【推荐下载】老友记典故集解 Season7---E21


老友记Friends S07E12 The One Where Theyre Up All Night【声音字幕同步PPT】

老友记Friends S07E12 The One Where Theyre Up All Night【声音字幕同步PPT】
虫 和一个女人 You know, there's two women, dude. 你知道,
有两个女人,老兄 Show me where. 在哪里 Okay. Right up here. 好,在那里
Joey, where's the pipe that was holding the door open? 乔伊,我们拿来顶住门的管子呢?
We could just talk to each other all night long. 我们可以促膝长谈
Like when we were first dating. It'd be fun. 像我们刚开始约会时那样 会很好玩的
-Okay, that does sound fun. -Yeah. -好,听 来是很有意思 -是啊
All right, well, I guess we know what we have to do to get down. 好吧,我想我们知道
要怎么做才能下去 Yeah, I guess we don't have a choice. 是啊,
我想我们没有选择 Help us! Please, help us! 救命!救救我们!
Check out the rack on that chick. 看看那个 妞的胸部
The One Where They're Up All Night 本集播 出:六人行夜未眠
We've been out here for two hours... 我们已 经在外面两个小时了…
and we haven't seen any stupid comets. Can we go now? 还没看到笨彗星,我们可以

【推荐下载】老友记典故集解 Season4---E11

【推荐下载】老友记典故集解 Season4---E11

Donald Trump

钱德勒又耍贫嘴:我不知道,但唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)希望找回他的蓝夹克。





Sony Play Station


然后送给他们一个索尼游戏站(Sony Play Station)吗?索尼游戏站是一种电子游戏机,钱德勒故意把最好的礼物曲解成索尼游戏站,来劝说菲比不要将怀胎生孩子作为礼物。




Season 7第一集Three Musketeers钱德勒和莫尼卡订婚了,罗斯看见门上留条后急匆匆赶到,乔伊给他留的条中要他别忘了带上香槟和“三剑客(Three Musketeers)”糖果。

要注意,在美国和英国,“三剑客”糖果的含义是不一样的,在美国,通常是指一种巧克力牛奶糖,也就是英国人通常所谓的“银河系(Milky Way)”糖果。


The Plaza,Mai Thai,莫尼卡提议大家一起到“广场大饭店(The Plaza)”去喝点香槟,庆祝她和钱德勒的订婚。


菲比觉得此行可以去吃点泰国菜(Mai Thai),这是一家非常有名的泰国餐厅。

Rue de la钱德勒告诉莫尼卡,他们可以去巴黎度蜜月,然后他说:我们可以在“Rue de la……”进行月光散步。

这是因为巴黎很多街区的名字以“Rue de la”开头。

第二集Jurassic Park罗斯在学校里讲课,内容竟然是他首先构思了《侏罗纪公园(Jurassic Park)》的故事。





Rec.Center钱德勒和莫尼卡没钱结婚了,瑞秋很着急,就说:“难道你们要在娱乐中心(Rec.center)结婚吗?”Rec.Center 也就是Recreation Center的简称,通常是社区里供大家锻炼和娱乐的地方,在这里结婚肯定很丢丑。




《老友记》典故集解 - 第二季第一集Vidal Buffay菲比给钱德勒和乔伊理了发,莫尼卡发现了,钱德勒说:“是的,我们改了发型,感谢维达·布菲。






Demi Moore,DudJey Moore,Mary Tyler Moore莫尼卡想让菲比剃一个性感明星黛米·摩尔(Demi Moore)的发型,但菲比却误把著名喜剧明星杜德利·摩尔当成了黛米·摩尔,因此给莫尼卡剃了一个非常古怪的头。




Between the moon and New York City这还是继续杜德利·摩尔的笑话。


而钱德勒则说,这还不算糟的,因为你可能被困在“月亮和纽约之间(betwe en the moon and NewYork City)”。



You have got to try this cheesecake.You know, I'm not that much of a sweet tooth..Oh, my God, it's so creamy!That's the best cheesecake I've ever had!Where did you get this?It was at the front door when I got home. Somebody sent it to us. This isn't addressed to you.This is addressed to Mrs. Braverman downstairs!Thief!I didn't read the box before I opened it...and you can't return a box after you opened it!-Why not? -Because it's too delicious!You stole this cheesecake. That's wrong.No, it'll be okay because Mrs. Braverman will send for a free one. That way, we all win.The only losers are the big cheesecake conglomerate..."Mama's Little Bakery."I feel terrible.I'm a horrible, horrible person.I'm sorry, what?The One With All The Cheesecakes22You know how I'm in a coma?Today they do a test on me and it turns out I'm not brain-dead. So..Mr. Smarty Pants.It's just my character that's not brain-dead.Phoebe, still on for tonight?-Absolutely. -I'll see you at 8.What's at 8?Dinner. We get together about once a month to discuss the rest of you. Wow! Did not know that.May I say how lovely you look today?Duly noted.zSo for tomorrow, do you want to rent a car and drive down together? -What are you talking about? -Cousin Frannie's wedding.You were invited?No.Oh, my God, I can't believe this.I thought only Mom and Dad were invited.From the ages of 7 to 9, Frannie and I were inseparable.Maybe since the age of 9, Frannie's made some new friends.It's probably just a mistake. Let me call Aunt Cheryl.Maybe you are invited and the invitation got lost in the mail.You call her and tell her that when we were kids...her precious Frannie tried to undress me several times.If I hadn't stopped her, there wouldn't be a wedding to go to.She tried to undress me too.I used to undress my cousin Glenn.Joseph Francis Tribbiani, are you home yet?I think he's still out. What's wrong?I'll tell you, Rachel Karen Greene.I had plans with Joey, and he left me this note."Phoebe, can't make it. Got a date. Talk to you later."Big Daddy."-"Big Daddy"? -That's a nickname we were trying.You know what nickname never caught on? "The Ross-a-tron." Here's Joseph Francis!Wait, what are you middle-naming me for?I left you a note.That doesn't give you the right to ditch me!You can cancel plans with friends if there's a possibility for sex. He's right. That is the rule.I don't accept it. When we make plans, I expect you to show up. I'm not a way to kill time till you meet someone better. Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but this is for life. I'm so sorry. I had no idea it would bother you this much. Well, it does.Well, can I make it up to you?I'm sorry.How about dinner tomorrow night? I'll pay for myself.Okay, you wore me down.While you're over there, how about a beer for "The Ross-a-tron"? "Ross.." Is that back?The other cheesecake came.They delivered it here again.Just bring it downstairs. What's the problem?I can't seem to say goodbye.Are you serious?We ate an entire cake two days ago and you want more?Well, I've forgotten what it tastes like.It was cheesecake. It was fine.It had a buttery, crumbly, graham cracker crust...with a very rich...yet light cream cheese filling.Wow, my whole mouth just filled with saliva.Know what? Forget it. We're just hungry.We haven't had lunch. We're just lightheaded.So let's go have lunch and forget about the cheesecake.We'll drop it off so we're not tempted.-Where do you want to eat? -Mama's Little Bakery, Chicago.Mei Torme died.Joey, that paper's like a year old.Does that mean the Sam Goody's sale is over?So, I finally heard back from Aunt Cheryl...and apparently it wasn't a mistake.There's limited seating..Limited seating? I am just one tiny person!Yeah, but she doesn't know that.I mean, the last time she saw you...you'd have turned one of those little wedding chairs into kindling. "Limited seating." That's such a lame excuse.That's not the reason she's not inviting me.What's the big deal? I wasn't invited to the ceremony, just the reception.If it makes you feel any better, Joan and I will just make an appearance... and then we'll leave early as a sign of protest.-Joan? -Yeah, my date.Assistant professor in linguistics. Tall, very beautiful.And despite what some people say, not broad-backed.Wait a minute. You got "Ross Geller and Guest"?I wasn't invited, and you got "and Guest"?Excuse me, I do have to interrupt on Ross' behalf.I think the rule applies here.Since he has a chance to get on broad-back..Not broad-back!Wait a minute. You're bringing me.I can't cancel on Joan.-Why not? -Did you not hear me?She's an assistant professor in the linguistics department.They're wild.-Why do you want to come anyway? -Because...she's my cousin.I mean, we grew up together.Family, you know? And all that's important to me.Okay, all right. I'll take you.I'll go call Joan.Oh, that's nice.Family should be there.It's her wedding. Happiest day of her life.We'll see.Well, thank you for lunch.Wait, I thought you paid.Apparently, we don't pay for food anymore.-Do you see what I see? -It's still there.Mrs. Braverman must be out.She could be out of town. Maybe gone for months.By then, it may spoil. She can't come back to bad cheesecake. -It could kill her. -Don't want that.We're protecting her.-We'll take it. -But quick.-Why? -I hear her in there.Go! Go! Go!Oh, my God, that's David.-Who? -David, the scientist guy.David that I was in love with.Who went to Russia and broke my heart, David.Oh, my God!Say their name enough, they turn around.Phoebe.David.What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be in Russia?I'm just in town for a conference.God, you look phenomenal.Well...Yeah.You look great too. Did you get a haircut?Yeah. Well, I got like 30 of them.Look, I got a confession to make.I was hoping to run into you here.I didn't know if I should call. I was only in town a few days...and I didn't want to intrude on your life.I really wanted to see you...but I didn't know if you wanted to see me.Of course I would want to see you. I think about you all the time. Really? Because I think about you all the time.There's a statue in Minsk that reminds me of you so much.It's actually of Lenin...but, you know, at certain angles...Anyway, do you want to have dinner tonight?Yes.Oh, no!-What? -I can't.I can't believe I have plans. Can you do it tomorrow?No, I have to go in a few hours. I have to be on the redeye.Listen, next time you're in Minsk...Phoebe? Can I talk to you for a second?What are you doing?I have plans with Joey.So? He'll understand.No, he won't. And that's not even the point.I made a whole speech about how you do not cancel plans with friends. And now just because, potentially, the love of my life...returns from Russia for one night...I should change my beliefs?I should change my beliefs!No. If I don't have my principles, I don't have anything.You're so strong.Or I should rush through dinner with Joey and meet David at 9.Oh, my God, that is so good!I'm full. And yet I know if I stop eating this...I'll regret it.Hey, what have you got there?Oh, it's...It's tofu cake. Want some?What are you doing tonight?Dude. Dude.Sorry.I got plans with Phoebe.Really? Monica said she had a date at 9.-What? Tonight? -That's what Monica said.After that speech, she makes a date on the same night she has plans with me? She's trying to pull a fast one on Big Daddy.Here, I think this is us.Limited seating, my ass.Let's see who made the cut.Hi. I'm Monica Geller.-How do you know the bride and groom? -I worked with Frannie.Used to work with her. Used to.I'm a relative and I didn't get invited.A blood relative. Blood.Stop saying "blood" to strangers.And you? How do you know the couple?We went to college with both of them.Now we live next door.Okay, you're fine.-Are you guys ready? -Yes.I'll have a green salad, house dressing and water's fine.And for you, sir?Yeah. This slow-roasted salmon...how slow are we talking?It's already been roasted.Oh, then no. Maybe I should hear the specials again.We've heard the specials three times.There's prime rib, mahi-mahi and a very special lobster ravioli.-Actually, we're out of the ravioli. -Well, that changes everything! You know what, Phoebe? You were right before.Friends are so important.Yeah, I'm very wise. I know.Know what I really want?-What? -Is to have a long, long talk.You know? Get Joey out on the open road and really open him up. -Any progress? -Yes.I will have the lobster ravioli.God, Joey, this is taking forever.-What's the rush? -Well...I have an appointment.And it's very important.What is it?Well...it's a date.A date? No, you must be mistaken, because you wouldn't have a date... on the same night you have plans with a friend.Don't make me feel badly.No, I'm gonna!You made me feel really guilty about going out with that girl.Like I did something terrible. Now you're doing the same thing.It's not! It's totally different!This is with David. Remember David, the scientist guy?He's very special to me.My girl the other night was special. She was a scientist too.-She was? -Well, she graduated high school.Whatever. Know what?He's only here for four hours and I'm gonna go see him.-Fine! -Yeah.What are you still doing here? I told you, lobster ravioli!I was about to leave. I didn't think you were coming.I wouldn't have missed this.Well, I'm very glad you're here.Oh, you're such a gentleman.Come on, we're going to my place.Are you eating the cheesecake without me?I will give you $100 to whistle right now.-How can you eat it without me? -What'll you do?Tell Monica or Joey? No, you'd have to tell them everything. We're dessert stealers. We're living outside the law.I don't trust you with this cake.I got it first, and I'm taking it back!-What? Oh, no. -Oh, yes.You think I trust you with it?No, we'll split it.That's not fair. You had some.I think Monica would be very interested to know...that you called her cheesecake "dry and mealy."What do we use to split it?All right, pick a half.Well, this side looks bigger.But there's more crust on this side.Maybe if I measure it..Pick a piece!-All right, I pick that one. -It's the smaller piece.Okay. There you go.Enjoy your half, my friend. But that is it.No sharing, no switching, and don't come crying to me...if you eat your piece too fast.-You gonna give me some of yours? -Oh, no.No switching, no sharing. And don't come crying to me.I may just sit here and have my cake all day.Just sit here in the hallway and eat my..Ross, sweetheart!Oh, hey, Aunt Millie.-Isn't it a beautiful wedding? -Yes, it is.Every time, on the lips!Why? Why on the lips?There's Frannie. Won't she be happy to see me?You be nice, all right?I didn't bring you to ambush her.Frannie was the one who showed your Playboys to Mom. That bitch.Monica!What..?Am I doing here? Surprised to see me?Ross brought me. How do you like that?Hi, Frannie. Congratulations.You invite my whole family, and not me? Why?Why wouldn't you want me here? What could I have done? Stuart!I believe you know my husband.So it's really a question of "who" could you have done.I hate this, but I have to go.I can't miss my flight.I bet there's another flight to Minsk in..July.That's really beautiful. What does it mean?"Please clean my beakers."I don't get out of the lab much.I thought it meant something else.Yeah, well, I really actually wanted to say...that.But I figured I probably shouldn't because...I have to leave.No, you're right. Don't say it.I do, though.I do too.Well, bye, Phoebe.Now's not the time, Joey. You can yell at me tomorrow.Wait, no, Phoebe. I'm not gonna yell at you.I just started thinking about you and David...and I remember how bummed you were the first time he left. Oh, Phoebe, come here.-Are you okay? -No, I'm not okay.The only guy I've ever been crazy about is going to Minsk... and I may never see him again.You could always visit him.Right. Like they'll let me have a passport.Anything I can do? Whatever you need.Well, now...if you achieve distillation of subatomic particles before he does... then he could come back.I could give it a shot.Oh, look! There's a piece that doesn't have floor on it. -Stick to your side! -Come on, now!All right, what are we having?Oh, wait, I forgot my wrap.Okay, wait here.Hi, sweetie! Are you leaving?-Well.. -Give us a kiss. Come on.Why? Why on the lips?。

经典十集之-8-看老友记学英语 第七季 1集-Monica的风头

经典十集之-8-看老友记学英语 第七季 1集-Monica的风头

Monica的风头Season 7, Episode 1: The One with Monica's Thunder[Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, Chandler, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe are standing around the table drinking champagne as Ross enters.]champagne: 香槟酒around: 周围,附近enter: 进入,参加-Ross: Hey, what’s going on?go on: 发生嘿,发生什么事了?-Chandler: Hey.嘿!-Ross: I found a note on my door, "Come to Monica’s quick, and bring champagne and a Three Musketeers bar."note:笔记,备忘录musketeer: 步兵bar: 棒,条我在门上看见一张便条:“快点来Monica家,带上香槟和糖果。

”-Joey: (grabbi ng the candy bar) Yeah I’ll take that.grab: 抓住candy bar: 单独包装的块状糖果(抓住糖果)对,我要这个-Ross: What’s up?到底怎么了?-Chandler: Monica and I are engaged.engage: 订婚Monica和我订婚了!-Ross: Oh my God. (Hugs Chandler.) Congratulations.god: 神,上帝hug: 拥抱congratulations:恭喜,祝贺噢,天呀!(拥抱Chandler)恭喜!-Chandler: Thanks.谢谢。

-Ross: Where is she?她在哪里?[Cut to Monica out on the balcony.]balcony: 阳台-Monica: (yelling at the top of her lungs) I’m engaged!!!!!! I’m engaged!!!!yell: 欢呼lung: 肺engage: 订婚(欢呼)我订婚了!!!我订婚了!!!!!!![Cut back inside.]-Joey: Yeah, she’s been out there for twenty minutes, I’m surprised you didn’t hear her on the way over.minute: 分钟surprise: 惊奇的她已经在那喊了20分钟了。

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第7季中英文对照完整剧本714 The One Where They All Turn Thirty素材

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第7季中英文对照完整剧本714 The One Where They All Turn Thirty素材

[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, breakfast is finished but Rachel’s still down.]Monica:Rach, you’re in a great place in your life. Come on, you’ve got a great job! Good friends…Joey: Yeah, yo u’re roommate is a soap opera star.Rachel:Look, y’know I know my life’s going pretty well, but I look around and I just see so many people who’ve accomplished so many other goals by the time they’re thirty.Phoebe:Yeah, but you shouldn’t compare yoursel f to me. [Flashback to: The Street in front of Central Perk, Ross and Joey are holding a yellow tape across the road and everyone is cheering Phoebe as she bounces around the corner on a hippity-hop.]All: Come on Phoebe! You can do it Phoebe! Come on!Rachel: There you go!(She crosses the line and they all cheer again.)Phoebe: I did it! One mile on a hippity-hop! That’s it!! That’s everything I wanted to do before I was thirty. Oh, except I wanted to patch things up with my sister. But oh well. Yay!! (They all cheer again.) And-and girls this thing is a Godsend if you know what I mean. (Rachel and Monica look intrigued and as they all head into Central Perk, Rachel picks up the hippity-hop that Phoebe left behind.) [Scene: Joey and Rachel's, continued from earlier.]Rachel:Thirty. Ugh, I mean thirty! Monica, do you remember mean, old Mrs. Kreeger in the fifth grade? She was thirty!Tag:Come on, let’s have some fun. Huh? (To Rachel) What do you want to do today?Rachel:Nothing. I don’t want to do anythin g.Monica: Well, doing nothing on your thirtieth is better than doing something stupid, like Ross.Ross:Hey! That was a practical purchase! I needed that car for transportation! Okay? I-I have a child![Flashback to: A street, Ross is sitting in his newly purchased MGB. Which is one of the better British sports cars ever made. Of course, ‘better’ is a relative term. Which reminds me of a joke. Why don’t the British make computers? Because they couldn’t figure out how to make them leak oil. Anyway, the gang is all staring at his new purchase.]Ross: How hot do I look in this, huh?!Chandler:Ross, a sports car? Wouldn’t it have been cheaper to just stuff a sock down there?Ross:That’s not what this is about okay? I-I am a sports car enthusiast. I have always been into cars.Joey:Hey, what’s the horsepower on this thing?Ross:(giddy) I don’t know, but-but look how shiny!Monica:I can’t believe you bought this.Rachel:Really! God Ross, what were you thinking? (To Phoebe, quietly) I know it’s really shallo w, but a part of me wants him again. Phoebe: Oh, well get in line missy. (To Ross) So, can I have a ride 别这样,咱们乐一乐。



In the 7th episode of Friends Season 2, titled "The One Where Ross Finds Out," the main focus is on Ross as he deals with the aftermath of his ex-wife Carol's pregnancy and his growing feelings for Rachel.The episode begins with Ross discovering that Carol is pregnant with his child, causing him to go through a range of emotions. He confides in Chandler, who encourages him to confront his feelings head-on and tell Rachel how he feels about her.Meanwhile, Rachel starts dating an Italian guy named Paolo, which makes Ross jealous. Ross tries to sabotage their relationship by talking to Paolo in Italian and coaxing him into making a mistake. However, his plan backfires when Rachel finds out about his scheme and becomes upset with him.Eventually, Ross decides to take Chandler's advice and confess his love for Rachel. He goes to her apartment to tell her how he feels, but she is still upset and rejects him. However, as Ross is leaving, Rachel realizes her own feelings for him and runs down to the street to kiss him.The episode ends on a hopeful note, with Ross and Rachel finally admitting their feelings for each other. It showcases the complexity of romantic relationships, the importance of honest communication, and the impact of jealousy and envy on people's behaviors."The One Where Ross Finds Out" explores the emotional journey of Ross as he deals with his ex-wife's pregnancy and his love for Rachel, and highlights the ups and downs of pursuing romantic relationships. It features hilarious moments of Ross's jealousy and Chandler's witty humor, making it a fan favorite among Friends fans.。



Hey, what's going on? 嘿,怎么样?I found a note on my door, "Come to Monica's. 我家门上有张纸条说过来摩妮卡家Bring champagne and a Three Musketeers bar"? 带香槟和三剑客糖果棒?Yeah, I'll take that. 给我What's up? 怎么样?-Monica and I are engaged. -Oh,my God. -摩妮卡和我订婚了 -我的天Congratulations. Where is she? 恭喜你,她人呢?I'm engaged! I'm engaged! 我订婚了!我订婚了!She's been there for 20 minutes. You didn't hear? 她在那儿20分钟了,你没听到吗?I thought it was a kid yelling, "I'm gay!" 我以为有个小孩在叫 “我是同性恋!”-Can I bring her in? -Let her stay. It's sweet. -可以带她进来了吗? -让她去吧,好感人I'm getting married! I'm gonna be a bride! 我要结婚了!我要做新娘了!No, I will not shut up, because I'm engaged! 不,我不闭嘴,因为我订婚了!Oh,big talk! Why don't you come here and say that to me? 只敢说!你敢上来这儿当面告诉我?My fiance will kick your ass. 我未婚夫会教训你Come on, apartment 20, apartment 20. 来呀,20号,20号You get her in,you bolt the door, I'll be in the closet. 你去弄她进来,你锁住门我躲在衣柜里The One with Monica's Thunder 本集播出:摩妮卡的锋头19 等一下I just want to say that I love you guys so, so much... 我要告诉你们我很爱你们…and thank you for being here on my special night. 感谢大家都在这儿在这个对我很特别的晚上Our special night. 对我们特别的晚上It just wouldn't be my night... Our night... 我的这一晚不会… 我们的这一晚…if you weren't here to celebrate with me... Us. Damn it! 如果不是因为你们和我…我们一起庆祝!It's okay, I want this to be your night too. 没关系我愿意这是你的特别的一晚To Monica. 敬摩妮卡Come on, wait, stop it. 等一下,停Okay, to Monica. 好,敬摩妮卡Have you decided on a band for the wedding, because I'm kind of musical.你决定婚礼用的乐团了吗?我也能做音乐演出的She got engaged a few hours ago, I doubt she's had time to think... 她几小时前才订婚我想她还没时间去想…Speaking of chiming in, remember burning my apartment? 提到合奏记得有人烧了我的房子吗?Yeah, you're on your own. 是,你自求多福We should get dressed up and go have champagne at the Plaza. 我们换衣服出门去广场饭店喝香槟I can't stay too long. 我不能待太晚I gotta get up early for an audition. I gotta look good. 要早起去试镜,精神必须要好I'm supposed to be playing a 19-year-old. 我要演一个19岁的人What? 什么?So when you said get up early, did you mean 1986? 你说要早起,是指1986年?You guys don't think I look 19? 你们不觉得我像19岁?Oh,19! We thought you said 90. 19!我们以为你说90Okay, everybody, let's go. 好了,大伙儿,走吧Is my candy bar around here? 我剩下的糖还在吗?No, you ate it all. 没了,你吃完了I was afraid of that. 我就知道You know what shoes would look great with this ring? 你知道什么样的鞋子能配这只戒指?Diamond shoes. 钻石鞋子You're not getting dressed. 你没换衣服Know what I mean? 知道我的意思吧?Yeah, but I don't think we have time. 知道,不过没时间了There's gonna be a wedding. 要举行婚礼了You're gonna be the bride. 你要做新娘了200 people are gonna be looking at you in a clean, white dress. 有200人会看到你穿着白纱Let's do it. 来吧Chandler, it happens to lots of guys. 钱德,很多人都会这样You're tired, you had a lot of champagne. 你累了,喝了太多香槟Don't worry about it. 别担心I'm not worried. I'm fascinated. 我不担心,我很惊讶You know? It's like biology. 知道吗?就像生物学一样Which is funny, because in high school I failed biology... 很好笑,高中时我的生物被当…and tonight biology failed me. 今晚生物学当掉我Check it out. I could play this while the guests are coming in, okay.听看看,来宾进场时我要唱这首First time I met Chandler I thought he was gay 第一次见到钱德时我以为他是同性恋But here I am singing On his wedding day 但我现在在他的婚礼上唱歌Phoebe,no. 菲比,不要If you'd let me finish, it goes on to say that he's probably not gay. 如果让我唱完后面说他大概不是同性恋You guys don't have this problem, you're made of wood. 你们没有这个问题你们是木头做的Hey,you look great. 你看来很不错Thanks. 谢谢You okay over there? 你还好吗?I don't know. You know? I feel a little... 我也不知道?觉得有一点…You know what? Never mind. I'll be fine. 你知道吗?没关系我会没事的Don't worry about it. You're probably tired, you had a lot of champagne.别担心,你大概只是累了喝了太多香槟It happens to everybody. 每个人都会的-Happy Monica's Night. -Well,thank you. You too. -摩妮卡之夜快乐 -谢谢,你也一样Can you believe they are actually getting married? 他们真的要结婚了?Well, sure, but I get married all the time. 是啊,我结了好几次了-You okay? -Yeah,I guess. -你还好吗? -我想是吧Do you think we'll ever have that? 你觉得我们会不会有那么一天?You mean "we," you and me? 你说“我们”,是指你和我?Oh,no,no,no. 不,不,不"We," you with someone, me with someone. “我们”是指你和别人我和别人-Good, you scared me a minute. -I know. Shake it off. -还好,吓了我一跳 -是啊,好可怕It's just because you and I, we were like a nightmare. 因为我们俩在一起是噩梦-No,but there were some good times. -Absolutely. Like there was... -可是也有好时光 -当然,就像那次…-Surely you can think of something. -Just give me a minute. -你总想得起一点好的吧 -给我一分钟Oh,well,yes. 对了I can think of one good thing. 我想得出一件好事You were always good at the... 你总是很…stuff. 在行I was good at the stuff? 我很在行?I really liked your hands. 我真的很喜欢你的手My hands? 我的手?Way to go, guys. 做得好,兄弟们.You were really good at the stuff too. 你也有很多事很在行Oh,I know. 我知道Hey,you know what we never did? 你知道我们从没做过什么吗?Oh,no,not that. 不是那个啦We never had a bonus night. 我们从没有过“红利”夜-A what? -A bonus night. -什么? -“红利”夜Two people break up,but they get back together for one night.两个人分手了,然后见面度过最后一夜One night,just sex? No strings attached? 最后一夜,只是上床?没有其他?Yeah,yeah,we never had that. 对,我们从来没有过-No. -Oh. 没有Okay, this is getting a little crazy. 这有一点怪怪的I'm sure it would be amazing... 我相信一定会很棒的…but I really don't think it would be a good idea. 但我想这不是个好主意I really... 我真的…really... 真的…don't. 不Sup? 怎么样?Sup, dude? 怎么样,老兄?Take whatever you want, just don't hurt me. 要什么随便拿,不要伤害我You playing a little PlayStation, huh? 你玩电动游戏吧,嗯?That's whack. 有够逊PlayStation is whack. 电动游戏很逊Sup with the whack PlayStation, sup? 怎么样,逊电动游戏怎么样?Come on, am I 19 or what? 怎么,像不像19岁?Yes,on a scale of one to ten, ten being the dumbest a person can look... 对,从一到十评分十分是一个人看来最笨的样子…you are definitely 19. 你绝对是19Come on, really. How old? 真的,多大?Young. You're a man-child, okay? 很年轻,你是男人孩子,好吗?Now get changed, everybody's ready. And please, please, keep my underwear.去换衣服,大家都准备好了拜托,拜托,内裤别还我Thanks. 谢谢You've had a lot of sex, right? 你和人上床很多次,对不对?When,today? 何时,今天?Some,not a lot. 有几次,没有很多The reason I'm asking is because I had kind of a.. 我问你是因为我有一点…I was unable to.. 我不能…I really wanted to, but I couldn't.. 我很想,可是不能…There was an incident. 我发生了一个意外Don't worry about that,man. That happens. 不要担心,有时会这样的-It's happened to you? -Yeah,once. -你也碰过? -对,有一次-Well,what'd you do? -I did it anyway. -那你怎么办? -照样做啊Phoebe, come on, let's go. 菲比,我们走吧Come on. 快点Why aren't you dressed yet? 你为什么还没换衣服?I wrote the best song for your wedding. 我替你的婚礼写出了最佳歌曲Check this out. 听听看If you get ready now, you can play. 如果你现在换好衣服你就可以演出了-Really?! -Yes. -真的?! -对That's so exciting! Thanks,Mon. 太令人兴奋了,谢谢你But if you touch my guitar again, I'll have to pound on you a little bit.可是如果你再动我的吉他我会打你Fair enough. Get ready. I'll get everybody. 好吧,去准备出门我去叫大家Finally we can start celebrating my.. 终于可以开始庆祝我的…I'm sorry,apparently I opened the door to the past. 对不起,我一定是开了通往过去的门Okay,Monica,Mon. Okay,what you just saw.. 好,摩妮卡你刚刚看到的是…Can I ask you just a little question? Why tonight? 可以问你一个小小问题吗?为什么要在今晚?I waited my whole life to be engaged... 我花了一辈子等着订婚…and unlike some, I only plan on doing this once. 不像某些人,我只计划做一次Maybe it's selfish, I'm sorry, but I hoped tonight could just be about that.可能这很自私,我很抱歉但我希望这是今晚的焦点But it is just about that. 这是今晚的焦点Now it's about you getting back together. 现在焦点是你们的复合See, you kind of stole my thunder. 你看,你们抢了我的锋头We did not steal your thunder. We are not getting back together. 我们没有抢了你的锋头我们没有要复合Yeah, no, and you know what? Nobody even saw. 是啊,没有要复合而且没有人看到That's true. 没错-We just kissed. -It was just a kiss. -我们只是吻了一下 -只是一个吻You guys kissed?! 你们吻了?!What does this mean?! 那是什么意思?!Are you back together? Can I sing at your wedding? 你们复合了吗?我可以在你们婚礼上演唱吗?Thunder being stolen. 锋头被抢了-Phoebe, it's nothing. -Let's not make a big deal of this. -菲比,没有什么 -不要小事化大It was a one-time thing. It doesn't even matter. 只有发生一次,根本不算什么Oh,my God. 我的天I cannot believe you guys are talking about this. 你们竟然在谈论这件事Problems in the bedroom are between a man and woman. 卧房里的问题是两人之间的事All right? Now,Chandler is doing the best he can. 好吗?钱德已经尽力了I don't think that's what they were talking about. 我想他们不是在讨论这事What a great night. Chandler can't do it,they kissed. 真是好钱德不行,他们亲吻了-What? -You guys kissed? This is huge. -什么? -你们亲了?大条了No,it's not huge. 不,这不大条People thinking it's huge has led Monica to believe... 大家觉得这事大条让摩妮卡觉得…we're stealing her thunder, which we aren't. 我们抢了她的锋头我们没有We're still talking about it. 我们还在谈这件事That, and Chandler's problem. 那件事,还有钱德的问题Monica, listen, listen. 摩妮卡,听着Would you feel better if we stopped talking about Ross and Rachel?如果我们不再谈罗斯和瑞秋你会不会觉得好一点?-That would be lovely. -You got it. -会很好 -没问题Now,I can pass for 19,right? 来,我看起来可以像19岁吧?Yes,you can pass for 19. 对,你可以看起来像19岁-Really? -Yes. -真的? -对-Seriously? -Seriously? -认真的? -认真的?Seriously, no. Okay? You can play your own age, which is 31. 认真的说,不,你可以扮演你的年纪,也就是31岁I'm 30! 我30岁!Joey, you are not. You're 31. 乔伊,你不是,你31岁Oh,crap! 真烂!So,the Plaza. We'll get some mai tais? Maybe no more for you though. 去广场饭店,叫些迈泰?但你别再喝了You know, I think I don't feel like going to the Plaza. 我不想去了Monica, this is ridiculous. 摩妮卡,这太好笑了I don't want to talk about it. I don't. Especially with you. 我不想谈这件事尤其是和你That is whack. 有够逊I'll play it at the wedding. 我会在婚礼唱这首歌We'll see if they actually let you play. 要看他们是不是真的让你演唱They tell you anything you want to hear... 他们会说你想听的话…Like,"You look 19." 像是,“你看起来像19岁”Then they just take it away, like, "No, you don't." 然后又反悔,说:“不,你不像”Monica won't take this away. 这件事摩妮卡不会反悔的-Wouldn't she? -Would she? -她不会吗? -她会吗?Would she? 她会吗?You ate my candy bar! 你吃了我的糖果!Guess who. 猜猜是谁Hey,I just realized we kind of left some stuff up in the air. 我们似乎还有些事没解决What did Monica mean: 摩妮卡说:"I don't want to talk," especially with me? “我不想谈”特别是和我是什么意思?Why not especially you and me? We were both kissing. 为什么不特别是你和我?是我们两人在接吻耶Still thinking about it? 你还在想那件事?I'm serious. What did she mean by that? "Especially you." 我是认真的,她说:“尤其是你” 是什么意思?-Who cares? -I care. -谁在乎啊? -我在乎And so do I. 我也在乎I have to talk to her. Will you let me get changed? 我要和她谈谈让我换衣服好吗?Am I going to let you watch me? 我要让你看我换衣服吗?No. 不I can't believe her. It's just so typical. 我不相信她竟然如此她就是这样I know you're upset, but don't forget there is going to be a wedding. 我知道你不高兴可别忘了要举行婚礼了You are going to throw the bouquet, and then a honeymoon. 你会要丢捧花,然后去蜜月-Maybe in Paris. -Paris? -可能去巴黎 -巴黎?We will take a moonlit walk on the Rue de la blah-blah-blah. 我们会在月光下的那叫什么来着的大道上散步Keep talking. 继续说We will sprinkle rose petals on the bed and make love... 会在床上洒玫瑰花瓣,做爱…not just because it's romantic, but because I can. 不是因为那很浪漫而是因为我可以I love you. 我爱你Don't say anything, you might scare it away. 别说话,你会吓跑它It's Paris. Who knows we're here? 这是巴黎谁知道我们在这里?Hi, Phoebe. What's up? 菲比,什么事?You said I could sing at your wedding, so I need a small deposit. 你说我可以在你的婚礼演唱我要订金You know, some good-faith money to hold the date. 你知道,一笔钱来保留那个日期We're not giving you a deposit for our wedding. 我们不会给你订金Oh,I see. 我懂了They break your heart, don't they? 他们真能伤你的心You know,I don't really need their permission. 我不需要他们的同意You want to sing at their wedding, sing at their wedding. 你想在他们婚礼唱歌就在他们婚礼唱歌Yeah,and if you want to look 19, then you.. 如果你想看起来像19岁就…You got to do something about your eyes. 你要修饰一下你的眼睛What's wrong with my eyes? 我的眼睛怎么了?They give you away. There's too much wisdom in there. 他们出卖了你里头有太多的智慧Put some tea bags on them for 15 minutes. 在上面放茶袋敷15分钟-That'll get rid of my wisdom? -Maybe 10 minutes for you. -会去除我的智慧? -也许你只需要10分钟Give her the deposit,give her the ring. I don't care. 给她订金,给她戒指我不在乎What did you mean when you said... 你是什么意思,当你说…you didn't want to talk to anyone, especially me? 你不想和任何人谈尤其是我?What a great apology. And you accept it. Bye-bye. 好棒的道歉,你接受了,再见No, seriously, what was the "especially me" part about? 不,我是认真的“特别是和我”是怎么回事?Let's just say it's not the first time you've stolen my thunder. 这样说吧这不是你第一次抢我锋头的Hey,here's a thought... 我觉得…Monica, what are you talking about? 摩妮卡,你在说什么?My sweet 16. You went to third base with my cousin Charlie. 我16岁的生日宴会上你和我表哥上三垒Third base. 上三垒It was all everybody could talk about. 每个人都在讲那件事The only reason I did that was because your party was so boring.它会发生是因为你的宴会太无聊We had a caricaturist. 我们请了一个策划家Whenever I get married Guess who won't be asked to sing 当我结婚时猜猜不会请谁来演唱Somebody named Geller And somebody else named Bing 叫盖勒的还有叫宾的Monica, your sweet 16 was like a million years ago. 摩妮卡,你的16岁生日是一百万年前的事了Yet here you are doing it again. 你现在又做了I don't want to steal your stupid thunder. 我不想抢你的笨锋头Why else would you have made out with Ross? 还有什么原因你会和罗斯亲热?Got me. 我不知道Easy,mimey, the moment has passed. It ain't gonna happen. 别乱来,时机已逝,不会发生了It'd be nice if I could have this night. 如果今晚的注意力都在我身上就好了I never wanted any part of your night. 我没有想要过抢你的锋头No one was supposed to see us. 不应该有人看到我们的Is that why you did it in the secret hallway, where nobody ever goes?所以你们就在秘密走廊上做因为没有人会到那儿去?Rachel, I've been thinking. 瑞秋,我想过了I don't think us getting together tonight is such a good idea. 我觉得我们今晚在一起的主意不是很好I'm calling it off. 我退出Way to save your dignity,my man. 挽救尊严的好方法Mon, why, why would I ever want to take away from your night? 摩妮卡,我为什么要抢走属于你的晚上?I don't know, maybe you feel a little resentful. 我不知道,也许你有一点生气Maybe you thought you'd get married first. 你以为你会先结婚的Maybe you can't stand... 也许你不能忍耐…that your formerly fat friend is getting married first. 你那个以前很胖的朋友会先结婚Oh,wow,that.. You know what? That is so unfair. 哦…你知道吗?太不公平了Now I want to steal your thunder. 现在我想抢你锋头了Come on,Ross. Let's go have sex! 罗斯,走,我们上床去I can't believe you're gonna have sex on my engagement night. 你竟然在我的订婚夜做爱Well,somebody should. 总得有人做Look,if we're gonna do this.. 如果我们要做…We're not. She's just gonna think we are. 我们没有要做只是要让她以为我们有I see, so everybody wins. 我懂了,人人都是赢家-Who is it? -It's Monica, open up. -是谁? -是摩妮卡,开门Okay, Ross, stop it. Please, wait a minute. 罗斯,停一下拜托,等一下Yeah, you like that, baby? 宝贝,你喜欢吗?May we help you? 有什么事吗?I wanted to say I hope you have sex, and I hope you get back together.我要告诉你,我希望你们上床希望你们复合I warn you, the night you announce your engagement... 我警告你,你宣布订婚时…I'm going to announce that I'm pregnant. 我会宣布我怀孕了How is that ever going to happen? 那怎么可能呢?Do you want to know why I was with Ross tonight? 你想知道今晚我为什么会和罗斯在一起?-I know why. -You don't. -我知道为什么 -你不知道-Okay,why? -Because I was sad. -好,为什么? -因为我很伤心What do you mean? 什么意思?Look,I am so... 我很…so happy for you guys. 很为你们高兴But you getting married reminds me of the fact that I'm not. 但你要结婚这件事提醒了我,我没有I'm not even close. 八字都没一撇Maybe I just wanted to make myself feel better. 也许我只想让自己好过一点I know that that's dumb, but you were so depressed... 我知道这很笨可是罗斯结婚时…when Ross got married, you slept with Chandler. 你沮丧得和钱德上床I don't care, she slept with me. 我无所谓,和她上床的是我Anyway, sweetie, I am so sorry I ruined your night. 甜心,很抱歉毁了属于你的今晚I'm sorry I almost made you sleep with Ross. 我很抱歉让你几乎和罗斯上床I'm gonna take off. 我要走了-Congratulations, man. -Thanks. -恭喜 -谢谢And Rachel... 瑞秋…what can I say? 我能说什么呢?You missed your chance. 你失去了你的机会From now on, the only person who's going to enjoy these bad boys is me.从现在起,只有我能享受他们了We thought Phoebe would leave 我们以为菲比会离开But she just stayed and stayed 但她留了下来That's right,I'm here all night And Chandler will never get.. 没错,我整夜留在这里钱德永远不会…Hey, here's a dollar. 来,这儿是一块钱Consider it a deposit. Please sing at our wedding. 算是订金,请在我婚礼上演唱-Oh,thank you. -Okay. 哦,谢谢Now who will perform the ceremony 现在谁会在婚礼表演Who will perform the cer.. 谁会在婚…I'll pound on him in the morning. 我早上再打他320 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000。

老友记Friends S07E08 The One Where Chandler Doesnt Like Dogs【声音字幕同步PPT】

老友记Friends S07E08 The One Where Chandler Doesnt Like Dogs【声音字幕同步PPT】
You're on. 就这么说定了
Don't look at my list, because there's a lot on there that you don't have. 别偷看我写的
答案 里面有很多你写不出来的州名 Did you know your oven doesn't work? 你知
-What? That's impossible. -Forty-six. -什么?那 是不可能的 -四十六州
Well, who's well-educated now, Mr. IForgot-Ten-States? 那个受过良好教育 写不出
剩下十州州名的人是谁? I'm going to go turn on Joey's oven. 我要借
帮我朋友照顾他 他们有事出城去了
Wait. 等一下 Hello, my name is Klunkers. 嗨,我是克朗克
-That's my pie. -Which smells delicious. -那是 我的派 -这个味道好香
We left Joey alone with the food. 我们让乔 伊跟食物独处
Yep, yep, I knew it. 没错,我就知道 There he is... 他在…
feeding stuffing to a dog! 拿馅料喂小狗吃
There you go. 对啦 Why one extra place setting? 为什么多了一
付餐具? You invited your assistant. 你邀了你的助理过
来 Oh, right, sorry. Tag's not coming. 对了,抱

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第7季中英文对照完整剧本721 The One With The Vo

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第7季中英文对照完整剧本721 The One With The Vo

721 The One With The Vows[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica is at the kitchen table and Chandler is in the living room.]Monica:Do you realize that four weeks from today we’re getting married? Four weeks baby!! Four weeks!!!Chandler: Do you realize you get louder each week?Monica:There’s still so much to do. Have you written your vows yet? Chandler:I figured I’d buy those. Pat, I’d like to buy a vow. (Laughs)Monica: Sweetie, you know I have no sense of humor when it comes to the wedding.Chandler: Right. So uh, have you written yours yet?Monica:No! But I know exactly what I’m going to say.Chandler:Do you happen to know what I’m going to say?Monica:(handing him a pad of paper and a pen) Let’s just do it right now. Okay? It won’t be hard. Just say what’s in your heart. (She goes back, sits down, and starts feverishly writing.)Chandler: (watching in her) (in his head) Look at her go! She must love me more than I love her! What’s wrong with me? Ooh, don’t open that door.Opening Credits[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Chandler is getting help writing his vows from Joey and Ross.]Chandler:(writing) Monica, there are no words… (To Joey and Ross) There are no words! This should not be this hard!Joey:All right, uh… (To Ross) Oh hey, you’ve done this b efore Ross, well what did you say when you made up your vows?Ross: Well with Carol, I promised never to love another woman until the day I die. She made no such promise.Chandler:I’m so pathetic! Monica knows what she wants to say! You should’ve seen her. Writing, writing, writing![Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Monica has hit a writer’s block as Rachel and Phoebe enter.]Rachel: Monica what?Phoebe: What?!Rachel: What is the emergency?!Monica:You have to help me! I’m supposed to be writing my vows an d all I have is this! (Shows them what she’s been working on.)Rac hel: Well, I like the pretty little drawing of you in the wedding dress.Monica: Thank you.Phoebe: Yeah, except your breasts look kinda small. (Points.) Monica: Those are my eyes! Those are my breasts. (Points.) Phoebe: Oh! Yeah! (Monica glares at her.)[Cut to the guys.]Ross:Well, why don’t you just start with something simple. Like umm, 721 宣誓你有没有意识到4个礼拜之后,我们就结婚了?四个礼拜呀,宝贝.四个礼拜!你有没有意识到你的嗓门越来越大? 还有好多事情要做!你的誓言写好了吗?我想我可以买.Pat,我想买一份誓言.你知道我对这种事没有幽默感.好吧,你写好了吗?没有,不过我知道我该写什么.你有没有碰巧知道我该写什么?你现在就做吧.没什么难的.只要把你的心里话说出来.瞧她的劲头.她肯定爱我更胜于我爱她!我是怎么啦?哦哦,不要开始这么想.婚礼誓言Monica,没有什么话没有什么话!没有比这难的!你以前曾做过.你的誓言说了什么?对Carol我承诺对她至死不渝.她没有做这样的承诺.我真可怜. Monica知道她的.你们该看看她在那里写呀写呀写呀! 发生什么紧急事了?你们必须帮我写誓言.到现在我只有这些画.我喜欢你这穿婚纱的画.谢谢.除了你的胸部看起来有点小.那是我的眼睛!这才是我的胸部.哦,不错.为什么不从简单点的开始? "Monica,我一遇到你就爱上了你. "我做不到.Monica from the moment I met you, I knew I loved you.Chandler:Yeah, I’m not sure I can do that.[Flashback to when Chandler was introduced to Monica in The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks.]Ross: ...everyone, this is Chandler!Fat Monica: Hi, I'm Ross's little sister.Chandler: (seeing her) Okay.[Cut to the girls.]Rachel: Okay. Okay. Okay. Umm, maybe you can start with, "Chandler, even though we were friends; there was a part of me that always knew I wa nted more."[Flashback to The One With The Jellyfish, Chandler and Monica are lying on the beach.]Chandler:All right, there’s a nuclear holocaust, I’m the last man on Earth. Would you go out with me?Monica: Ennnh.[Cut back to the girls.]Monica: Ooh, are we allowed to lie in the vows?!Phoebe:Well maybe you don’t talk about your feelings back then. Maybe you just say something about y’know all the things that he’s taught you. Like… (They all try to think about one example and don’t succeed.) Or all the things you taught him.[Flashback to The One With Phoebe's Uterus, Monica is teaching Chandler how to turn a woman on. They're in Monica and Rachel's apartment and Monica has just drawn a diagram of a woman.] Monica: Now everybody knows the basic erogenous zones. (She starts labelling them) You got one, two three, four (Chandler is shocked to find out there’s more than three), five, six, and seven! Chandler:(shocked) There are seven?! (Points to one) That’s one? Monica:It’s kind of an important one!Chandler:Oh, y’know-y’know what, I was looking at it upside down. Rachel:Well, y’know, sometimes that helps. (She realises what that could’ve meant.)Monica: All right. Umm, you could uh start out with a little 1, a 2, a 1-2-3, 3, 5, a 4, a 3-2, 2, a 2-4-6, 2-4-6, 4, (Rachel starts getting worked up) 2, 2, 4-7, 5-7, 6-7, 7 …7..…7…7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7…(mouths 7)! (They both lean back on the couch satisfied.)[Cut to the guys.]Joey:Oh, I got it! How about saying something like, "Monica…Chandler:(writing) Monica…Joey:"…when I look back over our time together…"Chandler: (writes what Joey said and waits for him to go on) Yeah? Joey:Well, I can’t do everything! Look back over your time together. [This starts a series of flashbacks beginning with Monica and Chandler in the waiting room in The One With the Birth.]Phoebe: Oh, look, twins. Hi, guys. Oh, cute, cute.Monica: No fair. I don't even have one. How come they get two? 各位,这位是Chandler.你好,我是Ross的妹妹.好呀.好吧,好吧.也许你可以这样开始:" Chandler,当我们还只是朋友的时候...3500:02:57,880 --> 00:03:01,077我心里就想进一步发展. "好吧, 假设发生了原子弹毁灭地球事件, 我是地球上最后一个男人.你会和我出去吗?我们允许在誓言上撒谎吗?那就不说感受,说一些......他教过你, 或者--你教过他的事.谁都知道敏感区有1,2,3......4,5,6,还有7个.有7个?那个也是?恐怕是非常重要的.我把它看倒了.要知道,有时候那里很管用.好的,我们从1号位置开始......2号, 1-2-3号......3号, 再来个5号......4号, 3号再到2号......2号, 4,5,6号.4,5,6号, 4号, 2号......2号, 4号到7号位置......5号到7号, 6号到7号......7号, 7号......7号,7号,7号,......7号!要不就比如:Monica,当我回首过去一起的时光.... 然后?我写不完全部的话呀.你想象你们过去一起的日子.哦,瞧双胞胎!真不公平! 我还一个没有,他们怎么能有两个?你会有一个孩子的.是吗,什么时候?当我们40岁了,Chandler: You'll get one.Monica: Oh yeah? When?Chandler: All right. I'll tell you what. When we're 40, if neither one of us are married, what do you say you and I get together and have one?Monica: Why won't I be married when I'm 40?Chandler: Oh, no, no. I just meant hypothetically.Monica: Ok, hypothetically, why won't I be married when I'm 40? Chandler: No, no, no.Monica:What is it? Is there something fundamentally unmarriable about me?Chandler: (trapped) Uh, uh.Monica: Well?Chandler:Dear God! This parachute is a knapsack! (throws himself over the back of the chair he was sitting in)[Cut to Ross leaping into Chandler’s Hotel room in London in The One With Ross’s Wedding.]Ross: (Screaming) I’m getting married today!! Ah h, whoo-hoo!!(He runs back out the door.)Monica: (Comes up for below the covers and looks concerned.) Do you think he knew I was here? (Chandler quickly looks at Monica not knowing what to say.)[Cut to Chandler opening the door to his and Joey’s apartmen t to reveal Monica standing there with a turkey on her head in The One With The Thanksgiving Flashbacks.]Chandler: Nice try.Monica: Wait, wait, wait! (She puts a Shriner's hat on the turkey.) Chandler:Look, Monica…Monica:Look! (She puts a big, yellow pair of sunglasses on the bird.) Chandler: This is not going to work.Monica:I bet this will work! (She starts dancing and Chandler cracks up.)Chandler: You are so great! I love you!(Monica stops suddenly and turns around slowly.)Monica: What?Chandler: Nothing! I said, I said "You're so great" and then I just, I just stopped talking!Monica: You said you loved me! I can't believe this!Chandler: No I didn't!Monica: Ye s, you did!Chandler: No I didn't!Monica: You love me!Chandler: No I don't! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!(Joey walks in and sees Monica. He freaks out and runs back into the hallway, screaming.)[Cut to Chandler trying to hint to Monica that he wanted to move in with her in The One After Vegas.]Chandler:Y’know I was thinking, what if I uh, unpack here? 如果我们都没结婚...我们就一起有个孩子如何?为什么我要到那个时候才结婚? 我只是假设.那好,假设一下,为什么我要到那个时候才结婚? 不是的,不是的.是什么问题?我不适合结婚吗?怎么啦?老天,我的降落伞只是个背包! 我今天就要结婚啦!你认为他知道我在这里吗?干得不错哈.等等,等等,等等.瞧, Monica--没有用的.这样就有用了.你真是太棒了! 我爱你.什么?我说你太棒了,就再没说什么了.你说你爱我!不我没有.是的,你有.不我没有!你爱我!不我没有!停下来! 停下来!知道吗?我在考虑,如果我在这里拆包怎么样?那你的东西就都在这边了.那么....那么如果都在这边又怎样?那你就得跑过来跑过去了.这没意义呀.好吧.如果我们住在一起,你就明白我的意思了吗?你希望这是个惊喜.我的天呀!Chandler......在我的一生中......我从没想过我会如此幸运... ...与我最好的朋友坠入--坠入--这就是为什么女孩子做不到!好吧,好吧,好吧! 我来说.Monica: Then all your stuff would be here.Chandler: Well, what if all my stuff was here?Monica:Then you’d be goi ng back and forth all the time, I mean it doesn’t make any sense.Chandler:Okay. What if we lived together and you understand what I’m saying?[Cut to Chandler entering his and Monica’s apartment alight with a thousand candles in The One With The Proposal.](He walks dejectedly into his apartment to find it lit with about a thousand candles and Monica standing in the li ving room.) Monica: You wanted it to be a surprise.(He turns to look at Joey who smiles slyly and closes the door leaving them alone.)Chandler: Oh my God.(Monica gets down on one knee.)Monica:Chandler… In all my life… I never thought I would be so lucky. (Starting to cry.) As to…fall in love with my best…my best… There’s a reason why girls don’t do this!Chandler:Okay! (He joins her on one knee) Okay! Okay! I'll do it! Oh God, I thought… (Starting to cry, pauses) Wait a minute, I-I can do this. (Pause) I thought that it mattered what I said or where I said it. Then I realized the only thing that matters is that you, (Pause) you make me happier than I ever thought I could be. (Starting to cry again.) And if you’ll let me, I will spend the rest o f my life trying to make you feel the same way. (Pause as he gets out the ring.) Monica, will you marry me?Monica: Yes.(The crowd goes wild as he puts the ring on her finger. They hug and kiss this time as an engaged couple.)Joey: (yelling through the d oor) Can we come it yet?! We’re dying out here!Monica:Come in! Come in! (Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe burst through the door.) We’re engaged!!!(Everyone screams and has a group hug.)Commercial Break[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe and Rachel are on the couch as Joey and Ross enter.]Joey: Hey!Ross: Hey!Rachel: Hey!Phoebe: Hey!Rachel: Hey, what have you guys been up to?Ross: Oh, we were helping Chandler write his vows, but he kicked us out because Joey kept making inappropriate suggestions.Joey: How is "Monica, I love your sweet ass," inappropriate? Ross:How’s Monica coming along with her vows?Phoebe:Well let’s just say its she’s lucky she has a sweet ass, ‘cause she’s not so good at the writing.我曾以为--等等,我办得到的!我曾以为...在那里和如何对你表白是很重要的. 然后我意识到真正重要的是你--你令我感到无比的快乐如果你愿意的话...我希望用我的一生让你有和我一样的感受.Monica?你愿意嫁给我吗?我愿意.我们能进来吧?我们在外面快急死了!进来吧! 进来吧!我们订婚了!是呀!嘿.你们干吗去了?我们帮Chandler写誓言去了.他把我们赶出来了.Joey老是出些不适合的点子. Monica,我爱你漂亮的臀部怎么会不适合?Monica怎么样?她有漂亮的臀部实在是幸运,所以她不会写东西.四个礼拜后,他们就要结婚了!希望他们的婚姻美满.九成的婚姻以离婚告终.那才不是真的.你是对的. 你的妻子怎么样?我不敢相信...他们在一起有三年了.有那么长?所以看起来没那么长,是因为他们对我们隐瞒着.嘿,是我.我进来了.我今天工作的很累.我弄了些鸡肉,你要吃吗?不了,谢谢,再见.你还好吧?真对不起,他一直不离开. 老是问我想不想要写鸡肉.鸡肉?我可以吃些鸡肉呀.嘿,Joey!Ross:I can’t believe in four weeks they’re gonna be mar ried! Phoebe:Well let’s just hope it works. Y’know nine out of ten marriages end in divorce?Ross:Phoebe that’s not true.Phoebe:Yeah, you’re right. How’s the Mrs.?Rachel:I can’t believe they’ve been together for three years. Joey: (shocked) Has it been that long?!Ross: Believe me, it seems like less because they hid it from us for so long.[Flashback to Joey interrupting a bath Monica and Chandler are sharing in The One With All The Kissing. Monica dives underwater as Joey opens the door.](They move into kiss but are interrupted by Joey knocking on the door.) Joey: Hey, it's me! I'm comin' in!(Monica quickly dives under the water as Joey enters. He looks a little shocked at what Chandler's doing.)Chandler: I've had a very long, hard day.Joey: Ahh, I'm gonna go get some chicken. Want some?Chandler: Ahh, no thanks. No chicken, bye-bye then.Joey: Okay.(Joey leaves and Monica comes up for air.)Chandler:Are you okay? I'm so sorry, he wouldn't leave. He kept asking me about chicken.Monica: Chicken? I could eat some chicken.Chandler: Hey Joe!(Monica goes back underwater as Joey re-enters.)Chandler: Yeah, can I get a 3-piece, some cole slaw, some beans, and a Coke—(Yelps in pain as Monica grabs him underwater)—Diet Coke. (Joey gives him a thumbs up and heads for the chicken.)[Cut back to Central Perk.]Rachel:I don’t know why they didn’t just tell us.Joey:I know! I mean it’s not like we weren’t cool about it. [This starts a series of flashbacks starting with Monica and Chandler forcing Joey to keep his new found knowledge of their secret relationship in Monica’s bedroom in The One With All the Kips.] Joey: (To Chandler) You?! (To Monica) And-and you?!Monica: Yes, but you cannot tell anyone! No one knows!Joey: How?! When?!Chandler: It happened in London.Joey: IN LONDON!!!Chandler:The reason we didn't tell anyone was because we didn't want to make a big deal out of it.Joey: But it is a big deal!! I have to tell someone!(They both grab him and stop him.)Chandler: No-no-no-no-no! You can't!Monica: Please? Please?! We just don't want to deal with telling everyone, okay? Just promise you won't tell.(Joey thinks it over.) 能给我三块鸡肉,凉拌卷心菜,豆子和可乐吗?哦!无糖可乐.他们为什么不告诉我们呢?就是呀,我们表现的很冷静.你? 还有你?你不能说出去. 还没人知道.怎么会? 什么时候?在伦敦发生的.-在伦敦?!我们不想闹得很大.可这是件大事呀!我得告诉其他人.不行,不行!你不能这样.求你了!我们还不想告诉他们.所以请你保证不要说出去呀.好的!我等不及和你在一起了.我告诉Rachel我要去洗几个小时衣服. 洗衣服? 那是我的新昵称吗?你知道你的昵称是什么,大...先生-- 瞧Monica和Chandler在那边.嘿,你们好呀,嘿Chandler和Monica!哦,我的天呀!Chandler和Monica!哦,我的天呀!噢,我的眼睛! 我的眼睛!Phoebe! Phoebe!没事的! 没事的!才不是呢! 他们正在做呢!我知道! 我知道!你知道?是的!还有Joey, 但是Ross不知道,所以不要再尖叫啦!嘿,怎么啦?噢,嗨!怎么啦? 怎么啦?我们对你要得到这个房子感到高兴! 事实上,它看起来不错.-它看起来很不错!过来这边! 来呀!那么他们不知道Rachel知道咯?对,但是谁知道谁不知道已经没关系了.Phoebe: Or, we could not tell them we know and have a little fun of our own[Cut to later in that episode. Rachel and Phoebe are going to a movie from Monica and Chandler’s, and as Phoebe walks by Chandler she pinches him on the butt and exits.]Rachel:All right honey, we'd better go if we wanna catch that movie. Monica: Bye!All: Bye!Phoebe: Bye Chandler! (She walks up to him.) (Quietly.) I miss you already. (She pinches his butt.)Chandler: (after they've left) Okay, did you see that?! With the inappropriate and the pinching!!Monica: Actually, I did!Chandler: Okay, so now do you believe that she's attracted to me? Monica: Ohhh, oh my God! Oh my God! She knows about us![Cut to later in that episode. Monica and Chandler are confronting Joey in his apartment about Phoebe’s knowledge.]Chandler: Phoebe knows about us!Joey: Well I didn't tell them!Monica: Them?! Who's them?Joey: Uhhh, Phoebe and Joey.Monica: Joey!Joey: And Rachel. I would've told you but they made me promise not to tell!Monica:Oh man, they think they are so slick messing with us! But see they don't know that we know that they know! So…Chandler: Ahh yes, the messers become the messies![Cut to later in that episode. Phoebe is telling Rachel in Monica and Chandler’s that Chandler wants to make a date with Phoebe.] Phoebe: I'll have to get back to you on that. Okay, bye! (Hangs up.) Oh my God! He wants me to come over and feel his bicep and more! Rachel: Are you kidding?!Phoebe: No!Rachel: I can not believe he would do that to Mon—Whoa! (She stops suddenly and slowly turns to point at Joey. Joey is avoiding her eyes.) Joey, do they know that we know?Joey: No.Rachel: Joey!Joey: They know you know.Rachel: Ugh, I knew it! Oh I cannot b elieve those two!Phoebe: God, they thought they can mess with us! They're trying to mess with us?! They don't know that we know they know we know! (Joey just shakes his head.) Joey, you can't say anything!Joey: I couldn't even if I wanted too.[Cut to later in that episode. Chandler is in his bathroom with Monica, and he’s panicking on how far Phoebe is pushing him.]Chandler:Listen, this is totally getting out of h and! Okay? She wants me to put lotion on her! 他没有撤退.他去拿洗衣液了.你们搞定了没有?Phoebe越快搞定Chandler,整件事越快结束.我喜欢.好吧.那好,让他看你的胸罩.他对胸罩没有抵抗力.哇哦!你是怎么做到的?你都没碰到扣子.都不是第一次了.你继续勾引她,直到她崩溃为止. 好棒,等一下.你在打扫这里?当然.噢,你就要离开吗?除非和你一起离开,爱人.瞧,这是我的胸罩.它看起来很棒.好吧,到这来.我真高兴我们可以一起做爱.你会的. 我身体很柔韧.我要吻你了.除非我先吻你.那我们现在就只有先接吻啦.来吧.我们的初吻.好吧,好吧,好吧,你赢了!哈!我不能和你做爱.为什么不?因为我爱着Monica.你什么?爱她! 没错, 我爱她!我爱她!我爱你, Monica.我也爱你, Chandler.我只是以为你们在做而已,我不知道你们在恋爱.好啦,结束啦.谁都知道了.等一下,Ross还没有.我们希望没人告诉.不.你们在干什么?从我妹妹那里滚开!朋友要是结婚,Monica: She's bluffing!Chandler: Look, she's not backing down! She went like this! (He does a little mimic of her dance.)[Cut to the hallway where Phoebe is conferring with Rachel.] Phoebe: He's not backing down. He went to get lotion.Joey: (entering the hall) Oh man! Aren't you guys done yet?! Rachel:Joey look, just look at it this way, the sooner Phoebe breaks Chandler the sooner this is all over and out in the open.Joey: Ooh!Rachel: Okay!Joey:I like that! (To Phoebe) Oh, okay! Show him your bra! He's afraid of bras! Can't work 'em! (He swiftly rips open the front of Phoeb e's dress revealing her bra.)Phoebe:Joey! (Examining the dress.) Wow, you didn’t rip off any buttons.Joey: It's not my first time.[Cut to the bathroom.]Monica: You go back out there and you seduc e her till she cracks! Chandler: Okay, give me a second! (Pause) Did you clean up in here? Monica: Of course.[Cut back to the living room. Chandler slowly exits the bathroom and gets pushed from behind by Monica and sees Phoebe closing the apartment door.]Chandler: Oh, you're-you're going?Phoebe: Umm, not without you, lover. (She slowly walks over to him and is showcasing her bra.) So, this is my bra.Chandler: (swallowing hard) It's very, very nice. Well, come here. I'm very happy were gonna have all the sex.Phoebe:You should be. I'm very bendy. (Pause) I'm gonna kiss you now. Chandler: Not if I kiss you first.(They move closer to together and Phoebe hesitantly puts her hand on Chandler's hip. He puts his hand on her left hip but then decides to put his hand on her left hip. Phoebe then grabs his butt. Chandler goes for her breast, but stops and puts his hand on her shoulder.) Phoebe: Ooh.Chandler:Well, I guess there's nothing left for us to do but-but kiss. Phoebe: Here it comes. Our first kiss.(They slowly and hesitantly move their lips together and kiss gently. Phoebe has her eyes wide open in shock and Chandler is squinting. He finally breaks the kiss after only a short while and pushes Phoebe away.)Chandler: Okay! Okay! Okay! You win! You win!! I can't have sex with ya!Phoebe: And why not?!Chandler: Because I'm in love with Monica!!Phoebe: You're-you're what?!(Monica comes out of the bathroom like a bolt, and Rachel and Joey both enter.) 就会有变化了.你认为会有什么不同吗?怎么会没有?他们会有小孩...然后和有小孩的夫妇在一起.然后有可能离开城市...住在沃尔沃汽车代理商附近.会有变化的.我不希望他们住在沃尔沃汽车代理商附近.会没事的, Joe.对不起,我只是喜欢他们原来的样子. 那个裸体的小家伙是谁?那个裸体的小家伙应该是我.瞧那个小东西呀.是呀.是呀,好吧,那是我的小弟弟.我们能不能成熟点?这些人是谁?我不知道.噢,那是那时候的姥姥.哇哦.让我看看.我和我的伙伴在Java Joe家. Monica, 你看起来很象你姥姥.她那是多大呀?我看看, 1939.恩, 大概24, 25.都是一帮年轻的伙伴.瞧,瞧,瞧!我有Monica裸体的照片.让我看看.不,那应该还是我.嘿,你们好呀.怎么啦?我们还在说...你们就要结婚了,还有这该有多好.是呀,你们可以买辆沃尔沃.如果你们真的想的话.你们真好.好了,我们都写完誓言了.我们能看看吗?现在我还不能知道他的,他也不能知道我的.噢,那段写的真好.很搞笑呀! 不错!Monica,你能嫁给我吗?Joey: Yeah, you can get a Volvo. If that’s what you really want.Monica:Oh that’s so sweet.Chandler: So we both finished our vows.Phoebe: Oh!Joey: Hey!Rachel: Oh, can we read them?Monica:Yeah, I don’t hear Chandler’s and he doesn’t hear mine.Rachel: Okay.Phoebe: Okay.(They spilt into their sexes and the girls read Monica’s and the guysread C handler’s. The girls gasp and groan and the guys laughhysterically.Phoebe:(To Monica) Oh, that’s beautiful.Joey:(To Chandler) (laughing) Funny one! That’s good!Rachel: (To Monica) Monica, will-will you marry me?(Ross laughs.)Joey:What? I don’t get it.(Ross points to the explanation and he gets it.)Ross: (To Chandler) Oh man, this is hilarious.Monica: Chandler!!Chandler:Don’t worry honey, we’ll make yours funnier.Ending Credits[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Ross and Joey are reading Chandler’snew vows.]Chandler: Okay, what do you guys think?Ross: (quietly) Dude!Joey: (starting to cry) I have never known love like this.Chandler: You really like it?Ross: Dude! How-how did you write this?Chandler:I stole Monica’s and changed the name.Ross:You can’t do that!Joey: If he goes first he can!End高中英语《Frinds老友记》第7季中英文对照完整剧本721 The One With TheVows素材。

【推荐下载】老友记典故集解 Season7---E08

【推荐下载】老友记典故集解 Season7---E08

States Name Game

他和钱德勒的争辩中可以看出,他把新英格兰(New England)也写了进去,理由是有以新英格兰命名的体育运动队,但这实际上是包括纽约州等东北诸州在内的一个广泛地

乔伊还写了南俄勒冈(South Oregon),实际上只有俄勒冈州,而且也没有以南俄勒冈命名的球队。

莫尼卡则漏掉了达科他州,由于达科他州分为南北两州,所以这里达科他要加复数(the Dakotas)。






Phoebe:Can I borrow the phone? I want to call my apartment and check on my grandma. (to Monica) What's my number?
(Monica and Rachel look at Phoebe strangely.)
107 The One With the Blackout
[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel is introducing Phoebe, who is playing her guitar for the crowd.]
Monica:I have no idea what you just said.
Chandler:(angry) Put Joey on the phone.
Joey:What's up man?
Chandler:I'm trppd... in an ATM vstbl... wthJLL GDCR.
[Scene: The ATM vestibule of a bank,Chandleris inside. The lights go out, and he realizes he is trapped inside.]
Chandler:Oh,great. This is just...
(Chandlersees that there is a gorgeous model inside the vestibule with him. He makes a gesture of quiet exuberance.)



-Morning. -Hi. -早安 -嗨How was your date? 约会还顺利吗?-Pretty good. -Oh, good. -很不错 -太好了My God. Sorry about that. 天啊,我真的很抱歉Okay, really good. 这真的是太棒了I gotta go. I'm late. 我得走了,我要迟到了You're going to leave her with me? 你要把她丢给我?Don't worry, she's a terrific girl. 别担心,她真的很棒Can you do me a favor? 你能帮我一个忙吗?Could you mention I'm not looking for a relationship? That'd be great.你能跟她说我不想定下来吗?谢谢你帮我这个大忙What, are you kidding? 什么?你在开玩笑吗?Just casually slip it in, you know. Lay the groundwork. 不经意跟她提起这件事装做轻描淡写的样子Tell her I'm a loner. No, an outlaw. 告诉她我是个独行侠不,我是爱的逃犯She doesn't want to get mixed up with the likes of me. 她不会想跟我这种人混在一起That's a lot to remember. 那太复杂了Can't I tell her that you're a pig? 我不能直接告诉她你是猪吗?I'm gonna call her later myself. 我会找时间亲自打电话给她Honest. 我保证Chandler used to do it. He'd make her pancakes. 钱德以前常这么做他还会做煎饼给她吃He'd make extras and leave them for me. 他会多做几块留给我吃I'm not telling her anything. It's not my responsibility. 我什么都不会告诉她这不是我的责任Fine. 好吧Now,where did we land on those pancakes? 那些煎饼应该怎么办?-Hi. -Hi. -嗨 -嗨Sorry, but I couldn't get that lock to work. 抱歉,我没办法把门锁上Yeah, Joey kind of disabled it when I moved in. 没关系,我搬进来时乔伊就把它弄坏了-You must be Rachel. I'm Erin. -Hi. -你一定是瑞秋,我是艾玲 -嗨I don't mean this to sound like high school, but did he talk about me?我不想跟高中女生一样无聊但他有跟你谈到我吗?Would you like some pancakes? 你要吃煎饼吗?The One With Ross's Library Book 本集播出:罗斯的博士论文31 (大学图书馆)-Come on. Why are we here? -Okay, okay, take a guess. -快说吧,我们为什么要来这里? -好吧,猜一下The hot chicks? 这里有辣妹?Okay, okay, I was typing names into the library computer earlier... 好吧,之前我将一些名字输入图书馆的电脑里…you know, for fun. 你知道的,那只是为了好玩And I typed mine in, and guess what came up? 我输入我的名字,你猜我发现了什么My doctoral dissertation. 我的博士论文It's right down here in the biggest library in the university. 它就放在大学中最大的图书馆里Wow, that's actually pretty cool. 哇,那真的很酷There's also a book here by a woman named Wendy Bagina. 这里还收藏了一本书作者是叫做温蒂巴琴娜的女人What is that? 那是怎么一回事?Sounds like two people are really enjoying the Dewey decimal system. 看起来这两个家伙真的很喜欢杜威十进分类法We're so sorry. 我们真的很抱歉You didn't bring me here to do that, did you? 你该不会是带我来这里做那档子事吧?She sent the chicken back again? 她又把鸡肉退了回来?She said it's too dry and wants to explain to you how she wants it.她说鸡肉太干,想亲自跟你解释她要什么样的鸡肉I'd like to meet this chicken expert. 我倒想会会这个鸡肉专家Send the colonel in. 叫她进来吧Oh, my God! 我的天啊!Lucky bastard. 幸运的混蛋-Janice. -How are you... -珍妮丝 -你好吗...Ms. Hotshot-Chef-at-the-Big-Fancy- Restaurant-With-the-Best-Chicken-Ever? 高级大餐厅里处理上等鸡肉的辣妹大厨师I'm fine. 我很好Oh, what is that on your finger? I'm blind. 你手上戴了什么?我看不见了So who's the lucky guy? 谁是那个幸运的男人?Oh, my God. 我的天啊I am so sorry, sweetie. 我真的很抱歉,甜心Are you okay? 你没事吧?You didn't tell her we're engaged? 你没有告诉她我们将会结婚吧?-She saw the ring. -Did she freak out? -她看到戒指了 -她被吓到了吗?She was shocked, but then again,so were most people. 她的确吓了一大跳但很多人都吓了一大跳She actually has a boyfriend herself. 事实上她也交了男朋友Name's Clark. 他叫做克拉克She also invited herself to our wedding. 她还邀请自己来参加我们的婚礼Clark too. 还有克拉克You said no, right? 你拒绝了她吧?You said no, right? 你拒绝了她吧?She cornered me. She asked me if the wedding was in town. 她逼得我头晕,还质问我婚礼是不是在城里举行-What was I supposed to do? -Lie. -我该怎么办? -说谎骗她How hard is that? "Your check's in the mail." 那会有多难呢? “你的支票寄出去了”"Oh, your baby's so cute." “你的宝宝好可爱”"I can't wait to read your book, Ross." “我等不及要看你的书,罗斯”So she comes to the wedding. Maybe it won't be so bad. 她会来参加婚礼或许那不会是件坏事Think she'll sit quietly? Think she'll want to make a toast? 你以为她会安静地坐着?你以为她会跟我们举杯致意?You don't think she'll want to sing "Part-Time Lover"? 你该不会以为她想唱《兼职情人》吧?Oh, my God. She's not gonna like the chicken either, is she?我的天啊,她不会喜欢鸡肉,对吧?You know what? It'll be okay. 你知道吗?一定会没事的She's probably not gonna even want to come. 或许她根本不想来-Really? -No, that was a lie. -真的吗? -不,那是个谎言See how easy that was? 你知道说谎有多容易了吧?So you would have just lied? 你会骗她吗?Yes. 我会-It would have really been that easy? -Yes. -它真的那么简单? -对Do it Saturday. We're having dinner with her and Clark. 星期六表演给我看我们要跟她及克拉克共进晚餐Hey, what's up? 你们还好吗?Hey, who's your friend? 你们的朋友是谁啊?-Hey, Joey. -Erin. -嗨,乔伊 -艾玲You're still here. 你还在这里We ended up spending the day together and had such a great time.我们整天泡在一起,玩得很开心Why wouldn't you? Erin is great. 有何不可呢?艾玲真的很棒And then there's you guys. 你们也是Well, listen, I better get going. 听着,我得走了Today was great. Thanks. 今天真的很愉快,谢谢And Joey, last night was fun. 乔伊,昨晚真的很棒Yeah. I'll call you. 是啊,我再打电话给你-I'll call you too. -Or I'll call you. -我也会打电话给你 -我会打电话给你-And call me. -Okay. -打电话给我 -好的Good to see you again. 很高兴能再见到你-Bye-bye. -Bye. -再见 -再见The system kind of broke down,huh? 那套系统已经崩溃了?Joey, I'm sorry. I just couldn't tell her all those things. 乔伊,对不起,我没办法告诉她那些话And we got to talking, and I.. 我们开始聊起天来,我…We want you to marry her. 我们要你娶她What? 什么?She is so amazing. You have no idea. 她真的很棒,你根本不了解她Who do you think brought her here? 你觉得是谁把她带回这里的?Cupid. 丘比特She's so cool. She speaks four languages. 她真的好酷,还会说四种语言Man, do you know what guys want. 天啊,你们真的知道男人要什么Come on, she's so perfect for you. She's sweet. 别这样,她跟你是天生一对她真的很漂亮She likes baseball. She had two beers at lunch. 她喜欢棒球,午餐时喝了两瓶啤酒My beers?! 我的啤酒?Look, she's a very nice girl. 听着,她真的是个好女孩We had a very good time, but I don't see it going anywhere. 我们相处甚欢但我不觉得我们会有结局You always say that. 你总是那么说Maybe if you gave her a chance, it would go somewhere. 或许只要你给她一次机会事情会变得不一样I'm sorry,you guys. I just don't think so. 对不起,我真的不那么认为-Whatever. -Fine. -随便你 -好吧Hey, don't start judging me. 嘿,别开始批评我You're in love with your assistant. 你爱上了你的助理You're sleeping with the guy who keeps pigeons on the roof.你跟在屋顶上养鸽子的男人有一腿Phoebe! 菲比!Secret affair. 那是秘密People are doing it in front of my book. 大家在我的书面前做那档子事I'm sorry? 你说什么?My doctoral dissertation is in the library at school. I went to see it. 学校图书馆收藏了我的博士论文,我跑去看它And there were students making babies right in the paleontology section.发现学生们在古生物学区做人Oh, my God. Did you get to see anything good? 我的天啊,你有看到精彩好戏吗?At your school... 你们念书的时候…was there a place on campus where students went to fool around? 校园里有没有什么地方是学生会跑去鬼混的?Yeah, there was. 没错,真的有In the corner of the library where all the books were that nobody ever read. 图书馆的角落里有些书根本不会有人去借Yes, there was. 没错Great, because people kept showing up. I think it's like a thing.太棒了,因为大家都会跑到那里去我还以为它很受欢迎Hold on a second. 等一下Fifth floor, against that back wall? 你是指五楼后区的墙边吗?Oh, for crying out loud! 我的老天爷啊!-So we should go catch our movie. -What's the rush? -我们该去看电影了 -干嘛这么急?I'd like to see the previews. 我想看预告片The candy. 我要吃糖果-Oh, hey. -Well, look who's here. -嘿 -看看是谁来了-Hey, Joey. -Hey, Erin. -嗨,乔伊 -嗨,艾玲-Hey, Rachel. -Hi. -嗨,瑞秋 -嗨We were about to take off and see a movie. 我们正要去看电影-Oh, no! -What's wrong? -喔,不! -怎么了?Phoebe, we forgot that party we have to go to. 菲比,我们忘了我们得去参加派对Oh, no. 喔,不What party? 什么派对?A birthday party. 生日派对Whose birthday party? 谁的生日派对?Alison's birthday party. 爱莉森的生日派对And how old is Alison? 爱莉森几岁了?Thirty-two. 三十二岁Wait a minute. Why don't you guys do something? 等一下,你们为什么不一起出去玩呢?Look how that worked out. 那一招真的有用Excuse me. Hi, I'm a professor here. 对不起,我是学校里的教授Do you know the paleontology section, fifth floor, stack 437? 你知道五楼437号书架的古生物学区吗?Well, yes. Just give me five minutes. 我知道,等我五分钟I just have to find someone to cover my shift. 我得找人来帮我代班No, no, no. 不…Can I speak to someone in charge? 我能跟负责人谈一谈吗?How can I help? 有什么事吗?Hi, I was wondering,is it possible to increase security... 你好,我想问馆方能不能增加人手…in the paleontology section? 巡逻古生物学区?I wrote a book that's up there. 我写的书放在那里And instead of reading it, people are... 但大家去那里不是看书,而是…Well, they're rolling around in front of it. 喔,他们在我的书面前打滚We are aware of the problem you're referring to. 我们知道你提及的问题As far as increasing security, I'm afraid the library's understaffed. 但增加巡逻这件事恐怕馆方的人力不足I can't help you. 我帮不上你的忙Well, fine. 喔,好吧If I'm the only person with any appreciation... 如果我是唯一愿意欣赏…of the sanctity of the written word, then I'll go defend it myself. 书写文字之美的人我会亲自去捍卫它Don't you follow me. 别跟着我-How did it go with Erin? -Unbelievable. -你跟艾玲玩得还开心吗? -真是不可思议We had the best time. 我们玩得非常开心-So you're not mad anymore? -No, no. You guys were totally right. -你不再生我们的气了? -不,你们是对的This was much better than the first date. 这次比我们第一次约会棒得多It was awkward. We were both nervous. 那真的很尴尬,我们都很紧张-Didn't you sleep together? -Yeah, that calms me down. -你们不是上过床了? -对,那让我冷静下来And we have so much in common. 我们有很多共通点She loves sandwiches, sports. Although she is a Met fan. 她喜欢三明治,运动虽然她是大都会队的球迷Not an issue now, but if we had kids... 现在那不是问题但如果我们有了孩子…Oh, my God! Listen to you talking about having kids. 我的天啊!你竟然会提到生孩子的事Oh, my Joey. 喔,我的乔伊Please don't get married before I do. 求求你别比我先结婚I just cannot believe that Clark stood me up. 我不敢相信克拉克会放我鸽子He may still show up. 他应该会来What are you, stupid? 你是笨蛋吗?-It's been three hours. -Is that all? -我们已经等了三小时 -只有三小时吗?Let's go on to happier things. 谈一些比较快乐的事Why don't you tell me about your lovely wedding. 你为什么不告诉我你们的婚礼呢?There was something that we wanted to tell you about the wedding. 关于我们的婚礼有件事我们想告诉你It's going to be a small ceremony. 婚礼的规模很小Tiny. 小到不行We're not even sure why we're having it. 我们甚至不知道为什么要举行婚礼It's actually going to be just family. 事实上我们只会邀请家人来参加Oh, wait. 喔,等一下You two think of me as family? 你们把我当家人看待?I have to ask you something now, and be honest. 我得问你们一件事,请老实地回答我Do you want me to sing "Careless Whisper" or "Lady in Red"? 你们要我唱《无心呢喃》或《红衣女郎》?How can you say that? The Mets have no closer. 你怎么能那么说?大都会队也好不到哪里去-What about Benitez? -What about game one of the series? -班尼提兹呢? -第一场比赛呢?-What about shut up? -You shut up. -你为什么不闭嘴? -你才要闭嘴I love arguing with her. 我喜欢跟她吵架-Be right back. -Okay. -我马上回来 -好的How's it going with Joey? 你跟乔伊进行得如何?Oh,okay. 还好Okay? 还好?Tell me that you like him, please. I mean, tell me that you like him. 请告诉我你喜欢他告诉我你真的喜欢他He's a really great guy,and I know you really want this to work out... 他真的很棒,我知道你们希望我们能成功…but I just don't see this having a future. 但我不觉得我们会有未来But you said that you liked him. What happened? 但你说过你喜欢他,发生了什么事?Did you just change your mind? 你改变了心意吗?-Kind of. -Then change it back! -可以那么说 -那么快改回来I'm sorry. It's just, there's no real spark. 对不起,我们之间真的没有火花Didn't you sleep together? 你们不是上过床了吗?Yeah. 对Tramp. 荡妇Does Joey have any idea? 乔伊知道吗?I don't think he does. You know what? 我想他不知道,你知道吗?Maybe you could tell him I'm not interested... 或许你可以告诉他我不想…in a serious relationship. 认真地跟别人交往You mean, like, that you're kind of a loner? 你是说你是个独行侠?Yeah, that'd be great. 对,那个说法不错And maybe that you're a real stronzo. 或许你真的是个淫娃I'm sorry. 你说什么?I guess Italian isn't one of the four languages you speak. 我猜你会说的四种语言不包括意大利文-Hey. Want to go? -Yeah, let's go. -嘿,要走了吗? -我们走吧-Okay. See you guys later. -Bye,guys. -待会见 -再见Hey, thank you so much. 谢谢你们Wow. 哇I guess it wasn't cupid that brought her here. 我猜不是丘比特把她带来这里的No, just a regular old flying dwarf. 不,只是一个会飞的老矮人Yes, yes. How can I help you? 怎么了?需要我帮忙吗?We were just looking around. 我们只是四处看看Oh, you're fellow scholars. 原来你们是爱念书的学生What exactly were you looking for? 你们到底在找什么?Perhaps Dr. Chester Stock's musings... 或许你们想看查斯特史塔克博士…on the Smilodon californicus? 对剑齿虎的研究?Get out of here! 快滚!Meeting someone? 你来找人吗?Or are you just here to brush up... 还是你想来看看…on Merriam's views on evolution? 犸莉安对进化论的看法?Actually,I find Merriam's views far too progressionist. 事实上,我觉得犸莉安的观点太先进了I find Merriam's views far too progressionist. 我也觉得犸莉安的观点太先进了I'm sorry. Who are you? 对不起,你是谁?I'm a professor here. Ross Geller. 我是本校的教授罗斯盖勒Ross Geller? Why do I know that name? It's a... 罗斯盖勒?这个名字好熟它是…Wait. 等一下Did you write this? 这本书是你写的吗?Yes. 对You're the person who checked out my book? 你就是借走我的书的人?You know,you look nothing like I would have thought. 你跟我想像中完全不一样You're so young. 你好年轻Well, I skipped fourth grade. 我跳了四级I am very,very sorry. 我真的很抱歉-So how was your date? -Great. We walked around the Village. -你们的约会还顺利吗? -太棒了,我们在格林威治村散步We went to this ice cream place. Split a milk shake. 还去了冰淇淋店,一起喝一杯奶昔Seventy-thirty, but still. 我喝的比较多,但那还是很棒I'm thinking of taking her upstate to one of those bed and breakfasts.我想带她到北区旅馆去过一夜Really? She said she wants to go? 真的吗?她答应了吗?No, it's a surprise. It's gonna be tricky, because she's busy at work.不,那是个惊喜,但那有点难因为她的工作很忙Joey, look,honey, we need to talk,okay? 好吧,甜心,乔伊我们得谈一谈,好吗?I got the feeling from her... 她让我觉得…that she's not looking for a serious relationship. 她不想认真地跟别人交往-Where are you getting this? -She told me. -你怎么会那么想? -是她告诉我的She said she's kind of a loner. 她说她是个独行侠-Joey.. -Hey, Rach, it's cool, you know. -乔伊… -嘿,瑞秋,没关系的I'm a loner too, right? 我也是个独行侠,对吧?Hey, Joey. You know what? You are way too good for her. 乔伊,你知道吗?她配不上你I promise, next time I will tell them you're not looking for a relationship.我发誓下次我会告诉她们你不想定下来No, don't do that. Just... 不,别那么做,只要…-Next time, make sure she likes me. -Well, that too. -下次确定她喜欢我 -对,你说的没错Joey? 乔伊?-Do you want some pancakes? -Finally. -你要吃煎饼吗? -终于What are we gonna do? 我们该怎么办?I say we go with "Careless Whisper." 我们该选《无心呢喃》Chandler? 钱德?Did she see us yet? Did she see us? 她看到我们了吗?Janice, what are you doing here? 珍妮丝,你来这里做什么?I thought I was gonna go back to my apartment... 我想回我公寓去…but I just felt like I really couldn't be alone tonight. 但我觉得今晚我不想独处I was just wondering if I could maybe stay here with you. 我在想或许我可以待在你们家Just,I really feel like I need to be with family. 我真的觉得我该跟家人在一起Our kids are gonna call her Aunt Janice, aren't they? 我们的孩子会叫她珍妮丝阿姨,对吧?Please. Because otherwise, I really don't know what I might do. 拜托,因为我真的不知道我会做出什么事来Aren't you just a teensy bit curious? 你不会有点好奇吗?-You have any tissues? -Yeah, in the bathroom. -你有面纸吗? -有,在浴室里We'll just let her stay. 我们得收留她No. If we let her stay, she will stay forever. 不,如果我们收留她她会永远住在这里-Kind of like your Barcalounger. -Is that what you're thinking about? -就像你的巴卡兰吉 -你真的那么想?I never stop thinking about it. 我一直都是那么想Hey, you guys? 你们还好吗?Do either one of you want to get in there before I take my bath?你们想上洗手间吗?因为我要洗澡了Janice, I'm sorry... 珍妮丝,对不起…but you can't stay here tonight. 但今晚你不能留下来Why not? 为什么?Honestly? 实情吗?Our apartment is a hotbed... 我们家因为电磁辐射的关系…for electromagnetic activity. 遭到了污染Monica and I have been immunized, but sadly... 摩妮卡跟我已经免疫了,但不幸地…you have not. 你没有免疫力I'm gonna need a comforter. 我需要一条棉被Do you have a hypoallergenic one? Because otherwise I get very nasal. 你有抗过敏的棉被吗?不然的话我的鼻子会过敏Do you have a cat? Because it's already happening. 你们养了猫吗?因为我已经开始过敏了Do you hear that? Listen. 你们听到了吗?你们听Oh, my God! Oh, my God! You have to go. 我的天啊!你非离开不可Why? 为什么?Because Chandler still has feelings for you. 因为钱德对你还有感觉He does? 真的吗?Say again? 你说什么?That's right. That's right. 没错And that is why you can't stay here tonight. 所以今晚你不能留下来And probably why you shouldn't come to the wedding. 或许你不该来参加婚礼Feelings. Such strong feelings. 感觉,很强烈的感觉I mean,I realize that his feelings may never completely go away... 我是说我知道他对你的感觉永远都不会完全消失…but you can. 但你可以消失Oh, my God. 我的天啊I understand. I am so sorry. 我了解,我真的很抱歉I'll go. 我会离开的Goodbye, Monica. 再见,摩妮卡I wish you a lifetime of happiness with him. 我祝你跟他永远幸福快乐Chandler. 钱德You call me when this goes in the pooper. 如果你们处得不好你可以打电话给我I've got this section covered. 这区由我负责Yeah,in fact,I've got this baby to shine in people's eyes. 事实上我会拿着手电筒照别人的眼睛…Okay, see you later. 好吧,待会见I just wanted to show Monica your book. 我只是带摩妮卡来看你的书。

【推荐下载】老友记典故集解 Season1---E17

【推荐下载】老友记典故集解 Season1---E17

Rainbow Room
乔伊准备不惜血本请厄苏拉去彩虹厅(Rainbow Room),这是纽约洛克斐勒中心通用电器大楼顶楼的高级餐厅,可以俯视整个曼哈顿地区。


Colonial Williamsburg

老盖勒却提出,他当时忙着工作,没有好好陪罗斯,他问罗斯现在想不想一起去威廉斯堡殖民地(Colonial Williamsburg)。


Ernest and Tova Borgnine






这种牌戏也叫“金拉米( Gin Rummy)”适合两个人玩,有点类似中国的麻将:每人发十张牌,然后要把手中的牌组合成套路,但套的组成方法和计分方法比较复杂。





Orange Roughy菲比说她妈妈最喜欢的鱼是罗非鱼(Orange Roughy),这是澳州出产的一种深海鱼类,又称红鱼或者橘刺鲷。


Home Ec莫尼卡在中学里是一个大胖子,她的衣服都要大家的家政课(Home Ec,Home Economic s的简称)来特别缝制。


第三集Algonquin kids乔伊经常在朋友们谈论某些事情时不知他们在说些什么。



Vulcanized rubber,Spock上门推销百科全书的推销员考乔伊,硫化橡胶(Vulcanized rubber)是什么?乔伊就说是《星际迷航》中宇航员史波克(Spock)的计划生育工具。



老友记 六人行 第七季第二集经典笔记

老友记 六人行 第七季第二集经典笔记

The One With Rachel’s BookWritten by: Andrew Reich & Ted CohenTranscribed by: Eric Aasen702 瑞秋的书在瑞秋的帮助下,莫妮卡开始制定婚礼计划;钱德感觉受到冷落。








7.02 The One With Rachels's BookMonica begins to make wedding plans with Rachel's help;Chandler feels left out.Phoebe wants to give Monica and Chandler some time alone, so she moves in with Ross for a couple days.But Ross is not happy with her running the massage business from his apartment.While Phoebe is out, he agrees to give a massage, thinking the client is a beautiful young woman, but it turns out to be her old, overweight father.The duck gets sick after eating Rachel's face cream.Chandler and Monica find out that Mr. and Mrs. Geller have spent Monica's wedding fund.Chandler has enough savings to cover it, but isn't sure that's the way he wants to use the money.Joey finds an erotic book that Rachel's been reading, and won't let her live it down[live down: To overcome or reduce the shame of (a misdeed, for example) over a period of time][Scene: Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe's, everyone is there having breakfast]Rachel: Chandler, you're doing so well with this whole getting-married-never-gonna-sleep-with-anyone-for-the-rest-of-your -life thing. I’m telling ya it's great.(Joey enters carrying a loaf of bread)Joey: Hey!Ross: Hi!Joey: Who wants French toast?French toast (often known as eggy bread in the UK) is a popular breakfast food in North America, Europe and Hong Kong.French toast is made with bread (generally pre-sliced) and eggs; some common additions are milk, water, or orange juice to thin(v.使淡) the eggs, sugar, and spices such as allspice[n.多香果粉(一种香料)], nutmeg(n.肉豆蔻) and cinnamon. Vanilla may also be added to the egg mixture. In restaurants throughout the United States and Canada, the bread is usually thick white(adj.稠蛋白的) bread made especially for use in French toast; when made at home, regular sliced bread is often used. Although usually served as a sweetly spiced dish in the United States, some prefer a savory(adj.可口的) version, seasoned(v.调味) with salt and pepper instead, as is more common in the United Kingdom.Ross:Oh, I’ll have some!Joey: Good, me too. (Tosses him the loaf.) Eggs and milk are in the fridge. Thanks.Monica: (entering from her room) Oww!Chandler:What’s the matter honey?Monica:I don’t know, my hand feels weird. I guess it’s because,I’m engaged! (Shows off the ring.) How long before it starts getting annoying?Phoebe: It starts.Rachel:Yeah, so let’s get started on the wedding plans!Monica: Okay! (Runs off.)Chandler: (incredulous) Already?!incredulous adj.表示怀疑的Rachel: Yeah, we got a lot to do! We gotta think about the flowers, the caterers, the music…caterer n.筹办婚宴酒席者Chandler: Oh, I got some thoughts on that.Rachel:Oh wait Chandler, too many cooks…cook n.厨师Ross: Take it from me, as the groom all you have to do is show up and trying to say the right name.Take it from me<口>相信我的话/groom n.新郎Monica: (returning) Okay! (Sets down a huge 3" 3-ring binder on the table.)3-ring binder n.3环活页夹Chandler:What in God’s name is that?!Ross: Oh my G od, the wedding book?! I haven’t seen that since theforth grade!Monica: This baby has got everything. Take y’know, locations for instance. (She opens up the binder to the locations chapter.) First, organized alphabetically, then geographically, then by square footage.alphabetically adv.按字母顺序地/footage n. (以尺表示的)英尺长度/square footage: The area, measured in square feet, of a piece of Real Estate. Generally measured from outside the exterior walls in the case of structures n.住宅建筑面积Phoebe: That is so smart! (To Chandler, under her breath) Break itoff. Break it off now.break off v.中断中止Rachel: Look, here's the invitation you used to your wedding to John Lynch in the fifth grade. Remember how I got sick and Ross had tofill in as a bridesmaid?fill in v.替代/bridesmaid: A bridesmaid is a girl or young woman who attends to the bride during or after a wedding or marriage ceremony n.女傧相Ross:I was a brides-boy.Joey:I don't smell French toast, brides-boy.Opening Credits[Scene: A Classroom, Ross is giving a lecture.]Ross: And that should conclusively prove that I had the idea for Jurassic Park first! Now let’s take a look at… (Phoebe rushes in.)conclusively adv.决定性地确定地/Jurassic adj.<地质>侏罗纪的侏罗系的/Jurassic Park: 罗斯在学校里讲课,内容竟然是他首先构思了《侏罗纪公园(Jurassic Park)》的故事。

【推荐下载】老友记典故集解 Season3---E12

【推荐下载】老友记典故集解 Season3---E12

Tale of Two Cities,Cliff Notes
乔伊要唱《双城记(Tale of Two Cities)》音乐剧,不学无术的他就说他要选纽约和旧金山作为双城,但罗斯告诉他,这个不由他选,应该由狄更斯先生说了算。

议给乔伊找一本克利夫名著解读(Cliff Notes)看看,但乔伊依然不明所以。

Flowers of Evil,Beaudalire
莫尼卡碰到了诗人朱利奥,他正在看波德莱尔(Beaudalire)的《恶之花(Flowers ofEvil)》,这是现代派文学的代表作,但比较晦涩难懂。

Twila Tharp,Zoom Kids
乔伊编造自己的履历,说他曾和特维拉&bull;撒普(Twila Tharp)共同跳过三年舞。

这是美国最著名的现代舞蹈指导之一,出生于1941 年。




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老友记典故集解Season7---E20 第二十集



瑞秋建议他多看一点ESPN 台,少看一点E!台。

ESPN 是娱乐和体育节目网(Entertainment Sports Program Network)的简称,名字里虽然有娱乐两字,但却是一个完全的体育台。

娱乐台,E 是娱乐(Entertainment)的简称。

Tom Brokaw
瑞秋给钱德勒看了一系列明星穿过的礼服,其中有:汤姆&bull;布罗考(Tom Brokaw),全国广播公司最著名的新闻主持人和畅销书作者,。
