】《老友记》典故集解 Season 5




In the 5th episode of Friends Season 2, titled "The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant," the group faces issues of financial inequality when some of them can't afford expensive dinners and others can.The episode begins with Joey, Chandler, and Ross discussing their favorite movies and realizing that they're not able to afford the same luxuries as some of their wealthier friends. Meanwhile, Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe are dining at an expensive restaurant with one of Rachel's high-society clients.Rachel's client invites Monica and Phoebe to a party at her house, but when they arrive, they realize the party is full of rich people who are not interested in talking to them. Meanwhile, Joey, Chandler, and Ross have a barbecue, but when they can't afford to split the cost of five steaks and an eggplant equally, tensions arise.Throughout the episode, the friends grapple with the strain their financial differences are putting on their friendships. Ross, who can afford the expensive dinners, offers to pay for everyone's meal, but it leads to an uncomfortable and resentful situation.In the end, the friends realize that they need to be honest with each other about their financial situations and find a way to compromise. The episode ends with the group having a potluck dinner at Monica's apartment, where everyone can contribute what they can afford."The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant" explores class differences and the importance of honesty and communication in friendship. It portrays relatable scenarios of financial strain and the friends' struggle to balance their individual needs with the group's dynamic.。



【501】The One After Ross Says Rachel1."toe the line"means put your toe exactly on the line, and eventually this phrase means do something as prescribed, or according to rules and customs. Here, Monica want Rachel to react reasonably to Ross's slipping out her name on the alter instead of Emily. "Thread the Needle"indicates using two eyes gives you depth perception."Think outside the box."means don't let stereotypes keep you away from what could be exciting opportunities.Monica hopes that Rachel can move on and stop clinging to Ross anymore, it can lead her to nowhere.God, Monica IS a good learner in High School! In such a hot moment for her, she can still recall all these incisive comments, although Rachel apparently think nothing of these good advise.2. that's that 就这样了, 不必再多说了3.bugger face 和poopie-head, dumb ass一样,都是骂人的4.Same difference 就是“一样”的意思,这是玩笑的说法,故意说不合逻辑的词组,是一种俚语的表达方式,仅作口语【502】The One With All The Kissing1."calling the shots"好像最初是打台球时说的.球手为了表示自己技高一筹,不是常夸口说"瞧,我想打哪儿就打哪儿",其实就是"I'm calling the shots". 这里, Monica是说她要Rach做什么, Rach就得照办,她是指挥.2."by the edges",哈哈. Monica在提醒Rachel拿照片的时候小心点,端着照片的边看,不要一把抓. 所以Rach一气之下干脆舔起照片来了.3.Rachel: All right, you're the boss. I guess I gotta do what you tell me.Joey: Say that to him and you're golden. 跟他说这句话,你就把他搞定啦you're golden. 的含义有:搞定,干得好(complete,good to go,alright);等于you're sooo.. sweet;很high4.it just bums me out;I was bummed too 都是让我很难过,失望的意思5.I call shotgun 我坐(汽车)前座!【503】The One Hundredth1.Fonz 是谁?之前查过一些资料,不知是不是跟七八十年代的sitcom“Happy Days”有关。



【501】The One After Ross Says Rachel1."toe the line"means put your toe exactly on the line, and eventually this phrase means do something as prescribed, or according to rules and customs. Here, Monica want Rachel to react reasonably to Ross's slipping out her name on the alter instead of Emily. "Thread the Needle"indicates using two eyes gives you depth perception."Think outside the box."means don't let stereotypes keep you away from what could be exciting opportunities.Monica hopes that Rachel can move on and stop clinging to Ross anymore, it can lead her to nowhere.God, Monica IS a good learner in High School! In such a hot moment for her, she can still recall all these incisive comments, although Rachel apparently think nothing of these good advise.2. that's that 就这样了, 不必再多说了3.bugger face 和poopie-head, dumb ass一样,都是骂人的4.Same difference 就是“一样”的意思,这是玩笑的说法,故意说不合逻辑的词组,是一种俚语的表达方式,仅作口语【502】The One With All The Kissing1."calling the shots"好像最初是打台球时说的.球手为了表示自己技高一筹,不是常夸口说"瞧,我想打哪儿就打哪儿",其实就是"I'm calling the shots". 这里, Monica是说她要Rach做什么, Rach就得照办,她是指挥.2."by the edges",哈哈. Monica在提醒Rachel拿照片的时候小心点,端着照片的边看,不要一把抓. 所以Rach一气之下干脆舔起照片来了.3.Rachel: All right, you're the boss. I guess I gotta do what you tell me.Joey: Say that to him and you're golden. 跟他说这句话,你就把他搞定啦you're golden. 的含义有:搞定,干得好(complete,good to go,alright);等于you're sooo.. sweet;很high4.it just bums me out;I was bummed too 都是让我很难过,失望的意思5.I call shotgun 我坐(汽车)前座!【503】The One Hundredth1.Fonz 是谁?之前查过一些资料,不知是不是跟七八十年代的sitcom“Happy Days”有关。

老友记第一季 第五集笔记

老友记第一季 第五集笔记

【105】The One With the East German Laundry Detergentantique’sNO.5 The One With the East German Laundry Detergent这一集主要情节如下:又快到周末了,Chandler和Phoebe决定和自己的情人——分别是Janice和Tony分手,在Central Perk,Phoebe轻车熟路地说了再见;Janice给Chandler买了一双卡通袜,而且本来心情也不好,所以Chandler怎么也开不了口。



1. Ross: Not that big a deal? It's amazing. Ok, you just reach in there, there's one little maneuver, and bam, a bra right out the sleeve. All right, as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing a guy can do that even comes close. Am I right?Rachel: Come on! You guys can pee standing up.Chandler: We can? All right, I'm trying that.Joey: Ok, you know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want. You just look down and there they are. How you get any work done is beyond me.Phoebe: Oh, ok, you know what I don't get? The way guys can do so many mean things, and then not even care.老友们关系实在太融洽了,在一起侃大山什么都敢掏心,这一次聊天不知怎么就撤到了互相揭男人女人的短上来了,Ross先开头,他觉得女人们能像变戏法一样地把bra 从衣服的袖子里拿出来真是太神奇了,maneuver 这个词源自法语,本意是“体力劳动”,在英语中作名词时是“策略、巧计、花招”的意思,在这里表示一种很巧妙的动作或手法。

老友记 六人行 第五季第五集经典笔记

老友记 六人行 第五季第五集经典笔记

The One With All the KipsWritten by: Scott SilveriTranscribed by: Eric Aasen505 我不想当Kip!钱德和莫妮卡厌倦了偷偷摸摸,于是找借口出外旅行,共度周末。






5.05 The One With The KipsChandler and Monica, tired of sneaking around, each make up an excuse to leave town and then go away for a weekend together.They end up fighting the whole time and Chandler's afraid it may be over.Ross struggles to reveal his agreement with Emily not to see Rachel anymore.Rachel doesn't take it very well;She doesn't want to give up Ross, nor get left out of the group like Chandler's old roommate, Kip.Joey finds some similarities in Chandler's and Monica's stories about the weekend, and figures out the truth;Monica and Chandler swear him to secrecy(n.保密).[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, 3:02 A.M., Chandler is up. There's a knock on the door and Chandler answers it.]be up v.起床Monica: (quietly) Hi!Chandler: (quietly) Hi! (They both start kissing.)(Joey enters and Chandler pushes her away.)push away v.推开Joey: Monica? What time is it?Chandler: Uhh, 9. (He pushes the clock into the sink.)Joey: But it's dark out.Monica: Well that's because you always sleep to noon, silly! This is what 9 looks like.Joey: I guess I'll get washed up then. Watch that sunrise. (He goes into the bathroom.)get washed up v.刷牙洗脸Monica: I'm really getting tired of sneaking around.sneak around v.鬼鬼祟祟偷偷摸摸Chandler: I know, me too. Hey! Y'know what if we went away for a whole weekend? Y'know we'd have no interruptions and we could be naked the entire time.Monica: All weekend? That's a whole lotta naked.lotta <口>许多(=lot of)Chandler: Yeah, I can say that I have a conference and you can say you have a chef thing.Monica: Ohh, I've always wanted to go to this culinary fair that they have in Jersey!culinary adj.厨房的烹调用的厨房用的/fair n.展览会Chandler: Okay, y'know your not though. Let's go. (He starts for his bedroom.)start for v.动身去Monica: Wait! What about Joey?(Chandler opens the bathroom door to reveal Joey passed out on the toilet with a toothbrush in his mouth.)pass out v.昏睡过去toothbrushOpening Credits[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the next morning, Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe are eating breakfast.]Monica: (entering from her room) Hey, guess what I'm doing this weekend! I'm going to this culinary fair in New Jersey.Phoebe: Oh weird, Chandler just told us he's got a conference there!Monica: Oh now that-that-that's funny, it seems like Chandler's conference could've been in Connecticut or Vermont.Connecticut n.(美国)康涅狄格/Vermont n.佛蒙特州(美国州名)Chandler: I'm not in charge of where the conference is held. Do you want people to think it's a fake conference? It's a real conference.Ross: (entering) Hey.Joey: Hey!Monica: Hey.Ross: Is Rachel here? I gotta talk to her.Monica: No, she's out shopping.Ross: Damn!Chandler: What's going on?Ross: I told Emily to come. And I just need to y'know, talk to Rachel about it.Phoebe: Wait a minute! So when Emily comes you're just, you're not gonna see Rachel anymore?Ross: Well look, I'm just trying to focus on the "I get to see my wife" part, all right? And not the part that makes me do this. (He takes a big swig of Pepto Bismol.)swig n.痛饮大喝(尤指从瓶口喝的)/Pepto-Bismol:is an over-the-counter medication(n.非处方药物) produced by the Procter and Gamble company used to treat minor digestive system(n.消化系统) upset(n.恶心). Its active ingredient is Bismuth subsalicylate. The primary symptoms aided by Pepto-Bismol are nausea, heartburn(n.心痛), indigestion(n.消化不良), upset stomach(n.肚子痛), diarrhea(n.腹泻), and other temporary discomforts of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract(n.肠胃道).Pepto-Bismol is produced in a variety of forms, including chewable tablets and swallowable caplets, but is best known for its original formula, a thick liquid medicine. This original formula is colored a pale pink tone(n.色调), and flavored wintergreen(n.鹿蹄草). These traits have become generally associated with the medicine to the degree that something may be described as "Pepto-Bismol pink" or as tasting like "Pepto-Bismol". These are generally considered uncomplimentary(adj.贬损的) traits, because of the unpleasant associations with the medication and the general malaise(n.不舒服) of stomach problems.Monica: Wow, so you guys are, you're never gonna be in the same room together? How is that even gonna work?Ross:I have no idea. I mean… But-but I assure you I will figure it out.(They all reflect briefly on what was said.)reflect on v.思考反省Joey:Doesn’t seem like it's going to work, I mean…Rachel: (entering) Hi, guys!Joey: Hi!Chandler: Uh, hey!Rachel: What's going on?Chandler: We're flipping Monica's mattress.flip v.翻动/mattress n.床垫Joey: So I'm thinking, basically we pick it up and then we flip it.Phoebe: Yeah that's better than my way.(They all agree and head to Monica's room.)Rachel: Oh okay, hey guys, would you flip mine too?Chandler: Aww, man! (They go into Monica's room.)Rachel: (going through the mail) Oh look! A letter from my mom.Ross: So, Rach, y'know-y'know how Emily's coming right?Rachel: Oh yeah! I know.[Cut to Monica's bedroom, Chandler is trying to listen through the door.]Phoebe: (To Chandler) Can you hear anything?Chandler: Oh yes, somebody just said, "Can you hear anything?"(Joey is bent over at the waist and is looking for something under Monica's bed.)waist n.腰腰部Monica: Hey, Joey's ass! What are you doing?Joey: (holding a box) Well, remember when they got in that big fight and broke-up and we were all stuck in her with no food or anything? Well, when Ross said Rachel at the wedding, I figured it was gonna happen again, so I hid this in here.Monica:Ooh, candy bars, crossword puzzles…candy bar n.单独包装的块状糖Phoebe: Ooh, Madlibs, mine! (Grabs it.) Okay, Name of someone in room.Mad Libs:(from lat. "ad libitum(adv.随意)" - as you wish) is a word game where one player prompts(v.提示) another for a list of words to substitute for(v.替换代替) blanks in a story; these word substitutions have a humorous effect when theresulting story is then read aloud. The game is especially popular with American children and is frequently played as a party game or as a pastime. Mad Libs was invented in the 1950s by Leonard Stern and Roger Price, who published the first editions themselves. Mad Libs books are still published by Price Stern Sloan, an imprint of Penguin Group, cofounded by Roger Price and Leonard Stern.Mad Libsconsist of a book that has a short story on each page, but with many of the key words replaced with blanks. Beneath each blank is specified(v.指定) a lexical(adj.词汇的) or other category, such as noun, verb, place, or a part of the body. One player asks the other players, in turn, to contribute some word for the specified type for each blank. Finally, the completed story is read aloud. Since none of the contributors knows what context their word will be used in, the result is usually comic, surreal(adj.超现实主义的) and somewhat nonsensical(adj.荒谬的).For example,a Mad Lib might initially look like this:"One day, ________________ ______________ to New York to see the _________."(name of person)(past-tense verb) (noun)After completing the Mad Lib, it might read:"One day, Bob Gilldoff Jumped to New York to see the orange."Several imitations of Mad Libs have been created, most of them on the Internet. Imitation Mad Libs are sometimes used in educational settings to help teach the parts of speech.Joey: Chandler.Phoebe: Come on, seriously.Chandler: What do you got in here? Magazines, Doritos, Condoms?Doritos:is a brand of flavored tortilla(n.玉米粉圆饼) chips produced since 1961 by the American food company Frito-Lay (a division of PepsiCo, Inc.) Doritos are sold in many countries worldwide.The brand is also known for its marketing campaigns, which have included many television commercials featuring the late Avery Schreiber and actress Ali Landry, as well as product placement in movies such as Wayne's World.立体脆Joey: You don't know how long we're gonna be in here! We may have to repopulate the Earth.repopulate vt.重新构成...的人口重新居住于Chandler: And condoms are the way to do that?[Cut to the living room.]Ross: Anyway it-it kinda-it all boils down to this, the last time I talked to Emily…boil down to v.归结为简化为Rachel: (interrupting) Oh my God! My dog died!Ross: What?!Rachel: Oh my God, Le Poo, our dog!Ross: Le Poo's still alive?!Rachel: Oh God, it says he was hit by an ice cream truck and dragged for nine-(turns over the note)-teen blocks. Oh. (They all come out from Monica's bedroom) Oh my God.ice cream truckMonica: Sweetie, we heard you crying. Please don't cry.6Rachel: It's Le Poo.Phoebe: I know it's LaPooh right now, but it'll get better.[Scene: Atlantic City, New Jersey, Chandler and Monica are about to start their weekend of sex, sex, nothing but sex.]Chandler: (jumping on the bed) I can't believe it! We're here!Monica: Ooh, chocolates on the pillows! I love that!Chandler: Oh, you should live with Joey, Rolos everywhere. This is so great. No one's gonna bother us. And we're gonna do it. I'm gonna do it with Monica!Rolos:are a brand of cylindrical(adj.圆柱的) chocolates, with caramel centers, made by Nestle(n.雀巢), and produced under licence (from Rowntree Mackintosh) by The Hershey(n.黑人) Company in the United States since 1969. They were advertisedfor many years with the slogan: Do you love anyone enough to give them your last Rolo? They have been distributed all over the world, and even have their own animated(adj.活泼的)character, Rolo Mot.Monica: Chandler, stop yelling that,you and I are gonna do it! Come here. (He does, and they kiss.) Okay,I'll be right back.(Goes to the bathroom and Chandler turns on the TV and finds a high-speed police chase.)Chandler: Oh yes! Monica, get in here! There's a high-speed car chase on!(Monica returns, carrying a glass.)Monica: We're switching rooms.Chandler: (looks at what she's holding and shies away) Oh dear God, they gave us glasses!shy away v.避开回避Monica: No, they gave us glasses with lipstick on them! I mean, if they didn't change the glasses, who knows what else they didn't change.lipstick <美>口红唇膏Chandler: You wanna switch rooms because they didn't change the glasses?Monica: I didn't wanna say anything, but the carpet smells too. (He glares at her.) Come on sweetie, I just want this weekend to be perfect, I mean we can change rooms, can't we?smell vi.有气味有臭气Chandler: Okay, but let's do it now though, because Chopper 5 justlost it's feed! (He grabs their bags and sprints out.)chopper <俚>直升机/feed n.饲料牧草/spint v.疾跑[Scene: Central Perk, Ross is trying to tell Rachel about Emily's ultimatum again.]ultimatum n.最后通牒Phoebe:Forget it.Ross: Hey, so uh, y'know how there was something I wanted to talk to you about?Rachel: Oh yeah! (Turns to face him.)Ross: Well, y'know how I'm trying to work things out with Emily. Well, there's this one thing… Okay, (Rachel has her back turned to the camera, and Ross isn't looking at her.) here goes. I made a promise that-(they cut to the other camera and Ross notices something coming out of Rachel's nose)-Oh hey!Rachel: What?Ross: You're nose is bleeding!Rachel: Oh God. (He hands her some tissues.) No! Oh not again! (Wiping her nose.) This-this happened when my grandfather died. It's ugh! Sorry. (She puts her head back.) Oh, okay, so I'm sorry, what-what were you-what did you want to tell me?Ross:Umm… (Rachel blows her nose.)blow one's nose v.擤鼻涕Rachel: Sorry. Sorry.Ross: Okay, I uh, I can't see you anymore.Rachel: Yeah, I know. It's ridiculous! I can't see you either. I'mjust gonna go shove a bunch of tissues in my nose. Hey, do you wanna tell me while I do that?shove v.乱塞乱放Ross:I'm good算了让我一个人呆会儿吧.I'm good:Involved in a state where a person's considered okay. Not wanting any bother.[Scene: Chandler and Monica's weekend, a hotel clerk is showing them their new room.]Hotel Clerk: I think you'll find this room more to your liking.Chandler: Okay, great. (He grabs the remote and turns on the TV tothe chase.)Hotel Clerk: (watching the chase) They say he's only got half a tank left.tank n.油箱Chandler: Half a tank? We still got a lot of high-speed chasing to do!Hotel Clerk: I'II bet he's heading for Canada.Chandler: They always do.Monica: We're switching rooms again.Chandler: What? Why?Monica: This is a garden view room, and we paid for an ocean view room.garden view roomocean view roomHotel Clerk: Our last ocean view room was unacceptable to you.unacceptable adj.无法接受的不受欢迎的Monica: The carpet smeIIed.Chandler: Like ocean?Monica: No, Iike feet.Monica: (To Chandler) Excuse me, umm, can I talk to you over here for just a second?Chandler: Uh-huh. (He doesn't take his eyes off the TV.)Monica: Chandler!Chandler: (turning to face her) Yeah.Monica: Look, these clowns are trying to take us for a ride and I'm not gonna let 'em! And we're not a couple of suckers!clown n.粗鲁笨拙(或无知)的人乡下人农民/take sb for a ride v. 欺骗某人绑架杀害某人/sucker<俚>A person that has been tricked into something.A gullible(adj.易上当受骗的) person.冲头(沪语)Chandler: I hear ya, Mugsy! But look, all these rooms are fine okay? Can you just pick one so I can watch-(realizes)-have a perfect, magical weekend together with you.Mugsy:钱德勒和莫尼卡偷偷跑到新泽西,准备度过一个狂野的周末,但莫尼卡不断地换房间,把钱德勒都惹烦了,禁不住叫了她一声:“我听到了,马格西(Mugsy)!”马格西是《兔八哥(looneytunes)》动画片中的一个角色,是兔八哥的死对头。



第一集Three Musketeers钱德勒和莫尼卡订婚了,罗斯看见门上留条后急匆匆赶到,乔伊给他留的条中要他别忘了带上香槟和“三剑客(Three Musketeers)”糖果。

要注意,在美国和英国,“三剑客”糖果的含义是不一样的,在美国,通常是指一种巧克力牛奶糖,也就是英国人通常所谓的“银河系(Milky Way)”糖果。


The Plaza,Mai Thai,莫尼卡提议大家一起到“广场大饭店(The Plaza)”去喝点香槟,庆祝她和钱德勒的订婚。


菲比觉得此行可以去吃点泰国菜(Mai Thai),这是一家非常有名的泰国餐厅。

Rue de la钱德勒告诉莫尼卡,他们可以去巴黎度蜜月,然后他说:我们可以在“Rue de la……”进行月光散步。

这是因为巴黎很多街区的名字以“Rue de la”开头。

第二集Jurassic Park罗斯在学校里讲课,内容竟然是他首先构思了《侏罗纪公园(Jurassic Park)》的故事。





Rec.Center钱德勒和莫尼卡没钱结婚了,瑞秋很着急,就说:“难道你们要在娱乐中心(Rec.ce nter)结婚吗?”Rec.Center也就是Recreation Center的简称,通常是社区里供大家锻炼和娱乐的地方,在这里结婚肯定很丢丑。


高中英语《Frinds老友记》第5季中英文对照完整剧本513 The One With Joey's Bag素材

高中英语《Frinds老友记》第5季中英文对照完整剧本513 The One With Joey's Bag素材

Rachel: Sure! (Pause) God, please take those off!Joey: All right.(Both of them remove their hats as Phoebe enters.)Ross: Hey Pheebs, how's it going?Chandler: Hey.Phoebe: Hey! Umm, well, only okay because I just got back from, from the hospital.(All at once.)Rachel: What?Ross: Is everything okay?Joey: Are you all right?Phoebe: Oh yeah, no-no-no. I'm fine. I'm okay, but umm, my Grandma sorta died.Joey: Pheebs! Sorry!Phoebe: It's okay, I mean she had a really incredible life. And it's not like I'm never gonna see her again, y'know she's gonna visit. Rachel: Well maybe, maybe she's with us right now?Phoebe: Yeah, her first day on a new spiritual plane and she's gonna come to the coffeehouse!Monica:(entering, in a hurry) Guys! Guys! I just saw two people having sex in a car right outside.Ross: Uhh, Pheebs' Grandmother just died.Monica: Ohh my God, I'm so sorry.Phoebe:It's okay. Actually y'know what, it's kinda cool. 'Cause it's like y'know, one life ends and another begins.Monica:(to the guys) Not the way they're doing it. What, what happened? How did she die?Phoebe: Well umm, okay we were in the market and she bent down to get some yogurt and she just never came back up again.Joey: Pheebs, I'm so sorry.Phoebe:It was really sweet. The last thing she said to me was; "Okay dear, you go get the eggs and I'm gonna get the yogurt and we'll meet at the checkout counter." And y'know what? We will meet at the checkout counter.[Scene: Bloomingdale's, Rachel is fixing Joey up with some new clothes.]Rachel:Okay now Joey, y'know that since you're returning all of this stuff right after the audition you're gonna have to wear underwear? Joey: All right, then you'd better show me some of that too then. Rachel: Okay, it's missing something. Ooh, I know! Umm, okay. (Goes and grabs a bag, that looks like a purse, and shows it to Joey.) Joey: Really? A purse?Rachel: It's not a purse! It's a shoulder bag.Joey: It looks like a women's purse.Rachel: No Joey, look. Trust me, all the men are wearing them in the spring catalog. Look. (Shows him.) See look, men, carrying the bag. Joey: See look, women, carrying the bag. (He puts it on his shoulder and looks at himself in the mirror and likes what he sees.) But it is odd how a women's purse looks good on me, a man.Rachel: Exactly! Unisex! 没事吧?你病了吗?是啊,不,不,我很好。



Monica?What time is it?Nine.But it's dark out.That's because you always sleep till noon,silly.This is what nine looks like.I guess I'll get washed up then.Watch that sunrise.I'm getting tired of always sneaking around.Me too. What if we went away for the weekend? No interruptions. We could be naked the entire time.All weekend? That's a whole lot of naked.I'll say I have a conference and you can have a chef thing.I wanted to go to this culinary fair in Jersey!Okay. You know you're not,though.-Let's go. -Okay. Wait.What about Joey?The One with the Kipsrainystar压制iPod-MP4I'm going to a culinary fair in Jersey this weekend.How weird! Chandler just said he's got a conference there.That's funny. Seems like Chandler's conference could've been... ...in Connecticut or Vermont.I'm not in charge of where the conference is held.Do you want people to think it's fake? It's a real conference.-ls Rachel here? -No,she's out shopping.-Damn! -What's going on?I told Emily to come.And I just need to,you know, talk to Rachel about it. Wait a minute.When Emily comes, you won't see Rachel anymore?I'm focusing on the "I get to see my wife" part......and not on the part that makes me do this.So you'll never be in a room together?How will that even work?I have no idea. I mean....But I assure you, I will figure it out.It doesn't seem like it'll work.Hi,guys.嘿What's going on?We're flipping Monica's mattress.So I'm thinking,basically, we pick it up and then we flip it. That's better than my way.Hey guys,would you flip mine too?Oh,man.Oh,look! A letter from my mom.So,Rach?You know how Emily's coming?Oh,yeah. I know.Can you hear anything?Yeah,somebody just said, "Can you hear anything?"Hey,Joey's ass.What are you doing?Remember when they fought and broke up......and we were stuck here all night with no food?When Ross said "Rachel" at the wedding, I figured it'd happen again. So I hid this in here.Candy bars,crossword puzzles....Mad Libs! Mine!-Okay,"Name of someone in room."Come on,seriously.What do you got in here? Magazines,DoritosCondoms?You don't know how long we'll be in here.We may have to repopulate the Earth.And condoms are the way to do that?Anyway,it all boils down to this.-The last time I talked to Emily -Oh,my God! Our dog died!-What? -Oh,my God! LaPooh,our dog!LaPooh's still alive?Sorry.It says he was hit by an ice cream truck and dragged for......nineteen blocks!-Oh,my God. -Sweetie,we heard you crying.-Please don't cry. -It's LaPooh!I know,it's LaPooh right now but it'll get better.I can't believe it! We're here!Chocolates on the pillows! I love that!You should live with Joey. Rolos everywhere.This is so great. No one's gonna bother us.And we're gonna do it.I'm gonna do it with Monica!Chandler,stop yelling that you and I are gonna do it!-I'll be right back. -Okay.Oh,yes!Get in here. There's a high-speed car chase on!We're switching rooms.Oh,dear God! They gave us glasses!The glasses have lipstick on them.Who knows what else they didn't change?You wanna switch rooms because they didn't switch the glasses?I didn't wanna say anything, but the carpet smells too.I want this weekend to be perfect. We can change rooms,can't we? Okay,but let's do it now. Chopper Five just lost its feed!Forget it.You know how there was something I wanted to talk to you about? Oh,yeah.I'm trying to work things out with Emily.Well,there's this......one thing.Here goes.I made a promise that-What? -Your nose is bleeding.-Oh,God! -You're bleeding.Oh,not again. This happened when my grandfather died. Sorry.Gross.Okay. So I'm sorry. What did you want to tell me? Sorry. Sorry.I can't see you anymore.I know,it's ridiculous. I can't see you,either. All right.I'm just gonna go shove a bunch of tissues in my nose. Hey,do you wanna tell me while I do that?I'm good.-I think you'll like this room more. -Okay,great.They say he's only got half a tank left.Half a tank? Still lots of high-speed chasing to do!-I'll bet he's heading for Canada. -They always do.-We're switching rooms again. -What? Why?This has a garden view. We paid for an ocean view.Our last ocean-view room was unacceptable to you.-The carpet smelled. -Like ocean?No,like feet.Excuse me. Can I talk to you over here for just a second? 钱德来了These clowns want to take us for a ride. I won't let them. We're not a couple of suckers.I hear you,Mugsy.All these rooms are fine.Just pick one so I can watch theHave a perfect,magical weekend together with you?Oh,man,he almost hit a gas truck.Do you ever watch Baywatch?-This one I like. -Nothing. Nothing. It's over. Damn it!This is regularly scheduled programming!-I wanted to see them talk to his neighbors. -Well,I'm standing right here... -...you could talk to me. -You didn't know him.Can we turn the TV off?Do we really want to spend the weekend like this?Am I getting in the way of the room-switching fun?Don't blame me for tonight.Who should I blame? The nice bellman?Or the idiot who thought he could drive......from Albany to Canada on half a tank of gas?Do not speak ill of the dead.We're supposed to be spending a romantic weekend together.What's the matter?I just want to watch a little television.Jeez,relax,Mom.What did you say?I said,"Jeez,relax,Mon."You know what,Chandler? You like fast getaways? Watch this.I don't like fast getaways, I like car chases.-Hey,what's up? -Hey.I've been wanting to tell you something and I just have to get it out.Okay. What's up?Okay,before I tell you I just have to know......is your nose okay?Are all the other family pets in good health?Well,Davey's still pining after LaPooh......but,you know,he's a tough little turtle.You know how you said to do whatever it takes to fix my marriage? Yeah,I told you to give Emily whatever she wants.And while that was good advice, you should know that what she wants... ...is for me not to see you anymore.That's crazy! You can't do that. What are you going to tell her?Oh,my God!You've already agreed to this.It's awful,I know.But I have to do this if I want my marriage to work.And I do. I have to make this marriage work. I have to.But the good thing is,we can still see each other until she gets here. Lucky me! Oh,my God! That is good news,Ross!That's the best news I've heard since LaPooh died!You have no idea what a nightmare this has been. This is so hard.Oh,yeah,really? Is it,Ross?-Let me make this easier for you. -What are you doing?-Storming out. -It's your apartment.Yeah? Well,that's how mad I am!Damn Rolos!You're back! How was your conference?It was terrible. I fought with my colleagues the entire time.Are you kidding with this?So your weekend was a bust?No,I got to see Donald Trump waiting for an elevator.You know,at the Taj Mahal he has his own private glass elevator. That's right. Made by Otis Elevators.And they don't usually do glass.What kinds of stuff do you know?You're back too.Could I talk to you for a second?-How was your chef thing? -lt was awful.Some people don't appreciate good food.Maybe the food tasted good at first......but then made everybody vomit and have diarrhea.钱德摩妮卡How much was the room? I'll pay my half.Fine. $300.$300?Just think of it as $25 per room.What are you guys woofing about?Chandler stole a 20 from my purse!不会吧?I was only stealing it back, the one that she stole from me. Stealing and now lying.You know what? Now that I think about it......I constantly find myself without 20s,and you......always have lots.You should've seen the look on her face.I don't want Rachel to hate me. I don't know what to do.-You want my advice? -Yes. Please.-You won't like it. -That's okay.You got married too fast.-That's not advice. -I told you.I'm going to the bathroom.If anyone asked me to give up any of you,I couldn't do it.Me neither.Maybe I could do it.嗨嗨,瑞秋I know you guys heard about me and Ross.But I've been obsessing about it and would love not to talk about it.I don't know if this falls under that category......but Ross is right back there.-That's not Ross. -Not that guy.He does look like him,though.Ross is in the bathroom.Oh,my God! It's happening. It's already started. I'm Kip.Yeah,you're not Kip.Do you even know who Kip is?Who cares? You're Rachel.Who's Kip?My old roommate. We all hung out together.Oh,that poor bastard.You told me the story. He and Monica dated.When they broke up,you all promised you'd stay his friend.And what happened? He got phased out.-You won't be phased out. -Of course I am.It won't happen to Ross. He's your brother,your college roommate.Kip didn't even have to be Kip. We handled that all wrong.It was a long time ago.And it was before you and me were around. They didn't know what they were doing. Chandler had a mustache, for crying out loud.It was just a matter of time.I just assumed Phoebe would be the one to go.You live far away, you're not related.You lift right out.Hey,Mr. Bing.That hotel you stayed at called.Someone left an eyelash curler in your room.Yes,that was mine.I figured you met a girl and she left it.That would have made more sense.I don't even feel like I know you anymore.All right,I'm just going to ask you this one time.Whatever you say, I'll believe you.Were you or were you not......on a gay cruise?菲比I'm sorry about the whole "lifting out" thing.You gotta come with me.-Where? -Wherever I go.You and me,we'll start a new group. We're the best ones. Okay,but try to get Joey too.Phoebe,do you mind if l speak to Rachel alone?Sure.Bye,Ross.Forever.嗨Why are you here? Isn't this against the rules?I talked to Monica.Look,I'm the one who made the choice.I'm the one who's making things change.So I should be the one to, you know,step back.No,no,it's okay. Really.Plenty of people just see their sisters at Thanksgiving... ...their college roommates at reunions......and Joey at Burger King.Is that better?No,it's not better.I still don't get to see you.What would you do? If you were me,what would you do? First,I'd have said the right name at my wedding.I can't believe this.I know.I am so sorry.I know that too.Hey,Rach?Sorry to interrupt,but Phoebe said you want to talk to me about a trip? 嘿I just came over to drop off......nothing.So that weekend kind of sucked.Yeah,it did.So I guess this is over?You know,you and me. I mean,it had to end sometime.Why exactly?Because of the weekend. We had a fight.Chandler,that's crazy.If you always gave up after a fight......you'd never be with anyone longer than难怪This isn't over?You are so cute!No,no. It was a fight.You deal with it and you move on. It's nothing to freak out about. Really? Okay,great!Welcome to an adult relationship.We're in a relationship?I'm afraid so.好吧嘿I heard you saw Donald Trump at your convention.Saw him waiting for an elevator.Can I use your eyelash curler? I lost mine.It's in the bathroom.Can I talk to you for a second?Yes.Yes.You?And you?But you cannot tell anyone. No one knows.But how? When?-lt happened in London. -ln London!We didn't want to make a big deal out of it.But it is a big deal! I have to tell someone!You can't.-Please. Now,I know this is hard. -lt is. It hurts.We just don't want to deal with telling everyone.Please just promise you won't tell.All right.Man,this is unbelievable!I mean,it's great!But....I know. It's great!I don't want to see that!We're so stupid.Do you know what's going on in there? They're trying to take Joey!"The most popular Phoebe in tennis is called the overhand Phoebe. If you win,slap your opponent on the Phoebe and say,'Hi,Phoebe!'" That's cute. We really all enjoyed it.-But it doesn't count. -For what?Just count in our heads as good Mad Libs.-I gotta go. -Fun's over.Wait,if we follow the rules......it's still fun and it means something.I'm going to take off.Guys,rules are good!Rules help control the fun.407。




这种牌戏也叫“金拉米( Gin Rummy)”适合两个人玩,有点类似中国的麻将:每人发十张牌,然后要把手中的牌组合成套路,但套的组成方法和计分方法比较复杂。





Orange Roughy菲比说她妈妈最喜欢的鱼是罗非鱼(Orange Roughy),这是澳州出产的一种深海鱼类,又称红鱼或者橘刺鲷。


Home Ec莫尼卡在中学里是一个大胖子,她的衣服都要大家的家政课(Home Ec,Home Economic s的简称)来特别缝制。


第三集Algonquin kids乔伊经常在朋友们谈论某些事情时不知他们在说些什么。



Vulcanized rubber,Spock上门推销百科全书的推销员考乔伊,硫化橡胶(Vulcanized rubber)是什么?乔伊就说是《星际迷航》中宇航员史波克(Spock)的计划生育工具。





In fact he was so good in that one, he actually convinced me to switch 那就是这两个里面二选一了,
phone companies. Chandler was mad ….
Ross: Yeah well, he's not gonna get this one. Ben is way cuter than
that kid. I mean look at him, look at you, (Starts to whine like a
Joey: Whoa, hey, maybe I'll go down there with ya and see if I can
- 走!
get an audition to play the dad. I meanwho better to play Ben's father 他们答应让我试镜 !
Joey: Okay, pick a c ard.
Chandler: Okay. (He picks the 9 of Spades)
Joey: All right now, memorize it. (Pause) You got it?
Chandler: Oh yes.
518 The One Where Rachel Smokes
518 瑞秋开始吸烟
[Scene: Central Perk, Joey, Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe are there.

老友记 六人行 第三季第五集经典笔记

老友记 六人行 第三季第五集经典笔记

The One With Frank Jr.Written by: Scott Silveri & Shana Goldnerg-Meehan.Transcribed by: Eric B Aasen305 菲比的弟弟小福兰克乔伊动工做一个邮箱,工程越搞越大,结果他做了个娱乐多用柜。








[Scene: Chandler and Joey, there is lumber all over the apartment] lumber n.<英>旧家具<美>木材Chandler: (entering) Hey!Joey: Hey!Chandler: Hey-hey-hey. So what happened? A forest tick you off?tick v.滴答地响, 标以记号/tick off v.用记号勾出<英口>责备/Hey-hey-hey. So what happened? A forest tick you off: tick off means to make angry or indignant(adj.愤怒的愤慨的)Joey: No. Y'know how we are always saying we need a place for the mail. Chandler: Yeah!Joey: Well, I started building one. But then I decided to take it to the next step更上一层楼.Chandler: You are building a post office?Joey: No, an entertainment unit, with a mail cubby built right in. It is a one day job, max.cubby n.小房间/No, an entertainment unit, with a mail cubby built right in. It’s a one day job, max: a small snug place (as for hiding or storage)Chandler: Okay. (notices that Joey is wearing some really tight jeans) My word! Those are snug.My Word:upon my word的确/snug adj.温暖的贴身的/Okay. (notices that Joey is wearing some really tight jeans) My word! Those are snug: used to express surprise or astonishmentJoey: Oh yeah. These are my old work pants, Sergio Valente.work pants n.工作裤/Sergio Valente's:70年代最热辣的牛仔服装品牌,出自意大利Sergio 之手.82年突然从时装界淡出.谁知道joey从那个角落里找来的. 不过最近好像在西方大街小巷又开始慢慢流行起来.(Chandler goes to his bedroom and opens the door. However, only the top half opens, and he trips into his bedroom over the bottom half.)trip v.摔倒, 绊倒, 失足Joey: Power saw kinda got away from me there.power saw n.<机>动力锯电锯/get away from逃离远离OPENING CREDITS[Scene: Outside Central Perk, Phoebe is pacing back and forth waiting for someone.]Rachel: (joining Phoebe outside) Hey Pheebs.Phoebe: Hey!Rachel:Any sign of your brother?Phoebe: No, but he is always late.Rachel: I thought you only met him once?Phoebe:Yeah, I did. I think it sounds y'know big sistery, y'know, Frank's always late.?big sistery n.<俚>大姐头Rachel: Well relax, he'll be here.Phoebe: No, I know, I'm just nervous. Y'know it just y'know Mom's dead, don't talk to my sister不要和姐姐说话, Grandma's been sleeping a lot lately. It's just like the last desperate chance to have a family, y'know, kinda thing. You're so sweet to wait with me.Rachel:Well, actually Gunther sent me叫我来. You're not allowed to have cups out here, it is a thing. (takes her cup and goes back inside)[Scene: inside Central Perk]Chandler: Does anyone else think David Copperfield is cute?David CopperfieJd:钱德勒提出简尼丝喜欢大卫·科波菲尔德(David Copperfield),这是著名的魔术师/Does anyone else think David Copperfield is cute? :David Copperfield (1956 -) (real name David Kotkin) is a world famous magician and illusionist(n.魔术师) best know for his combination of spectacular illusions with storytelling. He also is known, though less so, for founding [PROJECT MAGIC], which is a rehabilitation(n.复原) program for hospitals to use as therapy to help regain lost or damaged dexterity(n.灵巧) skillsMonica: No, but he told me, he thinks your a fox.fox n.<俚> A beautiful and attractive woman/fox means an attractive, alluring(adj.诱惑的) personChandler:All right, Janice, likes him. In fact she likes him so much she put him on her freebie list.freebie n.免费赠品(尤指戏院赠券)/freebie list n.<俚>名人性爱名单/All right, Janice, likes him. In fact she likes him so much she put him on her freebie list: something given or obtained free of chargeJoey: Her what?Chandler:Well, we have a deal, where we each get to pick five celebrities that we can sleep with, and the other one can't get mad.celebrity n.著名人士名声Ross: Ah, the heart of(…的核心) every healthy relationship. Honesty, respect, and sex with celebrities.Monica: So, Chandler, who's on your list?Chandler:Ah, Kim Basinger, Cindy Crawford, Halle Berry, Yasmine Bleeth, and ah, Jessica Rabbit.Kim Basinger,Cindy Crawford,Halle Berry,Yasmine Bleeth,Jessica Rabbit:钱德勒提到了他想与之做爱的五名明星。



老友记典故集解第一篇:老友记典故集解《老友记》典故集解-第二季第一集Vidal Buffay菲比给钱德勒和乔伊理了发,莫尼卡发现了,钱德勒说:“是的,我们改了发型,感谢维达·布菲。






Demi Moore,DudJey Moore,Mary Tyler Moore 莫尼卡想让菲比剃一个性感明星黛米·摩尔(Demi Moore)的发型,但菲比却误把著名喜剧明星杜德利·摩尔当成了黛米·摩尔,因此给莫尼卡剃了一个非常古怪的头。




Between the moon and New York City 这还是继续杜德利·摩尔的笑话。




六人行老友记第五季season5...Collection in OLD FRIENDS season-fiveIf you'd seen a circus freak,you would've said: 看到怪胎……You spit on me,man! 你口水喷到我了。

In the middle of everything,if I scream,"Yippee!",just ignore me. 我中途大叫"好耶”你当没有听到……He sees me in a two-piece for the first time. 两件式His obsession begins to grow,right? 他不可自拔爱上了我……I really appreciate this,but you don't need to rub my butt. 但也不用摸我屁股You're just all liquored up. 你喝多了,眼花了。

(liquor [?lik?] n.酒, 烈性酒)All right,any way...I can't believe she can outrun you. 她竟然跑得你快……You think you can beat me? Let's go! Outside!Okay,get the shoes on! Let's go,man!It's not too shabby for Rachel. 对我瑞秋来说可不差……I mean,it was so humiliating! 真丢死人……What's the matter with you? Do you want to fall into the trap?I saw Dave,and he said you blew him off! 你打发他走了……I'm calling the shots! I say you leave Ross and go get Dave. 我当家!Well,ultimately I was trying,you know,I wanted... 其实我想……Monica's right. Swing dancing can be tricky. 摇摆舞有点危险。

老友记第五季剧本501 The One After Ross Says Rachel

老友记第五季剧本501 The One After Ross Says Rachel
Emily:Yes, yes, do go on.
Minister:I think we’d better start again. Ross, repeat after me. I, Ross…
Ross:I, Ross…
Minister: Take thee, EM-I-LY…
Ross:Take thee, (Glares at the Minister)Emily. (Chuckles) Like there’d be anybody else. (Emily is glaring at him.)
Chandler:Bad London! (Takes a spoon and smacks the turkey.)
Monica:So look umm, while we’re st-still in London, I mean, we can keep doing it right?
Chandler:Well, I don’t see that we have a choice. But, when we’re back home, we don’t do it.
(He goes to kiss her, but she isn’t very receptive of the kiss. She keeps avoiding him, until Ross finally gets to kiss her on her cheek.)
Mrs. Geller:(To Mr. Geller) This is worse than when he married the lesbian.
Mrs. Waltham:Oh my God, Phoebe.
Phoebe:No, not Phoebe, Dr. Philange. Oh no! You have it too!
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第二集 Bodington 这是一种英国啤酒品牌,莫尼卡、钱德勒和乔伊大谈伦敦奇遇时聊到了这种酒,让菲 比感到有点受冷落。据说这也是罗大佑喜欢的啤酒。 Swing Dance 瑞秋坚持要把自己仍然爱罗斯的感觉告诉罗斯,但莫尼卡竭力阻止。在罗斯出现的情 况下,她发明了一套隐喻来说服瑞秋,她把瑞秋的想法叫做准备参加“摇摆舞蹈(swing d ance)班”,结果罗斯也告诉他“摇摆舞蹈”比较危险。摇摆舞是一种身体有摇摆动作的舞 蹈,事实上现在很多现代舞都有摇摆动作。
第十二集 Louisiana Purchase 罗斯得知埃米莉马上就要又结婚了非常难受,菲比等人就劝慰他说:一切都过去了?你不应 该为过去感到难过。你现在还为“路易斯安那大采购”难受吗?路易斯安那是美国中西部的 一大块地方,新生的美国从法国手里以低廉的价格购得,成为了未来美国的发展基础,这 次购买行动史称“路易斯安那大采购”。这是一笔美国占了便宜的买卖,所以瑞秋就告诉 菲比,没有人为这个过去而难过。搞笑的菲比说:“对啊,没有人难过,这正是我想说的 。” Dewey,Cheatum,and Howe 钱德勒的上司经常开些不着边际的玩笑,这一回他又对着钱德勒和莫尼卡说:“我们 最近找到了杜威—奇特姆—豪事务所。”这是美国一家著名的律师事务所,问题是这并不 好笑,所以钱德勒只能露出一脸假笑。 Tom Hanks,Meg Ryan 乔伊等人去电影,邀请罗斯同去,但罗斯心情不好,宁愿在家里待着。乔伊说:“你 真的不想去吗?有汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks)、梅格·瑞恩(Meg Ryan)和邮件什么的。”这 显然是在说由两人主演的《网络情缘(You've Got Mail)》。 Martina 钱德勒和莫尼卡与钱德勒的上司夫妇去打网球双打,结果喜欢凡事争第一的莫尼卡一 点都不让球,钱德勒就说:“好了,马丁娜,放松一点。”马丁娜是剧集播出时网坛最火
第九集 Wethering Heights,Jane Eyre 菲比和瑞秋一同去上文学课,课上讲的是《呼啸山庄》。这是埃米莉·勃朗特的名作 ,描写吉普赛弃儿希斯克列夫致富后对令他受辱的山庄主人进行报复的故事,所以菲比说 文中的荒野象征着希斯克列夫的野性,岂料瑞秋后来偷走了她的这个答案。 后来,菲比和瑞秋课上要讨论的则是夏洛蒂·勃朗特(埃米ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ的姐姐)的《简爱》。菲 比为了报复,就告诉瑞秋这是一本关于机器人的书,瑞秋居然连《简爱》也没有看过,相 信了菲比,结果导致出丑。 Annie 罗斯因为三明治被人偷吃了而非常恼火,菲比说她有一个好办法,因为她曾在街上流 浪露宿过。罗斯说:“那你会写些什么?像是:把你的手指从我的虫子边拿开?”钱德勒就 说:“罗斯,你说当你想像菲比生活在街头时,她是被《小孤女安妮(Annie)》的整个剧组 包围着吗?”《小孤女安妮》是一个关于三十年代大萧条时期一个孤儿安妮和她养的小狗在 临时养父沃巴克生活的故事。安妮在剧中曾经不得不吃虫子来生活。
第八集 The Indians Pilgrims 钱德勒对感恩节的童年记忆是父母离婚,所以他告诉莫尼卡:“重新经历过去的痛苦 并为此感到沮丧是感恩节的全部。”不过,他补充了一句,对于印第安人也如此。这要追 溯到感恩节的历史:感恩节是美国人为了感谢当年“五月花”号上的清教徒(Pilgrims)度 过生存危机而感谢上帝设立的节日。但对于印第安人来说,虽然他们帮助过英国殖民者, 但最后却被他们赶尽杀绝,清教徒的生存逐渐变成了他们种族的噩梦,所以很多美国印第 安人把感恩节当做“民族受难日”。后面,钱德勒还会说,只要是“清教徒”在感恩节吃 的东西他都不吃,指的也是感恩节最早起源这个历史背景。 Wham,George Michael 莫尼卡在中学里非常肥胖,钱德勒曾经无意中出口伤人。在听说自己当年的坏毛病后 ,钱德勒向已经是自己爱人的莫尼卡道歉,并说那时候自己是个白痴。他举例时说:“我 还曾经冲上威猛(Wham)乐队的演唱会舞台大喊大叫呢?”罗斯说:“我难以相信你居然让乔 治·迈克尔打了你一个耳光。”威猛乐队是八十年代非常红火的两人演唱组合,曾经唱过 《无心快语》等名曲。乔治·迈克尔当时还是其中的一员,现在单飞的乔治·迈克尔依然 是西方流行音乐的一个重要人物。 Miami Vice 这是美国 1980 年代中期热播的一套电视剧集《迈阿密风云》。罗斯和钱德勒在 1988 年 的感恩节出现在罗斯家中时,两人的打扮就是模仿剧中的两个主人公克罗克特(Crockett) 和塔布斯(Tubbs)的。
第十集 The British are coming 菲比成为了圣诞老人,她接受人们慈善捐款,然后给捐款人播洒快乐。当她进入中央 珀克咖啡馆边摇着铃铛边问:“你们猜发生了什么?”经常贫嘴的钱德勒又忍不住了,说: “是不是英国人又打过来了? (The British are coming?)”1775 年 4 月,英军挺进列克星 敦和康克德,银匠里维尔就是通过钟声报告“英国人来了(The British are coming)”的 ,这是独立战争的开始。
第五季 第一集 My Giant 钱德勒和莫尼卡正在伦敦饭店里准备私情缠绵,但乔伊却敲门要进屋。莫尼卡和钱德 勒就骗他说,他们要在房间里看点播的《我的巨人(My Giant)》一片,岂料乔伊说他喜欢 这本电影。《我的巨人》是由著名谐星比利·克里斯托尔自导自演的一本电影,描写一个 经纪人帮助一个罗马尼亚巨人在好莱坞发展的故事。 Merlor 罗斯的错误导致埃米莉在婚礼之夜出走,罗斯在机场苦等她一起度蜜月,最后决定把 机票转让给瑞秋。瑞秋先上飞机,罗斯慢了一拍,结果却发现埃米莉又在机场出现,于是 罗斯就只能放了瑞秋鸽子。瑞秋在飞机上还不知道这一切,还给自己和罗斯点酒:她给自 己点了一杯美露(Merlot),这是原产于法国波尔多地区的一种葡萄酒,又译为“梅鹿”。
第三集 Fonzie,Mork,Happy Days 菲比要生孩子,但她的接生医生却是一个《欢乐时光》剧集的狂热戏迷,不断和她说 他如何爱剧中的“方兹(Fonzie)”,甚至在接生时都要把电视调到 31 频道,继续看他的《 欢乐时光》剧集。这一集的主要笑料就沿着方兹这个线索展开。 《欢乐时光》是 1974 年到 1984 年的一套著名喜剧剧集,主要描写五十年代的生活。方 兹是其中一个主人公,全名叫做阿瑟·方兹雷利(Arthur Fonzerelli),被认为是肥皂剧中 最酷的男子。尽管高中都没有毕业,但他却充满了冒险精神,而且心地善良,是很多女孩 的偶像。 在这个外科医生不断提方兹的情况下,瑞秋告诉他“你知道我最喜欢的是谁吗?莫克。 ”莫克也是《欢乐时光》剧集中的一个角色,是一个神奇的外星人,他的扮演者鼎鼎大名 ,那就是罗宾·威廉姆斯。
PBS 乔伊要上公众广播公司(PBS)参加电视筹款节目,但菲比讨厌 PBS。PBS 是美国除了美国 广播公司(ABC)、哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)和全国广播公司(NBC)之外的又一个大的广播集团 ,它是美国全国三百四十九个公众电视台的组合体。 其节目以较少商业化的教育性节目闻名,《芝麻街(Sesame Street)》就是他们的作品之一 ,菲比小时候曾经给剧组写信到遭到了冷落,所以她长大后有一点讨厌 PBS。钱德勒则对菲 比开玩笑说:要知道,芝麻街的大部分木偶是没有大拇指的,他们怎么能够写信呢? Gary Collins 乔伊满心以为自己将是筹款节目的共同主持人,到了现场才知道他只是一个接电话的 ,而主持人是著名的加利·科林斯(Gary Collins)。他是美国著名的影星和电视节目主持 人,多次参加各种慈善筹款晚会。 Cirque Du Soleil 加利·科林斯在主持时说:“欢迎回到我们的秋季电视马拉松捐款。你们刚刚欣赏完 了太阳马戏团(Cirque Du Soleil)演出……”太阳马戏团是加拿大最著名的马戏团,该团 将戏剧、杂技和音乐结合得相当完美。不过,此处搞笑的是科林斯刚刚说完这一句,乔伊 就和他想取而代之的一个坐在镜头前的接电话人员推搡了起来,这是不是也是太阳马戏团 的演出呢? Magic Eight 剧中罗斯面临埃米莉要求他再也不见瑞秋、否则就离婚的巨大压力,只能乞灵于“神 奇八号球(Magic Eight)”。这是美国特高玩具公司(Tyco Toys)制作的一款玩具,人们可 以向这个“神奇八号球”提出任何问题,然后摇动一下,答案就会出现在球的小窗上。 How Stella Got Her Grove Back 瑞秋约了罗斯看电影,但正在苦恼地思考问题的罗斯忘了。瑞秋找上门来让罗斯快点 ,罗斯说:“干什么?”瑞秋说:“为了斯苔拉!记得吗?她将在二十分钟后找回她的快乐( She's getting her groove back in like 20 minutes.)。”这是美国 1998 年的一本电影 《当老牛碰上嫩草(How Stetla Got Her Groove Back),描写一个富有的股票经纪人如何 爱上了比她还小二十岁的阳光少年的故事。
第五集 Mugsy 钱德勒和莫尼卡偷偷跑到新泽西,准备度过一个狂野的周末,但莫尼卡不断地换房间 ,把钱德勒都惹烦了,禁不住叫了她一声:“我听到了,马格西(Mugsy)!”马格西是《兔 八哥》动画片中的一个角色,是兔八哥的死对头。钱德勒显然很烦莫尼卡不能让他安静地 看电视。 From Albany to Canada 钱德勒看到的电视追击场面中,有一个家伙驾车准备从奥尔巴尼逃到加拿大,但他车 里的汽油只有半满。奥尔巴尼是美国纽约州的首府,距加拿大边境也必须要三、四个小时 车程,半箱汽油是跑不到的,所以莫尼卡就说电视里的这个家伙是白痴。
第七集 Nomad,Gonad 罗斯说自己因为埃米莉的关系搞得搬来搬去,就好像是一个游牧部落(Nomad),但乔伊 却古怪地笑起来。非常了解钱德勒的人或许有过类似遭遇,他说:“乔伊把你说的听成生 殖腺(Gonad)了。”Gonad 既指睾丸,也可以指卵巢。
See you ladle 菲比有了一个餐厅卫生检查员男友拉里,他甚至告别说再见时也是说“看你的勺子(S ee you ladle)”,而木是常规的“See you later”。 Bleecker Street 拉里渐渐变得讨厌起来,他到什么地方都要摆出一幅餐厅卫生检查员的派头。为了不 让自己喜欢的餐馆被他关闭,当他提议去布利克街(Bleecker Street)的一家意大利餐馆时 ,菲比说不去。布利克街是纽约的一个地名,在格林尼治村,离剧中老友们住的地方不远 。