东野圭吾人物介绍PPT模板 小说作家学者通用((内容完整可编辑))








































东野圭吾1、A1041《放学后》1985年2、A1042《毕业——雪月花杀人游戏》(加贺恭一郎系列) 1986年3、A1043《白马山庄杀人事件》4、A1044《十一字杀人》1987年5、A1045《魔球》1988年6、A1046《以眨眼干杯》7、A1047《浪花少年侦探团》8、A1048《沉睡的森林》(加贺恭一郎系列)1989年9、A1049《鸟人计划》10、A1050《杀人现场在云端》中译《空中杀人现场》11、A1051《布鲁特斯的心脏——完全犯罪杀人接力》12、A1052《侦探俱乐部》短篇集,包括5篇小说。


15、A1055《面具山庄杀人事件》《大雪中的山庄》16、A1056《变身》17、A1057《回廊亭杀人事件》 1991年18、A1120《雪地杀机》《雪国之劫》19、A1058《美丽的凶器》1992年,20、A1059《同班同学》同级生21、A1060《分身》1993年22、A1061《怪人们》小说集,包含7篇小说23、A1062《我以前死去的家》 1994年24、A1063《操纵彩虹的少年》虹を操る少年25、A1064《平行世界·爱情故事》26、A1065《怪笑小说》小说集,包含9篇小说1995年27、A1066《天空之蜂》28、A1067《名侦探的守则》29、A1068《谁杀了她》加贺恭一郎系列1996年30、A1069《毒笑小说》小说集,包含12篇小说31、A1070《恶意》加贺恭一郎系列32、A1071《名侦探的诅咒》1997年33、A1072《侦探伽利略》神探伽利略系列第1部34、A1073《秘密》1998年35、A1074《我杀了他》加贺恭一郎系列36、A1075《白夜行》1999年37、A1076《又一个谎言》加贺恭一郎系列,小说集,包含5篇小说38、A1077《预知梦》神探伽利略系列第2部2000年39、A1078《单恋》40、A1116 《超·杀人事件》小说集,包含8篇小说2001年41、A1079《圣诞阿姨》42、A1080《湖畔》43、A1081《时生》2002年44、A1082《绑架游戏》45、A1083《信》46、A1084《杀人之门》2003年47、A1085《幻夜》2010年秋季档日剧,深田恭子、冢本高史主演48、A1086《彷徨之刃》2009年改编为电影,竹野内丰主演2004年,49、A1087《黑笑小说》小说集,包含13篇小说2005年50、A1088《嫌疑犯X的献身》神探伽利略系列第3部51、A1089《梦回都灵》散文集52、A1090《红手指》加贺恭一郎系列2006年,53、A1091《使命与心的极限》54、A339《也许是最后的寒暄》《东野圭吾的最后致意》散文集55、A1092《黎明之街》2007年56、A1093《濒死之眼》57、A1094《流星之绊》58、A1095《伽利略的苦恼》神探伽利略系列第4部,2008年,59、A1096《圣女的救济》神探伽利略系列第5部60、A1097《悖论13》61、A1098《新参者》加贺恭一郎系列2009年62、A185《布谷鸟的蛋是谁的》63、A1129《白金数据》2010年64、A1100《麒麟之翼》加贺恭一郎系列,2011年65、A1101《盛夏的方程式》神探伽利略系列第6部66、A1102《假面饭店》67、A1103《歪笑小说》68、A1104《伽利略系列第七作虚像的小丑》69、A1105《解忧杂货铺》2012年70、A1099《那个时候的谁》71、A1106《伽利略系列第八作.禁断的魔术》72、A1107《梦幻花》73、A1108《祈祷落幕时》 2013年74、A1109《疾风回旋曲》75、A1110《虚无的十字架》2014年76、A1111《假面前夜》小说集,饱含4篇中篇小说。



东野圭吾毕业主要内容1. 东野圭吾《毕业》内容就读于国立T大学的加贺恭一郎及朋友等人面临毕业,突然牧村祥子被发现死在她的公寓里,先是被认定为自杀,随着调查的深入,他杀的线索逐渐增多,案情逐渐明朗之时,命案再一次发生,在“雪月花之式”中,波香又被毒杀,案情变得更加复杂,为了弄清楚真相,加贺不断的追查。




2. 毕业的内容毕业原本是二十年的征途中要迈过的第一个门槛不管我是哭泣着或是微笑着离开人生原是一场难分悲喜的演出而当灯火光点亮我就必须要唱出那最最艰难的一幕幕那一年我背着行囊走进金秋九月的林荫道新生乍到第一堂课就像昨天怎么一眨眼这就到了换上毕业装的春光东院那一对永远不分开的猫又长了四岁也不小了西院的海棠开了又谢也已四个春秋也好也好从今天开始再也不用埋怨宿舍没有空调再也不用苦恼自习室太少可是可是老师的花名册里再也没有你的名字教室里也再也找不到属于我的抽屉室友们也在不能一起熄了灯也不想睡七嘴八舌什么都聊我想从今天开始尽管每个清晨依然会开窗探望每个夏季依然会有茉莉的清香可是清晨的校园淡淡书香是什么好像失去了我更惶恐着日后拥挤的街头在苍黄的暮色中我年轻的心啊还会不会有茉莉的清香可我知道日后的你我不管受到多大的委屈回到北外走进东院台上那条林荫道心静了踏实了回家了我挚爱的你啊曲终人散之后记得挥挥手记得这个校园和我们的情谊地久天长3. 东野圭吾众小说的内容介绍他的小说没有全看过,就说说我看过的几本。

1. 白夜行最经典。



2. 解忧杂货店温馨暖人。


东野圭吾 日语PPT

东野圭吾 日语PPT

事件は被疑者死亡によって一応解決をみる。 しかし、担当刑事の笹垣(ささがき) だけは腑(ふ)に落ちない。 容疑者の娘で、子供とは思えない 艶やかさ[つややかさ]を放つ(はな つ)少女・雪穂(ゆきほ)と、 被疑者の息子で、どこか暗い目をし たもの静かな少年・亮司(りょうじ)。 成長したふたりの周辺で、不可解な 事件が続発する。19年前の驚愕 (きょうがく)の真実と、そこで結(む す)ばれた固い絆の存在がありまし た。
東野圭吾(ひがしの けいご)、日本有 名な推理小説家、大阪府大阪市出身。 1985年に『放課後』で第31回江 戸川乱歩賞(えどがわらんぽしょ う)を受賞し、小説家としてデ ビューしました。代表作は『秘 密』 、『容疑者Xの献身』 (ようぎ しゃエックスのけんしん) 、 『白夜 行』 (びゃくやこう) 、 『新参者』 (しんざんもの)などなど、そして、 たくさんの作品が実写化され、大 ヒットしました。
早期(そうき)の作品は丹念な 本格推理が多く、でもだんだん社 会派推理小説のような現実的な 設定にこだわるようになりました。 彼の作品は、きれいで、派手な 言葉ではなく、ただ冷静に物語を 述べるだけで、社会問題に対して の批判や、人性の複雑性や、い ろんなことを表しています。 そして、全て人が直感に対して の自信を謀殺(ぼうさつ)するよう な物語がよく読者を魅了しました。
2013.03) 率100%、冤罪率0%になった近 未来の日本を舞台に、DNA情報 「プラチナデータ」によって犯罪に 巻き込まれ、容疑者となった警視 庁特殊捜査機関の天才科学者と、 それを執拗(しつよう)なまでに追 う刑事の攻防を描いた作品。 東野さんはその作品の中で、初 めて二重人格を持つ主人公を描 かれていました。



































《嫌疑人X 的献身》8.人与人之间情断义绝,并不需要什么具体的理由。





整部小说由八个独立的小故事构成,每一个故事都围绕着校园内发生的事情 展开。从学生的小打小闹到校园内的重大事件,这位代课老师总是能够凭借他的 智慧和观察力,找到事情的真相。而更为重要的是,他在解决案件的同时,也在 教育着学生,引导他们走向真善美的世界。
其中,“6*3”事件给我留下了深刻的印象。在这个故事中,代课老师通过 一位进入体育器材室的同学的证据,最后抓住了凶手,也教训了那名同学要爱护 公物。这个案件淋漓尽致地刻画了这个代课老师善于动脑,细心观察不放过任何 一个细节,严谨推理,不急不躁,直到找到突破口,从而一举解开事情的真相, 让人内心豁然开朗。
读完这本书后,我深感其对我产生的影响远不止于阅读上的愉悦感和满足感。 在现实生活中,我也开始更加注重观察和思考,尤其是在面对问题时。我开始尝 试着像那位代课老师一样,冷静思考、认真观察,不放过任何一个细节。这种思 维方式不仅帮助我更好地解决问题,也让我在日常生活中有了更多的收获。
人生就像一条小溪,而我们就是溪中的小鱼。只有不停地探索、努力往上游, 才不会被时间的流水冲走。《我的老师是侦探》这本书不仅教会了我如何去观察 和思考问题,更让我明白了在生活中不断探索和努力的重要性。这是一本值得一 读再读的佳作,我相信它会给每一个读者带来不同的启示和感悟。
在文学的海洋中,东野圭吾是一位备受赞誉的作家。他的作品以其独特的推 理思维和深刻的人性剖析而闻名。在《东野圭吾:我的老师是侦探》这本书中, 我们再次见证了他的才华和魅力。这本书以一个神秘的案件为线索,通过一位中 学老师侦探的视角,展现了人性的复杂和推理的魅力。
“在这个世界上,没有完全无辜的人。”这句话出现在书的开篇,它像一道 闪电,瞬间点亮了整个故事。它不仅为整个故事定下了基调,也为我们提供了一 个思考的角度。在东野圭吾的笔下,每一个人物都有其复杂的背景和动机,没有 谁是绝对的好人,也没有谁是绝对的坏人。这种对人性的深度剖析,使得故事更 加引人入胜。



• 1.凶手必须在故事一开始便登场。 2.破案手法不能使用超 自然力量。 3.案发现场不能有秘密通道。 4.作案过程中 不能使用未知的毒药或者需要复杂科学解释的机械。 5. 不能有中国人登场。 6.侦探不能凭借偶然性或第六感破 案。 7.除了欺骗登场人物外,侦探本身不可能是凶手。 8.侦探不能使用未透露给读者的提示来破案。 9.助手角色 对案情的判断必须完全让读者知道。 10.双胞胎或一人分 饰两角的情况必须实现告知读者 对读者的作弊行为,因 为读者并不会去考虑这种作者不说就不可能知道的可能性。 诺克斯十戒本质上,是排除只有作者知道而读者不知道, 并且读者正常情况下不可能去思考的细节。 对当时人而 言,可以致命的武术还是中国人的专利。所以为了避免这 一情况,索性就别让中国人出场以彻底杜绝这种可能性
He is also known for writing the fictional adventures of a second character he invented, Professor Challenger.
He was a prolific writer whose other works
Queen of detective novels
Agatha Christie was born Agatha May Clarissa Miller in Devon, England in 1890, the youngest of three children in a conservative, well-to-do family. Taught at home by a governess and tutors, as a child Agatha never attended school. She became adept at creating games to keep herself occupied at a very young age. A shy child, unable to adequately express her feelings, she first turned to music as a means of expression and, later in life, to writing.






关键词: 东野圭吾推理小说人物形象侦探AbstractAs the most famous mystery writer at present,Higashion Keigo,is focused with his excellent works,and set off a wave named “Higashion Hot”.In his works,he creates some detectives with distinct personality,like a physics professor who doesn’t bring personal emotion and only for finding the turth,a criminal Police who is value in relationships.At any rate character bring new reading experience and deep impression to readers,and that these character have profound significance on pushing the novel plot and showing the theme.Keywords:Higashion Keigo; mystery story;the personalities of the characters; detectives目录引言 (1)一、东野圭吾作品中的侦探形象 (1)(一)首席刑警——加贺恭一郎 (1)(二)天才物理学家——汤川学 (2)(三)匠人刑警——笹垣润三 (3)二、侦探形象的共性特点 (4)(一)对案件真想锲而不舍的精神 (4)(二)拥有惊人丰富的专业知识 (5)(三)具有强烈的正义感 (6)三、侦探形象的差异性特点 (7)(一)破案目的在原则上的差异 (7)(二)特立独行的破案风格 (8)(三)自成一派的破案手法 (9)(四)对待他人情感上的差异 (10)四、侦探角色对小说情节推动及主题呈现的作用 (12)(一)推动情节发展的决定性作用 (12)(二)对主题呈现的“点睛”作用 (13)(三)帮助读者理解情节 (13)五、结语 (14)参考文献 (15)致谢 (16)东野圭吾小说中侦探形象的人物分析自2007年在中国出版,东野圭吾的推理小说在这十二年的时间内销量遥遥领先,他的一些主要作品,如《白夜行》《解忧杂货店》《嫌疑人X的献身》的销量都已达到了数百万,因此收获了大批的读者。



东野圭吾小说中的男性形象分析1. 引言1.1 介绍东野圭吾的背景和作品东野圭吾,日本知名作家,原名东野圭吾,1971年生于大阪府伊丹市。










1.2 男性形象在东野圭吾小说中的重要性东野圭吾的作品中,男性形象一直扮演着重要的角色。










Higashino Keigo 东野 圭吾
—— one of the brightest stars in the world of mystery novels
Higashino Keigo born in Osaka, he started writing
novels while still working as an engineer . He won the Edogawa Rampo Prize(江户川乱步奖), which is awarded annually to the finest mystery work, in 1985 for the novel Hōkago (After School) at age 27. Subsequently, he quit his job and started a career as a writer in Tokyo. In 1999, he won the Mystery Writers of Japan Inc(日本推理 作家协会奖) award for the novel Himitsu (The Secret). In 2006, he won the 134th Naoki Prize(134届直木奖) for Yōgisha X no Kenshin(The Devotion of the Suspect X). His novels had been nominated five times before winning with this novel. He writes not only mystery novels but also essays and story books for children. The style of writing differs from his novels, but basically he does not use as many characters as in his novels.



东野圭吾英文简介_东野圭吾推理系列Higashi noo (ひ ga shi のけいご, Higashino Keigo), Japanese reasoning novelist. February 4, 1958 was born in Osaka, Japan. Graduated from Osaka Prefectural University electrical engineering, and later in the automotiveparts supplier Nippon Denso as a production technology engineer, and the creation of reasoning novels. In 1985, by virtue of "after school" won thefirst 31 times Edogawa Rampage Award, since becoming a professional writer, began full-time writing. The early works are mostly delicate and meticulous reasoning, the late strokes become more and more spicy, the text is small and carved, narrative concise vicious, plot ups and down strange, the story of the structure to a few incredible point, good at very unreasonable to write a very reasonable story, Style gradually beyond the framework of traditionalreasoning novels.1999 "secret" won the 52nd session of the Japanese reasoning writer association award, 2021 "suspect X's devotion" by the 134 straight wood award, Higashino Guiyu to achieve the Japanese reasoning novel in the history of the rare "Triple Crown." "There are" after the school "secret" "white night line" "to the blink of an eye" "Detective Galileo" "Suspects X's dedication""Predict dream" "Lake" and so on.In March 2021, the tenth Chinese writer Regal list list "foreign writerrich list" heavy release, Higashino Kyu to 20.25 million annual royalty income, topped the foreign writer Rich List No. 2, causing widespread concern. 2021 Dongye Guiyu classic works of the most rare theme "kidnapping game" will be made into a network play.February 1958, Osaka Osaka, Japan, Higashino Kyu was born. "My family is running a business recession, selling watches, glasses, precious metals and other accessories store. I was the youngest one of the three brothers and sisters. My residence is written by the 'Eastern jade made', that is thefather's birthplace , My own did not live there. Father to 'this place to sayit is better to listen to' as a reason to put my residence to the securityhere ... ... "This birth experience in his only autobiographical essay" Dongye Guiwu's last compliment "in the account.A child of the East for their own interest in things, will consider to try and experience. For example, read the interesting comic, will think of their own to draw a.Dongye Guiwu has two little sister from the door, his father was amilitary (Japanese unique sergeant level of the call).Dongye Guiwu's two sisters later made a stewardess, the other became a teacher, these two identities in the "murder scene in the clouds" and "wave of juvenile detective group" in the embodiment.Unlike the best-selling book writers in the minds of the reader, Dongye Guiwu has been rented in less than ten square meters of cottage, in his words: "the toilet to go outside, the house will be centipede patronize."In 1974, Dong Ye graduated from Osaka City Road Primary School and City Tungisano High School, and entered the same city of Osaka Osaka High School. Had never seen the book before he began to contact the novel of this category, so he read a high school students as the protagonist of reasoning novels, "think this novel is really interesting, ... ... seems to be able to write their own look. "This became the initial opportunity for him to engage in reasoning afterwards.Later, Dong Ye admitted to Osaka Prefectural University Department of Engineering electrical engineering, once stopped the novel reading has been restored, and began to conceive some things, but that is mainly to confirm whether they can write a novel, not yet a novelist Think about it.In 1981, after graduating from college, Higashino Kyu became a technical engineer at Nippon Denso's company. "We stayed for two years at the company. Because we felt that the days of office workers were very monotonous, we wanted to give such a monotony of life. The same ... ... that is to stimulate it, ... ... because the realization of other goals may need to spend money, or need to buy some props and the like, and the novel is different, as long as there are pencil and paper, where to write. I use the time after work every day to write novels, and will write the works sent to participate in Edogawa Rampage Award as a target, hoping to work outside, can have a relatively different life pillars ... ... although the income Stable, but I think my salary is too small, so if you can rely on bonuses, or royalties to earn points outside the block, should also be good. "Because of this idea, in 1983 Dongye finally" Of the home "(human figure ta ちの home) apply for the 29th session of the game, but only entered the second round of pre-election.In the second part of the gesture period, with a woman from high school non-full-time teachers to marry. In 1984, Dongye to "magic ball" candidatesfor the 30th Hurricane Award, this time the final nomination, from winning the prize is only one step away. The following year (1985), and finally by virtue of campus youth reasoning novel "after school" won the 31st Edogawa Rampage Award and the official debut.Dongye won the prize at the age of 27 years old, so that his creative confidence, coupled with the award was informed by the company, while working while writing a certain impact, then decided to resign in March 1986 went to Tokyo, began The road of their own professional writers.But after ten years, Dongye Guiwu's work has been neglected until the 1996 "Detective Code" published best-selling, Higashino Guiwu was re-attention.November 21, 2021, the sixth Chinese writer Regal list of foreigners "foreign writer Rich List" release, Higashino Kyu to 4.8 million annualroyalty income, topped the foreign writer Rich List No. 5, triggering a wide range attention.Dongye Guiyu is a try-type writer, debut has been constantly exploring the unique style of the novel, in the absorption of domestic excellent works of nutrients at the same time continue to blaze new trails, forming a "realistic style" style. In the view of Dong Ye, no element can not be applied to the reasoning novel, so his novels show a multi-field integration, he explained: "Because each field has strengths, I want to grab these different advantages." "Fusion is a step by step rather than jump, and from each of his works we can see their style bit by bit changes, according to the theme of the novel and artistic differences, Dongye Guiyu's novels can be divided into three Period, respectively, in 1990 to create the "fate" and the creation of the 1997 "Detective Code" and "Detective Curse" for the sector.Pre-periodFrom 1985 to 1990, Dongye Guiwu to campus principal reasoning, focusing on the mystery and logical reasoning. The contents of this period to describe the crime of the main means, involving the traditional novels in the Chamber of Secrets, nursery rhymes, passwords and other elements in the novel art techniques have more mimic traces, mainly in the Freeman classic model "to ask questions A display of data to understand the truth one by one to verify the outcome of the "single-line structure. The representative of this period has "after school", "pre-school killer game", "to blink", "eleven word kill game" and so on. "After school" and "pre-graduation kill game" will be placed on thecampus background, portrayed between teachers and students and students of complex interpersonal relationships; "blink of an eye" use of traditional reasoning novels in the classic element of the Chamber of Secrets, Accompanied by a small girl as a heroine. "Eleven words of the murder game" in a total of eleven people have died, their skulls are heavy equipment injuries, and will receive before the death of the words "from the uninhabited island full of meaning" The plot is often used in traditional reasoning novels. In the same way as Edogawa, the works of Dong Yeh attributed the "motive of crime" to personal reasons, or to the life of the material, or to conceal the unknown past. This period of work emphasis on logical reasoning, content is thin, the "accident" fixed on the "murderer who", such as "after school" whole chapter to teachers and students contradictory, the outcome of his wife as the murderer, this layout Give a deliberate, unexpected sense. The author published in 1986, "White Horse Villa murder incident," said: "I really like the setting is the Chamber of Secrets and passwords, these so-called classic props make me fascinated, even if I will be recognized by the general reader, I will Continue to indulge them. "From the emphasis on the elements of this element to focus on logical reasoning and then to the personal declaration, Dongye Guiwu's early creation is undoubtedly the main reasoning.Medium termIn 1990, Dongye Guiwu created the "fate", this novel is the reasoning community that is the watershed of Dongye creative style. In the "fate" the author said: "prisoners made how gorgeous wonderful tricks, such a mystery set is good, but I hope to create other types of accident." Dongye no longer rigidly adhere to the murderer and practices, the so-called "Other types of accidental" refers to why, that is, "criminal motives", the author "to the mystery of social reality." The authors of this period began to address social problems, such as abuse of power and science, and child abuse. The story of the murder case is usually the starting point of accidentally pulled out another stirring story, representative of "fate", "corridor pest killings", "past my dead home", "parallel world love story" and so on. In the narrative mode, the author changed the simple classical model in the early stage, tried to use the more complex structure, such as "fate" has two main lines, one is the road and the growth of the road, one is to be the case of the murder. Through the murder case led to the post-war Japanese government to nurture spy in the human brain to carry out the brain for the study of the story, the study of the victims Hino early Miao is brave and Akira's own mother, must Beizheng Qing is to re-open this Item of the study was murdered, so the plotis really giving a sense of surprise. The top of the government for their own personal despise life, to the three generations with a can not calm the tragic memory. The novel has attributed the tragedy to the Japanese government, which has abused its power, and has played a role in exposing and criticizing society. The author does not focus on the case, but in-depth analysis of the reasons for the occurrence of the case, and sometimes not even involving murder, such as "parallel world love story." It creates a suspense through a unique narrative perspective, uses the first person and the third person to alternate narrative, with the "memory" fuzzy or loss as the starting point, the focus on the complex interpersonal relationship, "relationship" reflects the "human nature".In this period, Dongye's novels have the characteristics of "new socialism". On the one hand, he focuses on social and human nature. On the other hand, he has innovated in narrative techniques, and applied the unique style of two-line parallel cross- Realistic style "style of the successful attempt to create a creative.LateIn 1996, Higashino Kyi created the "Detective Code" and "The Curse of Detective." The former with a satirical way to subvert the "Genji" classic elements, with a new perspective of the Chamber of Secrets, passwords, nursery rhymes, not proof, dismemberment and so on. In the artistic approach, the novel created the feeling of the stage, the world a big wilang and the river two police officers in the role of detective and police officers at the same time, they will occasionally jump from the storyline development, facing the reader to start like "comic" Dialogue, which not only involves the development of the plot of the story, but also often play, comment on contemporary reasoning writers and reasoning works, and sometimes even some of their ridicule. The latter part of the novel in the form of interpretation of their own creative theory. The world a five big Lang struggling to trace the "secret room murder" is actually the door was touched after their own fall, the murderer's footprints were covered by the snow to cover the night, the work will be accidental events and detectives "careful" logic Together, the reasoning is absurd and ridiculous, and Dongye expresses his skepticism about his previous remarks in this way. In the "Detective Curse", the author of the "Genji" of the Nu Yu more straightforward. The background of the novel was placed in the town of the future world, and the "bourgeoisie" had disappeared, and the protagonist, the world, had criticized the novel: "This boring, naive,unrealistic, unnatural thing" Authenticity, modernity and sociality are the three pillars of the novel. If this is not the case, it will be difficult to survive in the future reasoning novel industry. "Dongye Guiwu by the world one five Dalang mouth to express his new ideas on reasoning novels, he decided to give up the world of five big Lang on the" social faction "also have a lot of objections, he believes that Matsumoto Zhang's work is no longer suitable for the reader's taste because "the problem of the method, even if the use of the same material, cooking methods are different, the taste is also different. "In the author's view," bacquard "works because of the reality will be out of the times," social "expression behind, no longer adapt to the needs of readers, really good and adapt to the needs of the times is both realistic and reassuring, So he created a "realistic style".Under the guidance of his own theory, Dong Ye's reasoning novel in Japan caused great repercussions, this period of works produced almost books selling, representative of "malicious", "secret", "Detective Galileo", "White Night", " "," Faith "," magic night "," relief of the saint "" lake "and so on. In the context of the modern metropolis of Tokyo and Osaka during the GreatDepression of the 1990s, the novels of social life were put into the contentof the novels, such as the game cartoon theft and credit card Counterfeiting, information crime, "magic night" in the jewelry robbery and "Detective Galileo" in the case of scientific crimes, so that the "authenticity" and "modernity." Among them, "Detective Galileo" is a typical science and engineering reasoning, the book a total of five small stories, the beginningof each story, is a crime scene. Then, turn to the police and detective appearance decryption. The focus of this book is not on motivation, but on crime, either by high-tech crime, or by some incredible physical phenomena. Knowing the crime, criminals also surfaced. But with the US criminal investigation as full use of high-tech to hunt down the murderer is different, Dong Ye is the use of logical reasoning and human anatomy to derive the conclusion.During this period, the center of the Dongye story gradually shifted. Different from the previous reasoning novel, the author dilute the mystery, dilute the identity of the murderer, to focus on the "criminal motive", "malicious" in less than one-third of the place, the murderer on their own crimes confessed, but The motive of the crime is ambiguous. In the last two-thirds of the length of the "criminal motive" to become the only suspense, the "human nature" in the deep hatred in front of the reader, people shudder. The same is true of the "lakeside" published in 2002, revealing the hidden motivesbehind the murder and the distortions in the critique of Japanese socialfamily and education. The surface of the four small family calm, because the children have to test private junior high school and together with thetutorial, on the surface and under the music is dark tide. And for the children, parents have repeatedly sacrificed themselves, and even beyond the bottom line of morality. In addition, this work there is a unique place isthat any of the characters played the psychological activities are not described. Including the central figure Junjie, including the author of the objective and fair to all the characters of the words and deeds were described. So the Japanese well-known reasoning novel commentator Qianjie crystal evaluation of its "as a stage play creation".Dongye in this period a large number of social and human issues involved, from the bubble economy to the Hanshin earthquake, from family structure changes to the status of women to enhance, from the youth to the social crisis of social crisis, the 1990s, the Japanese society, major events andideological changes Almost all can be found in his novel. "These are the propositions that mankind will always need to pay attention to, and never breathe", the root of the tragedy of man is attributed to the social andchronic illnesses, and the novels of Dongye do "sociality" and become the Japanese society in the 1990s Panorama.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

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东野圭吾(ひがしの けいご,Higashino Keigo). 日本推理小说作家。1958年2月4日出生于日本大阪。毕业于大阪府立 大学电气工学专业,之后在汽车零件供应商日本电装担任生产技术工 程师,并进行推理小说的创作。1985年,凭借《放学后》获得第31回
江户川乱步奖,从此成为职业作家,开始专职写作。 东野圭吾早期作品多为精巧细致的本格推理,后期笔锋愈发老辣,文 字鲜加雕琢,叙述简练凶狠,情节跌宕诡异,故事架构几至匪夷所思 的地步,擅长从极不合理处写出极合理的故事,作风逐渐超越传统推
我彼此相爱的人,却无法在一起,希望手牵手在太阳下散 步,即便付出了那么多人的生命,最后还是办不到。
所谓白夜,是被剥夺的夜晚,还是被赐予的白昼,将夜晚伪装成白昼的太阳, 是出于善意,还是出于恶意呢?我一直在思考这些,总之我已经厌倦继续走 在这分不清白昼和夜晚的世界,我想走在白昼的街上。我的人生,就像是活 在白夜中。结束吧,所有这一切为了你,也为了我。
我的回答之所以发挥了作用,原因不是别的,是因为他们自己很努力。 如果自己不想积极认真地生活,不管得到什么样的回答都没用。
其实所有纠结做选择的人心里早就有了答案,咨询只是想得到内心所倾向 的选择。最终的所谓命运 还是自己一步步走出来的。
经典语录 《嫌疑人X的献身》篇
究竟爱一个人,可以到什么程度? 究竟什么样的邂逅,可以舍命不悔? 逻辑的尽头不是理性和秩序的理想国,而是我用生命奉献的爱情!
小说推荐----Top 5 《新参者》
一般的推理小说读完之后会让人毛骨悚然,但是这一本读完之后 会让你热泪盈眶。这本小说是我很久以前读的,我甚至忘了死者是怎 么死的,也忘了凶手的作案手法。但是我却记得作者以刑警加贺查案 为视角,揭开了日本桥这个地方的人们的家长里短,那些温暖的瞬间
会让你忘记这是一本推理小说。 这是一个靠逻辑破不了的案和《新参者》格调完全不同的推理小说, 这本小说的特点在于重点不在推理过程而是在于作案动 机。所以很快就把凶手准确的锁定了,但这恰恰中了凶 手的圈套—凶手希望快点发现他是凶手。当凶手道出作
小说推荐----Top 3 《解忧杂货店》
小说推荐----Top2 《嫌疑人X的献身》
《嫌疑人X的献身》的很大的一个特点是从一开始读 者就知道谁是凶手—靖子,靖子也成为了嫌疑人,但是 靖子有着完美的不在场证明,最后警察决定放弃对靖子
的调查。这时,天才物理学家汤川却将矛头指向了石 神—那个一直深爱着靖子的数学天才。
东野圭吾的又一温情力作,这部作品应该是他知名 度最高的一部作品,也是我拜读他的第一部作品。如果 你还没有被剧透的话,你一开始读的时候可能会摸不着 头脑也会有一点觉得恐怖......但是看到后面,你就会慢慢
地觉得很温暖。 这部作品是由几个性格迥异、身份不同的人的故事 组成,但是在他们的生命里有一根细细的红线把他们连
石神是数学天才,他认为任何事情都可以用数学推 导出来,但是在爱情这道命题面前,他却不能用数学解
小说推荐----Top1 《白夜行》
《白夜行》是日本作家东野圭吾创作的长篇小说, 也是其代表作。该小说于1997年1月至1999年1月间连载 于期刊,单行本1999年8月在日本发行。故事围绕着一对 有着不同寻常情愫的小学生展开。1973年,大阪的一栋 废弃建筑内发现了一具男尸,此后19年,嫌疑人之女雪 穗与被害者之子桐原亮司走上截然不同的人生道路,一 个跻身上流社会,一个却在底层游走,而他们身边的人, 却接二连三地离奇死去,警察经过19年的艰苦追踪,终
你我都不可能摆脱时钟的束缚,彼此都已沦为社会这个时钟的齿轮,一旦少了 齿轮,时钟就会出乱子。纵然自己渴望率性而为,周遭也不容许,我们虽然得
对于数学问题,自己想出答案和确认别人的答案是否正确,哪一个 更简单,或者困难到何种程度,拟一个别人无法解答的问题和解开
《毕业——雪月花杀人游戏》(加贺恭一郎系列) 《白马山庄杀人事件》
经典语录 《白夜行》篇
我的天空里没有太阳,总是黑夜,但并不暗,因为有东西代替了太阳。 虽然没有太阳那么明亮,但对我来说已经足够。凭借着这份光,我便能
一天中,太阳会升起,同时还会落下。人生也一样,有白天和黑夜,只是不会 像太阳那样,有定时的日出和日落。有些人一辈子都活在太阳的照耀下,也有 些人不得不一直活在漆黑的深夜里。人害怕的,就是本来一直存在的太阳落下
经典语录 《白夜行》篇
我找到了一个梦想。可能你会笑我,我想成为白瑞德那样的人。用尽智慧,跑遍世 界,赚很多钱。把这些钱拿来给你尽情享用。比如说,就像白瑞德为郝思嘉做的事 情,为了让她逃亡而准备马车。我想给你一颗大大的宝石。然后,想给你永远宁静 的夜晚,和振奋人心的早晨。那个个不公平的人没有给你的东西,不管是什么我都
于使真相大白。 小说将无望却坚守的凄凉爱情和执著而缜密的冷静推理 完美结合。2006年,小说被改编成同名电视连续剧,一
世上有两样东西不可直视 一是太阳,二是人心
经典语录 《解忧杂货铺》篇
其实很久以前我就知道自己应该怎样选择,只是一直无法下决心舍弃梦 想。到现在,我依然不知道怎样才能做到这一点。打个比方,这就如同