
关键词:微波辐射计;特点;种类;应用中图分类号: P412 文献标识码: A DOI编号: 10.14025/ki.jlny.2015.07.0591 微波辐射与微波辐射计微波辐射通常指0.1~30厘米波长范围的辐射。
2 微波辐射计提供的大气信息微波辐射计可提供高精确度的大气综合参数,比如亮温、液态水的路径、可降水的水汽和大气低层的温度廓线;大气参数的低分辨率的垂直廓线,比如温度的垂直廓线、水汽强度廓线和液态水强度廓线;理想的测量值,比如资料同化、主动雷达或激光雷达观测资料的融合。
3 微波辐射计在气象学中的应用在气象学中的主要应用领域有大气微波遥感、陆地微波遥感、海洋微波遥感。


在 程 () , 中 凡和b 根 辐 计 作 率 接 的 化 式由 考 献3 供的 方 4 可 据 射 工 频 和 收 极 形 参 文 [提 j
方法计算,T 可由统计模式计算得到,T 可由 , & 辐射计直接测量。当 , 由地面雨强雨量计测量 给出后,方程 () 4 中只有对应的辐射亮温 几一个物理量,因此就可以由方程 ()求出对应 4 降雨强度 万 时的辐射亮温 T b 。再将辐射亮温 T代入方程 ( 中,而方程 ( 中 T可由 b ) ] 扮 辐 射计直接测量, , T, h 也可直接测量,则方程 ()中 I 只有 R一个未知量,因此就可由方程 () I 求出对应辐射亮温 T时的功率反射系数R 根据大量的实际测量统计回归分析就可以得到mn b 。 ,
时, 水层厚 度变化趋于平 缓.由 功率反 于 射系数直接影响天线 温度0的变化, 此, 来 因 反过
也可以由 辐射计所测里的天线温度 e来动态估算功率反射系数 R 平板反射器与犬项 .当 和辐 射计天线成 4 度角放置接收天顶方向的辐射时。不进行方位扫描, 5 这种情况下功率反射系 数R的统计模式可采用指数模式,即:
. , f E o d r
N wY rT nm l8, 1810 e . eu , 3 p -2. ok 9 p 1 m t d" 0- 6 e os p25 0 . h p 2
[ 1 2 CR cm edtn Rc 3 "p i aeutn rn u i p d tn 2 9 - I R o m naos . 8 e f tnao f a f s n ii ]9 C e i e 8 S ci c i o d y [ DCH g, .uad .. i rM.D ceadERWet trMi o ae im t ] ..og F G iu,BS d , .e rn .. s e" c w v r o er 」 . O r J ne T k , l o1 m aue et w t vpr i R v w o If r a d ii ee wa e V l , ..u o esr n o a r o" ei s nr e n m lm tr vs . K JB t n m f e a n e f a d

【非制冷氧化钒微测辐射热计响应曲线分析与应用】1. 概述非制冷氧化钒微测辐射热计是一种高精度、高灵敏度的热敏材料,在多个领域有着广泛的应用。
2. 非制冷氧化钒微测辐射热计的原理非制冷氧化钒微测辐射热计是一种基于辐射热测量原理的仪器,其核心部件是氧化钒热释电元件。
3. 非制冷氧化钒微测辐射热计的响应曲线非制冷氧化钒微测辐射热计的响应曲线是指在不同辐射热量作用下,热计的输出响应曲线。
4. 响应曲线的深入解析响应曲线的形状和特征反映了非制冷氧化钒微测辐射热计的灵敏度、线性度和稳定性。
5. 响应曲线的工程应用在工程领域,通过对非制冷氧化钒微测辐射热计的响应曲线进行实时监测和分析,可以实现对热工艺过程的精确控制,提高产品质量和生产效率。
6. 总结与展望非制冷氧化钒微测辐射热计的响应曲线是其重要的性能参数,对其进行深入分析和应用有助于提高热辐射测量的准确度和可靠性。
7. 个人观点作为文章写手,通过撰写本文,我更加深入地了解了非制冷氧化钒微测辐射热计的重要性和应用价值。

目录1微波辐射计应用场合与任务 (2)2微波辐射计组成与关键技术 (3)3微波辐射计研究热点与趋势(星载微波辐射计) (7)4关于微波辐射计发展的思考建议 (9)参考文献 (10)微波辐射计(英语:microwave radiometer,缩写为“MWR”)也称为“微波辐射仪”,是一种用于测量亚毫米级到厘米级波长(频率约为1-1000GHz)的电磁波(微波)的辐射计。

1 微测辐射热计探测单元的建模微测辐射热计探测单元的微桥结构由桥面(光敏面)、桥腿(支撑柱)和衬底3部份构成。


2 D pr e t f nom t nC u tr A rF reR d r cd m ,Wu a 3 0 0 C ia . e at n o f ai o ne , i oc a a a e y m I r o A h n4 0 0 , hn )
Ab ta t n t i p p r o c o b lmerc f c l p a e a r y , w on u h mp r ci n o o v n i n s r c :I h s a e ,fr mir - o o ti o a ln r a s e p it o t t e i ef t f c n e t a e o ol c re tr s o svt r c si g me n n e o sa tv l g i smeh d,s tu e p y ia ema d l f h u r n —e p n i i p e sn a s u d r c n tn o t e b a t o y o a e p t h s l t r lmo e e h c h o t
高精 度 的 电流 源 , 实 际 的成 像 系 统一 般 情 况 下其 而 体 积 和使 用 空 间有一 定 的限 制 ,所 以实 际 的成 像 系 统一 般都 是采 用 恒定 电压 偏 置方式 。传 统 的微测 辐

Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) thermistors 金属材料测辐射热计原理:一般金属的能带结构外 层无禁带,自由电子密度很大,以致外界光作用引 起的自由电子密度相对变化较半导体而言可忽略不 计。吸收辐射产生温升后,自由电子浓度的增加是 微不足道的。相反,因晶格振动的加剧妨碍了自由 电子作定向运动,从而电阻温度系数是正的
在相同的入射辐射下,对于热电探测器总是希望 ΔT尽可能地大。 Φ0 T Φ0
T C 1 2 T
1 2 2
1 2 2
ΔT随G和Cθ的减小而增大。 要减小Cθ,必须减小探测器热敏元件的体积和重量; 要减小G,必须减小热敏元件与周围环境的热交换。 由热时间常量τT的定义可知,减小G又会使τT增大 (牺牲探测响应时间)。所以在设计和选用热电探 测器时须采取折衷方案。另外G对探测极限也有影响。
3. 热敏电阻的参数
热敏电阻探测器的主要参数有: (1)电阻-温度特性
aT = A T R T AT 2 1 2 ① 正温度系数的热敏电阻 RT R0 e B R BT 1 1 a = R R e ② 负温度系数的热敏电阻 T B 2.303 2 lg T T T1 T R2 式中,R 为绝对温度 T2 时的实际电阻值; R 、R 分别
Φ0 温升与热导 T
T t
G t Φ0e C Φ0e jt G jC G jC
常数成反比,提高温升将使器件的惯性增大,时间响应变坏。 0 即频率很高或器件的惯性很大时 在高频时(ωτT >>1) T C 温升与热导无关,而与热容成反比,且随频率的增高而衰减。

第50卷 第8期 激光与红外Vol.50,No.8 2020年8月 LASER & INFRAREDAugust,2020 文章编号:1001 5078(2020)08 0996 06·光电对抗·非制冷微测辐射热计受激光辐照的温度响应周 冰,贺 宣,刘贺雄,李秉璇,黄富瑜(陆军工程大学石家庄校区电子与光学工程系,河北石家庄050003)摘 要:红外成像技术的不断革新使得非制冷微测辐射热计在军用侦察装备当中逐渐普及,其激光干扰技术的研究也成为热点,而探测器像元受到激光辐照的温度响应是干扰成功的关键。
关键词:非制冷微测辐射热计;激光;温度响应;斩波调制中图分类号:TN977 文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001 5078.2020.08.017TemperatureresponseofuncooledmicrobolometerirradiatedbylaserZHOUBing,HEXuan,LIUHe xiong,LIBing xuan,HUANGFu yu(DepartmentofOpto ElectronicsEngineering,ArmyEngineeringUniversity,Shijiazhuang050000,China)Abstract:Thecontinuousinnovationofinfraredimagingtechnologyhasmadeuncooledmicrobolometerspopularinmilitaryreconnaissanceequipment Theresearchoflaserinterferencetechnologyhasbecomeahotspot,andthetemperatureresponseofdetectorpixelsirradiatedbylaseristhekeytothesuccessofinterference Inthispaper,thetem peratureresponseofthemicrobolometerirradiatedbychoppinglaserisstudied BasedontheUL01011amorphoussili condetector,themodelisestablished,andtheeffectonthetemperatureincrementofmodulationfrequency,dutycycleandlaserpowerarestudiedthroughfiniteelementanalysis Throughanalysisandderivation,itisconcludedthat,whentheuncooledmicro bolometerisirradiatedbypower stablecontinuouslasermodulatedbychopping,theaveragevalueoftheoscillationofthecelltemperatureinthesteadystateisinanegativeexponentialrelationshipwiththemodula tionfrequency;itispositivelyproportionaltothedutycycle;andisproportionaltothelaserpower.Keywords:uncooledmicrobolometer;laser;temperatureresponse;choppingmodulation基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No 61801507)资助。

第44卷 第4期2020年7月激 光 技 术LASERTECHNOLOGYVol.44,No.4July,2020 文章编号:1001 3806(2020)04 0411 07激光辐照非制冷微测辐射热计的理论研究周 冰,贺 宣,刘贺雄,李秉璇,张 炎(陆军工程大学石家庄校区电子与光学工程系,石家庄050003)摘要:为了研究非制冷微测辐射热计的激光损伤阈值,根据非制冷微测辐射热计的构造和成像原理,分析了像元温度响应机制,推导出了零偏置下和单次偏置时间内像元受到激光辐照的温度增量计算公式;建立了激光辐照非制冷微测辐射热计的有限元分析模型,结合实际工作条件加载热源载荷进行仿真,模拟了激光造成软损伤的过程。
关键词:光学器件;损伤阈值;有限元仿真;温度响应中图分类号:TN977 文献标志码:A doi:10 7510/jgjs issn 1001 3806 2020 04 003ResearchonlaserirradiationuncooledmicrobolometerbasedonfiniteelementanalysisZHOUBing,HEXuan,LIUHexiong,LIBingxuan,ZHANGYan(DepartmentofOpto ElectronicsEngineering,ArmyEngineeringUniversity,Shijiazhuang050003,China)Abstract:Inordertostudythelaserdamagethresholdofanuncooledmicrobolometer,accordingtotheconstructionandimagingprincipleofuncooledmicrobolometer,thetemperatureresponsemechanismofthepixelwasanalyzed,andtheformulaforcalculatingthetemperatureincrementofthelaserunderthezerooffsetandsingleoffsettimewasderived.Afiniteelementanalysismodeloflaserirradiateduncooledmicrobolometerwasestablished.Simulationwascarriedoutbyloadingtheheatsourceloadincombinationwithactualworkingconditions.Thentheprocessofsoftdamagecausedbylaserwassimulated.Theconclusionwasdrawn:lasersoftdamagethresholdapproximatecalculationofthepixeltemperatureresponseunderzerobiasconditionscanbeusedtomeet3%accuracy.Thisstudyprovidesareferenceforthecalculationofdamagethresholdforlasersuppressioninterferenceinfraredimagingsystems.Keywords:opticaldevices;damagethreshold;finiteelementsimulation;temperatureresponse 作者简介:周 冰(1976 ),男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事光电对抗方面的研究。


3.风速风向(平静海面和粗糙海面的发 射率模型)
3.1 分类与特点 可见光和近红外辐射计(6000K)
红外辐射计 热红外辐射计(300K)
热红外信号波长大,易衍射,不易受烟尘、雾、 气溶胶的影响
89.0 5km 3,000
dL(z) dz
L(z)是在位置z处的辐亮度; kab是在传输路径上介质的吸收系数; L(z)kab是因大气中吸收气体的吸收而衰减的辐亮度; LB(z)是与吸收气体温度相同的黑体发射的辐亮度
代入 L(T、l) (e T、l)LB (T、l)
TB eTSST TB : 海面亮温(Brightness Temperature) TSST : 海面真实温度(Sea Surface Temperature)
TB eTSST 发射率e( , f , ,Ts , Ss ,U10,)
0.9 0.8
30℃ 0.7 0.6 0.5
实线--35‰ 盐水 虚线--纯水
0.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 频率f (GHz)
微波测量海表面盐度: 首选辐射计频率是L波段1.4GHz 首选极化状态是垂直极化 首选观测角是0~10度 在此条件下,天线探测的亮温几乎不受海面风速 和海浪的影响

种 优 化 的 微测 热 辐 射 计 热 学 参 数 性 能 测 试 分 析 方 法
刘子 吕 坚, 兴, 蒋亚 王 骥, 郑 东, 涛
( 电子科技 大学 电子薄膜与集成器件 国家重点实验室 , 四川 成都 6 05 ) 10 4
摘 要 : 化 的 微 测 热 辐 射 计 热 学参 数 的 测 试 方 法 , 传 统 测 试 方 法 相 比 , 够 实 现 热 导 和 响 应 时 间 的精 确 测 量 , 优 与 能 克
E e t ncS in ea d T c n lg f hn , h n d 6 0 5 , h a lc o i ce c n e h oo yo ia C e g u 1 0 4 C i ) r C n
Ab t a t s r c :An i r v d t s me h d wa n r d c d mp o e e t t o sito u e .Co a e t eta i o a n ,i c u d b r r cso n m— mp r d wi t r dt n lo e t o l e mo ep e i n a d i hh i i p r o a .Ne e t ee s i i e s o i lme ta d a t if e c ff b c t d p o e s h o g h e tp o e s wi h e n1 s v r l s t s a y t mp e n n n i n u n e o a r a e r c s .T r u h t e t s r c s t t e h —l i h mir b lmee sf b i ae c o oo t r a rc t d,t i ts t o sr l b e a d p e iin hs e t meh d i ei l n r cso . a Ke r s y wo d :mir b l mee ;ts ;t ema o d c a c ;t e a a a i n e c o o o tr e t h r lc n u t n e h r l p c t c m c a

5 7 8 ,d 0 i : 1 0 . 1 1 7 5 5 / j . i s s n . 1 0 0 6— 7 6 3 9 ( 2 0 1 3 )一 0 3— 0 5 7 0
MP一3 0 0 0 A型 地 基微 波 辐射 计 探 测 性 能 及 其在 乌 鲁木 齐 降水 天 气 中的初 步 应 用
整层可降水量 的相关 系数分别为 0 . 9 9 、 0 . 7 4、 0 . 9 2和 0 . 9 4, 均达 到 0 . 0 1显著性 水平 。1 0 k m 以下垂
直廓线分析表 明: 微波辐射计测量 的温 度值均小 于探 空测量值 , 相 量偏差冬季最小 , 夏季最 大。降水发生 时两者探 测的温湿度廓线变化趋势
2 . 1 温 度
力增 宽 的辐射 的强 度 和形 状 的信 息 , 可 以得 到 水 汽 廓线 。2 2 G H z附 近适 合 进 行 相 对 潮 湿 地 区 的 地 基 廓线 反演 。微 波遥 感 反演算 法 从早 期 的经验 统计 算 法 过 渡到 神 经 网络 方 法 I 2 , 已 经 有 了 很 大 的 发
空站 安置 了一 台 M P一3 0 0 0 A型 3 5通 道 微 波 辐 射
果表明温度误 差 < 2℃ , 水汽密度 <1 . 5 g・ m~, 微 波 辐射计对 中尺 度 天气 系统 结 构 有 较好 的监 测 能 力 。
计, 本 文利 用乌 鲁木 齐微 波辐 射计 和探 空站 2 0 1 0年 逐1 3 探测 资料 , 分 析 微 波辐 射 计 在 乌 鲁 木 齐 地 区 的 探测 性 能及 其在 降水 天气过 程 中温湿 参数 的变化 特 征, 为微 波 辐射计 在 乌鲁 木齐 天气预 报 、 空气 污染 预 报、 区域数 值模 式改 进 和 人 工 影 响 天气 中 的应 用 提 供科 学依 据 。此外 , 在 站 点 稀 疏 的 中国西 北 内 陆地


weed n . T eefcs o ie sz r o e h f t fpx l i e e,s se d d fm hc n s ,ln t n d fs s e d d lg o - a u p n e i tik es e gh a d wit o up n e e ,d wnl d,vc u l h e a u m p c a eo h e eau ec a g sa d te a i o sa t fpx l id c d b nrrd rdain wee a aye .T a k g ntetmp rtr h n e n h r l t m me c nt so ies n u e y ifae a it r lzd o n o n
量轻, 响应波段宽和工作时间长等诸多优点 , 非常适 用于军事领域诸如陆、 空 的侦察 、 海、 监视与 目标捕
获, 导弹与灵巧武器制导等 ; 在民用方面可用于工业
构制造工艺 比较复杂 , 另外非致冷探测器常用的氮
化硅 、 氧化硅吸收层 , 元的大小 , 像 微桥支撑层 的厚 度, 支撑臂的长度 , 探测器 的封装对探测器灵敏度都 有很大的影响. 因此很有必要做一个详细 的分析. 本 文利用有限元法对不同 的像元结构 进行 了热学模 拟. 同时对平板空腔结构 的探测器单元 的红外响应 也做了计算+
( .F n tn l t il Lb , ins o t h i U i r t,C a ghu2 3 1 C ia 1 u co a Ma r s a . J guP le nc nv sy hnzo 106, hn ; i e a a yc ei
2.Nain a o ao y fr h r r d P y is h n h i n t u e o e h ia h sc ,C ie e Ac d my o ce c t a L b r tr f a e h s .S a g a I si t f c nc P y is h n s a e fS in e, ol o c t T l

1. 接收辐射热量
2. 转换电信号
3. 计算温度
1. 非接触式测量
2. 高精度测量
3. 宽波长范围

第48卷第1期红外与激光工程2019年1月Vo l.48No.1I nfrared and Laser Engineering J an.2019室温微测辐射热计太赫兹探测阵列技术研究进展(特邀)王军,蒋亚东(电子科技大学光电科学与工程学院电子薄膜与集成器件国家重点实验室,四川成都610054)摘要:在室温太赫兹探测技术领域中,热敏微桥结构的太赫兹探测器具有探测波段宽、阵列规模大、集成度高、实时成像等显著特点。
关键词:非制冷红外焦平面探测器;微桥结构;太赫兹探测器;金属吸收薄膜中图分类号:TN215文献标志码:A DOI:10.3788/IRLA201948.0102001Researc h development about room temperature terahertz detector array technology with microbolometer structure(invited)Wang Jun,Jiang Yadong(Sata Key Laboratory of Electric Thin Films and Integrated Devices,School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Chengdu610054,China)Ab stract:Terahertz(THz)detector with thermal sensitive microbolometer structure indicates many prominent features,such as wide band detecting region,large array pixels,high integrated device,real-time imaging,comparing with some other room-temperature THz technologies.Microbolometer structure using VO x t hin film as sensitive material has been successfully fabricated uncooled infrared focal plane array detector,but unsuitable for THz detection for very low THz wave absorption ratio.So some special design should be presented in the microbolometer structure to achieve high performance THz detector.Room-temperature THz technologies and development of microbolometer type THz detector array were introduced in this article briefly,and also the research about THz absorption material or structure in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China was presented in the paper.Key words:uncooled infrared focal plane array detector;microbolometer structure;terahertz detector;metal absorption thin film收稿日期:2018-08-18;修订日期:2018-09-17基金项目:国家自然科学基金研究创新群体(61421002);国防预研项目(41414020903)作者简介:王军(1982-),男,教授,博士生导师,主要从事室温太赫兹和红外探测技术方面的研究。
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Performance of 320x240 Uncooled Bolometer-typeInfrared Focal Plane ArraysYutaka Tanaka*a, Akio Tanaka c, Kiyoshi Iida b, Tokuhito Sasaki b, Shigeru Tohyama b,Akira Ajisawa b, Akihiro Kawahara b, Seiji Kurasina d Tsutomu Endoh a, Katsuya Kawano a, Kuniyuki Okuyama a, Kazuyuki Egashira b, Hideo Aoki b, Naoki Oda ba 1st Business Development Operations Unit, 1st Custom LSI Division, NEC Electronics1753 Shimonumabe, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa211-8666, Japanb Guidance and Electro-Optics Division, NEC Corporation1-10 Nisshin-cho, Fuchu, Tokyo183-8501, Japanc Silicon Systems Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation1120 Shimokuzawa, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 229-1198, Japand 2nd Operations Division, NEC Glass Component7-8 Ebisu-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, JapanABSTRACTThe performance of a 320 x 240 bolometer-type uncooled infrared (IR) Focal Plane Array (FPA) is described.Vanadium oxide thin film is adopted for the bolometer material, having a sheet resistance of ~10 kohms /square. It is patterned such that the bolometer resistance is by a factor of 10 larger than the sheet resistance. On-chip readout integrated circuit(ROIC) is designed to reduce signal drift , extend dynamic range for object temperature and extend ambient temperature range in which operates non-uniformity correction is carried out with about 1/10 fewer frequency than the former ROIC.The 320 x 240 FPA consists of pixels sensitive to IR radiation and optical black (OB) pixels covered with plate which shuts out IR radiation. Drift is reduced by current mirror circuit, using the OB pixels and digital compensation circuit based on voltage change of OB pixels resulting from change in operation temperature. Both the dynamic range and the ambient temperature range are extended by decreasing integration gain and developing low-noise, low-power and large swing operational amplifier (OP-AMP).Since decrease in integration gain degrades noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD), bias voltage forbolometer is increased by factor of 2 and bandwidth is reduced by route half. Finally, IR image was obtained with prototype camera and NETD value was found to be smaller than 0.1K for F/1 optics at 60Hz frame rate and thermal time constant was measured to be 12msec.Keywords: uncooled, microbolometer, infrared, focal plane array, noise, readout1.INTRODUCTIONSince uncooled IR cameras have characteristics of low price and maintenance-free, the demand for the IR cameras has increased. The uncooled IR cameras have been applied to such fields as security, surveillance, thermography, driver’s vision enhancement, intelligent transport systems and so forth. IR markets require several improvements to achieve user * Correspondence: Email : y-tanaka@; Telephone:+81-44-435-1634; Fax:+81-44-435-1911414Infrared Technology and Applications XXIX, Bjørn F. Andresen, Gabor F. Fulop, Editors,Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5074 (2003) © 2003 SPIE · 0277-786X/03/$15.00friendliness, for example, compactness, light weight, low price and no interruption due to shutter during IR image acquisition. Reduction in pixel size makes optics more compact, lighter and cheaper. However, there is a problem of decrease in output signal due to smaller amount of incident IR radiation on each pixel. Therefore, resposivity has tobe increased and low noise ROIC should be developed. Furthermore, it is a problem for surveillance camera that realtime IR images are often interrupted by shutter operations which are indispensable for non-uniformity correction (NUC). Although, there is a solution to use radiation shield and obstruction-free aperture, optics is more expensive due to increase in number of lenses.This paper describes the following improvements;(1) Low noise, low power and large swing OP-AMPs in ROIC are designed,(2) Responsivity of bolometer array is increased,(3) Low noise and low power circuit for signal processing in camera is developed,(4) Shutter operations for NUC are hardly required to obtain realtime imagery, even in the case of a large amount of background radiation change resulting from variation in ambient temperature (about a couple of tens degrees C) for a wide range of object temperature (a couple of hundreds degrees C), and there improvements make NETD smaller than 0.1K for F/1 optics at 60Hz frame rate.2. VO X MICROBOLOMETER ARRAY2.1 STRUCTURE AND FABRICATIONThermal detectors should be thermally isolated from the heat sink to increase their sensitivities. A thermal isolation structure, i.e., a suspended microbridge structure, achieves the sensitivity increase because it prevents the heat collected by areas sensitive to IR radiation from escaping to the heat sink.Figures 1 (a) and 1 (b) show schematic structure of the bolometer pixel. The pixel is divided into two parts (figure 1 (a)), a silicon (Si) readout integrated circuit in the lower part and a suspended microbridge structure in the upper part. The two parts are separated by a cavity. The microbridge structure is composed of a diaphragm and two beams (figure 1 (b)). The diaphragm is supported by the two beams and is therefore thermally well isolated from the SiROIC heat sink. Figures 2 (a) and 2 (b) show secondary electron micrograph (SEM) pictures. The pixel size is37×37micrometer and the fill factor is 72%. The IR radiation is partly absorbed by the SiN passivation layer in the diaphragm and partly transmitted. The transmitted radiation is perfectly reflected back to the diaphragm by the reflecting layer and is absorbed again by the SiN passivation layer. Thus, about 80% of the incident IR radiation in10micrometer wavelength region is absorbed. The absorbed IR radiation heats the diaphragm and changes the bolometer resistance. Supplying a bias current enables the resistance change to be read out as a voltage change.(b)Figures 1. (a) Schematic cross-sectional view of bolometer pixel along bias current path, and(b) Schematic plan view of bolometer pixel.Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5074 4152.2 CHARACTERISTICSThe properties of a 320×240 bolometer-type uncooled IRFPA were investigated form the viewpoint of uniformity. Figures 3 (a), 3 (b) and 3 (c) are histograms of bolometer resistance (Rb), the temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR) and thermal conductance (Gth), respectively. Data was acquired every sixteen pixels.The distributions of Rb, TCR and Gth have non-uniformity of 10~20% peak-to-peak, ~5% peak-to-peak and ~10% peak-to-peak, respectively, for more than 50 fabrication runs. The distribution of TCR/Gth value, which is a good indicator of voltage responsivity (see the equation (1) mentioned later), has non-uniformity of 10~20% peak-to-peak. The typical value of thermal conductance is 0.1µW/K. It should be mentioned that the mean TCR value of –1.64%/K measured at 40degrees C in the figure corresponds to -1.87%/K at 20degrees C.The voltage responsivity (R V ) is expressed by equation (1), which includes key parameters of the deviceperformance, such as the temperature coefficient of bolometer resistance (TCR), thermal conductance (Gth), IR absorbance (N) and thermal time constant (Ttc).Gth Cth Ttc W V Ttc f πGth N Vb TCR Rv =]/[)×2(+11××=2ޓޓޓޓ (1)Here, Vb, f and Cth are bias voltage, chopping frequency and thermal mass, respectively.The relative responsivity is measured as a function of the chopping frequency (see figure 4). By fitting the equation (1) with the measured curves, the thermal time constant is calculated to be 12 msec. This is an adequate response time for obtaining thermal images at a TV frame rate. From the measured ፧thermal time constant value of 12msec and the measured Gth value of 0.1micro-W/K, the thermal mass of the diaphragm is estimated to be 1.2 nJ/K. The performance characteristics of doped VO X microbolometer array are summarized in Table 1.020406080100120140160180767880828486889092949698100 (a)(b)of resistance (%/K) measured at 40degrees CResistance(Kohms)Figure 3 (a). Histogram for bolometer resistanceFigures 2. (a) SEM picture of 320 x 240 bolometer arrays, and (b) Magnified pictureDiaphragmBeamN u m be r of p i x e l s416 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5074Figure 3 (c). Histogram for thermal conductance Figure 4. Frequency dependence of responsivityTable1.Summary of design and performance characteristics of doped VO X microbolometer3.FPA ARCHITECTURE AND FPA DESIGNA block diagram of FPA is shown in Figure 5(a) and circuit configuration of readout channel is shown in Figure 5(b) and the chip photograph of the FPA is shown in Figure 6. The FPA has 320 x 240 pixels with 37 x 37 micrometer pitch. The uncooled IR sensor LSI was fabricated with the 0.5-micrometer CMOS process. The on-chip ROIC፧is composed of FPA, band-gap reference circuit(BGR), bias generation circuit(BGC), integration circuits, sample and hold(SH) circuits, multiplexers, output OP-AMP and horizontal and vertical shift registers, the ROIC is driven by only external three clocks and 4bit data. The 4bit data is externally provided to data buses in ROIC and the data consists of sensor bias, resistance of bias cancel circuit, integration capacitor, NUC data and so forth.(see table2) The ROIC can be operated in NTSC mode or in PAL mode and each pixel is pulse-biased. The 183 readout channels are employed for the column of the bolometer array and each readout channel reads out the 2-columns of the array. The readout channel is composed of bolometer bias circuit that supplies the bolometer with bias voltage, bias cancel circuit that subtracts pedestal component from the bias current and integrator that integrates the residual bolometer current. In the final stage of the readout channel, one analog output voltage is selected by two SH circuits. Combination of the integration capacitor with resistance in the bias cancel circuit should be selected to keep NETD value smaller than 0.1K,because the FPA’s operation temperature ranges from -30degrees C to 60degrees C,which changes the resistance of the bolometer from ~20kohms to ~500 kohms.Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5074 417Figure 5(b) Circuit configuration of readout channel 418 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5074320 x 240 PIXELSBOLOMETER ARRY183 READOUT CHANNELSS/H AND MUXThe bolometer has high temperature coefficient of resistance to realize high responsivity to the incident infrared. This means that the bolometer is extremely sensitive to the chip temperature. In order to reduce the influence of change in the chip temperature (CT), this ROIC has the configuration shown in figure7. This circuit automatically removes change in the pedestal component of the bias current due to change in the chip temperature, so that it mitigates the required stability of the thermoelectric cooler (TEC), which is stringent, especially in turning on the power supply. In this configuration, OB pixels covered with a plate which shuts out IR radiation, act as bolometers whose resistances are changed by the chip temperature. The current that flows in the OB pixels are transformed into voltage by diffusion resister, and the voltage is entered into background radiation correction (BRC) through a low pass filter (LPF). This means that the current in the OB pixels are mirrored to the current generated by bias cancel circuit. In this way, the influence of chip temperature change, which exerts to both OB pixels and bolometer, is canceled. The OP-AMPs in each readout channel, which cancel temperature dependence of V GS in MOSFET, are also effective for reducing drift current. Moreover, the resistance of bias cancel circuit shown in figure 5(b) is, indeed, composed of two resistances with reverse TCRs, which is also effective for reducing drift current. Shutter frequency resulting from the drift is reduced by about 1/10 fewer than the former FPA[1] owing to the temperature compensated configuration of the readout channel.Figure 7 Temperature compensation configurationProc. of SPIE Vol. 5074 419Dynamic range of output signal and noise has to be simultaneously considered to improve performance of IR camera. Requirement for IR camera is as follows; shutter operations for NUC are hardly required to obtain realtime imagery, even in the case of a large amount of background radiation change resulting from variation in ambient temperature (about a couple of tens degrees C) for a wide range of object temperature (from -30degrees C to +150degrees C). This requirement can be achieved without radiation shield nor obstruction-free to lower cost of IR camera.In order to satisfy both dynamic ranges of temperature, it is necessary to decrease an integration gain. However, there is a problem due to increase in input conversion noise. Therefore, bias voltage of bolometer has to be increased to improve responsivity and ROIC with low noise and large voltage swing should be developed.A bias voltage of bolometer is actually increased by a factor of 2, namely 4V. The ROIC mentioned above is realized by the followings;(1) Integration time is doubled by increasing the number of readout channel.(Bandwidth is reduced by route half), (2) OP-AMPs with low noise, low power, small size and large voltage swing is designed, (3) Resistance of bias cancel circuit is selected,(4) Resister of bias cancel circuit is designed to have as large size as possible to decrease the 1/f noise,(5) Integration capacitor of bias cancel circuit is selected to make integration time as long time as possible.The thermal noise of each OP-AMP is reduced by increasing bias current. The 1/f noise of each OP-AMP is reduced by using large size MOSFET. Figure 8 shows the measured waveform for the analog output (Vout) of the OP-AMP. The dynamic range of an output OP-AMP is found to be in the range from +2.5V to +7.5V,using signals of defective pixels. This voltage range corresponds to the object temperature range from -30degrees C to +150degrees C and the ambient temperature range of a couple of tens degrees C.As is shown in figure 9, dynamic range (5V) of Vout contains object signal voltage, background IR radiation signal Figure 8. Output waveform of large voltage swing OP-AMPFigure 10 shows the calculated results for thermal noise and 1/f noise in each part of ROIC and camera. All noise values are converted into the values at the bolometer node. Total noise at the bolometer node is measured to be 20micro voltage rms at 60Hz fame rate, which agrees with the calculation. Although this value is roughly twice as large as the noise value of the former sensor [1], the bias voltage of bolometer is increased by a factor of 2 in this ROIC, and then NETD value doesn’t change.Figure 10. The calculated results for thermal noise and 1/f noise in each part of ROIC and cameraThe ROIC thus developed has such advantage that dynamic ranges of both object and ambient temperatures enlarged without changing NETD value. The design and performance characteristics of FPA and ROIC are summarized in Table 2.Table2.Summary of design and performance characteristics of FPA and ROICProc. of SPIE Vol. 5074 4214. PROTOTYPE CAMERA4.1 DESIGNThe prototype camera is shown in Figure 11.The camera has characteristics, such as compactness, light weight, low cost and low power. The camera utilizes 25mm focal length F/1 Ge optics with anti-reflection coating adapted to the 10micrometer wavelength region. A 320×240 bolometer-type uncooled FPA chip is incorporated into a vacuum sealed package and is placed at focal plane of the IR camera. The performance characteristics of camera are summarized in Table 3.The camera has a power consumption smaller than 6W. The weight is 800g(except for optics).The size of the prototype camera is as small as 80mm(height) x 77mm(width) x 129mm(length).ᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳᱳThe block diagram of the prototype camera is illustrated in figure 12. The camera electronics consist of a power supply board (PSB), analog circuit board (ACB) and two digital signal processing boards(DSPB). One can adjust output level, offset, gain, digital zoom, polarity, NUC and selection of pseudo color or white/black, with user interface on the rear panel of camera. The camera operates at 60Hz (NTSC) or 50Hz (PAL) frame rates .The PSB is designed to use commercial Li-ion battery. Therefore, the input power supply voltage ranges from 5.5V to 12V. The switching power supply is adopted to reduce power consumption. The PSB provides +3.3Vdc (digital), +5Vdc(digital), +15Vdc(analog) and +8Vdc (analog).The ACB consists of the low-noise power supply for ROIC and the temperature stabilization control circuit for thermoelectric cooler(TEC). The analog signal voltage of the ROIC is digitized to 14bit data .The DSPB has a wide variety of functions, including generation of timing clocks for ROIC, correlated double sampling which is used with thermally shorted pixels (see figure 6), NUC, digital noise reduction, defective pixels substitution ,gain and offset adjustment, and look up table for pseudo color and IR radiation correction. DSPB outputs include NTSC or PAL as well as LVDS 16bit parallel digital data. The DSPB accepts RS-232C commands.Two point corrections are made for the digitized data by exposing the FPA to two black bodies with different temperatures. The data is, thus, corrected for non-uniformity of bolometer responsivity.After the power supply is turned on, first, TEC is stabilized and a shutter temperature which is close to an ambient temperature, is measured. The shutter temperature is memorized to memory of DSPB. Next, the background IR radiation correction is performed by digital processing of DSPB which is to search IR radiation correction data with binary search method. If the shutter temperature is changed by a certain amount of temperature, the correctionprocessing is iterated. The certain amount of temperature is changed by the ambient temperature which is measured as the shutter temperature, and then is controlled by CPU of DSPB. The certain amount of temperature is slightly larger than a couple of tens degrees C.Figure 11. The photograph of the prototype camera Table3 Summary of performance characteristics of prototype cameraArray Size 320x240Optics FOCAL LENGTH 25mm F=1 Camera Size 80(H) x 77(W) x 129(L) mmCamera Weight 800gFrame Rate NTSC/PAL Conformity Analog:NTSC/PAL Conformity Outputs Digital:LVDS 8-bit Parallel output portRemote control RS-232C SerialContrast/Brightness AutomaticPower Consumption <6W NETD <100mKOparation Temparature-10~+50 degrees C422 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5074Figure 12. The block diagram of the prototype camera4.2 TEST RESULTSA thermal IR image is, thus, obtained for F/1 optics and at 60 Hz frame rate (see figure 13). NETD value is measured for the prototype camera, by introducing IR radiation of calibrated black body source to a certain part of FPA. Values of signal and noise are read out, using 16bit digital output data of all pixels, and standard deviation is calculated and is taken as the noise value. The NETD value is found to be smaller than 0.1K.Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5074 4235. CONCLUSIONThe authors design, fabricate and evaluate a 320x240 bolometer-type uncooled IR FPA, on-chip readout circuit and camera. A thermal image with an NETD value smaller than 0.1 K is obtained for F/1 optics and at 60Hz frame rate.The drift characteristics of the ROIC are improved by the temperature compensated configuration and therefore, shutter operation frequency is reduced by 1/10 fewer than the former camera.This performance is good enough for uncooled IRFPA to be used for surveillance camera, radiometric camera and so forth.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors would like to thank Messrs. S.Matsumoto, H.Murofushi, K.Katoh, M.Miyoshi and M.Hijikawa (NEC Corporation), Messrs. H.Gotoh, Y.Tsuruta, A.Nakazato and F.Nishio (NEC Glass Components) for their collaboration during development and fabrication of detectors and camera.REFERENCES[1] A. Tanaka, K. Chiba, T.Endoh, K.Okuyama, A. Kawahara, K. Iida, N. Tsukamoto, “Low-noise readout circuitfor uncooled infrared FPA”, SPIE, 4130, pp.160-167, 2000.424 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5074。