty normal. Mum and Dad were still working, and my big brother Jack and I were home from school. We spent a lot of time playing video games and watching telly. It was fun, but I was getting a bit bored after a few weeks.Then one day, Mum and Dad surprised us. "Pack your bags, kids!" said Dad. "We're going on a camping trip to the forest!"I had never been camping before, so I was really excited but also a little nervous. What would it be like sleeping outside in a tent? What if there were bears or other wild animals?We drove for a couple of hours until we reached the edge of a huge forest called Ashdown Woods. Dad parked the car and we all grabbed our backpacks and supplies. The forest looked magical, with tall trees everywhere and little streams and birds singing. I took a deep breath of the fresh forest air.After hiking for a while, we came to a nice clearing and set up our tents. Jack and I worked together to put up our little two-person tent while Mum and Dad tackled the bigger family tent. It was harder than it looked on the videos! But we got it sorted in the end.That night, we made a campfire and roasted marshmallows. Have you ever had a s'more? It's a toasted marshmallow with a piece of chocolate squeezed between two graham crackers. Soooo delicious! We sang campfire songs and Dad told us spooky stories that made me jump.When it was time for bed, I was a bit scared to go into the tent. What if a bear came? But Mum said bears hardly ever come near campsites, especially when there's a fire. I felt better and soon fell fast asleep, snug in my sleeping bag.I woke up to birds chirping and sunlight peeking through the tent. We had a yummy breakfast of pancakes and bacon that Dad cooked over the fire. So tasty! After we cleaned up, we went on a hike to explore more of the beautiful forest.On the hike, we saw so many amazing things! There were towering trees covered in green moss and ferns. Little critters like squirrels and chipmunks scampered across the trail. We walked along a gurgling stream, careful not to step in the water and get our feet wet.The best part was when we came across a family of deer! They were magnificently tall, with big antlers for the males. We all froze and watched them nibbling on leaves and grass. They looked so peaceful and graceful. After a little while, they must have sensed us and bounded away deeper into the forest. I felt so lucky to have seen them up close!That afternoon, we played games back at our campsite like frisbee and cards. For dinner, Dad grilled up some hot dogs andveggies over the fire. Then we had s'mores again for dessert – I could get used to eating those every day!On our last morning in the forest, none of us wanted to leave. We had one final breakfast, then sadly took down the tents and packed everything up. The drive home seemed to take no time at all.When we got back, I could hardly wait to tell all my friends about my big camping adventure. I had the best time exploring nature, seeing cool animals, eating yummy campfire food, and just being together with my family away from all the noise and bustle of the city.I'm already counting down the days until our next camping trip! Getting outdoors in the wilderness was an amazing experience. We all want to go back to Ashdown Woods, but maybe try a different forest next time. The world is so big and full of adventures waiting to happen. I can't wait!篇5My Funny GrandmaHello! My name is Lily and I'm going to tell you about my grandma. She is really funny and does lots of silly things. Grandma lives with us in our house.Every morning, Grandma gets up very early, even before the sun comes up! She puts on her pink dressing gown with the yellow flowers on it. It's quite old but she loves it. Then she makes a big pot of tea in the kitchen.While the tea is brewing, Grandma does her morning exercises. She lifts her arms up and down and wiggles her body around. Sometimes she sings silly songs while exercising like "The Hokey Pokey" or makes up her own funny words. It looks really funny, especially when she tries to touch her toes!After her exercises, Grandma sits at the kitchen table and drinks her tea. She reads the newspaper and does the crossword puzzle. If she can't think of a word, she just writes something silly like "bananaphone" or "flibbertigibbet." Then she laughs at her own jokes.When I wake up, I go downstairs to have breakfast. Grandma is always there making porridge or eggs. "Good morning, my little chickadee!" she says giving me a big hug. Grandma gives me a big plate of breakfast and I eat it all up because it's so yummy.On Saturdays, Grandma takes me and my brother to the park to feed the ducks. She packs a big bag with bread crumbs, seeds, and even some leftover vegetables from the fridge. At the park, she calls the ducks by making funny quacking sounds. "Ducks, ducks, come get your lunch!" The ducks know her special call and come waddling over as fast as they can. Grandma throws out the food and the ducks gobble it all up. Sometimes a cheeky squirrel tries to steal some food too!In the afternoons, Grandma likes to work in her garden. She has a pretty garden with lots of flowers like roses, tulips, and daffodils. Grandma wears a big straw hat and uses a small shovel to dig in the dirt. She'll often start singing operatic songs at the top of her lungs while she gardens. The neighbors must think she's crazy! When she comes inside, Grandma has dirt smudges all over her face and clothes. "Look at me, I'm a wild forest woman!" she jokes.For dinner, Grandma makes my favorite meals - spaghetti with tomato sauce, chicken nuggets, or macaroni and cheese. They are so cheesy and delicious! After we eat, Grandma sits down to watch her favorite TV shows. She laughs really loudly at all the funny parts. Sometimes she throws pieces of popcorn atthe TV if there's something she doesn't like. It's quite silly but we just let her do it because that's our Grandma!In the evenings, it's time for a bath and then bed. Grandma helps me put on my pajamas and brushes my hair. Then she reads me a bedtime story, using funny voices for all the characters. Her stories are never boring! After the story, Grandma tucks me into bed and says "Night night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite!" Then she gives me a kiss on the forehead.That's my typical day with my funny Grandma. She makes me laugh every single day with her silly jokes, songs, and stories.I love my Grandma so much! She has a great sense of humor and doesn't care what other people think. To me, she's the funniest person in the whole world.篇6My Summer Vacation Adventures!Hello there! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. I just started 3rd grade and my teacher asked us to write about what we did over our summer vacation. I had such an amazing summer filled with fun adventures, so I have a lot to share!It all started the week after school ended in June. My parents surprised me and my little brother Mike by taking us on a camping trip! We drove for a few hours to a huge forest with lots of tall trees and hiking trails. When we arrived at the campsite, Dad helped us set up our tent while Mom started making hot dogs over the campfire for lunch. Mmm they were so tasty!After eating, we went on a nature hike and saw all kinds of cool plants and animals. Mike spotted a rabbit hopping through the bushes. I thought I heard a woodpecker too, but we never saw it. The best part was when we reached the top of the mountain trail - the view was breathtaking! We could see the whole forest stretching out for miles and miles. That evening, we made s'mores and told spooky stories around the campfire before crawling into our sleeping bags feeling happy but exhausted.A couple weeks later, my aunt and uncle visited from another state and took us to an amusement park! I was a little nervous about the roller coasters at first, but my uncle convinced me to go on the big looping one called the Cyclone. I screamed the entire time but it ended up being so much fun! We also went on spinning rides, played games to win prizes, and ate way toomuch cotton candy, popcorn, and funnel cakes. By the end of the day, my face hurt from smiling and laughing so hard.Then in July, my family took a trip to the beach for a whole week! We rented a house right on the shore so we could wake up to the gorgeous ocean view every morning. I loved hunting for seashells, building sandcastles, and splashing in the waves. One day, we went on a boat tour to see dolphins and they actually swam up alongside our boat! I'll never forget how amazing it was to see those sleek gray dolphins leaping out of the water.During our beach vacation, we also went mini golfing one night. The course had a fun tropical theme with waterfalls, caves, and obstacles shaped like elephants and palm trees. Mini golf is harder than it looks! But I managed to get a hole-in-one on the 12th hole which was my biggest accomplishment. We ended that night by getting ice cream cones and walking along the beach under the starry sky.On the 4th of July, we had a big cookout and pool party at my house with fireworks at night. Tons of friends and family members came over. We swam in the pool, played games in the backyard, and had a delicious barbecue dinner. After it got dark, we oohed and aahed over the brilliant fireworks display while toasting marshmallows and making s'mores again. I loved all thebright colors bursting in the sky! Red, blue, green, purple - it was just magic.Those were the biggest events and trips from my summer, but there were lots of other small fun things too. I read a bunch of new books, did craft projects, had sleepovers with friends, and basically just enjoyed not having school or homework for a couple months! We also adopted a new puppy named Chewie who has been the cutest addition to our family.Well, that's my super exciting summer vacation summed up!I feel so lucky to have made all those amazing memories. Summer may be over, but I'm still just as happy to be back at school with my friends. I can't wait to see what other adventures this year will bring. Thanks for reading all about my summer - I hope you had a great one too!。
最新现代西班牙语 第一册课文+答案

现西第一册Lección 1西班牙语是相对于英语来说更严谨的一种语言,之所以这样说主要体现在如下几个方面:1.所有的名词均分为阴阳性,基本上以o结尾的为阳性,而以a结尾的为阴性,修饰名词的形容词要根据名词来变性。
2.动词需要根据主语的人称来进行相应变化,西班牙语中共有这样六组人称代词:1.我2.你3.他,她,它,您4.我们5.你们6.他们,她们,它们,您们,既然代词共有六组,那么相应的动词也同样需要6种变化(西班牙语中称之为动词变位),这在以后的课程中会逐渐讲到3.西语的字母发音相对比较单一,因此,我们可以通过单词字母的组成结构,读出其发音,好了,先讲这么多,下面我们开始看课文.我们首先看题目:¿Quién es él?,看惯了英文,第一眼看上去,会觉得有些奇怪,没错,你说对了,第一个单词前面确实是一个倒过来的问号,这个是我们应该注意的第一点:1.西语的问句中有两个问号,问句前一个倒问号,问句结束后才是一个正问号。
2.不光问句如此,感叹句也是由两个感叹号组成,和问句一样,前面一个倒过来的感叹号,结束时是一个正的感叹号,如:¡Qué lástima!3.让大伙看不习惯的还有单词的小尾巴´,这个是西语中的重音符号.相信大家已经背过了单词,那么下面我们来看第一部分:1.Él es Paco,Paco es cubano.这个句子是个典型的主谓结构,不难理解,但这里面有我们需要掌握的东西,那就是这里面已经体现出上面所谈的西语名词的性了。
通过词汇表我们知道cubano这个词是阳性的,那比如我们要说Maria是古巴人怎么说呢,Maria es cubano,这个句子是不对的,因为Maria是女孩名字,那么自然是阴性了,所以cubano这个词要相应的变性,把最后的o变成a,所以正确的句子应该是Maria es cubana.记住了,要变性!2.Él es Pepe,Pepe es chileno.这个句子和上面的句子构成模式完全一样,那如果现在要你说:Ana 是智利人,你会说吗?没错,当主语为Ana时,相应的名词chileno需要变性,把最后的o变成a,那么这句话应该是:Ana es chilena.3.第三句需要我们注意一下,因为它出现了se llama这个结构,词汇表解释为:它,他,她,您叫....,那根据这个我们不难翻译这句话:Ella se llama Ana.她叫安娜。

现西第一册Lección 1西班牙语是相对于英语来说更严谨的一种语言,之所以这样说主要体现在如下几个方面:1.所有的名词均分为阴阳性,基本上以o结尾的为阳性,而以a结尾的为阴性,修饰名词的形容词要根据名词来变性。
2.动词需要根据主语的人称来进行相应变化,西班牙语中共有这样六组人称代词:1.我2.你3.他,她,它,您4.我们5.你们6.他们,她们,它们,您们,既然代词共有六组,那么相应的动词也同样需要6种变化(西班牙语中称之为动词变位),这在以后的课程中会逐渐讲到3.西语的字母发音相对比较单一,因此,我们可以通过单词字母的组成结构,读出其发音,好了,先讲这么多,下面我们开始看课文.我们首先看题目:¿Quién es él?,看惯了英文,第一眼看上去,会觉得有些奇怪,没错,你说对了,第一个单词前面确实是一个倒过来的问号,这个是我们应该注意的第一点:1.西语的问句中有两个问号,问句前一个倒问号,问句结束后才是一个正问号。
2.不光问句如此,感叹句也是由两个感叹号组成,和问句一样,前面一个倒过来的感叹号,结束时是一个正的感叹号,如:¡Qué lástima!3.让大伙看不习惯的还有单词的小尾巴´,这个是西语中的重音符号.相信大家已经背过了单词,那么下面我们来看第一部分:1.Él es Paco,Paco es cubano.这个句子是个典型的主谓结构,不难理解,但这里面有我们需要掌握的东西,那就是这里面已经体现出上面所谈的西语名词的性了。
通过词汇表我们知道cubano这个词是阳性的,那比如我们要说Maria是古巴人怎么说呢,Maria es cubano,这个句子是不对的,因为Maria是女孩名字,那么自然是阴性了,所以cubano这个词要相应的变性,把最后的o变成a,所以正确的句子应该是Maria es cubana.记住了,要变性!2.Él es Pepe,Pepe es chileno.这个句子和上面的句子构成模式完全一样,那如果现在要你说:Ana 是智利人,你会说吗?没错,当主语为Ana时,相应的名词chileno需要变性,把最后的o变成a,那么这句话应该是:Ana es chilena.3.第三句需要我们注意一下,因为它出现了se llama这个结构,词汇表解释为:它,他,她,您叫....,那根据这个我们不难翻译这句话:Ella se llama Ana.她叫安娜。

Leçon 8 Tome Iobjectifs de la leçon :I.objectif grammatical :adjectifs possessifs : ma , ta , sa ...le présent de l’indicatif :« pouvoir » et « vouloir » :II.phonétique :III. conjugaison : pouvoir, vouloir, entrer, apprendre, savoirI.Révision: Q et R( 15 minutes )Qui est cette jeune fille près de la fenêtre ?Qui est ce jeune homme à côté de ... ?Quel âge as-tu ?Quel âge avez-vous ?Est-ce que tu as des frères et soeurs ?Où habitent tes parents ? As-tu encore tes grands-parents ?Ton grand-père travaille-t-il encore ? Quelle est sa profession ?II.Les adjectifs possessifs : «une chambre » à l’aide du ppt1,2( 35 minutes )a.« une chambre », « un lit », « une chaise »Qu’est-ce que c’ est ? C’est une chambre .Est-ce ta chambre ? Non, ce n’est pas ma chambre.Est-ce la chambre de ... ? Non, ce n’est pas sa chambre.Est-ce que c’est votre chambre? Non, ce n’est pas notre chambre.Est-ce que c’est la chambre de Jacques et de Nicolas ? Non, ce n’est pas leur chambre.B.mêmes exercices pour « une chaise », « une table », « une photo »C.« des photos »Qu’est-ce que c’est ? Ce sont des photos.Est-ce que ce tes photos ? Non, ce ne sont pas mes photos.Est-ce les photos de Marie ? Non, ce ne sont pas ses photos.Est-ce vos photos ? Non, ce ne sont pas nos photos.Est-ce les photos de Sandrine et de Cécile ? Non, ce ne sont pas leurs photos.D.explication sur les adjectifs possessifsIII. phonétique: à l’aide du ppt3 ( 15 minutes )IV «mes affaires » à l’aide du ppt4 ( 35 minutes)A. exercices sur les nouveaux mots « une tasse », « un verre » , « un crayon », « uncahier », « un stylo », « un sac », « une cassette », « des chaussures », « des papier », « les affaires » : Q et RB. explication sur les différents sens du mot « bureau » et la différence entre « le bureau »et « la table » à l’aide du ppt5,6C. « sur » / « sous » à l’aide du ppt7V. Le premier dialogue : ( 50 minutes )A.lire le dialogue1 et faire lire aux étudiantsB.explications sur le dialogue :-entrer :entrer dans la classe, entrer dans la chambre...-désordre : Quel désordre !-un peu :Il est un peu jeune.J’a i un peu faim.-un peu de :Est-ce que tu as un peu de pain ?-vouloir : vouloir qch., vouloir faire qch.Voulez-vous aller au Palais d’été avec moi ?Veux-tu un café ?Caroline veut bien faire ses études en Chine.Elles ne veulent pas aller à la piscine, elles veulent aller au magasin.Veux-tu aller à Paris ?-faire le rangement : rangerQui fait le rangement pour Cécile ? Sa mère ?Je ne veux pas faire le rangement.-tard : / tôtC’est très tard .Il a un c ours à 8h, mais il va à l’école à 8h moins 5, c’est très tard.Nous travaillons toujours tard le soir.-hier soir / ce soir, hier matin/ ce matin, hier après-midi / cet après-midi-raison :C’est une raison./ Ce n’est pas une rai son.Avoir raison : tu as raison. Il a toujours raison.-sur / sous :Où est mon livre ? Il est sur ton bureau.Où sont mes chaussures ? Elles sont sous le lit.-quoi : que-apprendre : apprendre qch.Qu’est-ce que tu apprends ? J’apprends le français.Quelle langue apprenez-vous ? Nous apprenons le français.-savoir : savoir que... ; savoir faire qch.Je ne sais pas ranger mes affaires.Nous ne savons pas comment aller au Palais d’été.-être désolé,e / excusez-moi, pardonRévision: ( 50 minutes)A. révision sur les adjectifs possessifs à l’aide du ppt 1,2,4 : A et R entre le professeur etles étudiantsQu’est-ce que c’est? C’est....Est-ce que c’est ta/ton/tes... ?B. révision sur « vouloir », « apprendre » : conjugaisonQu’est-ce que tu veux ? Du pain ?Pourquoi apprends-tu le français ?Est-ce que tu veux venir à Beijng ?Qu’est-ce que tu veux faire ce soir / cet après-midi?Veut-il aller à la Place Tian’anmen avec ses amis ?Voulez-vous aller à Paris ?Veux-tu faire tes études en France ?Pourquoi tu ne fais pas le rangement tout de suite ?Tu ne veux pas être heureux ?Qu’est-ce que tu apprends comme langue ?Quelle langue apprends-tu ?Veux-tu apprendre le français ?Quelle langue veux-tu apprendre encore ?C. révision sur « sur » / « sous »Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur mon bureau ?D. Les étudiants lisent le premier dialogue et le prof. corrige les fautes de prononciation etd’intonationVI. Le dialogue 2 : ( 50 minutes)A. Q et R à l’aide du ppt1:Comment est cette chambre ? Est-elle grande ? Est-elle jolie ?Comment est le bureau de Madame Curie ? C’est grand? C’est propre ? Tout est bienrangé ?Combien êtes-vous dans votre chambre ?Comment est votre chambre ? Est-elle jolie ? Est-elle propre ? Est-ce qu’elle est bienrangée ?Comment est leur chambre ? Est-elle grande ? Est-elle propre ?Où est ta chambre ? Est-elle loin de votre classe ?B. Le prof. lit le dialogue 2 et fait lire aux étudiants.C. explication du texte :- propre :Cette tasse est propre.Ma chambre est toujours propre.Les chemises de Pascal sont propres.Notre classe est très propre.-pouvoir : pouvoir faire qch.Pouvez-vous parler français avec les Français.Que peux-tu faire ?Je peux faire, mais je ne veux pas.-avec plaisir :Veux-tu aller au Palais d’été avec moi ? Avec plaisir.-langue :Combien de langues parles-tu ?-C’est à + le tem ps :L’école est loin? Non, c’est à dix minutes de marche. L’école est à dix minutes demarche.L’université est à vingt minutes de voiture.-loin : loin de...J’habite loin.Ils habitent loin de l’école. Leur maison est loin de l’école.Contrôle:1. Dictée.Notre chambre à l’universitéVoici notre chambre, son numéro : 39. Elle n’est pas très grande, mais bien rangée. Nous sommes trois dans notre chambre : Fanny, Céline et moi. Moi, je m’appelle Jacqueline.Regardez, près de la fenêtre, il y a un bureau. Nous travaillons là-bas. Il y a trois lits dans la chambre et un grand placard, nous pouvons y mettre nos affaires.Nos livres sont sur le bureau et nos chaussures sont sous les lits. Nous faisons le ménage chaque jour. Notre chambre est très propre.Ah oui ! Il y a encore de belles fleurs sur la fenêtre. C’est très joli, n’est-ce pas ?生词:rangé/e 整洁的un placard 壁橱2. Où sont les affaires de Paul ?(保尔的物品在哪里?)Écoutez bien la présentation puis répondez aux questions suivantes :1. De quoi parle-t-on ?2. Où est l’objet en question ?(仔细听介绍,然后回答下列问题:1)说的是何物品?2)说到的东西在哪里?)Le sac à dos de Paul est toujours sous son lit.Son cahier de notes ? C’est sur ses revues, je crois.●Il met ses chaussures sous la fenêtre.❍Ses disques sont peut-être dans le sac de Pascal.⏹Le stylo de Paul est sur le bureau de la chambre.☐Je vois ses crayons sous la table.☐Paul ne range pas ses cassettes dans le bureau ?❑Les journaux de Paul sur le lit d’Yves.3. Donnez la transcription phonétique et indiquez les syllabes.tiède[] pièce[] bouillie[] siècle[] partielle[]onde[] pouilles[]gestion[] caution[]média[]4. Quel adjectif possessif faut-il mettre ?(填入哪个指示形容词?)1. Est-ce que vous connaissez son ..........❑ amis ❑ amie ❑ amies2. Matilde fait ses .......... à l’Université de Beijing.❑ études ❑ étude ❑ étudiant3. Dans notre .........., il y six lits.❑ chambres ❑ classe ❑ chambre4. Ton .........., c’est bien le 44 33 28 19 ?❑ adresse ❑ chambre ❑ téléphone5. Je fais la présentation. Voici mon .......... , elle est journaliste maintenant.❑ étudiant ❑ étudiante ❑ professeur6. N’apprenez-vous pas ces ......... cette semaine ?❑ livres ❑ revues ❑ leçons7. Nous ne voyons pas où est ta .......... .❑ amie ❑ famille ❑ adresse8. Monsieur ! Est-ce que ce sont vos.......... ?❑ affaire ❑ enfant ❑ papiers5. Mettez les verbes suivants au présent selon les sujets donnés.(将下列动词按所给主语变为直陈式现在时。

第八课的标题是"Enjoy Your Meal!",本课主要围绕用餐时的交流和礼节展开。
1. 如何描述饭菜的味道和外观。
2. 餐桌礼仪和饮食文化。
1. Enjoy your meal! (祝您用餐愉快!)
2. The soup tastes good. (这汤很好吃。
3. The steak looks delicious. (这牛排看起来很美味。
4. Would you like to have some salad? (你要来点沙拉吗?)
5. I recommend it to you. (我向你推荐。
6. How about another steak? (再来一份牛排怎么样?)
7. What do you think of it? (你觉得怎么样?)
8. Pay the bill. (结账。

第一课UNIDADIIII.请写出下列单词的复数形式(Escriba las siguientes palabras en su forma plural)amigo / amigos cliileuo / chilenos cliino /chinos chico/ chicosestudiante /estudiantes mexicano / mexicanosalunmo / alunmosnovio / noviosIV.请划分下列単词的音节(Marque las silabas de las siguientes palabras.) tii, me A-na, Pa・co, Su-sa-iia, son.e-lla, lla-ma, To-mas, e-sa, Ma-no- lo. no, Pe-pe, po-llo, to-nia-te.V.请将适当的词或词组填入空白处(Rellena los espacios en bianco con palabrasadecuadas o gmpos de palabras.)1. Elena: ^Como se llama?Pepe: Me llamo Pepe. &Y usted?Elena: Me llamo Elena. ^Es usted profesor?Pepe: No. Soy estudiante. ^Es usted chilena?Elena: No. No soy chilena. Soy cubana.Pepe: Encantado.Elena: Encantada.2.Ana:Hola. buenos dias. Yo me llamo Ana. Elios son inis aniigos. Ella se llamaSusana y el se llama Pepe y el y Manolo.Elena: Buenos dias. Soy Elena. ^Sois ^ osotros estudiantes de chino?Ana y Susana: Si. Somos aluninos de usted.Elena: Encantada.Ana: Encantada.Susana: Encantada.VI.请将括号中的词变为适当形式并填入空白处(Ponga en fonna debida las palabras entre pa rentesis y coloquelas en el espacio en bianco.)Ana: ^Eres chilena?Emma: SL Soy chilena.Alia: Y Paco y Manolo, son tambien chilenos?Emma: Bueno, Paco es chileno, y Manolo es panameno.Alia: zSon ellos tus amigos?Emma: S£ Somos amigos.2.Li: Zhang Xiang, ^quien es ese chico? Zhang: EsPablo. Es espanol.Li: Y la chica, ^quien es?Zhang: Es Elena. Los dos son novios.Li: ^Sois \*osotros amigos? Zhang: Si, somos muy amigos.VIIL 请口头完成下列对话(Complete oralmente los siguientes dialogos.) □Hola, buenos dias.■Buenos dias. [jComo te llamas?□Me llamo Manolo. ^Eres Paco?■Si, soy Paco. Encantado.□Encantado.2.□ Ana, ^Quienes son esos cliicos?■Son Manolo. Susaiia y W^ng Fang.= iSon estudiantes?. Si, Manolo y Susaiia son estudiantes. Pero (但是)W^ng es profesora.□Y ella,謨s china?■St ella es china. Manolo y Susaiia son mexicatios.□JSon novios?■jQue va! Son solo amigos.IX.听写(Dictado)1.请写出字母的大写和小写形式(Escriba las letras con mayuscula y miniiscula que ledicten.)A, a E, e I, i O. o U, u L, 1 M, m Ej】S, s P, P T, t2.听写单词(Escriba las palabras que le dicten.)Ana Elena Manolo Susana esa sonsomos es se llama teme mesa Pacolupa pone tipo tomate pepiiio nos llamainosX.请听对话,并与老师或同学口头重复其内容(Escuche el dialogo y reprodiizcalo oralmente con su profesor o companeix)/ra.)Manolo: Hola, buenos dias. &Es listed Lola?Lola: Buenos dias. S L me llamo tedes, quienes son?.Manolo: Pepe y Manolo. El es Pepe y yo soy Manolo. Somos amigos.Lola: [Son espaiioles?,Manolo: Yo soy espanol. El es panameno.Lola: [Son estudiantes?Manolo: Si. Somos estudiantes de chino. ^Es listed profesora?Lola: Si. Soy profesora de espanol.Manolo: Mucho gusto.Lola: Encantada.第二课UNIDAD2III.请划分下列单词的音节(Marque las silabas de las siguientes palabras.) Car-men, chi-co, Cai-los, buenos, tar-de, niu-cho, Cu・ba, tam-bien es-ta-mos, o-cu-pa-do, con-ten-to.quien.V 请将适当的词墳入空白处(Rellene los espacios en bianco cou palabras adecuadas.) 1.— Buenas tar des. Es usted Mario Gonzalez.— Buenas tardes. Si, soy Mario Gonzalez.— ^Es usted profesor?— No, no soy piofesor. Soy estudiante.2.—iQuien es ese senoi?― Es Fernando Ramirez.^Nuestro profesor de aleman?―Si, es eL3.— Oye, Manolo, Jienen ustedes profesores latiiioamericanos?— Si, tenemos dos piofesores latinoamericanos. Uno es panameno y la otra es de Cuba.—IjSon buenos?~ Si, trabajan mucho.4.Paco y Alia liablan por telefbno.Ana: Oye, Paco, ^donde estudias?Paco: Estudio en la universidad.Alia: pieties clases esta tarde?Paco: Si, tettgo tres clases de chino.Ana: Ah. entonces te llamo otro dia.Paco: Esta bien, adios.5.Jun y Li Dan son estudiantes de espanol. Estan en Cuba. Tienen clases de lectuia yconx eisacion todos los dias. Trabajan mucho pero estan muy content os.VI.请将适当的字母墳入空白处(Rellene los espacios en bianco con las letras adecuadas.)1.Paco, Alfonso y Manolo son estxwf/flwtes. Alfonso y Manolo son mexicanos. Paco esde Cuba. Los tres c^vulian mucho y est/i/i muy conten/os.2.一Hola. profesor, le presenio a niis amigos: Carmen y Fernando.--Encantado.3.- Hola, Pepe, ^como esta?一Bien, giarms. &Y vistetf?一Muy breii. Hasta ]nego一Adios.4.一iSon novios Mario y Susan a?-va! Solo son amigos.5.Me lla/wo Zhang Jiasheng. Soy chiwo. Traba/<? en la universidad. Ens eno chino aesttwZ/rzrttes latiiioamerirnzios.MI.请将适当的定冠词墳入空白处(Rellene los espacios en bianco con los articulosdeterminados adecuados.) 1. Los aluninos latinoameiicanos trabajan mucho.2.El profesor Gonzalez es mexicauo.3.Emma y Elena son inis aniigas. Las dos estaii alioia eii China.4.El novio de la cliica no se llama Tonias. Se llama Pablo.5.Los hombres y las miijeres tienen los niismos derechos (相同的权利)。

现代西班牙语第一册课文翻译及课后答案现西第一册Lección 1 西班牙语是相对于英语来说更严谨的一种语言,之所以这样说主要体现在如下几个方面: 1.所有的名词均分为阴阳性基本上以o 结尾的为阳性,而以 a 结尾的为阴性,修饰名词的形容词要根据名词来变性。
2.动词需要根据主语的人称来进行相应变化,西班牙语中共有这样六组人称代词:1.我2.你3.他,她,它,您4.我们5.你们6.他们,她们,它们,您们,既然代词共有六组,那么相应的动词也同样需要6种变化(西班牙语中称之为动词变位),这在以后的课程中会逐渐讲到 3.西语的字母发音相对比较单一,因此,我们可以通过单词字母的组成结构,读出其发音,好了,先讲这么多,下面我们开始看课文.我们首先看题目:Quién es él看惯了英文,第一眼看上去,会觉得有些奇怪,没错,你说对了,第一个单词前面确实是一个倒过来的问号,这个是我们应该注意的第一点:1.西语的问句中有两个问号,问句前一个倒问号,问句结束后才是一个正问号。
2.不光问句如此,感叹句也是由两个感叹号组成,和问句一样,前面一个倒过来的感叹号,结束时是一个正的感叹号,如:Qué lástima!3.让大伙看不习惯的还有单词的小尾巴这个是西语中的重音符号.相信大家已经背过了单词,那么下面我们来看第一部分:1.l es PacoPaco es cubano. 这个句子是个典型的主谓结构,不难理解,但这里面有我们需要掌握的东西,那就是这里面已经体现出上面所谈的西语名词的性了。
通过词汇表我们知道cubano 这个词是阳性的,那比如我们要说Maria 是古巴人怎么说呢,Maria es cubano这个句子是不对的,因为Maria 是女孩名字,那么自然是阴性了,所以cubano 这个词要相应的变性,把最后的o 变成a,所以正确的句子应该是Maria es cubana.记住了,要变性!2.l es PepePepe es chileno. 这个句子和上面的句子构成模式完全一样,Ana 那如果现在要你说:是智利人,你会说吗?没错,当主语为Ana 时,相应的名词chileno 需要变性,把最后的o变成a,那么这句话应该是:Ana es chilena. 3.第三句需要我们注意一下,因为它出现了se llama 这个结构,词汇表解释为:它,他,她,您叫....,那根据这个我们不难翻译这句话:Ella se llama Ana.她叫安娜。

现西第一册Lección 19㈠【gramática y léxico】先看语法部分,今天,我们要学习一个新的语法现象,简单过去时。
记住它的西文说法,Pretérito indefinido 它的变位就不讲了,大家要用心地记住,特别是不规则动词的变位,一定要牢记在心,我再补充一个,hacer:hice hiciste hizo hicimos hicisteis hicieron简单过去时的用法表示在说话之前已经发生了(并已结束)的行为或现象。
如:Hablóen la reunión. (在会上他讲了话。
如:ayer 昨天anoche昨晚la semana pasada 上星期el año pasado去年等等。
Anoche me llamó por teléfono.(昨晚他给我打了电话。
Estuvo cuatro veces en España el año pasado.(去年,我到过三次西班牙。
书中例句antes de venir Beijing.....来北京之前antes de venir a...来...之前。
hace una semana 一个星期之前地点从句用关系副词donde,相当于英语中的where,是复合句,那什么是复合句呢,就是在一个句子中出现的动词不只一个,如这句话:Tengo una casa donde vivir. 我有一个能住的家。
在这个句子中出现了两个动词,tener和vivir 英文可以是:I have a house where I can live.Buscaremos un campo donde jugar.我们要找一个可以玩儿的场地。

Aquí las tienes.这个值得记住.相当于英文的Here you are.但要注意啊,因为上文说到的钥匙是阴性才用的Aquí las tienes.你用这把大的钥匙可以打开房子的门,那把小的呢是你房间的钥匙.你要保管好这些钥匙啊.Pepe:Sí.Las voy a guardar muy bien.Ahora.¿qué vamos a hacer?好的,我会保管好这些钥匙的.现在我们去干什么呢?Paco:Comer.¿Comemos ya?Después vamos a ver una película吃饭啊,不是还没吃饭呢嘛.吃完饭咱看电影去.有的同学可能会问为什么此处用的是原形的comer,其实他是在口语中省略掉了一部分,说全了应该为:Vamos a comer.Pepe:Bien.¿Pero me esperas un rato?Voy al lavabo.好啊.等我会儿成吗?我去趟厕所.(esperar)un rato=un momento相当于英文的wait a minute. 等一会儿。
Paco:No hay prisa.¿Pero dónde están mis llaves?不着急.我钥匙在哪呢?No hay prisa.这种口语常用的句子一定要记熟啊!Pepe:Las tienes en la mesa.在桌子上呢!我们接着看第二部分的对话:Señor A:¿Es suyo el libro?这书是您的吗?在这一句,我们又接触了重读物主形容词的第二种用法,相当于英语的名词性物主代词,也就是说:....是谁的这样的用法.Señor B:Sí,es mío.对,是我的.此句同样是重读物主形容词的第二种用法.Señor C:No,el libro no es suyo.Es mío.Aquí está mi nombre.不,那本书不是您的,是我的,这写着我的名字呢!还是重读物主形容词的第二种用法.另外estar的主语是什么?对了,是后面的mi nombre.Señor B:Pero ¡Dios mío! ¡Qué dices!El nombre es mío.Aquí tiene mi carnet.上帝啊!你(他妈)在说什么!那是我的名字,我这有证件!此句出现了重读物主形容词的第三种用法.主要用于感叹句或呼语中,名词不带冠词. 这样的呼语还有:¡Madre mío!我的妈啊!, ¡Amigo mío!我的朋友啊!Señor A:Vamos a ver.....Es verdad.Es suyo el libro.让我们看看.确实是这样.那本书是您的!Es verdad=es cierto=es seguro=efectivamente这四种表达方法都是表示“确实如此”的意思。

Unidad 1Texto I.第一部分¿Cómo te llamas?你叫什么名字?Ana: Hola, buenos días.你好,早上好。
Paco: Buenos días. Yo soy Paco. Y tú, ¿cómo te llamas?早上好。
你呢?你叫什么名字?Ana: Yo me llamo Ana. Ellos son mis amigos, ella se llama Susana y él se llama Tomás.我叫安娜。
Paco: ¿Son ustedes españoles?您们是西班牙人吗?Ana: Yo soy española. Susana es cubana y Tomás, chileno.我是西班牙人。
Paco: Encantado de conocerlos.很高兴认识您们。
Ana: Mucho gusto. ¿Es usted profesor?很高兴认识您。
您是老师吗?Paco: Sí. soy profesor de chino.是的,我是中文老师。
Ana: Ah. usted es nuestro profesor de chino. Entonces, somos sus alumnos. 哦,您是我们的中文老师。
TEXTO II.第二部分¿Quién es el chico?那个小伙子是谁?Ana y Li Meilan son amigas. Ana es mexicana y Li Meilan es china. Las dos son estudiantes.安娜和李美兰是朋友。

///////////////现西第一册Lección 24【一】词汇LéxicoI.sentir(se)A.tr.感觉1.Esa muchacha no se pone el abrigo aunque siente mucho frío.虽然感觉很冷,但那个女孩还是没穿大衣。
2.Cuando me ponían la inyección no sentí ningún dolor.当给我打针的时候,我一点也没感到疼。
B.tr.抱歉,遗憾1.Siento no poder decirles nada,porque no sénada.很抱歉因为我什么也不知道,所以什么也无法告诉你们。
2.----Perdón,no podemos venir a la fiesta.对不起,我们无法来参加晚会。
----Lo sentimos mucho.那我们就太遗憾了。
C.prnl.觉得1.Qué te pasa?No te sientes bien?怎么了?你觉得不舒服吗?2.No tengo ganas de hacer nada.Me siento enfermo.我啥也不想做,我觉得病了。
3.Con usteds nos sentimos entre amigos.我们觉得和您们在一起像朋友一样。
总结:①作“觉得,感觉”意思讲时,做及物动词后面应该带宾语,如yo siento hambre(sed,calor,frío...等名词),做自复动词时动词后没有宾语,如me siento feliz(contento,cansado, fuerte...等形容词),②作“遗憾,抱歉”讲时不用自复动词。
II.hace X(día,semanas,meses)几(天,周,月)前,主句一般用简单过去时。

现代西班牙语第一册答案第一课:II.1.Paco es cubano.2.Ana y Pepe son amigos.3.Ella es Ana.4.¿Quien es él?5.Son Ana y Ema amigas?Sí,ellas son amigas.第二课:VII.1.¿Son ellos amigos de Ana?No,ellos no son anigos de Ana .Son amigos de Ema.2.¿Qué es Lucía? Es enfermera.3.¿Es usted hermana de Paco ?Sí,yo soy hermana de Paco.4.¿Quién es cantante? Lucía es cantante.5.¿Eres cocinero? No,no soy cocinero.Soy médico.6.¿Lucía y Ema son hermanas.VIII.1.Ema es enfermera.Es esposa de manolo.2.¿Qué son ellos? Ellos son cocineros.3.¿Sois médicos? No,no somos médicos.Somos enfermeros.这里也可以全用阴性的词.4.Hola,¿usted es ....? (¿quién es usted?)Me llamo Zhang bin .Soy padre de zhang weinan.¡Hola!5.Estos dos son Paco y Li xin. Paco es chileno. Li xin es china.Ellos son amigos de Lucía.自我测试题(1--2课)VIII.1.¿Quiénes sois? (¿Quiénes son ustedes?)2.¿Qué es Paco? ¿Es médico?3.¿Quién es ella?¿Es hermana de Ema?4.Este es Manolo. Es cubano.Es cantante.5.Estos dos son Lucía y Pepe.Lucía es enfermera.Pepe es cocinero.somos amigos.6.¡Hola!Me llamo Li Xin.¡Hola!Me llamo Manolo.Este es Pepe.7.¿Es usted esposa de Paco?No,no soy esposa de Paco.(no soy su esposa) soy su hermana.第三课:V.la el,la lael el lasel la loslas los lasVI.mi casa nuestra casanuestras casas el amigo tuyovuestra amiga vuestros hijosnuestros esposos sus esposassus hermanos(los hermanos de él) sus hermanos (los hermanos de ello s)su habitación su oficina(la oficina de ustedes)vuestros dormitorios nuestros camasel cuarto de Ana(la habi tación de Ana ) la mesa de Pacola casa de Lucía el tormitorio de de Lin xinel cuarto de nuestro padre la mesa de su hijala fábrica de nuestro amigo la oficina de nuestro padrelas camas de vuestros hermanos la oficina de su madre这道题的答案都不是唯一的.VIII.1.En2. El el de Su en el4.sus(tus)5.En de del de mi(su)X.Esta es mi casa. En ella hay una sala,una cocinay dos dormitorios.En la sala hay tres sofás y una mesa. Este es el dormitorio de mi hijo. En él hay dos camas. Yo soy funcionario.Mi oficina está en el centro de la ciudad.第四课:VIII.1. la de Es En hay2. es maestro amable La de3. señora la de amable somos4. En un En el5. el es en de本题中第一个el似乎可以不用填单词的。

P: 我的行李箱!我的行李想在哪儿?J: 老婆,别嚷嚷。
前台: 对不起,女士先生们,等一下。
诸位中有他们的主人吗?Raquel: 书是我的。
看,Ramón,杂志是你的吧?Ramón: 对,是我的。
J: 谁知道我们房间号,它在几层?P: 我们的房间号是1863,在18层。
Raquel你们的呢?Raquel: 我们的在16层。
我之所以知道是因为房间号是1641.Ramón: 真遗憾不是同一层的邻居!第二部分礼物Dolores从中国旅行回来,她给她的五个孙子孙女带来了很多礼物。
Paco: 绿色的汗衫是我的,Isabel你的是那件?Isabel: 红色的那件是我的。
Paco,那件棕色的是Pepe的还是Marta的?Marta: 是我的。
你呢,Alicia?哪个颜色是你的?Alicia: 黄色的是我的。
Pepe: 看,这还有一个包裹。
咱们打开它吗?Isabel: 当心别弄坏了礼物!Pepe: 我会做的,我会很小心的打开包裹的。
Dolores: 你们喜欢这些礼物吗?Todos: 很好看。
我们现在可以给你我们的礼物吗?Dolores: 一份礼物?那个是礼物?Todos: 我们的深情一吻。
现西第一册 leccion5~24

现西第一册Lección 5首先我们还是先看看题目,看看这里面有多少需要我们掌握的东西:?De quién esesto? 这是谁的?这里面de相当于英文的of,所以de quién就是whose的意思,我们再看esto这个词,这是一个中性的代词,主要是用于提问不知道性别的事物,例如:?Quées esto?这是什么?Esto es una pluma.这是一只钢笔。
我们先看第一句:éste es nuestro dormitorio.éste为单数阳性指示代词,而nuestro dormitorio说明我们共有的“一个”卧室,要是我们大家各自有房间那么就应是nuestros dormitorios了。
Tenemos mesas,sillas,camas y armarios en el dormitorio.在卧室里(我们)有桌子、椅子、床和衣柜。
éste es el armario de Paco.和课文一样,de表示所属,所以这句话说:这个是Paco的衣柜。
Es viejo y peque?o.Es的主语是Paco的衣柜。
Dentro del armariohay mucha ropa.这里的hay表示存在,注意同tener(所属)的区别。
Paco tienetres chaquetas.这里的tener就是所属的意思,表示Paco有三件上衣。
ésta es negra,ésa es azul y aquélla es blanca.这里的指示代词指的都是chaqueta,所以都是阴性。
这里需要我们注意这样两点:Aquíestán sus pantalones.这里的主语是“他的裤子”。
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现西第一册Lección 8迎大家来学习第八课,第八课是学习这册书的一个提高,因为本课我们可以学习到宾格代词的用法,掌握好宾格代词的用法会对以后的学习起很大的铺垫作用,故请大家一定要花些时间来操练,好,废话少说,我们开始!1.语法部分所谓宾格其实就是英文里的直接宾语,这个不难理解,下面是宾格代词六个人称:me te lo(阴性为la) nos os los(阴性为 las)代词,顾名思义,就是来代替其他词的一种词,这个大家理解起来没有问题,西语代词的用法让大家觉得有点颠三倒四,不像人话,怀疑他们的智商,那是因为:1.宾格代词要放在变位动词之前,比如说:我爱你用西文表示就是Te amo(原形为amar)而不能是amo te.2.当宾格代词和原形代词同时出现的时候,可以放在原形代词之后但必须与之连写,比如:¿Puede usted cantar esta canción? Sí,puedo cantarla3.当宾格代词做动词短语的宾语时,宾格代词可以前置也可以后置,当然,前置要把宾格代词放在整个短语的前面,“紧挨变位动词”,而后置要与最后的一个动词连写,比如:¿Va usted a ver a Paco? Sí, voy a verlo.或no,no lo voy a ver. 不能说no,lo no voy a ver.4.在西语中出于强调,有时我们把相应的部分放在句首,而这个时候,就需要用宾格代词来复指前面提到的东西,所谓复指,其实就是用宾格代词把前面提到的东西再指带一次,比如:Estas revistas las tengo que leer.(我应该读的就是这些杂志)。
2.课文部分下面我么来看课文En clase(in class).Hoy es lunes.今天是周一。
”怎么说?Hoy es martes.语法结构是一样的,我只是希望你们在第七课学了周一lunes之后就把所有的相关的周二-周日也背下来,理由不用我说了吧?那么谁又能对这句话进行提问呢?没错,就是¿Qué día es hoy?.Tenemos clase de español.我们今天有西班牙的课。
Tenemos que aprender una nueva lección.我们应该学习新的一课书。
这里需要大家记忆的是tener que这个词组,可用deber替换,是表示某人应该做什么什么,而当不提出人称的时候应该用hay que这个词组,比如说:你应该擦窗户。
Tienes que limpiar la ventana.而如果表示窗户该擦了则是;Hay que limpiar la ventana.Aprender:学习,学会。
如果表达向某人学习,则应该用aprender a alquien.¿Comó la aprendemos?(你们问)我们怎么学的?宾格代词首次登场!这里的la指上面提到的una nueva lección.而因为aprendemos是变位动词,所以la放在了它得前面,如果表示“我们应该怎么学习它呢”,就应当是:¿Comó tenemos que aprenderla?或者是:Comó la tenemos que aprender?知道为什么吗,如果还没有搞清楚,再复习一下上面得语法部分。
Primero la profesora lee el texto y explica las palabras nuevas.女老师首先读课文,解释新单词.Después hace preguntas y nosotros,mis compañeros y yo,las tenemos que contestar.然后她提问题,我们,我的同学们和我,必须回答这些问题。
这两句话我们应该学到得是:primero....después首先....然后...,还有"提问题"这个词组:hacer pregunta,当然最重要得还是理解las tenemos que contestar 中las的用法以及位置.Algunas preguntas son difíciles y no las podemos contestar bien.一些问题是难的,我们回答不好。
También tenemos que comentar el texto.我们还需要评论课文。
también相当于英文里的too.Podemos comentarlo en chino o en español.我们能用中文或西语来评论它。
Por la tarde no tenemos clase.下午我们没有课。
Por la tarde是个很常用的用法,同样在上午和在晚上的表达方式就是por la mañana和por la noche Voy al hospital a ver a Luisa.我要去医院看Luisa。
ir a ver=be going to look,而a 和el 需要连写al.Está enferma.她病了。
我想问大家一个问题这句话改成Es enferma。
可以吗?回答是否定的,为什么呢?因为以前我们曾经说过estar和ser的区别:estar 表示状态,而ser表示本质,那么Es enferma表示就是她天生就是病病殃殃的,那也就不用去医院看了,去火葬场就可以了。
课文的第二部分基本是有这么几点是需要大家注意的:1.对周几的提问,基本等同于英文中的what day is today?。
3.hay que和tener que的区别,前者无主语,后者则有。
而第二部分的难点在于:1.contestar后面为什么跟了一个前置词a?有同学问不是说及物动词只有在宾语是人的时候才用前置词a吗,为什么contestar后面是pregunta也用了呢:天津外国语学院的一个西语教授给的解释是这样的,contestar是个特殊的词,应该加a.2.sólo的意思:其实这里的sólo是个副词,等同于solamente,相当于英文only,以后我们会学到no sólo…sino también…不仅…而且,tan sólo不过,仅仅。
下面我们来看一下7-8课的自我测试练习的第二题:II.1.una,la,de 2.En,de 3.en,con 4.Los,a ,a ,a 5. una,en ,contigo现西从这一课开始上难度了,语法部分难度加深。
用英语类比: I read a book,其中的a book就是宾格。
如:veo la tele,看电视,la tele就是宾格。
西语表人的直接宾语前要加一个a,如:veo a Luisa,看路依莎。
如:leo el texto.(我读课文)中el texto (课文)是直接宾语。
如果把el texto (课文)用宾语代词lo(它)代替,就成为:lo leo(我读它),可以看出,西语中,如果只有单纯的动词变位时,宾语代词被放在动词变位之前第二种情况,动词连用:1.两个动词直接连用(相当于英语的情态动词用法,如puedo leer),2.动词通过介词连用(相当于英语的不定式等,如voy a leer),上述情况中,第二个动词不用变化,用原形。
如:puedo leer el texto(我能读课文),要用宾语代词时,既可以像单纯的动词变位一样放在前面,即lo puedo leer(我能读它),也可以把宾语代词放在动词原形之后连写:puedo leerlo,这种写法比较符合中国人的习惯。
再一例:如:voy a ver a Juan,我去看胡安,用宾格代词的两种情况是lo voy a ver 或 voy a verlo。
课后练习:II.teneis vancomento hagopuede leemosson veolees aprendeVI.1. es hay descansan van2. es Tiene van trabaja es3. Lees leo puedes Tienes son HayVII.1. Mi padre està enfermo, tengo que ir a verle esta tarde.(斑竹提供另一参考答案:Mi padre está enfermo.Está en el hospital ahora. tengo que ir al hospital a verlopor la tarde.)——注意:用verle也是正确的,这里就不作解释了。
2. Hoy es mièrcoles. Tenemos dos clases de español. Comentamos el texto en la clase.3. En el texto hay muchas palablas nuevas. Luis pregunta a su padre. El padre se las explica.4. “Puedo leer estas revistas?”“Sí, pero tienes que leerlas sólo en el cuarto.5. Me llamo Ana, soy Cubana, tengo ocho años. Estudio en la escuela ahora. Todos prefesores míos son muy simpàticos. En la clase, Ellos hacen preguntas, mi compañeros y yo las contestamos. Algunas preguntas son muy difìciles, contestamos mal.(y no podemos contestarlas bien. )自我测试练习(7-8课)II.1.una la de2. El de3. en con (此处en可以不填)4. Los a a a5. una en6. la contigoIV.1. las nuevas leciones2. los hospitales bonitos3. los españeros españoles4. las preguntas dificiles5. las facultades grandes6. los profesores simpàticoV1.es tenemos2. està en3. por4. leer5.es està6. Por qué7. Cuál8. estamos7—8课练习(3)好象应该是en conV(1) es tenemos。