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1. airport 机场

2. flight 航班

3. flight number航班号

4. Welcome on board 欢迎登机

5. one way/single ticket 单程票

6. round trip ticket 往返票

7. destination 目的地

8. nonstop/direct flight 直航

9.departure time 起飞时间

10. check in 登记

11. boarding card 登机牌

12. security check 安检

13. fasten the safety / seat belt 系好安全带

14. behind schedule 晚点

15. cancel 取消

16. luggage/baggage 行李

17. suitcase 行李箱

18. passport 护照

19. visa 签证

20. captain 机长

21. pilot 飞行员

22. flight attendant/air hostess 空姐

23. first class/business class/economy cabin


24.bound for…飞往……方向去的

25. land降落/着陆


1. smartphone 智能手机

2. pay phone公用电话

3. booth 电话亭

4. operator 接线员

5. long-distance call 长途电话,

6. answering machine留言机

8. put/get through 接通电话

9. dial the wrong number拨错号码10. hold on/hang on 不要挂断

11. hang up 挂断

12. leave a message 留言

13. take a message 捎口信

14. charge vt. 充电

15. give sb a call / ring 给某人打电话

16. The line is bad/ busy / engaged. 电话占线

F. 医院

1. clinic 诊所

2. surgeon 外科医生

3. physician 内科医生

4. dentist 牙医

5. flu 流感

6. headache 头痛

7 fever发烧

8. stomachache胃疼

9. toothache牙疼

10. sore throat嗓子痛

11. cough咳嗽

12. heart attack 心脏病

13. dizzy adj 眩晕的

14. make an appointment 预约

15. check up / examine 检查身体

16. take one’s temperature / blood pressure


17. emergence room/department 急诊室

18. show your tongue 伸出舌头

19. aspirin 阿司匹林

20. operation 手术

21. treatment 治疗

22. ICU (= intensive care unit)特护/重症病房

23. ambulance 救护车

24. take medicine /pills/tablets 药片/药丸

25. give an injection 注射,打针

26. physical examination 体检


1. hotel 旅馆,酒店

2. make a reservation预订房间

3. reception desk/front desk 前台

4. check in 登记入住

5. check out 结账退房

6. fill in/out a form 填写表格

7. ID card 身份证

8. accommodation n. 食宿

9. single room 单人间

10. double room 双人间

11. suite 套房

12. bathroom卫生间

13. toilet / restroom 厕所

14. ball 舞厅

17. tips 小费

19. fully booked / full up / full 客满

20. Meals included. 包括饮食

21.Do you have a reservation Sir?


22. Have you got any vacant room?

= Is there any room available here?


23. All the room are occupied. 房间已满

24.room rate 房费

25. bill 账单

H. 银行

1. business hour 营业时间

2. interest利息

3. open an account 开一个帐户

4. savings account储蓄帐户

5. deposit money 存钱

6. withdraw money取钱

7. interest rate 利率

8. clerk 银行职员I. 邮局

1. envelop信封

2. stamp 邮票

3. parcel / package 包裹

4. postage邮费

5. overweight 超重

6. extra postage 额外邮资

7. express mail(EMS)快件

J. 餐馆

1. buffet ['bʊfeɪ; 'bʌfeɪ]自助餐

2. snack bar快餐小吃店

3. serve上菜

4.horrible/awful/disgusting 难吃

5.change 零钱

Keep the change! 不用找零钱了!

6. book/make a reservation预定

7. This is my treat! 我请客!

8. Let’s go Dutch/ Let’s go fifty fifty. AA制

9. paper towel /tissue纸巾

10.toothpick 牙签

11. specialty 招牌菜

12. spaghetti 意大利面

13. dessert 甜点

14.bacon 熏肉

15. appetizer 开胃菜

16. cheese奶酪

17. beverages/drinks 饮料

18. orange juice 橘子汁

19.brandy 白兰地

20. soft drink 汽水/不含酒精的饮料

21 .beer 啤酒

22. whisky 威士忌

23. coke 可口可乐

24. eat out下馆子/

go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭

25. pay the bill 付账

26.Yoghurt 酸奶
